I p pHFRRTLL, Editor and Publisher. vou ME XLVIIL Depies Turks Want War With Greece or England j iirs et Pa>ha, deader of the Turks Says His People Are V ; >t Anxious for War With \ni Nation. I \{’s IWE MEET OFFICIALLY-ENDED' • Believed Break Between the french and British Played Biu Part in Turkey’s Final Actions at Meet. , " 3 N I ' *1». 1 tßy the Assoeint - Isinor Pasha, head of tho . tioii, informed'the inr ■ i.i:t> that Turkov hail no ~v n . • resume hostilities either , i •• > r Great British as a re-., • !.-..lla|iso of the Near East 1 , !,iu ho eiupitaslxed that ~ j .:;,s!i ami English armies were i; _ o;n h other in Asia Minor, . .: v ill the Turks would ask tho . - her they consider nego • ; . i;iily .it an end. ! • .;it -sioii prerailed among , i i- delegates that Turkey in he informed otlieially of ■ ilainat on of negotiations inas- ; a- it was generally desired to : ■■ ie Mud.ania armistice,' thus i ni_ ti.• • possible renewal of war. 1: • entire French delegation pbtn , -for Paris early this morn- : . The Turks probably will depart I - hi ’ievetl that the misunder- ‘ :;g- which developed 1 ter ween I:.. -!i and French delegates Ifi ' days of the conference con ; : • i to the final break as the .- _ the idea that they could a a splp among the allies j ■ in more favorable conditions. ' ( hih! Makes Rejvort. tv -Taiipoii. Fob. I.—Advices from. •i■ Fluid, tolling of the rup ti.i■ ’v-i ii the Ttirks and the allies . ! nsiiiiie. U-.gan reaching the .State : an'ii ! I day. but pending la coftt o-]*i i'i there was a disposition to : • 'iJiiicnt as to the eff»*ct of the n on- the American interests Tai-twy. No attempt was made. ' ji" disguise the seriousness 1 : Bi. - the situation is viewed in W..d..i|,gteii. ... .. I uiii'y the failure oi* (lie I.att -.. ( intVrcnce leaves the Fnited ' v > in the same position in which • "1 with the decision that was •‘■••idied in s,>nd Ambassador Child and a i-an s there as observers. The " - ingron government then stood in F\ different relationship to the '•'•ii!'i n !;• ■* than any other powers rep ;'“•:»’• !• li alone had unbroken - ' ■ : itioTiships with Turkey cover •’-'*• ' apiniiatory rights of Anic.ri :i a "iiai> in Turkey. The Fnited ’ : ' !•:'\or has been at war with • nd e\<ept for the action of ! * lurki.-h government in 1914 in de i:i -a the trentes of Capitulation ’ li .e .» n ahrogift(‘<l. the validity of •' : ':iii treaty rights in British ter ' 1 n ins hot been .challenged. PRESIDENT TO APPEAR 4 BEFORE THE CONGRESS 'id. Harding, to Take in Person Debt binding Plan to Joint Session Tues day. dim-tun Feb. 4.—President Ha-rding will submit the British debt dement agreement to Congress, kottablv Tii sday. While lp* has not made a defin te decision, the t?x --3' ’dim; is that he will make the present at j n person to a joint ses- T h'‘ house and senate* in the ruber. , •'.‘•aibevs- nf the American Debt '■‘un who drafted their formal ;' n ro tiio executive yesterday, •kty hat the exact form of the ’ 1 which Congress would be ;••!•- remained 40 be *e • d H-iivrver, it will take one of a general amendment of ' ; 1 in-, -datute or a formal ap- Mu British agreement. 1,1 ,; r Mcnairy of Dwight L. Moody. - F-h. 3.—Many* prominent* u w* !-,i associated with the late Moody, will take part in ! 1- Week celebration of the '!*- Institute here this week. “ v ho knew the eminent divine f his struggles when he act fntor .and sui>erintendent of v,, n in. the old Market street •n ng out the sawdust and ll; - r kegs after the revels iti r , 3' ' dance hall of the Saturday I" 'hnis in order to have the Sunday services. *-*'<irly work, one of Moody’s '! supporters and assistant ‘"''louts was John V. Farwell. '•'go’s leading financiers. I with l)r. Moody in the II "f the Institute in 1886 I ' ' 11. McCormack, John V. • •_ 'bridge Keith, N. S. Bouton ' llarvev. the latter the A '" l ' HarveyV 111. bmnding the Institute has. -) , ' h *ll i«i«*iit -of 44.533 students. "ii is free. Twentyeight n„ 1 i'" arc represented among f,,...* ' 1,1 • nt< and between thirty and ’'‘initiations’. . * ' r ‘- Caw in Rowan Expires. Ujj, , 1 X. (\ f Feb. 5. —No longer ‘ 1 until December 1 can hunts ij ( j ' 'pmil in this county. The it . \ Rowan became effective i.,. '“-ht January HI, ending the :i '"n <,f sixty-two days. inisi-,! 1 *!"* 1 . 1 • never ea l s with her r A 1 ::; - i! were to touch his Us,.- ’’ ur 'iil(I he rendered unfit 'for • p I THE CON CORD TIMES, ♦ ‘ * » —' — — PRESIDENT READY WITH PROPOSAL i Will Ask Congress to Accept the Debt Fan ding Plan I Agreed Upon. Washington, Feb. President Ha 1 (ling today prepared ti statement to Congress asking for approval of the British debt funding settlement negotiated by the American and Brit ish debt commission. It was indicat ed that he probably would submit his recommendation to the Senate and the I House tomorrow with an urgent re : (juest that approval he givdh without : delay. EXTRA SESSION, OR , MI CH WORK OVERTIME Controversy Over State’s Financial Status Hus Tendency to Retard Prog ress on Bills Carrying Appropria tions. Raleigh. Feb. 4. —With state legisla tors grouped in informal conferences with heads together, hotel 1 lobby dis cussions tonight centered on talk of an extra session, or at, least several days of overt inn* work at tlie comple tion of tile legal period of .10 days for the general assembly. Members of laith houses, from most ' eyery section of the state, were agreed that the position of the state's finances, as alleged in the report of A. J. Max , well, state, corporation commissioner, who stated a deficit of more than $1,000,000 existed as against the treas -1 urer's rejmrt showing a deficit of more than $1,500.000 at the end of the. fiscal year on June HO of last year, would somewhat retard enactment of hills tarrying appropriations until the in vestigating committee could determine , the facts of the situation. The. committee which will conduct the investigation, at the request of Governor Morrison, will hold its first . oilicial wests ion tomorrow morning. It is composed of two members each of the Semite finance and appropriation committees three, members each of the house committees Ml finance and appropriations. No predictions were forthcoming as to the probable length of time which will he consumed by the investigation hut hope was held out that a report would be ready by the end of the week. Among the major pieces of legisla tion on the docket for the week to come is the governor’s state-owned ship line legislation and the Giles’ farm loan bill. Both carry appropriations and what disposal will lie made of these bills in view of the financial investigation is unknown tonight. The house lias several bills, includ ing the Milliken bill to regulate, secret .orders, ready for calendar actiom to morrow night, but it is expected that appropriations measures will be held hack for tin* week, at h*ast. • THE COTTON MARKET Liverpool Cables and Foreign Situation Had Unsettling on Market. (By the Associated Press. 1 New York. Feb/"s.—Relatively easy Liverpool cables and announced ner vousness over the foreign political sit uation had an unsettling effect on the cotton market at the opening this morn ing. Opening prices showed a decline of to 38 points under commission house liquidation. Southern and local selling. This carried the price of May off to 27 :P2 and October to 21:00, but trade interests were buyers on the break, while there was considerable covering, and a quick rally of about 10 points in the Liverpool market, had a favorable effect on senflment here, Fotton futures opened • ' steady : March 27.70: May 27.01: July 27.40: Octolier 21.00: December 24.70. HOPE ST. MIHIEL CAN LAND ON WEDNESDAY Message From Transport Says Land ing Date Is Uncertain, However. Washington, Feb. 1. —By direction of the'War Department, the commander of the army transport St. Mihiel, which is bringing back the American forces from the Rhine, is endeavoring to reach the lighthouse at Savannah harbor by 8 o'clock Wednesday morn ing. A radiogram from the ship, re ceived during the night, however, said it appeared improbable that the St. Mihiel would make port on that schedule. HfMMMMWO FIXES ARE ' REDUCED TO $1,000,0^0 Fines Were Against Insurance Com panies Formerly Operating in Miss issippi. Jackson Miss., Feb. 5.—-Total tines of $8,000,00-0 assessed against 142 fire insurance companies which formerly operated in Mississipni, and which are now being prosecuted for alleged vio lat on of the state anti trust law. were rduced tb an aggregate of less than $1,000,000 today through the, decision of the State Supreme Court. Bomb Was Thrown at Premier. Sofia, Feb. B (By the Associated Press).—A bomb was thrown in the direction of Premier Stamboulisky while lie was seated in a box at the National Theatre last night with thioe of his ministers. No one was injure<t by the explosion. The bomb thrower, whose, identity is said to be konwn to the authorities escaped. Prince Fushimi Dead. Tokio, Feb. 5 (By the Associated Press). —Prince Sadanarus Fushimi, lord keeper of the privy seal, and uncle of Emperor Yoshihito, died today as a result of a stroke of apoplexy. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS SINKING FUND BILL TO BE PRESENTED SOON Bill Would Provide Fund to Take j Care of Conds Issued by the State. Raleigh, N. C., Feb. I.—Senator L. R. Varser’s measure creating and j maintaining sinking funds to retire j state bonds, referred to the appropria tions committee, is expected to come jup for passage in the Senate, this week, it was stated in legislative cir cles. Govei-nor Morrison, in his message to the general assembly, recommend ed that 8100.000 a year he set aside for’the retirement of the $01,000,000 highway bonds, the amount to he paid in equal proportions from funds de j rived by the state highway commis sion and out of the state treasury. The chief executive also recommended 8121.000 a year to create a sinking fund to retire the $(>,700,000 bonds for j educational and charitable instifu j tions two years ago and a duplication j of tin* issue at this session. The hill follows in full: “The general assembly of North Carolina do enact: “Section One: That for the re- I tirement of the principal of'bonds of the state for permanent enlargement of its educational and charitable in stitutions, issued and to lx* issued under Chapter one hundred and sixty live. lbiblie Laws of Ul2l. regular ses sion, and under any act ratified or to be ratified as the regular session of j the general assembly in 11)28, a sink-] ing fund is hereby created, into which fund the state treasurer shall pay each calendar year from any funds not heretofore pledged or appropriat ion!, the sum of $14(1.000. ‘•Section Two: That for the re- 1 tirement of the principal of $10.100.- 1 000 highway serial bonds heretofore j issutyl under chapter two, public laws! of 1021, regular session, a sinking! fund is hereby created, into which fund the. state treasurer shall pay during each year from any funds not heretofore pledged or appropriated the sum of SIOO,OOO. "Section Three: That for the re tirement of the principal of bonds is sued for highway purposes under diopter two, public laws of 1021. reg ular session, over the $10,100,000 here tofore issued, a sinking fund is here by created, into which fund the state treasurer shall pay during each year from any funds not heretofore peldged or appropriated the-suin of S4OO,<KX>. "Section Four: That $210,000 of the animal sinking*lTund payments to be made under sections two and three hereof shall he made front the reve nues collected under the' provisions of said chapter two, if such revenues are sufficient therefor after the appropria tions made in sttfd chapter two for the maintenance of -the.state liighw;iy, commission and the payment of inter est upon Itonds, and the remainder of such annual sinking fund payments shall lx* also made from such revenues. ‘‘Section Five: That moneys in t*he sinking funds herein not be loaned to any department of the state, hut shall, but provided for shall he in vested by the state treasurer in bonds of the United States, the state of North Carolina and “Bonds of any other state whose full faith and credit are pledged to the payment of the principal and interest thereof: "Bonds of any county, city, town, township or school district of North UaWilina which are general obliga tions of the sub-division of municipal ity issuing tin* same and for the pay ment of which, both principal and in terest, there is 110 limitation of the rate of taxation. "Bonds of any county having a pop ulation of thirty thousand or more by the last preceding federal census and of any city having a population of twenty thousand or more by sifcli cen sus, in any state of* the Union, which tire general obligations of the coun ty or city issuing the same, and for the payment of which both principal and interest, there is no limitation of the rate of taxation. '•Section Six: That no such bonds shall he purchased by the treasurer at more than the market price there of. and the treasurer may. if lie deems it advisable, advertise for tenders of 1 “bonds for purchase of or for bids for bonds to 4)0 sold. He shall purchase uo bonds hereunder except bonds of the United States or of the State of North Cjfrolina or of municipalities and subdivisions of the state of North Carolina unless the vendor shall de liver with the bonds the opinion of an attorney believed by the treasurer to he a competent and~recognized au thority upon such securities to the ef fect that they are valid obligations and complying with the conditions of subdivisions of this section, it being the intention of this requirement that the state shall be reasonably assured by such attorney’s opinion that such Iwinds are not only valid and in com pliance with this act, hut that the same shall not he unsalalvle because of doubts as to the validity thereof. “Section Seven: That the interest and revenue? received upon bonds held for any sinking fund and any profit made on the resale thereof shall Ik*- come and l>e a part of such sinking fund. Bonds of flie State of North 1 Carolina purchased for any sinking I fund shall not he cancelled before 111 a -: turity, but shall lie kept lilive, and the interest and principal thereof shall be paid into the sinking fund for which the same are held. "Section Eight: That bonds pur chased for sinking funds may be reg istered, in the discretion of the state treasurer as may be permitted by laws of state of such issue. Such registra tion shall be in the name of ‘The State of North Carolina for the sink ing fund for’ (here briefly identify the sinking fund). The governor and the state treasurer by their signatures are hereby given full power to discharge any bonds from such registration and transfer the same. “Section nine: That this act shall be in force and effect from and after its ratification.” CONCORD. N. C„ MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5/1923 LENROOTINOEU BILL it NOT PISS ✓ Bill May Be Blocked in Con gress Unless There is As surance of Action on the Shipping Bip. \|j CONGRESS TO END IN FOUR WEEKS 1 And Many Conferences Are Being Held in An Effort to Get Both Bills Through This Congress. Washington, Feb. f I.—A possibility that the Lenrotu-AnderSon-Cappor farm credits prognsi may he blocked in Congress unless there is some as surance of action do the administra* tion shipping hill was foreseen in some quarters today after a series of conferences to discos the legislative i outlook of the renuoning four weeks j of the (57th Congress. After a talk with President Hard ing. Representative Mondell, of Wyo ming, republican leafier of the House, declared there were so ninny ."difficul ties" in the way of an agreement that I it- was entirely possible that the farm credits measure cowd not 1«* finally written into law Sbefore March 4, 1 despite the fact tint legislation on | tin* subject had passed both the Sen -1 ate and House. Mr. Monfiell insisted that har riers to the Senate and House agree ment on details were real and import ant, lmt some friends of the farm credits program took his statement to mean that the pressure foiv passage of the ship hill uiiglj(t he greatly aug mented during the ilplay in perfecting legislation for the aid of the fermer. Much df the opposition to the ship ping measure has come from those who are leading in the tight for farm er legislation. It has lx*en apparent for some time that. President Harding and his administration advisers were preparing to exert till their influence for action on the ship hill at the pres ent session, lmt it 4as denied gener ally by administration leaders today that any plan had been perfected con templating undue delay in considera tion of the farm credits measure. _ .T ——- i ■ — COUNTRY RIDES CREST OF PROSPERITY ME This Fact is Shown in the Re port Indicating Amount of Coal Being Consumed by Industrial Plants. Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 5. —This coun try is riding on the crest of a record prosperity wave, it is indicated in re ports so far received of coal' consum ed Ly industrial plants in January, Mark Kuehn. chairman of the fuel committee of the National Association of Purchasing Agents, announced here last night. (Mr. Kuehn made public the first report of the industrial consumption of \ coal in October, November and December, to be issued by the asso ciation, which is making a . urvey of this consumption. The rerurt s ows an increase of 1.45 per cent, over the preceding thre months. Coal stocks on hand on January Ist were sufficient for 81 days, and the production of coal, both hard anti >ott, ■ on that day exceeded consumption d> 9,250,00 i) tons, according to the re port. Service at County Home Sunday. The members ofWhe Christian En deavor Society of the Methodist Prot estant , Church motorod to the'county home yesterday and held a musical service, being assisted by the choir of this church. A splendid meeting was held and the. inmates of the home were very profuse in their thanks to these people for remembering them in this way, as it is rather unsual to hold a musical service) A number of hymns, old and new were sung, sev eral selections being given on request. The meeting was in charge of Mr. I>. A. McLaurin, prayers being made by Messrs. James M. Black welder and W. H Scar boro. < A safe investment for your surplus funds is assured if you deposit them in a four pqr cent. Certificate of Depos it with the Citizens Bank and .Trust Company. Cotton today on the local market is (quoted at 28 cents per pound; cotton seed at 72 cents per bushel. of North Charlotte Man Shoots Wife; Commits Suicide Charlotte, N. C., Feb. 5.—W. R. Burdell, aged 35, a cotton mill worker, shot and seriously wounded his wife and then killed himself at their home here early today, according to the po lice. “Everything I’ve got is yours: see that I am buried right at the head of father,” were the last words i the tnan spoke, according to his yotrng ,er brother, Silas Burdell, who was ♦ * STATE FIRE LOSS IN YEAR WAS VERY HEAVY Rut For the New Bern Fire the Loss Would Have Been LessTha.il92l. Raleigh, N. C.. Feb. s.—North Caro na.s _ !«ss last year amounted to $8,281,5)81 in comparison with $7,468,- 207 in 11)21, according to a report of Stacey \V. Wade, insurance commis sioner. Excepting the New Bern con flagration, the 11)22 loss is estimated tit $6,285,981. December’s yfigures showed tlie greatest loss, the total being $3,116,703. {■January was second with a loss of $1,080,821. The property involved in ; the fires was valued at $88,819,127 and was insured at $19,217,000. A total of $710,000 insurance was carried on $2,~ 100.000 worth of property in the New Bern fire. During the entire year, 'there were 1771 blazes reported. "Considering the size of the cities, Guilford county may well he proud of High Point and Greensboro: they figure so promiiientlyjn tlie honor roll (roster for 1922, and Os the fact that j Greensboro had not a single fire dur ing the year where the loss amounted to $1,000," it is stated. The; cities reporting no fires for the periods mentioned are Winterville, 12 months;. Wake Forest, 11 months: Ashe county. .8 months, and Laurin burg 11 months; Clinton. Statesville, Pinehurst. 1 months: Ayden, Greens- Sunford, Waynesville, Rocky Mount. Bel haven, 4 months, and three months | boro/High Point. La Grange, Pittsboro, each for Salisbury, Red Springs, Con , cor'd,* Roanoke Rapids, Lee County* and Rutherford county. In (he causes of fires, defective’flues and shingle roofs head the list with a total of 160 blazes; unknown, 882: ad joining building 128 and oil stove NS. One thousand and forty dwellings | were damaged or destroyed, according i to the report, in addition to 1,050 in I the New Bern conflagration. NEW IMMIGRATION LAW IS PROPOSED Would (Tit in Half Present Number of Immigrants Allowed to Enter the United States. Washington, Feb. I.—The number of immigrants eligible to admission to tho I United States under existing restric tion act would lie reduced by more than half under a sect Ron of a new immigration bill approved today by the. house immegration committee. Admissions under tlie proposed act 1 would he limited to 2 ik*i* cent, of the number of foreign horn individuals of any nationality resident in the United States, as determined by the census of 1890. Tin* present restriction is 8 per cent., as determined by the. census of , 3910. SPEC IA fyUO4IM ITTL E POSTPONES MEETING | i (iliiorucn Was Not Present Today and Business Was Postponed. Raleigh, Feb. 5. — (By the Associated Press) —Failure to obtain a quorum of th2 special Committee to investigate the state’s finances Resulted today, and i further functioning was put over ti l i later in the week. No announcement was inaefe as to when the nsxt meeting of th? committee will be he’d but it is expected the General Assembly would I announce the date tonight. Albert Squiggins Gets His ‘Money’ for Confederate .Bond Northampton. Mass., Feb. 4. —Pay- ment in Confederate currency of SBOO for a Con federate, bond issued in 1862 lias been received by Abner*Lee Squig g:ns, of Washington from Attorney General George Napier, of Georgia. | Mr. Squiggins who is spending the ! winter here, sent his request for tin*. | payment of the bond addressed to i “President Jefferson Davis, Confeder j ate state of America.” The letter fell I into the hands of the Georgia attorney general. The letter to Mr. Squiggins from the attorney ge.neral’s ofiiee read: “Please tine SBOO in Confederate cur rency which we sent you recently in exchange for your bond. This letter was first sent to Worthington. Mass., but returned to us as unclaimed. With best wishes for your prosperity and happiness.” In his request for the redemption of the bond, Mr. Squiggins said he “wan* ed to fix lip the house so he might ac comodate summer boardejs.” Musical Program Enjoyed at the St. flames Lutheran Church. An audience that filled the auditor ium of St. James Lutheran Church was present last night to enjoy the musical program prepared by the choir of this church, assisted by Mr. Sain Goodman, of New York and Con- Yord, and Dr. Hampton Stirewalt, of China Grove. The program as pub lished in The Tribune of Saturday was superbly rendered. The pastor. Rev. L. A. Thomas, preached a most excellent sermon on music, stating that music was a vital part of wor ship hi tlie church, and gave a man lier of instances where music had played important payts in making the ( history of the world Slupreme Court Convenes Tomorrow Raleigh, Feb. 5. — term of the Nqrth Carolina Supreme Court coming up from the third judica! dis will convene tomorrow with case I trict for hearing. ordered held at the police station as a witness before the inquest which is to lie held late today. In addition to this statement, SilaS Burdell, the police said, told them that Burdell had accused his wife of fa r miliarity with another\man and de spite her denials had shot her. Ihe police said they had reason to believe Burdell was under the influence of liquor when the shooting occurred. Railway Str :, :> : " „ie Ruhr Stinened Today COLD WAVE STILL HEADED THIS WAY ! Very Low Temperatures Are i Promised for the Southern I States Tonight. j Washington. Feb. s.—The cold snap ’centered at White River, Ontario, ; where a temperature of 10 degrees be low zero was reported this morning, is expected to sweep down the South Atlantic coast today. Florida and Georgia will he visited by considerable ! lower temperatures tonight, while freezing weather =anil frosts will pre vail along the east Gulf const tonight if the weather is clear, the weather bu reau predicted. Fair and wanner is the forecast for this territory tomor row. R. W. FLEMING DIED SUNDAY AFTERNOON Had Been 111 With Pneumonia Only a Few Days.—Funeral Services To Be Held Tomorrow. It. W. Fleming, a well known fann er of this county, died at his home in No. 8 township Sunday afternoon, death being caused by pneumonia, fol lowing influenza. He was ill for only a few days, and the announcement of his death came as si shock to his many friends in the county. . Funeral services will be hold at his j lsite home. “Elmwood Farm,” to morrow, Tuesday, morning at 11 o’clock, and interment will be made in Oak wood- cemetery here. . Mr. Fleming was 653 years of age, having been horn iFebVuary 20th. 1815). Surviving are his wife, who was Miss Morrison, of Canada, and one sister, Mrs. (\ O. Gillon, of Con cord. The announcement of Mr. Fleming's death will bring sorrow to his many friends throughout the county and elsewhere. He wds prominent in tlj)l* life of his community and was a faithful member of Gilwood Presby terian Church. MAY RE-ORGANIZE THE DEPARTMENTS OF I S. President Harding is Said to Approve the Proposal.—Will Go to Congres sional Committee. Washington. Feb. 4.—A plan for re orgabizaHon of government depart ments. sjaid to have tlie approval of President Harding and his cabinet, has ficen drafted and within the next few days will be placed in the hands of the joint congressional committee on re-or ganization. according to Walter' F. Brown, the committee chairman. Declining to disclose what changes in the grouping of activities had been recommended. Mr. Brown said tonight tin* committee hoped to hake a report to Congress before the expiration of the present session, although it was improbably either the Senate or House would act on the suggestions before sine die adjournment March 4. The plan approved by the President and his advisers will form a basis for further* 5 committee discussions, and there is no present indication, it was said, as to how far the committee will ' go in accepting the changes m*om-1 mended. Mr. Harding and members of his cabinet, in making their sug- j gestions, had before them a tentative I re-organization-plan worked out by tin*. • committee. Revisions recommended by the heads j of the executive departments are said to principally affect the departments of commerce, interior and agriculture. JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER REPORTED RECOVERING t Oil King is Staying Indoors, However, As a Precautionary Measure. Ormond Beach. Fla., Feb. 4.—John D. Rockefeller. Sr., who has been suf fering from a slight bronchial at tack since Wednesday, was reported tonight to be recovering rapidly. Although it was stated at the Rockefeller winter home here last light that ’he would attend church this morning, as he has done.regular ly since hta arrival', he was not seen there. It whs pointed out, however, that his non-appearance was -no oc casion for alarm, but that he merely is being cautious. Optimistic reports have been is sued daily from the Rockefeller res'dence since he became ill, ex pressing hope that he would be back on th<* golf links the following day but he sti 1 is confined to his room although able to be up. Sleet, Snow and lee Cover Portions of the South. Atlanta. Ga.. Feb. 4. —Continuation of tfie cold spell which already lias hit portions of the sotuheast is predicted for tomorrow and Tuesday.* With Tenessee, northern Mississippi and northern Alabama seized by a win try blast of sleet, snow and ice, one fatality is reported in Birmingham, -from exposure, where, the mercury was reported hovering below 80 with a blanket of ice. sleet and some snow. Richmond reported a light snow to night with a drop in temperature, low ering of the. mercury being recorded in the Carolines with rain, and cold wave warnings being issued by the weather bureau affecting the entire At lantic seaboard. j Freez’ng emperature.s were predict ed as far suth as central Florida in (warnings issued by the weather fore caster. The thermometer registering just un ‘ dc.r 40 Sunday and early Sunday night, ! the extreme sutheast had not felt the force of the predicted cold wave, though with rain, colder weather was forecast to the coast tomorrow and * Tuesday. $2.00 a Year, Strictly ifi Advance. German Rail Men Advised From Berlin to Continue Their Resistance and With Greater Force. SETTLEMENT NOW SEEMS HOPELESS fi | There Has Been no Fresh Extension of the Strike, But the Situation Remains Unchanged. France’s latest move in connection with her occupation of the Ruhr, her thrust into Baden territory, far south of the Ruhr, near Strasbourg is ue cdarert in German quarters to consti tute a French attempt toTontroi the railways along the east bank of the Rhine. French quarters interpret the move as a penalty for interference by ihe> Germans with international train ser vice beyond the occupied areas. Hopes held toy the authorities ror speedy settlement of the railway strike in the Ruhr and the Rhineland* were dispelled by stiffening in resist ance among the workers with receipt of new orders from Berlin, which gov ernment agents were said to be dis tributing among the railway employe*. The strike area was not extended as a result, but was m> ’mprovemnt in the situation, the Germans failing in all efforts to push shipments through the French cordon into unoccupied Germany, tout the miners in the Saare valley are reported to have gone on strike. Duesseldorf, Feb. 5 (By the Asso ciated Press). —New orders from Ber lin to the railroads in the Rhineland, and the' Huhr, had the 1 effect today of stiffening the strike against tbe French and dispelled the hope* of a settlement that have been prevalent during the last few days. By individual interviews the distri bution of money by promises and warnings, the German government agents are declared in authoritative quarters here to l>e doing their utmost to encourage the resistance which Intel begun to weaken among the local func- . tionaries and state „ There has been no fresh j of the sffTWrflWt instead of improving as the French had hoped, the situation .xenniilis unchanged. The cordon of the valley to prevent coal shipments to unoccupied Ger many remains unbroken. Some' at tempts have been made through the use of private inter-mine tracks and railway cars, to send coal through the French baYrier, but these were *£. frustrated. Ilerr Sarter, director of the Weste ellc state mines, and a commercial di rector for the Stinnes interests, is among the latest functionaries expell ed from the Ruhr. Paris, Feb. 5 (By the Associated Press). —The miners of the Saare,Vol ley which produces 9,000,000 tons an nually went on strike this morning. WANT COTTON OIL COMPANIES REPAID Investigation Into Companies’ Claims Provided For in New Bill in Con gress. . Washington, Feb. s.—lnvestigation by the United States Court of Claims for allegexl damages claimed by about 285 cotton oil companies in the South, aggregating an amount abound $6,000,- 000 for losses in crushing cotton seed upon government orders during the war was proposed in a bill today by Senator Robinson, democrat, Arkansas. Senator Robinson in explaining his bill said the mills have not been re imbursed for allegexl losses through cancellation by the government of con tracts after the mills had nlqced or ders for cotton seed and linters with producers at prices tixed by the food administration. i Churches Should Advertise in Newspa pers, Says Preacher. Chicago, 111.. Feb. 4.—Every church j should set aside money to he used for newspaper advertising Rev. J. T. Brabner, of the. committee on conser vation and advance of the Methodist- Episcopal Church, declared in an ad- j dress here today, “Tlfe church can send its message in the papers to non-church readers and to those, of its members detained \ at the home because of sickness, busis ness and other causes,” lie aid. “The preacher speaks to hundreds, while the newspapers speak to thous ands and millions. Church members should assist editors, but criticism of editors and editorial policies of news is harmful. The pnlpit and press should puil together and not apart.” —: m . f ' £ Sunday School Meeting. A meeting under the auspices of the Cabo thus County Sunday School Association was held as Harrisburg yesterday, at which time speeches were made by Messrs. John J. Barn hardt, A. E. Harris and Prof. J. B. Robertson. This was the first of a numlier of group meetings to be held in the different sections of the coun ty. Next Sunday afternoon at three o’clock a meeting similar to the one held yesterday will be held at New' Gilead Reformed Church, in No. 5 township, at which officers of the dif ferent departments of Sunday school work will lie present and make ad dresses. The public is asked to attend this meeting. £ You can be assured of high qual ity when you purchase Miller’s But ter-Nut bread. NO. 61.

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