PAGE SIX ©©©©©©©©©©© © - © © KANNAPOLIS © © . DEPARTMENT © © © ©©©©©©©©©©© Kannapolis. X. -C., March 21.—Mrs. W. \V. Wallace, of Lunette. Ala., arrived Friday morning to visit their daughter, Mrs. 8. C. Simmons. Mrs. Homer kitc-hie is able, to be out after a week's illness. Miss Susie Myers, of Thomasville, a student at G. C. W.. spent the week end with Misss Lois %lowie. Miss Lucile Cline has returned to North Carolina College, wor Women nt Greensboro after spending a few da"s with home folks. Mrs. M. L. Aidenbour is confined to her home with measles. Robert, Jr., small son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Saunders, is ill with meas les. Mrs. 9. L. Lipe returned yester da r morning from the Charlotte Sana to Pun, where she had undergone an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Lipe is progressing fine. Her sister. Mrs. Mason, of Kings Mountain, who had charge of the baby during Lipe’s illness, is spending somoQime at the home. Also. Mrs. Witherspoon, of Salisbury, was a guest yesterday of Mrs. Lipe. Kannapolis people are looking for ward to April 8-10 as "Clean I p Week.” A lady from each of the several churches will act as chairman. Also the Woman’s Club and the Y. M. C. A. are cooperating in this import ant item of business which, we hope, will be tile mokns of converting our town, including hollies' and business section, into an ideal place, clean, san itary and attractive. Tike rubbish is to be. placed in front of the homes, and the Cannon Manufacturing Com pany will have it hauled away. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. “Chick” DeMareus is very ill. Mrs. John H. Rutledge will be host ess to the Social Hour Club Thursday. About forty guests were present at the pretty party given Thursday after noon by Me^sdames 11. T. FryCand W. ,T. Cline at the ('line house. Couplets of verse calling for various stunts caused much amusement, and clever sketches were given by some of the participants. An original contest in names and one in advertising kept the jolly crowd busy for some 1 time. A delightful salad course, with ac cessories. was served by Mesdames Rankin. Smith, Frye, Cline and Miss liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | 14th Anniversary Sale | Saturday will be the last day to buy at Aniversary Prices. If you have not selected 55 55 your furniture, do so at once, and save 25 to 50 per cent. We can mention here only a few E5 = of the many bargains we are giving. Come to our store, look for yourself. Our goods are EE = marked in plain figures always. =j LAY I.ISINL TARI.LS KOR S2AAS j = B ■ StT (BH M LIBRARY TABLE. MAHOGANY M SSS - These Tables are Odd Pieces, taken Mrl f 1$ from broken Dining Room Suits is Jl |f FINISH $12.75 55 the only reason we can sell them at ij ,-,, m .. „ , ... EE —~ this price. These Tables are in 1 ' 0(1 fuble, well built with ~ perfect condition and guaranteed to book shelves in the ends. Heavy == = give excellent service. Chairs to COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS square legs, put on with lag ~ r= match, upholstered in Blue, Brown holts, The fables are worth six = ~ and Black Leather, also in good AND RECORDS * '• , 7 „ = == grade tapestry. - - tecn to eighteen dollars. Anni- = = . versale Price $12.75. = —: onr Aoniversary r—- — V " J Terms to suit the purchaser P M E5 $6 Domestic Electric /fj i! ]T liT » £5: * Irons,-$3.95 ~ 0»! ‘ : f | . jfjijl “ «;j ([ : ? ! | /We guarantee every ss: zsi Irons are made of the i h. lill !i i, i til piece of goods we sell zzz - very best material that fle-sr- -j i,1 \ —— • b— 10 * )p j ,ls / represent- zzz Si can be put into them. *' * _»J ■T~~gX|‘ ||j , pd » ; iml if for any rea- zzz polished. Extra long ilT". juattmA ijLij\. t Oie very best of service, =j=j drop cord. Irons are •' ’ * "’hi replace them —~~ ZZZ guaranteed for one with new goods, or re- —-- z= year. Now is the time • land the purchase ~ to Imv, while you can - price. No questions ssr | Complete Bed Room I | \ Suits in Mahogany, Wal- fP®l | I BjSl nut Old Ivory I" If EE Fom l )ostPrs - Queen Anne’ Styles, with how For $4.95 EE foot beds. Vanity Dressers and high base dress- ssr STANDARD THF **** Chifforets ' desk ’ ohairs and rocker to match. dren" nwl ' fov° thoiv S = WORLD’S BEST $47.50 nnnn * r , , Ar , • nbi°ce “fnr I ” ipers ’ . A - =! = Why pay agents SBS 0(1(1 Dressers Oak, Mahogany antj, Walnut. f , i . tor .everything ==, = to 810 U fora Sewing Chiffonieres in all finishes and styles. All going children =■ =5 buv the Standard for in this Biff Anniversary Sale at twenty-five to J’ ,n = | Concord Furniture Co. | THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STORE 5= gB 1 * - -r ZS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiira^^ NlcQueeji. Danity baskets of mints, suggestive of St. Patrick's Day, w T ere given as favors. Lovely vases and bowls of spring flowers added much to the delightful occasion. Miss Chaney of Oak Street, accom panied by her father and Miss Pearl Hinson, ‘went to Chotte Monday to undergo an operation for the removal of her tonsils. The party returned yesterday. Mrs. Thornburg returned yesterday after visiting relatives in Bessemer City. Mrs. John Rodgers made, a recent visit to the home of her sister. Mrs. Brinkle, out from Salisbury, and was brought home ill. Mrs. M. L. Isenhour and son. Ray Lackey, and Mr. John Freeze and family spent the week-end near Mooresville at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Williams. The friends of Mrs. Laura Smith, of Oak Street, will learn with regret of lier illness the . past two weeks. Mrs. Smith is suffering with a case of flu. Many Kannapolis people will learn with sorrow of the death Sunday of Mrs. S. E. Sloan, of 3?ryon. X. C. Mrs. Sloan, it will he recalled, was a member, of the firm of- Riclnnond- Slcan Company, which was formerly conducted in this city, Mrs. Lady, who is a relatives of Mrs. Sloan, was wired the message relative to Mrs. Sloan’s death. Warren Harding, live and a half months old child of Mr. Win. Martin, of Landis, died Wednesday, March 1-lth. Interment was made, in Shi loh cemetery Thursday, the 15th. The mother of the child died February 17. The ’above will be of interest to a number of Kannapolis people ;ts Mr. and Mrs. Martin formerly made their home in the Cabarrus section of the town. Miss Jennie Allen died on "Wednes day. March 14th, at the home of her brother on Walnut Street. Interment was made in the Kannapolis cemetery. Miss Allen was aged sixty-eight, and had been in the city only five or six weeks. Mr. H. J. Wampler left Sunday for Paxton. 111., where his beautiful home was destroyed Thursday by tire. The cause of the tire was not given in the message received by Mr. Wampler. The friends of Miss Julia Willett will learn .with regret of her serious illness. Miss Willett lias been ill since the latter part of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Carter, of Ra leigh. spent the week-end with Mrs. Ira Montgomery and family. Mrs. W. J. Cline is now able'to be. up after an illness of several da vs. Miss Bessie Funderburk will go as a delegate of the First Baptist Church of Kannapolis to the W. M. U. Con vention which is to convenq at Dur ham the 27-28. Mrs. J. C. Nash and children, of Charlotte, are expected the latter part of the week to spend a week with Mr. ;J. W. Bounds and family. | Mr. Wilimott resumed work lin the Cannon Manufacturing office ! Tuesday, after a month’s illness. Miss Queen Graeber is ill ati Salem i College, Mrs. Kennedy and little son and ; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mcßorie, of Statesville, spent yesterday with Mrs. R. B. Rankin. | Mrs. Ballard, on Ridge Avenue, who has been ill for some time, is improv- I ing. • Mr. C. M. Powell left Monday night j for Eatonton, Ga., on account of the i dear’ll of Mrs. Powell’s father. Buri |alis to take place today. Mrs. , Powell has been by the bedside of lier ! father for some time. , | Mrs. Weedon. of Blowing Rock, is j spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. R. B. Rankin. This week is being observed as the Week of Prayer under the auspices of the W. M. S. of'the Baptist Church. The Literary Department of the Woman’s Club, was postponed on ar : count of the absence of* Mrs. PowelT. ; the chairman. This meeting will ' take place Wednesday at .‘1 o'clock at Mrs. I). A. Jolly’s home on South , Main Street, Mrs. Jolly and Mrs. W. L. Yost to be the hostesses' Mrs. D. W. Durham lias been ill the past week at her home in Midway. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Spry and son. of Cooleemee, spent Thursday with Mr. W. Y. Spry and*family. Mrs. M. L. Troutman spent Friday I in Charlotte. Mesdames E. J. Sharp, G. G. Allen, J. E. Hoisted and daughter. Miss Phyl lis, spent yesterday in Charlotte. Mr. W. L. Spry and family spent Sunday in High Point with relatives. Miss Lorene. Brown spent the week end ill Mooresville with home folks. On the 30th and .’list of this month the quarterly conference and Sunday School Institute will be hold :it Mt. Olivet Church. -Presiding Elder T. F. Man* will Do in charge. Several attractive, speakers are on the pro gram. Mr. Ray Lackey, who was ill the pest week, is able to resume bis work again. The Junior Missionary Society of Mt. Olivet Church will render an Easter JMrograin at the regular hour after Sunday 'school. Mrs. E. E. Lady’s condition is still THE CONCORD TIMES improving, and she is now able to be out. The condition of Mrs. F. A. Rodgers, who has been ill the past three weeks, is improving very slowly, if at all. Mr. Plato Walker and family, of Bessemer City, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Henderson a few days of the ! pttst week. Mr. Michael Lenhardt. of Lincoln county was the guest of ?*lr. E. P. Reel , Saturday. 1 i\lrs. Con-ell spent, the week-end out 1 from China Grove with relatives. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clem Walker and lit tle child, of 'Charlotte, were visitors at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. M7W. Henderson the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Reel visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Brown Sunday. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR Which was the first President to be inaugurated in the city of Wasning ton?—Thomas Jefferson. Which President wa-s representa tive. senator-elect and President-elect at the same time?—James A. uar ; field. j Which two Presidents were chosen by the Rational House of Representa tives? —Thomas Jefferson. joffn Quincy Adams. Which two President were signers of the' Constitution of the United | States?—George Washington, James Madison. Which President was the father-in law of Jefferson Davis? —Zachary Tay or. Which President was married in the White House?—Grover Cleveland. Which President was once Speaker lof the national House of Representa tives?—Jaes K. Polk, j Which President at his death was a member-elect of itlie Confederate Congress?—John Tyler. Which President wrot his own epitaph?—Thomas Jefferson. Which President s{>ent seven years tailoring before he began to learn the alpha! >et ? —A nd rew Johnson. When did we have a President" elected by one party and Viee-Piesi dent by another? —1797-’Ol John Adams (Fed.). Thomas Jefferson (Rep.) WTiich President, after the expira tion of his term as such, became a member* of the Senate of the United States?—Andrew Johnson. Whifh Presidents were renominated by their respective parties, but de feated for re-election by the voters? — John Adopts, 1800; John Quincy Adams, 1828; /Martin Van Boron. 1840’; Grover Cleveland. 188,8; Ben jamin Harrison. 1592. Which President introduced ‘rota tion in office’?—Andrew Jackson. Which President when elected had not voted for forty year's?—Zachary Taylor. 1 Who was the youngest President ever elected?—Theodore Roosevelt. Which President took the oath of office the day previous to his inaugu ration?—R. B. Hayes. Which Presidents were inaugurated in the city of Philadelphia?—John Ac* urns, George Washington (second term.) " „ Which President a candidate in a subsequent election, received the olecoral vote of but .one state?—Mill ard Fillmore. Which President was elected by a majority, of on.' electoral vote?—- Rutherford B. Hayes. What six great Ameipcnn states men ore sometimes Called the un eleeied President—Henry Olay. Daniel Webster, James G. Blaine, Stephen A. Douglas, Horace Gveelev, Sampel J. Tilden. jLost Fortune Because He Committed Crime. Tallahassee, Fla., March 21.—Three months before he was to have come into possession of $450,000. bequeath ed by his employer with the stipula tion he was to receive that amount of he reached tho jige of 30 without hav ing committed a felony, Harold L. Nostrand was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment aflter (being convicted of the theft of two automobiles.. That was the story told in his be half today before the state 'pardon board here. Nostrand* it was said, had ben employed by a wealthy I family of Havemyers as a chauffeur. Senator Fletcher of Florida has in terested in his behalf, but no action has been taken in the matter: Nos trand e*aimed he was the victim of circumstances. , Hy.b-bpok collecting was the hobby of an English clergyman who died re cently. He boasted that be had a copy of every hymn-book ever published; they nearly filled a room in his house. ■TBR TIIR PKIVTVY COLUMN—IT PAY! BILL BOOSTER SAY 3 'STEM, FRJEViOSA ROADS v PROIA ALL OVER -mt WORLD LEAD INTO OOR TOVklkP. CUSTOMERS AV4D HORAE- Seekers will, java nrese Roads \r vue're skaart ENOUGH 'TO ATTRACT THERAI ARE WE *? VUL SAN WE ARE' LETS GO \ 't CHAHtCS t«ue By MISS COTTRELL SHERRILL Club and Society Items Are Solicited. Telenhone 78, Tribune Office. Junior King’s Daughters to Meet Fri day. | The Junior King's Daughters At Home \ Friday Afternoon, March twenty-third Nineteen hundred anv twenty-three four to six at the home of Mrs. Morrison King National I‘arty Silver < Mfering m m m Farewell Party, On the evening of March 19th a party of young people gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brantley to give Robert a" surprise farewell party, as he was to leave the next day for Bridgeport, Conn., where Jie. has spent the last yen’. He stopped over to see friends and relatives at Balti more' Chester, Pa., and Newark, N. J., on his wiiv to Bridgeport. Those present at hte party were: Misses Gladys Brown, Lois and Elina Reid, Ruth Brantley. Carrie Gragg, Odessa Burnette, Lillian Brant ley. Maude Smith, and Messrs. Charlie Brown Castor* .Tames Peck, William Frencher, Edward Shinn. Robert .Thomas. .Toe Woodrow Brantley, and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Murry, of Simp son ville, S. C. After play all were invited into the dining room where chicken salad, saltines, hot chocolate and mints wen* -served. The occasion proved one of interest to all present. ai * * Rehearsal This Evening. , The first, rehearsal for the Old Folks’ Concert which will be given here on April .Ith under the auspices of the War Mothers, will be. held this evening at 7 :30 o'clock at tin 1 home of Mrs. John K. Patterson at her homo on North Fnion -Street. Library Association Meeting. A meeting of tin*. Library Associa tion was held in the library yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. (Uis Mary King, president, presided at I the meet ing. At the meeting it wavs decided to conduct a campaign for new members of the association. The campaign will he held probably next mouth, and In the meantime a "publicity campaign will bo conducted under the auspices of association members, setting forth the aims and accomplishments of the association. * • 9 Colonial Dames. The Colonial Dames will meet to morrow (Friday) afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with Mrs. R. S. Young, at her home on North Fnion street. * » « Taliaferro-Hughes ('arils. Cards reading as follows have been issued : Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robertson Taliaferro request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Ann Pendleton to Mr. James Belt nor Hughes on Tuesday evening the third of April at half after eight o’clock Saint Peter's Episcopal Church Charlotte. North Carolina Accompanying card : Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robertson Taliaferro request the pleasure of your company Tuesday evening the third of April from nine to twelve o’clock , Charlotte Country Club m m m Mrs. Myers Entertains. Mrs. 0. C. Myers delightfully en tertained at her home on Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 5 o’clock in honor of her house guest, Mrs. Harding Har rison. of Washington, D. C. Those enjoying Mrs. Myers’ hospitality were* Mesdaines Harrison. M. Morris, Regs gie Sapp, Margaret Vance, Albert Johnson, Tom Johnson, H. T. UtleyL Eugene Morgan, L. C. Barringer anil Carl Moore. After games were played delicious refreshments were served. » •- Presbyterian Circle Meets. Circle No. 5 of the Second Presby terian Church met with Miss Minnie- Hopkins Monday night, at which time otlicers for the coming year were elect ed. The chairman is Mrs. J. C. Query, vice-chairman Bernice Parrish, secre tary Blanch Honeycutt, treasurer Thelma Martin. Benders and hostess es were chosen as follows: April Lit), Leader Miss Nan Query; hostess Mrs. \V. ,J. Prather. May 18, leader Miss Alma Kalb fleiseh; hostess Mrs. J. O. Query. June 15, leader Miss Bernice Par rish ; hostess Miss Nan Query. July 20, leader Miss Margie Thomp son; hostess Miss Bernice Parrish. August 17, leader Miss Thelma Alar ton ; hostess Miss' Bonnie Savage. September 21, leader Miss Thelma i Honeycutt; hostess Miss Thelma Mar tin. October 10, leader Miss Minnie Hop kins; hostess Miss Blanche Honeycutt. November Id, leader Miss Blanche Honeycutt; hostess, Miss Alma Kalb tieisch. December 21, leader Miss Clara San ders; hostess Miss Minnie Hopkins. January 1021, leader Miss Mildred Th read gill; hostess Miss Margie Thompson. February 1924, leader Miss Bonnie Savage; hostess Miss Itosalvn Tlfread gill. ‘ Maroh 1024, leader Miss Blanche 1 Honeycutt; hostess Mrs. J. C. Querv ! I ' - j I Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. C Sapp, March 10th, a son, Homer Hampton ! Lee. ■ ' .' J| Born to Mr. and *Mrs. Jonas All man, March 18th, a daughter. Surprise Birthday Party. Miss Louise'Peck was the hostess at a delightful surprise birthday party Monday evening. She received many beautiful and useful presents. After games were played refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Ethelda Lmeberger, Cordelia Ritchie, Ruth McClure, Sadie MacAnult.v, Lena Rid enhour, Mildred and Grace Propst, Flora Lee Deaton, Gladys Swink, Bes sie Briffin, Genevieve Goodman, Ethel Pock, and Kenneth Brown, Lee Good man. Clifford Cress. Robert Cline. Reece Bostian. Grady Brafford. Yates Bollinger. Thomas Moose, Archie Sny der apd Lewis Peek. «* * • ‘ Dance Saturday Night. Mr. Edwood Joyner entertained fif teen friends at his home Saturday night, from 8 to 12 o'clock. The eve ning. Was spent very pleasantly in dancing. m 9 * With Our Sick. The condition of Mrs. J. P. Allison, who has been ill since last Saturday, is reported today as improved. She is still unable to he out, however. Mrs. L. L. Maulden is able to be out again after being confined to her home for three weeks with a severe attack of la grippe. Miss Annie Ridenliour is able to l>e at her work with the Parks-Belk Company after being confined to her home for several da'.vs on account of sickness. Mrs. J. Harvey Port on is confined to her home with an attack of hi grippe. m w m Rehearsal For Play. War Mothers and other persons who are to take part in the Old Folks’ Concert to lie given l>y the Cabarrus Chapter American War Mothers 'on April T»th, are asked to mee,t at the home of Mrs. John K. Patterson this evening, at seven-thirty o’clock for the first rehearsal. The concert will be given in Central! Graded School, and promises to he an event of unus ual interest here. m 9 • Fine Arts Department Meeting. The Fine Arts Department of the Woman’s Club will hold its postponed meeting tonight at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. M. Linker on White Street. The subjects for the evening are Indian life, religion, health and customs. m m m Meeting Postponed. The meeting of t lie Parent-Teachers’ Association, scheduled to he. held this week, has been postponed. The date for the meeting will he announced lat er. 9 9 9 U Galli Curei to Sing in Charlotte May 2. Charlotte Observer. Galli Curei, renowned colatura so prano. will sing at the Charlotte au ditorium on Wednesday evening. May 2. according to the announcement made yesterday by officials of a Charlotte or ganization who have have arrange ments for her appearance here. Fur ther announcement of this organiza tion's plans, it was stated, will be made in a few days. Galli Curei will appear in Colum bia, S. C.. on Monday evening. April 30, going there from Atlanta, Ga., at tlie close of the Atlanta grand opera season. Galli Curei appeared iii Charlotte (rtbout two years ago. ** • H Date For Club Meeting Changed. t The meeting of the Christian Reid Book Club, which was scheduled to have been held last Saturday with Mrs. John P. Allison, was postponed on ac count of the illness of Mrs. Allison. The meeting will be held on Saturday of this week with Mrs. Allison hostess. 9 9 9 Mission Study Class Meets. , Mrs. W. A. Jenkins, Mrs. W. J. Glass, Mrs. L. L. Maulden and Mrs. J. P. Query were hostesses at an inter esting meeting of the Mission Study Class of Central Methodist Church, held Monday afternoon in the parson age of the Church. A solo, “Little Mother of Mine,” by Mrs. C. B. "Wagoner, and a reading by Mr. IT. S. Williams, were attractive features in addition to the regular study lesson. Following the lesson the hostesses served refreshments. - - * Meeting of War Mothers. Fourteen members of the War Mothers met at the home of Mrs. John K. Patterson Monday evening tc make out a program for the Old Folks’ Con cert to be given the night of April 6th in Central School building. A regular rehearsal will be held Thursday night at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Patter son. Every-War Mother is requested to be present and take a part in the concert. * It is going to be fine. PERSONALS. Mrs. J. F. Goodman and daughter, Miss Catharine Goodman, spent Tues day in Charlotte. Miss Goodman, a student at St. Mary’s Raleigh, is spend ing a week here with her mother. Mrs. C. W. Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. W M. Sherrill and Mr. J. B. Sherrill went to Charlotte Tuesday night/ to see “Robin Hood.” Mrs. E. C. Register returned today to lher home in Charlotte, after spending several days here at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. B. Sherrill. • Mr. It. 11. Walker has returned ho his home in this county after spend ing several days iu Winston-Salem with relatives. Mrs. A. E. Lentz has returned to her home m Charlotte, after attending the funeral here Monday of her brother, Mr. W. Ed. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clinkseales, of, arrived in Concord Tuesday to-spend several days with relatives and friends. Mr. E. H. Brown, Jr., student at the Lmveusaty of North (Jarolina, is spending several days here with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Means went to f harlotte Tuesday night to see “Rob in Ilood.” Among the Concord people in Char lotte Tuesday night fc>r the presenta tion of “Robin HootT were Mr. and Mrs. A. Hr Pounds, Miss Cora Lee Buchanan, Mrs. M. R. Pounds, Miss Emily Pounds, Miss Elizabeth Lord, Miss Mary Spurgeon. Miss Mary Pem berton, Miss Helen Patterson and Mr. S. Kay Patterson. Mr. W. j. Hill, Jr n was a business visitor in Charlotte Tuesday after- Th&rsday, Marsh zi noon. Hon. Zel, V., Tmli„ „ { ville, was in Concord ■ , Mrs. J. G. Parks, ' and Messrs. Charley ~ i ‘ witnessed "Robin lb, , '* Tuesday night. 1- -' 1 !i ar : , h Mr. W. A. Kenilrii k ; • week !n Albemarle. Mr. and Mrs. Br-uco ~ and little daughter. ville. are guests here tod Mrs. Roy Crooks. Mrs, Maggie Alice. , p, . spending several days < Mr. Vernon Bnimlt ~' spent Monday in the rl , Mr. Lois Craven and d-ui*,. Mary, of Raleigh, arc i Mrs. K. L. Craven. Rev. and Mrs. \\\ r i ■. ]v have gone to Cres, ■<•);* ~ ! funeral of Dr. J. M i. j , ] : enfil and burial v, ill i ; ,:..." Bethany Reformed « h ', cent. Mr. Charles Wad . Tuesday for Toledo. will make his home h tj„, : h, : will travel in uhio i.,. . iir corn. , Mr. D. M. Furr. Jr.. -L <’harl, •- J spending several day* in .'■ 4 business. Mr. Neil (irons has r«qurm-d ~ home in New York ciiy i ~ , ing two days here. Mis. g/ remain in Concord for a returning to her northern Mr. Connor Reed. ( >f. ( j, ~ spent Monday in this city with Mr. Ed. Tucker, of the H. j;, , ,I'' Spartanburg, spent N1«ohI;,\ !j ( .' ** business. Mr. J. D. Hatchet f r**turi.-od m . day night to Ids home in \ r: rer sjrending the week-end. ,•„ with Mrs. Hatchett. Mr. W. S. Bingham re day morning to U:< >ter. ;nr<-r -C. several days hen* with Lis Lunilh ' Miss Ruth Terry ivinnie-i 'j to Mont Anioena Seminary after ing the week-end her,, with folks. Mr. J. F. Goodman fotnnn-l T ... night from Florida.. when h- .. several weeks. His 'friends wjtb interested to know that lii> was griatly henetitt(*d !»y hi> -; Florida. Rev. and Mrs. .1. L. M, i: . -sow, John. Jr., of Did Fori. n ing several days here, with ,\| : Bride’s sisters, Misses .May. 1.,.-i ~-y Aildie White. Mr, (’. M. S.ipponlield, Jr., ing several days in thi ,ii , parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Syij. field. Mrs. Annie Baird lias returned fna Chester, S. when* sin* was *i U the death of a niece. Miss Lucy Hartsell** lias r from a visit with relatives in (Jim ville. S. C. Miss Jam* An-iio"W:. . of New York,, who accompani,-; !,-r Greenville, is now visiting frioi-k & Columbia, S.C. Miss Elder* Barnliardt. if > ' township. is s]H>nding -in 1 itt here, a guest of her sister. M:> f L. Furr. Mr. and Mrs. K. 11. IFnvn Messrs. A. F, Hartsell and T. H. have returned from Charleston, s. n where they attended lhn meetin; d the 38th'district of Kotiiry- TODD, OF NEW YOKk. D* LECTFRK AT IHVIDW Nationally Known Engineer ant Alumnus of Trinity, t<> Speak-’’""* at Davitlsoii. (Davidson, March 21.—0 f inti- * the students and public of thi npinity is the annoimcenteir t -*' : : March 27 John R. Todd, of,New 1- will lecture here, having as h - ject: “Business as a Vocation.' He is said to be one of the fore men of his profession in tin* 1 States. .He is president of -ti * •' • known firm of Todd-Rob Engineering corporation. He is J alumnus of Princeton uniVtr ( having graduated with, the da.-; “»• ’BB, in company with Robert E. of whom Mr. Todd i> an * friend. _ ' Mr. Todd usually Es in Camden, and there it was f became acquainted with RfeV , Rowan, now pastor of ( 'oncorn Presbyterian church, who i' 11 alumnus of Davidson ;it strumenlal in securing tlii from Mr. Todd for tin*- p students. - Says Mr. Rowan: "I -h"> 11 man that can make a tanb Albemarle News-Ih-ralJ. / , fr .,j Miss Lucile Lipe. a M. A. S.. Ms. Pleasant. - end with her parent - marie. » Messrs. Fred Simp- 1 n Ridenliour. from Com-opi. itors in the city Sund William Wilkinson, spent Sunday afternoon in the city. Mr. J. I). Honeycutt n family from Coinin'l to make their future h< are at present residing Misses Sallic and spent Sunday in * "i""’p Eustis - ■Gritiin. I'rom 1 Sunday in the city witl' !! ' ' (gifofd* Ford Output Set-. t A y Detroit. Mich.. M ! * production record ' v;i ~ , M:• r ’ the Ford Motor Compni * when 5,779 cars and t * ed out. This is tin; in ever tin day. and is sixty ; Vij-lini ' high record of *’\j‘ rll -h l'--'.',, August 2!» last yt