I r P SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. I "T,"’] ! ME XI.VIII. }| HML JC HDNIO ' SPiil Off TRADING I SUGAR FUTURES Injunction Papers Have Been prepared and Will Be Pre yed io federal Court in Xew \of k City. \TfoP\PV GENERAL prepares papers President Harding Knows of Plans and is Understood j 0 Have'Given Them His Official Sanction. *j y. J ;i. A Je. il 10. InjUUct frill ! coinplftfly shut off the C:il- futures.. unites hark-. i, x ,-ri ,! . wiiership or control of _ .<• Anted in Now York to • ' !.;•■ Federal government. ‘r ... ■•unit*nt s hill prepared* tin iH . ri.ii direction of Attorney! 1 1; iijii>rtv. after consultation Harding. asks the : .imrdly prevent lhe'-New l Il't Sugar Exchange from ■:- , ..r 11< *1miltiii.tr any tratis .,,v ! •*tmlt‘KS the persons , ; ,|U!iu taake such Suit* has ill i . • -4nu ni under liis i-ontrol a j '<!(“•!r ai|(*qiia f e to meet tliei r-*.; i• • nifiit" "! *>iirh transaction." r , ,i ■ ..I) K requisite. the govern-j ... : . ;; 1 fsllll of ‘\*t I) urgV of I v .,.• i,i;iiwhich has driven up Ihe| , i~t - _;u to tho consumer ami* . .j, -Jim ii,- February enriched the; , kv*,,f brokers hy $900,000. A ..nspir:!t-\ in rostraint of trade and A charged and officials of . i’.vTi. ii-c and the New York Cof .."i sugar i'louring House Associa 'i'.ii against widt h the injunction j v iM I. directed jointly with the Kx .u..'. an* asked to appear in court i answer tir government's allega- Thf n iiii t was ad vised in the hill j lilt* Exchange and the (’.learing j Association serve no legitimate t w, "i! purpose in the marketing in i aii,| foreign commerce of ra'f •‘d refined sugar, hut “exist only ' imwiiv <-oatraetlng ami speeti i ii K 1 a result, it \va- added, price : .u'h arc established which are lii'U. s|c*cii!ative and artificial." Slump in Futures. \»*v. Vnrk April I'd. —liav\\sugar l'u ti t«:.i K i perpendicular drop of ap ; i>\ i. it* !\ :,o points tin tin* New York *Sugar F.xeliangc today on rnt'u. ,i| woid t.f Hu*, government's > : tit i" n trading in sugar fu ll* nw general selling developed its ;t> lien* of the .injunction suit) r* h i tie Hour. Drops ranged from 11 ' ”4 I'ciiits. hut were followed hy y width carried prices back to Cui'Mii raw sugar, however, sold at x 1 gli,xecoiil siuct* lt»20. A sale ' I'iigs was made to one opern ;i! *■ h-s tfiits. cost and freight. " nl " Mb for centrifugal. mom: newspaper plant WITHOUT MISSING ISSUE i n ' \<>rk Tribune Makes Swift | < lunge to New Building. V‘lll Voi... April la.—Transfer of a! >pa|»t*i| jitaut over a three-mile I ' 1 Joining when the presses rail | " ■]-' edition this morning was* ; I hy tin* New York Tri -1,111,1 h-fl.-u when it moved into itsj li"ijic iu Wes I Fortieth Street*) ‘ r "“ hr n'iiig House Square, opposite! :l ' ti ili ihe viic ,ui which it was II .race Greeley. - ; ! * etliii< iis will -he printeil j 11 dij- entire meehanit* appliances *■•*'! J4 # iimn- previously, through lliej • w..r!< of ;i fleet of trucks and j ' " >KiM*-.| mechanics. I?y police per- 1 ‘ "i"i! tin* trucks travt‘i*sod the dis- U: than half the ordinary l,; v,,v *'ii story building, which will i''' ‘. l 1 1 1* i exclusively hy tile news ‘ ' *d •(» he the most modern of lK kiin|. I: 'M)ns ( \kihFl) off MFK yriTH Midi LOOT ,! ,i N "» Stop to Open Safe, but Car { - n ‘‘«l It With Them. . ' ' NG»- April IP.—A safe' ; i . - dioiir siT.fioo in cheeks j i. , hr cash was taken by j : , . . " '''dux from a truck _nf ; Express Company. The ' ' ••ial shots-ht*foi*(* es s 11 *t l oiiiol.ile, hut no one ' hey did not attempt 1 hut r,„,k w itli them. m*. m , d'lil IP.—The annual s. Carolina Medical' •' close today with a I,l the Society before ~ , ' •*' "lliecrs of the orgauiza , , • esiertlny. were itistalletl. jV ! i>ll daiict.us mutters trans ■i. ■ • l ' ' A hig this meeting; f.jj 0 sn " hi kaleigh in IP2I. ■ lllllii, r or , . “ 1 h' *' at Soiitlunont Destroy ed. ' Ih - An 'estimated '•' V i s caused by fire Cm. v;,'"!' i‘ ! ‘h* lu-rnher plant ot . ... ,' t ,v - ‘ n Soutlvaiont near In a'rim't’ Iday ’ il was learned to i irpn fi! ;V." n lu . finishing plant 1,1 I'to' w, f> ’ V ° ! ’' ml)e r was destroy ii ISI . aU( • ’ ' is partically covered by the concord times. M W AUTOMOBILE I REGISTRATION law Sfcrciary of State Now Getting Ready I’hr o s * Operation. [ Raleigh. N. c., April 18—W. X. _ Everett, secretary of state, is making preparations for the operation of the new automobile registration taw wh.cli goes nto effect October 1. j:>2d, . passed by the rec.nt North Caroitia , General Assembly, and next wi-ek jv ill send Joe Sawyer, chief clerk of [the license department, to Michigan •° s H‘dy a similar law all -adv in 1 force in that stale. . Mi'. Eveif'tt recently returned from Richmond, Va. t where ln> studied the registration livv there and the | methods employ'd in tho ad niin strut.ng office. j “I .earned, much of interest in nin ! neetPm .with the h.w and iis opera tion there," he said, “but 1 Lmlieve we ; will have to use sonirwhat di|j.fereul I methods in North Carolina. In onter !to ohta*n tln* host possible informa tion on tin* subject, wc intend to study methods employed in several other states which have the law. "I believe Ihe new law wil resit!; jin decreasing tin* number of auto mobile thefts and will establish de ! finite ownership of automobiles. After the first registrations, .which will be gin in October, we expect to have no trouble in enforcing the new act. Its provision requiring a record of ali automobile sales and tin* issuance of ! registration certificates will end a * number of thefts that have been j I practiced in the past." Arrangements have boon complied for the summer rush for automobile licences. The sales are expected to start between Juir. 1 and July11 1 swamp ng tlt**- department for it period I of sixty or ninety days. ( H LATHAM ( ASK ADO I T READY FIK .11 VO\T ! Most cf Evidence in Case Against Pro hibition Agent litis Been Presented. ; Statesville. April If).-Evidence was i eoneiuded here today in the trial of Ijj' H. Cheatham, a Federal prohibition agent, charg: J with second degree murder ;t< a result of tlie killing of Douglass Dunham in Salisbury Octo ber 14 1922, an dargmnents were set for this afternoon. I The prosecution sought to show in its evidence that Cheatham intention ally and without provocation shot Douglas while the former was search ing the premises where Dunham work j ed. The defense produced testimony j d<*signed to prove that Cheatham s ip led and felt and accidentally fired ihe j fatal shot. KNOWS “NOTHING OF Ol ODING’S COMING it Is Reported Washington Man Will Make Visit I«» This Slate Soon. Winston-Salem. April lb. —Col. Win. A. Blair, chairman* of the state wel fare board, stated this afternoon that he had heard nothing of the proposed visit of E. E. 1 bidding, president t.f the National Prisoners’ Relief Society, who. according to reports here today, said he was coining to North Carolina and would make public startling un published evidence relating to the treatment of prisoners in the various prisons of the state. EIGHTY DAYS TO MOON BY PLANE, ABBE'S CLAIM Discovers Luminary Is Seventy-four Miles Nearer Than Believed. Earis, April IP. —The iimhui is 74 miles nearer the earth than astron omers thought. This discovery lias been made hy Abbe Moreux, of tho Ilourges Observatory, as a result of I special studies luring the last months. In announcing his discovery, he il i lust rates the distance from Earth to I moon- pointing out that the the speed of modern yirplans it could ho covered ! in SO days, just tin* time to took Jules Verne's hero to get around the world. - HOODED MEN ALLEGED TO BE ACTIVE AGAIN jln Certain Parts of Louisiana, and An Investigation is Being Made * Now. Monroe, La., April I!).—District At torncy David Garrett today was in ! vestigating complaints submitted to his office by the Bastrop Pulp & Paper Company, of Bastrop, that hooded men have hta-n prowling about the premises of the company and that workmen have been intimidated, it was learned here today. GUY SENTENCED TO SERVE THREE YEARS Former Cashier of Statesville Bank Sent to State Prison. (By the Associated Press.) Statesville, April 17. —John W. Guy, i Sr., former cashier of the First Na tional Bank, of Statesville, was sen tenced here today to serve three years in the Atlanta Federal penitentiary. At the January term of Federal Court Guy pleaded guilty of four counts on; indictment charging embez j zlement, misapplication of funds, ab ; struction of funds, and making false entries in the individual ledger of the [hank involving a total shortage given [as approximately $54,000. •j Judgment was.-suspended on three iof the* eountsr ’ Bethea Savs Injustice Has Been Done Him. •i Wilmington, X. C.. April 18.—('has. -lE. Bethea, former cashier of the de •jfuncf Commercial -National Bank of [this city who. with former President Thos. E. Cooper, is charged with de - | fratliding the Bank of Pembroke in a I suit brought hy that hank against them I for tilt* recovery of S2.r>oo. decl.-ired to i. day that tho dispatch reporting tin* l action yesterday from Raleigh did him * an injustice, but it would not be prae - | ticable for hiift to present his side at t j this time through the press. The As - j sociated Press ilispateh was based on i jan announcement of the State Banking I Department. ‘ PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THUR SDAYj CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 7923. THOUSANDSATTEND i ! RECEPTION GIN j i BY PARKS BELK CO. I Modern Home of Local Com pany Thrown Open to Pub lic Last Night.—Occasion i Proved Most Interesting. i • BANQUET GIVEN DURING THE DAY This Was Planned Especially for Employees of Company, Workmen of New Home and a Few Friends. i I The opening of Parks-Belk Com pan.v's big now store in Ibis city was fittingly celobrntiHl yesterday by tin management of the company, which entertained at a big dinner at 1 o'clock and a reception to the public in the new building from 7 :fi() till 10 o'clock last night. The Mark 11. GotT Orchestra, of Erie. Pa,, had been procured to furnish mus ic lor tin* dinner ami also for the re jeeption, and their music was a splen- ' tlfd treat for everyone who was for-; | lunate enough to hear it. The mom-, . hers el' the orchestra are every one ac- J eompl;sh(*d musicians, and their in-j tstrmirent.il and vocal selections were of the highest order. j The dinner at the Y. M. A. at 1 o'clock was the biggest thing of its kind ever staged in (’uncord. All the members of the clerical force, the managers from all of the thirty-two Relk Stores in three states, and all rhe workmen who wen* employed in ; the erection of the new store building, | besides some other invited guests. I were invited to tin* banquet. Morel than two hundred were present at the dinner. Mr. John G. Parks, head of the j Parks-Belk stores in this city, Kan-j napolis. Albemarle. Newton and Hick-j ory. was toastmaster, and presided ov er the dinner. At the conclusion of the dinner the principal talks were made hy Dr. J. M. Relk. of Monroe, one of. iht* founders of the Relk Brothers | stores: b> Mr. Frank Matthews. of' ■ Charlotte, manager of tho parent store! of the elisiip and hy Rev. .le.sse (.'. j Rowan, of this oily. Other talks were' made hy Mr. Henry Relk. of Glia finite, | president of tin* Relk Stores: Mr. (’has. : E. Parks, executive head of the Con-} cord and Albemarle stores: Mr. John' G. Parks, head of the five Parks-Rolk Stores: and Mr. J. \Y. Kirkpatrick,! manager of'tlu* Greenville. S. (’.. store, j The speakers all referred to the | wonderful progress of the Parks-Relk ' organization, outlining the growth of the two Parks brothers from inexperi-; diced country hoys through their va-j l iens steps in their business careers, j Their first experience was in the small I store at Wnxhaw. which they soon out-j grew. Moving to Concord, it was not long before a prosperous, well-estab lished business was running hen*, and ! a store was opened up in Kannapolis. | Plus was follow'd! h.v the addition of •Meres in Albemarle. Newton and Hick ory, making a total of five stores now operated by the Parks brothers. All, of them are showing splendid results, and are live, progressive business hous es. Rev. Mr. Rowan in liis talk dwelt on business conduct and business princi ples, and also gave much inspirational i advice to the employees of the big store. His talk was d<*clared a mas terpiece and was keenly enjoyed In ev eryone of his hearers. The reception in the new store building was attended hy fully five thousand people, according to figures from those in charge of the occasion. The visitors were met at the doors by representatives of the Parks-Belk Company, and were presented with tickets —the men with tickets for good cigars, the ladies 'with tickets for carnations, and tho children with tickets for souvenir puzzles. The handsome big store was literally crowded and jammed with persons tind at times there was great difficulty in making one's way through the throng. The crowds were on both the first and second floor, while the balconies were also filled with them. The Goff orchestra was on the mezzanine floor, and rendered mus'c throughout the two t and one-half hours the reception was being he'd. No goods were being sold during the opening night, and none or the sales force was at work. The- evening was given over entirely to welcoming the public, and this was done in a fine manner by everyone connected with the store. The big opening sale began this morning at 8:45 o'clock in full blast. The following managers from var ious stores in other cities were pre sent for the Opening Day: Dr. J. iM. Be.k, of Monroe; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Belk, of Charlotte; 'Mr. and (Mrs. Frank IMatthews. of Charlotte; ; Miss Belk. of Monroe; Messrs. R. J. and Henry Belk of Waxhaw: -aul Gallant, of Anderson, S. C.; J. M. Ramsey, of York, S. C.; Houston .Matthews, of Gastonia; H. A. Allred, ;of Kannapolis; S. V. Brumley, of Newton; Kari W. Broo-me, oif Hickory; {Jim and Joe Stephenson, of Rociong > ham; Cy White, of Spartanburg, S. C.; <K. G. Hudson, of Raleigh; T. B. Brown, of Greensboro: 'Mr. Stowe, of : Laurinburg; Mr. iMcKniglit, of Greer, - S. C.; Shelly Howell, of Albemarie; i Mr. Liggett, of Burlington; Mr. rsoy ; 'k>n, of Durham;. Messrs. Sam ana A. W, liarryj of Salisbury; Frank | Veterans Benefit Under the [ • Provisions of New Relief Act Washington, April ill—Numerous benefits not before within the reach of * disabled ex-service men were granted in the new veteran relief act pissed’ during the last dayst of the. tilth Con gress, says tin* United State Veterans’ Bureau. Many of the provisions of the new law are sponsored J».v veterans' or ganizations. One of the most .impor tant. it is said hy ihe. Veterans’ Eu re tu provides, in affect: 1. Thai every officer and enlisted man or any person hi the active-serv ice under the War iind Navy depart ments, who was discharged* or who resigned prior io the establishment of ihe Veterans’ Bureau August J), Ipgl, and every such person in the active service on or before November 11, Ibis, who. on or after August ;>, 1021, was discharged or designed, shall be conclusively held to have been in sound condition w’heii entering the. service, except as- to such disabilities as were noted of record when or prior to the tim Ik* entered the service. 2. That an ex-service man who is shown to have a mtejjtnl disease or an active tubercular disease of 10 jK*r cent or more, and such showing was made upon examination by si medical officer ofdlie Veterans’ Bureau or other qual ified physician, within three, years af ter separating from | he service, shall be considered to havAncquired his dis ability in service orfto have suffered an aggravation of pre-existent tuber cular or mental dMibilit.v. In ad dition to extending Ibis period from two years to three jyeears in mental j and tubercular cases,The provision el-J intimites the that the; tubercular condition must he pulmon- | ary to entitle* one to the benefits of the* presumption. There, is also a provision extending ! the time in which a certificate of dis ability may be obtained by providing that such eertfieate hmy be obtained prior to March 4. 1!>24. and that such certificate, except in. case of fraud. Part of Church Street is to Be Widened by the City Aldermen Accept Proposal of Property Owners That East Side of Street From C. H. Peck’s Home to Harry Swink’s Home Be Widened at Once by the City. Meeting for the time this j month the Aldmiuni Tuesday night 'continued a discussion of street mat ters that were first presentt*d to them on tin* first Thursday night of this month, and which were continued for investig.ition hy the hoard members, i Several matters of importance were I finally disposed of hy the hoard at the j Tuesday meeting. A committee composed of J. A. Ken nett and (’. A. Iseithour reported to the hoard that they had secured an agreement with a number of property owners on Church Street for the wid ening of the street on the east side. The agreement was made with all property owners from C. H. Peck’s home to Harry Swink's home. The! street will he widened 17 feet, eight feet to be used for street arid nine feet for the sidewalk. The commit- j lee also intimated that it may he; aide to get permission to' widen the j street in front of tin* property of Mr. ! Swink and Mr. Torn Honeycutt h.v | eight feet. This will he decided | later. Under the agreement the city will , widen the street and pave it: move; I hack tin* buildings and construct the sidewalks. II will pay the property owners no damage. Work of widen ing the street has already started. j Several weeks ago the hoard agrt*ed to widen tin* street; on the west side from Means Street to the old bottling works property. It is possible that tin* street will also be widened from Means Street to the Cabarrus Motor Company, this to he definitely decided when members of Trinity Reformed Church have voted on the question of giving part of the church property for the street. Two streets were ordered paved by the board. They are Chestnut from Spring to Tournament Strt*et, and Houston from Sr. George Street to American Avenue. This work, the board was advised, will keep the pav ing contractors lien* until the new board is sworn in following the elec tion on May Bth, and the new' board will decide whether or not other streets are to he paved. The City Attorney was authorized to notify the Southern Railway Company to put all grade crossings in the city in good shape. The work is to he done tit once, and the Southern was advised that if it fails to do the work, it will he done by the city and charged to the railroad company. Several of the crossings are in bad shape now, the hoard was advised, and the repair work will he started at once. The present board will meet again in May, on the night of the third. The new hoard will hold its first meet ing on May 10th, two days after its election as required by law. Mr. G. A. Rimer, was taken this morning to the Concord Hospital, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. Stevens, of Winstbn-Sa’em: J. vY. Kirkpatrick, of Greenville. S. C. The following from the clerical force of the Charlotte store were 1 present at the reception last night: 'Messrs D. J. Bostian. Walter Walls, P. P. Scarboro, L. W. Beatty, Mr. Barger, Mr. MacLaurin, (Mr. Craven, land aso Mr. Mack Matthews, of j Gastonia. ; shall he incontestable evidence that the injury for which it is issued was i suffered in or aggravated hy the mil itary service. Another provision of the new act which is applicable also to veterans i other than World War . veterans, pro jvides that when a veteran of any war | die.- after his discharge or resignation j from, the service and does not leave ! sufficient estate to meet the expense jof burial and transportation of the I body, the Veterans’ Bureau will pay j lor a flag to drape the casket, and also for burial expense not-exceeding .slou, Che flag, after burial, to become the property of the next of kin of.the <h*~ I ceased. 11 death occurs while such person is receiving governmental medi |C.tl, surgical or hospital treatment or i vocational training, the bureau will i pay. in addition to burial expenses, ac tual and necessary cost of transporta tion of the body, including the prept ration of the body, to a place of btt ! rial within the/continental limits of ftheJ nited Slates. The provisions of the new tier extends the fneural ex penses to a larger class of veterans than was previously provided for. There is another provision in the net which is of interest to the Spanish W ur veterans, as well as to veterans ;of the. Phillipine insurrection and ■ Boxer rebellion. It extends all hos pital facilities under the control and i jurisdiction of the bureau so that tliev i are available for these veterans suf- Tering from neuro-psychiatrie or tu- I he.reular ailments. . A provision is also made that pay j meut-s of premiotis on yearly renew [able term insurance and converted in 1 suranco may he deemed not to have lapsed in the cases of those persons, , who, while mentally incompetent and j for whom no legal guardian had been appointed, have heretofore allowed or may hereafter allow their insurance, to lapse while so suffering, (hiring the j period for which they have been or may hereafter lx* so rated 1 SHERIFF RECTOR IS ; AFTER'DRY"AGENTS Who Fired at Two Young Ladies From Asheville, and Warrants For Them Have Been Issued by Him. Greenville. X. C.. April I!).—Four prohibition officers find one Greenville i county citizen today faced formal charges of assault and battery as 1 a i result of the recent shooting at an au : tomobile in which Misses Rosalie | Rowen and Mary Gwyn, Asheville, N. 1 C., Y, W. C. A. workers, were riding. I They were given until Saturday to j surrender. Sheriff Rector, of Green - i ville county, who filed the charges. i having decided not to arrest the men at this time because they were need l'd as witnesses in the I'nited States I District Court. The young women refused to prose cute and tin' prohibition officers an nounced they would pay for the dam ages. The Greenville Chamber of Commerce last Saturday night adopt ed resolut ions hrging the county solici tor and the grand jury to act. The grand jury met yesterday morning and after considering the case recom mended that the sheriff proceed on warrants. | x FIVE KILLED IN FIRE; MANY OTHERS INJURED Deaths Followed Burning of Five- Story Apartment House. Lynn, Mass., April IP. —Five per sons were killed in a fire which de stroyed Essex Castle, a five-story brick apartment house on Ellis Street in the center of the city early today. Many occupants were hurt. The blaze started on one of the lower floors and almost immediately the interior of the building burst into flames. The 170 persons living in the house were quickly aroused. A few made their way down the stair ways before these were cut off by fire and smoke. Many jumped from the windows, and others were taken down ladders by firemen. There were many narrow escapes when the roof fell in. Mrs. Story is Not Candidate. Washington, April 18.— Mrs. wil liam Gumming Story, of New York, one of three avowed candidates tor election as president general of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion. sudden y announced her with drawal from the race while nomina tions were being made tonight at the annual congress of the society. Announcing that she was with . drawing in favor of Mrs. Anthony Wayne Cook, of Pennsylvania, Mrs. Story told the delegates she did so “in repudiation of a campaign based upon defanat.on of the character of ’ u candidate.” Her statement threw the convention into an upioar. i v W INSTON HEARS THAT BLAIR WILL RESIGN ■ Understood Reveivue ( nmmi ~ a ‘ j Will Quit to Look titer i 1 Estate. Winston-Salem, April IS. —(joinmis- -1 sinner of Internal Revenue D. H. Blair, who, according to a report from , Washington., has decided to * resign from office in order to devote his time 1 to his own private interests ana as • slst in looking after the. estate oi his ' father-in-law, the late J. W. Cannon, i of Concord, was expected to arrive in Winston-balein today, but _ reporters ‘ ere failed to locate hint and the npm ‘ ion ova's expressed that ho had re turned to Washington • after a brief 1 busimss trip to Concord. While n.s brother. Col. W. A. Blair, and intimate i ■cods h;.vy no definite information 'las to the correctness of the report that the commissioner his decided t * step down and. out, it is known that ■Mr. Blair has extensive business tn | terests of his Own besides being one I of the administrators as named in the I will of the late J. W. Gannon, of Con cord. ; (’(.niinissioner Blair in New Beni. i New Bern. April 18.—After spend- I ing two days in New Bern and viem i ity Dav:d H. Blair, commissioner of {internal revenue, of Washington, I). . and ('. A. Cannon, of Concord, left last night returning to their homes. [During their visit they spent much | time with Senator F. M. Simmons, J who accomplished them on motor j trips out through Graven and Jones counties. The trip east was made in j Mr. Cannon’s automobile, but he re turned home a one, Commissioner*' Blair taking the train at Kinston. Georgeville School ( losing. The school at Georgeville will close ! Friday, April ” 20th. The exercises promise to be good. In the afternoon 1 the program will consist of mutations, plays, dialogues, etc. At 8 o’clock the upper- grades will ! render a play, “The Lighthouse Man.” j The j Jay opens in a rough lighthouse •on the Carolina coast. Ned Blake, ; from the city, is sitending his vacation here and has been captivated with the cheerfulness and artless simplicity of a young girl. Nan, supposed to he the grand-(laugh ter of Idial tod Buzzer, tin* old lighthouse keeper. Nan lots grown up in her surroundings wild as a flow er. with no knowledge of the world. I Ned Blake has taught her to read and [write and finally wins her girlish (heart. Finally a party of Ned’s friends come to visit him. In the party is Mr. John Enlow, whose baby girl had been abducted many years before hy injun Jim. son-in-law of Ichsihod* Buz zer. Jim’s wife. Liza Buzzer returns the halo to Enlow after Jiui hits Iteen sent to the penitentiary, hut instead of returning the right one. sire snhsHtntes her own child and Nan proves to he Enlow's daughter. Jim meets 11 or tense Enlow. who is his own daughter, and tells her of her birth. Sin* bribes him to get tin* proofs from old Moll Buzzer. Ichabod’s wife. He attempts, lo steal them hut gets caught hy Nan. In the meantime John Enlow has de leided to send Nan away for two years 'to school. The last act is in John En- I low's library, wlicit Nan comes home | for Christmas vacation. Ned is still | in love with her. Hortense has recently wedded tin ! English baronet, and finally sails for j the old world to avoid the shame that [ Ims come upon Hortense., 1 Enlow tells the world that Nan is his (laughter, land the play ends happily. | ’The audience is made to feel that ; they have actually known and lived among the characters, smiling at their joys, sympathizing with their sorrows {and rejoicing in tin*, happy ending. i MOREHOUSE C ASE TO BE FOUGHT BY STATE i Fifteen Defendants Have Been Notified to Surrender Themselves Today For Trial. Bastrop. Lit.. April 11).—Sheriff' Fred Carpenter early today notified fifteen (defendants in tin* Morehouse hooded 'hand cases to surrender to him at the [ court house here before noon today. [He sit id this method was adopted to save time and lit* expected them to ap pear as directed. Three others, cliarg- I ed in connection with the crimes, are | out of the jurisdiction of the sheriff'. The state charges all defendants with being Kit Klux Klansinen. Smith Stevenson, Fred Higginboth am itnd Newt Gay smu-endered to the sheriff' this ptorning. They said they were ready to make bond and were prepared to light their cases in court. Capt. J. K. Skipwith, exalted c.vclops of the Morehouse parish Ku Klux j Klan. telephoned the sheriff he would surrender this morning. DR. CONN MURPHY IS RELEASED FROM PRISON Had Been on Hunger Strike Since His Arrest on March £3rd. Dublin, April 19 (By the Associated p ress ). —Dr. Conn Murphy, who has been on a hunger strike in Mount Joy prison nearly four weeks, has been re leased. it was announced today. Dr. Murphy, who some time ago visited Rome to lay the republican cause tie fore Pope Pius, was arrested March *22 and immediately began his hunger strike. With Our Advertisers. The Ritchie Hardware Cu. has just ' received a car load of wogaus and cul tivators. i New Spring suits from 830 to SSO at j the Browns-('annon Co. Library lo Be Closed. i On account of repairs the Concord | Publ c Library will he closed the re mainder of the we<4t, Mrs. Richmond Reed, the librarian, announced today. j i It takes at least six years to pro l duce sufficient seeds of any new type ? of wheat to test it for milling pur * poses. If it fails then, the variety |is discarded. / $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. Naß2. USET 1 RESCUE • 110 PERSONS CAUGHT I ON ISUND BY ICE Three Men Risk Lives to Cross Lake Michigan to Bring Report of the Needs of Their Friends. i AIRPLANES TO BE USED IN RESCUE The People Have Been With out Food for Days and Have Suffered Much From Cold Weather. Xorthport. Mich.. April IP (By the Associated Press). —Cold, exhausted -nnd half starved, tillin' men who fin ds hours battled their way through slush, ice and open water, reached the mainland here yesterday, bearing news 'that ten others —nine men and a worn [an —are slowly starving on Fox Island, is miles from here, in Lake Michigan. , As a result of their story—a story of a battle against great odds in which human lives were constantly at the mercy of sweeping gales and shifting lice packs—two army airplanes an* j driving through the sky from Sellridge j Fielt, Mt. Clemens today, to carry food i to the marooned party on Fox Island. The party went to the island last ! fall to out timber, carrying provisions sufficient for several months. The pro longed winter, however, did not enter into their calculations. Three weeks ago all food supplies excepting some frozen potatoes were gone. With death from starvation facing tlic little colony, an attempt was made | by four men to cross to the mainland. They started on foot, but two miles from the mainland the ice broke up and two of the men narrowly escaped death by drowning before the return to the island was accomplished. A week later the men started again but when two miles out they were caught in a blinding snow storm. They wandered about nearly a day before finding their way back to the island. Last Monday morning a third start was made. Edward Horn, aged IT., Carl Coo]>er. aged Ho, and Ellis Sayres, -Si. imu 3tw r +*c isbtou in a stoutly built skiff eight feet long. They carried a pair of oars an 8-foot pole and an axe. Horn, seated in a physician's office here, told tin* story as a physician treated his frozen feet. The army planes are expected here his afternoon. Food supplies anil medicine will be, ready to be taken to those on t lie* island. FORMER GOVERNOR IN JAIL Had Pleaded Guilty of Contempt of Court in Disregarding Summons. Oxford. Miss.. April 17.—Theodore Bilbo, former Governor of Mississippi, anil central figure in the state's poli tics form dozen years, awoke in tin* Fayette County jail here today, fac ing iff) more days of imprisonment, a sentence of 30 days having been im posed yesterday by Judge Hoi beg of the Federal Court after the former ex ecutive had pleaded guilty to contempt of court in disregarding a summons to appear as a witness in {lie celebrated Russi'll-Rirkliead case last fall. Says He is Not a Candidate for Office Jackson, IMiss., April 17. —“I’m not a candidate for any public office, at le<i not until alter I can dispose of. this Federal case,” said Theodor*- G. Bilbo in the Lafayette County jail at Oxford today over the telephone when asked by the Jackson News if in* would announce today his candidacy for Governor, as was reported here last night. BOYS START RIOT WHEN TIN CAN FUND KI NS OUT Turn in 60,000 in Clean-l'p Week (Cam paign at 1 Cent Each. Nashville, r fenn., April 17. —One cent a piece to boys for tin cans turned in during the “Clean-Up Week” in Nasli bille almost caused a riot yesterday when, after (jfi.ooo cans had been de livered. available funds for payment was exhausted. Unable to convert their remaining cans into coin, hun dreds of youngsters bombarded the temporary paymaster with them, fore ling him to seek shelter. Ralph Herbert Moser. ! Ralph Herbert Moser, son of the late T. A. and Mary Catherine Moser, was born August 27, 1882. and died April 115th. 1923, aged 40 years, 7 months and 10 days. He was baptised in infancy by his grand-father, the. Rev. T. W. Moser, was confirmed a member of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Mt. Pleasant, on the ninth j day of April, 1807 by the late Rev. J. A. Linn. On December 2.7, 1010 he married Miss Bessie L. Kluttz. who with two children. James and Mary, survive. He is also survived by the following brothers and sisters: C. E. Moser, of Minden, La., Mrs. Pauline Haddiek. of Bastrop. La.; W. F. Mo ser. Trenton, X. J.; Mrs. J. O. Barn i hardt, Jackson Springs. XT C.: Mrs. J. K. Misenheimer, Asheville; Mrs. X. M. Dry, Mooresville: and Mrs. P. M. Mis enheimer. and Mrs. G. FT Bamhardt, of Concord. One sister. Belle, and one brother, Eugene, preceded him to the grave. Pirpeutal hot baths, in which rest less patients sleep, is one form of treatment for cci rain mental diseases.

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