PAGE TWO SOCIAL & PERSONAL Wedding This Evening. A nuptial event of great interest to society liere is the wedding of Mrs. Nan nie Crowell Newman and Mr. John A. Porter, which will be solemnized this evening. 1 The ceremony will be performed at the home of the bride’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lee Crowell, on Franklin avenue, at 7 :30 o'clock. The marriage ritual of the Methodist Church will be used and the ceremony will be performed by Rev. W. A. Jenkins, pastor of Central Methodist Church, and pastor of the bride. The marriage will be‘'marked by beau ty and simplicity: There will be no at tendants and only about 100 of the more intimate friends of the families of the contracting parties have been invited to witness the ceremony. Preceding the ceremony Miss lads Crowell, sister of the bride-elect, will sing "Until." with accompaniment by j Miss Nell Herring. Mis>i Herring will j play the wedding march. - Immediately following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Crowell will he hostesses at a reception for the wedding parties, and the friends invited to the marriage. A Surprise Birthday /Party. On Tuesday night. June sth. a large number of friends, and relatives gat hol ed at the beautiful country home of Miss Mary Cline in No. 5 township, and gave her a surprise party, it being her eigh teenth birthday. After playing .a num ber of games on the lawn, ‘the guests were invited into the dining room where cake and sweets were served. At n late hour the guests returned to their respective homes wishing her many more happy birthdays. Those present were: Misses Margie. Mary and Nanie Belle Troutman. Velma Patterson, Daisy Stirewalt. Yer tie Cooke. Effie Brantley. Ollie Hendrix. Geneva Cooke. Sadie and Lonui Sloope. Mary. Myrtle and Nannie Young Cline. Carrie and Velma Walter' Messrs. Claw rence Troutman. Frank Linker. Ray- J monri Troutman. Roy Patterson, Otto; Dayvault, Eve Stirewalt. Lewis Brantley. j J,oe and-Jessie Cooke. Claud I*awrance. j Whiter Lippard. Keller Khittzy Marvin Patterson. Bill Hendrix. P.ent Shenk. j Claw re lire ('line. Shirley Edison. Her bert Cooke. Lee Kctner. Ray and Homer* Troutman. Lewis, Leroy and Elmer Deal. Charlie Cline and Velix Stirewalt. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Lipe and two chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. Jones Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. Paul ('line and two children. , Mr. and Mrs. It. F. ('line. Mr. and Mrs., Otlm Patterson, of Kannapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cline and two ehildrjpn. X. ('ircles to Meet Friday. The ('ircles of the Woman's Auxil iary of the Second Presbyterian Church will meet on Friday at the following time and places: Circle Noj I.* with Miss Agnes White. 3 o'clock. Circle No. 2, with Mrs. Zeb Parnell, at 3 o'clock. I Circle No. 3. with Mrs. Fletcher Dry, at 3 o’clock. Circle No. 5, with Mrs. Ralph Under-j ONE YEAR FREE! We Will Give The Progressive Farmer —and — The Concord Times Both For One ~Year *• For Only $2 The Price of The Times Alone " v •• * i The Progressive Farmer is the greatest farm paper published and every farmer should Have it. _ ' v This offer will be good for 60 days only, from June 15th, 1923. This offer is open to both new and old sub scribers. If you are already taking The Times, all you have to do is to pay up to date and $2.00 more for another year and the Progressive Farm eravill be sent you a whole year absolutely free of charge. - If you are already paid in advance to The Times, just pay $2.00 for another year, your sub scription will be so marked and we will send you the progressive Farmer a full year. Address v THE TIMES, Concord, N. C. ' J llllll!l(lit]!lllllllllillil!llllliil!lllli!lllllllll!!lllllllllllllllllll!!il|(l!|[y|j|lllltHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|ill||||ltt{l{liHlllllH | wood at 7 :30 o'clock. Circle No. C. with Mrs. E. G. Sherrill, , 'at 7 :30 o’clock. With Our Sick. The many friends of Master Henri Smith Barrier, who is ill with pneu monia at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Barrier, will be glad to know he is improving. The condition of Miss Kotina Snyder, who underwent a serious operation in a Charlotte hospital early this week, is re ported as improving satisfactorily. Mrs. L. V. Elliott, who was carried to her home on Kerr street several days ! ago following a serious operation at the Concord Hospital, continues to show im provement, according to a message today from her home. Auxiliary to Meet. The Young Ladies' Auxiliary of.Trin j ity Reformed Church will meet this ‘evening at 8 o'clock with Miss Ethel j Honeycutt, at her home on East Depot J street. 'Miss Anna Margaret Cress will be leader. War Mothers Met Tuesday. Tip* regular June meeting of the Ca barrus Chapter American War Mothers was held Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock iu the club rooms of the American Leg ion. The meeting was devoted wholly to a discussion of routine business. The hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. A..L. SappentielcJ, Mrs. M. IJL Cald well. Mrs. J. F. Goodson and Mrs. J. E. Smoot. Birthday Dinner. Mrs. I>. F. Barrier was the honor guest on. Sunday at a surprise birthday dinner' given, her by a number of, rela tives who gathered at her’home ou South Union street. When Mrs. Barrier re turned home from an automobile ride, she found the house tilled with relatives and friends, who had prepared a splendid repast in her honor. About fifteen or twenty persons took part in the occas ; ion. Evening Circle Meeting. Misses Mamie Sappeutield and Beulah Praether were hostesses to an interesting meeting of the Evening Circle of St. t James Lutheran Church. The meeting was held with Miss Sappenlield. After the usual business session, a so cial hour was enjoyed, after which Miss Sappenlield and Miss Praether served • refreshments. — Laura Harris Circle Mpets. The Laura Harris Circle of the Wo man's Missionary Society of Central Methodist Church held an interesting and enjoyable meeting Monday evening with Mrs. Ernest Hicks and Miss Geri trud** Shaw at the"home of Mrs. Hicks on East Depot street. The meeting was in the nature of a memorial to Mrs. Bell Bennett, one of the most prominent women in the his tory of the Southern Methodist Church. Pajwrs on the life and work of Mrs. lien nett were read _by Miss Adele Pem i berton and Miss' Lucy Hartnell, and a i talk along the same lines was made by Mrs. W. F. Goodman. A solo by Miss Lois Crowell was another feature of the interesting program. After the business session a salad course was served by the hostesses. Bost-Powell. Announcements as follows have beea received here : Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson Powell announce the marriage of their daughter * Willie Clyde to Mr. Thomas McDonald Bost on Saturday. Julie the second nineteen hundred and twenty-three Petersburg, Virginia At Home after June sixth La Crosse, Virginia. Mr. Bost is a sou of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Bost, of Bqst Mills, and several years ago conducted a store in this city, being associated with his brother, Mr. I). J. Bost. Mrs. W. R. Harris. The Asheville Citizen of Sunday con tains a dpuble column portrait of Mrs. W. R. Harris, formerly of Concord and a sister of Mr. It. A. Brower and Mrs. W. D. Pemberton. Underneath the cut is the following: “Mrs. Harris, who is one of the most active club women in the city and en joys a \vdde popularity, is President of the City Federation of Parent-Teacher Associations embracing nine associations, having been elected Jo this position after having served for four years as Record ing Secretary and Treasurer. She is also President of the History Club, which office she lias held two years and js alsft President of the Woman's Mis sionary Society of Central Methodist Church, having held this sacred office for six or seven years. •‘•Mrs. Harris has been a prominent of ficer iu the Western North Carolina Conference of Women's * Misisonarv So cieties for a number of years, having held various offices.” Fisher-Moore. Announcements as follows j received here : Mr. and Mrs. James W. Moore announce the marriage of their daughter Alice Ruth to ... Mr. John Bruce Fisher on Sunday, the tenth day of June Nineteen hundred and twenty-three Kannapolis. North Carolina. Music Pupils Give Recital. The music pupils of Miss Nell Her ring gave their annual recital at her home on West Depot street Monday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. The stmhmts and their mothers were the only invited guests. An interesting program had been arranged by Miss Her ring for liei pupils, each one of whom played with a pleasing touch and a fine technique. After the recital Miss Herring served refreshments to her guests. With Our Sick. The condition of Mr?. L. V. Elliott, who underwent a serious operation sev eral days ago at the Concord Hospital, continues to improve, though her condi tion is still* serious. ' Makter M. F. Ritchie had the misfor tune to suffer a broken leg several days ago when a pony he was riding slipped f THE CDNCORD TIMES V ’f *K ~ - * . I - - f , atfd threw the child against a tree. The accident occurred in the yard of the I youth’s home on South Union Street. | I Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Haywood Tuesday , carried their son. Robert, to | to have his tonsils removed. t Mrs. R. J. Phillips has returned to her | ' home here from the Salisbury Sauator- j ium, where she underwent treatment for , some time. Her condition is reported as greatly improved. K. of P. Meeting in Morganton. The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias began in Morganton Tuesday to edntinue through Thursday. Reports from Morganton indicate that one of the largest crowds , in the history of the organization will attend this year’s meeting. The ceremonial was staged yester day by Bagdad Temple 1). O. K. K. of Asheville. A big barbecue also will be oue of the features of the sessions. The following Concord Pythians left Tuesday afternoon to attend the ses sions : T. H. Webb. A. F. Hatrsell. W. B. Ward, J. A. Tflackwelder, H. B. Trout man and (>. A. Swaringen. They made the trip to Morganton iu autos and plan to return home Thursday. Mr. ami Mrs. Nib lock Parents of Daughter. Bern to Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Niblock, June 11th. a daughter. —S * Party For Bride. A number of were given last week in honor of Miss Cora Peuninger. who last evening became the bride of Mr, Geo. C. Fisher, one of which was a miscellaneous shower given by Miss Es ther Sappeutield at her home ou North Spring street. The home was beautiful ly decorated in larkspur, cqllopsis and sweet peas. After the guests arrived much fun was spent in a bride's trous seau contest. Miss Fannie Morrison won the prize, which was a vial- .of coty s perfume. After the contest an ice course was served by Mrs. E. D. Sherrill and the Misses Sappeutield. Just before the guests departed little Miss Annie Edith Sherrill enterie4 Mooresville s most attractive young ladies: “Another visiting Shriner has fallen a victim to Dan Cupid. •He is A. Leslie Scott, member of Me dia Temple, of Watertown. N. Y., re siding in Badin. N. C. He became the husband of Miss Ixirene McNeely, of Mooresville. N. ('., yesterday at the par sonage of the Church of the Pilgrims, at 1516 Twenty-second street northwest. The Rev. Audrey R. Bird, the pastor, performed the ceremony.” 51 rs. K. C. Stoue, of Jonesboro, is vis iting relatives here. PERSONALS. Mr. Logan Stinson, of Statesville, is the' guest here of his daughter, Mrs. A. S. Webb, at her home, on. Bell avenue. • a • Mr. Halbert Webb left Tuesday for Blue Ridge, to attend a Y. M. C. A. Con ference of college this State. m m n Mrs. H. W. Calloway and Miss Mollie Brown accompanied Mrs. Sallie Price to her home in Salisbury Tuesday. Mrs. Price had beeu spending several days here, the guest of Mrs. G. W. Brown, and Mrs. Calloway and Miss Brown spent Tuesday in Salisbury with her. • *’ * Misses Ethel Blackwelder and Esther ’ Sides left Tuesday morning for Weaver- Iville to attend the Y’ouug People’s Con -1 ferehee ,of- thei Meibodist f Chui-ch. which -will hold ja tf*n ssion 1 at Weaver College. ? ’ - ' ' ' ',U' j i j Master Parks Lafferty is spending sev eral days in Kannapolis with Master Baxter Yarborough. • • • Miss Amelia, and Master Thomas Mc- Conhell, of Greenville S. C.; are visit ing at the heffie of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. ■'i- ■ Hartsell. v 1 • • • I’ Miss Cornelia Stribling. of Atlanta, and Miss Mary Hewitt Moore, of Gas -1 tonia, arrived here today to visit Miss ies Elizabeth and Annie Gussy Dayvault. | •• • I | Mr. Henry Belk, of Charlotte, and Dr. ' |J. M. Btfk, of Monroe, of the Belk ; stores, spent Tuesday in Concord on business. ■ • • Mrs. J. W. Scarboro and son, Dono van, of Lilesville, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Rideuliour. i • • » Mrs. J. E. Smoot is visiting in bans- , bury at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. W. Andrews. « • • Mrs. A. E. Harris and son. Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Harris and children, of Bethel, are visiting at the home of Mr. G. P. Harris at Lilesville. • • * Mr. R. L. Patterson left-Sunday night for Joliet, Illinois, where he will a year’s course in laundr.ving. * * * Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Curtis, of Salt Lake City, Utah, who have been visit ing the latter’s father, Col. J. A. Itaine, left Tuesday for Montreal. Canada, where they will meet their son who is returning from a trip to the Holy Land. • • * .Miss Courtenaye Findlay, who has been the guest of Miss Catharine Good imau for the past week, left for her home in South Orange. New Jersey Monday. Miss Findlay and Miss Goodman are , schoolmates at St. Mary’s, Raleigh. 9 9 9 Mr. Hal E. Scheuck, of Lawndale, spent the week-end in the city with friends. . > • mm Miss Marie Holliday, Ml*. Angie Brown and Mr. C. \V. Simpson, of, !Greensboro, spent Sunday here with Mrs. .C. H. Sears and family. • V * Miss Catharine Goodman is attending finals at Virginia Military Institute, . Lexington. Virginia. / • • ‘ Rev. W. IX. Goebel and daughter, Ha zel, have returned to their home in Jonesville. S. C.. after visiting here at the home of Mrs. Harris Cook. • • • Messrs. R. E. Ridenhour and E. L. Host h ave returned f|om \ I County, where they spent several days. •* • . Mr. Frank R. Thompson, an employe of the Standard Oil Company, who is now stationed in Charlotte, spent the week-end in Concord. * * * Mrs. R. M. Cook and sou. R. M. Jr.; have returned from Durham, where they attended Trinity Commencement. Mr. R. M. Cook and Mr. M. \V. Cook spent; the week-end in Durham, returning with Mi*. Cook and son. • • m Mrs. R. S. Wheeler and two children, l, of near Chattanooga, arrived Tues day to spend several days here with Mrs. J. L. MeKa.v. • • • Mrs. M. L. Cannon and children left [ Monday afternoon for Wrightsville Beach, where they will spend several . weeks. Later they plan to go to Ashe* ville, to spend several weeks at the Man i or. • • • Miss Mary Grady Parks has return , ed from Washington, D. C., where she spent several days. 9 9 m Mrs. J. F. Cannon and children left Tuesday for Blowing' Itock, where they will spend some time. m * m Miss Madge Wilkinson and guest, Miss Ellington, left Sunday night for a trip to the Pacific Coast. They will stop at several points, of interest en route. * * • Mr. Ralph E. Cline, of Blacksburg. S. (’.. spent Monday night in Concord, the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Cline, on East Corbin street. • * * Charlotte Observer: Mrs. R. S. Wheeler, and children. Misses Josephine and Barbara, of Cliicamauga, Ga., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smith at their home on South Myers street. Mrs. Wheeler is a sister pf Mr. Smith. She is a native of Charlotte and has many friends here.” V * * Mrs. .T. M. Odell is visiting Col. and Mrs. Leroy Springs, former her nephew, at their home in Lancaster, S. C. • 9 9 Asheville Citizen: Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert E. Jones, of Franklin, \fu., who were married in Concord, the first of the week, and have been spending sev eral days at Grove Park Inn., left yester day for Blowing Rock for a stay. * v * Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Lang and little son, Leon, Jr., left Tuesday for a few days’ stay in Asheville and Henderson ville. They will attend the Optometrieal Association which meets Tn Henderson ville June 13, 14 and 15. * * * Messrs. Miles Wolff, Heath Pemberton J and Earl Heflderson Brown are attend- , ing the commencement exercises at the 1 University of North Carolina. 9 9 9 Miss Mary Craven, of Raleigh, is a 1 guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. j L. Craven. I *« • I Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Correll and cliil- ( dreu, of Hiddenite, are here to attend I the funeral of Mr. W. A. Stofae this j afternoon. m • • Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Owens, of High J Point, were among the visitors in Con- ( cord yesterday. -•• ■ | Miss Adelaide Harris is University of North Ctn-olina comme*uee ment. j * * * Mr. C. J.,Tinsley, of, Greensboro, was in Concord on business yesterday. j 9 9t m Mr. .T. G. Adams, of Hendersonville, spent Wednesday in Concord. • • • Mr. J. B. Womble is spending several i days at Blowing Rock. • • \ - Mr. and Mrs. Tim Deaton, Mrs. J. | ! B. Womble, and Miss Pat Adams spent yesterday in Charlotte. 9 9 9 Messrs. Pat Ritchie, and John Cannon Jiaye returned from a fishing trip of sev eral days at Bridgewater. • » • Miss Fay Lytton. of Mooresville, is 1 the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. I. Lit-’1 tie. ■'* ‘ i m m 9 Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jones left 2 last night for their home in Franklin, j Va.. after spending several dgv$ v here 1 5 with Mr. Drß. Coltrane, Mi's. Jones’ £ • ' ' ;I; - \ - -vgjV. father. 9 9 9 Miss Katherine Acord and Miss Nora Whitener, of Hickory, are visiting Mrs.! < Henry Clayton, on East Corbm Street, j •* • I Mrs. W. J. Praether and Miss Bernice j I Parish are spending the day in Char- , lotte. • • • | 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Harris and chil dren, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harris, returned this morn ing to their home in Bethel. -9 9 9 1 Mrs. W. A. Foil and Miss Constance Cline and guest’* Miss Ruth McLinu, j "motored to Charlotte today to spend the 'day. 9 9 9 Mrs. D. A. Kearns, of Greensboro, is 'spending several days in Concord, where ' 'she will attend the Newman-Porter wed-!, ding. - * * • Master Sinclair Williams is "spending | several days in Charlotte as the guest of Master Jimmie Springs, Jr. 9 9 9 Albemarle News-Herald : Mrs. G. A. 1 Martin and Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Easley j and family, from Concord, spent a few j days last week visiting in the home of j Mr. and Mrs. G. I. R. Lentz. • • . Master Charlie Kestler is spending a week in Raleigh with his sister, Mrs. Vic tor Bell. Mrs. Charles Brown and children, from Salisbury, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Blackwelder. ‘ ■* * I Mrs. Frank Gunter, of Raleigh, is the I guest of Mrs. Ernest Porter. * • • Messrs. Roy Isenhour and Everett Bost have returned from Watauga coun ty, where they have been visiting friends for the past several da vs. I • • • Mr. and Mrs, Lewis R. Beam, of| 'Asheville, aye guests here of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Craven, at their home on » 'White Street. • 9'9 Miss Vivian Gregory, of Norfolk. Va., is the guest here of Mrs. Frank Dusch, at the home of Mrs. Dusch’s father, Mr. D. B. Coltrane. Eastern Star is Meeting in Charlotte. Charlotte, Juue 11. —The 18th an nual session of _ the Grand Chapter North Carolina Order of the Eastern Star, was ushered in tonight with a handsome banquet in the chamber of commerce hall, given bjr Mizpah Chap ter, No. 3G. the local chapter. The hall was beautifully decorated in the East ern Star colors of blue, yellow, white, and green, stripes of silk in these colors extending down each tabic. About three hundred were present at the banquet. Music was furnished by the Troubadour orchestra, of the city, and the affair jwas one of distinct elegance. After the banquet the chapter was entertained by the York Rites Masons, the Scottish Rite Bodies, and the Charlotte lodges, in the temple, each Order being host on a separate floor. The word hairbreadth, now used for infinifestimal space, once named a regu lar measure. It was the width of 10 hairs laid .side by side. WINGATE JUNIOR COLLEGE, t * • -8 {The Wingate School) i FOR YOUNG MENNaXD YOUNG WOMEN Ixx-ated in the heart of Piedmont Carolina, free from the r\ . - < ’ heat of the plains and the extreme cold of the mountains. ; Four year'"accredited High School Department. { Owned and controlled by the Baptist State Convention of .Wii \ \ college work offered, #2 required forCarolina. Fifty hours .ofstandard § j graduation. Special courses in Education for teachers. Strong I »epar T - \ *1 incuts in Piano and Voice. Highly trained and carefully -elected fa' ; ■jl ulty. Splendid athletics under direction of faculty dpacli (Captain "f football team of Mercer University 11)21). J Expense for session 'of nine months, including eleftric light'. lu i !;•{ heat, water and sewerage, room rent, fees, board, and literary tuition: • High School Department Sl!in College Department . $220 , jj jgj For catalogue and further information address C. M. BEACH, President Winga tc, N. C. ‘ ‘ z ZZ222.2238 oooocxwoocboooooooG^ Is Do you know That are more than Eighty Noble Peaks in the South ern Appalachian Mountains that tower 5,000 to 6,000 feet above the sea?. That Mount Mitchell, which I; is 6,711 feet high, is the highest mountain in Eastern America.'' (r' > » Appropriately called — j; “THE LAND of the SKY” j| The Vacationist’s EL)' ; ground. AH out-of-door sports. Make your plans now. ’ Reduced Summer Fares, be ginning May Fifteenth. | SOUTHERN | ~ RAILWAY I „ SYSTEM 3. ~ . , | .„. n . in Thursday, J une THE KANSAS INIR relations^ Supreme Court'll . Workers and hw W ashington, June n JI R 'Sht s * law creating a state i n / he W tions court was declare l UStri#l r!? al by the Supreme court"?? nit >% as it attempted to fi x ' houses. in w!* Chief Justice Taft ,1 r vision in a case hromrht T''' 1 * 4 Wolff Packing b - v '<»•< said the law in that H with the 1 Ith im L " a * pnved the company of it oM?w. ° f ''2^ It has never been s „ i'K tl„. I'-jf'.ifc ,tour( dpclnml. k’ the butcher. 11:1k .. r < wood chopper. '*■>. the miner, was clotM win public' interest that th< ’ u,! - < product or his wages couhlTV' state regulation. Si n . e the -n ' ( our constitution, one ,1„ )N J j one’s property or business ,*** use or clothe it with a public " merely because be nn'> " 1Wn *« for. and sells ,0 the ,mWir ii mon callings which those tinned are instances. •‘An ordinary producer. „ laao . er. or shopkeeper mav sell „ r Z as he likes, arid while this feat,! not necessarily exclude business T the class clothed with a put,lie j w * (it usually distinguishes pr i vat(l J* quasi -public occupations.’’ Virginia Unable to Hold Hard Hitts Tar Heels. * Charlottesville. Va.. June ]] , j day’s ball game, the chief S p,.n; ns '~ b |in the commencement calendar Jt jginia. resulted in an easy vi.-torr t North Carolina. 1” t<> ' Despite the muddy . diammal, U teams played good hall f„ r ,„ v „ innings. j The hist to frames were playol j E drenching rain, and in these sions. Holland was battled corners of the lot. In all. tin* Tar collected 15 hits. including doubles and ,011 c triple. Sweetman id Bryson led- in the assault. Cttroitm, veteran twirler, Bryson, kept hi* fe well scattered until the ninth. singles by Kindley and I»iefri«k. n Hflbbard’s triple over the right ti-ddn* head. pro