J. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. \ OLDME XLVIII. PUSS MEMBERS LEAVING CAPITAL AfTEB LONG GRIND N orK of 67th Congress Was ( )iTipieted at Noon Yes- U * av, and Members Are J ing for Homes. \i »miVG DONE AT THE ♦CLOSE Aud Last Sessions in Both Houses Were Quiet and Calm Compared With the Former Sessions. \\ ! uirioii. M.'iivli 5. —The country i :;:<•*•<l the now unaccustomed . ■ of nine months without u ,n of (’engross. Tlie Sixfv-sev , : « • niLTi« hits passed into history ~iii in Mentally with its four sessions, .e, uni for future congresses -to s mi- . : in the extent of time actually - lit in the legislative halls. The «v iof members and former naejn n'l’s >if the Senate ami House, who • : through the sessions was in full y. : to.l i\ while. Washington was . i_ in aeeiistom" itself to the com |.; r.iti\ • 1 y drab ami pornic life ahead. >nn <iie came yester i::m with tin 1 hang of the senate givel >:..iri»l.v at noon, and that of the ilciiM- -i\ minutes later, after a brief !':;;d o- -ion eoiis|) : ettously lacking in ’lir i!- mi ihe prc-adojurnnn*td hours ■ -lii .- other congresses. Nr-niimton. March 4. —The (*.7th i . which, had spent a greater i ■ijMirtioii of its two-year span of life in actual s -ssion than any other in tl.e liistory of the country,- adjourned >inc die ;;t noon today. I'liri:;- the last few hours of the -•"in: I’rcsident Harding* spending l-ar' mi the time :it tlie capitol, signed mhh credits hill and IKS other - tvs. No legislation was vetmxl. \ac l'resident <’oolidge’s gavel fell i-l a't'ly at noon, after an almost eolor -> iiioi-ning Senate session of two M’.rs. and th'e House adjourned at m.. alter a concert by a sec t • n of the marine hand and a. chorus 1 ; -i. songs by member-; •: ~1 spec :;.airs. . m . .. .. - -ht .the departure of members, tn:ny nf whom tod.ay answered their e i'dl «•:,i 1. was in full swing with IlMiKpcri j-. c sus|>ension of activities sit iiic I'.nifi j until next Divember brings in the hstti ('ongress. ' imwils witnessed the closing see'ties. a "in; i!.i‘!ii and presen.ee <d‘ l'resi 1' -i ilarung. cahinet officers, diplo !i ais an ! other high officials bringing •hundreds' who packed the Senate’ and il"use galleries. 11l- President. reached the capitol at 11 i", o'clock and was kept busy *■' I'iin- and signing tlie linal avalanche "t hills. Before going to the capitol. h'' •*• - ie! the farm credits ami 43 oth -1 lulls.. turned out during the early I,l "i’iii!i- session today. In the presi-. ’:a! suits oIT the Senate chamber, the noon limit expired, 55 more l‘!l- received executive approval. i ie last hill to become law was the h*- p : flutter” measure, changing but !l r t’at standards. ATi important meas -1 r-‘ placed on the statute books at the • ;iy moment was the one providing for I'puii r,, enemy, alien owners of all ■ !/ 'l property worth SIO,OOO or less, i-iole was accomplished by- either ' 1 Mouse in the last two-hour ibis morning. Members were l ‘!i u-i ~.1 and worn from the long i.Jtt -i-v-i.ins which lasted in the * until 3:20 a. in., and in the 1 • nntil af.ter 1 Mil» a. in. h- "m lidding ; ,f ]o o'clock, the Sen :he ld ' swan songs” by Senators '''it !;ii.\sen. Kepnid'naip New Jer •al Sutherland. Republican, of Virginia, a tribute to Senator i in- Democrat. Mississippi, by ■ ‘“'imaguc. Senator Harrison, of >ii»pi and tried vainly to pass a " idle hills. A 15-minute till buster ■ Dial, Democrat, South Car i:li\en«m 1 the proceedings before ' president’s gavel fell in the ' Mt senator Dial’s speech against ■us pension .bill pressed by Jinrsum. Republican, New d eviously Senators Lodge, of Maa ' tts. and Uobinson. of Arkansas 'M'lihdcan and Democratic leaders, to confer with President and advised the Senate that ' 1 ' 'id. at pad **no more conmiuni -1:i ' io inalce.” When Mr. (’oolidge l;<* Senate adjourned "with- Senator Smith. Democrat. ‘ :ii"lHia, roared "good night”; Piui.i Imighler. • 1: i ii.il hours in the house were ' ''mi fid. The marine orchestra. - in the "well.” vied for favor -lily organized quartette of ■ - whose rendition of old fav ' ’ • "ii grew into a mighty chorus ' i ire house and most of the spec ie. overflowed the galleriesyon- T’ae quartette and owAies i "tablished a working agree 'Mi Representative Winifred L ; i«k. of Illinois, joiniiig the • i! ~ ns a violinist, playing si . ■ < insirumeiit. , 1 -'iiierican Legion is its Actios, many posts’“through country holding indoor meets j; 1 , ’A" 1 ,a | lo f is planning the estab ‘ i!| i’nt of cooperative laundries in ;c Ati... 1,. 5 , Wheeling, and other cit- THE CONCORD TIMES, j “IM)LLAH A GALLON” GASOLINE IS FLARED I Invr itigating Couisnittee Says If ('om h. l. I Not Groks i l p Price Will Eesicli One Hollar. Washington, March o- —“A dollar a gallon for gasoline” «is the prospect held up fin* the consumer in*Uie report ol the LaFollette oil investigating committee to the Senate unless means Jure taken tyo break what the report de j dares to l>e a complete domination j and control of the oil industry by the standard companies. If a fwv great (oil companies are permitted to “nmn j ipulate prices"^during tlie next few • yeais .as they have been doing since I Tl'-l the report yesterday said the people/<>f .the country must he inepar ed “before long to pay "at least ’ that price. i The result of a three months inqui ry into conditions in the industry, the report declared, the standard compan ies in violation of the Tail diss/dutioo de.-iee exercise their alleged control iji i such manner ;is t<» lix "the price which she priHlueer of crude oil receives nt the well, the price which the refiner receives for his gasoline and kerosene, ns well as tin* retail price to* the con sumer.” McNARY IS OFFERED RECESS APPOINTMENT Refuses to Accept, However, As Nomi nation Was Not Confirmed by the Senate. March T». —James (1. Me Wary, of New Mexico, whose nomi nation for controller of currency fail ed of continuation by the Senate, was offered a recess appointment to the place today by President Harding hut replied that ho would not accept. After it was announced tlrrrt I). It. ('rissitiger,.* the present comptroller. ] would continue in that office for thej present, despite the fact that he has j been* nominated and confirmed as Gov ernor of the Federal Reserve Board. If was made that Mr. Harding has decided not to withhold longer the commission of Milo D. Campbell, of Michigan, as the "dirt farmer” member of the Reserve Board. Although confirmed several weeks ago. the President had refrained from sign ing his commission pending a Senate decision on the McXary nomination.* THE COTTON MARKET Was Somewhat Irregular at Opening, March and May Being Lower. New York. March o. —The cotton market was somewhat irregular at the opening, March and May being three to five points lower but July ams later delievries were I*"> to 17 points high er, and the tone of the market was ti>’m on firm late cables from Liver pool, reports of a 1 Per business in Manchester, ami tonnnnoil <v>v'erlTfsr by nw crop shorts. May .eontracts soon rallied from ”0.72 to MO.Xd, or S ]x>ints net lughefT while October sold up to 20.0 X during the *irly trading, br 21 points above Saturday's closing quotations. Cntton futures opened firm: March 3(u;r>: May 20. 70 : July 21KST»; Octo ber 20.0 b; December 20.4 b. GREENSBORO GIRL IS LOCATED LN FLORIDA Miss Frances C ollie, Who Disappeared lacs* Week, Has Been Found in Tampa. » Greensboro, N. C.. March •>. —Miss Frances Collie, pretty seventeen-year old Greensboro girl, whose mysterious disappearance from her home lie.re last week alarmed her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. W. Collie, has been found in Tamph, Fla. She arrived tlieie Saturday night and was taken in Charge by the Trav elers Aid, and is being cared for until the father gets there to bring her back to Greensboro. The young girl's mother said today it was supposed she had gone to Tam pa to marry a young man who was until recently a resident of Greensboro but who is now living at Tanfpa. Miss Collie's parents opposed the. mar riage. said Mrs. COlPe, and had sought to dissuade her from seeing the young man. * TWENTY FIVE HI RT IN TRAIN ACCIDENT Centraf**of Georgia Passenger Train Wrecked Near Mizell, Ga., Today. .Columbus, Ga., March b.—Twenty five persons, the majority of whom were from Columbus and Fort Hen ning, were injured* none seriously, when a Central of Georgia railway passenger train, was wrecked near Mizell station early today. The accident was caused by a brok en rail, according to reports to local offices of the railroad. An Entire Family <;f Six Killed by A'apor. Chicago, March 4.—An entire family of six was found dead today, killed by the vapor of an acid used as a disenfectant by the proprietor of a restaurant under their apartment. Peter Vordabyak. the resturateur. and o. W. Hall, local manager of the National Hygieritic corporation, of Cleveland, who had undertaken to rid the apartment of roaches, were ar rested. The dead are William Kralzenberg, SO. retired wagon builder; his wife.: j John Kratzenberg, 54. a son; Mrs. Laura Szvmariski, 39, a daughter; Henrv Svzmanski, 39 railroad engi neer. Gary, Ind., and Harold Szyman ski, 17. -- - - - The ileepest mine in the world is at Morro Velho, Brazil. It Has reach- I cd a vertical depth of 0.24 G feet below i the surface of the earth. This great j depth is attained not by one shaft, ' but by a series of five, staggered to j follow* the 45 degree pitch of the lode I with which it is connected by cross | cuts The the tulip tree has been designated as the official State I llower of Indiana. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Fast Passenger Service, East to West, Required in a Bill Passing the Senate Raleigh. March H.- Senator Wood son. of Rowan, was successful in gel ting passed his hill requiring the cor poration commission to establish through fast passenger service from east to west across (la* state, after an amendment offered by Senator Sams, of Forsyth, was voted down by 15 to 17 against. The btll now-goes to the house, Sams wanted to 'provide that noth ing in the hill should refer to.trains; Nos. 21 and 22 and this brought on considerable good nattired sparing be- 1 tween High Point and Salisbury representatives. Senator Woodson opposed ibis on the ground that lie did not v>nnt to tie.s the hands of the corporation commission and j thought that Commissioner IhdL-would be amply able [to lake care’of Witi- j Senator Robinson Says Last Congress Failure Democratic Leader Says Republicans Failed to Take Ad vantage of Opportunities and Despite Large Majorities, Passed Few Lawfe of Vital Importance. , Washington, March 3. —An arraign ment of the Republican party’s record was made by Senator Robinson, of Ar kansas, acting Democratic floor lead er. in a statement tonight reviewing the administration’s policies and acts, foreign and domestic. President Harding and Secretary Hughes were criticized for alleged failure to adopt a helpful international policy and the Republican Congress was assailed for alleged failures. “The present administration," said Stahior Robinson, "is now reaping a harvest of condemnation and repudi ation. The legislative and executive policies advanced by President Hard ing have broken down. This is at tributable to the reactionary charac ter of the policies, and to she irre gonciliahle factions existing within the Republican party.” *No important legislative achieve ments can he. awarded the 7fith Con-{ gross “with a single exception of the Fordney-MoOtimher tariff net.” Sena tor Robinson declared, adding: "All other important measures en acted during the Congress noy ex piring have been of a non-partisan nature and have, received the support of the Democrats in both houses of .. ... - t.. . . •‘'l'he President’s policies respecting the two most important subjects pre sented by him. excluding the British debt settlement act, have beenojsenly repudiated by the Congress. 1 refer to the ship subsidy hill and /flu* message recommending membership for tlit* i United States in the pe.ramnent court of international justice.” The latter. Senator Robinson said, hud been "buried by the leaders of the Rpublican party in the Senate." "The administration’s foreign pol icy.” Senator Robinson continued, "is incomprehensible even to those re sponsible for it. The. United Stated in former administrations took ad vanced positions in the promotion of arbitration and the establishment of orderly tribunals for the settlement of international disputes. Now we are in the humiliating attithde of facing backward and standing still while European peoples in the maze and confusion of financial and economic problems which threaten their undoing are. stumbling and staggering for ward. 1 ” Secrecy in Secretary Hughes’ man agement of foreign, affairs was charg ed and deplored by Senator Robinson, who s u'd that Mr. Hughes had discus sed recently before an organization of newspaper rne.ii the country’s foreign relations hut had—refused to appear before the senate foreign relations committee. „ ’ "The only justification for enshroud ing a foreign policy in solemn mys tery.” said Senator Robinson, "is that publicity respecting it inevitably would force a change. “It has come to a strange state in deed when the secretary of state will furnish newspaper is correspondents with confidential information which he denied the Senate.” Ip domestic affairs. Senator Robin son said. Republicans have “shame lessly repudiated” pledges for a sol diers’ bonus and had not acted to re lieve. farmers and others from exces sive transportation charges. Repub lican internal revenue tax revision, the Democratic leader said, has "re sulted in relieving the rich ami pros perous, while through the. Fordney- McOumber act the taxes paid by the masses have been enormously in creased.” “Thus failure, irretrievably failure, marks the record of the. administra tion throughout the last two years,” said Senator Robinson in conclusion. During the evening Senator Robin son delivered his prepared remarks as an address to flic* Senate. With Our Advertisers. Saving in safety is the one kind of saving that pays* The Citizens Bank and Trust Company offers safety for your money. Beautiful Hand Drawn blouses, $1.95 -up at Fisher’s*. Read new ad. i Recess Appointments. | Washington, .March s.—President Harding today gave recess appoint ments to Elmer S. Landes, qf Ohio, republican, and Merton L. Corey, of Nebraska, democrat, as directors of the | Federal Farm*Loan Board. ! .Boston boasts of a women’s soccer team said to be capable of givftig many #f their big brother teams a run for the honors. \ \ ■ ‘ y - • CONCORD, N. C, MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1923. ston’s needs, and that Salisbury was *not going after these trains. Aiming Dills passed was a most im portant one giving the state highway commission greater i>owei>c in dealing with elimination of grade crossings. This bill has already passed the Hons?. Chairman Page hacked this hill as be ing highly necessary to this depart ment. Other hills relating to codifying laws; relating to pubyc ; schools; relating to Manhaden fishjng; 1 to place a monument to North Caro I J,mn troops at. Vicksburg. Miss.; pro vide for printing in department of public - instruction: provide for reUi ’dexiiig consolidated statues; relative to death of Governor Hieketf: allow | prison hoard to c sell bricks now on hand; provide Australian ballot in ‘ New Hampshire county. i NORTH CAROLINA * LEADS IN BIRTHS Raleigh. N. March 5 by the MS Associated Prows). —North ('am- Mt Mt 1 iini is still leading the nation in’Mt Mt births. Mt Original birth figures compiled M? Mt by the! F. S. Bureau of Census Mt for thej; first nine months of 1922 Mt Mt indicate a loweF birth rate than Mt Mt for the corresponding nine Mt Mt months of 121. » For the states M£ Mt compared, tin* biytli rate for the Mt tit first nine months qf 1922 was Mt 22.8 against 25 jn 1921. Mt Mt North Carolina}leads the nation Mt Mt with a rate of 3f* while Washing- ton is the lowest with 18.3. Mt * ' * — BOTH HOUSES APPROVE FAiniHKLP MEASURE The Bill Will Be Submitted to Presi dent For Signature This Morning. Washington, March 3.—Both the senate and house approved .the con ference report -on Jhe fpvm credits bill tonight, amU is ready for submission to President Harding when he visits ym capitol prior to sine die adjournment tomorrow ic sign bills. As agreed to in conference uy the house and senate managers - thy es sential features of the composite nouse hi 1 remained unchanged, but broad er authority was-given to the. private credit corporations which it would authorize. Continuation until March, 1924, of the war finance corporation also would be provided for. Managers on the part of the house explained in a formal statement to the house that the bill as agreed to in con ference would create two distant and separate rural credit organizations, the,federal intermediate credit banks and tlie national agricultural credit corporations. The former would be placed under the control and manage ment of the federal farm loan board and the latter undej the supervision of the comptroller of the currency. “While the two systems wjll tur nish relief to the agricultural inter ests of the country,” the statement said, “the federal intermediate credit banks wi 1 more particularly lake care of the heeds of a certain class and might come nearer than would the national agricultural 'credit cor porations in taking care of the entire needs of th<‘ general agricultural pin lie; the national agricultural credit corporations will make certain the earing for in a. national way of the livestock and co-operative marketing requirements. “Your managers took into consid eration also the fact that the national agricultural credit coporations will be organized along the same lines that national banks are organized, namely, by private subscription to capital and, secondly, that the acceptances col ateral trust notes or debentures 1 ' issued by them undm* the provisions of the act carry no tax exception privileges, whereas federal inter mediate credit hanks are capitalized by the United States government and are permitted to issue tax free debentures.” Mt. Pleasant Circuit Quarterly Confer x pure. The second quarterly conference for the Mt. Pleasant Gireuit for this year will be held at St. Paul’s Church on next Saturday. March 10th. Preach ing at ID o’clock hv Dr. T. F. Marr, Presiding Elder. After dinner the con ference will be held, and there will lie addresses by two visiting brethren. All stewards, Sunday school super intendents, trustees and local preach ers are urged ttv he present. Let Sun day school superintendents havfe writ ten reports of the Sunday schools. We expect an interesting and profitable program. Let everybody come. IV. tl\ Albright. Kiddie Keep Rnlned But Baby is Un r hurt. Gretna, Fla., Mar eh 3.—Lightning struck the home of (Mr. atid Mrs. J. S. Herring at this place today, wreck ed a “kiddie koop” in which their -three year old infant was sleeping, burned a. hole in she floor near ine i place Ythere the child was sleeping and never roused it from ts slumber. I The parents of the child / were severe ly shocked by the lightning. '* 4 A i LENOOIR ALUMNI WILL DEMONSTRATE DEVOTION Men Who Got Basis of Success There I Expected Answer Call in Hour of Need. | Hickory, X. <!.. March s.—“ Lenoir’s * boys and girts are going to show North Carolina what loyalty to a col lege. means,” says John George, cotton mill man, of Cherryville, in reference to the great reunion of Lenoir Coi |loge alumni and former students to he (held in Hickory, Wednesday, March 7. •It is expected that the home coming j will surpass in point of numbers and iin enthusiasm any gathering of for jmor Lenoiiians yet held.’ Trains will jbear the returning sons and dangh j ters from every portion of the Old | North State and from many more d!s I taut sections ol the country, j “'l’he strength of a college,” eon ! tinues Mr. George, "is in the success of its graduates, and the ends of the. earth hear testimony to the exalted posit'on of honor which is the birth right of Lenoir. Lenoir has ever been tt good school hut never a famous one. It lias unassumingly traveled its quiet path for many years, turning out men and women who have achieved honor through service to mankind. Now the day has come when it need no longer limit its-great service to the hoys and girls <jf North Carolina through a lack of means. With the dynamic force that will carry on to victory three thousand men and women whose lives i have, passed under Lenoir’s influence are getting into the game to insure that their alma mater attains a com manding position in the educational field." The home coming will he a dedica tion of purpose that Lenoir College, shall grasp the opportunity offered-to it this spring to become the out-stand ing Lutheran college l in the South, and to multiply the gretit influence it his had in shaping* the. present life of North Carolina. The program of the meeting Wednesday morning includes inspirational addresses by prominent alumni arid others, music by the Le noir Men’s Glee Club, and the showing of the, famous Wittenberg Film, which hears the distinction of being the first college trim produced in America, and which pictures the phenomenal growth ‘ and development of Wittenberg Col lege and the unselfish and loyal devo tion of her. alumni in rallying to her standard. Lenoir lias neveji been a school for rich men’s boys and girls, nor one which has been a fra hi to face tho facts of life. Her sons and daughters learn j to work uncomplainingly, and go out to achieve success in lives of service. Forty per cent, of all the men who hare gone out from her halls have entered the ministry and are serving Christ in the ffriir corners of the earth, twenty-eight vuuug men uqw in school are preparing for the same work. Lenoir further enjoys the dis tinction of having provided a larger per cent of the mission workers in Japan than any other portion of the United I,uthe.rau Cnureli. f “The call of the Mother lias gone out, - to her children in far places to rally about her in her hour of test and share with her the joy of triumph,, and her children will not fail,” says Rev. John L. Morgan, in charge, of the Alumni division of the Appeal, who traveled 50 miles to school some years ago with sl3 in his poTket to see him through four years*of college, and who is now the successful pastor of three, influential churches in North Carolina. Charlotte Hotel Company to JShie For Large Subscriptions. Charlotte, (March 3.— : Judg« B. F. Long, of Statesville, will next week hear the case of the Citizens Hotel company against E. D. Latta, Sr., m regard to a subscription of SSU.uOO which company claims 'Mr. Latta made toward the Citizen,hotel. This is one of a number of suits brought by the hotel against subscribers wko were dissatisfied with tlie location of the hotel. Mr. Latta’s was the largest j subscription. The total amount of subscriptions ranging- unpaid is over SIOO,OOO. Mr. Latta. will he represent ed by Tillett and Guthrie, and Cansler ami Cansler. Representing the hotel company will be Pharr. Belt and Sparrow and T. A. Adams. Trinity Closes Basketball Season With Second Honors. Durham, (March 4.—Having copped the state championship in wrestling with a perfect record against state teams and ranked third in footsail, Trinity college claims second honors in basketball for North Carolina m the season which closed, with the J1 to 20 victory over State Saturday night. Trinity lias lost only three games in the State, while her nearest , competitor,\ Wake Forest, has lost; four. Os fifteen collegiate ft ames . scheduled, -Trinity turned in eleven victories and only* four defeats. An average of over 7,000,000 acres of timber land in the United States is destroyed by forest fires each >»jai, the immediate property loss exceed ing $10,000,000. i Dissapears After Wifes Death; Goes Home to Die Elyria, Ohio, March 5. —W,ith advice to "take care of him: he’s got just one week to live.’’ a man appeared at the old Ilulf homestead on Brtmd street nine days ago with a strict helpless cripple whom be -deposited inside the door and left. '"Coroner Perry was no tified of his death yesterday. It was from this home that John Ilulf, a college graduate, disappeared in Decern tier, 1893, on the day of the murder of his wife in Cleveland. Os late years the old homefetead' has been occupied by his sister, | Miss Ju lia Hulf. Who lives there alone. Th’e stranger who brought the man MORE HARMONK.NOW SHOWN IN WORK OE GENERAL r~:z | After Some Disagreement Both Houses Able to Get Together on Sal ary Bill. , f SALARY FIXED AT $4,500 YEARLY Agreement Relative to Mon ey for State Institutions Also is Reached After Some Delay. Rffloigh, March 5 < By the Associat ed Press). — oUthe report of tlie conference committee mi sc* *itors’ salary bill providing a fiat salary of $4,500 a year for state solicitors fca-* tured the opening of tlie House today. Tlie report further provided the no become effective on October 1, 8>24, instead of upon June 30. 1921. , The new change grew out of the re fusal of the House to concur in tin* Senate amendment which would raise the original ’house hill’s provisions from SI,OOO per year to $4,750. Representative Warren of Beaufort reporting for ‘"i committee, stated tlu* report met with unanimous ap proval cf all parties concerned. ; Representative Murphy, of Ito Wan, reported for the conference committee which considered the senate amend ment to the .maintenance appropria tion bill providing a sliding scale for institutions! The report asked the ; senate to recede from its amendment and was adopted . ' • Senate Action. Raleigh, ed Preso) —The senate follow d ui£ House lead today in concurring m me conference recommendation that me senate recede from its amendment io I the gener: l appropriation lull ior maintenance of state institutions. By this, action the. appropriation became absolute instead of dependent state revenue. Senator Varser, whose amendment to sc. Ie the appropriation down to xh* 4 «efinie of 4he— st.-rte- m ;r. *(:>• alter proved inadequate for the full amounts was accepted in the senate 'original!v. disagreed with the wis dom of th conference cmnmittee Dut 'interposed no objection to concur rence today. The senate also concurred in the conference committee report on the solicitors salar bill which would put all solicitors on a salary of $4,500 amk ,$750 for expenses, effective October 1 1924. REPAIRS TO AIRPLANES HALT THEIR -JOURNEY Machines Headed to Porto Rico Will Leave Montgomery, Ala., Some Time Tomorrow. Montgomery, Aim. March s.—An nouncement was made here today bv officers of the P. S. Army Air Service j squadron stopping here en route from San Antonio, Texas, to Porto Rico that the planes will wait until tomorrow before hopping.off on the third leg of their flight to Arcadia/Fla., because of repairs that cannot be completed before tonight. "D It was believed at first that the planes would be able to leave this af ternoon. Silk Sale at Parks-Belk Company. The l’urks-Belk Company is observ ing National Silk Week. liegioning to dav and continuing through March loth, and during this period special prices on silk goods are being olleied at the store. The company has a page ad. today setting forth some of the specials ot fered, and by reading the ad. careful ly you can see how you can save mon ey by purchasing your silk goods now. In addition to the silk values offered, the company is also offering special prices on hosiery. Be certain to read ad# carefully. President*Wants to Aid Veterans Washington, March s.—One of ! President Harding’s last acts before ! his ’ departure for Florida today was ;to direct the Civil Service Commis- I sion to give, certain preference to v et- I eraris of the World War in their ex aminations for positions under siv n service. Musket )tails were legal tender as farthings in Boston in 1b35. . to the door, rang the door bell and . asked Miss Half if she had a brother. . “I had.” she said. “He’s been away for years." 5 “Well, here he is. Take care of . him—4he (ha-tor says he’s got one . week to live.” said'the stranger. His 'sister helped him to bed. To all ,; pleas that he send for a physician the ■ man protested, and the sister acceded [ to his wishes. During the week* Hulf preserved si lence concerning himself. He died 5 Saturday night. Hulf and his wife separated in 1893. A few days later his wife's body was i found, stabbed to death In Cleveland. $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. PRESIDENT LEAVES WASHINGTON FOR HT TO FLORIDA — 1 — L Accompanied by Mrs. Hard ing and Party of Friends President Left Washington Today for Vacation. SPECIAL TRAIN* CARRYING PARTY An Attempt by Legal Process to Keep Certain Members of Party in Capital With drawn Today. Washington. March 4. —President, and Mrs. Harding accompanied by a party of friends, left Washington to day on a special trjyn for Florida, where they will take a vacation house boat trip of more than a month. The President’s special pulled out a few minutes after noon for an uninter rupted inn to Ormono, Florida, where the. party is to board the houseooat. It was 'Mrs. Harding’s first appearance outside the white house grounds since her serious illness of last summer, but she appeared almost her old self and stood on the observation platform waving farewells until the train was out of sight. Try to Stop Members of Party. Washington. March —An attempt by legal process to prevent Attorney General Daugherty, Chairman Lasker of the shipping hoard, and John Bar ton Ha.vne, chairman of the lied Cross, from leaving Washington for a vaca tion trip with President Harding in Florida, was begun and then abandon ed today shortly before the hour set for the departure of the President’s special train. At the request of attorneys for Chas. W. Morse, the New York shipbuilder,* who goes on trial here Wednesday on Charges of fraud in connection with wartime contracts, the I’. K. Marshal's ofiiee issued subpoenas requiring the men to appear in court on the opening day of the trial as witnesses for the * defense. While ;\ deputy marshal was trying to serve j. the subpoenas, however. Ills- •, triet Attorney Gordon conferred with the Morse counsel, and it was agreed that the attempt would be abandoned. SWEET BIEL PASSED * BY THE UPPER HOUSE Amends Provisions of i Insurance Act to Aid the Disabled Veterans. March Sweet hill, amending provisions of the war risk- insurance act so far as to in crease the period in which a veteran’s disability would be assumed to have resulted from his service, and extend ing the insurance privileges in spe cial cases, was passed by the senate today. There was no record vote. , Under provisions of the bill cases of tubercular and neuro psyclmHtric diseases occurring within three y&xrn of the so dier’s discharge will be.con-, sidered as due to his service, ana wilT make such Soldier eligible for hospi talization and compensation. AIJ hospitals under the jurisdiction of the veterans’ bureau are thrown open to veterans of the civil and Spanish-American wars as well as'of the world war and transportation of these patients at government expense to the lyaspitals is authorized. Another section authorizes rim pay ment of SIOO for funeral expenses to the nearest of kin of any veteran who dies and leaves insufficient prop erty to meet these expenses. MAYFiELI) ANSWERS / CHARGES BY PEDDY Senator-Elect Says Charges Are “In famous and Absolutely False.” Washington, March s.—Senator elect Earley B. Mayfield, of Texas, to day gave out a statement here de claring “infamous and absolutely false” the election contest charges filed recently with the SenatP by George E. B. I’eddy, the Republican independent democratic candidate for Senate, defeated h.v Mr. Mayfield last Jfovember. Mr. I’eddy had^ charged that Sena tor-elect Mayfield belonged to tin* Ku K!ux Klan and had entered a conspir acy with its members by which his election was fraudulent. The state ment today by Mr. Mayfield declared Mr. Peddy's election eon that “a con tinuation of a campaign of misrepre sentation and abuse.” Campbell's Contention is Now “Dead” Forefe*. Washington. lMarcfa*4. — Dr. J. Ike Campbell, who contested Representa tive Dougliton’tf cou d not get recognition h & r«§FyeHterday, and no reference to his <9 Be was maae. It collapsed months every now and then he tried to pump wine in it. It is dead forever now. Nomination of Robins Confirmed. Washington. March s.—Examination of Senate records today revealed that the nomination of Grover C. Robins to Ite postmaster at Blowing Rock. N.’ C.. was confirmed in the eleventh i hour rush. Earlier records Indicated | that the nomination had failed of con firmation. Ed. Bellamy, a likely looking mid ,d’eweight from Ireland, has arrived on this side, with a desire to show his ring prowess. NO. 69."”

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