PAGE TWO 4 Club and Society Items Are Solicited. Tefenhone 78, Tribo'se Office. With (Vur Sick. The condition of Ida J-ouiso. daugh ter of Air. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook, who has been critically ill with pneumonia, j is reported today as great y improved, j Improvement is reported today In I the condition the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Barnhardt, of East Cor bin Street, who has been ill with, pneumonia. Frank and Carson Swaringen. the young sons of Mr. and Mi's. E. Swar- . iugeu. are confined to the home of their parents with measles. Mrs. C. A. MeAnnity and son, G. A. j AlcAmilty. an* confined to their home j cn [Pea rl Stm*t with measles. Miss Sally Plott is quite ill at her | home on Kt.*ss Sm*et with an attack of ; appendicitis. Miss Sally Plott is confined to her ! home with an attack of appendicitis. j The condition of Mr. J. A. Black welder, who underwent an operation at a Charlotte hospital on Wednes day. is steadily improving. Miss Ruth Swaringen is again able to lie out after a slight illness. Operetta This Evening. This evening at eight o'clock the pu pils of the eighth grade of the Laura Sunderland Memorial School will ren tier an oiieretta in two* acts, entitled “The Maid of the Golden Slipper." ( ress-Safrit. £\lr. Holly B. Cress and Miss Myrtle E. Safrit were married at the horn: j ofthe bride, Mr. John A. Safrit yes- j terday afternoon a: 3 o'clock. The j ceremony of the Reformed Church j was used. Rer. W. C. Lyerly per- j forming the marriage eerem >ny. Mr. and Mrs. Cress will make their home with his grandfather. Mr. Luthrr j Cline. Supper was served to relatives j and friends at 5 o'clock. Called Meeting of Salem Club. ! There will In l a called meeting of j the Salem Club Wednesday afternoon j at o'clock at the Merchants and! Manufacturers Club. War Mothers to Meet. The Cabarrus Chapter American j War Mothers will moot tomorrow.! Tuesday, afternoon at 3:30 at the, home of Mrs. S. A. Wolff. Delegates to the State convention held recently at Wilson will make their report at the meeting. Birthday Party. Little Thomas Williams. Jr., enter tained a number of his little friends at a party Saturday afternoon at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. AV. .1. Williams cn Isalielle Street, 'the oc casion being the celebration of his 4th birthday. , Many interesting games were played anti after the games the guests were invited into the doling room where they were served ice cream, cake and fruits. Mrs. Wolfe Entertained the Concord Bridge Chib. Charlotte News. Mrs. A. Clayton Wolfe, who moved here last Fall from Cpm-ord. enter rained she Concord Bridge Club and two tables of Charlotte guests at her home. Friday afternoon at 3:301 o'clock. Airs. Wolfe greeted her guests in a gown of black lace over black satin. Her home was arranged with early summer flowers, roses and lilies l*e ing used in vases and bowls through out the rooms. A color scheme of white and pink was carried our. I K*licious refreshments were served. Those playing were: Mrs. 1.. A. Fish er. Mrs. W. T. Deaton, Mrs. Ernest Porter. Mrs. A. Camptiell Cline. Airs. It. R. Lurenee. Airs. I*. R. AlacFadyen. Aire. J. E. Davis and Miss Susie ('aid well. all of Concord. Miss Aline Moose, of Mr. Pleasant. Mrs. li. A. Sweetlarid, Airs. C. I>. Taylor. Mrs. Ralph Baker. Airs. I-eonurd Evans. Airs. AV. Alc- Knight. Airs. Victor B. Higgins. Airs. C. C. Thomas. Mrs. AV. Fred Brinkey., mid Mrs. F. li. Ivey, ail of this city. Mrs. A. H. MeCarrel 1 Honored. Airs. A. H.* McCarrell. of Ridgeway. S. C.. has liceti the recipient of many social courtesies during her visit here of the past ten days. Airs. AA'illiamson Morris entertain ed at a delightful sewing party Friday afternoon in her honor and the fol lowing guests werepresent: Mrs. W. G. Caswell. Mrs. J. (*. Rowan. Mrs. R. j V. Caldwall. Jr . Mrs. AV. \A\ Flowe. Mrs. c L. White. Mr<. George Moore. *'f Charlotte. Alr-~. AA". s. Bingham. Mrs. Berunrd Fetzer. Mrs. George H. Richmond. Mr>. J. M. Odell. Mrs. R. i K. Black, Mrs. R. A. Brower and Mrs. S. 1. Parker, of Greensboro. After a pleasant afternoon spent in sewing a suiad course wa- served by the hostess. Mrs. A\\ AA’. Flowe Entertained at a lieighbqrhtKxl party Saturday evening j in eomplimcur to Airs. M*-Carre:l and j the following were her Attests: Airs.; AA’. AA'. Morris, Mrs. R. K. Black. Mrs. ! H. I. Woodhouse. Mrs. L. White.! Mrs. A. H. Jarrett. Mrs. AA*. G. Gas well. Airs. Bernard Fetzer. Mrs. G. j Al. D»re. Misses Genie and Addle D>re. Mrs. W. S. Bingham and Mrs, \\*. Brown. Annual Meeting of Woman’s Club. The annual mating of the Woman’s i Club will be held Friday. May 11th.• at 4 p. m.. Neutral Graded School, at j which time an address will he made by! the President and reports given by j the Secretries. Treasurer and Chair- i meiw and tiled with the Recording Sec- j retary for future reference. At the i meeting the work will be turned over j to the new- officers. After the business session a stort j time frill be given over to any new! business or unfinished business that is subject to discussion. This meeting will be followed by a short address by Mr. Ackerman, rep resentative of the Y. 31. C. A. MBS W. H. GURAIAN. Pres. ( 'senior class plav a WONDERFI'L SUCCESS ,“A Bunch of Fun,” Presented Friday ■ Evening Proves Highly Entertaining. The play, "A Bunch of Fun,” pre sented by the Senior Class of the Con cord High School Friday evening, was' a wonderful success. It is the .custom for the Senior •Class to give a class play each year, laud the play given Friday evening was one of the biggest hits in recent years, j “A Bunch of Fun." was a farce in i three acts. The place was Heather \ dale, near New York: time, the pres jent. The entire action took place in , the living room at the rectory. This i cozy, home-like room an ex j tremely popular place. In first jaet the "bunch” arrived at the rectory, j This "bunch” was a crowd of pretty! !college chums of Alice Hunting, and! as Dr. and Mrs. Graudon had con-J sented to take them in at the rectory j for two weeks, they hurriedly accept ed. ami were on their way almost be fore Aliss Alartha. Dr. Grandon’s sis ter. had time to clean up the numerous rooms in the rectory. Raymond Hunt ing, a live wire, at the same time was entertaining a number of his college chums at a camp a short distance away. There young men became deep ly interested in the girls at Dr. Gran don’s. and were frequent, visitors there. The second act presented the "bunch" in action. Christina, a Swed ish maid of the rectory, was #ne of j the outstanding characters in the play. ! She adored the movies, and "The Per | ils of Pauline" were her delight. She j chewed gum incessantly. In the third [net, the "bunch” ch6se partners. A | usual, love found away. and the i "house party partners” became part j ners for always. Vera Matherson. a j baseball fan, made a home run. for j she ran straight into the heart of "Tacks" Mulford. a famous football star. Ray Hunting, who was charm ed by Cei-ily Aloorlaud, the mandolin girl, found that Cecily could play on i hesirt strings as well us mandolin j strings. Murray Kent, a college play wright. won the heart of Nina Lee. a ! stage aspirants Sylvia Stewart, the j darn ing girl, danced straight iuto the ■heart of Lynn Lnokur. a jolly young i fellow, whom Christina called "the • man with a dozen faces.” Mrs. Se lina Blair, a i>est in the iuirish. add ed much humor to the play. Alary, Dr. Gramien’s wife, who became "flus tered on occasions." was the charming head of the household. Each player acted his part to in fection. and each deserves special mention. Much credit is due Misses Wood house and Bell, whose untiring efforts in rehearsing the play, made it a success. The cast of characters was as fol lows : Rev. Stephen Grandou. D. D.. rector of St. Pattis —Eugene Ritchie. Mary, his wife, "flustered on occas ions” —Martha Host. Alartha. bis sister, "a trillc warped" —Blanche Armfield. Christina, a Swedish maid, ’stuck on the movies" —Mary Ridenhour. Raymond Hunting, a live wire—AV. G. AValker. Vera Matherson. a baseball fan —Le- . ora Long. Nina Lee. a stage aspirant—Mary Elizal>eth Blaekweltler. Cecily Aloorland. the mandolin girl —Alargaret Alorrison. Sylvia Stewart, the dancing girl— Mary Donnell Smoot. Lynn Lockwood, the man "who takes .off his face."—Ji** Barrier. : Alice Hunting, rlie entertaining girl —Elizabeth Dayvanlt. Murray Kent, a college playwright —George Batto. "Tacks” Mulford. a foot I will star — AA’esley Walker. Airs. Selina Blair, a i**st in the par ish—Grace Ridenhour. Success comes in cutis, not in cant s. Selected. FLOWER SHOW To R«* Given Tomorrow Afternoon and Evening at the Y. M. U. A. The Flower Show to In* given by the I).. A. R. at the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday afternoon and evening will l<egin at 4:30 o'clock. The follow j a*: music • prognuume will I>e rendered at 8:30 o'clock: Piano duet: Swetcher from "Taun hauser" —IL Wagner—Miss Herring. , Mrs. Edwards. Songs: tai "Her Rose” —C. AAhit ney Coombs: tlO "The Year’s at the Spring"—Samuel Protheroe — Mrs. Ridenhour Gibson. Songs: ui "Dwe's in My Heart — li. Huutingtou Woodman: «h> ("Wound Fawn"—Thurlow Lieurance; ie» "Butterflies" —Liun Seiler—Mrs. Naucy Patterson Edwards. Vocal Duet: "Duet of the Flowers" t from Madame Butterfly >—Puccini— Mrs. AA'a goner. Mrs. Gibson. •* The following will lie the menu: 'Chicken Salad. Rickies. Crackers Ice Tea Cherry and Vanilla Cream Angel Food. Devil Food, Lady Balti more him! White Cake Home-Alade Candies Solo: *tai "Vesta I*i Guibba." from Pagiiatri— (b» "Duna , AK-Gill. isi "Sweet Little Woman of > Mine"—Bartlett —Mr. Tringle. Road Camp Moved. Part of the county road force, j which has been engaged in repairing ; the road connecting the old Charlotte | road with the Roberta Mill road, has j been moved to No. t> township. The connecting road has been put in good | shape, county road men state, and ! when additional topsoil is placed on jit in the immediate future, the road j will lie cue of the l»est in the county. I Several roads in No. l» will lie re- I paired while the road force is iu that i tow nship. i Mr. AA*. T. Miller, of Columbia, S. ; C.. spent a short time in Concord a with friends Friday. * : Kosmcs Hostess to Delegates-- . Chattanooga Times. One of the most elaborate social af fairs tendered iu compliment to the delegates attending the convention of the Tennessee Federation of Music, Clubs, which is in session here this week, was the tea yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George J. Hall, j on A'iue Street, with members of Kos- * mos Club as hostess. About two hundred visitors and lo cal club women called between the re ceiving hours. 4 to li o’clock. The lovely home was a bloom with gift flowers and blossoms from the gardens of the members of Kosmos. | In the living room where the guests s were received, baskets of lilacs, iris, 1 snowballs and lilies of the valley were j placed on the mantels and tables, i Tall baskets of flowers were placed at \ one eud of the room where the niem liers of the receiving line stood. • A color of green and white was developed in the decorations of the hall aud winding stairway. I.arge j wicker baskets filled with dogwood 1 and sprays of greens ornamented the j newel post aud tables arranged on the landings of the broad stairs. At one j 1 end of the-hall was arranged a screen j of the white blooms, behind which was stationed Brenizer’s orchestra. . The floral arrangement of the dining 1 ! room was effective in pastel colors. 1 ! A l*owl of colymliums and violets was j 1 placed on the buffet, while carnations. | snowballs aud other spring flowers or-, nameuted the serving table. The din-, ing table was covered with a hand some cluny lace cloth, centered with a silver basket of orchid sweet peas : and tulips in rose shades. Smilax ( was encircled about the base of the' basket and also at the edge of the table, giving a pleasing effect. Dain ty refreshments, consisting of ices, sandwiches, tea and nuts were served. Airs. George Hall wore a beautiful 1 afternoon gown of apple green crepe and silver, fashioned draped effect, j Her corsage was sweet peas of va rums tints. Aliss Kavanaugh wore black crepe with accessories of black. iThe above taken from the Chat-j tanooga Times will he of interest to many Concord people. Airs. Hall was iiefore marriage Miss Daisy Groner. of! Concord, a sister of Airs. R. A’.j Blackwelder.—Social Editor.) Graduation Recital. The graduation recital given at i Mont Amaena Seminary. Alt. Pleasant. ■ Friday evening. May -4th. by Mis^; AA’ilna Lueile Stirewalt ami Aliss Mary Alargaret Barrier was well at tended. Aliss Stirewalt and Miss Bar rier are pupils of Miss Aiae E. Smily.. who is head of the music department.! These young ladies have really ac-i ' eoniplished some fine work both in I piano and voice, and both showed to! advantage Friday evening. Miss Stire walt has a mezzo soprano voice of gtwKl quality, and was at her ln*st when 1 she sung "Aiy Heart sit Thy Sweet; Voire” (Samson and Delilah! by : Saint-S»ens and her best piano nmu ber was Mozart’s Fantasia in C. Aliss Barrier lias a very pleasing lyric so prano voice. She sang I.uckstoue's "A Birthday.” as one of her numbers} in a very pleasing manner. And she is to be complimented on her playing j of Rachmaninoff s “Prelude Op. 3 No. j ' Both of the young musicians showed splendid promise. The closing number, Mother Goose, Araliesque, was well sung by the! chorus of young ladies of the Semi nary conducted by Aliss Smily. . Mr&. Black Entertains. Mrs. R. K. Black entertained the Garden Club Tuesday afterrtbon in honor of her house guest. Mrs. A. H. ; McCarrell. of Ridgeway. S. c. Members of the club are: Mrs. G. j M. Lore, president: Airs. C. L. White, Mrs. H. I. AVoodhouse. Mrs. AA'. AA’. Flowe. Mrs. AV. S. Bingham. Airs. T. H. Webb. Mrs. C. F. Ritchie. Airs. S. j AA'. Rankin. Mrs. Hal Jarrett. Airs. J.; F. Goodman and Aliss Betty Leslie. Besides the club members Mrs. Black find as her guests. Mrs. W. H. Gorman and guest. Mrs. I>jivid Clark. Mrs. AV. A. Brown. Mrs. C. D. McDonald, Mrs. J. AL iNlell aud Mrs. J. F. Dayvanlt. Airs. Black was assisted in serving a salad course by Mis< Elizal>eth Black and Aliss Anna Sell rock. Russell-Wilsun. Mr. John Russell and Miss Mary AYilsou were married tit the manse of the First Presbyterian Church \A'**d- ' nesday morning, the ceremony being 1 performed by Rev. Jesse C. Rowan. | Mrs. Russell is from Florida and has j l*t*en making her home in this county I for several months, teaching school at | the Li taker school house in No. 11 > township. Mr. Russell holds a iK»si tion at the Jackson Training School. Both are popular, and have numbers of friends here and elsewhere who! will Ik* interested in the announce ment of their marriage. Adelaide Foil Hurt in Fall From Bi cycle. Adelaide, the daughter of Mr. and Airs. AV. A. Foil, liad the misfortune to fall from her bicycle while riding Fri day and although no bones were brok en she suffered a numl*er of painful bruises aud she is tumble to l>e up With Our Sick. Susie Katherine, the little daughter of Mr. and Airs. Frank Mund, is con lined to the home of her parents on South Union Street with an attack of measles. r. H. Scarboro. Jr., is confined to his room at the home of his grand parents, Mr. aud Mrs. W. H. Scarboro, ou Ann Street, with a case of measles. To Entertain Senior Class and Fac ility. Miss Zelia Blackwelder -will enter tain at a formal reception* Alouday ev ening from S to 11:30 o'clock at her country home iu honor of the Senior class of the Concord High School and the faculty of the school. Will Graduate in .Music. The friends here of Miss Lula Belle Paris, of Marion, but who for merly lived iu Concord, will lie in terested to know that she will grad uate in music at Randolph Macon In stiute at Danville ou May 14th. Supper at tlie “Y” Next Tuesday. J Don't forget the supper to be given at the "Y” Tuesday. May fcth. by the Cabarrus Black Boys chapter of the ] D. A R. The doors will be opened at 4:30 and betides flie supper candy flowers and fancy work will be sold < /,f HE CONCORD TIMES PERSONALS. . .. - Air. and Aire. J. B. Sherrill. Miss Cot trell Sherrill and Air. AA*. Al. Sherrill s'i>eut Sunday afternoon in Charlotte , with Dr. aud Airs. J. C. Aloutgoinery. • % • 1 Misses Annie Si rider and Irene Mc -2 Connell, Airs. Nannie Newman and Air. 'John Porter spent Saturday iu Char • lotte. • ft -j Mr. Edward Sauvain left Saturday night on a business trip to Birming ham. •• * I Air. George Edwards, of Rocky i Alount. arrived Sunday to si>end sever-j |nl days here with Mrs. Edwards, who; is visiting her -pa rents, Air. aud Mrs.; [John K. Patterson. • * * Mr. AA*. S. Bingham returned today to Chester. S. C.. after spending the week-end here with his family. He jwas accompanied by Airs. Bingham and Aire. A. H. MeCarrel and Alaster ■ Elliott AlcCarrel. Airs. MeCarrel has l»een spending the past ten days here ; with friends, and Elliott came up Sat urday to spend the week-end-with her. • • • j Airs. M. L. Cannon. Airs. A. It. How ard and Miss Alice Brown left Sunday .night for Baltimore. i• • ■ Aliss Virginia Brawloy. of Gastonia, j spent several hours here Sunday with : Aliss Anuis Smoot. • * • Air. T. H. AA’ebli returned Saturday ! from Baltimore, where he has been for some time with his brother, who : is undergoing treatment iu a hospital i there. * * * Aliss Kathleen Sapiienfiekl. Air. J (’harlie Sapitenfleld and Air. Charlie Griffin are stiendiug several days in i Columbia, S. C. • » • Air. and Airs. George Bost. of Char lotte. spent Sunday here with friends. * * * j Miss Lizzie Rouug. of Davidson, is visiting her aunt. Airs. J. P. Allison. * * $ Aliss K:itie Fisher si**nt the week end in Rockwell with her parents. * * * Alisses Elizabeth Hahn and A’irginia i Patterson returned this morning ;to Alout Amoeba Seminary after i spending the week-end with Aliss j Ilnhn't ptirents. Mr. and Airs. Clifford : Hahn. * * * Air. Neil Goodson. of Greenslxiro. I spent Sunday here with his parents, Air. and Airs. J. F. Goudson. # * # -. Dr. and Aire. A. J. Crowell and Aliss . Jennie Patterson, of Charlotte. sj>ent ( Sunday here wirh the family of Air. I John K. Patterson. * # * | Mrs. Walter Davidson, of Charlotte, • is spending some time here with her father, Mr. John A. Barnhardt. who is ! quite sick at his Utmie ou West Cor \ bin street. * * * Air. M. it. GiUsou returm»<! today 1 from Chester. S. C.. where he had Ikk*u ; attending the A. R. I‘. Presbyterial. * * « Mrs. G. F. Rc«kl. of Winston-Salem, i and Aliss Mildred Wallace, of Alore j head City, returned today to their i homes after speeding the week end ! here with Miss Nell Herring. * * * I Airs. C. B. AVagoner. Airs. J. I*. (Cook. Airs. George Edwards and Miss : Mary King atteuded the mi‘etiug of tl-.t* Suite FtHleration of Woman's ! Clubs in Winston-Salem last week. * * * Dr. J. A. Shauers will siH*uti Thurs day. Friday and Saturday of this week in Charlotte attending the State Con | vention of Chiropractors. m m m Mrs. Hilliker. of < hnaha, Nebraska, is spending several days with her daughter. Miss Frances Hilliker. of tire faculty of the Laura Sunderland School. • • ■ Charlotte Observer: -‘Miss Hamlin Landis, with Air. Luther Harfsell. of Concord, and Mr. Jake Wade, of Dunn, have gone to I.ancaster. S. C„ to at tend a week-end house party to he given by Miss Mary Heath Jones. * * * • Air-;. Charles Quick, of Auburn. N. Y'.. is spending the week-end at Sun derland school tis the guest of Miss Montgomery. • » * ! Aliss Myra Stone, of Greenslioro, i who teaches school in Albemarle, is j spending the week-end with Aire. Ben Craven at her home ou White Street. • • • j Mr. Garah Propst. of Charleston, is ! siK'Utiitig the week-eml here with rei -1 atives. • '• Alessrs. Richard L. Porter and W. A. Shaw, ,lr., of Charlotte, were visitors to the city Thursday. • • » Air. Thomas Harris, u ho has been a student at Wake "Forest, has-returned home for the holidays and has ac cepted a position at Etird's Depart ment Store. •* * 9 Miss Mary Spurgeon is spending the week-end iu Charlotte with friends. • • « Aliss Lily Wiley is spendiug the v. eek-eml with home folks iu Faith. mm* Mr. Sam Harry, of Salisbury, spent Friday in Concord on business. Aliss Elizabeth Hahn, of Alont Arnoenu Seminary, i* the week-end here with home folks, she has as her house guest Miss Virginia Lee Patterson, of Selinsgrove, Pa. m » • Aliss Jeun Coltrstne returned Satur day from a three weeks’ trip to New York aud Washington « • * Mr. A. H. Sisk, of Albuquerque. New Alexu-o. arrived Saturday to visit Air. Charles l annoit. • • • Rev. Jesse C. returned Thursday from a sh**rt trip to Hamlet. • • • County Agent K. D. Goodman speut , Thursday in Albemarle. • • • Prof. Zehulou Teeter has closed his school at Denton and lias returned to . liis' home in this county. m m 9 Aliss Mamie Sloop will leave Tnes- - day night leave Tuesday night for . Providence. R. 1.. where she will visit , Mr. and Airs. S«*im Sloop, the former j her brother. I. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Roland spent Son- , (lay in Finger. Parks-Belk Co. Parks-Belk Co. Announcing Special Sale of 1000 SUITS 1000 FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN my, . , ~ 1 , ... , We have just received 1,000 mens and young mens all wool Suits crowed out from a \. New York manufacturer who wanted spot cash. Included in this lot are the New larkur: ' Checks —in Gray and Brown, Blue Serge, Plain and Sport Models —Gray and Brown Ca- * 1 mere and Tweeds. Regular new models—Young men's sport and Norfolk models—?izc' ; 32 to -lU. Values to $25.00. Sale Prices— s9.9s $14.95 $16.95 $19.95 r ' . : Men’s and Young Men’s Strawsj New Shapes—Panamas Included : — VI : $1.50, $1.98, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 Men’s Dress Shirts Men's Dress Shirts made of best grade Percale and Madras, neat Patterns — j 98c AXU $ 1.48 f . •* . ; In the Boy’s Department BOYS’ SUITS BOYS* SHIRTS AND BLOUSES I Boy* Suits, big. range of Patterns and in Bovs’ Shirt s and Blokes, made the newest models, some with two pair of . & , ra ' de Percale and Madras. Neat Patter:;- $ 2J95 $6.95, $8.95 $9.95 48c ’ 79c ’ 98c ’ \ BOYS’ UNION SUITS 5 BOYS’ HATS : f Bovs' Straw and Cloth Hats, new shapes Bdys’ Pajama Check and Xiinsvk L: 1 and all the leading colors Suits. All sizes £ 48c, 69c, 98c, $1.48 f 48c, 69c, 98c | PARKS - BELK CO. ■ . The Home of Better \ alues i > Monday, May 7, 1933

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