Thursday- 7 ’ 1923 - j. ******** i. •** • £ f ~ *i'pF\rVCiS IN OUR * hboking villages * * XJ, - *■*¥*****• # ** + + ' . . VO ■» TOWNSHIP. V ~K . i rt and family spent \i~ .:,.,1 Mrs. M. R. Al \I,;;,•!• jiiml family. of .V 1 < n ,i,| s rv evening with Mr. * ( , j; Smith.' .. ‘ m■! .ithl Dora Myers, of ... Saturday uight and Vi . s Krliel AI. lVtrea. .'.it- i . „,n. of Clear (’reek. ng with Miss family spent Sun j his father. Mr. Alar . . if Hinehardt an«l s with Mr. Titus M Auten. of Georgeville. Miss Julia Smith. ’. |';,rr spent Sunday eve •V , • with his sister. Mrs. B' 1 ? . TULIP. M 1 _ - BFOKCKYILLE. P y , iMw.; *1 Shinn, who has been, a state College. Raleigh, jaif t" -pend awhile with jK Mr. and Mrs. J. (\ Shinn. p ; .\ will h«* observed next pith, at < ‘enter drove M. hi! , L ‘Hi. public is invited. 1 j g. ('mints preaehed a very in f and ' inspiring sermon at St. ~ ... . ■, j a-t Sunday. Mr- K. A. Sliinn amid little k \ .p ~f Chin.l drove, ‘spent " iv n'jglit ami Sunday at the home r \l, .! a' Sliinn. Mi-' 1.. <>. Harrier spent Sun ;,i stattly with relatives, a,.-., H igh Eiulv. of Coneord, is „ awhile here with relatives. /..|, 'IY- t'-r spent Tuesday in (’on ' j Miss Margaret Abagail Shinn is ?awhile with .her grandmother. . \f \J I-’iirr. in N«». 10 township. ~ t >- a h' from here s)K*nf Sat ia Coneord. . j i;,. ami Mr-. K. I\. Counts and little : Marx Elizabeth. spent Sunday *, .j f Mr. L. T. Shinn. TULIP. (UNCORD ROUTE THREE. 'li.i, n.- a large crowd present at ... .artv \t-n fix Miss Kohnio Cooke s.- ~]j,v i-vi iiiiig from Sto 11 :45 o'clock. n ~i|.,i- ~f Miss l.oma Brewer, y v. : . 1m preaching at New dilead - .; ;t \ m.iiiiiiig at 11 o'clock by Rev.’ "Mr t’nmk'. an.l Mrs. < *. C. Patterson and fatn f is.-;,:* Kannapolis, speu* Sunday Mi a;id M's. G. G. Kills and fam- M; and Mr- K. C. Walter and Mr. ji. Mi-. M. 1.. 'Valter spent Sunday V. til Mr. and Mrs. A. (.’. Walter, of V 11 y. 'M- i..-e and Ernest Ilaynes sf# ut S; • a»‘t, »•!■. «m in Concord. M -. 1t..-.- tell, who has been visit i:;g ri-inrives Route tlir«*e for three t-irhs left Mmidax for her home in Ft. Ark. DIXIE. CHINA (.HOVE ROUTE ONE. Mrs. Janies' Furr, who underwent an oeratiou for appendicitis at the Concord ll'spiral, i- 'pending some time with her' parents. Mr. and,Mrs. J. K. Carter. Mi-. William Heglar and daughter, Rosi- Mi aid Mrs. Craig Heglar and • hildren spent Sunday at the home of Mr- lleglni s daughter, Mrs. W. E. Kitntz. Messrs. James Furr, of Concord. J. K. Carter, and s.,ns. Albert and - John, •f It.nxan, spent Sunday in Rockingham. Miss Onie Troutman -|K*nr Saturday itigl.T xvitli -In r trieml. Miss Ono Yost. Miss Myrtle Carter returned home on Monday, after -pending a few days with l-'T. iniele, Mr. M A. Troutman, at Kan i.apolis. Little Miss Laura Kiuttz is spending time with her grandparents, Air. hi- .Mrs. Heglar, of Rocky River. Mr-. L. H Troutman, and children, 1 and Ih rman. spent Saturday night ,Im li"ine "f Mrs. Troutman’s sister, M l '- J. L. Carter. V •V -. 1.. R. Sifford and son. and Mrs. 1 M. spent Friday evening at the V ,!l '!* Mrs .1. L Carter. BUSY BEE. BEAR ( REEK. Co fanners . i-e \;eiy luts.x' ;tt this Harvest is. here. lje-i-e is ~0 sickness to report in this fitiitii turi ty. * u,, l Hi.- orphans with mis Sunday. ' ‘‘l'd. I’ite exercises were verv itl t.testing _ Mi. ami ,Mi>. li. T. Allman visited <4. >ime at Mt. Pleasant Sunday eve runs;, Imie will he an i.-e cream supper at y" tj! -Mi 11 T Allman Saturday ‘• l, li. Kxeiyhodv is Invited. <’. W. A. LINE BU FF. t - ;| r>- v.-ry busy iu this sec ]-( ."C '"’o ' i! '' -'ass ;i s harvest is most !l * ' •'•'ii' n- and little sou, Jim* returned home after . ‘ day- with Airs. Jenkins’ p. j, ' (i -'li''. -v. J. Bart>ee, near Qj, [ CiiiK.-r spent Sunday eve- Misses Carrie and Dora Aln •Mr. .hi, , . 1 I * i lots purchased a new j ' • C- Barbw attended M Jl Chan.-y's Hill. Annie a nil Eunice Bar- Mar>. s • 11 •' ~v* *ning with Aliss A v.-iv , r iir -, v . 1 crow*l was present tit m„ ! „. .’ \Sunday night. Ev : ' “Bend, especially tlie i2,rr.' •>f ,\| j, '' "-'s held in the home dt-ml ti\, „ 1 Mr. I,inker or- Hev Mi- ~ w'i'- ‘ rf ‘ ’'r'eam and had I" auk ‘ "'"‘M to make eight Tl> M ,ar * f b in the afternoon. ' v | candy' was donated (M', PI"- We had prayer 1 * i.v |»,„ ** v o clock, conduct- ■ 1 " lr lu-rsun-" X.' . U dleford. of Concord. v : -ty t . r M ,,.d *, CI,UV( ‘ r, ed during the ’ from ° i* 1 . I** 1 ** ma - v Bod help them | Plight and n- e held at Beulah on the fourth Sunday in July. P. ROCKWELL ROI'TE TWO. There will be preaching at Phuuielv Church Sunday afternoon at •> o'clock by tlic [Mistor, Rev. T. (’. Stallings. Airs. U. H. r I Tout man and children. Ora and Herman, spent Saturday night at Air. J. E. Carter's. Airs. .James Furr is improving nicely. Air. and Airs. J. AI. Hi'pp, of near Or gan Church spent Saturday night at the home of their son. Mr. Banks Hipp, of Kannapolis. Aliss Ouie Troutman spent Saturday night with her cousin, Aliss Onie Yost. Mr. Guy Y'ost is spending a few days with his parents, Air. and Airs. P. AI. Yost. (Juite a number of friends gathered at tlie home of Air. Tom Safrit Sunday and gave him a birthday dinner. All report ed a nice time and left wishing him many more happv birthdays. SWEET DREAAIS. ROBERTA. Children’s Day will be observed Sun day. June 10th, at 11 o'clock. There will be np evening service. The children have yrepared a nice program for the morning. [There will Ih> preaching at 7 o’clock. All I young jieople's night. Come everybody. | Air. Alarshall Teeter is on the sick ! list. Aliss Essie Linker spent Saturday night with Aliss Olene Aliller. Airs. George Dry and children spent Sunday with Airs.’Jim Flowe. The ladies' Bible class gave the men's Bible class an ice cream supper Satur day night. Tee cream and sandwiches, cake and watermelon wt»re served. Ev i cry body enjoyed it tine. Little Aliss Bonnie Linker spent Sat urday night with Aliss Willie Hatheoek. Rev. Fred Love went to Rutherford to fill his apointment. He was accom panied by Rex'. Fred Furr. Aliss Nora AlcOombs, of Kamiajxdis, spent last Saturday night xvitli Aliss Es sie Linker.. JEFF. ENOCHYILLE. This community was very much sad dened and overwhelmed with grief by the death of little Thomas Gilbert, son of Air. and Airs. Tom Campbell, which ! was caused- by colitis. Thomas was two [years and 12 days of. age and was a 1 very sweet, intelligent child. Rev. B. S. Dasher conducted the funeral services at Luoehville E. L. Church Sunday nf-1 . ternoon, and tlie little body was laid to I test in the cemetery. Our most heart felt sympathy is extended to the bereav ed parents. Air. Alai tin Buckwell of Rimer, x*isit ed his uncle. Air. Gip l'plight, last Sun day a week ago. while Airs. Buekxvell and son visited Airs. H. L. Aloss. of Kan napolis. % Air. C. (’. f’ptight and family. Airs. C. A. Weddington and children spent Sun day at. Air. J. 11. Overcash's. BCSY BEE. i ; t GEARGEVILLE. The health qf our community is very 1 good nt present. Everyone is fighting General Green > with all his might. We are gaining some i ground on the old general noxv, since I the tain has held up. Harvest is here and the wheat and oats are very good. You can hear the reapers on every side binding up tlie golden gittin. Airs. Alaggie Sikes and Air. and Airs. Carl Sikes and Air. Reyno Irvin, of Charlotte, spent Sunday xvitli Aii-s. H. L. Little. Air. (\ It. Smith tips over the floor very carefully these days to keep from waking the baby ; it's a girl. Airs. C. (’. Little of Stanly county, has “ been visiting her daughter, Airs. C. It. niith. of this place. The annual Children's Day exercises 1 to be given by the Sunday School of Center Grove, will be on next Sunday, “ June 10th. A complete programme has been arranged and tlie indication are l for a good time. Everybody is invited to conic and bring dinner, as the excr - cises begin at !> :.'’»o and will continue through the afternoon. I Airs. J. Iv. Turner and daughter. Aliss Yit-gie, spent one day last week with Air. and Airs. A. J. Little, of Georgeville. Air. Richard Cunup is all smiles; it's a - boy. Alt'. W. C. Furr spent one day this week in Alt. Holly visiting his father, i Mr. Martin Furr. Air. Furr made the - trip in his new Buick six. Air. and Airs. Lee Sliinn spent Thurs * day with Airs. Shinn's parents. Air. and 1 Airs. W. S. Eudy, near Locust. Air. and Airs. L. T. Shinn and daugh " ter, Aliss Inez, attended services at St. * Alartin's in Stanly. PRETTY GIRL. MIDLAND. , Aliss Virginia Alills, of I’oikton, is , visiting relatives here. Little Aliss Alargaret and Alaster Char , Irs Barrino. of Alarshville. have been spending sometime here with relatives. Aliss Elizabeth Hamilton, of King's , Business College, Charlotte, spent the xveek-eml here. Airs.' Pace and three children, of Ral . cigh. have returned home after spending . some time here. - The condition of Rev. J. F. Alexander still remains about the same. , AI ESSENCE It. t , SENTIMENT HERE AGAINST , MODIFYING VOLSTEAD ACT Argument of Governor Smith Is of No Force, Says McLean. Lumberton. June 7. — lli reply to a I query from The Nexv York Evening , World. A. W. McLean, democratic na- L tional committeeman for North Carolina, has declared the argument of Governor , Smith. Nexv York, in signing the prohjbi p (ion repeal bill relating to state's rights j "is of no force." , The New York World’s query is as follows: ! ' “What is your opinion of state’s rights in respect to prohibition as de fined by Governor Smith in repealer memorandum? Please xvire briefly col , lect."- ! Air. AlcLeau’s reply is as follows: "Answering your inquiry as contained ; in telegram, in my opinion the question . of abridging the rights of the states by 1 amendment to the federal constitution . has been settled since the Civil war. Therefore, Governor Smith's argument contained in his memorandum* in re . spect to the eighteenth amendment is of . no force, since that amendment has been* * regularly ratified by the states and is r noxv as much a part of the organic law , as any of the previous amendments. , The sentiment in this state is over , xvhclmingly against any modification of tlie Volstead act. Our legislature, which adjourned in March, enacted U laxv in all respects similar to the Yol . stead act and will use the police forces . of the state to aid and supplement fed eral enforcement of the prohibition laws.” In a telegram to a Washington nexvs agency Monday, Air. AlcLean asserted that he believed the sentiment of the people of the United States \vas against any modification of the prohibition law , and favored sriet enforcement of the law.. Anti-prohibition forces, he said, will at tempt to nominate a candidate favorable to the modification of the Volstead act. . More Expected of Country Tbap of City Paper. If it won't for printing local names the smalltoxvif newspapers would have I a hard time convincing its subscribers that it is superior to the city paper that circulates in its field, says tlie Kansas City Star. It is expected that the country paper will notice a thousand and one little things the big city publication passes tip. One busy day in the Alacou Daily. Chronicle-Herald office the entire writing . force was kept on the jump by two po litical conventions, an iinporant ease in circuit court, a farmers’ institute and other matters, but entirely forgot that a certain enterprising dealer had made an improvement. lie called up to let the editors know. “You fellows running a newspaper, yet?" "We’re trying to,” replied the man in ; the nexvs room. “Well, you failed to get that item yes terday.” “What item?” “I repainted my delivery truck, and j . there wasn’t a word in your old paper ! about it.” j A woman called and demanded to i . know the name of the party who. had j turned in the story about a function of jj J some sort in the country. Os course, j jit xvas withheld, pending the reason j ' for the question. 'j j “Well, I'll find out!” she snapped i ; back. “What was wrong with the story?” j “Everything.” “We’re sorry—can’t you tell us what | the trouble was?” “The person who wrote it mentioned j every man who took part but my hus- j band.” she shrilled, “and left his name J for spite.” * THE CONCORD TIMES TEN PERSONS Ht'RT IN ELECTRIC TRAIN ACCIDENT Two Trains Ran Together at Riverside, Ya.. Near National Capital. AYashington, June (>.—Ten persons were injured, two of them seriously, in a collission today at Riverside, Ya., be tween txvo electric trains whose pas sengers included a number of visitors to the Shritiers convention. One of the trains was returning to AYashington from Alt. A'ernon and the . ■'■■■ii 1,.,, i ! f BE PUTTING A BANK | Behind You HOW Avould you like to knoAV that a strong financial institution is behind you in your every undertaking? At the least, it would be a i comfortable knowledge, wouldn’t it? This bank Ts ready to back you in every worthy project. Call on us often, and talk over business matters with us. We may be ab*e to be of real service. ‘^CITIZENS E>ANie<2/2COOOOOCXXX>bOOOOOOCKXv ij l • . ■; ]j | What Do You Get When You Buy j 3 Furniture? , j Just so many pieces of assembled lumber cut to same design, intend ed for fast selling without/ due regard for the home furnisher? Or Fur- ' <[ ■ nit lire that has.beep carefully assembled," painstakingly finished and up- 1 <[ I bolstered as only "Good Furniture" can, with a certain degree of care 1 $ 6 and efficiency. It is a known fact that to the average home furnisher, the worth of | I any piece of furniture is determined from, examination of outside ap pea ranee. But from this alone the story is not to be gleaned. Interior fl| construction and workmanship (should importantly be considered. This is what decides the life of furniture. In this store, you deal xvitli those who understand all points of making in furniture and who are well able to suggest worthwhile furniture for your home. ! ’■ ■. * . { BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. “T3E STORE THAT SATISFIES” | uOOOOOOOCMKIOCMXIOOOCXXXXXIOOOOCXXXSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXa m.—i h .Miiiliiliuiaiiiiaiiiil l—l ||| jfj | Southern Railway System | Announces li * * ji S Popular Excursion | § Washington, D.C., June 15,1923 | ! p$ r % 0 !;i Round Trip Fare From C«ncoi*d . . $9.50 81 i"i fill Ii !;!| H 1 Tickets Good Three Days Schedule Special Train and Round Trip Fares l. Leave Sx hedule Round Trip Fare S i Charlotte 7:30 P. AI. -SIO.OO 1"! Newell 7:42 I\ AI. 10.00 fill Harrisburg 7 :”k3 I*. AI. 30.00 M Coneord 8:0« P. M. 0.50 Fi KanmiiKilis 0 % 1 Salisbury 0:00 I’. AI. ' 0.00 [if Arrive AYashington 7 :50 a. m.,/June 36th. m • / - Round trip tickers on sale all stations North Carolina west of Ala {;:| rion and eastjif Raleigh. ’ iiu i u Li Pullman sleeping ears hnd day coaches. | . fji Big League Baseball Games || | i..i lit ft !!.; „ | | AA’ashington Americans vs. Chicago Americans. June 10-17. p Washington Americans vs. Cleveland„Americans, June 18. | 1 See Ray Schalk, AValter 'Johnson, Stanley Coveleskie and other ! j great stars in action. |“{ Tickets good returning pn all regular trains (except No. 37) up to f I and including train No. 33 leaving AAYishington, I). C.. 9:35 P. M. June 18th, 3923. |j p |ii| Alake your sleeping car reservations early. J * For detailed information apply to ticket agent or address R. H. GRAHAM, [Jj e Division Passenger Agent. m Charlotte, N. C. other carrying a crowd there. The * injured were rakon to Alexandria for treatment. " Mrs. S. P. Kirkpatrick, Henderson, j» X. <\. was among those slightly injured. » •Oh. yes." said the pilot on the river r steamboat. "I have been on tiffs river so r long I know where every snag is." Just then, with a jar. the boat struck a snag. "There! That's one of them *• now," he added. Please'don’t say h I “Oh—that’s another . I I clothing ad!” f i iff jJ '* ! j. To be sure —it’s advertising us— but all the same, it tells you how to « be sure too, 14 - * II If you are in the market for a cool summer suit—whether it be tomb tan —a Pyramid gray—or a Sphinx stripe —if you’ll put our name on your list j of the stores you’ll visit, our label will be a visitor into your home. 3 w ■' I We know our Varieties and Values— | and we’re figuring that you know a thing H or two about clothing yourself. [Tropical Suits $25 to S3O - j Mohair Suits S2O to $25 Palm Beach Suits sls to S2O Flannel Trousers $lO to $12.50 -V jj I Browns - Cannon Co. | t? Where You Get Your Money’s Worth New Shirts New Ties New Fland Luggage 1 MmßHnHktiaMßßmaaamxsmunzEmaxmzaasErssm ■■ turn cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxKxxxxxxjooooooonoor; IHOSE! HOSE! j In Black, Brown Shades Beige, Cinnamon, Etc. SPECIALTY HAT SHOP xxxxx>oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooocxxxoooocxx> ’IF™" 1 ~ :: ! * i- £ I f • . is .S ’ j I . OUTING CLOTHES S I } | FOR— : • . j *_ ■ I *! # | Camping, Golfing, Fishing i| , .. ! Khaki Colors is ii ii • in Knickers, Middies ii H . I And One-Piece Suits All Sizes —$1.95 up. | 1 * [ See FISHER’S H Pays | In HII i 1 In 1 TT — n —imummm \ i Shingles! Shingles! ' 2 Cars 2 # 13| ; L ; L BEST CEDAR SHINGLES j ' '1 If In Need of Any Kind of ROOFING We Can Save You H ij Money. 11 We are now agents for Emerson and Osborne Mowers and O Binders. A Good Stock of Binder Twine on hand. I al t-f * __ H s ii f* • L s p - Yorke & Wadsworth Company j * i ufaiaa. fc i. i:u. a: t i^i, h,k i.