PAGE TWO SOCIAL & PERSONAL Turner-Eflrd Wwlding. The following story will be read interest here, the bride being a sister of Mrs. A. K. Harris, of this city : 1 I’olkton. X. Juue K. —In a cere mony characterized by exceptional beau 'ty and brilliance. Miss Ilcruice I>are Ktird and Mr. Edwin I>. - Turner were wed last Thursday evening at S o'clock j at the home of the bride's father. Mr. John Emory Efird. with Rev. C. L. Jackson officiating. The vows were spoken in the living room before an improvised altar of ivy and ferns intermingled with roses and* sweet peas. The bridal party passed down the long_ stairway which was draped with ivy and caught here and there with clusters of roses and sweet peas, while Mrs. A. E. Harris, sister of the bride, played tin* bridal chorus 1 from "Lohengrin. Misses Agnes and Inez Etird. both nieces of the bride. were charming; bridesmaids, in gowns of pink crepe de chine, and carried bouquets of garden flowers. Mrs. Bruce Shankhv sister of the bride • dame c.f honor, was beautifully gowned in a combination frock of real lace and nile green crepe de chine, and' carried a bonnet of pink Killarney roses. Little Miss Amuy. Mai i*i Shankle was ring-bearer, and wore a dainty ruffled dress <>f white c repe de chine, carrying the ring in a 1 illy. The bride was joined- at the foot of the stairs by the groom, who was attended by his brother. Mr. K. L. Turner.' as best man. The* bride was strikingly lovely in a gown of white crepe remain combined with rose point lace. Her flowing illus ion veil, was worn in cornet fashion, and’ caught with-orange blossoms. She cur- j rieci an exquisite shower of lilies of the valley and brides' roses. _ I Relatives ■ and friends were, present at ’the* 'i-ereniony. which was followed by a reception. After .the reception. Mr. a/nl Mrs. Turner left for a bridal trip. I p-| oil'their return, they will make their, home in Winston-Sal^m. . Mrs. Turner is the third daughter of Mr. Etird. She i> a pretty brunette with . a winning personality, and was educated at Madison Hall school in Wilmington. Mr. Turner is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. , Turner., of Huplin county. He* was educated at Wake Forest' college*, and seryeel as a lieutenant in tip* world war. lie* is now secretary-treasurer of the Pilot Real Estate Company. of Winst.'iSSalem. He is a young man bf splendid business ability, and commands many friends. War Mothers to Meet. i The Cabarrus Chapter American War Mothers will meet tomorrow. Tuesday -af ternoon. at 4 o'clock in the American Legion club rooms on West Dei ait Street. Mrs. J. E. Smoot*. Mrs. M. H. Cald well, Mrs. A. L. Sappenfiehl and Mrs. J. Frank Goodson will be I?ostesse« at th“ meeting. All members are asked to be present. Laura Harris Circle to Meet. The Laura Harris Circle of the Wo man's Missionary Society of Central Methodist Church, will meet this even ing at S o’clock with Miss Gertrude Shaw aiid Mrs. E. L. links, at tin* - 'home of Mrs. Hicks on East Depot Street. ~ . Hirtlnlay Dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Dry. of No. 11 township, were lionorees at a delight ful birthday dinner given yesterday at their home. The dinner was -prepared and served by the children' of Mr. and . Mrs. Dry and the occasion proved one of unusual interest and pleasure for all present. The ' following children and members of their families were present: Mr. Jonah Dry. Mr. li. W. Dry. Mr. (J. W. Dry. ;ir. P. M. Dry. Mr. D. V. Dry. Mr. 15. F. Dry and Mrs. J. J{. Riggers. In addition to these a number of grandchildren and friend were present. Rost-Berry. Invitations as follows have been re ceived here : . t Mr.«and Mrs. Marion Berry announce the marriage of their daughter , Jva Eflilyn to . Mr. Jack F. Bost on Wednesday, afternoon, June twentieth Nineteen hundred and twenty-three at five o'clock, at five o'clock Brace Episcopal Church Paducah, Kent in ky At Home after July fifteenth 4bl Edith Place Memphis.- Tennessee. . Mr. Post is a former Cabarrus boy and has many relatives and friends in this county. Bayer-Johnston. i The following cards have been receiv ed in Salisbury, the home of the groom: Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bayer of Poughkeepsie. New York announce the marriage of their daughter 1 Margaret Charlotte ' to Air. Robert Keesler Johnston Wednesday, June the sixth nineteen hundred and twenty-three Washington. 1). C. Mr. Johnston is a son of Mrs. T. I*. Johnston, formerly Miss Jennie Keesler. of Concord. Party For Mrs. Newman. Mrs. Nannie Crowell Newman, bride elect. was honor guest at a charming sewing party given Friday afternoon by Misses Nell Herring. Adele and Mary Phifer Pemberton at the home of Misses Pemberton on North I'uiou Street. Several musical numbers and .preren tation of good wishes by the guests to Mrs. Newman, were features of an en joyable -‘afternoon. Mrs. H. i tor to the city yesterday, spending the day as the guest of Mrs. Walter 15. Sullivan, in Myers Park. Mr. > Mrs. Cannon and children. Martin. Jr.. Jim my aud Frances Ann, arc leaving the first of next week for Wrights*’.lie* Beach, where they will spend a month at the Oceanic hotel. • « • *" Miss Cora Vaughan returned Thursday night to her home in Franklin. Va.. nf tc*r spending several weeks here with the family of Mr. D. 15. Coltraue. Mr. Jones Yorke returned Wednesday night from Raleigh and Lexington. Ya. At the former place he was a student at State* College, and at the latter place lie attended tin* commencement dances at Washington and Lee I’niveraity. • • Miss Mary Belle Cannon has returned from Raleigh and Durham, where she at tended the* commencement of State Col lege and Trinity College. She was ac companied home by Miss Catherine Cos grove. of Raleigh, who will spend several days here with her. N • ■ Mr. Heath Pemberton arrived from the State* I'Diversity Thursday to spend some time here with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Pemberton. Mr. Heath made the* trip home with Mr. Jesse Stribling. of Atlanta, on the* latter’s motorcycle. Mr. Stribling spent ThuVsday night here w.ith Mr. Pemberton. m • 4 Mr. M. M. Linker is spending the* day in Gastonia on business. 9 9 9 Mr. A. E. Harris spent Thursday af ternoon and evening in Anson county at the home of Mrs. Harris, attending tin* wedding of Miss Bernice* Etird aud Mr. Turner. Mrs. Harris, who spent this week at thei home of her father, return ed to her home here with Mr. Harris. • • • Misses Zora and Lela Cox leave Sun day night for Birmingham. Ala., where they will join a party for a tour of the west, going via Grand Canyon to Sau Francisco and returning via Yellowstone National Park. * * * Mrs. Jane White, of No. 11 township, is the guest here of Mr. aud Mrs. Luth er Burrage. at their home on Meadow Street. * • 9 Mrs. Floyd L. Strawm. of Charlotte, is the house guest of Mrs. Charles B. Wagoner. * • • Mrs. *R. M. Calhoun aud children, of Rock Hill, S. (’., are visiting Misses Lottie and Elina Boyd, Mrs. W. B. Schorr, of Asheville, is also visiting Misses Boyd, her sisters. 9 9 9 Mrs. H. C. .Cosby and daughter, of Greenville, S. C., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Cosby’s father, Mr. W. A. Wilkinson. • 9 • . Dr. and Mrs, A. .J. Brown, of Seattle, Washington, are visiting Dr. Brown’s sister. Mrs. L. A* Thomas. Dr. Brown has Jjeen in Washington, D. C.. attend ing a conference and is on his way buck to the coast, where tye is Drug and Food Inspector for five of the western stutes. 9 9 9 Miss Helen Patterson left Saturday for JaHiisville. Ky., where she will spend some time as the guest of Miss Elizabeth Lord. * * * Misses Irene McConnell and Fannie Morrison left Friday morning for (jreen vijle. S. C., where they are spending the week-end with relatives and friends. Dr. and Mrs. J. I). Leslie, of DalliA,' Texas, are vikiting relatives in the city. 9mm Mr. P. B. Raiford Sr., left Saturday morning for Lebanon. Tenn.. where he THE CONCORD TIMES will spend some time. Miss Virginia Reed is visiting her aunt, Mrs. ,T. F. Hurley, of Salisbury. 9 9 9 Mrs. Fields, who spent some time hejfe at the home of her sf>n. Mr. C. N. Fields, left Friday for her home in Greenville, S. C. ~ • * * Miss Carolyn MacfJae. of Chapel Hill, is a guest here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Macßae. • * • Mrs. T. J. Fetzer and Mi* ss Dorothy Fetzer, of Wadesboro. and Mrs. .Tames Clark aud son. James Jr., of Elizahfth ton. arrived Friday afternoon to spend several days here with Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Morrison. • • • Rev. aud Mrs. J. P. Harris, of Bethel, are spending a week here with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harris. • * • Prof. J. B. Robertson is spending sev eral days in Alamance County at the home of his father. • • • Misses Nancy and Mary Lentz, who have been the guests of Misses Bessie and Louise Webb for several days, re turned Sunday to their hoem in Greensboro. Thev were aceompjlmied by Mi ssos Webb, who will spend several days with them in Greensboro. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Jones 1. Frieze and Mr. J. X. Harris have returned home from Richmond, where they attended the fun eral of their brother, Mr. I>. M. Harris. • 99 Miss May llaruliardt and Messrs. Er nest and Paul llaruliardt. of Barium Springs, are guests at the home of their aunt. Mrs. W. M. Thompson. • • * Missj Jessie Combs leftj Friday af ternoon for Albuquerque, New Mexico, having! been called there by the serious illness of her brother, who has been making his home there for several years. Miss Combs expects to be in New Mexi co for several weeks. * » • Miss Jissie Deaton spent Sund.iv in Mooresvilb* at the home of her*-, brother, Mr. H. P. Deaton. a « • Mr. and Mrs: L. L. Me uldea stud guest. Miss Edith Guffv. motored to Statesville Sunday and spent the oay with relatives and friends. a * * Messrs. J C. Parks and Ed. Sherrill have returned from New York City where they spent several days on busi ness for rii<* Ptßrks-llelk Company. -4 • » Mr. ami Mrs. Oscar SaptM*nfi'id and chi (Iren, of Gastonia, spent lie week end in t’oncord with relativ* * and friends. « Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Rimer, and little daughter. Kathryn Foile. spent Sunday in Greensboro with relatives. « a » Miss Helen Marsh has returned to her home here from Rome. Ga.. where she attended the commencement exer cises of Shorter College, where she was a student during the past seholasie year. • a • Mr. Garah Propst, of Charleston. S. spent the week end in Concord with his mother. Mrs. W. F. Propst. 9 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sappenfiehl. Jr. and Misses Mamie and Kathleen Sap pcnfield spent Sunday in' Albemarle with friends. • a a Drt. Xi. Greene, of, Moseboro. spent the- week end in Concord with friends. Mr. W. T. Miller, of Columbia. S. ('.. was a week end visitor in Concord. a a a Mr. Hugh Broome has returned to his home here from Hickory, where he spent last week in the interest of the II(*!k store ossession. but both of them were released on a bond of >SIOO. Rice was charged with transporting whisky, but was released on bond of 5173. ( hies of Police Blaekwelder told Rice not to drive the car any more today. Tin* chief said tonight that Rice was not drunk at the time of his arrest early tliis afternoon, so he could not charge him with operating a car while under tße influence of liquor. Make Them Work. Who would suffer most if tin* T. W. Y\ . radicals had been successful in demoralizing operating udustrv on Mav 1? Ihe working men and communities where the industries are located. A man who listens to the talk of an I. W. M . s on a par with the man who looks down the muzzel of a loaded gun while fooling with the trigger. What can the I. W. W. give the Amerean workmen but demoralized government and unemployment. Why don't the I. W. W. go to Russia? Because, the workmen there are starving to death under the policies whch they advocate here and an I. W. W. could not fill his stomach, here off the labor of others—he might have to work ami starve. The I. W. W. agitators have just been turned down hard but they will not profit by the lesson. They should be rounded up and sentenced to work. Lightning Destroys Big Army Dirigible. Dayton, Ohio. .Tune fi.—The T utted States army service dirigible TC-1, was destroyed by fire shortly after it moored at Wilbur Heights Field at G p. m. here tonight. The ship, the largest of its kind in the country, was destroyed during a severe electrical storm. It came to Dayton late today from Scott Field, Illinois, on a test flight. • A good feed ration brought the pro- 1 duction of .10 hens from 1.1 eggs per day, reports County Agent R. B. i Reeves of Pitt County. Mona,y - n.. Pl BL,( ; Melville E . Stone (Til the Famous \-an.i \ ,h *“ (> rin >?, M-sm, V' 1 :' entitled "Fifty Years ‘ \ aut °sL pears the following Damned:" P,;hk« • In ,1882 s HareuVs Dl ,* ’ * l«nce reporter i„ t!l( . 7 nf the offensive :l ,; He of those wrens wh?, f H*L eagles dare not t r,-,i had, because ~f j l} J < ' . proved a failure 1 been employed an,! by all the papers. Then' I - '' free-lance." " His situation wa s ,* railroad officials W( . , 1 . "»'i«ik and . M him ‘iibeS 1 « k nual and trip-pa»,.s . } * another he made a ’livin'! """ tine evening M r \\-;n~ , bilt arrived with f ' ni on his private car whicll?' S ed in an om-of., ll( .. Wav ” ' Michigan (Vntral y ;m |s ' ' ed of his wlirre!il,„ ut s "’‘ r an interview. Yandcrhffi But It was useless I ) r( , v ’!' way in and elieerih nate. Intrusion of this' son ' ' common with him. H„ Ua> ""U abashed when Vanderbilt 1 "Don’t you sec. sir. that | ed .' l' 1 "ant an interview," Dreser. “A\ s it down at the , lt ], the car n.fal I have finish, ,| I/’*’ I will talk with you" „> T|> victim. , 4 ”L"t it is late and 1 will m the office in time. The piiMj,—- This was too much f,, r the , Vanderbilt, who interrupt,.,] 'l’’* mentor with the ejarnffiitj,,, '* public be d-—d: y„ u Dresser scurvied ‘off t|„ 7- News office., told h, ‘j’li, ** as I have recalled it. w sell an article based. y. *7X‘ phrase which he had extort',i] "V public be d d.” But „» r nigld Vd? would havenothing t,, ,1„ .wrj; ■"* st«*ad. lie roundly den,iuue,‘,j p.-,....... the whole business. Then Dresser went off t„ tbi* (’in® Tribune and. cautioned | )V bh',. perience at tin* Daily X<*w> „i,+ ed any suggestion that lie h a d f Vanderbilt’s anger. a«d mad,* a , The result was a jriihlh-atiou v, did the whole railroad bu>iii,»', :r * culable damage and. as much ;| . ... tiling, led to the’war „n :ran-;. companies which followed. CARE OF THE sc \L«* Youth’s Companion. Among tilt* minor ills—tic -. which do not threaten life „r , T physical efficiency—there is p.-, j,.... that occasions more did l ess than i* i rious troubles that affect the ha:: nf-* head. "A woman’s glory i- her W and a man’s would be bis if ir -w; only keep it! In most' ,!„ ,„ a keep it if he would only lrngin a» for it soon enough, blit g*e»d lia • j good health; we seidom approiii" •! think of means for present: u it begins to depart, aud thru :t wife too late. Many of the troubles with tmr E't lack of lustre, brittleness. dasdruS / niug or actual baldness —comes prii.:r' from lack of nutrition. Tto* -es the scalp, unlike the skin of tie the hotly, is stretched over a !“>in face, so that its blood sujqdy v*- ' brought from n distance ami - completely shut <»tT by pressing the skull such a> that made !•;. t;r f» of a man’s straw hat or his tied » stiff liat. by the wav. is un-: ■ reason that so many mop !»''« women grow bald. The few ins at - baldness in women can ii'"; 1 ' " ! plained by lack of care o'" by 1, : some disease of tie* scalp. The great tiling in
    ; every week or fortiiigb’ ‘There is nothing better c* l than tincture of gr<*eii J '-\' * washing, tin* hair si, ml ■*• , f rinsed in cool or cold " ;l ' very little yellow v;i>**Li.< 1,1 * of vaseline and lanolin sihm* ' into the roots. b»*« been neglected tin* h.iit ■ and lack lustre. I"i pomath* of eqn.i! t 1 1- * .. meut. yellow vaseline a fill. A little of tin* ; y bed into the roots at or s<> and washed 011 tincture of green "*■'!' ... ~, will often bring back ' *' of the hair. _— —— T Those who are cunv'*' ti ters are trying <-* , :i , • Fords or" the Ko<-k* ,< i cst family in the world. .- -y was aroused by . 1 1*'' . !a ; Ford Motor ( bmpa ! tion. It reveal' ass*, of which •' Mr. Rockefeller may a " had more than that '’ j’ ( away a good deal. aim -ft do really control a ' tjii „ ; probable that it i way as to bring •» ** , a;: than that of the I ’ The net profits of rm* ’ j,. * estimated to b" " 111 (KKt.otM) a year. Threw Away Army ’ ** | Seless. roo New York Times Pasquale Captia. -* ' . West 1-Bth Stretf. j ed of reckless tjri' *‘ car without a prop l ' l \ m the heart of ... Marsh in Traffic' < . ... r „ - / story had P" ’ - , v shocked 111 1' rate ' show his army discharg* unable to *1" so. •I threw them mt" said. "They didn’t seem ’ to me.’’ . t ' “Well, they might m 1 ( < good here toiLy * Twenty days n- the