\k-iv... ’fey 3l > 1925 -' Club and Society Ite us Are Solicited. Telephone 78, Tribute Office. n , vi> Give* Buffet Luncheon. Ml' 1 i ,v was hostess at an Mi' 1 ‘ i,,, h.-.'ii at her home on fleiiii 1 '! v ,j,.r Saturday eoinpli \,.r- ' ; !„ ih Coltrane and ‘ i» : 11. hrides-elect. M:-' V ' , ‘ pt the dining room In , I(V vi Tilled with early rai*M‘ ;tlu j the home was ar s:‘a:!:i'| I ili i.jho n with vases ran-*" 1 -.".vi'is. tviin ;j"', ; were served in hnffet fa 'hi* ti • v i AVuro ;1 frock of blue .“‘j ~ !,. Miss roltrane was • ’ J ' and white sport dress wore a sport costume •" , ! white. . ~n . Miss Elizabeth Col lti“ \lirown. Aliss-- Mary ; tj,., \ \. Means. Mrs. L. D. I s -; \j s jeun Coltrane, v 'Mias Mrs. E. H. Brown, Mrs. !. ii f,!:. Jr.. Mrs. R. I*. Gib ■ ' ,| r< i A. raiinon. Airs. (’. W. rn',* Mr's' \\. M. Sherrill. Mrs. I>. L. W awl Mr 1 *- «' -\: Cannon. Wolff Gives Recital. , v >~~ Wolff. Airs. Wolff and> 11, - Mi!. ' H Wolff went to Hickory |. n that evening they at- ; r '.'h ... -..l iuafing piano recital of !i.,milw.'! Wolff, daughter of Air. ;/• j| r _ v \. Woltr. The umnhers 'hvoi* by ’Miss Wolff were.—Sonata Fr' vn Movement 1. hy AleDowell : „ i Kaindrop» Op. 28 No. 12. by I>a nee No. 2. E |.y Mraiiiiis: Auf Flugeln ties (Msii-'e's Aleialelssoh-Liszt: Arabes \., i. |.y IHhussy: Soon River i. B i|i,'i:i : (Mlo tune! hy Grainger: lyji.ir!" in <1 minor, hy Mendelssohn. Graduates From Davidson College. Aiufiig the Davidson College grad inr.i this year is Air. Zehulon A. .1! . i f t 'oneord. Birth Announcement. Mr. and Mrs. Uiehard Arrington, of Greenville. S. announce the birth o fsou at.d a daughter on Alay 10th. Mrs Arrington, was formerly Aliss Ad ehiid** Harrow, of ('oneord. Mrs Gibson and Miss Rideiihour to Entertain. The hillowiim iuvitatioi s have been issue*!: Mrs. Grady Gibson Miss Frances Ridenhour At Home TiiHMl.-iy afternoon, the twenty-second of May from four-thirty to six-thirty o’clock Ali>< Elizabeth ('oltrane Miss-Alice Brown. Robert E. Hidenhour, Third. Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Ridenhour. Jr., . are receiving congratulations on flu* birth of a son. Robert E. Ridenhour. •ini. nil Sunday. .May 20th. Stereopticon Feet tire on the “Passion Play.” ■ Rev dsi-ar Black welder, of Roa noke. Va . will give a stereopticon lec tin- mi tlit- "Passion l*lay’’ on Tues '■:|V night at 7 :.!0 o‘clo.ck at Sr. .Tames Luilieran Church. Every one is in vite«l. Aii offering will .he taken for young p'-op'e's missionary work. Kstneralda" to Pe.Given This Evening K'-aiiiing prom fitly at eight o'clock ! "" !|! iTrauia ai Alt. Pleasant, will he j-' 1 ■ HI hi the aiulitoriiun. Costumes have been tarnished hy ;i well known liitadel|iiii;i firm, and the play has e-n thoroughly i-ehearsed so that an * "'"hi- ,el pleasure is promised those "h" attend. I ortH-NVvvinari Engagement is An- T nounced. /'" --'‘tttillv informal'was the affair - ’U Saturday afternoon by Airs. C. ;!„ I V :lt * u ‘r home on South Union ■ met announcing the engagement of 1,/', 11,11,1 < r,, '\'‘ll Newman and Air. ‘’"iit-r. the marriage to take June 14111. , V '-’lestv were given cup towels !'‘ ln inHl s vhen these were finished *. ' < I ‘‘ I ll4< s <'ii?t‘'«• 'V. A. Overrash. | o„. *’• U:u ’M. Mrs. Charles I’or- MeCoio''■ii c'illiams. Aliss Irene I Klizai,..;' -^ 1 '"'; Flv '. l Alisas for,] ... i -Miss Jessie AA’ilhe ■ •Mn ir i M t!l ,0 <,ivp I-uncheon. b'tti-. wiii :’!v. ■ hamhetli. of Char- j I'ifi- ~ t *’ :i hineheon at the Char-j toft., rfo., 1 ' ! ; , i, 'h Tuesday at l o’clock ! nunii„. r ', Flizaheth Coltrane. A tllp liuit-1a1,,, ~n(" , ,r—Period of Blessing Hath 4—Scope of Blessing All 2 Nature of Blessing Spiritual G—Place of Blessing. Te Christ 7—Effect of Blessing Blessed he God The other themes t<> be discussed are The Place Power. The Place of Rest. The Place of Manifestation, The Place of Yictor.v.\ — With Our Sick. Alaster Louis Heilig Brown, who has been ill at his home on North Church street, is able to be up today. - Airs. 1,. AI. Belvin is confined to her home on St. John street on account of illness. Mrs. Cannon Entertains at Luncheon. Airs. J. F. Cannon entertained at luncheon Thursday in honor of Mrs. Alargaret Russell, of Mobile, Ala. Her guests were, in addition to Mrs. Rus sell. Alls. .Jesse C. Rowan. Airs. E. Kel lersherger. Airs. E. H. Brown, Miss .May White and Airs. John F. Reed. Airs. Cannon is always a delightful hostess, and her guests felt priviliged to enjoy a social lnpir with such a cultured and charming woman as is Airs. Russell. Withers-Brown. The following invitations have been issued : Mrs. Moses Luther Brown . requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of tier daughter Alice Marshall to Mr. Joseph Burks Withers on Tuesday evening, the fifth of June iit half after eight o’clock All Saints Episcopal Church Concord, North Carolina i ei - G rier-Hail. The following announcements have ! been received by friends here: Mrs. Joseph Gaither Hall announces the marriage of her daughter Gertrude to Reverend John McDill Grier on Wednesday, the ninth of May, one thousand nine hundred twenty-three Lenoir. North Carolina At Home after the first of June j Newton. North Carolina Graduates at N. C. College For Women. The thirtieth annual commencement of the North Carolina College for Wo men at Greensboro will take place June 2-o. Among the graduates in the A. B. course are Misses Mary Norfleet Blair and Julia Lilly Montgomery, j Dr. Plato Durham to Preach Baccalau reate Sermon at University. I>r. Plato T. Durham, of Emory Uni versity, Atlanta. Ga., has been chosen for the baccalaureate sermon this year at the University of North Carolina. This gifted Carolinian will meet ev ery demand of that important occas ion. He was formerly pastor of Cen tral Methodist Church here. A number of visitors to the city have been attending the lectures given at the First Presbyterian Church by Mrs. Margaret Russell. Mrs. Jay Harris brought a party from Albemarle on Thursdav afternoon, and Thursday ev ening Mrs. Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. , Payne, of Salisbury, came down fori the evening lecture. In ancient Greece a law provided j that if a man divorced his wife he, could not subsequently marry' a wo man younger than his discarded part ner. PERSONALS. Alisses Dorothy and Jane Hayden Gaither, of Mocksville, are visiting Airs. G. B. Lewis. * * * Airs. Carl A. Ellison, of High Point, is visiting her mother, Airs. W. H. Gib son. ■ * • Aliss Ali Id red Suther has returned from Dayton. Ohio, where she was a delegate to the Triennial session of the General Synod of the Woman’s Alissionary Society of the Reformed Church. • * • Mr. Fletcher Fink and son, of Gas tonia, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fink. m rn m Alessrs. Wallace Alorris, Edward Morrison and Tom Coltrance, students ; at Davidson College, spent the week end at their respective homes. • • • Airs. A. E. Harris has returned 'ro.n Anson county, whore she spent several days with her father. Mr. J. E. Efird. She was accompanied home ! by her niece, Aliss Agnes Efird, of Nor . wood, who will spend several days with her. * * * Messrs. Wallace Morris, Charles Ritchie, Harry Watson and Arthur Enggart spent Sunday afternoon in Charlotte with friends. * * * Mr. and Airs. John Hornlmckle, of ’ Graham, spent the week-end with Airs. - Hornlmckle’s mother, Mrs* Herbert - Ridenhour. * * * Airs: C. G. Ridenhour has returned I from Rockwell, where she was called . hy the illness of her little grandson, . Charles Lee Rineliardt. The condi . tion' of the cliikl is very myrh im ; roved. Air. and Mrs. Merle Litaker spent . Sunday in Charlotte with Airs. Litak , er's sister. Mrs. Marvin Faggart, who ( underwent an operation for appendi citis at the Charlotte Sanatorium on Saturday. Air. and Airs. B. V. Alatthews, of Winston-Salem, spent the week-end here with Airs. Alatthews’ parents. Air. ' and Airs. J. F. Goodson, i * * * Alessrs. W. T. Aliller and J. T. * Laird, of Columbia, S. spent tin* t week-end here with friends. * * * Air. and Mrs. O. L. Snppenfield and - children, of Gastonia, spent Sunday i here with relatives. * * * i Air. S. H. Long and little daughter, i Annie Welch Long, and Airs. W. E. f Welch, of Charlotte, spent Sunday in » Alt. Pleasant with relatives. * * * Alisses Alaiuie Sappenfield and Beu lah Praether and Air. W. C. Thomas si>ent Sunday in Granite Querry with .. friends. • * • ’ Airs. Dare Emly is spending several 1 days in Charlotte with her brother, Air. Tom Braswell, who is critically ill at the Charlotte Sanatorium. 1 * * * 1 Aliss Elizabeth Hart, of Winston ‘ Salem, spent the week-end here, the I guest of Mrs. Bessie McConnell. > * * 4c Air. James Kluttz has returned from Rutherford College, where he has been attending school the past session. * * * ' Airs. R. X. Caldwell. Jr,, has re -1 turned from Windsor. N. C„ where she spent two weeks with relatives. ( - * * * 1 Airs. J. D. Hatchett, who has been spending some time here with her par ents, Air. and Airs. T. W. Smith, left Friday for Winiisboro. S. (’.. where slit* will spend a week with her sister. Mrs. ’. F. G. DesPorles, before returning to her home in Atlanta. She was accom panied hy her brother, Air. Henry , Smith, who will spend the week-end with Mrs. DesPortes. 1 Airs. J. B. Sherrill, Mrs. W. AI. 1 Sherrill, and Airs. I. I. Davis spent Friday morning in Charlotte. • » • Air. George l*rnether, student at M. P. C. 1., is spending the week-end with home folks. i 1 ■ «< • Airs. C. G. Ridenhour has been call ed to Rockwell by the illness of the little son of her daughter. Airs. A. L. * Rineliardt. • • * Airs. Alarvin Faggart entered the Presbyterian Hospital Friday to un . j dergo an operation for appendicitis. * * * Air. Everett Cook has returned from a short stay in Goldsboro. • • • Air. and Airs. Baxter Yarborough 'and son. Baxter, Jr., will spend Sun day in Badin with relatives. s * * * Aliss Cora Vaughn, of Franklin, Va., I is visiting Aliss Elizabeth Coltrane. * * * Air, and Airs. N. A. Archibald and three children left Saturday to spend the Week-end in Carthage with Air. and .Mrs. S. J. Hooks. Airs. Hooks is a sister of Air. Archibald. The two old er children are staying with their aunt. Aliss Kate Archibald, over the week-end. • • ■ Airs. E. AI. Honeycutt, of Winston- Salem. is visiting Mrs. Horace Aliller and Mrs. I. A. Yow. ■ * * * ! Aliss Anie Ferguson returned Tliurs- 1 day to her home in Statesville, after, a short visit to her mother, Mrs. Sallie | Ferguson. / • • * ! Aliss Agnes Efird. who has lieen a .student at Queens College for the past ] year, and who has been spending sev eral days here with her aunt, Mrs. A. E. Harris, left Thursday for her home in Anson County. She was accom-1 panied hy Mrs. Harris, who will spend several days with relatives. * * * Aliss Mary Propst is expected to ar- J rive tonight from Baltimore, where she has been for some time studying to be a pastor’s assistant. After a visit to her parents, Air. and Airs. John W. Propst, she will go to Roanoke, Va., where she will lie assistant to Rev. Oscar Blackwelder, son of Air. and' Aids. John A. Blackwelder. of this city. . i* * * Mr. Luther Barnhardt, who has been | | a student at Wake Forest for the past | year, is expected to arrive Saturday | to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Barnhardt. Alake Concord safe for the character of its young men and boys. THE CONCORD TIMIS Mrs. Boat Gives Afternoon Tea.* ’I Charming in every detail was the af ternoon tea given Friday afternoon between the hours of 4:80 and six by Airs. D. L. Bost at her homtj on Soutti l nion Street complimenting Alisses Elizabeth (.’oltrane and Alice Brown, popular brides-elect. Receiving at- the door were Miss Jeon Coltrane and Airs. L. D. Coltrane. Airs. W. A. Jenkins welcomed the guests in the hall and directed them to the receiving line in the living room. t Airs. Bost wore a pearl grey crepe, with a corsage of sweet peas. Aliss (’oltrane was gowned in figured geor gette, and a corsage of sweet peas. Miss Brown wore a frock of pearl grey crepe and a pink picture hat. Her corsage was of pansie3. Receiving with Airs. Bost and guests of honor were Mrs. C. A. Cannon, at tired iu green georgette, Mrs. J. E. Lambeth, of Tlioinaaville, gowned in orchid chiffon, with overdress of orchid lace, and n corsage of pink roses, and Airs. E. C. Barnhardt, Jr., who wore petunia colored georgette. The reception rooms were beautiful ly decorated with howls containing pink roses, sweet peas. Und other early Summer flowers* The guests were directed into the dining room hy Airs. E. H. Brown, Airs. E. li. Kellersbei'ger. Mrs. J. F\ Cannon, Airs. G. li. Lewis and Airs. I. I. Davis. Jr. In the center of the dining room table was a silver bowl filled with pink peonies. At each end of the table were silver candlesticks holding light ed white candles and silver dishes con taining pink and white mints. Sand wiches. iced tea and mints were served.* Assisting in the dining room were Alisses A(lele and Alary Phifer Pem berton. Pat Adams, Wilma Correll and Mariam Coltrane. and Mrs. Victor A. Means and Airs. W. AI. Sherrill. During the afternoon more than one hundred and fifty guests called. Drama at Mount Pleasant Tonight. The annual commencement drama will he given in the Alt. Pleasalit au ditorium this evening at S o'clock. Following is a synopsis of acts: Act I—Room in Rogers House. North Carolina. Act II —Desmond's Studio in Paris. Act III —A room in Rogers’ house during a ball. Act IV —Same as Act 11. Dramatis Personae: Air. Elbert Rogers, a North Carolina farmer —Geo. B. Johnstone. Airs. Lydia Ann Rogers, his wife — Alabel AloAllister. Aliss Esmeralda Rogers, his daugh ter —Airs. C. B. Kmithdeal. Dave Hardy, a young North Carolin ian—B. Siuitlulenl. ! Air. Estabrook, a man of leisure —FI. 11. Alexander. Air. Jack Desmond, an American artist in Paris —B. L. Allen. Aliss Nora Desmond, bis sister—Afll dred Barrier. Miss Kate Desmond, his sister—Hel en James. "Marquis” De Alontessin. a French adventurer —L. G. Russell. George I)resw, tin American specu lator —L. G. Russell. Sophie, a maid —Wilma Tucker. Salem Alumnae Meeting. Aliss Lucy Hart sell was hostess to the Concord branch of the Salem Alumnae Association Thursday after noon. The meeting was held in the dance hall of the Merchnhts and Manu facturers* Club. A splendid attend ance, including four prospective mem bers, were present. The meeting was formally opened by the President, Miss Mary Pemberton, and ti most interesting program was given. The first number was the enthusi astic singing of the Alma Mater. A 'full report was read by the Sec relary. Airs. Prentiss Raiford. Greet ings from Dr. RondtlialeF and Aliss Adelaide Frieze were read by Alisses Alavy Pemberton and Frances Riden hour. and also a letter from the Sa ltan Alumnae Association was read hy Aliss Allele Pemberton. Roll call was responded to by each one present giving an interesting fact about Salem. Airs. H. G. Gibson will be the repre sentative from th«‘ local association at commencement. According to an annual custom, of ficers for the next year were elected, as follows: President, Aliss Frances Ridenhour: Secretary, Mrs. Victor A. Means; Treasurer, Miss Lucy Ilart-* sell. At the conclusion of the business ) session Miss Hart sell served a de licious ice course and a most delight ful social hour was thoroughly enjoyed. These annual meetings always af ford an opportunity for school days reminiscences and are full of interest to the Salem girls. Trinity Students Met Train. Durham. N. (’.. May 18.—Crawling out of their snug, warm beds at three o’clock in the morning, fifty Trinity College, students march a mile through a steady downpour of rain to greet tlioir State Champions as they return ed Wedhes(lay morning from Gastonia where they were defeated 4 to 3 by Davidson. It was the second defeat in a list of 10 contests and leaves Trinity safe with the State champion ship and strong claims for Southern honors. Today all Trinity students - turned tlieir attention to the Aral game with Carolina on Alumni (lay— June s—at commencement. All that intervenes before this contest is final examinations. 1 “They heat us." said Jeff Johnson, Trinity’s veteran first baseman aid one of the most consistent players on the club, "that fellow Buschee is just t a real good pitcher.” Sanderson’s sensational smack for a home run was the feature of the game being commented upon most. ■ Players declared that the ball was said to ha\i? gone farther than Ty Cobb’s famous circuit drive on the same diamond. The sphere cleared 1 centerfield fer.ee and did the disap pearing act over a house beyond. The circuit smack counted for two of Trin- ity's runs. The district conference o/ the Salis- s •bur district of the M. E. Churofe, 1 South, iwill be held at Gold Hill July 1 1 6-7. y / .J Miss Clara Brawleyy- of Gastonia, 11 spent Thursday, night and part of Fri- 'j day with Miss Annis Smoot. 11 LOCAL MENTION Cotton on the local market today is 'quoted at 2," 1-2 cents per pound : cot ton at (id cents per bushel. Mir. laithem Thompson and Miss Sarah Ann Tallent, both of Concord, were married on Saturday afternoon at the courthouse. Rev. L. A. Rickie. I>. I)., officiating. Fifteen new cases of measles were the on y new diseases of any kind re ported to the county health depart ment for over the week end, accord ing to the report issued this morning. Mr. M. M. Linker left this afternoon for Winston-Salem to attend the an nual meeting of the State Funeral Di rectors' Association, which opens to morrow and will continue through Thursday. Eleven cases were on docket for trial in recorder’s court this morning. The cases included cutting corners with autos; vagrancy, operating unto while intoxicated and ntoxicanon. Court was in session several hours. Mr. Sprigg Brent, of Cincinnati, <).. spent Sunday here the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Linker. He was en route to Winston-Salem to attend the State Funeral Directors' Association, which will he ir session Mav 22. 23 and 24th. The following deacons were elected by the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church at morning service Yesterday: J. A. Cannon, ’M. L. Cannon, A. R. Howard. Ed Sauvain. Ernest Porter, George Fisher, J. G. Parks, Julius Fisher Jesse Johnson, Henry Winecoff, Frank Morrison and B. E. Harris. Rev. Jesse C. Rowan, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, went to Monroe yesterday afternoon and last night lie delivered tin 1 baccalaureate Sermon to the members of the graduat ing class of the high school of that city. Next Sunday lie will deliver the annual sermon to the graduates of the High School of Camden, S. C. School children of Concord today started on the final tfvo weeks of the present term. Examinations will take up a great part of the time left for work and those students who are not required to take the examinations be cause of their high daily averages really are about through with the year's work. The asphalt coating is now’ being laid on part of the Kannapolis road. The first of the asphalt was laid rear the entrance to the Cabarrus Country Club and is being laid in the direction of Concord. With favorable weather the entire stretch of road from the club entrance to the city limits will he laid within the next ten days or two weeks. There will he a Sunday School Rally at Howells Church next Saturday, the 2<>lh, for the benfit of tin 1 Sunday School, the exercises to begin at 10 o'clock. The choir from Newells, Arlington and Clear Creek churches are exeeted to take part. A good speaker will l>e there also. Dinner on the grounds. The public is cordially invited. Mr. J. P. Allison Saturday was chosen delegate from the Cabarrus County Co-Operative .Cotton Associa tion to the district meeting to be held in Charlotte tomorrow. Mr. B. L. Um berger was chosen alternate. The selection of the delegate was made by members of the association in a meeting held Saturday afternoon at the courthouse here. Contractors working on the road to Charlotte are ready to pour concrete on part of the road now. As soon as the streach near the overhead bridge at the Southern station is completed, the concrete machine probably will lie moved to a point near the Brown Spring and concrete poured on that part of the road. It is planned to rush the work as much as conditions will permit. Register of Deeds Elliott Saturday issued the following marriage licenses: John H. Bailiff and Miss Eliza Sharp, both of Concord; Rock M. Overcash and Miss Grace Viola Haney, both of Concord: Jessie Vow and Miss Jessie Scott, both of Cabarrus: Leonard Ed dlernai; and Miss Ruth Jose.v, both of Kannapolis; W. Charley Best, of Ca barrus and Miss Anie M. Fisher, of ' Gold Hill: John Wilkinson and Miss Bertha Whitley, both of Concord: and Luther Thompson and Miss Sarah A. Talbert, both of Concord. Licenses to three colored couples also were issued Saturday. STUDENTS RECITAL To Be Given at Mont Amoena Semi nary Tuesday Evening at 8 o’clock. Tomorrow evening at S o’clock a Stu dents’ Recital will be giver, at Mont Amoena Seminary. The following will be the programme: Venezia —Nevin. Alba. Gondolieri Canzone Amoroso. Buona Xotte Chorus Rustle of Spring —Sinding—Ruby Lentz. Faust (Waltz and Chorus) —Gounod —Mattie Blume, Helen Moyle, Mary McEachern, and Mabel Morrison. 'Haymaking— Needham Virginia >\ Lee Patterson, h The Cricket and the Bumble Bee— ] Chadwick —J irlia Shirey. Absent —Metcalf —Joe Allred. ;i Butterfly—Grieg—Mattie Blume. j The Spirit *-Flo\ver—Campliell-Tip- ( ton —Mary Margaret Barrier. i The Butterfly—Lavallee —Bessie Lee ] Efird. ' . i Carmena —11. Lane Wilson —M lima Stirewalt. Return of the Reapers —Gregh—Alice Tavis. . ] Mother Goose Arabesque—Jessie Til- ] key—Chorus. i The street force of the city is faced i with serious problem now in the ] matter of keeping the streets in the | business section clean. Large quanti- J streets are cleaned each night by noon ( the following day they are covered < with red dust again. A number of j street cleaners are lieing kept on the ( ties of dirt are being carried over the ( the streets endb das* aikl though' the J job with two machines in an effort to , keep the streets as clean as possible. < < DAD’S BEST • Partner THAT boy and Dad are the best of partners, always. And most probably, Dad has a x scheme up his sleeve to make his son a partner in N Dusiness some day. In the meantime, he can acquire some sound business training. Bring your son with you when next you come to the bank—and let him learn of the ways of finance. DANK'TRUST Company CONCORD.’NORTH CAROLINA^ » ■■■ " " 1 ' . ...Tl QCJQQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOQGOOGOOOOOOOOQOJOOOOOOQfX HURRAH! HURRAH! During Trade Week everything we have in the house i will be specially priced for Cash. Every Dolar paid on account and every dollar spent [ with u-s you will yeceive a ticket which might be the lucky i one. Everybody come—make our store headquarters. BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. “THE STORE THAT SATISFIES” | OOOOCXXXXX)OOOOOOOOOCXXXX>OOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>OOOCOOOOOi I Play Golf fill * # | SPECIAL FACE GOLF CLUBS New shipment of Golf Goods. Tennis Goods-New shipment of Tennis Rackets. Complete Line of Sporting Goods. Ritchie Hardware 0 ■ s ‘‘Your hardware Store” ■ ■ PHONE 117 / Tara