PAGE TWO By MLS« COTTKOX SHEKBIIX n i and Mdj li«M Art fnffeftedL. THemtma* 73, Trib«r« Ctffee. Sorpri.** Parly. («s U«i e'>e*rf»g to 11 : i'< ‘f‘ l(M'k M.'* LoLfr Oil* ?*.*** in honor of ttr *i«#r ill*» My r? it. at but h'«,«- <«t» Jto ; v?e 3. at tnrj nw- p-ar ty, Tfjt ? -k<-»\* <i»tf*»i lit i*riw. «bftt they pteyed feast hk* A* IO odoefc ?hc> ift vF**Ji into ».'.•- dioieg nereis, irL-r*- / «*k*,. tswilt* jjf'tiMf’ and hsmgfsai# fwrved, Tfe*-y all left itiiibifiz f Xfw Ef!L* ailsf «»«<• * .-;;. •-• p.-r C - **'i**J r*»g »be tv ere t Mim** *Xl m* Maym*w, Is ji V. .; >. Bil lit Mfftlf KliL*. Utile H«jw* Nell Furr arid Annie Kfmra; M-*-r* i>-" |i, - ;: it*'-- f'.'.;ri: ! - raj*',' I>«>* P?. *- Henry Slrfrfcy Dirwt- V*»*e Pa? -on fcf:" lujdler Mr awl ilr* l/izi s ** a.*i Mr i. 4- Saj»j». OXK PRESENT. W *h Our sick. Li Hi* Ml#* Klt-e Cr*'+* oaagfcur of Mr. Mr* Jofct Cr«* i- conane: to the k-sst of «*r par«»*t »y an at ta Jc of roesi -k - •jfr#. Sam Eod? n r -r”£ ;■»*!• *.o s*r Lome oft East Corbin fpreet oy --’ DC's#. A »***»;*?*- fro,-a fi.<- CliarV#*’" Sar*- atorfom ia . ?..• ’atoJ fha* I o*»lifK - i of Me* Sara .!';. rttrt.. fbw !in4<iT,nii an oj' rr iioft 't-r - **n Tue*L*»*. f* a * favorable a* could !-* ttptrtiwL ft HI Mdtt Home Here for several Merfrlht*. . 3!r* l*'-k Black au#l *i«bd. of fJrttsviife, s. CL. arrive} today jfjSift'! aeveral tnoatb* villi Mr- Black'- pstr«.fi 31 r aiaf Mri lotto A - a* their betnc on ft'M Cor bit: StrM t, Mr Black oil! *pe»d the m-« #frc mi month traveling through tb*- Ea*t awl South. nw/.i?*? a study of Wost.iierr rwi. Jlr* Black -; iefvrf her ... ri g • 31 1*.* Helen Barnhardf, of Con -ord. and her frtojo* will D- giao to. hoar of h«-r extended *'!*Sr. Os Inter** S to King’n Daughters. The fob' wing menage La* been r»- eeLoj by fit. of !. <• i</a! i-haj* tt-r of Kloz Ttatighter* an*| *i4t'*Ui i j/r'tro of *#. ;jji rh<- Bjt'rabe*'* v iu, hart* a rtt{io: J>s;r Friend.*: The PttLl • * • net*. v tlirtiugh the Mr*. W, <». iS-nuett, I?>* Nor?h Mt'oa.ri A»*'i»?.<-. Clileago, UHnoj-, a'iv»*<. ti- that t:.o orit-r't? n*<'**azt' as ill i** hroatit'a»tt*«i from station "*,V. Jf. A. ts.” I»;*ily .V*.v~, f'h'itsig'/. April hi ~'Mt o*r»tral tftof . M rx. l U'unf "' wiif Ik- to fe <r from UKnieri) who • liitmctj in' f .'ortliuaily vour*. Mr*, r. A. IfKf.KV H, MK-XK'f'. , Ki<jmUvc* St-«To?ar?. Meeting for Chairmen. The chairmen of the various it/«iriiit.- t» **s *if >h»* I'ar‘-nt -Ti'yi'ht-'tt*' A'-KK'l-t --ff'.t; Onir il t/ratjifl Si-iiiKii w||J tomorrow, Friday afternoon, at 75;l*"i o ('Un’k at tie - ■K'btjtil huihiinz. t Partie* lor Hr*. Fink, Charlotte Observer. Ah a rroinplmient ;a Mr- lingerie Fink, of Mo*»#e«%*ilie, - ne a e- of Mr*. H. C. Mill*. Mr-. Jamen Hui* | turn. t*n Pi ovni nee ro?id. was : at a lovely lunchc-on ye- ter day. Cover* v.ere laid for: Mr?,. Fink.: Mr*. Mi.fs. Air*. ./. B. K tiger*. .Mr*.’ J. A. M :. Sloan. Bagwell ;jj. i _ tin* boat ess, Mr*. Hudson. VfcHherdiy afremoon, Xlr*. A. H i Rtidger* was hOKte*- a> two tablt-s of ■bridge for Mr*. Fink, at h r hopse in j Park. Those phiylnz were: Mr*. Fink,* Mrs. .Mills,' Mrs. Salisbury. Mr*. { Itlakeney. Mr*. Ji. 1,. Mr*. | F’rancis Scholtz, and Mr*. Joe Walk';:. 1 Concert by Music ( las*. .Mr. It. J son Kietia rtl-on. «>f t'harlott**. j will bring bit* tutisie ela*v to ( (itjcury and give ;» reettal eorupliuientary to Iht* Concord High Sehool on the eve ning of April l'7ti). 'The eon* erf . w ill In- given at H jr. nj. In tlu - High School atiditorium on Cor bin street, and the general, public j* Invited. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Lutheran Church at KannafKilis will hold a box supper at the Soutii Hcltool building on Tuesday evening. April 24tli, at S o'clock. Fverybody is cordially invited. Coming Wedding of State Interest. fifH’aking of the coming marriage of Alios Eliza l>otlr Colt rune, the Charlotte Observer say«: y Not withstanding the fact that the weeding, which will take place in; tin* Ceiifltil McthcKlist Con cord, will lie a quiet affair, it will be of paramount ini crest to North Caro lina’s highest social eiivlcs, and of af fectionate interest here, where the Jovely bride-to-be is so charmingly known. “Miss Coltmne is the thini daughter of Mr. Coltrane and the lutealrs. Col tmne, and is a member .if a Very dis tinguished Ctffieord family. She is a woman of culture and charm, and is universally beloved and admir ed. Mr. Jones, who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. P. I>. Jones, received his ed ucation at William and Mauy college. Sn Baltimore, where he joined the 'i'betd Delta Chi fraternity. During I|*e war. he served two years in Franco. At present, he belds an important po rtion with the Inited States Tire and Rubber company, Richmond. Vj.: offices. '•After their . marriage, the young coupler will. fo> the time being, make their home at Franklin. Fine Arts Department of the Woman's Club. The Fine Arts Department of the Woman's Club will 1 , have a regular monthly meeting Thursday evening, \„ril the 19th, at b at the \..M. t • A. Mrs. David Clarke, of Baltimore, house guest of Mrs. W H. German, trvfl t*> "h* til btrttfff >t' mf*-'- b.x All t»i tfee of tis* t*2oi * Cteb ** w«fi **. she Musk b'r t~cl» are fciitol to ta&tmi Mm (larks. TJ.<- «b/*t for April i* as/i •t 0? MMricg will L* given; ‘A New V«f* Wo?k. of riairxAtt I’ajjiu: Usou! La FonvuK Aadafop —Mm. Carweroc. 3facK«e. ltiKt: "roßjjtry Imwe" —F>L- dliWt W.ifi.—Miem tle , r s x? »f.J I>inL !'»;« , ' <■'<*.>«*?--/&tlifi® t,i W;H Life' —Mr*. If. Jf, M'klllaar*, y’if/n ot In C*>. ; to the F,ij WLc Use fir - B;?d B*,x. Hiiu ; at "i'ar; Jfcc Bsnfc' 5J t.t’ff ' •. A* the Bf'*r*fe de ls'v'4 <j ?t? —;?*. Kij I'st* ter*<rf-- I'a?K-r; Native Birr! Hilts*- *ra*©4 wiffc lie?- —-Mn B tVajwiwr. Vrj* si'; «a * 'Tw? *A *k.-»1 I’.g* -- t do .-tarfing”—!4za Dbi^r-E. —ML-* E:.;y:li«L I>/r ; . in of Haoie for Mother ies*» Children. )i,,. lu*,.'. Lz.m fva* »n Inc erty thi moming. rc.amt here f rblay *o n-aiasi. over .Saturday rn the of :t»> Y/ '■ lioaawr for Motner- CLUrir*-f» at K:r.g> Creek, Ji C. Thi* iRMii L* jt.*' over the Xcrtk t'ar oliaa i> to di*':! Eitiiyfi for s>o* North . ,VJt» Carolina. It l v ‘trUii} u.4i>r**-‘ try Hex b, <#. f!*r •cy and ofL-.-r ;»r*»«alid nt ~ * «th Cans ii:.ia/- Ik .J. If. cabling, a Wake r *.re»»* at;.: . . tut* *K|**rffitfa«icf»t. A.r. effort > now lie log mao* to t/uil*i in ; <> #**», ii&tiiziffi 0 the Ilotßr. awl . cl:.- beiii? eJL L-d for tLI- J> »r --fKl*" The Home taken no dJkliro ritgt fcrijr « into an orpliattag*'- It ;.«» hi,* r,7- from ehii i’r<-i for ii'/uu—. • • hii-h it i- not able to .'CI rfOXMii fe. •The ll««ase 1* < k,.; r?ere-] 1 br the j*fate of South Carolina. J N N*M It. of . t* pr*-*i‘le;jr. I? L* on ?u-.--.-*he*r-' -Me of King M<mnwia da*’legrosiij'i. two mib-* of King* f n-ek •-;?ion on ?« - Soigoern li.uiway on the liacktiore of «i ln-autifni, high range, gt one of tie- line-* mineral pring- the ?c*rrrj -riy known g* Piedmont spring*. Annual Joitior-iMair Banquet at Mt. Pleawnt. Fri'iiy e f -fring the AniiiMi 4un- BaiejU 4 -? v, ,> * heki at Xlont .‘unoiMj Seminary, the *s*a«-iou» halh*. t/tnn* ami dming-ball lemting C.em t i«rta«ir!»-<'fit. Tb< i|«i>ratfWi* were -duple b?Ti limiriftuly a ppr'ijiriate, tirattwn of pink ami white 'the Sen te. color- > }.* iirg liiitisl'd *i' h grie-o ivy and ot h<-C vine* uwi white wfid ;.p r - greer, and whiter V-ir g tier i hi,* a color* of the Junior t'La-*. In th<* mu*ie **?idio uwmh'r* of tho Junior of l«,'i» in«ritution* inel perch and i-and>* during the evening. TL f - am -"Ti;ef ; r-. tip to eleven o'ejcK -', tvere quite unique and inter > -ting, and the whole program for the < <*11111?'- entertaiiinj«-.Jt v.a* arti*ti»«R ly -< ? fortb <;j o/f.' i-nir hand-jiainted fan*: thi- <-ornbine»} program w, - ful ly uini“'l out tip to »h<* time aliored for the banquet. Talde* were warter t*i in tij<- large A -e-uihiy Hall on which gam *** of Cubical Heort»t were piaye-d: and iiriz**! 1 * were le*to;ve) on th<- winning couple* In each cmateKt. !>a.’i< in? the old-time square <lan«-e was kindly permitted liy th<; pr<—i<b*nt* of be in*t;tuflon- and was highly enjoy* <<! by all who partioifiated. A* the kj-f moment th?* musletaiw and caller* faibd to put In Hour apjk-siranee; but Tdr. K. 11. Harri* ably |*Tfon«e<l tbe latter while Miss Ethel Black- Welder anu le-r ant<eharp <-ame nobly •<> the resell* * a- r<-gard*: tn*r music. 'i i.»-n <-sirn<* the most fm;»ort.aiit part of the program—the banquet, which w<i* indeed a gorgeou- one and reflect ed much credit upon the eulfnpry and artistic skill of the two Junior classes. I? j* t:*ele*s t<» attempt to <b'-'-rils* all that loaded many join*-*! table*, as ir would' Is* an easier matt**r to mt*u tion what they did not have. The sn iir«* menu was written out in French, and those who «ould not understand tin- nani'-s of tin- vorious <lishes could and'di*! lesirn all al/out tln-rn by means *if the generous sample* provided for tin- happy banquettcr*. It was also a ‘•feast of reason and a flow of soul." as the many clever sitecehes and toast* tes.titicd. the toastmaster l*r-ing Mr. John Kerns. It was in the "wee sum’ hours" when they diapersei to their respective ••polar" homes, a thorough ly happy aiul excited crowd. The College (lice Club will give au entertainment in the Auditorium Fri- night of this week, ami \ye ran promise in advance a time of rare en joyment for all who may attend. AII the inhabitants of Mt. Pleasant, scholastic and otherwise, are Lrigbly enjoying the innovation of a tri-week ly moving-picture entertainment at the Auditorium. The I>enoir College film, shown la*t Friday and Saturday nights, were especially line. L. If. 15. Fxliibition of Bird Boxf^. The Kim- Arts Department of the Woman's (Tub will give au exhibition of bird boxea at the V. M. C. A. on Thursday afternoou, April 19th. from lto (» o'elrM.-k. llie public is cordial ly iu\ iied to attend. A prize of $3.00 in gold is offered by the <lepartment. for the best and most .artistic box built by a Cabarrus boyi The bird boxes will be pu sale. No admission. * PERSONALS. Mrs. Walter Swiuson and Mrs. Everett Cook spent Tuesday in Salis bury. \ • • a Mr. J. B. Sherrill and Miss Cottrell Sherrill will leave tonight for New Vork to spend st'. oral days. Mr. -%-v • Sherrill to SkZtjemti ih* -meeting ©i the A-tacciated; Pr«s». m m m Mrs*. 31. E. (Gtfe*o®. lit? 1 . AcjEu<e aaw Mr*. - tHßiSifig iL* A_ R. P. Wocsaft"? Sf:-- • i-.iary tushon is *’9harbzine totl&y. mm* y. : m V*es£l<e Btersslss.rdf *pz®Z Iw* : - day a aatLirfmry. Mr. tfllfixß Jdberri2l taw* ttigte after a *mrn visit jx G:e#n rille. S. C, Mr* Sherrii. gad IHiht da:agb?«r El len. m ill recaam *a Green vJ e for tkoe. • • * - Messrs- J, EL Hes* and L- E. Syfe«:w f Durhaia. were Cfwoecrd I«*Ls»hw ndton on Tnewltf. m * m Mr. K G FnerrFof Gr^ssboro,' Toeaday in Concord. Mr. .**. White* Kayw-, of (ktUatMeo, »» a day or two is C*terra.* Qwcty in the interests of the Leu'jsr- Bhyne College c»ia*s*a gn • IT • Iftst >, K Bw-L-rUje.'.. P. 11. Ma<-* FiflyeifL i. A. Patterwm and L A. Tow o'* jycnij-, Lave t-sen ai^votiing ire Stathtf M'-dkal ikscue.-ty in Ai®ev;Bc I-t «ereral day*. D?, Buchanan r=- » .n.**i T .e**lay night, while I>r*. Ma» - Fa-fyen and Palteremi expect to re' *. .rn tohy. Dr. Yw wi 1 retwrs fn as 2 day or t-o. m * * Mb* Retry n. « f •’fcgrt#Ate. Hjjenit the w*-Msku 1 with b*-r a'jwk aij*l aunt. Mr. and Mrs, A. W. PerSdna.. Ccariette D7-* rr*-r: Mr, Will R. I <»c*- of o«c#ri » mo-st pron_ * ''tlzen*. apeat yesterday in the city/ He wi' O'fi-hl- v. Bes-t-emer C;*y 'o j*e". Mr. arwf Mr* S.on*--'^II Jz* }; *oa D; bic the l*t«cr his sl*ter. ' i # f 31D- - Bkmiwnfi. of Charlotte. -p-n' Toewlny here wish folk*,' il * * • 3*l. 'Nsiiww ha.*- iwsmti'j ■•#> fc**f home in Cfiaff-xtlt* after *pen*l r.g «Lv r --dka-Tid v. ith ill - Mary Vir- ‘ gitiia flu rri# and alter. An? the ciirlv* tien Ea - or r;. j • - - Mwt l/iti**- Wood. Salisbury , has “etnme*! to her k>m< aft*-r qu-nJins fe~A tL jy> b*rt«; as the g?wr*t </f Mb- | lu*rti* I try. € • * Mr. - K. G. c- ok Is ») lending today ] in Salb-bnr? on busts*"-*. • • ' Mr*. 4am*— Rhlenbour ?perit ( Moiemy in Ail*emhrle. • • • b» Mamie 1 owe. of ('aiarrt». ‘.a- a»-o*|itw! a vkiuiili at Park*- b*-:k co.- Mr*. J. H. anil chil !r*-n. I. ,* .r H.iz*-I ami William, of !?tn<-j- *-r. >. C„ have moved 1 1, IMv-* itUem. N. C.. where they tvill make heir boiii*- for sh»- *uimner with Mr* F. H. Whitaker, a eotudn of Mr* ‘Vf»hcr*qjo*rm. Master Jame* Wiftier tipooit will rtmiuin in Ig»ii*-a?ter «nri! he end of the */hool :«*nr.. • • • 31 r*. If. if. Barrw. of (ire-.ivllle, S. c.. M'jnday her*.- with ilr?. D. L 15*»*t *-n n,tut- t*t her borne after i*- iting in <ireet»?'*or<» for -om‘ ?rrn« . •• • m 3lr. J. w, Howell, of >Lejbyi v.;j a visit or. in Com-ord on Jl/tfeday. • • 0 Mr. R c flulJifjrd. of High Point, g • • • dm ns Mon tey in ( 'oticord. Mr D. if. B*-.ird*i<-y. of Saiiibury. p*-n» ’londay in thi- city. Mr. 11. M. Wise, of Hickory', traiue acrfwl on-!»*-»« in Cor*t-or«l on Monday. Me**la:ji<* Will My Linker. J. B. Womble ar.*l A. f'mnjM>«dl * 'lsie* -[a-nt yesterday afternoon In charlotte. mm* Mr. * K. Parian »- again aide to be out. aft'-r-an lllis*-** with the flu. a . 4» « Mr*. K. IL 31 or*.* returned Jlon lay night front a short, vijdt to relative-- in 3lorgaiiton. • • • Mr*. J. A. Hartsel! and little 'laugh ter. I>/e!»e. r*-turii*-*l Tncwluy from a vlfit. to r»-iativi-s in l*itti»fjnrgh. Penn. m' n • Mrs. Charles E. I-imt**oh »n*l M;:«- :«*r Harvey Lajnl*t>th have r*-ntrri*-<I to thejr home in Charlotte after *j*cri(Jing ««-veral day; here with Mr*. ■io?b*-r, Mrs. J. W. Cannon. Mr. aud Mr*. Henderson Earnhardt, of ( hina Gr*»ve, spent a fe z houis in *he city Thursday. * m m Mr-. V*'. L. Robbins and Mrs. G. Ridenhour are spending to*lay in Charlotte. • • * •Miss Katie I-enhour has returned :rom Winston-Sal?m where she has been visiting her -buer. Mr-i. Lutner Harltey for some time. • * Mrs. Luther I> *. of Shelby, i visiting her parent*. Mr. and Mrs. John HilL Mr. J. 0. Clark, of Salisbury. G*£nt Thursday afternoon in Concord. Mrs. Howard ' o-by and little daughter, of Greenville. S. '.. are vi-iting M* . Cosby's father. Mr> W. A. M'ilkinson. mm* ■Mr.- Will Johnson, of Charfottr. spent several hours in ( om.Ord TJlurs day. mm* Mrs. Mac Bond has returned fr.oru Raleigh where -he attended tne an nual convention of tlie Epis*-*»t)Ql Diocese. p • • Mr. W. 31. Sherrill r«*turne*l last night from Greenttllo. S. where In* s»K*ut several <lays. Mrs. Sherrill and daughter will remain in Greenville several weeks before returning to their home here. m m m Mrs. J. F. Cannon and Miss May White left today to attend the Presby terial in States Mlle. mm* Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Darnell re turned from a visit to Elkin. Berlin Theatre Price* Mount. (Correspondent of Associated Press.) Beilin March 24.—Theafre tickets have jumped so in price that prospective theatre-goers leave the box offices in disgust nightly *wnen they sea the price lists. In the more exclusive theatres, seats are priced as high as 39,000 marks. Thi& is at>out, four times te daily of a skilled' v orkxan. 0 THE CONCORD TIMES *099**999*9 * KANNAPOLIS 8 * DEPARTMENT 8 9 8 ******** S S 8 Kaw«ainr?fflbt. Anrit lv—The flfiij will give it* anftitssl eonccrt on T&rErsf'ioy. Atml 26th a: 8 k p el a! she Baptist Clnaoncii. A silver *t&er stof will ite taken at the n.-.w. The fol lowing is tfce I1at» sok—Mist HdeS 3lL**e-sh'->in er. Ladies' qoawtefte—Mwfats IL T. Frye and j*. C. Jiinuß'ifts a ref the 31 e- MismbcincT.) Violin so!'*—Mr. Kntbus Hewilr? —Mrs. IL L. Kamad'-’-TSK. Jbvprsno swdo—Mk« McLaoghlin. Yl'osnan'# Chorus. Clarinet mAw —Mr. Morrow, s#A& —Mi*s Ada Stiresalt. 31 :t*. 4l ratdte? —Mr* M. L liiden fe'fflT. Piano **o4o—3l is* Nell Herrin?. Voal daw—ltr. H. A. and 31U* -Via. Stirvt.aH. 1 Tetew .-*.•! > 31 r. >r. ke**. ilaln quartet— Wiley. Siaq*. Qnety aisl Frye. The - will bgia work in the ts*nr n-xol-liig tL*- ILt ra.-a i. ».tn. hauoMHten* and choir loft. They 7 :’! sb*. I>r?r!d a mailer of a*-« Sun day Mi?x4 and a -team heating jda;*t. The h'j-oe of Mr Fred Taylor at 3 fid way, was *b—‘ t*e *-l by dre Suit'Jay about o ;'«tt p, so. The household effects '■ •-He s-fveri exety.* the jdatto. 31 r. at.-• airs. Tajlor had ieft fe-r Salisbury gVjnt an Lour prl«>r to tkj,- fir . The r.*>- started in the roof. (jfdte a few of tt:-_Ale:h«li*t ladle*, including M*ss«lsi«cw Bra ham. I oin* an. Kr-tchie ?.'.<£ Mi>- Jw*iiiia»- T-ar«r. n:U attend the annual ndssL na.ry ferents- next wc k at Monroe. >lr. arsxi 3ljw, 1.. K IjcobK 3(1-* fl'-n* ' "!t* ; nd. Mr. Arxnitie StoiMr «tree- Sun yin M'sferill'r r itb 31r. tito»'**t7vetV uncle. Mr. Wilburn A a, ra<- namkr <-? Baptist- gri'here*J Mcwtey evening nt the home of their ;>j*tor. Rev. C. J{. Turner, giving th-*m a pßsaisthl »nr{*rise/in the form, of « p-anedn?. Mr. ;i'j*’ Sirs. Turncir *-vi ‘b-ntiy ai*pr*-* saTed the zu*p\ will *»f ?i;** p* |4e am! all, very tn -h »-rijoy*-1 ;L'.- o cd*m * «<n Tu-.-yb'', A .;I lM*b. th- ladies of the Liithen:o ci»nr*Li will give , t *>:; at th*- South >*ho*>l b.:il«l --«.?. ML*- Lu* ll*- Clls.e. <;f W.. am! h*-r frb-rei and former -< h<j»dGmte. 3li-* Alice TavL*. */f 31--nt Am•*ena Seoii- Birj. *i/-n» the weekamd with Mill Clioe's home folks. f’irt-le No. 1 of ;Le Womar/- Mis s-osiary JkM-iety of the B»|»f;*t Cb-urch m< • MotmLiv after;»o*/n at the ysir-'iti ■.g* TL<* '-jr-, a- tfurfanizol and 3fr*». Tuner ta* elected chainuan. 31 Pttnderhfirk secretary and Mrs. IV. l~ Spry treasnren The (J , ' rUj ‘ f " r **~ bf the Mary Ella Halt or*- tieing rejalnietl. Mr. George Haley, *>f Grillit). < ; a.. hes taken «h?ir?e pf »},«- Ivmdr; a* •fee .Mary Ella*Halfe Mrs. c. K. Turner left for Statesville, when* sfec will spend a few day* with hranc folks. .Mis- Igjitra Id fa Smith, of Lils-.'y. -rent ike week-eml at the (Tine House with Ml*> Maud BaU*om. Mb* HeJcn Jaiae*. <>f Mt. Pb-asan*. *ent th‘- v.*s-k-er:*l with Miss Annie day lioUrt- and 31 ** Mary Alelion. Miss,- Josephin,- Knight, Marie As kirrs and laitira Ileilig s|s-ut the iv<s-k --e?i«i in M>s*r*-sville with Mi-- Loreae Brown. Mrs. R. T. Frye is attending tb*- I>. A. it. meeting t'rfiay in ( < u* *»rd. I lev. IV. c. Jamison and children s;*eiit 31 orula y in (ha riot t*- with Mr. Jamison's sister, who is ill in tie- b<»s jjriral. Mrs. C. M. I'owell return***! Sunday from Eatonton. Ga... wlu-re sb<- sjs-nt ‘s/Tae time with home bilks after at t* tiding the funcial of her father. Mis- McQtieeu anti Mrs, S. 1., \V**<l - will attend H e Pr***byterial in Concord on Thursday and Friday of Ibis week. Mr. Taylor and daughter. Mis- Bea trice, and Miss Taylor's friend. .Miss Nina Morwiek. .stopped ov*r as the Mary Ella Hall Monday night on their way from St. Petersburg. Fla., where they had *|**nt the winter, to their home at Niagara Falls. Mr. Taylor and parly highly complimented the Mary Ella HaU, expressing as being charmed with the equipment an*l the matiag**menr. Mr. Ike Adler, of Raleigh, spent Monday night at the Mary Ella Hall. Mrs. J. VV. Bounds sis-ut Thursday in Charlotte with her daughter. Mrs. J. C. Nash and her father, after which she continued her journey to Burling ton. where she spent the week-end with Mr. Bounds aud 3fr. ami Mrs. N. A. Gregg. Mr. Bounds is well pleased with his now job an«l with the city «»f Burlington. He expects to move his lionise effe<*ts next we**k. ami come the latter part of the week for his family, making the trip by motor. On Fri day prior to Mr. Bounds' departure from Kannapolis, the V. M. C. .V. lH«ir*l of directors made up a purse as a tok < ti of iheir appreciation of hi« faithful s«*rvi*es as a nietul»er of the l*oar*L Also Mr. Bounds' employes contributed a chest of silver and a b«»x of cigars which contained also, seventeen *lol birs in eash. Itev. C. A. Turner. Mr. Bound#’ i«ist<»r. made the presentation. rea*Ung a Iteantiful jioein, "The Man That Takes My Plate." Mr.* Turner also sang "Blest Be The Tie That Binds." the employes joining in the singing. Mrs. H. A. is in Statesville. | where Dr. Brandon is treating her lit tle son s tonsils prior to an operation. One day of the past week a surprise birthday dinuer was gheu at the Mary Ella Hal! In honor of "Mother Norfleet." Mrs. Norfleet ?s one of the characters of Whom all the Mary Ella jjeople as well as others are so fond. When she approached the dining room she was surprised to find‘all waiting; for her. 3lr. E. J. Sharp made an | appropriate speech, followed by somt*! of the girls who gave expression to their kindly thoughts relative to “Mpther Norfleet." Mr. E. J. Sharp, j geqeral secretary of the Y. M. C. A.. | and manager of the Mary Ella Hall, donated a bex of candy to th*? ,■' . } • » 1- kf&or guest; mms* «.»xa ijcwumb nok iof (!» iiresraatfew. The frifid* of Mi# Hazel McCortle •vfco I* ili c-f poemwwiab will be :o know tint her twlitiAn is impfot : -B*g- Miss Grare Fosnesi, of Concord. Monday wit El Mrs?- C. JL Tie WiHfr eff M2fx&l (tflamew^ent 1 is being heM ibis wtti. Mrs. W. CL Jamison and children vfiait ibe past wwk in Davidson wri:h M> Jufa«E $ ll'®e folks. Mr. Seal Thompson, a trardin! salesman. was the guest of his broth er. Mr. Thomas Thompson. the past week. Rer. W. C. Jamison attended Presby tery at Lenoir last * l>r. Neal A. Srinewal! and family. * ff Lancaster. S. C.. have moved to this i-ily. I»r. Stinwalt Las located here to practice Ms profwskm. Mr. Hand Pern erton and Miss .In nie May Kolefis spent yesterday in «'Lari*, tie. Mr. BnrHn Lipe and Mesdames W. L Yost and J W. Flowe went tw Statesville Mocklhj to visit Mr. I-ipe's sister ..nd cLacgfefer who ar»- in the h«>s iiraL Th*- Study Class *-f the Woman's Missionary S<virty of the . lesh<eiist «Tuirch will meet Friday evening at the church. Mesdanfes G. C. Mortem and M. L [Hampton expert to sjient tomorrow af noon in with relatives. Mr- Ma’cl Tbnor. of Belmont. L-]eßf :fae week-end with Miss Grate Miretvair. Mr. G. IX Waiter is sending this i week in Asfaeville- Mrs. r. r. Townsend is able to be up a:*!.-* sifter a c»v of tin. Mr. Iv-nis Roosters, of IXinville. i ;v: siting friends in Kannajolk } .r: ' i-h> L whi* h is l*eing e«»n -,-7*oo*l by ML*' Malei Reel, of «*ak <re*<. v ~Y. fit ,-e Friday. Art *wter :«inmear will N- given Thursday niffht. \ iirerybdy L- invited. • The condition of Mrs. Farrell’* I mother at the Kannapolis Inn. remains ’ k-,itgoL She :- unable to take ex «:* is*-, and very touch enjoys visits I :ro tube: friends. The tri* > r: , i- of Miss Mary Vlillett, •. L-«* recently returned from the hospit al. will be glad t** know that her con dition is still improving. Bargain Week in Kannapolis is er '-uding throughout Saturday. Tickets ■ a the Ford Touring Car will U* giv en unril Z o'clock Karurday afternoon. The stores ami other firms are realiz ing a great increase in business as a result *»f Bargain Week. Mr*. S. C. Simmons will be hostess t , the s.*ial Hoar i*lub tomorrow as : erqoon Mrs. G. G. Allen entertained the oAO Club Tbnrwlay afternoon at her home on Ridge avenue. Mis. 11. I- I.its*. who was conveyed Thursday to the Charlotte Sanatorium. !- improving slowly. At the iaitheran Church Monday evening a serves* was held to put on a campaign for raising funds for Ig?nori iihyric College, formerly I>enoir Col lege. The speakers wen* Rev. C. P. Mat Laughiin. of Pittsburgh. Pa., Prof. J. 15. Robertson. of Concord, and Mr. Smith, a student ol the college. FA IK DIRECTORS MELT Work 'Will Soon Begin on Grounds and the Trark. • A Inrg** and enthusiastic meeting of the direct ore of the Cabarrus Fair v.n> held Tiea«iay night at Dr. Sthii if-r s office. The meeting was oresid ♦sl over by President J. F. t’aunon. Af r**r various uiatfers wore discussed Mr. Cannon appointed the following coin mot tees: Track —11. A. Goodman and T. X. Spem-er. Grouuds—\V. A. Foil. J. F. I>ayvatilt and H. A. Goodman. Attraction* —T. X. Sjieucer and W. W. Flowe. ('. W. Swink is treasurer, and .1. B. Sherrill cbairuiaii of the publicity committee. Matters will soon begin to take def inite shape. The Fair will l»c* held five ilius. Is-ginning on Tuesday. <X*tober Hi. and <-losing the following Saturday. Tuesday will 1h- children's day and Thursday will U- a big home-coming time, when cveryl**dy. his wife and all the children will Is* here. It is ex js*cted that all the cotton mills in the county will close on that day so as to give all the operatives a chance to attend. Municipal Campaign at Rocky Mount. Rocky* Mount. N. April IX—with the date for the city democratic primary -et for May 2. eandidnft** tor municipal offices now are earning on active campaigns, the chief interest being centered on the .mayoralty 1 <««**. The campaign for mayor has mree candidates, C. L. Gay, incumbent; T. T. Thorne, a former mayor, and L. L. Gravely, formerly a member of the board of aldermen. Nomination ui the primaryyis considered equivalent to election ou 'May 7. but it is possible that a second primary ou Ma> * may be held to determine the nomine*-s. In the aldcrmanic races, no trefnber at. present has opposition. the mem bers of the board arc E. I. Fleming. S. S. Toler. R. B. Davis and \V. B. -Dane v. J. I. Crayton, chairman of the city democratic executive com mittee, has announced Candida’"* may qua ify up to fh' noon hour «*t April 28. The registration books will be opened this week. Howe's School Closing. The Flowes School will close Fri day. April the L’Oth. In the afternoon there will lx* exercises by the chil dren and an address by .Jake F. New ell. of»f'harlotte, ami si ball game. At 8 o'clock a Hav “Always in Trou ble," will be given. The following is the cast of characters; Misery Moon—-Lawrence Dorton. Gideon Blair—Prof. W, S. Swift. Tom Risslc—Ernest Bigger. Hiram Tutt —Grady Browu. Patrick Keller—William Dorton. Samantha Slade—Mamie. Dorton. Rosebud Reese—Smlie Brown. Paula Maleek—Alice Logan Justice/ Lulu Pearl—Emma Mast. WEATHEK FORECAST. Fair tonight and Friday ; moderate j temperatures. ' ". r " . r “’ I It is stated by an ,authority on / ducation that more -than uineieuths I cf th; n , teachers are women. ' y „ “OLD CXOTBES DAY" ! . What L< it? Weil, its a day expd for the people of North Carolina w *rt oat all their dL-cankd winter clothes and take them or *c&d them to tfce local -Concent ration Camp.” which far Concord and Cak.rmc «oe - sty is Dr. Sidney Bodnmns office. What for? To send to the big warehouse in Raleigh from winch point they will he shipped to North j five great orphanages, at jiTrebizond to keep warm next winter ,the thousand of litlie parentless eiub dree, a' great naoltirude of whose brothers and asters and even fathers ‘arid mothers froze to death las? win ter. When i* -Old Clothes Day?" .Tuesday. May Ist. JYho has charge in C*barms cotm ty? Mrs. Ernest I_ Hicks for Concord, j Miss Kathleen Wilson for the rural wvtiML'. Mrs. T. M. Widenfcon>e for 1 Kannap*dis. and Rev. W. T. Albright 1 for Mt. What are you go ing to do about it My faith in the people of CmKond and Cabarrus e»-un ty is so str*>Vg rhat I fan but 1 -»k for them to bring forward grea r quanti ties • f «a<**<df cl- thing that can be lof no further - -rviee to them. bm ; sent acr«>- the v«orM. will to > kt-p alive many who otherwise would | file a horrible death. Remember any ! kind of winter clothing for chikiren *or adults will be gratefully' r**-eived. ji'k-houl children frspef-iaiir >honiti be encourage*! to help *sj.lle»-t this cl*»th , ing. Col. G*-* :g** H. Bellamy. - | chairman, has offered from hi- own pocket ea.*»h prLz*-s of #25.00, | and .<It».UU to tin* schools or chtsses j which collect Ihe greatest am*Hint of clothing per capita. Accord dig to a«i --1 vices from Raleigh yi>»nday. Cahimi> is still lea ilinz every c anty in te state in the amount of pledges ami •ea."h above her qu *ta. | Why not mak** the same record on j “Old Clothes Ihi.v?" J. FRANK ARMSTRONG. Chairman. Sogtbern League Opening. j N'ashvi le Tenn.. April 17.—Unless the prophecies of ths officials and c-iub managers go w: >ng. the sea«<»n ‘ **f the Southern Baseball Association «-h:ch get- undbr way today will be | one of the most j successful ever enjoy 'd fey that organization. Since the dose of last season every team nas > niiide a number of changes with a . view to rounding *«ut a better-!«aianc ?ed organization f*#r :he 1923 pennant j rac*». In t'day's or.«ning game* New l Orlsans is scheduled to pay at i Mobile. Birmingham plays at Gnat s tanooga. Little R -k will have the Memphis team in its midst, amt At •. lanta will m*-et Nashville the :at jters's grounds'. The association will play a schedule *,f 134 games, with S**ptem , rer 23 as ths closing date. In Mexico City u -arlv everyliody • livf-s over a shop, if the house lx* two stories, or uses the lower floor as a i garage, stable, or quarters for th»- sepants. Even the millionaires of rent the ground floor of their fine {residem-es f‘»r business purpose's. 'COURT CALENDAR. In April Term of Cabarrus Superior Court will be* ! :A: . 23 rd. 1 923, before His Honor. Judge Tames L. W e/' A L Civil Docket will not be called until Monday. April • will be called in the following: order: Monday, April 30th, 1923. No, 41— Dr. J; E. Smoot vs. Mr, and Mrs. W . F. Li e-. No. 49 —Cnas. Lipe vs. B. L. Umberger. Xo. sT—Blalock Produce Co., vs. \V. A. Foil et al. No. 62—Salisbury Realty Co. vs. L. L. Honeycutt. No. 69—J. S. Archer vs. \Y. F. and R. L. Smith. Xo. T9—F. C. Xiblock vs. Crowell Street Baptist CAirA .1 Lilly. Xo. 81A—\\ .S. Slaton and Co. vs. Board of Couny l ** sioners of Cabarrus County. Xo. 93—Ada Sigmon. Admr., vs. Sou. Ry. Co., and YaA Tuesday, May Ist, 1923. No. 96 —R. H. and R. L. W alker vs. T. E. Starne>. Un -r : '•***- Xo. 9T—\\ . Ed. Harris vs. F. E. Robinson for iibLn Xo. 99—J. P. Price and E. C. Lowery. Trading a» MAy tre vs. Xoftii River Insurance Co. Xu. 101—Concord National Bank vs. J. F. Bust. Xo. 102—B. \\ .-Means vs. Fred Young and Gale S !/ ■ X'*. I'»4—Corl Wadsworth Co., vs. Bennie White. No. 1 2 Corl \\ ads worth Co., vs. Xrthur Moore, e No. 81—Corl \\ ads worth Co., vs. Cicero Harri-. Wednesday, May 2nd, 1923 Xo. 108—Love Xussman vs. Lawson Herrin and ' Xo. 113 —W . M. Williams vs. John Doe. * Xo. 115—J. M. Wetherlv vs. C. L. Spears. Sheriti. Xo. 114—Etird Bros. &'Co., vs. VY. J. Hill. Jr. - Xo. 120 —H. M. Hartscll vs. G. E. Crowell and WVC. Xo. 1 22 —C. M. Isenhour vs. C. 11. Fredericksoti. Ir• i tor Express Line. Thursday, May 3rd, 1923. Xp. 12o—John Saunders vs. Bald Mountain Ouurn . Xo. 12<—C. \\ . W bite vs. Corl W adsworth Co. Xu. 130—Sadie Gasky and husband A. M. Gasky \ *•. 4 Xo. 132—Cannon Mfg. Co., vs. Sou. Ry. Co., and / * Line Ry. Co. Xo. 1 11—Sears Roebuck & Co., vs. D. T. Sherrill lAr ; - ’ Xo. 142 —State and Novella Fink vs. Dwight Morn*- n Xo. 143—The Ohio Fertinzer Co. vs. W. L. Robbing a Goodman. Friday, May 4th, 1923. Xo. 153—Corl W adsworth Co. vs. D. H. Sides. Xo. Js9—Safe Cabinet Co.. Inc., vs. L. R. Reeder, n - Xo. 160—Mrs. M. L. Allman, Admr., M. W. AJltnan \ K - y No. 163—Kizziah (Kate) Gardener vs. J Pd Cannon, F No. 190—\ assie Litaker vs. American National lim"<- ,; Xo. 191—\ assie Litaker vs. American National Insura’ By consent of Bar. Divorce cases are not calendared be tried at the convenience of the Court. The Motion Docket will be called to suit the c t - the Court. Witnesses need not attend until day set for tria’. not reached on day set for trial, will take precedence < A next day. This April 18th, 1923. J. B. McALLISTtK. \ . Clerk Superior Ey— Tb jrsday. April ‘9 DAWN OF Pt,\(lv I*. x FFS breaking o\ m te.lapoe q# Opposition t* Frc* .. Gives Pomsilx of F.-* t, ** s. April IT ;. / . : kL|#*r day- iersa. g : ilfflßd. Et«iu. the V ' * • the arce~z f , >- of the reGeQiou - zi..z ' - ~ " orese of iwciduruv ---- , rail tralfic, alm-x - . ; ' r-o-ral relief in -v_ - ' . the pe**pk- botk S-:-rtz &■ - . encourjgtoi the fri-r. > • ;• •** ! believe that a? 1 '’ Si - '• threahoid of peace Nothing Lis Lear - **nEs of I*e Yai» r. supporters so asa. c •« by tK* Irr-gniir ' i condemned to ■ riew - \ j through a , f . interrew- t-Seezi rely, jhave aho> a*ic.. --: : ' ' continue opera?:« n- KFE AND MATTHEMn m I{ n " Charged With RobGinr t - R, r . , H—m ijfiild i n j , i Gr*-*-..-< -*r Atcrii IT th- cw.s* U R- m- K* ' thew-. --fc;»r2*d w:?L of S?riiim»-rn*d*L rL ; - * . 2b. RC2. rhi- m- -• > . ’ cli.-r *.f gitilty - ' Sei tCt**-*- will le ’r> :. • - day. The .Meeting at W edej dn \f *> r . ( hurch. The meeting in *L odlst < faur*-L *»n . ' in progr--'. \V.- : .. vices. Tl:>* Spirit : irig in a -k.. [ g list is preachh.g • • g his Ishir»g. He has - years all <-v.*r > " . ‘ knowledge an*l r- -L * : . v tit res are grtarl-- - . - You ought n*4 f.. i • He s|«*>ke bts* night tr ies s;lq. and h> - ; j - - Passing of the V. i- Fifs*. who are *h- v.; la htv breaker. H- - !enemies of God. uu- L- - . | day sLc ate of th* frn-:* ■■/... | wools, if -he di> - wonld n*K die. Ti. l day that e jw-r-fii «-• -i.; - . v „ i f r<*l and still hhi -God is an enemy <: * r r himself with s.itan. * Second, where ha*: : and gone? N*>* rh*- •. : rhe garabliag V- - - Bm fr*»m the plais* ... 1 church should l*e rL»* - aqtLnsel **nly f.»r pre Sunday s<-h an*l -t v - --- But we are making it I . Third, this show- *L- • ; the wick* *l. Fourth, th*- st i I** j l'**rgotten. Servbes tonight a* 7 Z'.Zff p. in. tiie evangelist ' Ito the children. We a-.r- - • • luireiits will l**r th«-ir < h:. • .* il:*-sir Ibis ir<\ - T ''

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