PAGE TWO Clfcb and Society Ite ms Are Solicited. Telephone 78, Tribune Office. Christian He id Book Club Meets. An interesting meeting of the Christian Reid Book Club whs held Saturday afternoon with Mrs. V. A. Means at her home on Spring Street. The house was attractively decorat ed with spring flowers. “Sarah Bern hardt" was tiie subject of the meeting and splendid papers were read by Mrs. J. P. Allison and Mrs. J. F. Good man. Mrs. Means and Mrs. It. A Brower delightfully rendered a duet “The. Barber of Seville.” At the conclusion of the program refreshments, consisting of frozen sal ad. sandwiches and coffee, were served. With Our Sick. Jim Utley, one of the Tribune, car rier boys, is* confined to liis home on North Church Street on account of an attack of appendicitis. Miss Annie Elizabeth Utley is con fined at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Utley, on North Church Stm\t. with asthma. Wilson, the son of Mr. and Mrs. B L, Crowell is confined to his home by an attack of mfasles, The regular monthly meeting of the Cabarrus Chapter of War Mothers will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 with .Mrs. D. L. Post on South Union Street. The hostess will be assisted by Mesdaaies John A. Barnliardt, R. A. Brown and George AW Means. The Laura Harris Circle of Central Methodist Church will meet this even ing at 7:30 with Mrs. P. B. Raiford and Mrs. Nannie Newman, at the home of the latter on Franklin Avenue. ■' Miss Coltrane Honored. The Woman’s Universal Alliance, which is n league to consecrate and unite the womanhood of every nation, will hold its first annual conference in Washington beginning April 30. Among the prominent women of the country who have been invited to speak is Miss Jenn Coltrane. of Con cord. Others who have been invited include: Gertude Atherton.’Mary Rob ert's Rinehardf. Tithey Barrymore, El sie Ferguson. Mrs. Altou B. Parker. Judge Morgan. J. O’Brien and Mrs. Gifford Pint-hot. Dr. and Mrs. Fisher Buy Home. The many friends of lir. mid 31 rs. Robert Fisher will be interested to know that they have bought a house on Georgia avenue which they are having renovated and will be ready for occupancy soon. JJv. and Mrs. Fishei have been making their home with Mr. Fisher's parents on Georgia avenue. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Durham Entertain. ■On Friday evening April 6th. Mr. and Mrs. I>. W. Durham entertained the members of the Epworth League Society at their home in Midwsfy. The first of the evening --was devoted to* a candy pulling, and was thoroughly en- JoyCtl by all present, young and old. The next important feature was Hie business meeting, at which time thir teen were enrolled. After the meet ing adjourned. 31 r. Durham served de licious refreshments, while interesting games were played until late in the evening. Between thirty five enjoyed the hospitality of 31r. and 'Mrs. Durham. Miss Davis Entertains. 3liss Betsy Davis entertained u number of her young friends Friday evening at the home of her parents. Mr. and 3lrs. I. I. Davis. Jr., on North Union Street. Many interesting games were play ed during the. evening and at the con clusion delightful refreshments were served. Those invited were: Annie and Mary (’union. Louise and Bessie Webb, Mary Orchard and Frances Roger, Penelope Cannon, Helen Day vault. MHlicent Wait!. skins Ivey. Julia Rowan. Virginia. Reed and Edna Yorke: and Jack White, Martin and Archibald Cannon, Billy Moore, Connor Smith. Burnett Lewis, George Patterson, John Brown. Hal Jarratt, Hubert 3lorris and Felix Yorke. • Meeting of Womans Club. . The last meeting of the year for the Woman’s Club was held at Central (traded School Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock. The President, Mrs. Ada Rogers Gorman, presided, this being her first meeting since her recent con linemen t with a broken ankle. The members of the club decided at tfie meeting Thursday to hold a pub lic meeting on the evening of Thurs day, 3lay Bth. At this time Mrs. Gor man will deliver an address which will be in the nature of a resume of the duii’s work during the past year, and 4**% ME 'IX) • 9 9 IVINGTON’S' N. C. DOLLAR SALE All Shoes, per pair SI.OO A!! Clothing, per garment SI.OO Anything else in Stock .... SI.OO -0 r akes Soap, assorted SI.OO 10 Men's Collars SI.OO - s » fl Lons' L SI.OO 12 Plugs Tobacco SI.OO 1 ° Pieces Tableware, usstd. SLO« 4 Piece Cobbler's Outfit SI.OO Walkover Pumps SI.OO 12 Chair Serifs, assorted I SI.OO Queen Quality Pumps SI.OO 2 Pair Plow-lines SI.OO Lirl Graduate Pmnps ___ SI.OO 1 Hat ' $4.00 I’lain Shoes SI.OO 4 Boys’ Cups !___ SL©O Any Darn Thing in the Store .. SI.OO C. PATT COVINGTON P. S. —Come Straight to Covington’s ill persons who are interested in the ictivities of the club are invited to lenr Mrs. Gorman’s address. In addition to the address of the President, there will be a number of ittractive musical mimliers offered at he May meeting, and officers of the •lub are anxious that all persons who vill lie interested attend. Music Lovers’ Club Meets. An interesting meeting of the Music Dover’s Club was held Tuesday eve ling at the home of 3lisses Mary and Ydeline Morrison. Sixteen of the Members were present. After the har ness the following program \vns giv *n: J 1 Libretto: Barber of Seville—3liss Mary MacLaughlfn. Duet: Barber of Seville —3lrs. Brow >r, 31 Vs. Reed! Libretto: Semirimade —Mrs. Gales Pickard. 3 oval Solo: Blight Glcaiu of Hone -Mis J. B. Womlile. Piano Solo: Overture to Seumiiuacle - Mrs Kenneth Caldwell. At the -conclusion of tin* program he hostesses served sandwiches and lot tea. Concert Great Success. 3lore than four hundred persons en thusiastically received the War Moth ers at Central school Thursday even ng when they rendered “Ye Dido Time Concert." and each of tin* Mothers and heir assistants received much just ap plause and praise from members of the audience. From the opening •horns to the final orchestral number die spectators were given a real treat, rn fact, the treat started with the sounding of the march number, played by Mrs. M. H. Caldwell, and to which the Mot hers marched to their places on the stage. The march was made imid rousing applause, the spectators liyiding their attention between the lovely faces and old-timey costumes if the marchers. Familiar oITI songs made, up the greater portion of the program, and hey were rendered as choruses, solos tnd trios, and in addition to those, two selections by “The Toy Orchestra” uid instrumental duets by H. G. Ritz rnd John 31. Young were offered. Fe rry phase of the cntertainramU was successful, and to name all of the stars would be but a repetition of the: names of those who took part. Several-features, however, were the solos by 3lrs. John K. Patterson, a duet by 3lrs. I). B. Morrison and 3IrS. J. C. Fink, a solo by Mrs. Morrison, i piano solo by 3lrs. 31. H. Caldwell, several solos by 31iss Helen Patter son dressed as a negro ‘mammy,” and two solos by Mr. Sam Goodman. 3lr. Goodman has never been in liotter voice, here and he sang with unusual sympathy and beauty as lie rendered ‘‘Mother Machree,” which lie address sed to the Mothers. The costumes of flip Mothers were one of the. biggest features of the con cert. ■ Some of them wore their wed ding dresses: others who have grown stouter since their wadding day wore the bridal gown of a friend: while dill others we,re gowned in dresses and frocks that have been handed down for several generations. One dress of unusual interest was a gray homo-spun worn by 3lrs. Morrison. Tin* dress was made by members of Mrs. Morrison’s family while she. was H girl, and was the subject of her solo, “The Old Homespun Dress.” Study (’lub With Mrs. Bost. The Study Club had a delightful meeting Thursday afternoon with 31rs. D. L. Bost as hostess, at her home on South Union Street. interesting on O. Henry were read by 3lrs. C. AW Byrd and 3lrs. C. A. Cannon, and following the busi ness meeting refreshments were serv ed and small favors presented to each member. Circle Meeting. . The Evening Circle of Hie mis sionary Society of St. James Lutheran Church will meet Monday evening al 7:30 o’clock with Miss Wilma uir rell. at her homo on South Uniou Street. Ellen Pemberton Class Meets. A delightful meeting of the Ellen Pemberton Sunday school class of Cen tral Methbdict Church was held Fri day evening at the home of Mrs. AY’. A. Jenkins, with 3lrs. Jenkins and Miss Anna Shroek as hostesses. Twenty-three members were, pres ent ami in the absence of the Presi dent. Mrs. M. F. Ritchie. Miss Mary Pemberton, vice president, presided The chairman of each committee gave her report and after a short business Kossion a delightful social hour was enjoyed, during which the hostesses, assisted by little* Miss Ora Lee Jen kins, served refreshments. Mips Ervin’s Guests Honored. 3liss Elizabeth Harris entertained at two tables of bridge Friday after noon at her home on North Union Street in honor of Miss Aletliia Fen t nell and Miss Mary O’Neil, of Rock Hill, who are guests of 3liSs Margaret I Virvinia Ervin. Following the games delicious re freshments were served. Those pres ent were. Misses Fennel, O’Neil, Lucy Richmond Lentz, Margaret Virginia 'Ervin. Ruth and Lois Crowell, Fran ces Ridenhour, and Mrs. Kenneth j Cffldwell and B. E. Harris, Jr. Sarah Leona White. j Mr. and Mrs. N. F. AYhite announce. , the birth of a (laughter, Sarah Leona, ' April 6th. I PERSONALS. i 3lr. Richard L. Porter, of Charlotte, spent Friday afternoon here with his j mother, 31 is. 1). B. Porter, on Bell j avenue. j IMi’H. CVL L. Bonds is spending Tip ; week end in Greensboro with rela tives. i IMrs. C. A. Cannon, Mrs. G. B. Lewis and Miss Elizabeth Coltrane spent Friday afternoon in Charlotte. I Miss Elizabeth Hahn, di MorA Amoena (Seminary, is spending th ' week end at the home of her parents, 3fr. and Mrs., Clifford Hahn, j 31r. and ‘Mrs. George Litaker and jchildren left Saturday for Cherryville, where they will spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Mcßride, the’ latter a daughter of 3lr. and Mrs. Litaker. Miss Elizabeth Halm and Miss Ruth THE CONCORD TIMES Terry, of Mont Amoena Seminary, are spending the week-end at their re spective hojracs. * Mr. and Mrs. W. 31. Sherrill and little (laughter, Ellen, 31rs. J. B. J. B. Sherrill and Mrs. V. A. Means spent Friday afternoon in Charlotte. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Myers and their guests. Mr. and 3lrs. Harding Harri son, of Washington, 31rs. Baxter Yar borough and son, Baxter, Jr., and 3lrs. C’nrl Moore spent Friday in Badin. They were accompanied home by 31 rs. 7j.. Z. Hadley, of Badin. who will visit her sister, Mrs. Yarborough, for sever al days. 3lr. and Mrs. Harding Harrison, who have beep spending some time here as the guests of Rev. and Mrs. (’. C. My ers, will return Mouday to their home in Washington, D. r Misses Ruth and os Crowell, who have lieen si lending the Easter holi days here with their parents, Mr. and 3lrs. J. Lee Crowell, left Sunday to resume their studies at Salem Col lege. Mrs. H. A. Goodman and daughter. Evelyn and Helen, and 3lis.s Mary i Virginia Harris spent Saturday in in Charlotte. 31r. and 3lrs. G. I*. Campbell, of Hickory, who have been Aisiting 3lrs. J. F. Litaker, in No. 11 township, re turned D>n their home this morning. I 3lr. Charles Gaither, of Elizabeth City, spent Thursday night here with his sister. 3lrs. G. B. Lewis. 3lr. and 3lrs. It. P. Gibson spent Friday in Rock Hill, S. C. Mrs. AA\ L. 31orris and Miss 3largar et 3lorris spent Friday afternoon in Charlotte. 3lrs. G. L. Patterson went to Char lotte Friday to attend a dinner party given by her sister, 31 rs. C. C. Hook. Miss Wra Praether left Friday to i t . ANNOUNCEMENT . ■ . ’ • \ • . of Interest to MILLIONS of FAMILIES “I will build a car for the multitudes ” -,- • ' ' Said Henry Ford in 1903—Read how the fullfiilment of that propehey is '• now made possible through the . A Jm i Bg Wkf BJr &gB JB Jg iff 7 “AgISF Jf jffl m A JB W i f ■" * For n>any years it has been Ford’s personal ambition to make the Ford the universal family car—to put it within the reach of the millions of people who have never been priv ileged to enjoy the benefits of motor car ownership. I j During the past fifteen years over 7,500,000 Ford cars have been placed in the hands of re tail customers—more than a million and 4 half of them within the past twelve months—and yet there are still millions of families who are hopefully looking forward to the day when they can own a Ford. ' * • \ And i\ow the way is open. J Under the terms of this plan you can select your Ford Car, set aside a small amount each week and you will be surprised how soon you will own it. In the meantime your money will be safely deposited to your credit in one of the local hanks where it will draw interest. Think it over. Five Dollars will start an account. The whole family can participate in it—-father, mother, brothers and sisters each doing a litle. Why not start today? Stop in and talk it over with your local Ford dealer. He will be glad to fully explain the details of the plan and help you get started toward the ownership of a Ford car. ' y v v . ■*' v^- v Ford Motor Company Detroit, Michigan Cabarrus Motor Co. r / spend the week-end in Badin with friends. Mrs! M. L. 3loore and Mrs. J. C. Cook spent Thursday in Charlotte., where, they attended the funeral ofc 31 rs. Lizzie Roeark. - 3lrs. Karl Broome has returned to her home in Hickory, after spending several days here with relatives and friends. , 3lrs. J. P. Durant has returned to hpr home in Charlotte* after spending several weeks here, the guest of Mrs. James M. Odell. 3lr. Cyrus White, of Spartanburg, spent Thursdav in this city >vith home i’^lks. Miss Brice Baird left Thursday for Charleston, S. C., where she. will spend some time with relatives. Mr. Clyde Lipnard has returned to Smithdeal Business College in liieh -niond, after spending the Easter holi days here with home folks. 3lrs. G. T. Crowell returned Thurs day night from Salisbury, Where she attended the Missionary Conference. Miss Kathryn Carpenter. avlio has been &itending the Easter holidays here With her mother, Mrs. Prentiss Rai ford, Will return Saturday to Salem College. « 31iss Alice Yorke returned to 3liss Shipley’s school, near Philadelphia, Sunday night, after spending the Eas ter holidays here with her mother. 3lrs. A. R. HoAvard. Mr. and 31rs. O. L. Sappenfield and children, of Gastonia, spent here, with relatives. Miss Hetty Cornelius, of Moofes ville. spent- tiie week-eiul with 31iss 3laliel Barnes. j I 31 rs. AA’. S. Bingham, 3lr. AVilliam Bingham and Miss Rose Harris spent Sunday in Pinelmrst. 31 r. AA T . 31. Linker is spending today in Gastonia on business. Miss Aletliia FenncJl, Ayiro lias been the guest of Miss Margaret A’ii-ginia Ervin for the past ten days, returned -Katnrday to her home in Rock Hill. 31 rs. C. C. Lentz and son. Harry Phifer, have, returned from Thomas- A-illej where they spent Easter with Mrs. H. A r . Peacdbk, a daughter of 3lrs. Lentz. 3lr. and 3lrs. Randolph Redfearn, of Alonroe, are visiting Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Houston. Mrs. Redfearn is a sister of Dr. Houston. 3iiss Beulah -Rideffhour, -of Albe marle. spent Sunday here, with Air?* and Mrs. James’Ridenhour, the "former her brother. Mr. C. C. Lentz returned Sundhy to Hendersonville after spending several days here, with home folks. Mr. Joe Chambers, Jr., spent the week-end here with his -cousin, 3lr. Hnrifr Lentz. 3liss Theresa Blaekwelder, of Char lotte, spent the Avith par ents, 3fr. and 3lrs. J. AA’. Blaekwelder. 3fr. Herbert Bost will leave Tues day night for Philadelphia, where lie Avill undergo an operation. Messrs. Eugene Robinson and Rob ert Isenhour returned Sunday to Chap el Hill, Vvliere they are students, af ter spending the Easter holidays here at their respective, homes. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Propst, of Yad kin, spent Sunday afternoon here with relatives. 31 r. and 31 rs. Frank Groner add children and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Groner. of AYiiiston-Salem, spent Sun day Avith 31 r. and 3lrs. R. V. Blaekwel der. 3lr. and 3frs. Harding Harrison, avlio have been the guests for several AA'eeks of ReA\ and -Mrs. C. C. 3lyers, return- Monday, April 9, 1923 their homo f„ v,-.?"? Mr. X. .A. Archihjuui ami loft today for Pinehu rsf \ v * Vv i* will attend tlm 7>«gl{e» (b ' ' Mr. Crowell Ritchie }?■/ .‘ Spencer after spending n 1( ?? : ” with his father. Mr. Walter ?;??'! Methodist Ministers 4 rf Ti>, % 31 r. Grant. U " m h > New York. April 8--The m Percy Stickney Grant, Ur - Protestant Episcopal church J ? Ascension, in a sermon t(ir i av - ' acterized ak “chi dish” ,-e.-em ulaN of the. state Methodist M- n ; a ? inn sociation in forbidding'?,,?? dresses before it bv perw , .“ : - views conflicted with >h,. ? c '‘ doctrines. The resoi!!n„„ adopted a few days after D ? erp rhad addressed the conference' r:!,: “When I addressed the r them when a Protestant p ni minister is ordained he is nor h to pledge himself to the crer , •' preac-h from the Scripture „s h? - i0 Terpreted it,” Dr. Grant a„M ‘ n ’ “When I got through, an i, ual got up and took except •, viewpoints. Then the ni( ? i?" adjourned without giving me a? ? to answer him. This is not the ri? way to conduct a meet in- . (ir ? to Hoyle.” " dU " rdIQ S “That is a childish religion Ur thinks it is going to protect hs thodox nature by not aIWj„V ?‘ body t come and talk to its"??' ters.” he said. “The pulpit of ('•