VcrJay, April 9, 19?3. -*»************ i*- * i * IN OUR * * nfi.hborlng villages I! ************** *** * ; ROCKY RIVER. fl]u m. Ui Winter is surely flirting .jfii soring. , , . . V;‘ j j] Spence visited her sis* Harrison in Salisbury lmd ■ ter. '** | **’!'■ Margaret Alexander, of Mitch* , M t . , imd her brother Hugh, of. V , ""p' 1 Easter with home! I , ( immunity club meet Thursday ] , ] tv it n a fairly good attendance, j V r , iri i other. . \l n\ Wilson, of the Litakcr ~1. <|M-nr. Raster at W. F. Alexan j, Simpson motored to Sal* . h , r^ Saturday. He wu& accompan llo\i and little Win. King Me* ! r| ,t ii to visit their little I>rothors, tth ;,‘ltve with Mr. F. 11. Harrison. MrKnight. of (’harlotto. spent t!( V,.-.k-ehd with friends in this Maud Stallings, of Matthews, vsit'd at her mu le's. Mr. J.- M. Stall iirrv smalay.. Mr , v .1. I.inker is spending.the ,7 with her parents at Newells. A SCRIBBLER. ROBERTA. Tllt . |ion])le of our community are nlowin" and getting ready to plant. There were all day services at the' Church Sttiidav. In the morning there w .|\ sundav school at 9:45. testimony muring at 11 o'clock. Dinner was ...rvH at 12. At 1 :30 Rev. Fred Love t,readied . At 7 p. m. Rev. Prod Furr i. Kev. Mr. Rutherford College. Wtcr spending 1 the Faster holidays with home folks. They were accom j, home by Rev. and Mrs, Gurt nnr of Rutherfonlton. »i n last Saturday Mr. Luther Lam b-rr ami .Miss Mollie Myers motored to South Carolina and were happily marr i„l We wish them a long and happy life. lmisy Searlwiro. Eula Wil liams. Mrs. Cordell Herrin ami Mr. Ralph l’enninger. the teachers of Ro berta. s|K*nt the holidays with home folk'. The Roberta school will close April 14th. The* exercises will be held on Saturday night. We are are planning to have dialogues, drills and a play. Yon will see the program later. The Roberta quartet), composed of Rev. .1. T. Sisk. Messrs. Lee Foster. Pewey Alexander. Carl Williams and Miss Esther Black welder, went to Rob ertson Presbyterian Church Saturday night. There was a large crowd there to hoar theta sing. They were ac companied by Mrs. J. T. Sisk, and children. Misses Gertrude Dobson, Es sie Linker. Messrs. Cleveland Starnes. Mitchell Stowe. Spencer Dulin, Mack Cochran. Lloyd Davis and Carl Black welder. Mrs. ('. D. Klackwelder and children spent Winlnesday with her mother, Mrs. Ticie Furr. Misses Beatrice Black welder and Beaky Furr spent Saturday night with Miss Virginia Blackwelder. Mr. Jacob Furr, of Davidson, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ]>. V. Furr. Mr. K. .I.’Linker is building a shed to put his Ford car in and not his "Lizzie." LOVE. MT. PLEASANT ROUTE ONE. Miss Marine Littles, of Charlotte, spent the week-end with home folks. Mrs. Floyd and sister, of Greenville, F. are visiting- the former's daugh ter. Mrs. it. Smith. » Mr. and Mrs. Howell, of Albemarle, Client thejweek-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Hartsell. Mr. Reuben Page has measles. Messrs. Glenn Coley and Melvin Riuhtv, of Concord, visited friends Sunday. Miss Leo Hartsell. of Kannapolis, spent Sunday with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Itoss Little and two sisters. Missus Ethel and Ruby, of m*h Point, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Little. Mi. and Mrs. Krone Helms, of Con '"l'l, spent the week-end with Mr.- and ,*• *l. M. Crayton. commencement at Bratton’s s ;j'"'l win be held April 19th. Then* 1 an exercise that evening.and '“•iit. Everybody is invited to come unci see the fun. Mr. Jim Maim, of Texas, has come /' M'Wul tin* summer with his daugh ter-M.s. c. r. uttie. ilic-n* win i, ( , preaching at Bethel I'Hvh every second Sunday. The •n i'i' ’ s . *’ < ‘ v Mr. Hutchins. Come ' ll with us. You are welcome, iiuay school every Sunday. he.,*. 111 ' rs - Clyde Smith, of spc'ut Suudav here with •via ti vos. anu'p MS .V**’ Fraytou. of Concord, i '" l fat-ker. of Kannapolis, vis l, ‘ :i rives here Sunday. __ BLUE EYES. v COLD SPRINGS. Hawley Host is visiting 'his Mu : " I ' l M,-s - ««*>• Host v,p‘7 'mum Smith spent last week s' 1 "' 1 l’: ir mts. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. fain " Mi" Smith had the misior- Sh,. , , u ' H< i foot mashed March 23. oli« c unu ‘ ,i b> her work in Kannap- j ounuav. ’ nio i’L,V,' llUl '. | >, ‘ a( ‘°vk and Miss Minr Natin ri' 1 visitetl Miss Ermon Smith M l< a .' V U vi Mr *' Flo > l1 Faggart, of Ruriti,... v lsl,, ‘d Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tbw, ‘.!" r,la f »‘Stat. j0jc',1.... V ' ,|S Mttite a large crowd en- 1 u t the' i "' st<>r supper Saturday night] W, M-t. It. A. Smith. ! ilrs ~J h‘arn of the death of ■ Hntue Petrea in Mt. Pleasant, Vv*ho die the cruse began to take ef fect. for in that year Mr. Ingram was killed by an enraged elephant. The mummy remained in the Meux collec tion, and in 19 tin* debating team. These four men were chosen from a field of eleven candidates in prelimi naries held at Davidson. March 'J.’?. All of the contestants had interesting and well prepared speeches, resulting in a spirited and close preliminary. Both Trinity and Davidson have had debating teams in the field for many years. None of the present members »!' the Presbyterian institution’s team lias engaged in a debate contest while in school Were, but all of them have licon prominent in literary work. They aow are-being trained by Mr. NYagner, of th** public speaking department. Last fall. the Davidson debaters wore • nosed out by NVashington and Lee on the question of the cancellation of war debts. Under the system in force*.'no man can engage in'two inter collegiate debates (lie same years. Jennings Now in Richmond. Richmond, Va., April 9. —Dennis Jen nings. alleged loader of a gang of au tomobile thieves that operated in Vir ginia. Xorih Carolina and South Caro lina and Georgia, was returned here today from Detroit, where he was ar- T('M(‘d several days ago. Jennings will i*e tried on charges, conviction of which, officials declared, will carry /aggregate maximum penalties, of 50 yea rs' imprisonment. HATS-VEILS. ij Hats in Latest Shapes, Colors and Styles. Veils that are Becoming' as well as Comfortable for ] driving and windy days. 9 SPECIALTY HAT SHOP XXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOQOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC* OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKX jjfcK jjj Fresh Car Load a MULES AND HORSES | For Sale or Trade jj Cash or Credit jj CORE & WADSWORTH CO. | XXXXXX>QQCBXHXXX>GQQOQQGQQQQQOQQQ€>QQQQQOQQQQQQOQQQQQO r LI Mil il H ■ HH«— SATURDAY AND ALL NEXT WEEK i Shirt Week All the New Patterns All Here Now! Come Today S __ I Where *You Get Your Money’s Worth Browns - Cannon Co. j Where You Get Your Money’s Worth B t SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE | HAS SECOND REVELATION f Arrives on Olympic With Psychic Phenomena From Spirit Land, ■ New l’ork. April 4. —Sir Arthur , Ci inti n Doyle arrived on the Olympic today with his second revelation of psychic phenomena and to take part •in scientific teAts to determine the i manifestations he had described, j He said he firmly believed /that re ligion combined with faith in immor jtaJitv will do more to cure the ills of ! the world than internationalism and bolshevism. i J. Malcolm Bird, associate editor of the Scientific American, who accom j panied Sir Arthur, said he had seen J several psychic phenomena and exhib i ited an uncanny photograph of him j self bn which two‘head's were visible. Sir Arthur's wife, and three children also were in the party. Ft. Benjamin Harrison. Ind.. April 9. —The TC-1, largest XL S. Army non ‘ rigid dirigible, landed at the Fort IlaV rison aviation field at 9:25 a, in. to day. completing the first leg of its journey from Wingfoot Lake Station. Akron. Ohio, to Scoti Field. Belle ville. 111. : cq KEEP THESE Wheels Turning DO YOU know what it is that keeps the wheels of business turning? IPs the great machin ery of Credit —which is created by money in the banks. And every dollar you deposit in the bank will help, to turn those wheels —and produce a greater prosperity. Keep the wheels turning! '^CITIZENS !DANK<2/2oo fX>QcxkxXX»OGOOOOOCXXxxxxyxxxao<3cx>oc»of^xKjuo^ | Let BELL & HARRIS Furnish Your Kitchen I Surprise the wife by ordering for immediate delivery one of the most essential labor saving devices ever manufactured. Kitchen cabinets are shown her# in dozens of designs at a price i [ to fit the purse of everyone. [Also car of Refrigerators and car of Porch Rockers now on display. BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. “THE STORE THAT SATISFIES” iii| " is I | . r\. ■ 4 n Screen Doors and Window Screens! 111? All Sizes of Screen W ire! R .. pi |M 1 • We have all grades of Screen Doors and Carry a com a • j ;; . plete line of all sizes. Any kind of screens for your win jh dows. A complete stock of screen wire in black and gal- I vanized. Come in and let us show you. and you will see I what a good line we have. We are in business to please all. ill - I * Ritchie Hardware C« frj SPRINGTIME Is Here The Time of Changing Under wearables IS AT HAND ADORABLE HATS PRICED PLEASINGLY LOW $4.08 UP And we were never better pre- Thejre are large hats and mum 11 p., m j f 0 t a fc e CHre 0 f your wants hats. Perky little Turbans, coy Pokes, lovely Capelines and , , , a than now. Mushrooms. All the very newest and smart est colors * * Navy, Beige, Cork. Cyclamen. Rose, Cinder, Marine * Spring Union Suits. Ail com- Blue. Almoml