p ? t IERRILL, Editor and Publisher. y ■ VOLI ME XLVIH. More Than Half of Fund For Y Has Been Pledged tem s ill End of First Day 55.197 and Execu te ( onimittee Reports a lota 1 of 5T,955. *.)i,')(!() I GRAND total to be raised Teams Are Working Again Todav and Will Continue Tomorrow. Most Large pledges Are Reported. | , in " could have cheered . , ; (1 oftivi ils :tllO opening rx . > u< V drivethan lo have ,1 .< iir»i! laid beon/rais i.uiiuoiiuMtt of tiiis grand ,lt of the tii>t day’s ! ,>■ tioinh slit-11. 11 seem , i ii-ttiotiiutn would break i f, >• hic uioini'iit. No one, except P „ T , had dared diva in ' ... half i lit* total anioitni . ];iiv,d tiic tirst day. It aet ;i wonderful stimulus to tin* Avr. u .. left tin* hall confident of nt :> I a mi: t'd so far as any • for sis• remainder of the i t . *l*|ll •« f i ]; H a a til. yen era 1 of the Army - rifil things rolling when lT l .ai|, , i| mi \V. Caswell, e.ijdaiii of | w „ \, i. .f«if the tirst rejMift. (’apt. . . ose ' with a report of ’• .1;],., ri { »■ ■ li- and SiO.i. It. K. Rid . Jr. foliowt■*i next with the i ; i.umher of suhseriptions 24. si'll id!- n.trtsell got Hi with f S. Smart, of the Navy iVpartne I'i'orteii ami ealled tin .1. [; j,(i\ r fur hi- report. Mr. , Love’s : :il - ii 7 tin'll with a total of $;• .1. \ i'iarr followed with tin' !nli\ itiiial score of 11 snh - : is .ainl suns. Captain Jarrett <. ,r-ii s >:ii.-crjp: imis ami sl6l. fir \:r forces under the eoitiuiailtl if ,\ 11. Hoover then eaine lo earth : a' i:* il : total ol Slt'd'i. (’J plain o. ,ci■ i -i eii M men and with liis - ■•'live' S7.tr,. Captain L. Maury 1. n’:ii ii ported 23 men with ST»Mh (,: i A. s \V<*hh secured 11 sub -r; c anioimtiti- t.. $309. Ks!. .ii'.isio!! had assistants in. the H: ' ! :mil these reported a | t"’ : :’i; oih-cfiptidiis with £l4O. The gra'.'. total of tin* teams amounted to &1!'" At the close of the report of tin- 'Armf !>• ms I-'. C. Xi’oloek, Vice Fliiiirti;;.:. us the Executive Coinmit- I'r. -idetit of the Y reported for r.v Kxi'ditive committee. r l’his - i : !-"- in-> men has ,l»*en hard Sii-rk fur several weeks and have il"iie -p|.';.- : .i work. Mr. Xililoek re i" i itraml total thus far of $7.- : ! aiti'il a> a wonderful stiiuu -4s t" Ha- i-r- v.d and they cheered and thi- report hy Mr. Nihloek. Tic- i.'MVi's a total of 5N..44S yet to l , T:ie"l. li is hy no tpeatis imttossi e ii:-! t! u workers believe it will he * ■ lii f.ii . they are tint going to i< done. However. it !, <irii in mind that practically ■" -st prospects have heen seen. h-:.i! et sustaining members last -s was at,nut s.-, or OH. Already ISO fi,,| 'erij>timis have heen turned in. a ‘-' r i-' overwhelming majority ttre • v ! ‘ " i. the most favorable tire ! ' r> ' and now flu* grind comes. • :i matter of disappointment ttint ?, -\v are far lielow “ :ir ' V;ts liojied. for. Cnles a host of • *“'h'e raliv today and tomorrow to " ,! T» l'"f ‘\'har the committee ex h'u i • •r s mrees the outcome •' !! "' : *ll eertain. Ann-hi r tiij,. |~p meeting was helM Cen;u;_ attended hy some 10 ' r " vy ' The tfuest spirit Wits evi "t! t: Ik- were made by I>i ' ind Admiral Smart. I Mr. 11 N " ti| "l*-I a tinte of optimism to . •'ad all the Workers'll, the i*m comparatively few of , 11 'if --r had heen seen. He , " I '. !;l ! * 'et : in |mi H up the anchor ' ! ' "i'T ’ for I ull speed .ahead, "iic ;h cheered hy all. Mr • up -a whom the heavy end of .'7,' I hi:a o for several we >ks. I men to go it head in ftiitli. a list not he unmindful . ' : oat all the suhseriptions 7i, i " ! "‘ 'm dliiotial to getting the : ' 1 ' "f- s-Ji.r,o(i atid that unless "nut is pledged the Y , , . ' iat.ve to close in Con- A . :., st . • aer was scrvetl again f„ r , ! ,' ladies of Trinity He- Kvi-rything was on r: ~ht up to tln> minute. ; -' it eiodit'for the way ■acet ion with the .din s i Mi-s Margaret Ilart ! ’he piano.. Dinner will tonight at 6:15 and Hi,. teams, except 7 I'".' '. are asked to bo 1;." * ' ;h!i Sunday Night. Mil pV 11 '"""aware.. I). T).. ' l! -lanii's " l.ulheran "-Id. Dr. Conga ware "'■'■min to the grad ( M r I Meusant in the i.:r. ! congregation is fortu fn,, ],. , f-avored with :t visit "1 or, if ’. - -'are. who is consider !»r,'ia.i,, . 1 . !,,}, 'ling scholars and '* I-uther in Clmn'lj in ,n ° nM!a,lon Ve.tinsf f | le | {r iti s h i„ -Moscuu o • Vlomou ' Taetorios 7 ,‘ 1 ' !-•—All Moscow’.- eio^.V,i"' 7"' "t'ntiient institntiom "miiioy,.. tl> t'r luoru * ,, g to permit the " lls ti;itiun u '" ~art in Jl great dem llir 'V ,|v| *h(> Ilritisli note I'egaii to till tin m the THE CONCORD TIMES, THE MeBRAYER INVESTIGATION TcMilied to That Women Are Given Delicate Physical Examinations Not Given at Other Institutions. Raleigh, May 17—Testimony that women patients, some of them under age. are subjected to the delicate phy sical examinations which one witness . declared are not given nt other insti.- utions. Wit? om* of the high spots in j he legislative investigation of the ■ 'late sanatorium for the treatment of uhereulosis. A\ ith tin* possible exception of a few minor witnesses and the recall of others for brief examination .attorneys for pio]M>m-nts of the investigation in dicated they were praetitally through and it .was thought that by late Fri day tin* defense would begin its testi mony in behalf of Dr. L. B. Mcßraver. sttpei intendei t of the sanatorium. Representative Baumgardner, ol j Stanly County, former pnt i«-nt nt the in stitution. testified at the morning henr intf. 'Bauingtirdiier condi tions in the kitchen, dining room aml the bed rooms of tin* institution were 1 insanitary at the time he was there, lie also told the committee That tin* patients at the. institution were ‘'an tagonistic” to Dr. Meßrayer. .Mr. Banngardner testified tliit one cause of hostile feeling toward Dr. Alc- P,raver was the superintendent’s fail i hre to dismiss from service Cary Har rison. negro, who, the witness said, 'aroused eonsiderahle finding on the part of the patients when lie used abusive and insulting language to Mrs. Fi'nag.in :i matron nt the institution. When a protest was made to Dr. Me-, * Brayer and Harrison's removal de manded. the witness testified that Dr. Meßrayer ’ lined” the negro .$.1(1. J. \Y. Iliek's, former medical student, nt the I'niversity of Virginia, and un til Aril L’T last laboratory technician at the sanatorium-, was the lirst wit ness called today. In his explanation of tin* alleged'ill feeling of the patients to Dr. Meßrayer. Hicks testified that one "cause-of the grumbling was the use by the sanitary staff of $4,000 an loinohiles when food was so had.” ROTARY MEETING Musical Program by Mrs. Black amJ Mr. Prindell and Talk by Rev. (’. Rowan Features. * The regular meeting of tin* Hot; ry #inb was. held at tin* Y. M. (’. A. yes terday at noon. The program was fea tured Ip musical program by AD*-. Bhy'k and Mr. Prindell and an ad n ■•ess on a father's responsihilitj* to his son by Rev. Jesse (’. Rowan, pas tor of the First Presbyterian Church. Guests introduced were Lieut. Colli .Morris, of the I'nitinl States Army Air Service, son of Air. Z. A. Morris, of Concord, who with Airs. Morris, is hen* on leave; Rev. Jesse i\ Rowan and Air. Ackley, of the A. M. (’. A. Tench a child his relation toward ownership to property and his rights and responsibilities was the chief theme from which Air. Rowan present ed an interesfing and instructive talk. He closed by paying a high tribute to tin* work of tin* Y. AI. (’. A. mid asked what would Concord do without the * institution. President Rankin ealled upon Air. Maury Richmond, chairman of tin* pro gram committee, to name the commit tees for the next few weeks. Among the announcements were that two weeks hence the Salisbury club would he the guests of the local club and nt tin* meeting of June 6th Rev. T. X. Lawrence would hi* chairman. Air. Lawrence announced that he had plan ned to leave Concord that day. hut at tin* urgent request of the club, he con sented to stay lor the meeting. CLASH BETWEEN CHINESE TROOPS AND BANDIT BAND Anxiety Over Pie Foreign Captives Is Heightened hy This Fart. Anxiety over the foreign captives held in the .Shantung hills hy the Chi nese bandits was heightened today when win'd reached Tientsin ol a clash between troops of the Chinese govern- I ment, and members of Ihe outlaw band. A detacli'mer4 of bandits attempting i to join tin* main body at the Poatzuku mountain stronghold was said to have been driven btiek sifter ja sharp fight. This incident, it is feared, may add fuel to the smoldering vindictiveness of the bandits who are already said !in unconfirmed reports to have hurl- I oil three Chinese captives over a prec ipice as a warning. The brigands re peatedly have threatened to kill all the prisoners if the troops are not withdrawn, and the bandits in accord ance to terms granted l»y their chief tain wish immunity and enrollment in the national army. American Cottion Manufacturers. Richmond, Va., May 16. —With the Governors of Virginia and North and South Carolina among the scheduled participants and an attendance of members representing 90 per cent of the cotton mills of th? South and many of those of the North, the | twenty-seventh annual convention oi' . the American Cotton (Manufacturers Association, which began its sessions . here today, promises to be the most . j notab e as wvll as the largest gather ing in the history of the association. . A wide variety of problems con -1 fronting the cotton industry wm De , discussed during the two-day session. Part cular attention will be directed to the amazing growth of textile 1 manufacturing in the South during the past few years. S Prison Board to Meet This Afternoon, P Raleigh, Alay 17.—A meeting of the - state prison board of directors which . was called by Governor Morrison on e Tuesday, will be h/*l(t tit the Govern j or's otiice this afternoon. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS IWMT TO DIE OF HER GOLD ■ m frenchman: 1 1 Luis Loucheur Says Wei Ought to Tender to France; at Once All the Money Which She Might Need. READY TO REMIT DEBT TO OTHERS On Condition That Debt to France Be Remitted to Her —England, He Says, Dis posed to General Remission Paris. .May 17. —’’America is about to die of her gold." sajid Luis Loucheur former minister of liberated regions, in an address last night. He declared tin* Fnited States-lmd only one men its of saving herself from ruin: Ibis was to tender to France immediately till the money of which the latter nation migjit have need. lie said he had received ;m invita.- Mion to go to America to convince the I friends of France there of tin* justice |of her policy, lie added that he did not yet know" whether he would be able to accept. "We tire ready to remit the debts if the powers who fought beside us." he asserted, "on thit* condition that ours he remitted to us.” "England.” he cot tinned, "is really lispo'sed to grant remission." America. In* went on to say, has dis illusioned* him greatly on this sub ject. adding: "The Americans sup oorted all of Flange’s chi inis during die discussion of t lik* peace treaty and once back home they forgot that soli tarily. However, it cannot lie ignor *d by America, which is suffering from a super-abundai ce of riches. America is about to die of her gold." DR. SMITH’S DEATH IS tiOI KIA EXPECTED Las! Surviving Member of the Staff of Stonewall Jackson in Extremis. „_Gre; 11 shorn. X. < ’.. May 17. —Dr. Jas. Power Smith, last Surviving member of tile staff of General Stonewall Jack son. famous sis a clergy n*m. author and-soldier, is making a gaHant *ight for life against overwhelming odds at the home of Dr. <’h-!>. F. Myers here. His condition this morning was re ported -its being critical, the moments when In* is conscious becoming far ther and farther apart. Dr. Smith, who is in his N7th year, luld been critically ill for some time and in a semi-conscious condition for the last three clays. As (he light grows dimmer the old Confederate sol diet- is very near! to his beloved Gen eral whom he carried wounded from flu* lield (HI years ago. ! j ~ SPENT 76 MILLIONS IN THE LAST DECADE Rockefeller Foundation is Ten Years Old.—Figures Show Its Work. New York. May 15. —The Rockefel ler Foundation, chartered hy a siieciil act of the New York Legislature., ten years ago today. Ims expended at total of $70,757,040 during the first decade of its existence, according to a state ment issued tonight hy Edwin B. Etn brem. secretary of the foundation. This stun represents till of the in come of thi* fund and tin additional $17,100,000 expended from the general fund or principal. A further sum of $11,000,000 payable in future years has been pledged to various medical schools and piddle health projects. A statement of contributions rfom I tin* fund divides them ns follows-: Public health,| SIX.INS,S.‘>I; medical education, $24.710,410; war relief. $‘2.205.541 : other philanthropic* work, $10.441,025; and administration, sl, 107.374. i 1 THE COTTON MARKET Opened at a Decline of from 12 to 29 Points on Reports of Better Weather. New York, May 17. —The cotton mar ket opened easy tit a decline of 12 to 20 points on tbebetter weather map and prospects for continuance of im proved conditions in the South. The relatively easy cables were also a fstc tor and the decline soon extended about 2S to 41 points net lower on tin* general list. Gotten futures opened easy. May 26:20: July, 25:05; Oct. 23:11; Dec. 22:<iS; Jan. umiuotcd. Charleston Must Raise $4,000 hy To night. Charleston, •$. C.. May 17. —Unlesrs [the fans of this city raise $4,000 in • cash, by tonight when a meeting for the purpose will lie held nt the local chamber of commerce, the local base ball franchise in the South Atlantic Association will go elsewhere, smd 'Macon. Ga„ is j considered ao- the city most likely to get tin* dub. Leon Noah May Be Released Monday. Xtnv York, May 17. —Leon Noah, the 'latest suspect arrested in collection I with Wall ’Street explosion of 1620, 1 will be released next Monday unless tin* State can present more sped tie ev idence before that time. Meanwhile , lie is being held without bail. j “The trouble seems ,to he that too many people think the law should he ! enforced, and not enough think it should he observed.” —Portland Telo -1 gram. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1923. j ************** * i-h L. &N. LEASES (.C. &O. % j* 7 * j h Louisville, Ivy.. -May 17.—The rh Louisville and Nashville railroad f!- ;H* lias leased the Carolina. Clinch- -K >*- held & < diio Railroad for ape riod of hh years, which is equiv a lent tu a purchose, according jfc’to tin announcement made here & j-H today. The price was apt given 4- j The Carolina ClincHfield & ?r 1 i* Ohio road forms a complete belt -! , I k through the coal fields of West rk I 1 3k Virginia. i cut lessee and North -1 | |?k Carolina, and links up with di- ri- j j-!- reel connections with the seat at rk i '-k Charleston, $. C. -! I * * ************** MANY MILES OF WORDS. The Oxford Dictionary the Greatest in! Any Language. London, May 17.—Another portion of the Oxford Dictionary, which is being published in parts, has just been completed. Although . the new portion deals <>ny with wc?rds oegtn ning with W as far as the word Wash, no fewer than 2,559 words, i lustrated hy 14.757 quotations, .o e included in this section of what is, beyond question, the greatest ftietion ary in any language. The first dictionary was L _ie m the Chinese language, containing about ; 40,000 characters, mostly hierogly- j pities, and was completed aboul 1100 | B. (’. Os th2 dictionaries of tho Eng-J lish bmguage. issued in England and ' America, Johnson’s "as published in 1755. the first, edition of Webster t> in 1828. Worcester’s 1860, and the Ceil fury in 1891. The Oxford Dictionary was planned > in 1859. and yet so.enormous has hem j th** labor required that on y nine out if the complete ten volumes nave been finished in nearly G 4 years. At the outset the first editor calculated that whim 100.000 quotations had been col ected it would be possible to huikc a beginning. But at tlie end oi’l twenty years, after lists of words had been made out tun! innumeraule quotations classified, a new editor estimated that a fuVther t<m years would be necessary bel’ure the work could he completed. Thirty sub-editors gave the r as dstance without payment, and more than eight hundred readers in Eng- j land, tlu* United States, and else-j where helped to collect three and a■: ha f million quotations from the, works of more than 500 authors ! of j all periods. , Yet even with this only one volume could lie produc' d with n the ten years that followed. The labor which one word may occasion will give soiip* idea of tH magnitude of the task. That worpl may ltave a his- 1 torv of a * v ousand years, rrom the \ date ott which it first appears in an j English book. It may hav? ifs meaning two or three times, and j ihe dictionary maker, in vor-der that j his work sha”. be complete, wiR need ! pintations to show how v it has been j used front the earliest days down tod the present time. ’ In fact, one of the difficulties which j those who began the Oxford Die-! tionary could not foresee is the great j growth of the modern vocabulary, j \cw inventiro'- such ms aviat qn and | wireless, not only cause new words to j be coined but very often add a new j meaning to a very old word also, as j in the case of "wings" and “receiv- j ing.” Forty-three years ago it .>asj thought that the complete Oxford j Dictionary would comprise between six and seven thousand nages. Actual-1 y the nine volumes published occupy ; more thtin twice that space. The die-1 tionary extends to 14 581 pages and ( deals with 391.720 words, illustrated , by 1.704,318 quotations. Each page) contains three e lumns, with an j average of 112 lines- in each. These j 43.743 columns, if |daced end to end. | would cover seven miles, and the i 4 899„216 lines of tpe would i eaen tor ! 183 miles. A comparison with some g cat j foreign dictionaries shows that lhe| Eng ish dictionary-maker- have oecn j to the fore. The Dutch dictionary was j begun in 1851, jind so far only the ; equal to 6 000 pages of the Oxford j Dictionary have been finished, .oie J third of the work still remaining to he done, The oreparatory work for | the German dictionary was begun in I 1838, and one-sixth of the work is not | yet finished. But that is speedy work i as compared with the progress of the : Italian dictionary. In ninety y’ears only the letter P lias been reached, and at this rate the last volume would not be published until 2023. Captain of Vessel Fined SSOO For Transporting Liquor. Wilmington. May 17.—(’apt. James! IK Martin. Jr., master of the American ! yacht Avalon, which was seized by Sheriff Jackson in ihe Banks Channel at Wrightsville Beach Sunday after noon when whiskey was found aboard the yacht, entered a nolo contendere idea to charges of receiving, possessing, transporting and selling liquor in re corder’s court this morning. He was fined SIOO and the costs by recorder George Harris. To Discontinue Trains ltctwi*eii »in ston and Wadesboro. Raleigh May 16—The Wadesboro chamber of commerce having w th drawn its request for a hearing, the , North Carolina Corporation Commis sion today granted the petition on the Winston-Salem and Southbound rai - road to discontinue operation of > trains 50 and 63 between W .nston- Salem and Wadesboro ! New V. S. Senator From Colorado. ''Denver. Colo., May 17.—Alva B. Ad i ams. democrat, of Pueblo, was appoint -1 ed U. S. Senator from Colorado today L bv Governor Wm. E. Sweet, to suc -' ceed the bite SamuH D. v Nicholsun. re i publican, who died in April. THE PRESBYTERIANS MEET ST MONTREAT IH ANNUAL SESSION! i ' j Sixty-Third Annual Meeting of the Presbyterian Gener- i al Assembly of the South ern Presbyterian Church, -- f DR. REED PREACHES OPENING SERMON He Preached on “Hell,” Ex- Pressing the Opinion That' There Is Much Evidence in the Bible of Its Reality. Montreat. May 17. —Election of a moderator and organization were to day before thi* opening sessions of the 63rd General Assembly of the South ern Presbyterian Church, the balloting 1 scheduled to begin during the after noon. I)r. Alexander Sprunt. Charles ton, S. (’.: John S. Foster. Winston- 1 Salem: Dr. IV. E. Mill. Fayetteville, X. C.; and two laymen. Nat Harrison. 1 Petersburg. Va.. and Frank T. (Ibis-, gow. Langston. Va., were among those i mentioned by Commissioners ir eon- ■ neerion with the moderator’s otiice. While no names were advanced in discussion by Presbyterians, it was i understood the west would make a strong contest for the selection of a i man of that section as head of the As sembly, ti westerner not having held the office, it was stated, siti-e IPI2. The last laymen selected moderator i was selected S years ago. the fourth in the history of the Assembly. Dr. It. (’. Reed. Columbia. S. (’.. re tiring moderator, in tlie opening ser mon this morning, spoke on "Hell." ex pressing the opinion that there is more : evidence relating to the reality of Hdl than any other one thing in the i Bible, ai d urging that more sermons be delivered on the subject. The report of the ad-interim com- ; tnittee on amendments to the Book of : (’lut’-ch Order, was submitted in a ( lengthy report, recommending a num ber of changes, which, according to ( Commissioners, will lie tin* subject of debate before adoption or rejection. Relating to incorporating of the Churches, the committee approved the first six recommendations submitted to the committee last year hy W. FT. Baer, Jacksonville. Fla., and George Bryan. Richmond. Increase in Number of Sunday School t Workers. Montreal. X. May 17. —An in crease in the number of Sabbath school workers in the Mghty-eight preshvte- ( ries of the Southern Presbyterian church was recommended here today before the general assembly in the an nual report of tho executive commit tee of publication and Sabbath school j extension, as read by R. F. M.a gill. <>l Richmond. Va., secretary. The report also urged superintend ents of Sabbath schools and young 1 peoples’ work he placed hi each ot the 17 synods, and the establishment of mission schools by-every large, well j organized "Thufch. It further reoom-1 mended that a tmdget for the coming year of $150,000 in order to allow the committee to meet obligations and op portunity regarding the thirteen mil lion spiritually illiterate young peo ple under 21 years of .age in the south today. A new record. the report stilted, was made during the year in the [award of copies of the Bible and the | New Testament for the memorizing land recitation of the catechisms, a | total of 1.760-Bible# and 4.030 Testa ments being awarded. During the ! last twenty years the commjttee hits i given* 20.374 Bibles and 17,17 s Tcsta ! meats. . . - The total sales of the publication in*- ! part merit l’or the year amounted to $401.351. a slight increase over the j year previous. Since 1003, the report I stated, more than ten million tracts laud three million hooks and pamphlets jhavo heen issued. i Tlxe report showed the largest gam j ever made in one year in organized Christian Endeavor societies and mem ; bersliip, there being 1,001 societies with a membership of 17.000, against 1.370 societies with a membership of j 43.27 S a year sigo. Since 1001 these societies have increased from 226 to 1 906 and the membership from 12.000 to 17,000. The societies support two i missionaries in Africa, two in Brazil (and ti mountain school in Kentucky. Frenchman Released on Parole. Peking,- May 47 (By the Associated Press)’. —V. Barube, a Frenchman, who was*among the captives held by ! (j,e Suehow bandits, has been i 0 n parole, and hits arrived at Tsao-, iehwang with further demands from ! thc captors for the removal of the [troops. It is expected he will return | !to the bandit headquarters today in accordance with the promise he made) j on leaving. Southwest Storm Warning is Dis played. Washington. May 15.—-The 'Weather bureau tonight issued the follow.ng, storm warning: ; Southwest, storm warning display- ( ed on the Atlantic coast from .%or- j folk. Va.. to Eastport, -Maine; m- I creasing southerly xi-inds tonight, >*e- j : strong and ">ossi’oly reaching gale force late tonight or Wednesday. Among-the lower and middle class es in Serbia women are Always helped hist, and may nos sit down unhidden , in the presence of the men. : DR. \V. S. RANKIN ADDRESSES 1 SOCIAL WORK CONFERENCE His Subject Mas “Cnoecupied Fields in Health Protection and Disease Prevention.” Washington. D. Ck, May n.—Dr. i Watson S. Rankin. Secretary oi itie [North Carolina State Bonrd of He;n t, ‘ ’ and former President of the A j can Public Health Association, \\ j investigations of the hook \\ . i [disease in the South attracted naiion- i I wide in J rest, addressed rhe Natinal I 'Conference of, Social Work tiere mis afternoon on “Unc.ceunied Fields in j Health Promotion tind Disrasj ere’- | j vent ion.” “Pregnancv vronly twenty j per cent or twenty-five per cent of the medical attention which''trie con dition calls for,” Said Dr. Rank n. ’’From 30 to 35 per cent of births are , not attended by physicians and the! lying-in stem in al. nrohability re- f ceivi*s less tbrni one-third tlie medical care which i* should have. “Infancy, while :i normal scat * of '.jeing, is an enfeebled state', always in danger of disease from undevelop- : ed adjustment to the ordinary cornli- < i lions of life and high suseeptibil.ty to j infections, and ;i condition of being : that requires scientific supervision 1 and guidance not on y for the sick. ! but for the well. The needs <n y in- I fancy for medical services are not ( on<*-fifth supplied under present con ditions. j "The age of childhood, with from | It) to 20 per cent of its population • malnourished, 20 per cent witli de- ! foots of vision, five per cent with [j diseased tonsils and adenoids, ,seventy-five per cent in n:ed oi dental j’ j treatment, and the entire group maddjl more susceptible and less resistant to 1 the common infections on account of : these conditions that impair vita’tty. need not less than fiv° times me j< medical service which this age gmup ; now receives. “The period of adolescence, with j the tempations of sex abnormalizes 11 and venereal diseases, presents an j - enormous problem physically and j psychically, with medical »ei vices |< inadequate ad certain y nut more j! tlian one-fifth supplied. “Adult life ticcording to, extensive, j liighly scientific, unreproacliable | authority, is not receiving one-fifth ! th" medical attention which its needs i demand. “If it kyere possible within the j course of the next decade or two for i medicine to catch up with existing surplus of defect and disease, the opportunity for health promotion, for improving the health,- the vitat'Ty and efficiency of the apparently healthy, would still be with us and would con j stitute a problem 'embracing the en tire population, and one vastly larger than that which concerns itself with the work of treatment and repair. “Public health and the profession iof medicine have a sing e objective. I I te-wit, to supply medical science 1 w here it is needed. Tie* ic-mc-dy, j medicaj science, is conceded by both j those employed kin private pracUce j and those employed in a puolic i capacity t l»e the one metins of re- \ pairing defects, curing disease and promoting health. Thosi* engaged in tin* work of public health and in the private practice of medicine are not only hound by a sing]? objective and ; by a single means for its attainment,! but. they arc also united by the in- | separableness of their problems. , There is no hard and fast, line that j may be drawn between physiologv j and pathology, between health and ! j disease, between prevention and cure, j j The utilization of the medical pro fession. through more enlcient or- : ganization, to include a larger poc-1 tion of the unoccupied fields of medi- , cine, of health and disease, is the 1 on'y wav out of the present situation. The next i*tep forward for both public health .workers and the medical pro fession is a more careful alignment of forces to he brought about by health officials endeavoring to in terest local medical organization. partial* l ally c unty medica' societies, in se<*ing and assuming the medical , problems of th public its well as the Tied cal problems of the private citi zen. In appealing to local medica 1 societies to assume a larger interest in public health problems the health official is fnrtunatelv in a position of b' ing able to show that such woik wil not only carry with it the satis- 1 faction of a larger field of service, hut also of adequate material re ward.” Seaboard Gets Lovn of* $6,759,000, , Washington. May 16.—A govern ment loan of $6,719,000 do the Sea j board Air Line Company was authoriz ed today by the Interstate Commerce 'Commission. The road will deposit se curities as collateral. Y. M. C A. CAMPAIGN JABS *% “CAN YOUR “CAN’T” Oh, Man! If you really wish to win j| Have done with your thoughts of doubt. So long as you’re letting ”n failure” in You’re keeping "a victory" out. Ilf but half of your purpose says, "I | will.” While half has a different slant. You will find tlmt your effort is alt | uphill " Until you have ‘Vanned" your "can’t” Feathers. # When a etpireli seeks a pastor they want the strength of an eagle, the grace of a swan, the gentleness of a (dove, the friendliness of a sparrow, and the night hours of an owl. And ; when they catch that bird they ex- I jiect him to live on ttie food of a ca nary. Crooked methods are never a short cut to success. —Selected. A Good Citizen is a man who enrich- $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advaftce. GREATEST AIRPLANE I THE WORLD HAS EVER i AKING SHAPE Under Giant Shed of Zeppe lin Plant at Friedericksha fen, Germany, and It Is Known as the ZR3. CONSTRUCTED FOR AMERICAN NAVY Will Attempt a Flight to Am erica When Completed.— Giant Machine Will Be Al ! most 985 Feet in Length. Fioderiekshafen. May 17. (Bv the j Associated Press. ) —The greatest air jcraft tlit* world htts ever seen is slow ly taking form under the giant shed of the Zepjielin plant in which were built the mammoth ships that wrought ! such havoc in the world war. This aircraft, known as the Zli-3, is being constructed for the American Navy and will attempt a flight to the United States when completed, which, j however, will not be earlier than Octo ber or November of this year, and pos sibly not until next spring. | - Barger than the R-38 which crash led in England en route to America, and than all the similar machines ' turned over to France, Italy ai.d Kng ! land, the ZR-3 will be more than 300 | metres (nearly !>sr» feet) in length, ami j over 40 metres (approximately 1.41 feet ) in heighth. It will be the master ! effort of the works created by Fount j Zeppelin. EPISCOPALIANS WON'T ASK GOV. SMITH TO SION By Vote of 84 to 5 7 Refuse to Pass Res olution Asking Hint Not to Sign Re-- peal of State Enforcement Law. Garden City, X. Y.. May 17.—The j Long Island Dioeesan convention of the Protestant Kpiscop.il Church by a vote of s:i to .->7 yesterday refused to pass a resolution requesting Governor Smith not to sign the repeal of the State prohibition enforcement law. Rev. Dr. Henry C. Kwentzel, of Brooklyn, opposing the said. "None of us favor saloons, but Hve are sfll ni 7 favor’ .of liberty, I stand foV reasonableness’ broadThlnded ■ and love of, liberty. We lmve no 1 interest in the saloons or the lxiotleg ; gers. but what we tire for is that noth ing shall be done to lower the stand ards of freedom on which this country pyas founded." TRIAL HALTED Panel of Veniremen Was. Improperly Drawn, It Is Stated. t l Cross t'it.v. Fla., May 17 (By the j Associated Preset.—The trial of Wai ter Higginbotham, charged with first j degree murder growing out of the ! death of Martin Tabert, of North l)a --j kota, in a convict labor camp, was ! halted temporarily this morning until j a new panel of veniremen could l>e j drawn, when the court sustained a motion by the slate >to quash the i panel already in tourt on the grounds that it was improperly drawn, i Judge Mallory Horne, presiding, iiy strueted Sheriff Chavous to have a 1 new panel on hand at 2 o'clock this nf j ternoon and the court recessed until that hour. ! Obregon Endorsed. | Mexico City, May 1:7. (By the Asso- I dated Press.) —Overwhelming endor sement of President Ohregnn’s method of handling the recognition question was given by the Chamber fff Deputies today when a resolution expressing svmpathy and confidence in the Execu tive was carried by a vote of 131 to 0. Senor i »bregon sens a message to the ('handier expressing his gratifica tion. Swanns of Locusts Found in Asheville. Asheville. May 14. —Great swarms of the. Cicada, known as the~l7-year locust; were discovered in Asheville today. Virtually millions of these in sects have hatched from larvae in the ground and are overspreading foliage of trees and bushes. The locusts are localized in the north sections of the city. os tho civic, moral ami intellectual life of tho community in which tie lives. Vision is seeing what others do not soo, seeing further than others tsee. serving before they see.—John It. Mott. David’s cry ’ Is the young man safe?” should l*e the cry of every citizen for every hoy in the community. Service Is the test of greatness. Your value to your home, church or city is measured by what you do for them, not what yoy get out of them. ‘•ls the Young Man Safe?” Not on til that question is answered in the affirmative for every hoy in the com munity. has any citizen a right to be 'satisfied with what is being done? llow much are you worth? To .many men that means how much has the world l*een w<#th to the. not how much they have l»een worth to the world. NO. 90.

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