PAGE TWO Ilf 'll" lim Rfl I SHFKFiTT I Oub and Society Items Are Solicited. Telenbone 78, Office. Don Richardson’s Orchestra to Give Concert at High School Auditorium. The pupils of Don Richardson, of Charlotte, will give a recital in the High School auditorium tomorrow night at 8 o’clock. Mr. Richardson has a music studio in Charlotte, and is recognized as one of the best violin ists of the country, having a national reputation, and the concert will he one of the leading musical attractions ‘4>f the season. The'admission will he free, and Mr. Richardson will give the ptiblic of Concord an entertainment of the biggest order. The idea in giving * the concert here is to create a great er interest in music generally among the citizens of the city, and it will'be given without any cost whatever to any one here, Mr. Richardson bearing all the expense, thus making the ad mission free. The large auditorium will no doubt he tilled and with ap preciative and interested persons. The orchestra in connection witlr Mr„ Rich ardson’s studio is composed of a num ber of well trained musicians, and will give several numbers aside from tlie regular program numbers by the pupils. Miss Louise Morris, a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Williamson Mor ris, of Concord, is among those who will take part in the program, Miss Morris being a young violinist with decided talent, who has been studying with Mr. Richardson for some time. Old Folks’ Concert. Circle No. 1 of the Ladies Aid So ciety of Forest 1 Hill Church will give an Old Folks Concert Tuesday night. April 30th at 8 o’clock at No. 2 Grad ed School. One of the many attract ive features is “Ye Olde Time Sing ing.” 15 and 25 cents. With Our Sick. No change is imported today in the condition of Mr. M. 8. Varner, who has been critically ill at his home on Crowell street for several days. A report from Asheville states that ALs. Mollie Elliott, who has been ill there for several weeks, shows little improvement. Mrs. Elliott became ill while visiting in Asheville and has been unable to return to her home here. The condition of Mrs. R. .T. Phillips, who is undergoing treatment jo the Charlotte Sanatorium is reported_to-/ day as slightly improved. , * » Slight improvement in the condi tipn of Mrs. H. G. Rifz. who is a’ pa tient in the Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte, is reported today. Frances Barnhardt. daughter of Air. and Airs. (J. T. Barnhardt, is con fined to her home on Bell avenue with an attack of measles. To Entertain This Evening. Misses Beulah Praether and Cora Pouuinger will entertuiiif*-Aliss" Nellie Dry’s Sunday School Class of St. James Lutheran Church at the Church this evening at 8 o’clock. The follow ing invitations have been issued: Here is quite the newest yet The Alisses Alphabet—will entertain OnThursday Eve It will be fun you may believe, Due cent a letter for your names Is all it costs to join the games And be fed in an old fashioned way. We’ll all be sad if you stay away We need the money, you the fun " At 8 o’clock ’twill be begun. Visitors in Albemarle. The following personals from the Albemarle News-Herald will be of in terest here: Air. and Airs. B. R. /’raven, and sons, and father, of Concord, spent Sunday with Miss Mira Stone. Mrs. B. B. I.eFeaux spent Thursday and Friday in Concord, visiting Mrs. C. B. Parks. » Alisses Laura Deaton and Sue Ilar ke.Vf spent Sunday visiting in Con cent Mrs. Cook to Speak. Albemarle Vews-Jlerald. Mesdames' Frank, Arthur and Hu bert Patterson, will bt* joint hostesses as the home of Mrs. Hubert Patterson to the ladies of the Lutheran Mission ary Society, -on Saturday afternoon sit 3:30 o’clock. Airs. John AI. Cook, \ from Concord, will he present siud talk to the ladies on vital topics of Mis sionary work. Mrs. Cook is field Secretary of the North Carolina Syn od. She is a woman of pfcrsonsil charm, deep spiritual inspiration. The ladies of the church are urged to be present and hear Airs. Cook.* , Colonial Dames lo Meet. The Concord chapter Colonial Denies wilt meet with Mrs. .1. F. Cannon Fri day afternoon at 4 o’clock. Prof. Outs. G. Yardell, Jr., to Give Or gan Recital Heve. /Prof. Chas. G. Yardell, .Tv,, dean of the miisb* department of Flora Mc- Donald College, at Red Springs, will give an organ recital in the First Presbyterian Church here next Tues day evening. Afay Ist. at 8 oclock, to which the public is invited. Mr. Var dell will be assisted by Mrs. W. B. Robeson, head of the violin depart ment of the college. These two artists luive been making a tour of the State during the winter, and have lieen most favorably received wherever . they have appeared. Roys and Officers Delighted With Airs. . Clark. Wednesday evening iu the audito rium of the Jackson Training School certainly proved to be one ot line in terest and great joy to the boys aud ■officers of tfie institution. The pleas ure was reciprocal, for in return for the high class entertainment given by the inimitable Mrs. Djuvid /Clark, of Baltimore, the boys rendered a pro gramme consisting of songs and a number of selections by the iustitution . ail band. The institution appreciates the thoughtfulness of friends, who make * it possible for the boys of the school to hear one so clever iu her profession as Mrs. Clark. As a dialect reader «bt is fcuperb. On ali sides the bojs were heard to express the wish that “‘Mrs. Gorman would soon bring that lady back just as soon as she can.’’ The entertainments given by thoughtful friends at stated periods, are among the bright spotb the life at the Jackson Training Schuol, and helpful and uplifting as well as cherry. Parent-Teachers to Meet. The I’urent-Tenehers Association will meet this evening at 7 :30 o’clock at the No. 2 school building. AH par ents are urged to be present. Entertainment Monday Evening. The Woman’s Club of Concord, in putting on the entertainment of Alon dav evening, again gave an expression of its aim—to bring to Concord enter tainments of high class as a stimulus to higher culture and refined tastes, es pecially among the young. The audience for a city of the size of Concord was small, but the rapt attention and applause that greeted each number showed an appreciation ■of the splendid interpretation of the entire program. Airs. David Clarke, of Baltimore, a woman of strong person ality, the dialect reader, was intensely engaging and she possesses the happy faculty of winning the sympathetic at tention of her audience from the very start in giving her various interpreta tions of Southern dialect, including that of the negro. Airs. Lillian Ilomesly Bolt needs no introduction to Concord audienew. She was at her best in poise and voice, and sire gave each number with artistic ef fect that delighted her hearers. Aliss Nell Herring, Concord’s talented ac companist and a musician of no mean ability, added much to the pleasure of the evening by taking charge of the instrumental part of the program. The Woman's Club is to be com mended iif its efforts to give to Con cord such high class entertainments. Sunderland Students Enjoy Service. The teachers and students of Sun derland School wish to express Their hearty thanks to the-pastor-alid con gregation of the AlcKinnon Presbyter ian Church for the invitation to wor ship with them on last Sabbath. The number of ears provided was most gen erous and we shall remember the help ful sermon with genuine pleasure. War Mothers Meeting. Airs. John K. Patterson and Airs. D. B. Alorrison left Tuesday for Wil son to attend- tbe State meeting of American War Mothers as delegates frtTm the Cabarrus chapter. The Cabarrus chapter lias been very active since its organization soon af ter tlie end of tbe World War and the Concord delegates to the convention will make a splendid report. Mrs. Patterson is president of the Cabarrus chapter and at one time solved as State President. ?’lth Our Sick. from Spartanburg states that Airs. .j. N. Bates, of this city, who is recuperating there from a recent serious operation, c*<{ dilutes to im prove. Airs. Bates will remain in Spartanburg with relatives some time lief ore returning home. The many friends of Airs, T. AY. Smith will learn with interest that she continues to improve. Airs. Smith was able to be on the porch of her home a short while Alondav. # To Attend Missionary Conference. Airs. W. D. Pemberton and Aliss Ala riam Colt rune left last Tuesday for Monroe, to attend tlie Missionary, Con ference of the Methodist AVoman’s Alissionar.v Society of the AVestern North Carolina Conference. They are delegates from the missionary so cieties of Central Methodist Church. Air. and Mrs. Carpenter Parents of a Daughter. Born to All*, and Alts. AY. C. Carpen ter, of Nortft Church street, April .25, a daughter, Louise Virginia. Delightful Ateeting of K. O. H. Club. Aliss Letfia Snyder was hostess' to the K. O. 11. Club Thursday evening. Hearts Dice was played, after which a delicious fruit salad course was serv ed. £ Enter tains Concord Book Club. Charlotte Observer. Airs. A. C. AVolfe. of this city, en tertained the Friday Afternon Book (’lul> of Concord, at her home in this city Friday at its bust meeting. Al though now living in this city, she still ret inns her membership in the. Concord Club, where she formerly re sided. To War- Mothers Convention. Charlotte Observer. . . The following ladies have left for AVilson. where they will attend the state convention of the war mothers: Airs. Hugh Montgomery, Mrs. E. P. Tingley and Airs. .1. AI. Fetner, of Charlotte: Airs. Minnie Fagg Alalloy, Airs. Bynum Sumner atul Airs, Parker, of Asheville, Airs. John K. Patterson and Airs. I). B. Alorrison. of Concord, and Mrs. R. C. Warren, of Gastonia. John F. Yorke and Family to Move. Charlotte News. Mr. and Mrs. John Frank Yorke and children. Frajk and Margaret Yorke, will move/Ik?latter part of the week lo their now lioino on Ardsley Road, iu Myers Park. The Yorkes have re sided ou South Boulevard for a uum ber of years. With Our Sick. Lottie and Otho Barnhardt. children .of Mr. aud Airs. T. B, Barnhardt, of No. 5 township, are confined to their homes with measles. Want Clothes For T. B. Patient. * The Tuberculosis Society expects to send to Sanatorium in the very near future a patient who is entirely with out support. She is iu need of a ki moua, hose, bed room shoes, two house ♦Tresses, gowns aiid underwear, a pair of blankets, and also a simple hat iu which to travel. It is a peculiarly sad cage, and- the- Soeiety - will~he most grateful for any of the above named articles. Telephone 280. Spent TuescJay Here. Air. and Airs. Fred C. Correll, 6f Greensboro, spent several hours here Tuesday * fternoon and night. They came to pack their furniture, which has been stored here, and which they will use in their home, which they will occupy after Alay first. * Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Parents of Son. Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. AV. John son, a son, AY. AV. Jr., April 24. li. K. Club Meeting. The K. K. bridge club met Tuesday evening with Miss Frances Ridenhour at her home on West Depot Street. All members were present except Miss Aliriam Morris. Guestes in addition to club mem bers were Mrs. B. E, Harris, Jr., Aliss Elizabeth Harris, Mrs., George ,E(1 wards, of Rocky Mount; Mrs. R. E. Ridenhour, Jr., and Airs. H. G. Gib son. Airs. Harris won the score prize, and following play, Miss Ridenhour served a delectable salad course. FlowegJShow. The Cabarrus Black Boys Chapter of the Daughters of the American Rev olution will give a Flower Show on Thursday of next week, Alay Btli, at tlie Concord A'. AI. C. A. The doors will open at 4:30 in the afternoon, and the ladies will serve supper, ami sell flowers, fancy work, and other things. The public is invited. Air. Drayton Horton, of Norfolk, is spending a week with his parents. Ali*! and Airs. J. C. Horton, of No. 10 town ship. • PERSONALS. Airs, A. E. Lentz, of Charlotte, is spending several days here at the home of Air. and Airs, (\ L. Smith. » «• • Airs. J. F. Goodman lias returned from Raleigh, where slie spent several days with her daughter, Aliss Cathar ine GoodnuTh, a student at St. Alary’s. • w « Airs. J. I). Hatchett arrived yes terday from her home in Atlanta, to spend some time here with her parents. Rev. and Airs. T. W. Smith. » - » » Airs. James AV. Cannon spending some time in New York City and oth er northern cities. m m m Air. and Ali;s. Reece Ira Long and children have returned from Durham, where they spent the week-end with Airs. Henry Clinksenles. • • • Air. John Vann and All*. Liinuriiok, of the Alonroe bar. spent yester day here on professional business. Mrs. J. A. B. Fry spent Tuesday night here with Dr. and Airs. W. (’. Houston. She left yesterday for Greensboro. _ • * * Airs. Florence Barrier is spending two weeks in Durham with her daugh ter. Mrs. Henry Clinkscales. t m m Charlotte News: Zeb AI orris and Lewis Laughlin. of Coueord, were visitors in the city Sufttlny. Air. E. J. Rosemun, State (Deputy tax collector, of Statesville, is spend ing the day here conferring with City Tax Collector Alills. « * * • Mrs. Luther Lee has returned to her home in Shelby, after spending sev eral days here with her parents, Air. and Airs. John Hill. Air. AI. 11. Caldwell. Jr., has re turned from Aberdeen, where he spent a short while at the home of his brother, Air. Ralph Caldwell. „ m % m Air. C. AI. Sappenfield. Jr!, has re turned to his home in Shelby, after spending several days here vyith his parents, All*, and Airs. C. AI. Sappen lield. w e • Airs. .T. It. Cress and Frances Cress and AH*. It. J. Phillips and Oswald Phillips spent yesterday in Charlotte with M l ’*- Phillips, who is undergo ing treatment in the Charlotte Sana torium. » • • Miss Alary Ellen Bostian has re turned to her home in China Grove, after nursing Airs. T. AV. Smith here for,several weeks. m m m Airs. ,T. A. P*. Fry, of Berkley, Culif., spent Monday night here with Miss Josie Hill. She and Mr. Fry 4iave been in tfie State for several weeks and will leave Alonduy for their Cali fornia home. She spent Tuesday in Charlotte, but was the guest of Dr. and Airs. AA\ <’. Houston Tuesday night. m m m Mr. C. AI. Sappenfield, Jr., is spend ing several days here with his parents. Air. and Airs. C. M. Sappenfield. Air. and Airs. Alien Gibson have re turned to Kings Mountain after spend ing the week-end here with friends and relatives. • ♦ • Air. A. E, Harris and Air. J. T. Cress ! spent Alqnday afternoon in Albemarle on business. t • * * Aliss Hoover, of Aslie- ' boro, court stenographer, is attending Cabarrus Superior Court here this week. « • * • Aliss Elizabeth Biggs, national" field secretary for the Florence Critteuton Industrial Home, with headquarters in Charlotte, spent Monday here. (liildren Walk From Hickory to Ten- Johnson Cit. Telia. , April 25. — Charles and Leon Hale, 11 and 13 years of age, reached here today after a tramp of 1(>8 miles across the Ap palachian mountains, following the death of their father, their ouly rela tive, at Hickory, N. C. They state they have beep on th£ trip three weeks, sleeping outside evep- night, but were furnished ample food by people living along the route, and ekidtu to be en route to an aunt living iu Lynchburg, A T u. They rceuclied Johnson City tired, and ragged and applied for direction : at police headquarters. Police offi cers headed a subscription which citi zens quickly increased to an amount! sufficient for hew shoes and clothing'’ railroad ticket to Lynchburg, a hair" cut scbstahtial pocket change and two] big boxes of Xyod, P2SJiJ*Y COLY3I.Y—II PAYS THE CONCORD TIMES lo£al. mention I Cotton on the local market today is quoted at 27 cents per pound; cotton seed at 00 cents per bushel. Two new cases of measles and one newcase of whooping cough were reported to the county health de partment for yesterday and last ngiht. t Thirty dollars was collected in fffielF in recorder’s court Wednesday. »Three defendants paid 85 each and the oth- 1 er paid .sls. Court was in session only a short while. A series of revival services will he held at the Alethodist Protestant ‘ church next Sunday. The pastor will! he assisted by Rev. Geo. H. Brown, j I). D., of High Point. Good progress is being .made now; on the new home Os Art*, and Airs. C. j A. Aleis, which is being erected on North Unikn street. The home will probably he completed within the next several weeks. “Babe” Hammett, for three years a member of the Furman Urjl/ersity football team. died, this week of tu bercular meningitis. Hammett will remembered here as one of the stars on the Furman teams that defeated Davidson for sevex*hl seasons. The. best route to now, according to persons who have to drive there often, is via the old Ice factory road. Tlie road connects with the regular highway about fwo miles north of Concord, and is in fair shape now. This is the most direct and shortest route to Kannapolis. The bird houses on display at the Pearl Drug Company are for sale, and are being handled by the AAjjman’s Club. In an effort to arouse greater interest in birds the club offered prizes j for the lH*st houses and yie three on display were presented and declared! winners, and are now for sale. Rose Ileglar, youngest daughter of. All*, and Airs. AAV 11. Heglar. Ay as pain fully injured several days ago when j a young cow she was leading started] running and sin* was caught in the chain. The child suffered severe j bruises (m her breast, right shoulder j and right hip,, and has been confined to her bed since the accident. People traveling from' Concord to Salisbury are using many roads now. while the regular highway is being re paired. Some are going via the Old i Salisbury road; others are going via Kannapolis : and still others are go-j ing via faith. The Faith road is] said to be in excellent shape but is! about four'miles longer than the oth-1 ers. A number of Carolina alumni are' planning t<*- go to Greensboro Satur- j day to witness the Carollna-Virginia baseball game. The game proves the higgest collegiate baseball game of the state each year, and is always wit nessed by thousands of fans." The two teams are about evenly matched this year, and the game promises to be a good one. The city >Mill has a force of hands at work on South Church street,! widening that pnfi’of the Street ox- ( tending from Alcana street to me Cov-j ing ton Cundy Company. On the en?U side of the street some of the build ings are being moved back, the tele-’ phone company is having its poles moved and other changes are being made preparatory to widening tlie street. l*hc local highs are practicing for their game with the Baden highs here Friday afternoon. Last week in Baden the locals just managed to score the winning run in the ninth in ning and they are going to take no chances on tlie game by letting up in their practice this week. Sullivan, pitching ace of the locals, probably will work on the mound for the Con cord boys. So far announcement of a Republi can ticket for the municipal election has not been made. It has been inti mated by several prominent Republi cans that a G. <>. P. ticket would be offered, but nothing definite' lias been stated about the matter yet. One Re publican leader stated #?evenfl days ago that bis party would probably anfi'ounce a ticket when the full tick et had -been decided upon. Persons who did not register for the Special school bond election last year must, register Ibis year if .they want lo vote in the municipal election on 1 Alay Bth. The registration books have < been opeX several weeks, but they close Saturday, and those persons who have not registered are advised to do so by not later than Saturday. Al>- senlee votes will not be allowed in the election, as they do not apply to muni cipal elections. An important deal in residential property in Concord was consumiqated yesterday when Airs. N. F. Yorke sold her homo on North Union street to Mr. Chas. S. Smart. Airs. Yorke will begin, at once tbe construction of a modern new hotuo in Statesville, where she will move as soon as the home is ■ completed* Their many friends in Concord will regret to lose Airs. Yorke ; and her family. Air. Smart will re-1 model the house completely and work | will begin as soon as lie can secure possesion of property. He plans to move into his new bume by this fall. SftV'-Splittliig \,Ht*vut‘s at the Faysscmx Show. It remained for psy chic marvel, to bring' bur In "hie ex hibitions the comiy possibilities of hypnotism. The old time- Hypnotists with their limited abilities had made | feeble attempts in rthis direction be- 1 fore the coming of Fnyssoux. but they! were extremely feeble iu comparison I to tile mirth-provo&iOg scones created by Fayssoux. ■ * I “It beats the host comedy I ever] saw.” “it’s funnier thati a barre’. of monkeys with their mils chopped off,” “A whirl wind of gayety,” “Fays-, soux makes you laugh until your sides ache.” “It’s the greatest comedy of thein all.” are some of the ex-, preissions heard in the theatre lobby j after the show. Fayssoux will begin an engagement of one week at Fhe canvas theatre, Monday,'* Apnl 31st. Mr. William A. S. Shaw. Jr., of Char- j lotfe, spent several hours in the city 3 fsfterdiy on togdeesa. BAPTISTS- TAKE TRANQUIL PARK Company of s#oo,ooo to fee Formed; Mecklenburg-Uabarrus Association to Operate. Charlotte Observer, 20th. The Tranquil Park sanatorium im Myers Park, will be taken over by the Mecklenburg-Cabarrus Baptist Asso ciation as a denominational hospital, agreement to the offer made by T. T. Cole and associates, owners of the property, having been entered into at ft fneettng of the executive committee of the association Wednesday morning at the Y. M. C. A. The terms of the agreement provide that the present owners organize a company and add at least 500 rooms to the plant immediately. The au thorized capital stock of the proposed company is to be $500,000, of which $300,000 is to he raised immediately by popular subscription. Operation of the hospital will be vested entirely in the bi-county asso ciation. The cost of improvements will be borne by Mr. Cole and asso c iates. The executive committee of the as sociation negotiating for the hospital and accepting the proposition Wednes day is composed of Rev. L. A. Pruette, pastor of Ninth Avenue' Baptist Church, chairman; Rev. R. D. Car roll, pastor of Allen Street Church, secretary. Rev. W. A. Smith, pastor of Pritchard- Memorial Church; Dr, Luther Little, pasted vof the First Church, Charlotte: I)r. (1. A. Martin, pastor of the First Baptist Church, of Concord. The special committee appointed to investigate the proposition is compos ed of C. A. Duckworth, Dr. John Q. Myers and R. L. Goode. Tranquil Park Sanatorium, located at the edge of Myers Park near the Myers Park country club, is consider ed splendidly situated for a hospital. The property consists of about 50 acres, the sale to include about 10 acres, it is said. It contains two buildings at present, one of 35 rooms and the other 10 rooms. The hospital will not begin t * re ceive patients’until after the propos ed improvements are made and it will be late summer or early fall before it will be formally opened. Modern equipment will lie added to the al ready up-to-date equipment and med ical talent of the highest type will be procured, it was announced. HOWIE MURDER CASE IS SET FOR MONDAY All Civil Cases in Superior C'oiirt Wloved Back One Day. Immediately after court convened for the afternoon session yesterday, Solicitor Long announced that the criminal docket could not be complet ed this week and would continue through Monday of next week. By agreement with counsel, the case of vs. Howie was set for Monday. Howie is a Monroe electrician who Is charged with the murder of a child near the llartsell mill, it being alleged that'a car he was driving struck and killed a small child there several weeks ago. This will necessitate all civil cases set for Monday being continued until Tuesday, in fact the civil docket will be culled just one day later than Hist announced as a result of tlie criminal docket extending over a day into the week set apart for the trial of civil cases. Tlie following cases were disposed ot yesterday in court; Elites t Sides was found guilty ,pf abandonment. Not yet sentenced. Bob Arant was found guilty of false pretense and was ordered to puv sls to L. A. Pooler, the* prosecuting wit ness in the case. 4 Will and Sarah Bradford pletid guilty to an affray and judg ment was suspended upon payment of the costs. Martin Boger was tried on .two counts of assault with a deadly * wea pon. The eases were consolidated uhd he was found guilty. He has liot been sentenced. Tom Meadows was found guilty (.f larceny and sentenced ' to the chain gang for <>o days.* I. Allen Larkin, chained with carry ing a concealed weapon, was found not guilty. G. N. Lipe and hula King, charg 'd with fornication and adultery, wove found not guilty. * The Kerr Street Baptist Revival. A large mid interested congregation greeted the singers aigj preacher again Wednesday night aim tlicvNpirit was felt in the very atmosphere. There have been seventeen (17) added to the church so far, eight by letter and nine by baptism. God is indeed blessing us. The preacher spoke Wednesday night from II Samuel 0:24, -and let it he when thou hearesit the sound of the going- in the top of the mulberry trees, that then thou sbalt bestir thy self, for then shhll the Lord go out be fore thee to smite thjv host of the Philistines.’* Ho sajd in part: * First, wlien the people of God go in obedience, that God will bless their efforts and give them a glorious vic tory. It gave Moses and the children of Is real assurance. It gave Joshua assurance. It gave the apostles as surance. ♦ Second, then we learn that when God’s power is present 'that we as 11L children should put forth our best ef forts with the assurance of victory. Third, we learn further that when God is in our midst that there is the time for sinners to seek the Lord in their salvation. Isaiah said to_‘seek the Lord while He may be found, and call upon Him while He is near.” Herod waited too long. Felix waited; too long. Many thousands have wait ed until God lmd left them. Services will continue at b p, ui. and 7 :T0 p. m. until Sunday, night. Miss Minnie Allman biis been a great addition to the meeting. Hill Not Make tputrarct With liiiou Printers. -New York, April 26.HMember s of the American Newspaper Publishers Association voted today not to nego tiate contracts with union printers or mailers in compliance with a new : amendment to the constitution of the International Typographical Union which provides that'such contracts be ! made jointly and expire coricurreiitly. j Modern codkery experts fire said to i prepare their .dishes to please the eye, I instead of the stomach. ’ J Two’Counts Os Murder Returned " by Grand! Jury Tuesday Afternoon Tuesday* was another busy day in i Cabarrus County Superior Court, a number of chses I»eing disposed of be fore Judge James L. Webb. The grand jury was also busy Tues day. True bills charging murder were returned against Maurice C. Howie, of Monroe, Who is alleged to have run down a small girl here with his auto; and Will Bray, negro, charged with killing another negro. C. fc>. Smith, Clarence Shupipg and Charles Dees, charged with carrying concealed weapons and with assault With deadly weapons, were tried Tues dav and all found guilty. Sentence has not been passed. The men were charged with firing at Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Means and daughter and ing several other Concord men on the Kannapolis road several weeks ago. E. W. Cailes, the fourth man in REVIVAL SERVICES AT KERR STREET CHURCH Rev. D. V. Yorke Conducting Series of Services at Church Now.* Rev. D. V. Yorke, one of the evan gelists of the Methodist Church, West ern North' Carolina Conference, is conducting a series of services at the Kerr Street Methodist Church. The services began last Friday night and A-ill continue for at least ten days. The services have created much in terest, and Mr. Yorke is preaching to large congregations each night. Ip addition to tlie regular services in the church Mr. Yorke is pray er meetings and as many as eleven of these meetings are being held each day. Last Sunday night twelve conver sions were made after the service, and since that service ifacreased inter- JSPC Don’t stub your toe on the stub of your Check book! JB Don’t pay more than our price for a Spring Suit— s and don’t veer off the road W of Quality by paying less. There is a standard set price for the finest Ready-to-Wear clothes just the same as there is a standard set of prices for Talcum Powder, Tooth Powder and Gun Powder. No Bring Suites can be better than - these—few stores’ value are as , solidl Try them out. Throw your chest outTo the breeze these fine days—but don't throw your money to the birds! '• • ;;u: Brown’s- Clothes Famous for Fine Tailoring $30.00 to $50.00 Browns - Cannon Co. Where You Get Yapr Money’s Worth New Caps New Shirts New Neckwear New Line of Sport Hats—Leghorns with ■ * f Velvet Trims, Flowers, Fabrics, Embroidery and Ribbon. SPECIALTY HAT SHOP % COMPLETE LINE OF SPORT- ; ING GOODS! ■ • Look at our window display of t Sporting Goods. A complete line of j fishing tackle, minnor buckets, reels. minnor seines, baseball goods, golf \ clubs and balls. Rifles and Cartridges- Let us fix up your camping outfit. IT" l goods are all guaranteed and pricc- s Right. i: ; ' . I* Ritchie Hardware C PHONE 117 Thursday,‘April 26, 19,3 party, did not show up f or ... , having been released roc, ‘W W SI(K) bond, which he forfej'J. a jury recommended mercy f. rii " John Barbee plead guilty to-, T' of carrying a concealed whs fined SSO and the costs' p lle cleared by a jury on a H; M *\’ V||v sflult with a deadly weapon " f '««• John Staton was freed hy . a charge of robbery. ' Jll v u Tom Madison, colored, and n Wilson, charged with hir,.,. nv sentenced to the chain ' 'V : former Will serve Co da vs Tnui'.i, ! l: ter four months. el «t - the jurymen iha, w H( , , ed Monday were discharged i„ V Webb. Most of them were f / and were excused so the V '' r *‘ tinue their farm work. est lias been manifest'd \ ti tll , ing. Services each night at t h Which the general public j s 1 Evangelistic Services Next \\w Rev. Dr. George R. H r(nvil of Main Street Methodist . ' Church, in High Point, will ji-in? (Vmcord next Monday to -eon,,!-,’. ! “ of evangelistic services j,!' 1 * Methodist Protestant ("hurob Street. “ 11]! Dr. Brown is a strong prem-her the congregation is looking f " '! with pleasure to liis coming " r ' The wedding bouquet of Lady Eli? Ueth Bowes-Lyon .when she the bride of the Duke of y(,ri consist large'y of white heat 1 which is regarded by the Scotti<’i people as a symbol of Luck.

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