Thursday. April 5, 1923- Here is your .opportunity —the one you've awaited. A one-week sale of genuine Napanee Dutch Kitchenets, holders of the world’s record for saving time and steps. A sale which, through special factory arrangement, offers such tempting inducements, savings and terms that no woman can afford to miss it. Cornel Hil 3*tf j !iiS!lB;«illl ! I^— -• .1, i\ ~ • \ t ' A T Tkb Un-*tM»■*»' of '*}*“: “[[“T'““ Jk' JEL\ pduuopy .{)IUM£ )8 terday. Three inspiring services in Trinity Reformed Church. Such is the esti mate of the people who had the privi lege to attend. Dr. Leonard, of Lex ington, preached three groat sermons, full of information and full of sym pathy. Last night was young people's night. The center section of pews was almost tilled. When Dr. Leonard challenged those who would follow Jesus to stand it looked like every one stood to their feet immediately. Then Dr. Leonard told them that they were, to he both salt and light wherever they' lived. He made a striking comparison be tween what we think are necessities aml what arc actual necessities. He reminded us that several years ago we were allowed so much sugar. It was a‘very forcible reminder for every one knows that sugar was "scarce and a pound at the, time was the limit, regardless of the amount of money we had. ■ But sugar is not a necessity. Salt is. Our meals would lx* tasteless without this commodity. It is the great preservative. So are the young people in Jesus Christ to he the great preservative of morals and religion. Mr. Swartz led them in an inspiring song service. .\n "Old Folks' Service’’ was held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. There were 30 present who were above GO years.of age. Alexander Holshouser. a member of the congregation, was the oldest one present. A number of the members of the county ho urn present, also the superintendent. They sang several gospel hymns. Dr. Leon ard gave them a very touching ser mon on preparation to meet the Lord. He told tho story of Jesus' ascension, how that He told them that He would, eonfe again. This promise is not as ; yet fulfilled. So the last words of Hie Bible are a prayin', “Even bo. come; Lord Jesus.” There will bo two services each day Ibis week, at 3 o'clock and at 7:1“ o'clock. Rev, J. B. Swartz will he present to lead the singing and Dr. Leonard will have a message. Tuesday night will l»o men's night. Men and young men of Concord are invited. Dr. Leopard will preach on the subject “The Four-Sepia re Man.” FASTI >R. ESTIMATED POPULATION or cities or state CensusJßureau Gives Figures Showing Estimated Population as of July J. 1923. The Census Bureau, figuring on the increases or decreases made by cities in this State during the past 20 years, has just made.'public figures showing its estimated population of the eighteen largest cities in the State as of July 1. 11)23. In Ihe figures there is hut slight change of position in the eighteen cities, there being no change of position as to the first five, these being Charlotte. Wil mington. Asheville-and Raleigh in the order named. The Bureau's estimate does not take into account the recent enlargement of the city limits of Greensboro and High Point, and therefore the figures for those cities are based on the 20 year increase and not on the figures which have just been issued by census takers.- It is stated that the recent census shows High Point to have a population of about 22.000. and Greensboro is exported to show a population of about 40.000 when the census is completed under the new in creased limits of the city. The Bureau report gives Conchrd 10.331 population as of July 1, the increase being based on the city's rate of gain during the past 20 years. Figures for the eighteen largest cit ies and their 15)20 population, follows: Winston-Salem. 48,205 to 56.230. ~ Charlotte, 4G.33S to 50.780. Wilmington. 33.372 to 35.715) Asheville. 28,504 to 30,35)4. Raleigh, 24.418 f (> 20.171. Durham, 21,710 to 22.75)2. Greensboro, to.Bol to 21.280. Salisbury, 13.884 to 10.310. High Point, 14.304 to 1G.024. Gastonia. 12.811 to 15,434. Rocky Mount. 12.472 to 14,251. Goldsboro, 11200 to 13,106. Xe.w Bern. 12.108 lo 12.210. Wilson, 10.012’ to 12.010. Kinston, 0.771 to 10.772. Concord. 0,003 to 10.351. Fayetteville, 8,877 to• 0,537. The Myers Scouts Win 6 to Game. The Myers Scouts defeated the For est Hill team in a good game of ball on tho Locke Mill field Saturday af* ternoon. Charlie Brown" was on the mound for the Scouts, and while he was not up to his usual form, he turn ed in a good account of iiis shoots. The Seouts have the same team they start ed with when they organized in the summer of 15)21 and the only man to he out of the lineup this year will be Wallace Cook, who djed several months ago. The Scouts have played 54 games siuce they started as a team in 15)21. and have won 43 of these. Their coach. Rev. C. C. Myers, is to or ganize a junior team in the near fu ture and will he glad to have .games with any team of boys averaging fif teen years old. The Scouts will also he glad to hear from any team of hoys. If you want a ball game call Fhoue 000. Negro Shooter Leaves For Parts Un known. Price Christian, negro, who has been working here for Blythe Bros., road contractors, left for parts un known Saturday afternoon after shoot ing at Mr. Mangnm, ope of the bosses on the work. The negro, according to reports to police officers, was fired Satulday morning after an argument with Mr. Mangurn. He returned to Marsh street, where Mr. Mnugum was at work Saturday afternoon, and seiz ing his pistol fired one shot at his for mer boss. 11 is gun snapped on the second shot, and lnyseized his cap and mp rut honed to parts unknown. No one was. injured, by the one shot fired. ~ Ilia Rule. “Have you goxten so that jou can distinguish classical music?” asked Mrs. New rich. “I think so.” replied her husband. “When a piece threatens every minute to bt> a tune and always disappoints you, ;t’s classical.” STATEMENT - ' SWISS REINSURANCE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Zurieli, Switzerland ’ i Condition December 31, 15)22. as Shown by Statement Filed. Deposit of Capital _ s __L $ 200,060.00 Amount of Ledger Assets Decemlier 31st of previous year _• 3,432,018.54 Income—From Policyholders, $2.5)17.854.0-1; miscellaneous, $333,- 011.70>; total ——— 3,251,466.34 Disbursements—to Policyholders, $1,838,840.51; miscellaneous, $1,078,530.75: total 1 2.017,380.20 Fire Risks Written or renewed during year. $35)8.002,022. in force 335,070,317.00 All other risks—Written or renewed during year, $34,148,874. in force 4 -- 113,342.327.00 ASSETS Value of Bonds and Stocks J. 3,653.130.00 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on Interest 102,470.24 Agents’ balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1. 11)22 10,522.38 Interest and Rents due and accrued 54,557.00 Total admitted assets 3,820,080.22 - LIABILITIES. Net amount of unpaid losses and claims •__s 520,403.52 Unearned Premiums 1 : £.304i14#>.81) Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees; etc., due or accrued 1,000.00 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county and muni cipal taxes due or accrued 2,500.00 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement 5,000.00 Total amount of all Liabilities except Capital $ 2,830.137.41 Capital actually paid up in cash $200,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities 781.548.81 Surplus as regards Policyholders $ 081,548.81 '■V Total Liabilities $ 3,820,080.22 BUSINESS DONE IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1022 ‘ Fire Risks written 52,016,123 : Premiums received $ 20,006.47 All other Risks written 172.018; Premiums received 5160.14 Losses incurred—Eire 12,016.32: paid 10,420.(72 Losses incurred—All other 7.00: paid 7.00 R. Beresford. U. S. Manager. ► - ’ 1 Home Office New York, N. Y., Attorney for Service: Stacey W. Wade, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, —\STATE OR NORTH CAROLINA—INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Raleigh. X. C., February 27. j 023. I. STACEY W. WADE. Insurance Commissioner,- admitted Assets ; $ 3.054,046.22 LIABILITIES. Net amount of unpaid losses and claims .-_$ 240>351.33 Unearned premiums 1,354.815t.00 Salaries, rents, expenses, hills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued 2.500.00 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county ami cunici pnl taxes due or accrued _* _ 50,060.00 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued 2.506.00 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement 4.566.66 Total amount of all liabilities except capital $ 1,054,070.30 Capital actually paid up in cash $ 200,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities 1.200,209.83 Surplus as regards policyholders ■__s 1,400.209.851 Total liabilities ._$ 3,054,940.22 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1022 Fire Risks written* —$2,318,270; premiums .received $ 31.925182 Losses incurred- —Fire, $510,743.27: paid „ 7 -. 47.127.10 U. S. Manager. J. M. Wonnstrom. Home Office, Gothenburg, Sweden. Attorney for service: Stacey W. Wade, Insurance Commissioner. Raleigh. X. C. , x J STATE OR NORTH CAROLINA—-INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. - ltaleigh, N. C., February 21, 1023. I, Stacey W. Wade. Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Svea Fire and Life Insurance Company, of Gothenburg, Sweden, til«*d with this Department, showing the condition of said Company, on the, 31st day of>er. 1022. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. STACEY IV. WADE, Insurance Commissioner. ----- - - . _ - - - - ’ ” m ' 7 y r 1 » —• • STATEMENT SUN INSURANCE COMPANY London, England. Condition December 31. 1622. as Statement Filed. Amount of Ledger Assets December 31st of prevufiis year $ 7,603,150.52 Income —from Policyholders, $4,024,5144.57; total. “4.773.741.07 Disbursements —to Policyholders $2,007,858.08 : total 4,804,320.15) Fire risks written or renewed during year. $723.2513.076; in foree 780,759,330.00 All Other or renewed during year. $125,542,05)9, 'in force . - - 437,805).*207.00 ASSETS Value of real estate $ * 171,925.04 Value of bonds and stocks 5.341,418.82 Cash in Com jinny's Office $ 1,006.60 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on interest 511,585.88 Agents’ balance?!, representing business written subsequent to October 1, 15)22 $ 938.25iU.03 Agents’ balances, representing busipess written prior to Oc tober 1. 1022 355.234.66 Interest and Rents due and accrued All other Assets, as detailed iu statement 50.732.73 Total :$ 7,126.737.33 Less Assets not admitted __ 33.234.00 Total admitted Assets $ 7,0051.502.73 LIABILITIES. Net amount of unpaid losses and claims $ 6157.678.00 Unearned premiums 1 _$ 4,114.045.35 Salaries, reuts.-tfxponses. bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued 9.184.65) Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, County and muni cipal tpxes due or accrued 166.000.00 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued 145500.00 All other liabilities, as detailed in statement 142235.73 Total amount of li.* ibilfr ies except capital 4,885,043.87 Capital actually, paiil up in cash $ 2d0,000.00 Surphis over all liabilities 2,607,858.96 Surplus as regards Policyholders 8 2,207.858.06 Total Liabilities $ 7,003.502.7;1 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1922 Fire Risks written—.ssl2l7o.s4o: premiums received $ 54.212.70 All other Risks Written —$83,742; premiums received 3,470.22 • Losses incurred—Fire, $28,844.. >4: paid _ 7 „ 22,058.54 Losses incurred—All other, $1,000.58 r paid 1.074.58 • U. S. Manager, P. T. Kelsey. Home Office —New York, - N. Y. Attorney for service: Stacey W. Wade, Insurance Commissioner. Raleigh, N. C. , , ; ' STATE OR NORTH CAROLINA—INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Raleigh. X. C., March 2nd. 1923. I. Stacey W. Wade. Insurance Commissiuuer, do hereby certify that the above is a true and cornet abstract of the statement of the Sun Insurance Office, of New York. N. Y.. filed with this department, showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of December. 1022. Witness my Land and official the day aud year above written. " SIACEY W. WADE, Insurance Commissioner, i ” .. .-.*** ' ■« * Jris'-iiit ■ PAGE FIVE