PAGE SIX TRUSTEE’S SALE OF REAL ES TATE. By virtue of the power ami author ity contained in a certain Mortgage j c Trust Deed executed to the undersign-; and all loss and damage that may or might accrue to him on account of his having signed or endorsed a note to the First National Flank of Alltemarle for the said Lee S. Crowell, as surely thereon, for and in the sum of $381.08, it being provided in tin* said Mortgage Trust Deed that should the said Lee S. Crowell fail or neglect to pay said note or bond or the interest thereon when due, thai then, upon the appli cation of the said G. D. Troutman it shall be lawful for and the duty of J. R. Price, named as Trustee in the said Mortgage Trust Deed, to advertise a sale of said lands for the purpose of obtaining money with which to pay 'said note or bond and the accrued in terest thereon, if any, the terms,, pro visions, and conditions of said Mort gage Trust Deed having linen com plied with, the said note or bond now being long past due and unpaid, and the said G. D. Troutman having ap plied id the undersigned Trustee and requested him to sell said lands under (he terms, provisions and conditions of said Mortgage Trjust Deed for the purpose of paying said note or bond endorsed or signed by him as surety thereon for the said Lee S. Crowell, I will therefore, sell, at the Court House door of Cabarrus County, on Monday, the Pith day of April, 1023, at 12 o'clock noon, a one-eighth (1-S) undivided interest in and to the fol lowing described real estate, subject to a life estate of his mother in\anoles to a stone in a road on Reed's line; thence with five of his lines as follows: Ist. S. 06 E. 10. poles to a stone by a P. O.; 2nd. N. 12. 1-2 E. 2-3 poles to a stone by W. O.: 3rd. S. 81 1-2 E. 130 1-2 poles to a stone: 4th, N. 7 E. 7 3-3 poles? to a stone by locust: 3th. S. S7 E. lot 2-3 jioles to a stone j»ile by two P. O.; thence S. 12 W. 40 poles to a stone by h dogwood; thence S. 23 W. 30 jailes to a stone at the end of a nick fence: thence with rook fence S. 43 E. 04 poles to an elm on the East Bank of a Branch. Davis Hahn’s corner; thence S.’ 20 \V. 24 jades to a stone on the North edeo of Alliemarle road: thence with the road as follows: X, 08 \Y. 10 jioles; thence N. 78 W. 11 poles; thence S. 87 XV. 33 poles to a stone in the road; thence X. 87 W. 13 jades to a bridge: thence X. 00 W. 10 jades to a stone in the road: thence N. 00 1-2 W. 47 jades to a stone in the road; mill lot corner ; thence X. 32 1-2 E. 43 1-2 poles to a stone: thence N. 45 W. 4 poles to a stone; thence X. 32 1-2 I]. 41 #hks to a stone; thence X. 37 W. 8 poles to a stone: thence down West Bank of Creek S. 32 1-2 W. 40 poles to a stone; HeiligN corner; thence with the road X. 70 W. 130 poles to the beginning, containing 180 acres, more or less, and is the tract of land conveyed to Harris Crowell by Mrs. XI. R. Barrier on the 18th day of Jan uary* 1004, and recorded in Record' No. 0.1, jiage 308. Sale made to satisfy the provisions of said Mortgage Trust Deed. • Thi* the oth day of March. 1023. J. R. PRICE, • *342. Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as the Administra tor of the estate of F. J. Burleyson, de ceased, all persons owing said estate are hereby notified that they must make prompt jiayment or suit will be brought. And all persons having claims against said estate must j}re sent them to the undersigned, duly authenticated, on or before the oth day of March, 1024, or this notice will be jileaded in bar of their recovery. D. HENRY FURR, Administrator. By J. Lee Crowell. Attorney. This March sth, 1023. NOTICE. North Carolina—Cabarrus County. In the Superior Court. Allene DeForest vs. Jimmie DeForest The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has'beeh commenced in the Su perior Court/ of Cabarrus (purity, North Carolina, to obtain an absolute divorce from the defendant by the plaintiff; and the defendant will fur ther take notice that he is required to appear l)efore the Clerk of the Su perior Court of said county, on the oth day of April, 1923, at the court house of said county in Gastonia. X. C., and answer or demur to the eom jdaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This sth dav of March, 1923. w - J. b. McAllister, 8. Clerk Superior Court. EXECUTRIX’S NOTICE. Having* qualified as the Executrix of the estate of R. W. Fleming, de ceased, all i>ersons owing said estate are hereby notified that they must ( jiresent them to the undersigned, duly authenticated, on or liefore the 20tii! day of February, 1924, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. LAURA MAY FLEMING, Executrix. By UroweH, Attorney. <~ This February 19th, 1923. DEATH IN PITTSBURGH OF MR. EDWARD GIBSON Former Citizen cf Coneord Died There Thursday Afternoon.—Body Brought Here. Relatives here have been advised of the death of Mr. Edward Gibson, for merly of this city, in Pittsburgh Thurs day. The message received here stat ed that Mr. Gibson died Thursday af ternoon at 3:3d o’clock in a Pitts burgh* hospital. death being caused by pneumonia. N<» further particulars were given in the message. Mr. Gibsdh was reared in this city, but for many years had lieenjiving in northern cities. He was about .>4 years of age. Surviving are three sis ters: Mrs. C. L. Smith, of Concord; Mis. A. E. I.entz, of Charlotte; and Mrs.-J. C. McDdwelL of Xlorganton. Honor Roll Central Grammar School. Fourth gjpde —Glen Horton, Whit field Sloop. Laura Barrier, Virginia Troutman. Margaret Teeter, Lynwood Brown, Annie Utley, Pauline XViden house, Juanita Yandle. Ora Lee Jen kins. Mary X. Hopkins, Kathleen Southern. Margaret Peele. Margaret Turner. Irene Pain age. Pauline Xlac- Fndyen. Robert Bailey, Louis H. Brown. Win. Archey Brown. Jr.. Lind say Ross, Win. Lee Mills, Billy Lin ker. Jno. A. Fisher, Bertram Crooks. Leroy Lowder. Fifth grade—Douglas Archibald, Irene Long.,' Letitia Osborne, Edith Blume, Ruth l'udolsky, Ethel Gaskel, Sarah Davis. Robert Rowan. Sixth Grade —John Armlield. Seventh grade—Mary Costan. Julia Rowan. Archibald Cannon, Donald Waucbojje. With Our Advertisers. You will find a superb collection of new Easter Millinery at Fisher’s. New all-time crepe dresses in broad range of colors at 9:95 and up. The big 14th Anniversary Sale at the Concord Furniture <’o. moves on just the same, rain or shine. ixiok iqi the new ad. in today’s paper for some of the many bargains being offered. The Citizens Bank and Trust Com pany will act as executor of your will. The 'Roll & Harris Furniture Co.’s new ad. today tells you about some of the home furnishings at their store. Supplemental Report on Near East Re lief. On next Tuesday, Xlarch 20th, The Tribune will carry another report on Near East Relief. Please let us have all rej»orts from Sunday schools, pub lic schools and individuals not later than Xlonday afternoon. If you de sire information call Phone No* 1. J. FRANK ARMSTRONG, County Chairman. Xir. D. XI. Furr, Jr., has returned to his home in Charlotte, after sjiend ing several days here on business. SALE OF CITY LOT. Under and by virtue of an order of the Su|)erior Court of Cabarrus Coun ty. made in the Special Proceeding en titled J. R. XlcKinley, Administrator of F. 11. Sides deceased, v. Minnie J. Sides, et als.. the undersigned com missioner will on Xlonday, the 10th day of April, 1923, at 12 o’clock XL at the court house door in Concord, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for rash that certain house and lot in Ward 1 of the City of Concord on Guy street, known as the residence lot of Floyd 11. Sides, and bounded as follows, viz.: Beginning at an iron stake in North edge of Guy street, Honeycutt corner, and runs with Honeycutt line N. 49 1-2 W. 140 feet to a stake a new cor ner in said Honeycutt line; thence a new line S. 40 1-2 W. 75 1-4 feet to a stake a new corner; thence a new line s. 49 T-2 E. 140 feet to a stake in North edge of said Guy Street; thence with said Guy street N. 40 1-4 E. 75 1-4 ft. in the beginning, said lot having been conveyed to Floyd IT. Sides on March 0, 1903, by C. B. Wagoner by deed recorded in Book 07. page 228, of fice Register of r>eods, Cabarrus coun ty, reference to which is hereby made. The said -sale will be ojien for 20 days for an increased bid of 5 per cent. If said bid is increased the proj*erty will be readvertised and re sold, if said bid be not raised then purchased will be entitled to deed af ter days upon payment of purchase money. This 14th day of Xlarch, 1923. XIORRISON CALDWELL, Commissioner. 3-13-till 4-13. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as the Administra tor of the estate of Amanda J. Black welder, deceased, all i>ersons owing said estate are hereby notified that ,Jhey must make jirompt or suit will be brought. And all jiersons having claims against said estate, must present them to the undersigned, duly authenticated, on or.before the 15th day of March 1924, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. J. XI. BARRINGER. Administrator. By L. T. ITartsell. Attorney. \ Xlarch 15th, 1923. NOTICE OF SALE. Having qualified as executrix of the estate of the late R. XV. Fleming, I will sell at public auction on Thursday. March 15th the following personal property: 4 head of mules, 2 head of horses, cattle, 1 binder, 1 mannure spreader, 3 wagons, 1 phaeton, harness, cider niill, cream separator, corn, roughness, all f irming and shop tools, 4 automobiles and many other articles too numerous to mention. . LAURA MAY FLEMING, 20-4 t. Executrix. SALE NOTICE. Having qualified as executrix of jthe estate of L. S. Beaver, deceased, I will on the Bth day of Xlarch, 1923, exj)ose to public sale for cash the following articles of iiersonal property, to-wit: 1 Ford car, 1 one-horse wagon, 1 buggy and harness (new), 1 milk cow, 1 lot of farming tools, 1 organ, and lot of household and kitchen furniture. Also 1 lot of bacon and lard. This 19th dav of February, 1923. XIUS. XI. J. BEAX 7 ER, Administratrix. - fttrle io begin promptly at 11 o’clock. 22-4 t-chg. ‘ ' LOCAL AND OTHERW ISE. J. XL Barringer is administrator of the estate of the late Amanda J. Blackwelder. Mr. Ermine Long, of. Cabarrus, has moved to Concord to live. He will be associated with his brother, Xir. Ray Long, in the management of Long’s Filling Station. Xir. Charles Wadsworth has resign ed his position with the Long Filling Station. He plans to leave in the near future for Ohio, where he will make his home. Dr. O. 11. Ruddle, who lias been as sisting with the 'bovine tuberculosis work in this county, has been trans ferred to Stokes county. He has le.ft Concord for the new work. The Charlotte Observer, in sum marizing the work of the Legislature, says: “XXV may quite, safely write down for this Legislature a list of assets which overwhelm any record of liabilities if may have •,established.” Four new cases of measles and nine new eases of whooping cough were re ported io the county health depart ment Friday. 'So far as the health officials could determine, no new cases of smallpox have developed since Thursday. The condition of Xir. J. Harvey Dor ton. who returned to his home here several days ago from a Charlotte hos pital, continues favorable, a message from his home today states. Xir. Horton has been ill for several weeks, but relatives are more hopeful for bis recovery now. The town clock continues to run and strike, but its west face is still badly off. Three faces on the time piece are working correctly, hilt the other is badly off. and offers little service to those jiersons who are ac customed to getiing their information about time from if. The 22nd series of stock in the Citizens Building and Loan Associa tion amounting to $12,800.00 has ma tured and is now being paid off. s to think, will be obliged to agree with me that there-"f*an be no I,j ■ n mm FOR— Listers Guano Oliver Chilled Plows Galvanized Roofing Cole Planters Paper Roofing Nails 1 Barbed Wire Chicken Wire and anything in Hardware SEE Yorke & Wadsworth Company liossible disadvantage in getting train ed efficiency, in jdace of untrained Ear nestness where the cost is not mater ially greater. Another jihase of this work that I wish to take tip is the desirability of a woman over a man. or perhaps I should say a woman in place of a man, for that is wliat I really mean. A well trained woman will accomplish more in this work than the average well trained man wil. One reason for this ojiinion is that you can get a woman who is thoroughly trained Un less money than you can secure the services of a man who would be equal in all respects to that woman. An-' other reason in the advantage of hav-, ing a woman is. that woman is natur ally endowed with more innate love ( for humanity, more gentle interest in suffering, and more diplomatic hand ling as she did, take Cardui—a Bnj •; 28 purely vegetable, medicinal Bh tonic, in use for more than 40 ggj i % years. It should help you. Rob : % Sold Everywhere. ■ —— Cabarrus Savings BANK I Building Material ! A Big Car Loa4 of that splendid Briii ; r ~v . . j (Cedar Shingles, 18 inches long, all heart, , . No better Shingles can be made. Our pi m us before you buy. Atlas Portland Cement is the Best, . suaded to buy ce'ment said to be “just as g, , u( j ■ ! A' Brand. Yes, a cement book from us wh: h j,',",’ hq\v,to use cement in every way. Fresh Virginia Lime. It’s fresh lump and full r .. a . Come to our rware roqms for Lime. On, ; . ; .,j p Red Cedar Shingles. CLINE & MOOSI P. S—We Want to Buy All Your Countr\ 0,1 v t CLINE & MOOSE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXWOOOOOOOOCIOOOGOOOGOOOQOOOOO) «SroOQGCOOOO{ MORI i Former ig Slogan— os Weekly Offer >u to have -Fly J ! I I At little cost, and it will surely help you to wake more money. Your Own County Semi-W eekly THE CONCORD TIMES AND w THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER Each for One Year for only $2.50 Fill in the Coupon below and enclose $2.50 check or money or* The Concord Times, Concord, N. C., Enclosed find $2.50, for which send me for a full year each of The Concord Times and The Progressive Farmer. Name : .* I P. 0. Route Box State _______ ooooooooooooooocx)ooooooooooooooooooooocccc^oiooo«fl r Our 14th Anniversary Sale Now. ()n. ii erything Cut From 25 to 50 Per Cent. The wonderful Patented KEROGAS Burner give? you a g* gas flame by mixing the kerosene with air and turning it l rt It concentrates a double flame just where you want ‘YY j tfl cooking utensils—and is always under instant control. c have the heat low, moderate or intense, just as you choose. The cheapest fuel you can buy—and the most economical, as c'-cry r-- '■ _ Nothing complicated about the Patented KEROGAS Burner e L " of brass. Lasts for years. r p jQfS 'v We can futnish you with a splendid oil stove equipped with ti'c ! 2 , Burner also with the perfect heating Kerogas oven. Gall and h’ rj (Name of Stove Herr) Sold by (Dealer’s Name Here) GiV" CONCORD FURNITURE COMPY The Reliable Furniture SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTP' Passenger Train Schedules — 1 ■ ■■■ j f* )} Arrival and Departure of PnKNenger Train*, y •( iLaa , ’ BETWEEN ITgA 30 Nfw York-Birminjrhnm Birmingham-New York cla-a I XVashington.-Atlanta A * 31 Atlanta-New York aio-V Atlanta-New York inic-* H Charlotte-Norfolk-Riehnioml New York-Blrmingham-Nev.- «"!■ ' LLYd Norfolk-Richmond-Atlnni * -bl-is ~ XVashington-Ciutrlotto c.'oqd ' Charlotte-Danvilie in7ict> o- ! \ New York-Augusta .oil Birmingham-New Orleans-New V ■ o.irr> New York-Atlanta .»;>* a ' l vLY I Washington-Atlania t- j Through Pullman sleeping car service to Washing York, Richmond, Norfolk, Atlanta, Birmingham. Mold' l ,*i sl Unexcelled service, convenient schedules ana direct '“' ..,t , „ Schedules published as information and are not g v, t X. * R. H. ORAIiAM, D. P. A., M. E. WOODY Aoii'.ar 4 ' Charlotte, N. C. „ Monday, Marsh ;c J