March' 22, 1923. ************** I m OPENINGS IN OUR ; N K) iHBOKING VILLAGES * LOCUST. .... ; :l ,|i, <of tlu* Baptist church are r id hold a church bazaar ,iu;o ihis spring for the purpose new carpet. \ 1 babe, a real prodigy, was ; '/’Mr. and Mrs. Artie Eudy on ' '."/ ' v Man h 19; The child weighed | pounds, the like of which has ' in->u known in this section. The r 1,., s Pccn critically ill but is U .,V well at this writing. M.i-vh certainly played usrun ,!;ly night. After fooling ns , ij,. v in- that eold weather was and then give (is just about night we ever felt. Won ' ' \\ (Jroundhog is responsible a p' so we hope he froze. \ • tut iful memorial service- was j: Smyrna last Sunday for Mr. ' , i> .i. nkias. one of its former dea ,,|dcst mendier of the church, p, ,jjdd some weeks ago. In the Pastor Helms preached a •, ,i >,.1111011 on Faith, tuid the 'via, on sorvire. after the prelimiuar v. > turned over to Rev. It. 11. a former pastor, and a belov ad of the deceased. He paid a ' ~itul irilmle to the memory of the >aying among other things that ave never so deep and wide and ’,.,,tiid l\e dug. even through to that would hide the life and iu of the dead brother. The pas ’. ,| Hc\ . !•:. 1). Teeter also made itrrt’s! ing* talks. « > ,yilotio in tin 1 form of nearly half ivn'iiiv.l tun-lovers, struck the resi- Ksq. It. W. Simpson last j. :> .'a\ night, when it was learned ;} , ~hired < ouple was to he mar* ~! there. When they tiually arrived lt , hritie wa> >0 frightened and also h. had the windows not been •rnned by si many p.airs of eyes. it u . r y j.roltablo tlu* groom would have ~.,1 i,t; bot'ore the knot could be , Another amusing part of the was wl.oii tlu* crowd suspected i, were going to be debarred from itnes<ii;g the ceremony it. looked as i,,ii:h the ?4oor to the room would be Dashed. When the couple went to lt .,r i lt ,(in* ;i hundred or two A ; y. tl jolly crowd followed and , them an old time belling. P. ST. STEPHENS. A iv . ■ nti'.’iiicr of members from St. rongregation attended the : i,,* whi-h was given by Lenoir Thursday night. March ltitli. S' .!auu- , Evangelical Lutheran Imtvii. ('oiicord. .Mi. and Mr>. Loris Barringer and luiily spent Sunday with her mother, [rs. \Y. (~ Honeycutt. __ Mr. and Mrs. Wade Dry, moved to alisbury a few days ago. They are tin" in the home of Mr. and Mrs. itliili lny. on Last Innis street. A Uii'.ic Lida d the two-year old soil [ Mr. and Mrs. William Arey. on Sal','!, i. li and broke his left thigh. i> improving nicely at this writing. .Mrs. Lillian Russel and soil. J. B. «•!’, Saii-lmry. spent a few days s vc k editing her mother. Mrs. W. Iloneyiiitt. If Mi. Bod’ie. Mr. Charlie Earu inlr. of si. Stephens, .ami Mr. Fink. Mi. Olive;.' .mended the Alumni ally id Uliyne Cidlege. which t L-M at Hickory March (> and 7. 'lit. :mi Mrs. Troy Wallace and lagb.ier. of near Poplar Tent, spent 4'lay 'i>iiing her gramlmollier, Airs. . J’.. Homni-ntr. Tl." Hum Missionary Society of . Sh [)h. ns ('uiii'cK will give a noo • supper ;ti Mr. Clmrlie Earnhardt’s Hiiihr. March 31st. The pUb > cordially invited. Mr. and Mr:*. Ralph Dry and two n-iiicrs. Pauline. and Alone. spent inday cvemn- \isiting Max and Mrs. ttair Culp. M Mrs. George Foil and son, ; ;:!hl Masier Frank Tonipkinson, wil Sunday evening visiting Mr. and A iiljani Arey. - liahi T.rigodo was organized at ; M, .[iljei I y. .March 11. hy the Wom s MissAoini-y Society. Twenty-three !»' ini; - were present and the lad -1 expect ing a larger n urn her at f&t-xY meeting. n I SEAN ROUGE. ALLISON GROVE. # Vu r- all sent to'tlie tireside by *’ ''fid Wave w hich swept Jh rough "Uday afternoon. r. lb-ary Mauldin took his little •rak to tin- sanatorium ;it Gaston* an o\:,initiation. The child has ; r ' : 'akitTu treatment to straighten ri u- Mo i< improving nicely. 1,11 night. March 31st, at i ti-k Rev. Fred R. Love, stu " her ford College. will preach Ul 'aim eh. Also on Sunday, ApriF ■ "in |la*!or. Rev. .1. F. Alexander, 1 . I'i'vact; at 3 p. ni. Sunday school ! ho public is cordially in* * ith us. Sherrill was a business i ' u ' ,r ‘ i; Charlotte Monday. •MISSION. ; at iciiou-itig program will be car t Mission Church on Easter "p’h- Anvil 1 : s ;,'"nd>te at b :30 a. in. li' 1 ' 11 ! 4 ' ,v <lioir. ( “'"tictial exercises by D. C. Hart- Stiii* t- i , .. l} y « lHnr. ■ read and purpose stated by ' • Hart soli. ‘‘•'•itatioi, by children. by eiiiiir. • l "■' •' Fhaer Taylor, subject: r,V, His Mission in the *(-?■'V l ! '' x Miss Ethel Crayton, sub "! ht own choosing, s/;; ’w choir. >'>• Kev. Fletcher Lambert. |M : " liv b»r refreshments. sw Uibl ' J ;il 1 1>- m. s . 1 My choir. , |,o : . : v Mi*s Minnie Herrin, sub >li,a, !“ ''“'d and Importance t>f s„ r !!*'! !1 “' ib the Heathen > Lands.” j. ü by elmir. ’ ■ y v .« !*: t , ;'“' •T. W. Heume. sub iti- t , J M . ! 1 expansibility For Carry to Ileatheii Lands.” b£:- - r ; h,,ir - . t Ai 1 : 114 ,taken for missions. 4 by choir.- b'diiie i s cordially invited to Hr/p , > Herrin, of Concord, spent Saturday night and Sunday with home folks ht*re. Air. Herrin is a tine young man and we were glad to have him among us again. He is a live wire in Sunday school and church work. He has done a great deal for our community and we are proud of him./.Come again, Fred. Our school is progressing nicely under the management of Elmer Tay lor and Aliss Fanny Morgan. Attend ance is holding up well. Bill Smith is very busy getting in his winter wood. Cletus Herrin is very doleful today as his incubator went dead last night. We try to console him but he keeps muttering ‘‘poor chicks.” TURTLE DOVE. NO. | TOWNSHIP. Air. Heather Smith, of ’Concord, vis ited his father-Mr. G. E. Smith, Sun day. Air. George Plott has returned home from the U. S. Navy to spend she summer with his father, Air. D. O. Plott. Airs. A. L. Baul and children spent Saturday with Mrs. G. E. Smith. Air. and Airs. rs. O. Letter spent Sunday with her sister, Airs. B. L. Rineliardt. Air. and Airs. Henry Furr made a trip to Alission Tuesday. Air. and Airs. Berry Rineliardt spent Saturday night with Air. Rineliardt\s brother, Air. George Rineliardt, of Oak Ridge. Air. James Hudson and family mo tored to Charlotte Tuesday. On account of high waters on Buf falo creek, the Teeter bridge is not completed. Aliss Lottie Rineliardt spent Sun day with Airs. Vick Plftt. Air. JOIIII Bust and Air. Gus JoyneV, of No. 10. were visitors here Sunday. Air. Hoke Garmon, of Concord, pass ed through No. 0 Tuesday. Airs. John Widenliouse lias returned home after spending several days with her daughter. Airs. Vick Plott. CLODHOPPER. FAITH* Air. J. •(’. Lingle is having a new residence built in Faith to rent. It is up and nearly covered. A family has already spoken for it and will move in as soon as it is finished. This is the third house lie has to rent, and the one he lives in makes four houses he owns in Faith. * AVe met AI. R. Weaver in Salisbury. He is a good farmer. ' The* Alisenheftner correspondent says G. \V. Culp had new Irish potatoes oil March 3rd and that he had a fat pos sum for dinner the lirst Sunday in March. He calls on Venus to beat it. We give it up. We -have a deed dated in 1783 for I.AO acres of land made in Rowan coun ty. it is now Davidson county and that was cut off from Rowan county. A building will be erected in Faith to manufacture the home-made ecze ma salve, since there is such a big demand for it. ~~ We took dinner with Air. and Airs. Robert Robertson Sunday for the first time in about two years. Their daughter was spending the week-end at home from college, and was accom panied by her schoolmate. Aliss A ir ginia Newsom, of Providence. j F. Wilhelm celebrated bis GStli birthday Alarch 2nd, 1923. A number of bis relatives and friends gathered at his home and gave him a big sur prise birthday celebration and a big dinner was served. The two weeks’ singing cmss at the Lutheran Church here closed Fri day night. A large crowd attended ev ery night. _ AVe have never seen such busy times as are going on here noAv. Alore girin ite is being shipped than ever before and there is more money being made here than ever before. We are won dering if this is the case in otliei parts of the country. Several buildings will g<> up here right soon. . . . The electric* lights are giving good satisfaction to the citizens of Faith. The line is now being put up f rom Faith to Granite Quarry, a distance of two miles. When it is completed they will-have electric light • * ( ROSS ROADS. Air. A. D. Wilson is still iulprov- H1 Mrs. A. G. Beck, of Salisbury, is spending a few weeks with her fattier, Air. 1). J. Hopkins. Mr. and Airs. E. S. Kluttz spent Sat urday evening in Kannapolis on busi -111 Messrs. Harry and Walter,Fink and Ralph Goodman left this morning to join the army. AVe hope they will succeed. ’ Aliss Fima Hopkins spent Saturday night and Sunday in Rimes witty Aliss Edith Cress. . .. . r Airs. I). J. Hopkins and Airs. A. G. Beck visited Saturday afternoon at the county home* with Airs. G. >' • Misses Very Hopkins and -Helen AVatts spent Saturday afternoon m Rimer with friends. . ‘Alessrs. Cletus Kluttz and Marvin Watts, of M. I*. C. I. Mt. Pleasant, spent the week-end with home folks. ‘Airs. D. J. Hopkins, Airs. N. W. Lam bert and Airs. AI. W. Allman spent Sunday morning at the home of Mi. and Airs. E. C. Sapp. Born to Air. and Mrs. E. ( • Sapp. ;1 son, Alarch 17th. and also born to Air. and Airs. L Ritchie, a daughter, Alarch 19th. SWEET REA. ' PITTS. Roberta correspondent, we noticed whore Air. E. J. Linker had swapped his “tin-Lizzie” for a Ford automobile. When you write again please explain the difference between the two. Misses Sally Honeycutt and Agnes Barbee spent lust Sunday afternoon in Alt.. Pleasant. Alias Omey McAnulty, teacher at Al lison Grove, went home last Thurs dav on account of illness. Miss Alayrne AlcGowan, of Reuls ville, left Saturday for Charlotte, af ter spending a few days here with Aliss Sally Honeycutt. A few days ago Air. C. 1. Little found an old mult* by the side.of the road just above his house. The mule was unable to get’ up. Mr. Little be ing unable to find the owner Was ad vised to kill it. It is evidently thought that the mule was run to death. Air. and Mrs. D. A. Motley spent last Sunday in Concord. ’ Air. Henry Honeycutt spent a while last Saturday in Charlotte on business. Little Aliss Emma Alorris, who inis been sick, is improving. < Aliss Eftie Pharr, of Laura Sunder land Hall, spent the week-end with home folks. Air. and Airs. W. L. Cannon, of Pop lar Tent, spent last Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Airs. John W. Alorris. SUNSHINE KIDS. NO. ONE TOWNSHIP. Aliss Etta Fink visited Airs. AVill Plummer Sunday. Mr. Will Almond and Air. Harry Power visited Air. C. A. Alauney Sun day. —- Air. Charlie Furr and wife and sis ter, from near Harrisburg, spent Sun day with All*. Menry Hooks. A Sunday school has been organiz ed at Hickory Ridge schoolhouse and Sunday school will lie held every Sun day. . We have been having a lot of rain for the last week. The farmers will he late about their planting. Air. and Airs. Buck Alorrison spent the day in Concord recently. r Airs. Lucy Alauney lias been real .sick for a few days. BLUE EYES. CONCORD ROUTE THREE. Rev. Air. Rollins spent awhile Sun day with Mr. and Airs. J. AI. Dowmun. Aliss Lola Ellis is spending a few days with her parents, Air. and Airs. L. C. Walter spent Sunday with Air. and Airs. W. H. Haynes. , Aiiss Blanche Patterson, of Sunder land School, siient the week-end with her brothers, Alessrs. Lewis, Vance and Haves Patterson. Air. and Airs. G. G. Ellis spent Sun day with Air. and Airs. Pink Walter. All*. Lewis Kluttz is on the sick list. There will he a box supper at Bar rier schoolhouse Saturday night, March 31st. The proceeds will go to purchase desks for the school. Ev ervbodv is invited. 1 DIXIE. ROCKY RIVER. ‘‘Alore rain and more rest.” But how we will have to work when it gets dry enough. The streams were higher twice dur ing the past week than they have been in quite awhile. We have grave fears for the fruit in bloom and bud, owing to the se vere freeze this morning. Airs. Nash was on the sick list lust week. Mr. Will Glosson is still drilling for water at the schoolhouse. He is drilling in very hard rock. Some of our .neighbors have had tlieir year’s supply of wood sawed up via the gasoline route rather than the Pullman (cross-cpt) route. So many gasoline engines popping remind one of high-powered woodpeckeus in nesting time. On account of the rain only'a ’small number had the pleasure of hearing the lectures of the three’ preachers, Revs. Barnes, of Poplar Tent. Jami son. of Kannapolis, and Brown, of Th.vatim. They are a jovial set of preachers and their lectures were very much enjoyed by those present. They were speaking in the interest of the Presbyterian Progressive Program. This weather feels very much like winter, but we feel pretty sure that spring is about liere, for the woods have begun to resound with commence ment oratory. Alisses Lena and .Evelyn Alaxwell spent the wt*ek-end in Concord. * Miss Mary Wilson, teacher at Lita kcr school, and Messrs. John Russel and Cliff Wilson, of the Jackson Training School, spent. Sunday after noon in our midst. A SCRIBBLER. CRUSE SCHOOL. The school is progressing nicely with Aliss Estella Penninger as teach er. Air. Ellis Ritchie spent Friday night with Air. E.,A. Cress. Air. and Airs. R. AI. Cress and chil dren spent Sunday, Alarch 18th, with All*, and Airs. O. O. Bruse. Air. and Airs. E. A. Cress and chil dren spent Sunday. Alarch 19tli, with ( Air. and Airs. Floyd Barnhardt. I 1 ALisses Helen Watts and Vera llop- 1 kins spent a few hours with Aliss j Edith Cress Saturday evening. 1 Born to All*, and Mrs. E. C. Sapp, j a son. * * 1 Miss Ruby (Toss spent a few hours 1 Sunday with Aliss Edith Cress. Alessrs. Alarvin Watts, John I). ( Souther and Lee Ritchie, of AL P f C. 1., spent the week-end with home J folks. ' 1 Airs. E. A. Cress and four children 1 spent a few hours with Airs. Floyd J Barnhardt Saturday afternoon. Miss Elina Hopkins spent the week- 1 end with Aliss Edith Cress. TRUE FRIENDS. CONCORD ROUTE FOUR. AVe have been having plenty of rain for the last few days. A fe.w weeks ago it seemed like Spring, now it seems like AVinter. Air. and Airs. G. R. .P. Cress and fa mile spent Sunday near Salisbury with Mr. and Airs. Charlie Hipp. Air. and Airs. L. P. Blackwelder and family spent Sunday with Airs. Blackwelder’s parents, Air. and- Airs. C. E. Krimminger, of No. 11. Air. G. I. Carter and sou. Buford, spent Sunday in Rowan with his father. Air. J. F. Carter. All*. E. A. Cruse and children. Alma, f'runk, Francis and Lester, spent Sat urday afternoon with Aifs. L. P. Blackwelder. Messrs. Spencer Foil and Mark Beaver spent Saturday evening in Rimer. —^ The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis .ftiteliie died March 20tli. Mrs. Lawson Ritchie and grandson, Ralph, spent Tuesday evening with her son, Mr. Lewis Ritchie. NO. 10 TOWNSHIP. Heavy frosts of Monday and Tues day night killed the *early fruit and vegetables. The excessive rains of last week caused the creeks and river to over flow’ their banks. Some of the smaller streams reached high water mark. No casualties that we know of occurred. The most thrilling experience that anyone had on account of the high i water was that of a swain from Con icord, who had,called on his girl on Friday evening of last week. After I spending a pleusant evening with his girl, he started for home. It was rain ing, tlie earth was covered with wat er and it was a- dark night. The THE CONCORD TIIICES (young man, not being familiar with the approach of the road to the river and not thinking of high waters, kept going till there was a splash and the motor stopped. On making examina tion of his surroundings, he discover ed that the river had overflowed its banks and that his machine had stall ed. Hoping the waters would soon re cede he decided to abide by the ship. Perhaps it was the thought of the pleasant evening he had had with his girl, together with the gentle mur inufDigs of the waters that soon lull ed him to sleep. AA’hen he awoke some hours later, water was dipping over the bed of his car. So he deserted the car and* waded to land. Boys of the neighborhood, aided by a team, rescued the car late Saturday after noon. Born to Air. and Airs. It. L. Alc- Eachern, of Cabarrus, a girl. Born to Air. anil Airs. AA\ E. Flowe, of Flowe's Store, a girl. Alisses Bessie and Daisy Furr vis ited Airs. Grady Black recently. H. Reformed Church to Held Missionary Convention. Salisbury, March 21.—The twenty seventh annual convention of the. mis sionary society of the Reformed Church in North Carolina will bf held First Reformed Church, Salis bury, April 41h and sth. A jiumber of prominent church wom en and men will address the conven tion, including AlissxAljnerva, who has spent several years as a mis sionary in China. Rejects Tax Amendment. Columbia, S. C., Alarch 20.—The South Carolina State Senate toddy by a vote of 22 to IS, rejected JJie con ference report on the Senate’s sales tax amendment to the House commodity bill. This was regarded as definitely killing the measure, although Senator Cooper, of Lee county, changed his vote in order to be in position to move for reconsideration. “Well, I guess I do need a fiew hat! ” “Hadn’t noticed it before nqw but this one’s done its duty. I've worn it all winter and a trim, new one w r ould look much better now that Spring is here. And that're minds me, Easter is just around the corner and I’ll want* to brighten-up a bit.” And a new hat costs so little that; considering the im- * provement it makes in one’s appearance, a man can hard ly afford not to.-buy a new one. m There will be a special display in our window Tues day and all Aveek showing all the new shapes and colors. Don’t fail to see this display pr —better l still —come right on i ii_ and select your new hat while the range of sizes, shapes and colors is most complete. Browns - Cannon Co. Where You Get Your Money’s Worth - EASTER HATS! \ : / The colors arc the very brightest or in subdued shades. The trimmings are of feather fancies, ribbons in be witching becoming ways. • And flowers are bright and Spring looking as well as youthful. 1 lats to suit all occasions. SPECIALTY HAT SHOP Fish Fertilizer Cars arriving every day. We sell the Highest Grade Fertilizer obtainable at very close prices. Mixed Fertilizer, Kainit, Acid and Nitrate of Soda. We will serve you with care and prompt ness. s • V Richmond - Flowe Co. MUNICIPAL BOND ACT *NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD State Auditor Baxter Durham Has Is sued a Statement in Connection Therewith. Raleigh, March 20.—Municipal au thorities reported difficulty in fully understanding all the requirements concerning' the new bond registration act. State Auditor Baxter ‘Durham explained today} that the law simply requires that bonds must be registered with his office after sale and before delivery to the purchasers. Unless the bonds aVo registered they are in valid, and /he purchaser naturally would not/be willing to accept them until registered. The requirement, insetted as an amendment to the Sams act of 1021 requiring counties and municipalities to record alVbond sales with the state auditor, has brought in many registra tions al ready ,\and it is expected to prove in furnishing the state accurate i|tfromation currently as to the financial situation of the va rious units of High Wafer Registered Along the Pee Dee River. Wadesboro, March 20.—The Pee Dee river 12 miles distant from this place, is reported to be lon a big rampage by reason of the unusually heavy rains of the past few days. The lowlands are covered and a high 'water mark lias been registered! on the bluffs along river bank. Tlie tributaries of the river are also at flt Val stage by reason of the rainfall ami the back water from the Pee Dee. \Tlie small grain crops' in the lowlands will probably be damaged if tlie water remains on them for a considerable length of time. For the first time th» Eastern Mu sic Supervisors’ Conference, has a wo man as the new leader be ing Miss Louise Westwood, director of music in 1 the public schools of Newark, N. J. \ OFFICERS Chas. B. Wagoner President A. F. Goodman Cashier C. L. Propst, Asst. Cashier Boyd Biggers Carl Beaver Tellers DIRECTORS Geo. L. Patterson •I. Frank Goodman Alex. 11. Howard (’has. B. Wagoner Dr. W. D. Pemberton E. C. Earnhardt B. L. Uthberger M. L. Marsh A. F. Goodman A. N. James P. F. Stallings Dr. J. A. Patterson Chas* M. Ivey F. block FOR VOI R LIVING R °^ M! The present exhibit affords wondrous opportunities to see the most exacting that has ever been made for particu lar home furnishers. Os course moderate prices prevail—and are especially called to your attention, as they are reallv remarkable, When the choiceness of quality in the exhibit is considered. Suites shown consist of three pieces, have loos'e cushions. Coverings in wide range of velours, silk, mohair, hair >dot\i and tapestry. P* S\ —Do not buy anything for your home until you see our line. - _ — - BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. “THE THAT SATISFIES” We Ol'PEimf ADS, ALWAYS GET THE RESU! TS \ Hi * - V # V'V.-. ' It is our privilege to serve a large and growing number-of the most substantial citizens of Con cord and Cabarrus County. If you are not already identi fied with, this banjk as a depositor it would give us much pleasure '-to add your name to our books. CITIZENS Ban)c and Trust Co. Concord, N. C. % Her Hat Milady of sophisticated fashion demands that her Easter Hat bear an unmistakably personal touch in line and color blending and way of garniture. Here are personalized modes—individual mpdes— modes with a verve and a flair assuredly in manner of Paris. Where Feathers are employed for adorn ment, they are poised with a delightful unexpected *ness distinctly Parisian. Where Flowers reign, they carry with them the gaiety and sangfroid of the Boulevards. .Ribbons;* dabs of Appliques; alluring Laces; saucy Quills aad Cocky Pompons, all impart a note of in dividuality' to some particular mode awahing rhe touch and try-on of Milady of fashion. S And All Priced Quite Reasonably Too: $5.95, $7.50, $9.95 UPWABD tt Pays to Trade at l ISHER’S Concord’s Foremost Specialists > PAGE FIVE

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