J E. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. VOLUME XLVIII. Hooded Band Menace To Ail, Bailey Asserts pjlfiijli Man, Speaking in piltsboro. Says Men \\ ho Takt* law in Own Hands \re Enemies of the State. \0 REASON FOR THEIR CONDUCT Laws and Courts Have Been Established to Pro lyl People and Hooded Hands Are Not Needed. \. (•’., pril an.—>*\Vhi*n v; ; • r in jrr« »u |*s take the iw ii lui mis. they ;i I l (t .. <*nVm:es nf ft‘ie gov- ' «I * ‘ i -i. \V. Bailey. t.f| •r■ v. r t:. in • l! adflress heh* today. I ( ; tmni< • n rlieir infills ami : :,.1 >I, makes tiie mailer all 1 La A,.- Ilf added. v, [[.;,;!*-r what- the provo*-at ion, | j,v v u!:<>i justify th**mselyps," Air. i A.. , ,|.'j|;iifd. ‘ Tiler** is hat on** * u t , n i.iiff or* let aml Iha l is by ; If fail lla* only course! fin ««!• To undertake to j j ; , ,h;i \ fur i lit*tii is usurpation j A:- ij’ is lawlessness itself. Il j „■, ", r 11«• .*l l anareliv. \V, i\i* Inal in This state many J !■;?• st ti« *i. - *ff ::en law —rut her of i v,|, . s lynri.ings. Whippings. I ; u; ~i . Viii'M* jire ail acts of iIL - v;,\ •it y art* dostru<*tivo of I y.. :iii| at government. Whenever a 1 , i|, ~ ,!,. n .arrogate to themselves I •v . f executing the law or of j • -ling «.:>*h-r and get away with } ; : *:, ; n, in revolt against civilian- 1 They are throwing over the! .* > . ]ji) • , la w which is its life., C-i; *:.:■; ct;i thing ' 1 * !<* pel- cent Am-j Ar; an'.sm —iit is I*lo per cent, anti- { AteUi'sia. It is Timceyisivs. it i*-' . !;.ism. it is anarchy. It is the! iji.ithfd> 'f \nieriean. No nun 1 hi' -t*!i't-s will tolerate it. , Tiiose (it.:-**:.- .the have joined any nrgani z:ti.-n tiutt feature -of tie* organization tin tends to foster ibis freedom-de irg I'llffllt-SX. ' ' • \r i,ne ran he -unaware of the) titmP 1.1 t-Xelvi <■ lil i■- invisible |M»\V-j tr iii |nhri rs. S\'e are told dipt can-] iii<;,.v- who do not eater to govern j tt.i'ii! a secret is-mils an«l inthnida- T "11. \v;!J lie heaten hy invisible paw- I If s also is unlawful. Whenever m re.i -h tin* ]Miiut that candidates for j'.tye nil in* permitted hy the voters t" imsvyftiot on this subject, all is ov >'•’ >" tar - ire * Government is con r' ru*■. Tiie issue unfst he made with 1 evil ti-im; from the beginning. Kv hv iiidiihite for office must he t'est thi> test. And his position I ring i-lear. if he is afrivid or ill j • a,i nidi m«i*( i groups or invisible] •inr- us fee functions of govern- Ml la- is unlit for place of power— nnt*t justice. A public offi • >* a minister of tin* law.' lit* can- j :* a minister of the law and f**ar . | l,r 1 "tiituii!ui>,* vvitii any who wouhl j :*' (heais lv*-> fane!ions of the. 1 ’ l;|V ami The courts w ithout author-j ! ::i the |>eo|i!t';, and w ithout lie-i j n: i3tahilit\ in the people. For this; ' ' "bn mill ut-vmiiability art* in-: •■*l *'*•>ii'l** To Tree government ." THE i Os TON MARKET * ding Mc-venient in Progress Satur % 'Lis Kenev. ed at Opening To <*>• i X v York. April MO.—The s<*lling*| a ‘ 'taMiT hit ii nad been in progress ' l of tlit* cotton market last j ii-neweti "Waine v.uik and unsettled under i hm* ur M*ss general selling. > ~ " n ° n hitures npeiied steady. May j - -hily 2*;.sp; net. *_'4.oo: l>cc.| - ’ -bin. i’:;. jo. With Ottr \dverl isers. ( .• V.' ‘I th«* new advert iscment today *' hrajjx. the expert plumber. I, [[ . beginning April Moth. , “ ''■ *• ins.in will sell ST.oO malting ".y hi S!'!.', tie has only 100 '' ■ •'•♦'lter go quirk. , 11 1 ’•/•!!,. I'.ank and Trust fowl '■i'f' a spet*iafty of service to Si ~j*t \ . I:i[ ' "I -dl Unite and Leghorns v v * i:l !"s at the Sjieeialty Hat l A- i list trance ad. todnv of : k^l'att, \ ru. rA ~A l!l,: ' r -' Grocery Do. has just s. ;t. A, :i " Liipment of * Kvoneeehe Wi, "]l l " hon-ton patent flour. ,-j. ' i ‘ hieken feed. ‘ <’.i,<"Nf 'htrtuacy veils the best can st.. a... ' " M, : r i'rug ru. will give von A ' '” ( 'lI s headache remedy s a h er ~a ys | )ivi( j en(] S:| H>T;,i, ,n ' l ** -Yjn'il MO.—The A' * " r horation this morning "1 j ‘ cgiihi i* quarterly dividetul -j i',, 1 11" 1 ' M,|:? * on preferred stock ' i i ;, 7 " : n *ot. on common stock. * UMt ] l ,>n!n '. 0,1 Keparaiions. 6: ! )!l1 * Hy the Associat- Laiig,. .mA 1 ' 1 rit Lh. American and ; -iiA" i a ' ! v * "iitVrred -today saa L'A : ' n ‘ ° yarding Ger ‘vparations offer, says a tk is an ( .,; ’ ' dispatch, from Berlin yiuooii. . p j ( r 'H the « i[a • ' " ll ° *'us been spend *■^'L'ss: r '’- '" ri today FHE CONCORD TIMES. ! AMERICAN SHIPS ( AN SELL LIQI'OR WHILE AT SEA Rot They f'ennof Cr.nie in Tiire?-?»Iile i Limit With It, Supreme (ouri Rules, I Washington. April MO—The ruling i of Attorney Genctnl Daitgnerty against jibe serving of liquor *>n American 1 slops on the high se.-is was ’ overtui‘iu*d t-f.ilav hy the Siqjrene* Court which jbeld at flu* same time, however, thut j I In* ban prohibiting both American ; and for* ign ships from bringing liquor ] stocks into American parts under bond j is legal and enforceable.-''' The court held that the prohibition I amendment could not legally lie np j |di*‘*l lo prevent American ships from >s.-ding I leverages when they are out ] side of American territorial w aters. To I tiutt extent the decision reversed a j decision in a case by Federal Judge | Hand a: New York. Within the three mile limit, however, tin* court found that an entirely different situation ob tain-. Sustaining the position taken - b> .fudge Hand on that point, the de cision' *l*cittrad it illegal for American •dr foreign ships to bring into Ameri can peats or waters liquor sealed in : bond for the use of passengers on out ! going voyages. The decision regarded hy the Feder- i |al government as one of the most im ' portant \i*t lumded down, in regard to [prohibition enforcement, w;ls read by; j Justice VariDevanter. Justices M< Reynolds and Sutherland dissented. Then Justice Sutherland delivered a) dissenting opinion. explaining In* | agreed that American ships cannot i have aboard intoxicating liquors in. American lerritorial waters, but he- j lieved tin* ]irohibtion should not he* applied to foreign ships. Hold Conference. New York. April MO. — Officials of i American and foreign steamship com-1 panics went into a hasty confemux* at j the offices of Cunard Line this after- j noon to devise a plan for the handling of the maritime liquor business under I the Supreme Court ruling. Mi>,.>ol,lloo SPINDLES IN OPERATION HI RING MARCH j I Average rtivity Was 2.m Hours Per, Spindle, According to tioverninent j Report. Raleigh. April MO. —The I'nitcd ' States Depai tment of < ’otnmeive an-j nqumes the following figures on iim- ! tioiial prodm-t ion and distribution j during March, according U-* a .Imlteiin i received here I*mig!it : A total of il.obo eoUun spindles' were active during March, with an! average activity of 2M. - , hours per j spimlle. compared with tin* previous j maximum of January, 10-M. when the average activity wath lH!> hours. MTie production of North Carolina j pine, at I.TdO.OMO fiM*t, compares with 41.000.000 feet for February; 02.200,- 000 ft*ef for March a year ago and 07.400.000 feet, tire previous maximum production in Novemher. 1022. 'Hie relative average price to farm ers of the 1*) leading crops, at IM4. ) coopares with IMO for February and j 112 a year ago. The relative average ] price to*farmers of livestock, at lou. companies with 107 for the previous month.- 117 for March. 1022. 'Automobile production, with M1M.121 passenger ears and M4..YOM trucks pro duced during tin* month, compares ‘with tin* previous maximum of June. 1022, wlii‘ii production of* passenger ears amounted to 20M.027 and trucks to 25.084. The production of southern pine, at I 4M>.ot;<».o you suppose in Heaven when communion is celebrated that John "Calvin. John Knox. .John and Cherles Wesley and other great leaders in non- Baptist world wilt he denied the priv ilege of sitting with the Baptists? “We need greater tolerance for va rious seels, isms and fads that are springing up. I do not regard them, as heretical. They are the result of a spiritual urge <>n the part of the people who are seeking what the.\ think the church cannot furnish them. “Sir Oliver Lodge is one of the out standing psychists of his generation, and he is t eying-sincerely and-earnest ly l<> lift the veil. So also is Conan Doyly, eminent and hfglt-niinderl man. The healing movement. Christian j Science and others, are .practicing a lost function of the church which the! church should regain." SOVIETS PROTEST TO DECISION OF ALLIES Which Would Keep the Russians Out of the'New Peace Conference at Imu sanne. Lausanne, pril M 0 i P.y the Associ ated Press). — An official dispatch pro-, testing against Russia "arbitrarily tie- ! ing kept out of the conference” was j sent to the Near East conference to- , day by M. Vorovsky, tiie soviet repre- j sentntivo here. lie declared such de cision is in direct violation of the I terms of the invitation sent to Rus*-! sia hy Great Britain. France and lta-j ]y preceding the tirsl Lausanne eon- ! fereuee on November 14. 1U22. M. Yorovski. in his protect, says j Russia cannot accept the ultimatum ol‘ j the conference that she must sign the j convention tixing tin* status of tin* j Turkish Straits before being admitted i to the conference. Russia must enter the conference! ‘•on full terms of equality.” tin* Soviet representative insists. Mirth Provoking Scenes Created hy Fayssoux. Had Fayssoux. tlu* psychic marvel, lived in the time of the Puritans he would have been burned at the stake/ beheaded pr hanged as a sorcerer and magician. His feats in mind-reading are bewildering: that facility with which ly* hypnotizes his subjects and compels them to obey his hock and call is truly awe-inspiring. His con trol over a stage full of people, all strangers to him. is simply wonderful. It is a common scene at one of 11m Fayssoux performances to behold a group of prominent citizens cutting lie* most fantastic capers imaginable. Gore we, see a staid old -resident standing at one end of tlu* stage de livering an address on tin* folly of the anti-saloon movement, while a few feet away some one identiled with the liquor interests is making a temper ance speech: in another spot a quartet of men who never attempted to sing a note in all their lives are roaring a rollicking chorus, near hy another par ty of citizens are seated in an imagin ary basket-car taking an imaginary ride under an imaginary balloon. The comic effects are better imagined than described. Fayssoux will begin an engagement of six nights at the can vas theatre Monday, April MOth. Road ('ongress to Re Held in Strain Madrid, April 28. —Seville is prepar ing for the entertainment of the Fourth International Road Congress which is to he held in that city dur ing the second week of May. The lirst congress was held at Paris in 1906, and was followed by others at Brussesl and London. The forthcom ing congress will discuss important aspects of road travel, among the sub jects being the surfacing of roads w*ith concrete, the use of bitumen and as phalt, and the development of motor transport. The congress will run its own daily newspaper. Delegates from the principal* countries of the world have signified their intention of attending. CONCORD, N. C., MONDAY. APRIL 30. 1923. The following is the report made by. the grand jury last week to th** Supe rior court : [Sc/ j Chain (Jang No 2. No. prisoners 18. Good wholesome j food and- everything sanitary. \W. rlie grand jury. reeon|meiut sugar and coffee for idle prisoners at break fast." April 25, 11)23. — Cham Gang Camp No. & Provisions: 100 llh. hems; 150 lbs. j dour’: TOO ins. meat: M sides in.ar. j Slock and loots: 8 mutes; t two horse wagons: I Ford so a; 1 ron*l ma chine; M scoops; 1 romi drag: M plows. F* ed : M 5 lm. oats. 4 hags sweet feed, i etit jury room. We also recommend that the old toilet at the hack of the jail be torn away. County JaiL We. the grand jury, recommend that tin* entire steel work of the prison cells be painted.*** We also recommend that the heater in the county jail he covered and new pressure gauge be fore used. Also front steps at jail need repairing. We recommend to the county commissioners that a gangway he constructed from the second story of the jail house to the second story of the court house. Report of Chain Rang Camp No. 1. Fifty-seven prisoners: Ml white, 2(5 colored. Stock: 1M mules. Tools: 15 2-horse wagons and harness; 1 1-horse wagon and harness, 1 White truck, 2 Fordson tractors, 2 rooter plows, 2 turn plows, 4 drag pans, plenty picks and shovels, 1 blacksmith shop with tools, 1 steam tractor, 1 steam drill, buildings all in good condition* We find that prisoners are being fed at No. 1 camp with corn bread and beans, with a very small piece of boil ed meat in scant quantity; that corn bread served is not properly made and we recommend fresh bread made up with at least 1-4 part flour, and proper amount of milk and shortening. We also find all prisoners carrying their spoons on their person from one meal to tin* other, which we disapprove of. and recommend that each prisoner be served with spoons washed before each mea 1. We find complaint by one prisoner, jT. -J. Blair, of having been whipped ,by Captain P. D. Blackwelder with a hickory 1-2 inch at but, 5 feet long be j cause prisoner would not work. Pris oner claiming to be sick. Complaint by Claud Sufford <>l hav (Concluded on page four.) Report of Grand Jury Madfe to Judge Webb GASTON MEANS MAY BECOME NATIONAL ISSUE i Man, Formerly Widely Known in This j State, Calls Daugherty “Harry.” I Special to Greensboro News. Washington. April 28. —There is [some indication that Gaston B. Means, i known to considerable fame, especial ily in North Carolina, may become [something of a national issue. Re j eentljr n number of men. im-lnding 1 Means, became involved' in charges- < i' j corruption in connection with the is j sunnee of permits to remove whiskey ! from bonded houses, and perhaps for i exporting. Distillers and warehouse j owners, it was charged. had paid i great sums to Means and others I'or j "influence” and it was reported a | few days ago that the treasury de partment officials were making an [effort to ascertain whether Means was i Still on the payroll of the department 5 of justice as a secret service agent, the ' department Qf which W. J. Burns is at J the head. .Subsequently it was stat i ed that Means was not on the regular , payroll at tli is time. but that the j former agent for the German govern ■ ment was probably on (he Burns pri ! rate pay roll. Meanwhile, Burns is in the west, and Means has disappeared front view. Speculation at this writing turns main ly upon the point of whether a se rious attempt is being made to appre hend Means and the extent to which tiie men may expect protection from the higher officials of the depeartment of justice. One strange title is that Attorney General Daugherty. Means and Burns are intimate, that when they get together both Means and Burns refer to the attorney general as “Harry.” It is believed by some that Means has been so close to some of the men higher up in the government circles that he knows so.much, that no very serious effort will be made to bring him to book. On the other hand there are others just as determined that there shall he an accounting of Mea ns' alleged trans gressions. One report has it that during Hie last week the papers bear ing on the Means case, such as affi davits from men who affirm that they paid Means for influence which they did not receive, were stolen from the desk of Secretary Mellon, and copies made thereof before they were as mys teriously returned One would be slow to give credence to tfiis report but for the known fact that tctteVs and papers in wtib-li both Secret;!ry .-1 *f*l ("Womb sioiier Rian* were interested, have, tteen removed from the treasury tiles front time to time with a view of making copies which were retained by persons op posed-to the treasury department or ganization. It is asserted that men on the outside are in position to force action in the Means case, should there he manifested on the part of offi cials a disposition to protect him. It is suspected that Means is still in the city, and will come forward with the return of Burns from the west. TO ASK THAT COUNTY JUDGE BE DISMISSED Governor Hardee Said to Favor Dis missal of County Judge B. F. Wil lis. Tallahassee. Fla.. April Mft. —Gover- | nor Hardee plans to recommend to the Senate the removal from office of County Judge B. F. Willis, of Leon county, named 1 in testimony before the jo nt legislative investigating com mittee as having agreed with Sheriff jJ. R. Jones to send vagrants to the convict lease camp of the Putnam Lumber Compony at ('larn, Fla., it was learned today in an autohirtative quarter. Sheriff Jones was removed hy the Senate last week on recommendation of the Governor, and as a result of the investigation into the death at the Clara camp of Martin Tabert, of North Dakota. Testimony before the committee was to the effect that the train riders when arrested in wholesale numbers were brought before the judge after having been coerced into pleading guilty, and then without any formality hy day or night sentenced to 525 or three months at the private logging camp for which Sheriff Jones admitted he received $25 a head. Other testimony centered about Judge Willis’ alleged excessive drinking. NOTED AUTHOR DEAD Emerson Hough Died Today in a llos* pital in Evanston, Illinois. Chicago. April MO—Emerson Hough, author, died in a hospital in Evanston today. Mr. Hough was G 6 years old, and was taken to the hospital last Thurs day suffering from intestinal obstruc tion. An operation was performed on Saturday. Heart and respiratory com plications caused death. Continue Dancing Patrol Wagon anil Jail. Baltimore, Mil., April 20. —Eight dancers in the inter-cliy contest were interrupted hy police this morning af ter throwing the officers off tlu* track last midnight by pretending to leave the city. The automobiles into which they jazzed, it is said, returned to the Hall after the police had left. The dancers, who had reached the 1 OS-hour mark, continued their efforts In the patrol wagon and in their cells until released on bail for hearings to morrow, when they left for an un known destination, and have not yet been located. Six of the dancers are Baltimoreans, and the others are Aubrey Gilbert, of Washington, and Warren Mills, of Co lumbia, IS. C. ' PRIZES AND MEDALS GIVEN TO STUDENTS OF RURAL SCHOOLS Contests for Various Prizes Proved One of the Most Interesting Events of the County Commencement* DR. WHITSETT IS SPEAKER OF DAY Rains of Morning Kept the Crowd Down, But After noon Exercises Were At tended by Large Audince. A large crowd witnessed the elev enth "7mniial (‘a barms County Com mencement in the new auditorium at No. 2 Graded School on last Satur day. As the weather was somewhat rainy in the morning, tin* crowd was not its full size until the afternoon. In the afternoon ih** large auditorium was filled to nearly its full capacity. I>r. William Thornton Whifsett made an in f /resting and ad dress on "Undiscovered Wealth.” Un der this head he spoke of our rich heritage in our history as a county, state and nation, our wealth is natur al resources, out* wealth in romance and sentiment, ami our wealth in undevel oped manhood and character. The prizes in the county-wide con test in spelling that were given by the Bank and, Trust Cbmpany were won by Willie Ruth P.ost, Cleo na Linker, Vera Barnhardt and Carl Honeycutt, all of whom made perfect records both during the term and on the county test. The cash prizes offered by the Sup erintendent in composition for the best and second best papers on "What a School and Community Can Do to Im prove Country Living Conditions” were won by Susie Brumley, of th** Poplar Tent School and by Lenna Ba ker. of tile Bethel School. The D. A. R. Gold Medal offered hy Mrs. J. F. Reed to that pupil who would write th** best paper on local Revolutionary history, was won by Mary Pliarr, of the Poplar Tent School. Marj wrote an elegant account of the Jw'ivyjuc, deed* of tJUg. Bjacli This is a new prize offered for the lirst time this year. There were thirty-six certificates awarded for proficiency in spelling sixteen of them for first proficiency and twenty for second proficiency. A number of children received certifi cates for library reading and two re ceived a full diploma in library read ing. Those receiving library diplomas are Lomu Mae Cray, of the Bethel school, and Oliver Stirewalt, of lie- Cold Water school. Eighty-two pu pils received certificates for perfect attendance having been neither absent nor tardy during the entire school ses session. This number will be mater ially increased and very probably dou bled when all the schools have report ed. Ninety-seven pupils were in the graduating class and received certifi cates. This is the largest class ever graduated and the number will he in creased to about one hundred forty or fifty when four longer term schools still running in the county close. The scholarship offered by the Col legiate Institute in Mt. Pleasant to that young man making the highest grades in the examination for gradua tion was won by Leonard Orrel Parish, of the Rocky River Annex School and second place for this scholarship was won by Wm. Chenault Spence, of the Rocky River School. The scholarship offered by Mont Amaena Seminary to that young lady making the highest grades in the examination for gradua tion was won hy Vera Barnhardt, of the Pinnacle School and tin* second place for this scholarship was won by Eva Spears, of the Hickory Ridge School. The contest in Recitation and Dec lamation was, spirited and good. Near ly every speaker clearly manifested natural ability and good training. The reciter's medal was won by William Linker, of the White Hall school, and the declaimer's medal was won by Carl Honeycutt, of tlu* Eudy school. The music -was a very enjoyable fea ture iff tin* day’s program ami was furnished in catchy numbers by the Kannapolis orchestra that won such merited praise at the commencement a year ago. Anntaal Conference Dates Are Noaued By Methodists. Nashville Teim., Apri 28. —Dates for annual conferences fixed by me Methodist Episcopal college of bishops, south, in session here, in clude Virginia, October 10; Western North Carolina, October 17; Upper South Carolina. October 31; North Carolina, November 14; South Caro lina, November 28: Kentucky, Sep tember 5; Louisvil'e. September 26 and Baltimore, April 21, 1924. City Union of Epworth League. The City Union of Epworth Leagues will he held at EpWorth Church on Depot street instead of Kerr Street. This change in place iS made necessary hy the continuation of tire revival meeting now being held at Kerr Street Church. Fiidny night of this week at 8 o’clock is the time.! Why nut break anothfci* record for attendance? J. FRANK ARMSTRONG. President. Many Africans do not know any thing about timepieces. $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. CATCH wm ■ iAbT» rT I -muilfflt 5Ff UNO i WIN THE Si AF 25 ! Must Have The Tribune and Reserve Seat Admission to Show—Money Given Away This Week. GIVEN TO THE ONE CATCHING SPY The Tribune and Hypnotist Fayssoux Stage Man Hunt That Will Enrich W inner by Sum of $25. "Fayssou’s __ _* Spy!" Tin* above phrase, properly Piled in where the blank occurs, repeated to the mysterious spy while holding a copy of the current issue of The TPib | line in the hand and being in poxses sion of a reserved seat tieket to Fays soux's canvas theatre will bring .s2‘l in cash to the person first complying with tiiese rules. The spy will he in Con > cord every day tins week, and he Iniav he caught at any time during the | week at any place where he happens j to he. The missing word which is neees- Jsary to compiete the magic phrase will be published in advert isonients appearing in The Tribune all week. Accounts of where -the mysterious spy has been will 'he published in ev ery issue of The Tribune, and advance notices of where he will appear with the approximate time of his visit will also be made. In this way, all readers of this newspaper will be given the opportunity of catching the elusive vis itor and winning the s2l in cash. A full account of the activities and doings of the spy will, be rendered at the evening performances in the can vas theatre, where William Irvine Fayssoux, <*• world's premier hypno tist, together with his associates, will give nightly entertainments. The spy will visit the theatre every night, in addition to his other rounds aho ut the city. Arrangements for the spy campaign were completed today by the manage ment of The Tribune and Mr. Fays soiix. who arrived hi Hie city and be gan the erection of his canvas theatre on the lot in the rear of the Tribune Office. There will be no ‘‘strings” of any ! kind in connection with maknig the I r.ward of the s2l in cash. The mon ley will be paid to the person who first j catches the spy in accordance with the ( rules laid down in the second para j graph of this article. If the spy suc i ceeds in eluding capture during the j week, arrangements to make his iden ! tity know on next Saturday will in | sure that someone will' receive the . money. | The spy will be in the city all this j week, beginning today. He will visit places of business throughout the day and every evening he will appear at the canvas theatre. Advance notices will lie given of where he will be at | certain times, and he will keep the i engagements. j All that will be necessary to win the : $2.1 is to have a reserved seat ticket to the canvas theatre a copy of the current issue of The Tribune, and to repeat the complete phrase, "Fays soiix's Spy," with the second word idled in. when the spy is ap- I pi oaclied. j All of the people of Concord and Ca barrus County are invited to join in ; the hunt for the spy. (let set and go i to it early—there's no telling who will j be the first person to recognize the spy fa lid win the $2.1 in cash. ! MTiltilated Bodv of Little Girl Found. New York, April 29.—The muti | !ated body of eight-year-old Josepuine Brunno. who disappeared from her | home in Brooklyn Saturday night was found today crammed under a grut j ing in the cellar of her home, rshe j had been, stabbed and her head was ' crushed. A score of detectives v/‘*i <* {assigned to hunt for the murderer. (Seven men were arrested and six later were released. Police refused to divulge the identity of the man they i held beyond the fact that In* was ! about 40 y . ars old. Injunction Papers Filed. Washington, April 30*— Injunction* proceedings asking that the Federal j Court put an end to certain operations ■of Hie Western Pine Manufacturers , ssociation comprising about oO cor porations, were, filed by the Federal government in St. Paul. Minn., at the direction of Attorney General Dattgh- I erty. r Rev. Geo. It. Brown, I). I>., pastor of the First Methodist Protestant Church of High Point, will arrive in the city this afternoon and will preach at 7 :Jttl tonight, beginning a series of revival services at the Methodist Protestant church here. Services will he held ev ery evening at 7 to which the pub • lie is invited. The school at Fink will close Fri day. May 4rli. A short program will be rendered by the primary and in terim diate grades beginning at 2:20 p. m. After (he exercises a hall game will he played. A play entitled, "Which One Won?” will he given Fri day night, beginning at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. There will he preaching at Howell's : Church .Sunday by the pastor at p. m.. and 7 :.‘SO p. m. Sunday school at _ 2 o’clock. NO. 85.