May 24, IW; 4** * * I iiipPFNINfiS IN 01K * Nfc I,HBOKINO VILLAGES , X. * Jr *** * * ♦ *£ * *.-*** * t * * ... flU't' l Kom- oxk. v ‘‘v* in... ] it tie has returned home >l," ' , l: ' . •.. 1 ; 1 1 week- in Ou afi" ~ V : ‘\. V brother. Mr. Craig I-it r,i vvirti - cue' !!•■ , , j( . n-iivtott spent Thursday ):**■' v in Ii Mini**, of Stanfield Route, nr .lessie Crayton and Beulah ; l! ‘,V 1( . of Route one. L; '|. | 1 ~i,i i»* Ila it sell and two sis t.r‘ ~f'Kannapolis, visited friends • Craytoii spent Sunday i!,’ Cotieord' with friends. ’“vr Mini Mrs. W. Hatley and Mr. 1 \h-> Iloiievcutt. of near Oakboro. N Pvl,:l.■'smuUi.v ill >lr. M. I>. * il' \ m. Crayton in.-tde a business j„‘ Caneord Thursday, pii.yd Little, of Charlotte, spent Saturday ‘ami Sunday with home ‘ Mi Tommy, Furr. of Concord. visit „i ri,i< vicinity Sunday. KOINTHY KIDS. (KOSS ROADS NO. f>. Mr- R K. M’ilson is not improving TffV much, we tire sorry to say. M ami Mrs. Charlie Deal, and chiiilreii. of China Grove. spent last Simdtiy with Mrs. Deal’s sister, Mrs. \ p. Wilson. Mr- Norti Hopkins and little daugh ter, .Immitti. of Charlotte, sue spend- ., fey weeks with home folks. Misses Kstthleeu Lippanl and Shir loy Ssifrit. of Uiuier. spent si few hours Saturday evening with Miss Klnm Hop*, kins. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Allman spent Saturday night and Sunday with Ml imd Mrs. K. C. Sapp. Mr. Ralph Goodman. of Concord, sjietir Saturday night with Mr. Dutton Allnisin.—" Sunday school class No. 4. of Roger Church, will give an exercise Sunday Hvtiiua at '1 i.’io o'clock. Msiy 22iul. Ev is welcome. SWEET PEA. FAITH. Jethro Almond is in Faith putting up ]M*sters He will show till next week at (iranite Quarry. F. M. I'oriell and Roscoe Barger are running a (ftisirry smd moving dirt by derrick power stud si rosid serai tor. Born-to'.Mr. and Mrs. Bov-Alexan der Curl, si son. May Id. The dar«* DTI is on the Old log bsirn on the old Joe A. Brown farm, nine milt- from Salisbury on the Gold Hill phd. Who can bent that. M. L Conilier has a large tree in his yard, eight feet through two feet aliive the ground. Who can beat that ? Miss Bernice Ward, formerly of Faith, aml Mr. George Petren. of Kan napolis. were married May 115th. at the home of Rev. C. K. Turner, on West Avenue. Kannapolis. She is one of the twins. Faith exjiects to have a hosiery mill and a building -to aiamifacture eczema cine, the home-made remedy recently dis-overel. Wo sittemled the sale tit the resi dctice of the late James Trexler. near Gold Kiioh and bought :t lot of old tiiii.* curiosities. ■h s M. Miller runs his flour mill h.v electric power now. He flrst ran thi mill with water. His dam broke. im 'l th**n he ran with steam for awhile He is now using electric power from Rockwell, and says it is the best of Mi He has an old old-time wagon years old. made by Andrew Hol simuser. If you can heat that for an dd wagon and in good condition yet. h"t our your old tar wagon. Mr. Lewis Ward, of Kannapolis. Is 111 faith today. Ihere is the best-time in Faith right l ' ou that lias ever been known since 'ii!h has been a town. All the gran- ! ‘ p 'Piarries are in full operation and there is plenty of work for everybody, >iud everyone is making lots of money '''tying automobiles, the like of " U' li we have never seen. •f 1. Wyatt received an order to a pair of millstones and the o l ' l M" with the order to pay for n ,'V ;| " the items in The Con ‘hies and had them very inter esting VENUS. NO. SINK TOWNSHIP. , icrmcfs are all a bout through 1,,, . iin,i "HI begin chopping cot hj M ,l!> M ’ o, ‘ !1 ' the went her is favora r^l'sii'i!" 1 .-i'c Newton Stowe have a m. i “ 1 :it this ,i,ne home i'i, 1 "' 1 ’ I ' , “ is vi.ntini'd to his Mr ,i ' pt measles. Kann-i, ,l!ll i s ell and family, of Mn I M'ft't Saturday night with ’ "DI Harts,.ll. Veil ip iI ' l |"!,, ‘denhr.nso and Misses I'lwk" m*!' lnllll of Clear -Mari,. \v k'H’h* I ’.' ‘‘vetting with Miss , oldenhtMise. terestin.r Nh'right preached an in ' ,U J’" Sun,,a - V ovening at Present ; A large audience was ft'euti w . r ' >! " u ' ° r the unfavorable Mt.minv 11 : I '' X!: ' v -Htn Hudson spent Mr nii.i m " lH 01,1 011 business. S| !c»liiv«jr‘i ls , 11 lj Rhiehardt spent k ' 7 ltll and Mrs. I, (>. Les. Mrs p ... U:lil Mn, , M idenlionse and Miss ,( ' r - Mrs 'j" llf Kuuday with her sis- Mr. »JfV k f""- "f Hnii s '. ’• T - Little and little ln> fahter m " 1( ?' spent Sunday with , J lr. vL: D ' Little, v s mV.',* r " hlenhonse, who Pureuts iV 111 " st ‘ v ‘* r »l days with ll!i ’A'tuirned to his work J in Gastonia. Airs. J> W. Widenhotise is spending ti gew days with her daughter, Mrs. Air E. Herrin, of Alt. Pleasant. Aliss Ruth Petrea spent last Satur day night with Aliss Emma Furr. Air. Curtis Eury and Aliss Electie Page spenji awhile Sunday afternoon with Miss Ethel Petrea. * Air. and Airs. Ernest Rlott and fam ily. of No. 11. spent Sunday afternoon with Air. and Airs! H. A. Plott. Mr. ..Manlius (’ook and family spent Saturday night with Air. Newton Stowe. BUDDIES. MISSION. Mr. Fred Herrin, of (’oneord, spent the week-end with his parents. Air. and Airs. AL H. Herrin. Aliss Emma Hartsell. of Oakboro. spent the week-end with Alisses Ethel and Uleonia Crayton. We are real glad to see the beauti ful sunshine and refreshing showers. It takes that to bring on the crops. We also believe General- Green is proud to see it. for he is beginning to show it right much. Air. and Airs. M. H. Ilerrin visited their daughter. Alrs ; Albert Burley son. ol' Albemarle. Tuesday. Misses Mittie and Ruth Cox spent a few hours Sunday afternoon tit Mr. H. D. Crayton’s. The Methodist choir of West Con cord furnished some very beautiful singing at the services tit Mission on Sunday. Also Rev. Air. Short, of Con cord. preached an excellent sermon in the afternoon. We hope they will fa vor us with tt visit again. Aliss Ethel Crayton gave a party on Saturday evening in honor of her friends and schoolmates. After the guests tirrived they went into the yard and played a few interesting games and then assembled in the parlor ttnd played some others. After the games Aliss Emma Hartsell, assisted the host ess in serving ice cream and cake. There were some little prizes given in the games which furnished much laughter. The guests departed, hav ing enjoved the partv vei-V much. FARAI GIRL. KIMEiL There will he preaching at Prosper ity E. L. Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Aliss Kathleen Lippanl and' little brother. Ray. of Cabarrus county, spent Monday in Rowan county at the home of tlieir uncle. Mr. Daniel Eagle. Air. Charles Best and Miss Annie Fisher were happily married Sunday evening. We extend congratulations. Aliss Stella Faggart of Rimer, spent Saturday night in Concord. Misses Nelle Furr and Jessie Kluttz. of Kannapolis, spent the week-end with home folks at Rimer. A large crowd sittended the commun ity meeting at Rimer May ISth. We are expecting to have a better com munity club meeting next month, on June loth. Everybody is always wel come to attend our club meetings. Some of the people of (’oneord ivill render a program at Rimer in the near future. The date will be announced later. The proceeds are to he for the benefit of the club. TOPS. PINE BLI’FF. The farmers are most done planting. Some of them tire complaining of not having a good stand of cotton. Air. and Airs. A. C. Linker spent Sunday tit the home of Mr. and Airs. H. L. Vnncannon. Air. Walter Hartsell. of Concord, spent Sunday with home folks. Mr. George Aliseuheimer spent Sat urday “night with his parents Mr. and Mrs. (’. W. Aliseuheimer. of Mid land. Alisses- Vergie and Lona Turner spent 1 Monday with Alisses Carrie and JAoda Mabry. , Miss Ruby Muliis, of Charlotte, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Jim Smith near Pin * Bluff. Airs. J. P. Binckwelder and children, (l Alt. Plea said, -stent awhile Sunday sir the home ol Air. T. J. Mabry. Not si ver> large crowd attended Sun lay school and preaching Sunday on account-of the rainy weath**r. «n. May l°.th si Christian Endeavor meeting wsis h**Ll in tin* home Jim Smith. On each Sunday night at 7 .20 tin* Society \vil» hold a meeting. Ev eryone is invO'ed We now h-ive a good class and 1 ope* that still others will take iwirt. BLUE EVES. ENOCH YILLF. Mrs. Katie Thompson is improving, she being confined to her l>ed at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Cora Ov ercasli, with pleurisy. Air. and Mrs. L. W. Overcash and children visited at Air. I)eA\ itt Over cash’s Sunday. Mr. John Thompson and family were visited by relatives Sunday. Airs. Myrtle Hilton smd son, Lee, Jr., of the Southern part of the States were visitors last Sunday at the hopie of her parents. Mr. and Airs. A. A. Wallace. AVe hope to see Enochville become and enterprising and booming little business center in the near future. Re cently we have heard whispers»of a knitting mill being erected here. Why cannot this town be built up as well sis Kannapolis? The two towns are close together and all the nearby residents would i>e benetitted by the upbuilding of Enochville. Quite a lot of cotton is being chop ped out now since the recent rains. I NO. 10 TOWNSHIP. Aliss Alary Belle Newell, who hsis been attending school at Charlotte, has returned home for the summer. 1 Mr. Norman Black, who taught the AA hite Hall School last Session, lias sic-I cepteil a position in Charlotte. Air. and Mrs. J. C. Newell, of Char lotte, visited Mr. Newell’s parents. Squire and Mrs. W. G. Newell, recent- | lv. . | The Sunday school sit Bethel is j steadily gaining in membership and interest. Mr. Reece Ilorton is the sup erintendent. Farmers are not optimistic over the prospect for a good cotton crop. Alsin\ had to replant aud as yet have not good stands. Chopping is progressing where stands were secured. Air. S. O. ('happell. a mining pros pector, is in the community prospect ing for gold. . Gardens are good, there being an abundance of cabbage and early .vege tables. Mr. S. D. Black had new po tatoes from his garden May 14. AVe liked your editorial, “About Ready to Function." which appeared in Monday's Times. It was timely and had the right ring. ‘Of course the peo ple of the township art* all interested jin the proposed road, though they he (divided as to the best place for its [location. It seems to us that the sen sible thing for the commission to do j is to locate the> road where It will ben efit most people and be a trade route to the county's capital. So we hope when the commission begins to func tion it will take rliis matter up and lie guided as per your editorial. 11. LOCTST. Air. and Mrs. A. AL Turner and Rev. and Mrs. Wauchope. of Concord, spent a day last week here with Alrr Tur ner's parents, Air. and Airs. 1). W. Tur ner. . Aliss Emma Treeoe, the 1 (5-year-old daughter of Air., and Airs. James Treeve, was carried Monday to a Charlotte hospital, where she under went on operation for appendicitis. The operation was successful and she is reported as resting very well at tliis time. Two other children of Air. and Mrs. C. L. Smith have been confined with measles. An all-day service in the form of n home coming, will la* held the first Sunday in June at the Baptist Church The Lord's Supper will he observed af ter one of the services. I*. LOWER STONE. Rev. E. Roy Connan, of Cressona, preached a most excellent sermon (at Lower Stone last Sunday on "Hup jpiness." taking his text from Bhilip j plans 4:11. "For I have learned in •whatsoever state I am therewith to be .content." Rev. and Airs. Connan are | visiting Rev. ,J. 11. Keller, of China ! Grove. Airs. Gorman's unde, and will (attend the meeting of the General ! Synod at Hickory this week. AVe were [glad to have Rev. and Mrs. Connan .with ns Sunday. I Air. Adolphus Earnhardt has his new house almost completed. It will lie re membered that Mr. Earnhardt lost his dwelling by lire on the night of the Kith of April. Some of our people are attending the meeting of the General Synod at Hick ory this week. There will be preaching at Lower Stone next Sunday, May 27tli. at 8 :00 p. m.. by a delegate from General Syn od. which is in session at Hickory. | Aliss Katie Kluttz. of Charlotte, spent Saturday night and Sunday with home folks. TULIP. STEELE’S ( ROSS ROADS. Airs. T. 11. Edwards and Aliss Mideta Rogers spent a fe\v days last week at Amity. Airs. Henry MeCorkle and daughter. Miss Hazel, of Kannapolis, visited at Mr. George Shinn's last week. Aliss Bernice Johnston returned home last week from Statesville, where shejjhas been in the hospital for several weeks. Alisses Sarah Riley and Crenlia j Steele spent Monday with Aliss AVilna , Shinn. Mrs. Elizabeth Seroie. who has been | spending some time at her son’s. Mr. Samuel Sercie’s. lias been right sick for a few days. Mrs. Lillie May Rogers is getting along tin** since returning from the hospital, where she underwent an op eration. Miss Julia Johnston, who has been real sick for some time, is not im proving much. Rev. Floyd AA’ilson, of Concord, preached an interesting and instructive sermon at Palestine Saturday night. AJr. George Rogers is very sick at this writing. Alosdames Emma Graham and Floyd AVils. 11 and Rev. Mr. Ledbetter, of Concord, attended service at Palestine Saturday night. JAIL TREATMENT~OF WOMEN UNDER FIRE Florida Floggings Turn Spot Light on Other Prisons. AA’ashington, May 24 (Capital News Service). —Dr. Hastings H. Hart, di rector of tin* Child Caring Department of the Russell Sage Foundation, speak ing before the Policewomen's Section of the National Conference on Social AVork,, which has just, met in the Cap ital of the Nation, finds that treat ment of women prisoners in county jails is a disgrace to the country which permits. Dr. Hart said conditions in the treat ment of women prisoners are especial ly had in New York, Connecticut, Minnesota, and Ohio. He cited inci dents, including one in New Haven, where he said 40 women were kept in the jail without adequate fire protec tion in their quarters and where show er boths had not been connected with the water supply for two years. “The greatest disgrace to our civili zation in America is the county jail,” said Dr. Hart. “The brightest pros pect of redeeming penal conditions comes from the entrance of women in to active service in police and prison work. AA’itli them have come a new j rule of kindness, and we have learned that brute force is not needed in the j handling of either delinquent men or women in jails.’’ Pastor to Go Into Evangelistic Work. i There will lie no further services at i Tucker’s Chapel until further notice is given. The church membership will Ihe moved to Kannapolis.. The pastor, | Rev. Henry G. Blaekwelder, will go into evangelistic work. He has been pastor here for a number of years and the members regret to see him go. , E. C. ) ' T ! SAVE ALL YOUR PLOW SHARE MONEY and trouble of I rhanßinu plow sharcJ. Rl\ DY quick-attachable PLOW POINT —Kel t on and stay* put, made from specially 1 tempered hint) grade chilled semi-steel finished in red, j , adaptable to tractor plow a, gangs, sulky, and walling plows. Fits used share. / I DEITV Sptow /Pending &■■■ 'J thve I*low name. < ’Scndtnon ey order. Fully guaranteed. . J. A. GLASS 169 N. S. Street Concord. N. C. * THE CONCORD TIMES Revival Services Largely Attended. The revival services at the Second Presbyterian Church are lieing largely attended. The music by the junior choir of forty-odd voices is a note wor thy and inspiring feature of the ser vices. Last nighty the roll of the church members was called by the clerk of session, Air. J. C. Query. Many jj Certificates of Deposit j most satisfactory way to keep your surplus 1 funds steadily earning interest when not in active use J ' is to place them in a Certificate of Deposit with this 1 bank. Certificates are issued at four per cent, interest, i for periods of three months or longer and in amounts l yl to'suit the convenience Qkf the depositor. y D\ We will he pleased to give you detailed in- ! \V r formation. allfeL CITIZENS BANK & TRUST idMßife COMPANY 3Pfll j||j || CONCORD R NEW _BU.LD.NC VV QmBmB2C2SZ3B3Z!ZSC3ZI2EDu} “ —: :- - - r -*a" ■ ■■ ■ 1 ~ I Important Announcement to Farm ers: AA r c have made n contract with the Catawba Creamery Co., of H Hickory, N. C., to open a cream buying station for them here, and !':{ will open same in our store on A\ r est Depot street. The date set j j for the opening is Saturday, Alay 20th, at which time the Catawba jl Creamery Co. will have a representative present to start us off. They j’{ will allow us to pay you 30 cents per pound for butter fat. AAV |: : { make the test, right before your very eyes, write you check imme !i diately. !lij AA’hy sell your butter fat for 20c to 2.7 c a pound? Bring us your cream Saturday of this week and help us get H started. AA’e guarantee you fair tests, and this station should prove j ! very profitable to the formers of Cabarrus County. H Bring us your chickens, eggs and other farm products. AA’e buy H and sell more country produce than any other store in (’oneord |..jt and always pay highest prices that market will justify. AA’e pay - I"? cash, hut we sell goods ('heap. Come in and see ijs. 1 C. H. BARRIER & CO. M I-i | THE DAWN OFANEW PROSPERITY THROUGH I EASIEST CREDIT j{ . j WomanCanHavaAll The 1 t Credit They Want On jtS, | Their Simple j THE BIG SALE NOW ON—CASH OR CREDIT— During this Big Trade Event, we will gladly extend a liberal !| credit to all. However, we cannot give chances on the automobiles for goods sold on credit. For every dollar cash, or paid on account ||; not past due. we will give one chance. For every dollar paid on || past due accounts, we will give you two changes. AA r e are offering some AA’onderful Bargains, and if you will 111 need Furniture this year, now is the time to buy. By spending one |jj dollar, you may win. The more dollars you spend the more chances !" you have to win. If . | Concord Furniture Co. ; The Reliable Furniture Store p ' .... ■.. ... ._ . . |l. ,»« ._ .. * XXXXSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJOOOOOOOOO j TRADE WEEK NOW ON IN FULL BLAST i Friday Specials $1.50 Crex Rugs *. 75c $1.50 Rag Rugs 75c $1.50 Ingrain Rugs 75c $12.50 Sewing Screen $5.00 We Have Everything to Furnish Your Home With. See Us 4 • BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO “THE STORE THAT SATISFIES' j members responded. Tonight a male • quartet will sing. The quartet is as follows: I First tenor, Rev. W. C. Wauchope:! second tenor,Mr. John Chaney: first bass. Rev. M. A. Osborne: seenod boss, Mr. C. H. Long. Yon are cor- I dially invited. Trade Event Specials j 63 MEN’S SUITS Mixtures, Blue and Black All Wool I J Values to $35.00 I Choice Only $*20.00 Size 33 34 35 36 37 38 40 1 6 8 23* 16 ,7 2 100 PAIRS MEN’S LOW SHOES All Kindis, Tan. Black and Patent If You W ear a Small Size here is Your Chance Value to SIO.OO - Only $4.50 These are all from our Regular Stock and are Real Bargains Browns - Cannon Co. Where You Get Your Money’s Worth COOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJCXJOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOa We are Offering Some Wonderful Dis counts during these Trade Week ij; days. Come see them. | SPECIALTY HAT SHOP 300000000000000000000000g»00000cx)0000000000000000000 l j May 24th Through June 2nd H I THE BIG TRADE EVENT ' 4 I it ■ Tomorrow in Full Blast R * i ii We re Looking For You s The Bargains Are Real Hi I I oee j 1 - ■ It Pays to Trade at pISHER’S JL Concord’s Foremost Specialists ! It Pays gEETEEin, I,: lAULMiiuu lunw^ I Play Golf i . SPECIAL FACE GOLF CLUBS New shipment of Golf Goods. . Tennis Goods-New shipment of Tennis Rackets. Complete Line of Sporting Goods. Ritchie Hardware C« “Your Hardware Store 99 PHONE 117 J l ~,,■ - . . USE TIMES AND TRIBUNE PENNY ADS.-IT PAYS PAGE THREE