j B SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. VOLUME XLVIII. pi STREET IS iPfIIDIIETU . BOGUS CHECKS : Prices oh New York Stock J Exchange Go Tumbling When More Than Score of Bad Checks Are Disclosed. n\K OF CHECKS WAS FOR $15,000 prawn on Reading, Pa., Bank —Brokers in Philadelphia and Boston Received Sim ilar Bogus C heck. i 1 Vw'York. May 7. —Prices on the | \y"v. York Stud; Exchange were sent lirchlOin mday by reaction from the t/uyiivic started on flood of or-j m ,L. w!ii‘-ii it disclosed -wen-* baek , |, v worthless checks drawn on sev (.r;!i I*, unsv h aiiia banks. \|,iic than a score of worthless were rc!-‘ivcd by Wall Street oyer lie week end. di:c i.f the checks was for SIT* 000 • ■drawn on the Keystone National Hank. I ,! f lading. Pa., to cover haying or-j (>r'- in Wc'tinyhouse. Heading and; A:i:oriean Par and Foundry. Others ikvomiianied orders to buy Ney York j Onrrn! stock. ‘ * li ;mrr-' fnafi Philadelphia and Bos- K.ii <:iid brokers in those cities liad rtvjvrd similar bogus cheeks. '1 he checks in almost every ease b're forced certitication. which tricked <• .;ue of llu brokers into executing i.r. on'ers for large blocks of ct'i-y Selling operations, started as «!.t>c as tin* fraud was discovered, sent prices down, yractically tlie entire list Icing carried to new low levels. THK COTTON MARKET Firm Opening Followed by a Renewal of Weakness Laier. New York. May 7. —A firm opening va- fdJoweil by a renewal of weak iic-> in t!ie~>otton market during r*>* day’s early trading. First prices were - ’ 22 jtoinrs higher cm old crop iiM»nths. in response to relatively firm * aid* < and in jx >ii j • g,.; ■■ points itmer on ia.er detiveries. * oiteii futures opened firm. May - ! kv": July 25 :(itl; Oct. 23 :i>2 ; Dee. -PM: ,lau. 2,5:10. New Dirk. May 7.—May cotton l , n<ke trein- S’2b.hn. the opening figure. on the New York cotton ex <hatige today, on reports of additional arrivals el cotton in the market, and itofter weather in tlie South. This was •nleereasc ot Ss a hale from the day's k.ii figures, and of sr» from Satur day's closing. Inrectors to Re Named Soon by Cot-! ton (i rowers. kiicieli. May —Thirty thousand "'t ea growers have 1 teen called to at !': l!,! li , :l! lueerings Friday night. May ' s,, l»‘ft- delegates to county coll- I’lheiis et the North Carolina Cot in ‘‘ biow.ers t o-epciative Association. ' ,!l 1 w hi be held in every count v Monday. May 14. Delegates conventions, which will be "i* 22. will be named at the ''"tuny meetings. l!l district eon Pent ions will nomi- J'iii' '"'"diilatos for directors which iwl] vou ‘' l 0,1 ilt nn election to lie ;. r ' *1 une 11. The annual meet ‘ ,!iel, dif*rs of tire cotton co-opera- Tt tri ■"! H ‘ hH<I u } Raleigh June 8. tl, lu ‘‘’ tol of the association at ' ‘, :i>r nu ‘eting continued the pres ■ Fan (1 f having IP districts and nwaT"T a th< ‘ districts as they r „ N i , In addition to the 10 direc -yh'd by the members, tlie gov " A" 1 ’ 111 Carolina appoints a F r f«r_the public. ' ( 'v at Ahemarle. ing waVh m *V ay 5 ~ A dinner rneet- All. m . lr , held . today at the Hotel con-m,‘.'i " he " ,ll ° town and rural Herald "Vni ° 1 ’ the S:an Y ;| ;* f Albemarle, together with ; prominent men of Albe : } ]u ' county met in a, get .• i , . 1 ’ *'’ "?• I'he primary oh iiiw-ies* Hin ” was to promote euHnrai * ind « s trial and agri •sch.MdV “ n| the city and county :,pitogether dinner was Fig „r' . '■ ! ’’ S ‘ tAppani. of L\l i - WlK.p'nr Uris ‘‘Mended bv a large towns ,!!h n< "' s P i| P° r folks of the Cna niy (1 ’ Pbnunit ies of Stanly The m'.V 1 ur Advertisers. s- i". tto. announces a y<mi;.r IKM> s,l its for men'and t s , Sl ,. ,' ( - r , ' l ,'j CPs ranging from •Mid pam,.’ • y 1 ov i,ls< ’ have straws *«» S4.ua' . '"'-hided from $1.50 up 'bis p;,,,, I .'.' Iu l>iK three column ad. '“n!"ami ' V "" s nf "heat, oats, I!lS| irat;c ( . f ’ . n . purchasing hail t"Uipau; ’ ° 111 K. Patterson & »[°ves at $1.0,s a t <,f s i"lit r, »- Complete line Committee to Xe\ v R ; ls '| N fw Bern. ate | M .:‘ ‘ ' ; 4.—Prepara of t' ; t , v, here for the "'d? line inv!, 1 ,-' iri> ina P ort aad v , h ‘ ( b is sehed im’w lllg « r 'Tnmiue« p. ear ‘ng3 a r ,; , 1 . to , a, .' Hve Atav 15. “tty and Beantv .' p hold in Moorehead ate 'k and * an"' b> '. the body, it was le subjfK-t les intei 'estea in dietary of “ t^ e invited by ine Westftt. be to be - GREAT BRTTxAIN TO SEND NOTE WITHIN 36 HOURS Expressing I)i:-upprovpl of the Lgte t Gorman Reparations Proposal. London. Nla.\ 7. <B.v the Associated Press.! —Great Britain will dispatch :i note to Germany within 3(5 hours, .expressing disapproval of the latest j German reparations proposal and nrg i ing Germauy to present a more prae- I tical and liberal solution to the prob lem.. It is believed Grer.l Britain's note made in reply to the recent note from Berlin, will have the general support of the Italian government, although j Italy will probably send a separate j response to the Wilhelmstrasse. (France and Belgium Again Serve No tice. Paris, May 7.—France and Belgium I have again served notice on Germany that they contend the reparations hill shall In* paid in full ‘and there shall he in* consideration of any proposal as long as passive* resistance in the Ruhr continues to he the reich's watchword. • Replying in a joint note to the* Ger man offer, of last week, the Ruhr til lies point out that the sum of thirty billion gold marl's represents less than lone-fourth of tin* tot si 1 which both the ] reparations commission and Germany j recognized ns the amount of her debt, j France and Belgium advance no pro posals of their own, restricting their ito a categorical rejection of the Ger- Jmnn terms. MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF GIRL. Found Willi Clothing Torn to Shreds and Finger Nail Marks oil Her * Neck. 1 Detroit, Mas 7. —The body of a J pretty 17-year old girl lies unidenti | lied in a morgue here today, and two ] young men Who said they found her 'unconscious in a vacant lot last night 'a re held. They told police officers they knew nothing about the young woman, but found her lying in a va cant lot at Burnett and Gordon Ave nues. -They went to a nearby house and reported that a woman had faint ed. . A young woman went with them to where tin* girl was lying and car ried her to a nearby house. She died Id minutes later. Examination showed her. clothing torn to Wreds and finger nail marks on her neck indicated tlie possibility of a struggle. THE SUPREME COURT HOLDS SPECIAL MEETING To Hear Arguments in Regard to Right *3- National Bunks to Estab lish Branches. Washington, May 7.—The Supreme Court held a special session today to hoar arguments in the rase invifying the right ot National banks to estab lish branches and Uu* enforeability of Statelaws prohibiting such branches. The case reached the court on an appeal by the First National Bank of St. Louis, to have reviewed the de cision of tin* Missouri courts uphold ing the law of that State prohibiting branch hanks. Fcur Men and Girl Dance Continuous ly 167 Hours. Baltimore, May 3. —After dancing continuously for 1 C»7 hours, four men and a girl at the Fourth Regiment ar mory <piit at 7 p. m. Tuesday, joint holders of the new record. The dance began last Tuesday night with 25 collides. The survivors are Ev elyn King. John Davis, and Harry Talbot, of Baltimore: Aubrey Gilbert, a marine of Washington, and War ren Mills, of Columbia, S. C. Although so exhausted they could scarcely keep awake, the (lancers this afternoon boldly announced their goal as 200 hours. They abandoned this idea, however, when it was learned the hall had some time ago been engaged for 7 o'clock tonight. Rather than move, they called a halt. The manager of the contest de clared todav that the original rules bad been adhered to in every way and that the record was genuine. Dies From Injury Received When Hit By Baseball. I Belmont, N. C., May 7.—Funeral services were held here yesterday for Charley Harris, who died Saturday in a Charlotte Hospital as a result of an injury sustained here Friday when struck by a pitched hall in a baseball game. lie felt no ill effects until the day after the blow was struck. Uncle Joe Celebrates 87th Birthday. Danville, Til.. May 7 (By the Asso ciated Press). —"Uncle Joe” Cannon, who served in Congress through two generations with a record and display of personality that has made his name and black cigar as well known to tin* schoolboys as to politicians, today is celebrating his 87tli birthday, and his homecoming from his final session of Congress. ! General Federation of Women’s Clubs. Atlanta, Gu., May 7. —A meeting of the hoard of directors of the General Federation of Womens Clubs, delegates of which are gathered here for the ‘mid-biennial council, was held today. I I The delegates represent a membership Jot about 2.000.000 women and are from I all over the United States. The formal opening of the Council will take place tonight. Ap.oHkt Decision in Foreign Vessels Case Washington iMay 7. —The United States can compel masters of arriving vessels to submit manifests showing ‘, the articles alioard including those ,-whose importation is probib.ted, the ■ i Supreme Court held today in a case ‘ brought by the government from the state of Washington, against Wesley * L. Sischo. I An Omaga girl, Ruth Cook Gerth, 3 lias been awarded a SSOO prize by the t American Face Brick Association for * the best designs for face brick work ? suitable.for the grounds or garden of a residence. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS A New Location For the Trinity Reformed Church - I Trinity Reformed Church voted yesterday morning to purchase m? lot on North Church Street cornering at Reed's Lane, for the location of a new church which the congregation will build in the near future. The Consistory is authorized to close the trade and the Finance Committee is authorized to provide the means of payment. The lot is 1(X) feet on North Church Street and 161 feet deep. IMr. D. S. Lippnrd offered to give a lot on East Depot Street for a parson Sunderland Finals For Year Started Yesterday Annual Sermon to Graduating Class Delivered in First j Presbyterian Church by Rev. Lindsay Hadley.—Op- j eretta to Re Given at the School This Evening. The first service in the annual com mencement exercises of the Laura Sunderland Memorial School was held in the First Presbyterian Church here yesterday when Rev. Lindsay Hadley, of the Presbyterian Church of the Foiled States, preached the baccalau reate sermon., In addition to the members of tin* school and ils faculty, tin* speaker was heard by a largo and interested congregation. Mr. Hadley has spent many years in the foreign field and ,at present is spending home time in North Carolina. He is a Hjieaker of much ability, and although a young man, is already prominent in his Church. The necessity of a vision was the subject Mr. Hadley dealt with and though his sermon was**addressed es pecially to the members of tlie grad uating class of the school, it was pre pared and delivered in a manner ap plicable to everyone who heard him. ‘‘Where there is no vision the peo ple perish.” was the legend that h*d Antone. of the great men who lived in the 15th century, to his great fame, the speaker said, pointing out that An tone saw this legend while working in a monastery while a youth. Later, he said, Antone, asked what the legend meant and was told that a "vision is something in tlie soul of a man that is good, tine and desirable.” He asked where he might get a vision and was told "at your workbench.” ‘‘And Antone got that vision,” Mr. Hadley stated. "He saw that it mo:uit verve eto ): r -’ fellow man. Aud it means just that today. No matter whore wo may he we can always have a vision and strive to see il put into practice.” Some people, the speaker declared, become so engrossed in making money that they look from llieir hearts tin* joy that comes from a vision. \Ye may have money, we may have all that money will buy, hut we will never have a full lift*, a satisfied life until we get within our souls a vision. The speaker expressed the belief that lack of vision is tlie curse of the world today. “The United States lias money, national power and all that goes with it. but somehow tin* people in the United Stales have lost their vision. When tin* ponce conference was called in Paris small nations had a thrill for they believed the United States stood to help the weaker na tions. But polities or something got hold of us and we lost our zest for world jiid. I stand for no particular party hut in the United States wo need more thought for others: wo need to pay more attention to living things and less to material things.” Robert Louis Stevenson, Mr. Hadley said, be lieved that man’s greatest Task was to make people happy, not; good, for the latter was up to tlie individual him self. The Stevenson vision, he said, is the correct one. “Don't he discouraged when people about you seem to fail to appreciate your talents and efforts,” he advised the members of the graduating class. “In the end your work will be appre ciated if you have the proper vision of service and helpfulness. The men of the Revolutionary Army at Valley Forge had enough to make them dis couraged, but they were not. In the middle of the camp their leader held prayer with God each day. He had a vision of a great country, and lie made his. men see that vision also. That is what carried them through. Their privations and sufferings, great as they were, were small when compared with the founding of a great nation.” Mr. Hadley then told of a letter he received while in China from a woman who had been bed ridden for ten years. ”Tn that letter she did not mention her illness," he said. “In stead she talked of the beautiful things she heard and saw from her sickroom window. Bhe also had a vis ion of great things among the Chinese people and she told me she prayed each day for the work we were doing. Such a vision makes life sweet and strong.” Americans, he advised, have a fore most place in the world because of their great opportunity, hut we will not do all that we can do until we get a vision. “[We think too much of America as America,” he said, “and not enough of America as part of God’s universe. First, we must let the opportunity to serve control ourselves. Then it will pass on to our States, our, nation and tlie world.” Vision of service, he also declared, would wipe out labor disputes. “When we have more employes with a vision of working for the good of tlieir fel lowman rather than for tlieir wages, ' and employers who have a vision of \ their plants aiding everyone instead of, themselves, then we will have a set tlement of all labor disputes. The la bor problem is not a matter of dollars and cents. It is a matter of having a vision in the soul.” l In conclusion Mr. Hadley again re- CONCORD, N. C„ MONDAY. MAY 7, 1Q23. age. This offer came as a surprise to j the congregation. It is likely that ih v I offer will be accepted. The cmgrega j tion also voted to Offer the rnurch j property on South Church and 'Means I for sale, appointing i Messrs J. O. ! Moose. J. H. A. Holshouser anti k. T. | Lippard a commission to receive any [bids for such property. The building I committee will immediate.y consider ' plans of building and submit me j same to the congregation for ap- I proval. FINANCIAL ciPAIGN" | OFTHELCCftLYI Cfii ; ' | i Organization of Colonels and' and Captains Has Been Completed. Tlie organization of the executive committee, colonels and captains, have been completed and will meet at tin* Y. M. (’. A. tit (*:lo' Wednesday night to perfect the organization of workers. The opening night of the campaign will lie Tuesday, May J 5. at (5:15 p. m. at the Y. M. ('. A. It is expected that a prominent out of trifwn speaker will deliver the principal address. A parade is being arranged for. for Tuesday afternoon, it will consist of two hands, the hoys and girls ol‘ the High School, the civic organizations and other interested groups, also the campaign organization. They will carry numerous banners and slogans. At the conclusion of the parade a mass meeting will Ik* held on the lawn of the Y. M. <\ A., where an address will Ik* given by some prominent speak er. The outlook for Aim campaign is most encouraging, some splendid work has been done by the Executive Com mittee in securing iuitial gifts. Practically everyone that lias been asked to take part in the campaign is accepting tin* responsibility. The cit izens of Concord should he proud of the Secretarial Staff and the accomplish ment of the past year. If the effort to raise $21,500 with which to pay off the present indebted ness and to provide for the running expenses for the balance of the pres ent year is successful it will enable the Association to greatly increase its effectiveness. Certainly there is nothing of o(pinl importance to the conservation of the character of the young people of tin* community. It is just as certain that there is no agency better equipped by experience, training and leadership than the Y. M. U. A. For 75 years it inis been recognized as a character building agency. Certainly the citizens of Concord will rally to this great challenge. COLLEGE PRESIDENT EXPELS 238 STUDENTS Disciplinary Measure in Negro Insti tution Starts Students Strike. Salisbury, May 5. —Livingstone Col lege, well known negro institution of this city, is having trouble between the student body and the president. Nearly two hundred of the three hun dred students in attendance have been given their walking papers and are now allowed to stay on the grounds of the college only until they can make arrangements to go to their homes. A week ago ail infraction of the rules was followed by a trial of the offending students hv a court of six members of the faculty and the stu dents were recommended for expul sion. President Suggs modified this ruling to allow the offending students to do extra work instead of going home. The remainder of the students went on strike for theenforceiuent of the trial court. Wednesday tin* ores blent read the names of 238 students and announced their suspension, giv ing thm 48 hours to leave. Today it was announced that 51 of the offend ing students liad re-registered and the others were allowed additional time in which to make arrangements to get to their homes. The suspended stu dents include both girls and boys. niinded the members of the graduating class not to he discouraged if their tasks fell in unpleasant places, or where they did not seem to he appre ciated. “Just lCmcmlier'.” he sakl, “that your work may bring* light to some dark place or happiness to some lonely life. Christ came not to be ministered unto but to minister, and 1 we should all follow in his footsteps.” • The second exercise of commence ment will he given this evening in the auditorium of the school when an op | eretta will he presented by the stu dents of the school. The entertain ' ment this evening will begin at eight ’ o’clock. Tomorrow evening the final exercis es will he held when the students’ re cital will he given. Admission to the recital and the operetta .will be by card, which was included in every in vitation issued for commencement. CHI SITUATION IS REOARBED SS S VERY SERIOUS OHE Menaces Goad Relations Be tween the United States and Peking Government.— Bandits Take Americans. VIGOROUS COURSE IS TO BE PURSUED Nineteen Americans Were I Captured by Chinese Ban j dits.—Vigorous Demands for Restitution. Washington, May 7. (By the A - Press.) —A situation appar ently regarded as seriously menacing good relations between the United j States and the Peking government in China was described tnda.v by Ainev- I lean Minister Schurman in the firs t olticial report to reach tin* State Ile- I partment. regarding the capture of j American citizens by bandits near , tin* Shunt ung border. The American minister is under stood already to have made formal representations on his own responsi bility, and if is expected he will be instructed by the government here to pursue the most vigirous course to secure the release of the prisoners un harmed. The report was prepared by Mr. Scliurnian on tlie basis of information furnished him by an American citizen who was on the spot when the bandits attacked tin* tourist train on which many tourists were riding. It was indicated that so far as known none of those taken prisoner was harmed, and the minister was apparently hop?-: fill that all would he released. The minister's report was dated midnight May (>, and described the situation as “very serious.” Should any American lost his life the Slate Department is prepared to make vigirous demands on Peking au thorities for restitution. Not only will suitable apologies he required hut indemnity must lie paid, and those re sponsible must be puJfshed if good re lations between the two governments are to continue. American Killed by the Bandits. Shanghai. May 7.—An American was killed by tin* bandits who held up the Shnnghai-Peking express train near Shantung border and carried off 150 prisoners early yesterday, accord ing to a message from Nicheng. hut all of the women captives including Miss Lucy Aldrich, sister-in-law of John I). Rockefeller. Jr., have' been released. The men still liehl are said to be in grave danger. The message said tlie bandits had notified the authorities that all the men among the foreign captives would he killed unless the troops are with drawn. Miss McFadden 'and Miss Coralli were released with Miss Aldrich, the report added. Troops were pressing the bandits on both sides at latest ad vices. Nineteen Americans on the Train. London, May 7. -A Reuter dispatch from Shanghai says the following Americans were on the train held up by Chinese bandits near the Canton border: A1 Zimmerman, V. Haimo vitch, L. Friedmann. J. A. Henley, L. Solomon. Mr. and Mrs. Finger and two children, J. I*. Powell. Major Al len and Mrs. Allen and child, Miss L. T. Aldrich, Miss McFadden. Miss Schronberg, Messrs. F. and E. Elias and E. Gensburgej*. CHINESE BANDITS CARRY OFF 150 PASSENGERS Sister-in-Law cf John Riockefeller, Jr., JVns on Train; Her Fate is Un known ; Peking, May 6.—Bandits killed one foreigner and carried off 150 pas senger in a raid near the Shantung border on the Tientsin-Pukow rail way today. Miss Aldrich, of New York, sister-in-law of John D. Rocke feler, Jr., and daughter of former U. S. Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, was among the passengers, hut her fate is unknown. , The foreigner killed.a believed to he a Russian. Tlie minister of com munication late ‘today telegrapned General Tesao Kun and the civil governors of Shantung, asking unit troops be sent to surround tin* bandits. The express train was northbound from Soocliow whsn attacked by the bandits, who disarmed soldiers esti mated at 1,000 strong and tore up a stre'ch of the railroad track, rifty first-class and 100 second-c ass pas sengers were carried off. it was re ported here. Six foreigners escaped. Three Hundred Passengers. London, May 6—Three hundred passengers including some Americans were carried off by bandits who early today raided an express train from Pulcod to Tien S : en at Linchenow Shantung, a Reuters dispatch trom Peking says. One foreigner was re ported killed and 23 Chinese ana six foreigners were said to have escaped. King George and Ouccn Mary Arc in Italy Now. Rome. May 7.— King George and Oueen Mary, of Eng’and. arri\efl in Rome at 3* o'clock this afternoon on a visit to- Italy. The smoking room of the mammoth American liner Leviathan has been fitted with 48 stained glas panels, one : for each State of the Union. PREDICTS SOUTHERN STATES WILL LEAD THE COUNTRY* la Humanitarian Treatment ot Pris oners.—New Era Imminent. IHr tlie iiiKOcintcd Pr.*«* * White Plains, N. Y., Mi ute i.iln diction of a new era in ” ... t ' Southern states would lead the u*an i try in humanitarian treatment of i prisoners was mad? today by ur. J Hastings H. Hart, a members of the j Russel Sage Fotuidaiion, and former i President of the American Prison Xs ! sociation. in announcing that he might j accept an invitation to investigate me i prison conditions in North Carolina, and South Carolina. ( , Dr. Hart who has investigated prison conditions in various Southern states, nAably Alabama, Mississippi, Wisst V.™inia, Florida, South Caro lina and Virginia, declared that in a large number of these states they nad begun sweeping reforms. “Alabama and'South Carolina have done more in the last few years to I better conditions than any two states, in the TJnion,” he said. The North. Carolina state penitent ! tiary and the jad at Durham, he r-Pd are about tin* average. The convict lease system, attacked recently in Florida, lie said, was the result of the poverty of the Southern States after the war. Slaves. Dr. Hart continued, were ♦ rented h.v their owners like valuable horses, lmt the attitude under tin* con vict lease system was "if we kill one convict* we can get another.” The road cage, one of the greatest evils of lease system, Dr. Hart said, is fast disappearing. It was in this <age, he added, that convicts spent tin* night under conditions closely resemb ling those of Siberian prison camps. I Conditions in Mississippi were worst* than other states he had investigated. Dr. Hart said. There', he declared, murderers sentenced to imprisonment for life, acted as guards and were armed with high powered rifles. If one of these murderers killed a fellow convict who was trying to escnin* the murderer was granted a pardon, tic cording to Dr. Hart. Dr. Hart said the new Kilby peni tentiary at Montgomery. Ala., is in better condition than Sing Sing prison , in New York. At Columbia. S. C„ are two prison farms, a state industrial school for) whites and a negro reform school, he said. NEWSPAPER MAN AMONG CHINESE C APTIVES Robert Scripps Reported to Be Among Americans Being Held by Bandits. Peking. May 7. (By the Associated, Press.) —Robert, Scripps, the Amer ican newspaper publisher, is reported ahirmg the captives taken Rv the train, bandits operating on Shantung border. Others included Major Finger of the American Army, and his two sons. Mrs. Finger escaped. Mrs. Wiggins Dies Unexpectedly. Mrs. S. L. Wiggins became alarming ly ill at her home on Meadow Street Saturday and in the afternoon was carried to the Concord Hospital, wh'*r*.* about two hours after an immediate operation she died. With her husband and three daught ers Mrs. Wiggins liad a little more than a week ago moved here-from Charlotte. In this short time she had made many friends. She w.ns a woman of fine Christian character, possessing ways that invariably win friends. The funeral service was held at the home yesterday afternoon by Rev. J. Frank Armstrong and a large group of -acquaintances accompanied the family to the train last night, where they started with-the body to South- East. Ala., her former home. Mr. Wiggins holds a position with the T. C. Thompson Construction Co., and will return here in about 10 days. Immense Crowd Attends Funeral of Rev. Jacob Simpson. One of the largest crowds ever seen at a funeral in this city attended the services yesterday afternoon, held in j the Forest Hill Methodist Church over i the body of Rev. Jacob Simpson, for many years an honored minister of this community. ; The services were in charge of Rev. iJ. Frank Armstrong. With him on the Ipiatform and assisting were Rev. G. A. Martin. Rev. M. L. Kester, Rev. W. A. Jenkins and Rev. T. W. Smith. Interment was made in Oakwood j Cemetery. Autopsy on PoppeH’s Body to Be Made. : Tallahassee, Fla.. May 7. —Repre- j sentative Fred Davis, of Leon, stated i today tlott lie would introduce s! con-, earring resolution in the House tills ! afternoon looking to an autopsy on j i the body of Jerry Pop*H*ll. star wit-j j ness in the Tabert investigation, who (lied suddenly at Quincy Saturday! I iijght. The 'banks of the city will he closed Thursday, May 10th, Decoration Day. 94 ■■ I ■■lll 1M mim ■ ————*—— mmm—m — nm i —«—— Knockout Jabs in the Y. M. C. A. Campaign For a New and Better Building for Concord A Man is as big as his Impulses. [ Who wants to salvage a Boy? Who will he to blame if the boys of ; Concord go-wrong? L How much arc the hoys of Concord . worth? How would you like to live in a town [if the people were like you? j Invest in the future; you'll Ik* there [! a long time. 1 ! When a man’s cash increase faster 1 than his character lie is, facing moral bankruptcy*. 1 Don't live a financial success, and 1 die a moral bankrupt. j Give moral protection to the boys $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. HILL INVESTIGATE. CONDITIONS IN NORTH CAROLINA Expert Criminologists Will Be Employed by the State Board of Charities and Puclic Welfare for This. TO INCLUDE COUNTY JAILS AND CAMPS Investigation Result of Sen sational Charges Made by E. E. Dudding, President Prisoners’ Relief Society. Raleigh, May 7.—The exact pro ceedure to be followed in the investi gation of North Carolina prison sys tems. in which improper conditions are alleged to exist, will Ik* determin ed after Dr. Hastings 11. Hart, form er President of the American Prison Association, and now of tin* Russell Sage. Foundation, arrives in tin* city, Mrs. Kate Burr Johnson, commis sioner of public welfare, today .an nounced. ! Decision to employ experts was readied by tin* State Board of Char ities and Public Welfare last week in Greensboro. The preceding week, the board held a conference with'Gov. Cameron Morrison, at which it was decided to investigate not only the State Prison, Raleigh, under direct at tack by Dudding. hut to include its subsidiary branches and county jails and camps. Previously the Board of Directors of tin* State Prison had held a conference with the governor and * declined to investigate Dudding's nl- I legations. The members expressed a willingness, however, for Mrs. Johnson, or any other recognized au thority, to make an examination. As a direct result -of Dudding’s charges and evidence submitted h.v other parties, the hoard of commis sioners of Guilford county lias decided to investigate conditions in its prison system. A conference of hoard mem bers was to he held in Greensboro to day to deckle upon plans to follow in conducting tlie inquiry. The board, was stated, will participate, in the nvestlgaTlhfi: ~ When the experts employed by tlie state arrive in Raleigh, they probably will start immediately reviewing data already on file in the public welfare department. The records here tain what have lK*en termed sensa tional accounts of alleged conditions in certain camps, cases of flogging re ceiving a great amount of space. One official bulletin refers to the “dun geons'’ at the State Prison and quotes the superintendent of the institution. George Ross Pou, as being in favor of whipping prisoners rather than con fining them in the particular cells. Mr. Pou has entered several emphat ic denials of tin* charges brought by l Dudding. He declared ho was wills ing for an investigation of the allega tions to he conducted. After tlie de cision of the board of directors not to consider Dudding’s allegations, at which Mr. Pou was present, the super intendent invited newspaper men to inspect the prison. This was done by several Raleigh reporters and corre spondents, but the trip through part of the prison was strictly unofficial and no report was authorized, the newspaper men taking'the position such action would he irregular. Numerous letters from prisoners commending tlie management of the prison have been made public by Mr. Pou. The state is expected to advance funds to conduct the investigation, it was announced by officials after the Greensboro conference. ancL-Mrs. John son today was expected to confer with Governor Morrison in this connection. Verification of Powell’s (Capture Re ceived. j Hannibal, Mo.. May 7.—Verification | of the capture of John B. Powell, for jmer Missourian, by <*hin<*se hankits. 1 was received today by J. P. Hinton, of j Hannibal. Powell’s fatlier-in-law, in a ! cablegram from Mrs. Powell, who is ,in Shanghai. The inesssigc stated that 1 Powell had been captured in Xlian i t ung. Director of Federal Land Bank. Washington. May 4.—Selection of I*. 'I. Guinn to bo director at large of '■ the Federal Land Bank at Columbia. S. 0., was announced today by the Federal Farm Loan I ward. ( or they may bankrupt you financially. The lioys of today are the men of tomorrow. The conservation of a city’s natur al resources is as child’s play in com parison with the conservation of its | mandhood. “The wealth of a city depends not upon its square miles but upon its j square hoys.”—Dr. (’has. E. Barker. An ounce of prevention is, worth a | ton of cure. j A man who is wrapped up in him self has a pretty small package. Y'ou can’t- take your money with you, unless you invest it Fn others. Give today like you will wish wish i you had should you die tomorrow. NO. 87.

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