PAGE SIX LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. Please n<»H‘ that htrenfiw inn«*l» <*l our local matter will h<* publi 1 i***l «»i* page two. Mr. Kenneth C iKl\vi*i] j ' ff liis lu>im* on- -North Spr*ng o* i an r.ccctinr of illia • A mpc-mm of tin- I-Nei;y Biv<y '.’om nuinity t int* v\ill f>;> held ,;i tin* school “house Friday’ hi:hi. A:: in * i-* lTi*. at 7 30 <t'ei cl:. Mr. Layton Brown loft Tuesday for Lexington. when* lie will lutvc ohmic of the weave rooms of the Win iM.nuli < 'o! ion Mihs. Parkins signs in this city are be ing rcpatu.l <■*«!. as the white. park ing limit signs on tin* streets in the Inisine.-s section of the «. 1 f>. Si" new c:isos of measles and cigli fiMui new cases of whooping cough wen* iejtorletl lo the county health de partment Tuesday afternoon. tin Saturday. .March til. 1023. the Hart sell public school w ifi give a box supper for the heneJit <f the school. Everybody is cordially invited. Mr. .1. < <bu nion stifferetl a stroke of ;,a i a 1;. sis :.i Ids home in this eoun fy_ Sumlay. Ills condition today is lepoited as ’favorable as could Im* e\- I’cidetl. Members of Tucker's ('impel will' givlo a box slipper on Saturday nignt. March 31st, -at the Pinnaele 'School. The proceeds wil! go to ttie benefit of the elnnch. Two new eases of ebickenpox. live new casesi of whooping cough and sev enteen new eases of measles were re portivl to the county health depnrt ni,enr Monday afternoon. , There will lit* an Easter rally at Tucker's ('hapel Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A special program has I teen arranged, including several musi cal numbers. The general public is invited to the service. A new bellrr Ims been erected on the - Shinn sehoolhouse jjhriN'o. 3 township, and a new hell h:(s been ins’a lied m the. belfry. At the Sjtllie Camion seliooihou-e in .\o. 2 toWii-bip. a new rostrum has been erected and other changes made to tin* buildings. Chief Talbirt and Patrolmen Med 1 ill,’Roach and Philemon, of the local police department,, spent last Tues day itt Salisbury, -tytlending a hearing given time boys from this city charg ed with entering a store, i t Landis' •some time ago. Mr. W. B. Shropshire today moved Ills family into the Lee Mills house on North Church street. For some time they had been making their home with v Mrs. \Y. ('. .1. (•’aton. on East Depot street. , > The condition of Mr. Edward Snu vain. who has been confined to his home for several days with lumbago, is reported today as improved. He went to Charlotte Tuesday for an examination. A The G. A. Martin Circle of the Lad ies Aid Society of the First Baptist Church will give an Easter party Fri day. March 30. at 7:3d p. m. itt Mrs. A C. M. lsenhom’s on Last Depot street, to which the public Is cordially invit ed. A silver offering will be taken. Fourteen defendants were Lied in recorder's court Monday, and four other cases were continued. Tin de fendants paid $l3O in lines and in one I case probable cause was found against one defendant in jhvo cases, operating a ear while intoxicated* and having li quor in his possession. Key. White Rhyne. Eastern Field Missionary of the North Carolina Lutheran Synod, spent Monthly jn Con cord working with the Eastern Flying Squadron for the Lenoir College Ap peal. Mr. Rhyne reports line results for this squadron, of which he -is chairman. X. P. Cannon, formerly a resident of Charlotte, died in Atlanta Sunday, lie is survived by one brother. E. R. Cannon, of Charlotte, and two sis ters. Mrs. A. R. Surratt, formerly of Kannapolis and mow of Hoskins, and Mrs. /. Paris, ot Marion, formerly of this city. Only a few cases were otridocket in recorder's court yesterday morning. Mom of the defendants wen* charged with speeding. During the past sev eral weeks the local police officers have been very strict with speeders, and a large number have been tried ami lined in city court. Fire Tuesday a bout ~S o’clock a. in., slightly damaged the home of Mr. Earl Black welder on East Depot street. Only a small portion of the roof was damaged by Hie blaze, which is be lieved to have started from a defec tive chimney. The blaze was quickly extinguished by the iiremen. The local High School baseball team is practicing hard .this week for the game to be played here Friday with the Davidson High School team. The game Friday will he played at the Gibson Mill Park, and while it will he the first of the year for the two -teams it promises to be st good one. Three Concord hoys who were & en a preliminary hearing in Salisbury Tuesday on charges of robbing a Lan dis store, were bound over to Rowan Superior Court. They did not arrange bund and were lodged in the Rowan jail in Salisbury. A number of Con cord people went to Salisbury for the hearing. The Davidson High Sehool team cojues to Concord to play the first basohail game of the season with tin* Concord High School team. The two teams wiR meet at the Gibson Mill Park, and the game should be an in teresting one, although it will be the first regular game of the season for both teams. All of the stock of the Parks-Belk Company is now housed in tin* build ing belonging to the company. The en tire stock of shoes and .clothing, to gether with the surplus stock of other goods, had to he moved from the Fet zor building to the new building (‘reef ed l»y the company, and the transfer has ix*oi! completed now. The cou”fhouse lawn is being put in good shape now, and after the. work is completed “Keep Off the Grass” signs will be displayed at various - places on the yard, warning people to keep to the wrflks. - The commission-! ct - have passed an act making it a misdemeanor to wallt on ilie grass ami persons violating the law will be fined s3.r»o. 'Hie court house lawn is being ro workc-d. Grass was sown on the yard i aesday. and ii b planned to put the yard in excellent condition again. Al ter file work has been completed "Keep Off cite Grasri* ignis wilt be pit;fed in various parts of the yard, ami persons found walking on the glass will be fined, under a recent rul ing of the county commissioners. Favorable progress is being made with fin-’repair work on tin* Kannap olis road. The work has progressed to such on extent that cement is now being pouted oil some of it. starting at a point where tin* city limits end. The company doing tin* work plans to rush tin* job so t4iat the road can be opened again to the public with as little delay sis possible. A citizen of Goorgeville. stopped in the office .long em.ugli on Tuesday to -ay that the roads in that vicinity wove almost impassable, aud that if any section had worse roads he would like to know where tin se roads were In* arid, as a delegation from George viile would call around and set* if it were possible to have highways in worst* condition than those in No. b township- Hewitt Collier. !>-year-old boy of Charlotte, was picked up by the po lice hero Tuesday when found with his father's Ford car. which the child drove over from Charlotte. Tin* child left school at the morning recess, it was stated to police officers, secured tilt* Ford and drove to this city, where bis gas supply ran out. His falher was notified and came here for the youth Tuesday night. The funeral of T. M. WinecofT, for mer Cabarrus citizen who died Mon day in Salisbury, was bold in the l irst Methodist Church of that city yesterdat afternoon at 2 o'clock and interment will be made in Gtqenlawn cemetery at Chinn Grove. In addi tion to the relatives named in Mon day's «Times. .Mr. Wineeolt' is sur vival by one half-sister, Mrs. Eliza beth Faulkenberry. of Concord, and two half-brothers. Luther WinecofT, of Concord, and Harley WinecofT, who lives at the Panama Canal. Rev. Charles P. MacLaughlin, D. D.. of Pittsburgh. Pa., former pastor of St. .James E. L. Church of this city, will be in Concord on Sunday. April srh. according to information received by Rev. L. A. Thomas, present pastor of tin* local church. Dr. .MacLaugh lin will spend several weeks in North Carolina in the interest of the cam paign for Lenoir College, and, his itinerary will bring him to Concord for two meetings on Sunday. April Mb. At 3 o'clock in the afternoon there will be a mass meeting, and Dr. Mac- Laughlin will deliver a sermon at the evening service on that date. What Airs. Brenninger, of New York, Says About Rat Poison. “Tried preparations that kill rats, but RAT-SXAI* is the only one that prevents' disagreeable odors after kill ing. Also like HAT-SNAP because it comes in handy cakes, no mixing with other food. - Von don't jmve to dirty your hands, it’s the best for household use.” Try RAT-SNAP. Three sizes, 3.V. 63c. $1.23. Sold and guaran teed by Ritchie Hardware Co., Cline’s Pharmacy. With Our Advertisers. Easter Suits, from $23.00 up at Brow ns-Cannon Co.'s. Hats, neck wear and shirts galore, too. The Parks-Belk Co. will have many special Easter offerings for Thursday. Friday and Saturday. It is their in tention to make the last three days of tlieir big Easter sals the host yet. Read tin* half page ad. on page five today: A Good Thing—Don’ tMiss It. ' Send your name and address plainly written together with 5 cents (and this slip) to Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Moines, lowa, and receeive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchial, “flu” and whooping coughs, and tickling throat; Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets for stom ach troubles, indigestion, gassy pains that crowd the heart, biliousness and constipation: Chamberlain’s Salve, needed Ln every family for burns, scalds, wounds, piles, and skin affec tions; these valued family medicines for only 3 cents. Don’t miss it.—Ad vertisement. The Cadillac car which was recov ered here Sunday night by police of ficers was the property of Mr. Stone wall Durham, of Bessemer City. The ear was carried back by one of Mr. Durham’s sons, who came here in search of the ear, and who was follow ed for some time by police officers, who had been advised to watch for a Cadillac and who did not know Air. Durham. He biter reported to police headquarters, told what lie was here for and the officers quit following 1 is Cadillac and started in search of rho other. Tin* negroes were carried back to Bessemer City Monday. Chamberlain’s Tablets for Indigestion and Constipation. “The nicest and pleasantest medicine I have used for indigestion and consti pation is Chamberlain's Tablets,’* writes Alelard F. Craig, Middle Grove, N. Y. They work like a dump and do not grippe or leave any unpleasant effect.— Advertisement. Air. Harry Hunter, of the finishing department <>f the Gibson Mill, was severely burned Monday night when he is siid to have touched a live wire while investigating some electrical trouble. It is said 2300 volts of elee •tricity was on the wire at the time of the accident, and it took several men to loose him. He was carried to bis home and given medical aid and was at bis work this morning. Cfiamberlain’s Cough Remedy Aids Nature. Medicmes that aid nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, expectoration, opens the secre titons and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy eondition. Thou sands have testified to its good quali ties. Try it when you have a cough or cold.—Advertisement. TRUSTEES OF LIBRARY MET MONDAY AFTERNOON Several Matters of Importanee Taken fp and Acted Cpon at the Meeting. The board of trustees of the Con cord Library met in the Library Mon day afternoon at the call of the chair man, 1,. T. Ha itself All of the trus tees except Mrs. .7. C. Gibson, who was unable to attetld on account of illness, were present at the meeting. A number of matters ol‘ general in terest were discussed at the meeting, and action on a number of them were* taken by the board. One of the most important decis ions of tin* board relates to some changes on the interior of the library building. Part of the partition wall between the two rooms in the build ing will torn away and a window installed. The stained windows in’the rear room also will be replaced with plain glass. The room will he used as a reference room when the changes have been made, and the window in the partition will make it possible, for the librarian to supervise the work be ing done there from lier desk in the front room. The work will be under the supervision of a committee to lie appointed by the librarian and the President of the Library Association. Mrs. Richmond Reed, the librarian. itnmuTuced donations of about s33d. which the library has recently receiv ed. The board with regret accepted the resignation of Mrs. Gibson, who for a number of years lists been one of the guiding spirits of the library. The board will recommend a successor to Airs. Gibson when tin* aldermen meet in April. The matter of increasing/the salary of the librarian and her assistant was left open until the board meets again, which probably will be next. week. The matter of purchasings from the P. AI. .Morris Real Estate Company pari of the vacant lot adjoining tHi* library, was also discussed. The li brary needs to lie enlarged, it was stated by all of tin* trustees, and for this reason the purchase of part of the lot was discussed. \Y. \V. Morris ami A. S. Webb wore appointed to take this matter up with the realty com pany. Chairman Ilartscll was appoints! to confer wish <). E. Smith relative to purchasing his building which adjoin*, the library. The committees will re port at the next meeting of the board, when some action regarding'the pro poseU transaction will he taken. - Albs Alary King. President of the Library. Association, attended the membership drive the association will launch in Alay and expressed the hope that the association after tint campaign will he able to contribute more liberally to the library. When Your Farm Stock is Sick, Look For Rats. Disease among farm animals don’t just happen. Rats are carriers of dan gerous mouth disease and that terrible of till scourges—Bubonic plauge. Far mers should throw around premises RAT-SNAP. Its sure amp-safe. Three sizes. 33c. 63c, $1.23. Sold and guar anteed by Kiichie Hardware Company, Cline’s Plmrmacv. Free Moving Picture.* The ('hilean Nitrate Committee of New York, Dr. Alilliam S. .Myers, di deetor. in co-operation with Mr. R. D. Goodman, county agent for Cuba mis *’ounty, N. ('.. will shown an educa tional moving picture “.White Magic” Growing Cotton I'nder 801 l Weevil Conditions, at the Star Theatre. Con cord, Saturday, AJarch 31st. 15123. at 11 it. in. Admittance ‘is absolutely free and it 11 farmers and others inter ested in this subject an* urged to at tend. They Appeal to. Our Sympathies. The bilious and dyspeptic are con stant sufferers and appeal to our sym pathies. Many such, however, have been completely rjestored to health by the use. of Chamberlain’s Tablets. These tablets strengthen the stomach, inivgorate the liver and improve the digestion. They also cause a gentle movement of the bowels. AVhen you have any trouble with your stomach, give them a trial. —Advertisement. Thinks He Has Fouud a Worse Road. A citizen of Concord saw the item in Tuesday’s Tribune about what, the Georgeville citizen said about tin* roads in that vicinity, and sends us the following: "If the gentleman from Georgeville will drive out to No. 3 township in his Ford, 1 am sure lie can find' roads as bad if not worse than tin* road to Georgeville, osptx-ially' the old Salis bury road. Anyone who drives through No. 5 township can sympathize with the people of Georgeville.”- “I Lost My Best Customers Thru Rats,” Writes Jf. Adams. "Used to have tin* busiest Restau rant in town until news spread that the kitchen was infested with rats: lost a lot of my best customers until I tried RAT-SNAP. Haven’t a pest in the place now. Restaurants should use RAT-SNAP.” Three sizes, 33c, 63c, $1.23, Sold and guaranteed by Ritchie Hardware Co., Clhie’s Phar macy. ' This Young Feller Took No Chances. Salisbury Post. Since the publication of the story about the Rowan county man giving ten days’ notice for a marriage li cense, a great deal of comment bus been heard regarding the law. about posting a notice before securing a li cense. Such a bill was'presented i<> Hie last General Assembly of tin* state but it was not passed, and therefore such a notice is not required. AYe beg to say to Tin* Concord Tribune that the Rowan man was tak ing no chances. He was ready to “tell the world.” "If I knew about RAT-SNAP last ■wint(*.(l. would have saved $l2O. My ear was in the garage for a few* weeks during bad weather; when I went to take it out, found that rats bad eaten great holes in two new tires. Got them later with RAT-SNAP.” Three sizes, 33c. 63c, $1.23. Sold and guar anteed bv Ritchie Hardware Company, Cline’s Pharmacy. Airs. E. C. Register. Airs. C. G. Montgomery and Aliss Lillie Mont gomery, of Charlotte, spent Tuesday in Concord with Air. and Airs. J. B. Sherrill. THE CONCORD TIMES Listen Boys! The Fine Aits Department of the Concord Woman’s Cluty offers a prize of five dollars in gold for the best bird box built by n Concord hov. All boys who enter boxes in the contest must have then: on exhibition at the Free Flower Seeds You will be glad to know that Has tings’, “The South’s Seedsman,” will, give away about 2,000,000 packets of seed of the South’s most popular flow ers this spring. There is nothing in the that can compare with rich colored flowers. They frighten us all up and make any house attractive. You can’t plant too many flowers and this opportunity to gej: Shirley Poppies, Everlasting Flow ers, Zinnias, Cosmos and Mexican Burn ing Bush absolutely free, is certainly Ao be welcomed by all readers of this paper. You can get them! Just write to Hastings’ for the new 1923 Catalog. It tells you how to get flower seeds free. It has 100 pages of beautiful photo graphic pictures and correct descrip tions of garden flower and field seeds, bulbs and plants, and also is full of helpful information that is needed almost daily in every Southern home. It’s the most valuable seed book ever published you will be mighty fllad you’ve got it." Just write and ask for the new Catalog. H. G. HASTINGS CO., Atlanta, Ga. w. Yovt Complex ion 1 of Rose-Petal Texture Nadine Face Powder will j keep the roses in your cheeks. f It will make your skin soft, I smooth and velvety. It will V lend an irresistable charm, and the fragrance of the p flower garden. "t) Nadine adheres and P rotects the skin from sun, wind and I I dust. Contains no ingredient that can harm the skin or the eyes. Money re funded if not pleased. 50c at your toilet counter. Min iature box by mail 4c. NATIONAL TOILET CO. buy an \yjji L, .JIJI fj But Cook Oil Stove With Gas The wonderful Patented KEROGAS Burner gives you a perfect gas flame by mixing the kerosene with air and turning it into gas. It concentrates a double flame just where you want it under the cooking utensils—and is always under instant control. You can have the heat low, moderate or intense, just as you choose. The cheapest fuel you can buy—and the most economical, as every particle is used. Nothing complicated about the Patented KEROGAS Burnet —made of one piece of brass. Lasts for years. We can furnish you with a splendid oil stove equipped with the Patented KEROGAS Burnet —also with the perfect heating Kcrogasoven. Calland let us demonstrate them. (Name of Stove Here) _ £ -?V^i s, TATCKTtoS^T>. Sold by ( Dealer’s Name Here) CONCORD FURNITURE CO. The Reliable Furniture Store /f WE % /ff offer you \\ ' | SAFETYai J SERVICE The names, REPUTATIONS and fortunes of SOLID, SUB STANTIAL MEN, well known\ in our community, stand behind our bank and insure our customers that their money is safe when on deposit with us. W e treat you with COL RTESY when vou do business with us and it is a pleasure to us to serve vou. * WE WILL WELCOME YOUR ACCOUNT Cabarrus Savings Bank April meeting of th« tlnW to be bold at rhe V. M. C. A. April Ifith. For further information phone No. Gl«». A. Remove the Gutse of #COUGHS CSE/JHE Soothing Hannl esb 'Healin&S# HyomeiM A recognized germicide. £m-dmf Kills germs. Relieves p /JSj* congestion. INHALK JhjtajMsHE medicated air to remotest 4fJfc ~ • membranes of nose, ~ Sold by all druggists. Guaranteed. Money-backed. WWW: Gibsou Drug Store tn rrsa EPd2 tZHStin roe liUiimnii iiiiPUO 1 ' Weak 1 fi Back | I Mrs. Mildred. Pipkin, of j| R. F. D. 8, Columbia, Tenn., jg says: “My experience with dl || Cardui has covered a number of jj| 11 years. Nineteen years ago .. . || I B | 1 got down with weak back. I gg 1 was run-down and so weak and 1 nervous I had to stay in bed. SI 1 I read ok i| iGSRDIIj II The Woman’s Tonic | 11 and sent for it. 1 took only one Ly M bottle at that time, and It helped j me; seemed to strengthen and k \ l \ build me nght up.) So that is | \ \ \ how I first knew of Cardui. | j || After that, ... when I began to gg II get weak and ‘no account’, I || \ | sent right for Cardui, and it : I never failed to heip me.” j1 If you are weak and suffering j| 11 from womanly ailments, Cardui §g || may be just what you need. || HI Take Cardui. It has helped || || thousands, and ought to help p i you. At all druggists’ and dealers’. || E97 11 fiipiHWUi. "lllMUßtraieißni!i|.:lllßaifSifflui d!!LSLBS3 f% n n rsa can iS23 m D ITSZ..Z£S3SI B □ I! I Building Material A Big Car Load of that splendid Britisli <.. dinr- : ;j p | Cedar Shingles, IS inches long, all heart, full ~! ; , !ITj No better Shingles can be made. Our price is . ‘ ‘ its before von buy. Atlas Portland Cement is the Best. Don't V , 1 * suaded to buy cement said to be “just as good." • \'!j r ' Brand. Yes, a cement book from us which t. ' " hoj\v to use cement in every way. . A Fresh Virginia Lime. It’s fresh lump and Tull o r( . 1( . ; Come to our ware rooms for Lime, Cement an : p is . Red Cedar Shingles. CLINE & MOOSE P. S. —We Want to Buy All Your Country Cured M , s CLINK & MOOSE OOCXX5OOOOOOOOOOOCOOGQGQOOOOOOGGOOOOGQQOQGOGOOOO00Q00! ■ > nooooooooocc ORE ' armer i ookly i >ffer liave y I At little cost, and it will surely help you to make more money. Your Own County ‘Semi-Weekly THE CONCORD TIMES ' AND THE PROGRESSIVE FARMER Each for One Year for only $2.50 Fill in the Coupon below and enclose $2.50 check or money order The Concord Times, Concord, N. C., Enclosed find $2.5Q, for which send me for a full year each of Concord Times and The Progressive Farmer. \ Name P. 0. Route Box State oooooooooooocoooooc*oooooooooooocx>coooooccoooocoooooco 2 rt 1 FOR— 5 I _ • 5 Listers Guano Oliver Chilled Plows j Galvanized Roofing Cole Planters Paper Roofing Nails \ Barbed Wire Chicken Wire and anything in Hardware fill.’ > ! SEE— i % .: p|' I Yorke & Wadsworth Company S' j? ,• • * SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Passenger Train Schedules Arrival and Departure <f! PaxMenser Trains, Concord. ‘ fp , LV. NO. BETWEEN 1:40A J 30 | New York-Birminpham 2:37A I 29 | Birmingham-New York 5:00A | 44 j Wasbinpton-Atlanta 6:07A 31 ! Atlanta-New York 8:41A I 137 ; Atlanta-New York 9:2;jA | 11 _! Charjotte-Norfolk-Riohmorul 10:55A I 36 1 New York-Blrrring’ham-New 7.10 P J 12 j Norfolk-Riehmond-Atlnnta o:2op | 45 ; Washington-Charloite ~-1 3:4rvP 4ft i Charlotte-Danvilte ~ , ; 8:29P i 32 \ New York-Au§rusta 10:061’ 1 3" i Birmingham-New York 9• 45P I 1 3.8 1 New York - Atlanta 9:ir>P j 135 l Washingfion-Atl in* i > Through Pullman sleeping oar service to AYasl inr* * ■. ; York. Richmond. Norfolk, Atlanta, Birmingham. Mobile. Ne w Unexcelled service, convenient schedules and direct conic ■ Schedules published as information and are not puarv ’•' * y <*,■>:'. - R. H. ORA HA At. D. P. A., M. E. WOODY. Charlotte, N. C. ConC ° Thursday, .March 29 . 1 *r-0

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