PAGE SIX NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN KANNAPOLIS. By virtue, of judgment of the Super ior Court in tin* ease of .1. F. Hinson, "plaintiff. against E. I_llinson. defend ant. the undersigned commissioner, will on Saturday, the 19rb day of Alay. 1923, at 2 o'clock P. M.. at or on the premises of re: ’Derive ii>;s or Tracts of land in Kannapolis. N. C., sell for cash to the highest bidder Hie iallowing described tracts of land: A certain tract or parcel of land-in Cabarrus County. Stale of Norfti olina. adjoining the lands of .f. \V. Cannon. V. 11. Yost, Carl L. Castor and others, and hounded ns follows: Beginning at a stake, corner ol Front and Walter streets, on .1. W Cannon's line, and running N. 0* 12 E s7l l'eet to a stone, Corner of J. W. cannon's land: thence S. 12..*10 W. 48.". 1 l'eet to ;i fiine tree ott S. hank of a branch: thence S. 32.42 W. with said Hannon's line. 227 feet to a stake o \V. 120 feet to a stnke in Fast Edge ol Walter Street: thence X'. 21 W. 447. T fee to the beginning, containing 8.73 acres, less one or two lots sold oIT. and being the same tract of land conveyt*d by B. W. Durham and wife and C. I). Alexander and wife to E. I. Hinson and .1. E. Hinson, as appears by rec ord of deeds for Cabarrus County. Book No. Nr., page ns, which record is hereby referred to for a more specific description. Lot No. 2. Being lots Nos. 27. 2N. 20. 40. 41. and 42. in Mock No. 2 of ••(niter view the same lying on the Fast side of the Southern Railway near Kannapolis, and is better known as the old Writ. Walter farm plot made bv Kluttz & Smith of Concord. N. C.. and tiled in the office of Register of Deeds l'or Cabarrus County December 4th. 1010. Beginning at n stake the N. W. intersection of Walter and Center Streets and runs S. 00 W. 1 20 ft. to the begin ning containing 12.000 sq. ft. Lot No. 2. Being lots 24 and 22 in block No. 7 J.f Centerview is a sub-di vision in No. 4 township and a I suit one-fourth mile S. E. of Kannapolis, altout four blocks east j»f tin* Cabar rus Cotton Mill: plot being made by Smith & Kluttz of Concord. N. C.. and tiled in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Cabarrus on December 4th. 1910. Beginning at a stake in the edge of Walter Street, corner of lot No. 22 and runs thence S. 21. E. 20 ft. to a stake in corner of lor No. 20. thence S. G 9 W. with line of lot No. 20-120 ft. to a -stake back corner of lot No. 22, thence with N. 09 E. with line of lot No. 22 120 ft. to the beginning. Lot No. 4. Beginning at a sttrlre in the South edge of Front Street corner of lot No. 11 and runs thence E. 21 W. line line of lot No. 11. 100 l't. to a stake hack corner of lot No. 11. Thence S. on V* . 42 ft to a stake new cor ner in lot No. 9. Thence X’. 21 W. 100 feet to a stake in the edge of Front St. a new corner. Thence X. 09 F. with edge of said Front St. 42 ft. to ttie beginning. The same being lot No. 10 and a part of lot No. 9 in block No. 2 of Cen terview, Centerview in an addition to the town of Kannapolis. N. C. Plot made by Kluttz & Smith, of Concord, N. C., and filed in the office of Regis ter fit Deeds for Cabarrus County, N. C., Dec. 4th. 1910. ' It is further provided that the said E. I. Hinson is to have the privilege of joining a building to the building al ready erected on the adjoining lot of the said J. M. Benson. Lot No. 2. Being Lots Nos. 22. 24. 22 and 20, in block No. 2 of Center view. Centerview is a sub-division in No. 4 Township, about 1-4 mile S. E. of Kannapolis, and about four blocks East of the . Cabarrus Cotton Mills Plot made b.v Smith & Klutlz. of ('on cord, N. <*., and tiled in the office of Register of Deeds for Cabarrus Co., X*. ('.. Dec. 4th, 1910. Beginning at a stake on the S. W. Side of Walter St. Corner of lot No. 22, and runs thence S. 21 E. with said street. 100 gt. to a stake, corner of lot No. 27: thence S. 09 W, with line of lot No. 27 , 120 feet to a stake back corner of lot No. 27. * Thence N. 21 W. 100 ft. to a stake, hack corner of lot No. 22. Thence X. 09 E. with line of lot. No. ol*. 120 ft. to the beginning. Lot No. 0. Being the Third group of Tots bought of Durham and Alexander and deeded to V. 11. Y'ost on Sept. Otli, 1917: Beginning at a stake in the S. E. in tersection of Walter & Center St., and runs witli'Walter St. S. 21 E. 214 8-10 ft. to ;i stake on J. W. Cannon line thence with said Cannon line N. 34-100 on Center St. thence with Center St. 1.10 ft. to the beginning,, the same being I the entire block of No. 8. This property lies in No. 1 Town ship about 1-4 mile S. E. of Kannapo lis depot and is known as the Venter view plot made by Kluttz & Smith, of Concord. X. (’., and tiled in Register of Deeds office of Cabarrus County De cember 4th, 1010. Lot No. 7. Beginning at a stake in the North edge of Fourth Street cor ner of lot No. 1 in block No. 2 and runs E. GO E. 110 feet to a stake cor ner of lot Nos. 7 and 28. Thence S. 21 E. 104 ft. to a stake hack corner of lots Nos. 17 and 32. Thence S. 08 W. 310 ft. to a stake at fourth street; thence with Fourth Street 104 ft. to the beginning. Being lots Nos. 11-14-11 and 10 of plot'known as Centerview. Made by Smith & Kluttz on December 4th. 1010. and filed in the office of Register of Deeds for Cabarrus County, N. C. Bet ter known as the old W. 11. Walter farm. The above lot contains 11.000 Sq. Ft. Lot No. 8. Beginning at a stake in thi? N. E. intersection of Walter & Cen ter Sts., and runs with Center St. N. 09 E. 110 feet to a stake corner on line of E. I. Hinson’s line; thence with said Hinson's line N. 21 W. 71 ft. to a stake on Powder St., thence S. 69 W. 150 feet to a stake on Walter St., thence S. 21 E. 71 ft. to the beginning. The same being Lots Nos. 19, 20, and ,21 in block 4 of plat of Centerview made by Smith" &‘-Klut tg, Concord, N. ,C., and liled in Register of Deeds Office ot Cabarrus County. Dec. 4th, 1910. i Lot No. 9. Being lot No. 11 in block No. 2 of Centerview, Centerview is a sub-division in No. 4 Township of Ca barrus County. X. C.. about one-l'ourth mile from the depot of Kannapolis, N. t\, and about three blocks East front the Cabarrus Cotton Mills. Plot made | by Kluttz & Smith of Concord, N. C„ and filed in the Register of Deeds of , fice of Cabarrus County, N. C., Dec. 4th. mm Beginning at a stake in the south edge of Front SI., corner of lots No. 12 and runs thence with (he line of lot No. 12 S. L'l E. 100 ft. to a stake back corner of lot No. 10. Thence S. OP W. 20 ft. to a stake, hack corner of Lot No. 10. Thence N. 21 W. With line of lot No. 10. 100 ft. to a stake in edge of Front St.. Corner of Lot No. 10; theme X. 09 F. 22 ft. to the begin ning. This property is sold for the purpose of carrying out the agreement set forth in the judgment in this action. This the 10th day of April 1922. M. B. SHERRIN, I. R. BURLESON, Commissioners. Maness. Arm field & Sherrill, Attor neys for plaintiff. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified ns the Administra tor of the estate of David A. Dorton, deceased, all persons owing said estate are hereby notified that they must make prompt, payment or suit will be brought. And all persons having claims against - said estate, must pre sent them to the undersigned, duly au thenticated, on'or before the 2<>th day of April. 1924. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. A. F. OOODMAN, Administrator. ,Bv .1 Lee Crowell, Attorney. April - Kith, 1922. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. North Carolina —Cabarrus County. In the Superior Court. W. M. Linker, Administrator of Char les Wade, deceased, plaintiff, vs. Xioey Wade, Widow, Clyde Morgan. Charlie Morgan. Grace Morgan, Birdie Stark and husband. Ernest Stark, heirs-at-law of Charles Wade, deeeasetl. defendants. The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled as above lias been commenced in the Su perior Court of Cabarrus County, North Carolina, to sell lands to myko assets to pay debts of the estate of Charles Wade: deceased: and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Ca barrus County, at his office in the Court-house in the City of Concord. N. on tin 1 21st day of May. 1922, and answer or demur to the of said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. j. b. McAllister, i Clerk of the Superior Court: Tin's the 14lh day of April, 1922. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as the Administra tor of the estaie of .7. H. Maun, de ceased. all persons owing said estate are hereby notified that they must make prompt payment or suit will be brought. And all persons having claims against said estate must pre sent them to the undersigned, duly au thenticated on or before* the 27tli day of March, 1924. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. W. D. MORRIS, Administrator. Maness, Arm field and Sherrin, At torneys. This March 20. 1923. EXECUTORS’ NOTICeTtO CREDIT ORS. Having qualified as .executors of the will of .1. R. Wallace, deceased, all persons holding claims against the es tate of said deceased, are hereby no titied to tile such ’claims duly itemiz ed and verified with our attorney, .1. D. McCall, Charlotte, X. (’., on or be fore the 20tli day of February, 1924, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make im mediate payment. This the 20th day of February, 1923. CLIFFORD WALLACE, TROY WALLACE, BREVARD WALLACE, M. A. GALLOWAY, Alar. 20-Gvvks. Executors. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as the executor of the estate of Catherine Turner, de ceased. all persons owing said estate are hereby notified that they must make prompt payment or suit will he brought. And all persons having claims against said estate must present them to the undersigned, duly authen ticated, on or before the 29th day of March, 1924. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. F. T. LOGAN. Executor. This 29th day of March, 1923. COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF LAND. By virtue and authority of an order of Superior Court made in a special proceeding entitled, “Southern Loan & Trust Company, Executor of Dan W. Robinson, deceased, Esther Robinson, et. als., Ex Parte,” petition to sell land for assets to pay debts, I will on Sat urday, Alay 12, 1923, at 12 AL at the Court House door in Concord, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash all that house find lot in No. 11 township, Cabarrus county, on the National High way in Silver Hill near the City of Concord, said house and lot being known as tHo residence lot of the late Dan AY. Robinson, and hounded as fol lows. viz.: Beginning at a stake on National i highway and runs with Hill and Fet j zer line N. 71 AA\ 17 poles to a stake. , Ben Ervin line in branch; then up j the branch with Ervin’s line 4 1-2 ! polos to a stake in the branch, Harris Blackwell’s corner; thence with Black well’s line S. 71 E. 17 poles to a stake in National Highway, and thence with National highway N. 10 E. 4 1-2 poles to beginning containinging one-third acre more or less, and known as Lot 6 in division of Lands made by Hill & Fetzer. Said-sate-will in' to a 5 Pf*r cent, inerrease if made within 20 days. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. Master Rogers Rarnhardt, son of Air. and Mrs. (S. Barnhardt, is confined to his home on account of measles and pneumonia. Twelve new eases of measles and five of sliooping cough were reported Friday to the office of the County Health Officer. Seventeen new rases of measles, two new rases of whooping rough and one new case of scarlet lever Were repo t led to the count} health departm mi Thursday afternoon. The many friends of Air. John A. Barnhardt. a life long resident of the county and city, will regret to learn that his condition is not so favorable. Hr* regrets that he is not able lo see and enjoy his friends as of yore. Good progress is being made with the addition which is being built to the Norcott Mill. Much of the brick work has already been completed. Work on the. eight new houses which the mill w ill erect for its employs also continues satisfactory. Mr. Frank Crowell and Mr. Charles Wadsworth, who have been traveling in Ohio. with headquarters iii Toledo, have bet'll transferred to Tennessee. They will make their headquarters in Chattanooga after they start their work in the new territory. Th<‘ Mount Pleasant Collegiate In stitute team defeated the Fllerbe team ai Alt. Pleasant Friday by a scon* of 8 to 3. It was !lie best game played so far. The features of the game were the hitting of Smithdeal, Watts and Roberts, of the winning team. The local office of the Western Un ion Telegraph Company will !•( max ed to tin* Cannon Building in tin* n»»*ir fpiur.*. The company will oeiupv tic rooms formerly used by the F. e ;ric Appliance Company, which have been fixed up for the telegraph company. AA'itli the exception of two walls all of tin' structures on the property on which the Cabarrus Savings Bank is to erect its new home, have been torn down. Workmen arc now engaged in cleaning tin* brick ami removing some of the debris which was made with the destruction of tHo buildings. With tln' addition of the train ser vice of tiie Southern Postmaster states that mail received by 4 p. in. each day at the Concord Postofiice can be bolivered by 9:12 the next morning in New York City. If mailed later than 4 p. in. it will be dispatched on train No. 2S which is live hours later, and will he delayed at least ten hours. State officers of the Travellers Pro tective Association spent Thursday night and part of today here in the interest of the organization. There are about 20 members of the organi zation here now. and an interesting meeting and banquet was held Thurs day night, at which time plans for en larging the local post were discussed. Plans have been completed for the recital which will he given on Tues day evening at the Firs! Presbyterian Church, when Air. (’has. G. 'Vardell. Jr., dean of the Music I >eparl ificnt. and Alr.s. \V. 1». Robeson, head of the Vio lin Department of Flora Macdonald College, will he in Concord. No ad mission fee will he charged, but a sil ver offering will be taken. AVork is progressing rapidly on the widening of a portion of Soutii Church street. The west side of the street is being widened from the Reformed Parsonage to the Covington Candy Works, and tin* east side is being wid ened for about the same distance. The street will eventually be widened from the intersection of East Corbin to the intersection of East Depot stm'ts. Air. E. G. Cook was host to the Alen's class of Trinity Reformed Church Friday night, of chief interest was the election of' officers for the If an increased bid shall bo made the property will be re-advertised for 12 davs and resold. C. A. ISENIK>IJR, Commissioner. Concord, N. C., April 2, 1923. 2-4 wks. SALE OF LAND. B.v virtue of authority vested in me by a deed of trust, executed by Smith Leach on the 19th day of April, 1921, which deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Cabarrus County, X. C., in Book No. 42, page 214, the conditions nor being complied with, I will sell at public auction at the court house door in Concord, N. (’.. on Alonday, the 7th day of Alay. 1923. at 12 o'clock AL, to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described real estate: Lying and being in AA’nrd No. 4 of the city of Concords, and being lot No. 3 on the map of Coleburg, as surveyed by (>. E. Smith on October 3rd. 1900; Beginning at an iron stake in the north edge of an alley and runs N. S 3 3-4 W. 49 fed to a stake in the old Mahon line; thence N. 1 1-2 E. S 2 feet to a stone, Geo. Murphy's corner; thence N. 72 E. 33 1-2 feet to tin iron stake; thence S. 3 1-2 E. 110 feet to the beginning, and is the lot conveyed to Smith Leach by 11. It. Walden and wife on the 20th dav of Alavch. 1919, and registered in X’tok No. page 50S. Title to said property is supposed to be good, but the purchaser takes such title only as I am authorized to con vex under said deed of trust. This the 7lh dav of April. 1921. JOHN Ai. HENDICX, - Trustee. By I. T. Ilartsoll, Atty. 9-4 i. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as the Administra -1 tor of the estate of Solomon Cotton, deceased, all persons owing said es tate are hereby notified that they must make prompt payment or suit will be brought. And all persons having claims against said estate must pre sent them to the undersigned, duly au thenticated on or before the 20tli day of April, 1924, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. T. D. MANESS, j Administrator. Alaoess,. Arpifiold and Sherrin, A ttys. This April 10th, 1922. THE CONCORD TIMES year. Mr. James Cline was elected ' president. Air. Charles F. Barrier vice president, and Mr. AI. B. Fuller was. elected secretary-treasurer. The class , is in a healthy and progressive condi tion. The enrollment is 42 and the attendance more than 02 per cent. Building activity is very much in evidence now in the business section of Concord. Workmen are continuing to push the construction of the now front in the Cannon Fetzer build-, ing recently vacated by the Parks-Belk 1 Company; in the new building being ere-ted next to \V. A. Overensh’s Store'.; on the new Cairo rrus Saxdngs Bank: building and tic* new King building; adjoining it; and on tin* Morris build ! ings on liarbriek street. . i Tie 1 Ritchie Hardware ( ompauv nr 1 j the Yutke & Wadsworth Hardwmc | Company have very generously; ed the Alaba stine, varnish and point! to be used in remodeling the interior of tlm Concord Puldic Library. Tin work of painting the library is being dorm at night now, and the building probably will be opened to tlm public wit mu the next few days. The charg es ic the building will add muck m its appearance and convenience. The baseball team of the local high' school is not to contest in the chain-1 pionship series this year. It was. thought at first that the Concord team! would enter the series this year, but I no representative attended the meet ing in Salisbury this week, at which ■ time the schedule was made out. The j locals have i he best team this year they have bad in a number of years, j ami much regret lias been expressed j by its supporters that it did not en- | ter the series. COURT CASES Will Bray, Negro, Found Guilty of Manslaughter.—Other Cases Dispos-; ed Os. The most important case tried in | Cabarrus Superior Court Thursday j was the one charging Will Bray, ne- j gro. with murder. Hi* was found guil- j ty of manslaughter and sentenced to; serve IS months on the chain gang. John Trull was charged with as-' sault with a deadly weapon on twoj counts. In tin* first hi* is to pay the j costs and .$l2O to S. M. 1 'nderwood, : prosecuting witness. In the other lx* is to pity the costs and S2O. Voight Barnhardt was tried for as sault with a deadly weapon and was found not guilty by the jury. Martin Roger, who Wednesday was found guilty of assault with a deadly weapon in two counts, was sentenced Thursday. In one case lie is to pay the costs and a fine of ‘872 and in the other Is to pay the costs. Jim Douglas, charged with seduc-* tion. was found not guilty by a jury. Richard Brown, charged with as sault with intent to rape, was cleared by a jury which returned a verdict of not guilty. It is probable that no session of tin* court will be held tomorrow, as most of the criminal docket lias been clear ed up. Monday, however, tin* case against Maurice C. llowie, of Monroe, charged with murder in connection with the dentil of an 8-year-old girl, will he tried. This cgse will be the lasi <>ii the criminal docket, and when completed the civil docket will be taken up. P. T. A. Meeting. The last meeting of tlie P. T. A. of No. 2 School was held Thursday night. A large crowd'of mothers and fath ers were present. Alany new members were present and. joined tin* associa tion. A beautiful musicgl program was rendered during the eyening. Two inspiring tnlks were made by Aliss Constance Cline and Mr. Joe Me (’a ski 11. Aliss Ora Prtiether’s room won the picture for the greatest number of fathers and mothers present. let* creatn and cake wen* served by the mothers. With Our Advertisers. The (.’abarnis Savings Bank will he glad to give you advice' as to money matters. Your account will be wel comed. We will gladly advise you in Money Matters . i Many an energetic, capable man earns, saves and accumulates a nice, snug sum of money and has it on deposit only to have the savings of many years taken away from him by one stroke of the pen. A SMOOTH TALKER persuades him to make some un sound investment and IIIS MONEY IS GONE. If you desire for us to investigate any proposition you figure on going into, we shall gladly do so whether you have an account with us or not. Feel free to come in and talk it over. WE WILL WELCOME YOUR ACCOUNT Cabarrus Savings Bank NORTH CAROLINA CLASSIS Ninety-Third Annual Session Will Meet ui Charlotte May 2. The ninety-third annual session of of the Classis of North Carolina Re formed Church in the Tinted States, will convene in the First Reformed Church. Charlotte, May L\ at 7:4"> p. m. The opening sermon will he preached by the retiring President, Rev. .T. A.’ Palmer, of Thomasville. r i'l Ulnssienl i 'ommunioii will he ob served following ihe sermon. The Classis will begin the organisation til the opening service by electing a pres ident for the. coining year. Special addresses will he given Thursday and Friday nights l»y tie* Rev. .Incob (!. Rupp, of Allentown, Pa., representative of the Board of Foreign Missions, and Rev. C. E. Schaeffer. I). I).. of Philadelphia. Pa., general sec retary of the Board of Home Mis sions. Tlie business sessions will be gin at 9 o’clock Thursday and con tinue until all the business is trans acted. closing late Friday night or early Saturday morning. There will bo more than 70 clerical and lay delegates attending, repre senting the r»K churches in the State, and a confirmed membership of more than 7.000. and a baptized member ship of almost 10.000. i All the sessions are open to visitors. There will be many in attendance from nearby churches?. Trinity Re formed Church has sent up a good re port for the year, the benevolences of the congregation exceeding the con gregational expenses hv a few dollars. Rev. \V. C. Lyerly. pastor, and Elder John A. Holshonser, will represent the church this year. The’General Synod will convene in Don’t Neglect Sour Stomach When meals lay undigested, acid forms, caus ing heartburn, headaches, dyspepsia and indi gestion. M.I-0-N A full-sti-ength preserved in air-tight tape overcomes acid stomach quick, preventing complications. Guaranteed and sold by all druggists. MI-o-nA Gibson Drug Store. wth I “I have taken Cardui for run- | 'HU down, worn-out condition, I |!| nervousness and sleeplessness, gp 1| and 1 was weak, too,” says j i | Mrs. Silvie Estes, of Jennings, i| j Okla. “Cardui did me just lots j§| 11 of good—so much that I gave it B| || to my daughter. She com- I ||i plained of a soreness in her sides fi and back. She took three gj bottles of I The Woman’s Tonic j HE and her condition was much |k “We have lived here, near II Jennings, for 26 years, and now H| we have our own home in town. ||L I have had to work pretty hard, If as this country wasn’t built up, || and it made it hard for us. “I WISH I could tell weak g || women of Cardui—the medicine Ell || that helped give me the strength j j® | to go on and do my work.” triennial session at Hickory, X. F., May. 23rd. .This is u delegated body, the Classis having four clerical and four lay delegates. Mr. J. O. Moose is oue of the lay delegates. Many of the ministers of the riassis will at tend as visitors. In view of the com ing General Synod many of the boards of the church will not be rep resented at the Classis, sending only written "communications. Mrs. X. F. Yorkt spent Friday af ternoon tin Charlotte. With a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove Absolutely fool-proof. Cannot smoke or get out ~f i; v v * M >111)hj), to operate as a common kerosene’lamp. Light the hum.., . are ready to cook. No waiting for stove to ho.n. c , , much for fuel as a common wood or coal stove. r.,«,i :u ,r, ~ able for summer. Sold on our Regular Monev-Ikick Ca, ■ Easy terms if you like. Concord Furniture Co. THE RELIABLE FURNITURE STO RE - SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Passenger Train Schedules Arrival and Departure of Passenger Trains, .Concord, \ r LV. NO. BETWEEN . 1:40A ! 30 1 New York-Birmingham 2:37A 29 I Birmingham-New York iu 5:OOA 44 - Washington-Atlanta I u f 6:07A 31 j Atlanta-New York 1 '-si -p S:4IA 137 j Atlanta-New York 9:25A 11 | Charlotte-jNorfolk-RichmonVi 10:55A 36 l New York-Birmingham-New Orleans 7:10P ! 12 | ’ Norfolk-Riehmond-Atlanta 3:20P ! 4.7 Washington-Charlotte F, 3:45P j 46 | Charlotte-Danville 4<; ;i 8:29P ] 22 | New York-Angusta 10:06P ! 25 | Birmingham-New Orleans-New York 9:45P | 138 I New York-Atlanta 9:15P I 125 I Washington-Atlanta Through Pullman sleeping ear service to . Washington, I'hiladcip.ia, X York. Richmond, Norfolk, Atlanta. Birmingham, Mobile. New Orlearis Unexcelled service, convenient schedules anti direct connections io all p'- Schedules published as information ami are not guaranteed. R. H. ERA HAM, D. P. A., At. E. WOODY, Ticket Audit. Charlotte. N. C. CumorJ. N. C | f T T 1 + Sow and Plant Forage Crops and ji Legumes Ji Soja Beans—There is do summer crop that wih ■ *\ build up the soil and at the same time furnish a hirer : 5 of the very richest fuel as soja beans. Plant them in 1 Ji row of your corn. Will make as much corn per acr. ;; : »!. have the beans all extra, or sow in drills or 1 >r< >;uh n[ will enrich your land and make abundance of 11 1 Ji feed. They are cheap. We have the best Pastern V' : * ('arolina Seed. »[ Karly Adulter Cane Seed to drill with S<*ja bey - : i n| peas. Makes the finest forage. We have finest o : 5 Sudan Grass. Sow in drills or broaden-’ Mm ' jj| three times in the summer. Cut first i:i - « 1 o ■ 5 weeks. Fresh pure seed just in. CLINE & MOOSE If you want a buggy see orke o Wadsworth Co. If you want a wagon see 'i orke & Wadsworth Co. If you want an Emerson M°" cr see Yorke & Wadsworth Co. If you want the latest in plows and cultivators see Yorke & Watlswort 1 Co. t t . If you want the Best Auto Casi’ 1 -' made see Yorke & Wadsworth See us for Anything in Hard'' at-' Yorke & Wadsworth Company ■Monday, Apr'! Jo, Dinner Rev. and Mrs. \ j , and son. Franklin f ‘ . W Linker, and Airs. l,‘jj j 11 ' I ' l is dinner guests Tir.ii ~., and Mrs. John i.ini,'./ * ,’ !lili 2 ity Church, ■Mrs. C. G. Monur^^T,. me and Lillie Harry Momguin; n r W i-v Mr. Brevard Monm spent o short whilf. ter noon with \h< . - '