f',*.relay. May 3, 1923. By MISS COTTRELL SHERRILL Club ami Society Items Are Solicited. Telephone 78, Tribu**€ Office. tflinifrii flie C.alli-Ciirci Concert. v .... people who attended (he 'uTru vi -IW«T1 in Charlotte Wed ''al • *.-n*: Mrs. M. H. l*ukl- ' ■ l- 'Vhiro. -Mrs. c. n. ? !r,. 11. l. AA’oodhnuse. Mr. | i; Wont hie. Miss Helen : ' 1 " 11 Vie Sam Goldman. Miss Miss Mary Elba, Bos ;! AIK- Mary INn-k. -Miss Billie Alis , \ijss Anno Schrnck, Miss , i*i -nmoiKl I.<*i l lz; Miss A irgima ~l|r- ’ . mu; Elizabeth Maeey. Miss S'ni ri Mr. I\ I*. IWiW*. r Mn-uV 1 Inrtsell. Miss Aums i'.' t'M *<™ Mls - A Hartsell. \,-ii n« i rin-i. Miss Ruby Cline, . !-■ I tic\ ila it sell. Miss Rose Harris. , !11( | Mis. .1. F. Reed. Miss Ethel is lT ‘‘ P l Miss ora Cruet her. Mr. S. and Mr. Farrel White. Mo 1 •“ t|). F'll'.i I’em he it on Sunday School ~y Contrul Metliodist Church nill iui'**t this evening at eight o'clock „j.|[ Alo. W. D. Pemberton, at her j \u:ih Fnion sired. With Our Sick. A];. F. R.-Hry. who has been ill for j J ut ."time. is again able to be out. ! Fraitk Muml. Jr., sou of Mr. ami i Al . FmnU Mnnd. is con lined to thej of his parents on South Fnion j with an attack ol measles. The condition of Mrs. 11. G. Ritz. who recently underwent an operation s', tlu* Charlotte Sanatorium, is re-| today as slightly improved. (Uwald. the little son of Mr. and p. .1. Phillips, is routined to his iiotue l.y all attack of measles. Move to Weavcrville. Mr. l.lmt'-a v P.lack welder, yesterday IM, win, his family for Weaverville, ; where they will make tluir home in. die future. Mr lilae-k welder is a carpenter and \ jjji; «m-urcij touch work in AAeaver ville. Tin*■friends of the family re «r.-t to sec them leave Concord. With Our Sick. Miss INilier Fisher F again aide to so, our after being confined to her | home for several days with an attack nf tmisiiitF. Tin- coiiditioii of Airs. Smoot Lyles, vlin uinlcr\vuit an operation at. the Charlotte sanati rium on Saturday, is reimrvcil as very favorable today. Tin- miidition i f Rogers Barnhardt. ;in* little mii id' .Mr. and Mrs. Chester l r.arnharilt, who has been quite ill for sovt-ral days with pnmmonia. is re jm/tel a> 1111 <• 11,• iiiuell today. Former Students Reunion at Wingate., All who have attended school at j lVineatc are cordially invited to at- j twiil the annual reunion. May 7th. nt i l!:Mn p. m. There will be addresses I by prundiicni alumni: also special j music nil! he rendered. Come. Tlie ((.inert Tuesday Evening. The people of (Jom-ord were given an ' evening givq pleasure when they J liwird Hr. C. (J. Vardell and Mrs. W.J li. Uol a‘Sen in a recital given under | tin* aiepici'; of the Alumnae Assoeia-j li"ii of Flora .Macdonald (.’allege at] tin* First Presbyterian (.'hnreh Tues day evening. Mr. Vardell inherits the musical! ability of his talented jmother, who j "'as Miss Linda Rumple, of Salisbury. I His program Tuesday evening inelurt ol selei iimis from both old and modern masters, including two numbers of his Wn composition. The third number ftn Hie program was P.aeh's Prelude and Fugue in P. Flat, always welcomed ■ r mus ic lovers, and this was played "irh ;t hrillianev and correctness that showed mastery of the organ. Air.! ardol! < interpretation of Xevin’s etchi - i f tin* City, was a delightful Hie pi,lure, contrasting tlie brrglit n,'ss the city in distance with the somber retrospect of the grandmother, >t .i] the whistling urchin in tin* street. ~ . audience enjoyed particularly • ' Aaiil.*!i own .compositions, Sere iM'lr Mignoime and Scherzo (from -"iiiuai. fin* selection of stops and |, ' :i ‘ciuion only added to .the oi these compositions. . It. Robeson, head of the ;."5 liu depart merit of Flora Maedonald ■" ■ assisted Mr. Vardell hv giv * bnir selections. ".Alelodv,” hv ijiwes and "(>„ Wings of Song” hv , ohu ' v «*n* Played in an es '<> tally * sympathetic and beautiful aniior. while the “Spanish Danee,”l a,:iS:| te. showed wontlerful teeli-1 . 1 alll ' mastery of rhe violip. ami !! U ! !ll "‘ 1 ' "* l' ,M H»le from Charlotte! < i T . i' :i ! lshn '7 oame over for the re,-j »ilt «i . ' ardtdl and Mrs. Robeson, . " :l * vs have a warm welcome in ■ ''tuiii engagement thev mar make 1,1 M'neord - ... I y\ 1 c'*^ - s ‘txer. of (’lsina (drove, .i, : s,l . r * ,rise Birthday Dinner. i, i afternoon at five “«"r'rf::!: i ]fr ,, -T , ' 1 ” ,iTi ‘ s ° !,<| ■■ in i i-nds. about seventy-five' * biii.-i <- U I '' X!l S ' •'!’ * s <*twr, of ii, r ,* ■ 1 a surprise birthday ilin- iirpris • being complete. oi,Y!!n sl ! ll!,,n "” ,s dinner was spread of tho i V,V i l ll • Vill 'b I" the ram ter in, wlii'• W;IR Placed a large cake small .'.' ;ls l*h>ced a number of i H.-ij,,, 11 1 representing her age. wiiiiii., !* h l '*§hily widow, the writer lta"f p«*. iiui..l..c Os Mmlira,. <'n*d . * r,| wn. pastor of the hon ings ~ ' . ,Ilv °he(! (JoiFs richest bless "'hicli si',.. " ' ali present, after tiiat tlii*, i - U " '“' bed to help herself, s lir<* u ,i f (1 ,.'; IIIIIT ' V:,s prepared and S utislii .1 u* ' : ;,,| d_that >lie should be " tup. ! '" k ,f 'dll. Not feeling pres,.!,, ': is h* sht‘ gave those wives Vi,;,', ii; ''i"ii to help them ute f( , J ~-adiy accepted and - May s ' l!|!r . S:| lis!'aetion. birniiig ,. f1 ’'Vo tu s(*e many re happiiy S| iid each one be as ! ; e sold. Tlie uoors/will he opened at four-thirty and it is hoped t*hat a large number of people will attend. Clarence .Jackson Allred. Air. and Mrs. (’. S. Allred announce the birth of a son. Clarence Jackson, at their home. 01 Buffalo street. April 23rd. Son Born to Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Ktid.v. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. En •dy a daughter. Saturday, April 2Sth. Overrash-Lingle. A quiet hut impressive marriage was solemnized at Lutheran Chapel' parsonage last Saturday evening when Rev. (’. A. Brow n pronounced Miss Nita V. Overcash, and Air. John Yoyil Linglo mm and wife in the presence of just a few friends and Air. Brown's family. Aliss Overcash has been in the em ploy of the Concord Telephone Com pany :,t the switchboard at Kannapo lis. X. rniug for Greer. S. (’.. after haviug spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Davis. Air. (L AT. Turner, of Winston-Sa lem. is visiting his niece, Airs. J,. I*. Davis. liev. (’. K. Turner and family, of Kannapolis, spent yesterday with Air. and Airs. L. P. Davis. * * * Mr. R. Otis Self, of Raleigh, clerk] lof the State Corporation Commission, was in Concord yesterday. • * • Mrs. (’. A. Aleis and children, ('has. and Alary Lee. have returned from Cleveland. X. (’.. where they spent several weeks with Mrs. Aleis’ mother. Mrs. J. E. Al organ. Air. and Airs. A. S. Webb returned Monday from Durham, where they spent tin* week-end with their son. Air. Ilalbert Webb, who is a student at Trinity College. Aliss Let ha Snyder has returned from Monroe, where she spent the week-end with relatives. Airs. It. 11. Patterson spent Tues j day afternoon in Charlotte with her sister. Aliss Beulah Best, who is a j patient at St. Peter’s Hospital. j Airs. P. B. Fetzer and Miss Lelia ! King left yesterday for Alontreat, I where they will spend the summer. « » « j The following people from out of town attended the Organ Recital at the First Presbyterian Church Tues day (‘veiling: Dr. and Airs. Al. A. Foil and daughters. Aliases Aliriam and Elizabeth Foil, of Alt. Pleasant: Dr. 11. A. Stirewalt. lof China Grove: I Alisses Bonnie and Helen Misenheim- I or. of Kannapolis, and Airs. Thomas Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Davis and Mrs. li. G. Kiser, all of Salisbury. * * * I Mrs. .T. E. Hamilton and little son. Donald, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. 11. T. Ft ley. pn rents of Mrs. Hamilton. * * * Airs. J. Frank Goodson, of Concord, who has been visiting her daughter, Airs. Neal Goodson at Greensboro, left yesterday for Winston-Salem where 1 she will go as a delegate to a meeting of the State Federation of Women’s clubs. * * * Air. J. A. ITeslar. of Charlotte-, spent Mondav in Concord on business. * - « •' Mr. Robert Linker, of Wilmington, is spending some time here with relu , fives. Mrs. J. I-’/Goodson and Mrs. It. A. Brown left Wednesday for Win ston-Salem, where they will attend the State Federation of Woman's Clubs. They jwili go as delegates from the Floral Club. • • Miss May White returned Monday from Huntersville, where she has been iit the bedside of her aunt. Miss Mol lie White, who has been ill for several days. She was accompanied home by Miss White and the many friends of the latter will he glad to know that she stood the trip very well. I • m *m Dr. S. B. Turrentine, President of | the Greensboro College for Women, is sp< nding several days here in the in , rere-t of the college. Jm 0 m < Mr. and Mrs. Reece T. Long and lit tle daughter, Miriam,, left last Tuesday for ChnF.otte, where the c-hild will un dergo ari operation at the Sanatorium for the removal of her tonsils. COMMENCEMENT AT SI NDERLAND SCHOOL Exercises This Year Will Begin Sun day, May fith, and Close Tuesday, the Bth. The twenty-eighth annual closing exercises of the Laura Sunderland .Me morial School will begin next Sunday. Mt.v bill, and dose the following Tues • i a y. On Sunday the baccalaureate ser mon wi 1 he preached at the First Presbyterian <’lmreh. On Monday evening at 8 o'clock an operetta. "The Ala id and the Golden Slipper.'* will he given. On Tuesday (‘veiling tin* following programme will he rendered : Invocation. Chorus: Pilgrims Chorus from "Tannhauser"- Wagner. Duo: "Faust'; —Arranged by P.ona witz .Misses Lord and Herring. Essay: Community Betterment Irene Black. Clmriis: The ALiyhdl and the Flow ers Aiciuhdssohn. Piano Solo; Romance for left' hand Spindier—Lamelh* Moose. Essay: Tlie Value of Reading Good Books—Janie AlcDaniels. Duo: March Triomphale -Gori i- — Alisses Herring and Lord. Chorus : (>n the Road to Alandalny Speaks. Address —Rev. Jesse C. Rowan. s(7(iai7 meeting Held by the Ladies of the Missionary Society of (he First Baptist Church. The Ladies i Missionary Society of dhc First Baptist Church held a most delightl'ul soeiJil meeting at the home of Airs T. D. Ala ness Monday after noon from three to five o'clock. Ah alt fM'i.v ladies were present. The pro gram arranged by Airs. Ray Lentz was unique and of special interest .n ev ery (htail. The opening service, carrying out the lip. 27 No. 2 in C sharp min or —Beethoven— Aliss Barrier. The Valley of Laughter—Wilfrid Sauderson-j-Miss Stirewalt. One Find Day (from Aladime But terfly >— Puccini —Aliss Barrier. Lento (Two Pierrot Pieces) —Cyril Scott — Stirewalt. Robin. Robin, Sing Ale a Song— Spross —Aliss Barrier. On the Road to Mandalay—Oley Speaks—Sextette. Prelule Op. 45—Chopin—Aliss Barrier. Break o' Day—Wilfrid Sanderson — Aliss Stirewalt. Prelude Op. •» No. 2—Rachmaninoff —Miss Barrier. Romance Op. 24 No. o—Sibelius — Miss Stirewalt. A Birth lay —Luckstone —Miss Bar rier. Afy Heart at Thy Dear Voice( Sam son and Delilah)—Saint-Saens—Miss Stirewalt. Fantasia in C —Mozart —Miss Stire wait. Mother [Goose Abrnsque—Jessie Tur key—Cholus. Russian Explosion Kills 100 Persons. London, May 2. —One hundred per sons have been killed in an am munition explosion in a factory in the government of Tula, Russia, ac cording to 'Moselw advices reaching Helsingfors. Fin and. says a Central I News dispatch. Those k lied include j General Alalinikoff and many military I bflUStrs audtbree members of the . local soviet. The Boguui of Bhopal, the only recognized woman ruler in As a, com mands the allegiance of nearly two j millions of people. , In Japan the housewife takes time by the forelock and starts her Spring cleaning in December. THE CONCORD, TIMES NO AS FIT MOTION ALLOWED IN HOWIE MT RDER CASE Motion Made at Cohelfiision of State’s Evidence- —Sentences Announced By .1 ndge Webb. The case against 'Maurice C. Howie. Monroe man charged with the death of an 8-y<:ai-old git l of this city, . .ime to a sudden end 'Monday afternoon when a motion to non-suit was allowed by Judge James F. Webb, presiding at th<' present term of Oatmn-us Superior Court. The motion, to nonsuit was made by attorneys for tin* defendant at Gr (onclusP n of the State’s evidence, the court ruing that the evidence aid not warrant a continuance of the case. Air. Howie was arrested several weeks ago when he was charged with striking the child with his auto. i*he grand jury returned a true murder hill against him last week and under agreement, tho ease came up at the opening of court Monday after a week-end holiday. Several men who were found guilty of various offenses last week wore sent need 'Monday. G. 3. Smith was finod S4O and the costs for assault w.tli a deadly weapon. He was fined $.70 and the costs and required to give a S2OO bond for his appearance at each October term of court for two years to show good behavior in give a S2OO bond for his appearance at each Oc tober term <>f court inr two years to show good behavior for assault with a deadly weapon. i< Pa (fence iSlmping was -sent enced for carrying a concealed weapon and assault with a deadly weapon. In the first case he was fined SSO and the costs and in the other case was fined S4O and the costs and required to give a good behavior bond of S2OO. returnable at each October term of court lor two years. OPERETTA NEXT MONDAY EVENING To Pc Given by Pupils of Eighth Grade of Sunderland School. On next Alonday evening at eight o’clock the pupils of the eighth grade of the Laura Sunderland Memorial School'will render an Operetta in'iwo acts, entitled "The Maid of the Golden Slipper." The folhyWing will he the cast of charmcterjpr God moth Black. Cupid—-Henrietta Alexander. Gindemln —Alary Lewis Barringer. Belinda and Henrietta, step-sisters —Eddie Ellen burg, Stetlm Frick. —Jane Alcl)aniel. Prince —-Laurene Wentz. Fairies. __ Chorus of Lords and Ladies. Synopsis—Act 1. scene 1. Woodland. Act 1. scene 2. kitchen, in Cinderella's home. Act 2. scene 1, boll-room at pal ace. Act 2. scene 1, parlor at home of (’inderella. Alusical Numbers Act 1 : No. I—(tverture Instrumental. No. 2 —Opening Chorus —Fairies. No. —You Must Be Good —God- mother. No. 4—l’m the Little God of Love — Cupid. No. s—Dear Little Maid in Yellow— Cupid. _ . . No. d—Wo Scatter Light—Fames. No. 7 —Duet —Belinda and llenriet- **' No. s—l Am So Sad—Cinderella. Act 2: No. P—Hail to the Prince —Chorus. No. 10— Friendship—Prince. No. 11— Who’s the Maiden —Chorus. No. 12—Love Ale—Prince and Mai h No. 13 —Alinuet —Instrumental. No. 14 —Finale, Scene I—Chorus.1 —Chorus. No. 15 —Finale, Scene 2 —Chorus. Admission to all the exercises at this school this year will he by ticket, an admission ticket having been en closed in the invitations sent out. Closing Exercises of the Harrisburg Sehool. The closing exercises of the Harris burg school will he as follows begin ning Wednesday May 2. at 8 p. in.: Song: America tin* Beautiful. Recitation: An Angel in a Saloon— Edith Barbee. Recitation: Sister and I—Mary Vir ginia Query. , Recitation: The Old Mans Roof Cellar —Mary Frances Query. Instrumental Solo —Margaret Harris. Debate: Resolved That the Bible Should he Taught in the Public schools. \tiirmative Billie Harris. \ idn Coch ran; negative, John MeCaehron. Gnu-e Sloope. ~ ■ , , Song: The Old Farm Bell—Male quartette. Thursday. Alay 3. 8 I>* ui.: Song: Come Where the Lilies Bloom—Male Quartette. Recitation: The Dead Doll Agnes Sims. T , . Operetta: Mid-Summer Eve—l ri marv and Intermediate Grades. • Friday, Alay 4th. 4 :30 p. m.: Song: America —By audience. Instrumental Solo —Mary Frances i Query. , ‘ . . Debate: Resolved That the Decisions of the Railway Lalnir Board, Should Be Enforced. -Affirmative. Mirgaiet Harris, Annie Taylor: negative Evelyn Barbee. Beulah Taylor. College Songs—Male Quartette. At 5:30 the Literary Address will be delivered by Hen. Alorrison H. Caldwell, of Concord. »; :3ff—Picnic* Supper. At 7 :30 ]). m.: Song: Hear Dem Bells—Male Quar- Deela that ion : Sout hern Chivalry Sam Davis. Recitation: Malabram and the Young Musician —Evelyn Barbee. Declamation : “The Boot Bose Rob erv Query. „ , Recitation: The Rural Thrift—A lola Cochran. Instrumental Duet—A lola and An ginia Cochran. i Recitation: AA’hy Sheffcr Did Not Blav —Alargaret Harris. Recitation: Josi-ili at the ( ounty Fair —Beulah Taylor. Declamation— Supposed Sjieech ol John Adams—Yates Alc*( achren. limitation— Sally Ann's I'.xpcricnce —Annie Taylor. j Declamation: Mother, Gird My S,v,ml Around Mrs. B. AA T . Sharp, of Durham, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. E. Peele. FOOD INSPECTOR MAKES ANNEAL REPORT TO CITY Dr. T. N. Spenrer, Food Inspector For Concord, Shows He Was Very Act ive During laist Year. Dr. T. X. Spencer, city food in speetor, has just submitted to ihe city officials a report of his work for the year ending April doth, lff23. The report follows: Xo. Inspections—7B2o. Xn. care asses inspected 4TOO. No. beeves inspected— 2108. Xo. hogs inspected—2l24l). No. sheep and goats inspected—ls2* Xo. barrels fish inspected- -C»7<». Xo. laboratory rests made—2 80. Xo. permits issued- ‘207. Xo. pounds food ' »ndeinnod Receipts- 52,24t;.:r». ARREST NEC,ROES. TAKE LIQUOR AND AUTOMOBILE Officers Found Negroes on Spring Street With Half Gallon of Liquor in Car. Will Chapman and Will McLaugh lin. negroes, were arrested by local police olticers Tuesday and lodged in jail, one being charged with transport ing liquor and the other with having liquor in his possession for sale. The am st was made on Spring street, police olticers stated. They sus pected the negroes of having liquor and when they searched the car they found about half a gallon of whiskey, one of the officers stated. Tilt* negroes were lodged in jail and the Chevrolet ear they were driving confiscated. Inspirational Meeting. There was a delightful inspirational meeting of the circles of the Woman's Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian Church Tuesday afternoon at the church and a most enjoyable program was given. Circles Nos. One, Three and Eight were in charge of the pro gram and "Mexico” was the subject chosen for study. A pageant in which Misses Helen Fisher. Mary Grady Parks. Dorothy Black and Alice Wall, and Ainslee Alexander took part, was presented and proved most interesting. A voluntary contribution was col lected and this sum will he used in the fund being raised to establish a school for Mexican girls in Texas. At the conclusion of the program a social hour followed (hiring which re freshment wore served by Ihe circles in charge. RuUienherg Guilty of Criminal Syndicalism. St. Joseph, Mich.. May 2. —Charles E. Ruthenbere of Cleveland tonight was found guilty of violating the Michigan law agaiqst syndicalism. Ruthenberg faces a prison Sentence of ten years of a fine of $5.C00 or both. The jury was out four hours «tnv:r. N. M., was elected president of the board: Franklin 1). Roosevelt, former as sistant secretary of the navy, and Henry iMorgenthiu. former TtmDas sador to Turkey, wore chosen vice presidents; Airs. Katrina Ely Tiffany was elected secretary: the Central Trust company, of this city, was de signated as treasurer. The lirst award of the foundation will bo made~in November of this year, ii was announced. The recipient will he chosen by a jury to ne selected by the board. Mr. Roosevelt said the award will be based upon recognition of an achievement which carries out the “ideals which we as sociate with President Wilson. ’ 1 oz. or 1 ton? One ounce of Royal Baking I Powder is worth a ton of cheaper baking powders when you consider the su periority in the quality, healthfulness and taste of food prepared with it. RO'%S*JL j Baking Made from Cream of Tartar derived from grapes Contains No Alum —Leaves No Bitter Taste PAGE THREE Predicts Another War in Enrope Within 10 Years. Richmond, Va., May I.—Speatting tonight before the luth annual con vention of th>* Association of Govern mental Labor Officials of the tinned StatrN and Fan-ad 5, Dr. Royal 'Meeker, formerly secretary of the Inter national -Labor Conference at Geneva, predicted another war in Europe within Id years. “The next war is inevitable within the nrxt 10 years unless there is a change of mind and heart in The countries of eastern and centra! Europe.” Dr. Meeker asserted. De claring thai jealousy, passion and suspicion s rampant in the old world, tin* speaker said that if Europe could “forget her history, what a blessing it would he.” Dr. Meeker described the. inter national labor situation as “rotten" although ho said it has shown some improvement in the last year. fin the United States about Titty times us much is sp. nl annua ly in precaution measures against acci dents as is expendded for the same purpose in Great Britain. Concord's “white way" is beginning rn have a different appearance. Sev eral electricians an* now cleaning the good globes and replacing the ones Which have burned our.