PAGE TWO Club and Society Items Are Solicited. Telephone 78, Tribu*«e Office. Misses Ilrown and Coltrane Honored at Luncheon. In honor of Miss Alice Brown and M iss Elizal>eth Coltrane Mrs. C. A\. Byrd and Mrs. W. M. Sherrill enter tained at a lovely luncheon today at the home of Mrs. Byrd on Church street. In the center of the dining room table was a silver bowl tilled with sweet peas shading from white to deep pink and further, emphasizing the motif of pink were bowls of pink sweet peas and lady gay roses. Elegant refreshments were served in buffet fashion. Those invited were Misses Brown, Coltrane. Cora Vaughn, Jean Coltrane, Mary and Adele Pemberton and Mrs. ('. A. Cannon, Mrs. L. D. Coltrane, Mrs. E. C. Earnhardt. Jr.. Mrs. A. K. Howard. Mrs. I. I. Davis, Mrs. .7. A. Hart sell. Mrs. V. A. Means, Mrs. R.» I*. Gibson, Mrs. D. 1.. .Host, Mrs. ,1. A. Cannon and Mrs. Grace Brown Saun ders. Miss Stern Dodson is Again on Way to Beloved China. Kinston. May 23. —Miss Steva Dod son is again on the way to her - ne lovei China. Her stay there will be brief this time, it is understood. She is going to witness the fulfillment *rf great hopes. She will land at Shanghai in a few ays. and attend exercises dedicating St: Mary’s nail at ‘‘Jessfield,” scene of hvf mission ary labors for many years. Miss Dodson returned to 'this coun try from the. Orient a year or two ago. pensioned by th? Episcopal <hu rch. She had worked in China 32 years as a missionary and church teacher, giving the best of her life to tin* cause site represented. She be came one of the best known mis sionaries in the country. The mis . sions organization of her denomina tion has ordered her back to “the field" more, t > witness the ded ication of St. Mary's and th2 con summation of one of .:he things to ward which she Jabored. (Miss Dodson is accompanied by her sistey. Miss Mary Dodson, vno is taking the trip “jpst to be going" and £hare the ex-missionary's pleasure. (Miss Mary Dodson was formerly a •teacher in the Concord Graded schools, and is a niece of the late Mrs. W. J. Montgomery.—Editor i. Dancing ( lass to Give Soiree. The members of the dancing class which has been conducted for the past month by Messrs. Joe Host and E. H. Brown,' Jr., will give a soiree Friday evening at tbe Merchants and Manu facturers club. Mciiilnts of the club and their families, as well as tjlie fam ilies of the members of the class are PARKS - BELK COMPANY The Big Sale at this Store Started with a Rush t'J. . . \ ! Hundreds of New Specials Added Every Day. Buy Now While the Price is Cut ——— ———— : A . f - ——MWW "■■■"'.m.i ■■■l ■'■ ■ " —1 11 ——l I i M 1 ' SilkS Silks J? Great Reductions lit .g. CORSET p r T ; ™\ READY-TO-WEAR m SPECIALS | ror the Great Trade vUIfl . . \/l\l Event Sale • Cmg MILLINERY or Trade Event \ 1 till A One Special L ot G s Corsets, all sizes, pink and C; $1.'20 Value Silk Pongee, extra quality on sale 89c yd. 1 a,, tx r* / . ; i/ Wm pt * y ' 1 An >' Dress, Coat, or Cape m stock pricea above $22:50 lor \ / 01 i r* , , , , . g9c «... *- v1 ■ .. , A • 1 1 / Ml this sale at,2o Per Cent. Off. \( / sl.2a value Corsets, white and flesh, on sale c^icn Sk.-j \ auie Silk Taffeta, extra quality, on sale $1.29 yd. V 7 111 - • •-1 \M, i in PPP PTT\7O' t> i,• 1, c . • , • . , \ j Dne l°t °f brocaded stvle Corsets in flesh, sale pra'c - T.,xtra fjiialilv Crepe de Chine in several, colors, sate price If R 1 IHKCEN I. Reduction <»i all Snirtwaists above S.Uo, \ per vard _• sllß / J J ° n a resses » Coats and Capes priced up to $22.50. ' . I ‘ FOR THIS GREAT TRADE EVENT fluA A XT' rM i, ?v V H r Silks Priced over 51.98 per yard,* during this sale at W .\ i ICC VdIHIICC <d) t fl‘ 10 Per Cent Off. • All Ladies Ready Trimmed Hats, priced above' $4.98 for *— ... - Pri7P<; wish rlrJl'if m iii’jiaSC this sale at io per cent off. . m/xs witn every uoiiai p«* UM ‘ l Special Lot of Colored Silk Taffetas, value $1.50 per yard. i * 1 . -' ' made at this Store. “Win ail AlltonHF nn 'i p • ' J ' * AIIi Lats in Ladies' and Childrens Styles in stock priced i-i t?t? » ° n Sa,e -T 98c yard JJ above $7.95 at 20 PER CENT. OFF. ’ F Dlle V REE. FW PARKS - BELK COMPANY |SiT • 4 * - " - • , ** cordially invited to attend. Graduates From Winthrop College Among the graduates from Wiuthrop College. Rock Hill, S. C., this year are Miss Elizabeth Smith, of Concord, and Miss Frances Johnson, daughter of the late Dr. D. 1). Johnson, formerly of Concord. The commencement exer cises will be held June 3-5. Mrs. Macßae and Miss King to Enter * tain. \ Mrs. Cameron Macßae and Miss Mary King will entertain this evening from N. 30 to 10 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Macßae in compliment to Misses Alice Brown and Elizabeth Coltrane. dailies Suppenfield to- Graduate. Mr. Janies Nappen field will graduatV I today from the Southern College of Pharmacy in Atlanta and is expected ; to arrive Saturday night to visit his l parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Sappen i field. _ __ Miss Montgomery to Graduate. | Among the graduates of North Car i olina College for Women, Greensboro, is Miss Julia Tilly Montgomery, of Raleigh, daughter of the late Dr. S. L. Montgomery, of this city. Miss Mont gomery will receive the degree of .bachelor of arts. i " D. A. R. to Meet Witii Mrs. Smith. The Cabarrus Black Boys Chapter of the D. A. R. will meet Wednesday afternoon at three-thirty with Mrs. T. T. Smith, at her home on North Fn ion street. ■ Graduates From Salem College. Among the graduates this year of j Salem College are: Miss Ituth Crow ell. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Crowell, of Concord: Miss James, (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. ; Janies, of Mount Pleasant, and Miss j Queen Graeher. of Kannapolis. Wins High Honor. { The relatives and friends of Rev. ! Taos E. Wiuecoff. will b<- leased to | learn that in a recent sermon contest j in which the justices of the Supreme : Court of Wyoming, acted as the judges. | Mr. Wiuecoff was awarded the cash ; prize as the author of the best sermon, in the state. The prize was large j enough to give Mr. Wiuecoff and his family a nice outing this summer. Mr. Winectf’ff is well remembered (here by the older citizens. He is a son of the late Jamejs B. WineoofF. who lived on the Kannapolis road. .Mr. Wiuecoff was graduated at David son with the highest honor of his class. He delivered an address here in 1I»lb on tho occasion of the great j Soldiers' Home Coming celebration. Rowan Senis Clothing to Near Eakt Victims. Salisbury, May 21.—Rowan county donated 2,900 pounds of old clothing for the near east sufferers, according to P. A. Wallenborn, county cnair man, who has sent the clothing to Raleigh headquarters. This is con s.derably more than was contributed by .the county last year. * Mr. Isenhour Entertains. On Monday evening from 7:30 to 10 o’clock at the ice cream parlors of B. E. Rolierts on Buff alo Street, Mr. C. A. Isenhour entertained his Sunday school class of Calvary Lutheran Church to gether with other invited guests num bering in all thirty-three. After the guests had assembled prayer was of fered by the pastor. Ice cream was then served. The time was very pleasantly spent in general conversa tion and in playing many popular in door and outdoor games. At 10 o’clock the guests departed with the feeling that Mr. Isenhour was a good host and with a feeling of gratitude to him for his kind hospitality to his guests. Mrs. Garrison to Compliment Miss Col trane. Mrs. I). A. Garrison entertained at a reception on Wednesday after noon from four to five at her home in Gastonia, honoring her sister, Miss Elizabeth Coltrane, bride-elect. Fisher-Sloop. Friends in the city will he interested to learn of the marriage of Miss Ma.vnie Sloop to Mr. Deßerry Fisher, of Frenso, California, which took place oil Monday, May 14th. at 11:30 a. m. in Los Angeles, California. Miss Coltrane and Brown Honored at Reception. Complimenting Miss Elizabeth Col trane and Alice Brown Mrs. Grady Gibson and Miss Frances Ridenhour entertained at u beautiful reception Tiiesdav afternoon at their home on West Depot Street. Greeting the callers as they arrived were Mrs. C. B. Wagoner and Miss Nell Herring. Mrs. C. A. Camion welcomed the guests in the hall and directed them to the receiving line in the living room. „ Mrs. Gibson received her guests in a gown of pearl gray crepe. Miss Coltrane wore a frock of yellow georg ette.’ with a picture hut of black lace. Miss Brown was attired in Javender organdie, with pink picture hat. while Miss Ridenhour wore a gown of green lace, and a corsage of sweet peas. Assisting in receiving were Miss- Corn Vaughn, guest of Miss Coltrane. wearing lavender taffeta, with a hat of leghorn. Mrs. E. C. Barnhardt. Jr., gowned in henna lace and Mrs. Colb Morris, guest of Miss Miriam Morris, who wore a gown of white georgette, beaded in crystala and pea rls. The living room was beautifully decorated ‘with many vases holding pink pillow roses. / Miss Jenn Coltrane and Miss Grace Brown Saunders directed the guests in to the dining room which was profuse 1“ decorated with sweet peas. The table was covered with a handsome TUB CONCORD TIMES Madeira clofch and in the center was a silver basket filled with pink sweet peas. / o Assisting in the dining room were Misses Mary Pemberton, Margaret Bell, Margaret Virginia Ervin, and Lucy Richmond Lentz. Miss Miriam Morris directed the cal lers into the den where pTftieh was served by Mrs. J. H. Mewborne, Mrs. Kenneth Caldwell and Miss Adele Pemberton. Each guest on leaving was presented with a lovely pansy by Mrs. Gales Pickard. More than 125 guests called during the afternoon. Miss Isabelle Montgomery, of Atlanta, Honored. Charlotte Observer. Charlotte friends of Miss Isabelle Montgomery, lovely young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brevard Montgomery, of Atlanta, will he very glad to hear of an honor which lias come to her re cently. The Atlanta Constitution of several days ago carried a splendid picture of her, with below it the fol lowing inscription: ‘'Miss Isabelle Montgomery, who has been chosen May queen by the Encle Remus Memorial Association for the, annual May fete which will be held at Snap Bean farm Satur day, May 2(5. at 4 o’clock. "Little Miss Montgomery is the daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. Brevard Montgomery, of West End, and is a great granddaughter of A. R. David son, of Charlotte, N. C., one of the founders of and for whom Davidson College, at Davidson, N. is named. ‘•She is also a descendant of Gen eral Stonewall Jackson.” Mrs. Charles G. Montgomery, of Charlotte, grandmother of Miss Mont gomery. leaves tomorrow morning for Atlanta to visit Mr. and Mrs. Brevard Montgomery, and to see her -grand daughter act as May queen. ~ Mrs. Montgomery will visit friends at various points in Georgia and Ala bama. before going to Augusta, Ga., ■where, in the future, she will make •her home. For the past four years, •she lias resided in this city. Mrs. lAiniheth Honors Miss Coltrane of Concord* Charlotte News. Mrs. Charles E. La in bed h was the gracious luncheon hostess Tuesday at the Charlotte Country Club, comply intuiting a lovely Concord bride-elect. ■ Miss Elizabeth Coltrane. whose wed ding will take place June nth to Rob ert E. Jones, of Franklin. Ya. The table was beautifully arranged. For its center pink Killarney roses in a huge silver basket were used. Sur rounding tliis we%‘ silver candlesticks holding pink tapers. A delicious five course luncheon was served. The following ladies motored over from Concord for Mrs. Lambeth’s luncheon: Miss Coltrane. Miss Jenn Winslow Coltrane, Mrs. Joseph F. Cannon. Mrs. Charles Cannon. Mrs. Richard Gibson. Mrs. D. L. Bust. Mrs. George Patter son. Mrs. G. B. Lewis. Mrs. Victor Means, Mrs. Lester Coltrane, Miss Elizabeth Harris, ami Miss Cora Vaughan, of Franklin, Ya. Misses Pemberton to Entertain. Tlya following invitations have been -issued: _ Miss Adele Pemberton Miss Mary Phifer Pemberton Will Receive Friday afternoon, May twenty-fifth four-thirty to six One hundred and sixty-four North Union Street Miss Elizabeth Coltrane Miss Alice Brown Miss Pat Pemberton Ashcraft PERSONALS. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Wolff have re turned to their home at Hanesville, La., after spending some time here with Prof, and Mrs. S. A. Wloff. mm* Miss Rosa Caldwell, who has been a student at Salem College for the past year will arrive tonight to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Caldwell. • m • Miss Margaret Long, of Unionville, is visiting relatives here. * * * Miss Elizabeth Matiney has retufned to Columbia, S. C.. after spending a short time with Miss Kathleen Sap penfleld. * * * Mrs. Charles C. Hook, of Charlotte, is spending a week here "with her sis ter. Mrs. G. L. Patterson. Miss Elizabeth Hahn, who recently graduated from Mont Aiuoena Sem inary, has returned to her home here. m m m Miss Grace Herrin, who is employed with Stockham Pipe & Fittings Com pany, ol' Birmingham, Alabama. is visiting friends and relatives here for several days. « • m Miss Lela Howell returned to Char lotte Tuesday, 'after spending ten days at the bedside of her mother, who has been very sick for the past two weeks. Mrs. Howell is improving nice ly. * * * Mrs. S. T. Howell, of Albemarle, and children, are here to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Howell. • - ■ Rev. Jesse C. Rowan and Mr. E. T. Gannon left Monday for Philadelphia to spend seVeral days. * * * Mrs. Merle Litaker is confined to her home on South Union street by ill ness. ' • • Miss Martha Creighton, of Char lotte. District Demonstration Agent, is spending several days here with Miss Kathleen Wilson. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Peck and child, of Buffalo. New York, have arrived to speinl some time here with relatives. * * * Mr. Archie Foil left Monday for Durham, after spending the week-end here with his j>n rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Foil. m w 9 Mr. John Foil returned Monday night to his home in Lynchburg, after spending several days here with his brother, Mr. W. A. Foil. * 9 * Miss Rosa Caldwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Caldwell, of this city, will represent the Sophomore Class of Salem College on the staff of The Salemite next year. Miss Caldwell in the May 10th issue of The Salemite. which is published each week, has sev eral interesting articles. * * * Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Foil attended the commencement exercises at Mt. Pleasant Monday. They went back again Tuesday for the declaim er’s contest, their son. Mr. Joe Foil, member of the Junior Class at M. P. ■C. 1., being one of the speakers. ♦ * * Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wilkinson left yesterday for Winston-Salem, to attend! the annual convention of the North Caroling Funeral Directors’ As sociation. They plan to return home tomorrow nigfyt, after the Infill ses sion (>f the convention. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mabry, who have been visiting Mrs. Mabry’s mother, Mrs. W. C. J. X’siton, for sev eral weejis. returned Tuesday to their home in Richmond, Va. TJiey were accompanied by Miss Joanna Mabry, who will spend some time with them. * 9. 9 Miss Elizabeth Mauney and Mr. C. M. Sappentield, Jr., of Shelby, spent yesterday with Mr. and C. M. Sappentield. t « t Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Myers and chil dren and Mr. Talton, of near Concord, have returned from a motor trip to Raleigh, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Myers. * * m Mr, and Mrs. E. It. Biggers. of Mat thews, are visiting their daughter. Mrs. G. L. Lang. m m * Mrs. W. C. Lyerly and little son are spending a tveek with relatives in No. 7 township while Mr, Lyerly is attending the Classis of the Re formed Church, which is being held in Hickory. 9 9* Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hooks and little Ann Muse returned Tuesday to their home in Carthage after a short visit to relatives here. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN W IN IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY Get Right to Sit on Committee Bv , 140 to 49 Vote. (Montreal May 23.—Women today won -the right of representation on executive -committees of the general assembly of tlie southern Presby terian church by the overwhelming vote of 140 to 49. Advocates of the minority report, favoring the granting of the overture of St. John’s Presbytery. Florida, pre senting the women’s request, drove supporters of the majority statement inio an admission of defeat before the vote was taken, when Dr. R. C. Reed. Columbia, S. C.. former moderator and chairman of the committee on bills and overtures, asserted on the j floor that he .realized his position I was lost. Vision is seeing what others do not see, seeing further than others see, serving before they see.—John R. Mott. ; Thursday, May 24,^ I>R. LEONARD is M Uir \ s Lexington Minister f. , G National Meets.,- of Church 1 tf * BtiJj Hickory, -May 23—r Leonard, pastor C f' th^p.>• i. . ed church at Lexington 1 president of the geJro' Was fIS Reformed church ?,V up states. over Rev j x, ls o*s Allentown. Pa., bv a v,&arv 118, in .the first 1,1 uj triennial meeting ( !< * tonight. s . v Doo Other elections at the were: ••’'’•'it <*• Dr. J„lm XV. Appi,, u . first vice-president- Dr n ,er -h Steran, Phiiadelphia "J 7 nil «t president: Rev. David ‘n‘. Creek. r„.. corre, IK , n ,T>. Rev. T. E. Diepz. Hen-lino mg clerk. ' la * Oither nominations f ~ dency, who were ,] r f ( , lt ., ' lf J?>>. ballot, were: Rev. Frederick t , Greensboro. Pa..; r v q t>. D. D., Milwaukee Wx • ' v Tentative A. R.' Brodpeck w!" H Pa nangr,. H. W. Link, secretary 0 r ory chamber of e :n morci n r e E. M. Craig pastor 0' '‘l* Presbyterian church of Hie'"' • livered addresses 0 f wel.wi * synod itonighi. # Philadephia • nd ln«iananoli issued invitations to the hold the next session. ; noi ; R:v. W. W. Rowe, paster of Hickory Reformed chun-h lfM f President Leonard with a gavel after his election toni'’' ' Hickory. May 23.—Dr. (>„ r ", f Richards, retiring president. ■fd the opening sermon of jh e 4 triennial syffod of the church in United night, following addresses by Rev. Walter V. U„ w <-. | i:iv . M '.' ! the Corinth Reformed ci.. j; Mayor Eub?U Lyerly. and by ,the president. Organization of the synod Wl q olace tomorrow morning :o!;.i»,v the. election of other officers. Tlic Pennsylvania delegation. a:-? 200. on -a special train, were fw.-,,- cd by automobile through the V from the railroad s’afion on their* rival here by local churchmen, to > church, where registration t ; place. Mrs. Goodman Indergoes Operatw The condition of Mrs. ,\ y. d./ man. who underwent a slit: tion at the Ctiiieord Hospital .* Wednesday. is reported today ;> proving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Drayton Whit. ;. daughter. Ruth, of Electric Mil!, v , arrived today to spend sex era! oy here with Mr. White s sister. Me k Alexander. The largest pencil factory ifi 'is world is in the German city n! h remhurg. which has heeii rhc.aT«i(>e. fro of the pencil-making inductn >3- 1700.

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