PAGE TWO Concord Merchants AU . ' ' 1 . . - I . 1 !I y ' t ' ' • V -T iV. - ‘ * ' / . mSm B|B| M6qPe IHB -wblk MQa |MH B|M H JMW HKi SB jIHH| !BjlH| jffi v |B ip aBP si JPMIBbBR |gj§ Rfife Sm,’- r 9» IpWBTO flB PR pH 9 |fl| BB Hbß Jb IBShB B|2| '-'4 /Urgy Viy«9 aKB Beo BjgEte fi£2 " B| Hffi £jp if£3f ffSS ,$fH BH| «ggßn jßwh • f Friday June 22 Through Saturday 30 * ~ f• • ’*’• . J ...’ ' -i ‘ ‘ •' ' ' . ’ ■ ># - Commencing Friday Morning the Merchants of Concord will begin the Greatest “Dollar Sale Days” ever staged before in this section with Bargains—Bargains—Bargains Galore. ’ .. • ' • ; :• : Something New Something Different Eight Days of Dollar Sale Bargains—Eight Days when you can buy Real Values for $1 00, for this is the Sale that you won’t forget soon. “JOIN IN THE THRONG OF HAPPY DOLLAR SALE DAYS SHOPPERS” . Merchants Participating in Dollar Sale Days Parks-Belk Co. Ritchie Hardware Co. Jas. C. Wilteford Ivey’s Shoe Co. Hoover’s Fisher’s 4 Porter Drug Co. Pearl Drug Co. W. A. Overcash Efird’s „ Musette Inc. W. C. Correll Jewelry Co. C. H. Barrier - Browns Cannon Co. For Rea! Bargains Trade in Concord June 22nd to Jane 30th SOCIAL & PERSONAL -4. D. A. K. Meeting. The Cabarrus Black Boys' Chapter l>. A. R. held the last meeting of the year on ’Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. R. E. Ridonliour as hostess. Sixteen mem bers were present, with two visitors. Rev. W. H. Eubanks, of Poplar Tent and Mrs. J. F. Shimi. of Norwood. One new mem ber was elected. Miss Myrtle. Harris, for merly of Concord, but now of Charlotte. The principal business of the • after noon was the election of a new Regent to succeed Mrs. John F. Reed, who has be eh the Regent for the past two and a half years. Mrs.. R. S. Young was the fortunate choice of the chapter. and it is to be congratulated upon having her as Regent. She was a charter member of the organization, has represented it in the Washington Congress, and is equipped by position and ability to take the leader ship of this work. • Rev. W. 11. Eubanks, who has assist ed the Chapter in having re-published Harris' History of Poplar Tent, made a few remarks about this work. The Reg ent. on behalf of the Chapter, presented Mr. Eubanks with a purse, in apprecia tion of the work, and help he has given in having this history re-published. The feature of the program for the afternoon was a report given by Mrs. J. E. Shinn, of Norwood, on the last Con tinental Congress,-which met in Washing ton. Mrs. Shinn's description was .de lightful. She touched the high-lights of the Congress with a humor that this meeting of the I)rA. IP’s often evokes, and closed with a description of Belleau Wootls, reproduced in the Smithsonian Institute. The sacrifice of our boys there was made possible by the high ideals for which our country stands and for which we trust she will always stand. After Mrs. Shinn's talk the program was fittingly closed by the Chapter repeating the American Creed. Mrs. Ridenhour, assisted by Mrs. H. G. Gibson and little daughter, Frances Gib son. served a delicious ice course, after which the meeting adjourned until Fall. Visitors Honored. Miss Cornelia Stribling. of Atlanta, and Miss Mary Hewit Moore, of Gaston ia. who are the attractive guests of Miss es Elizabeth and 'Annie Gussy Dayvault, are being the recipients of many social courtesies. Tuesday Miss Mary Day vault gave a lovely dinner party in their honor. Tuesday evening Miss Elizabeth Dayvault gave a beautiful party in com pliment to her guests. The home, yard and dower garden were very lovely ou this occasion. Early, summer flowers wei used in profusion. After several hours spent i,n dancing, and in other en joyment. the Miostess served a delicious iee course. About thirty or more guests were invited. Wednesday evening. Miss Edifii Gussy gave a charming party in honor of Miss es Stribling aud Moore, and Miss Susie Crowell, of Thomasville. who is the guest of Miss Gussy. Miss Crowell has visited here on several occasions, and she is pleasantly remembered in C^on- I cord. After a delightful social hour, the j guests were served tempting refresh ! ments. Party Tuesday Evening, Miss Elizabeth Dayvault charmingly entertained Tuesday evening, honoring her attractive house guest, Miss Mary Hewitt Moore, of Gastonia. The lovely reception \hall, living yponi. and porch were made more alluring by tin 1 summer flowers, which were used in profusion. Ibe beautiful front lawn and the rose garden were quite popular with the thir ty or more guests during the evening. Dancing was enjoyed by a number of couples, after which delicious cream and cake were served by Misses Dayvault. Other out-of-town guests invited were Miss Edith Gussy, of Louisburg. charm ing guest of Mrs. E. L. Mauldin, and Miss Cornelia Btribling, of Atlanta, Ga., guest of Miss Annie Gussy Dayvault. IKiuble Wedding. A wedding of much interest and sur prise to friends in Cabarrus and else where took place at Mt. Olivet Church at sunrise this morujug. The two daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Scott Were married: Burn to Mr. William S. Welborn. and Blanche to Mr. Thomas H. Hough. -Just before the bridal party entered Miss Ida Mffie Green, of Roaring River, gowned in brown canton crepe with cor sage of snapdragons, sweetly sang “O Promise Me,” accompanied by Miss Vitus Le<> Nicholson, of Burlington, N. C., wearing a midnight blue coat suit with black accessories, also wearing a corsage of snap-dragons. As the first strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March were pealed forth from the stately organ into tlie early morning breeze, a bride and groom entered each door, and took their places at the altar. Rev. T. W. Smith and Rev.. W. A. Rol lins performed the ceremony, using the impressive ring ceremony. The brides wore blue traveling suits with a corsage of white rosebuds. Mrs. Welborn used bisque accessories, while Mrs. Hough wore blue and black acres | sories. , Immediately after the ceremony the couples left by auto for short trips. Mr. ; and Mrs. Welborn expect to spend some ’time in Western North Carolina, while LMr. and Mrs. Hough will spend their honeymoon in southern cities before go ing to Lumpkiu. Ga.. for their future home. Mr. Welborn is a business man of ' Wilkesboro, while Mr. Hough is engag ed in the lumber trade at Lumpkin, Ga. Only the immediate families witnessed the ceremony. X. Two Attractive Visitors Honored. Miss Martha Best, of Warsaw, and Miss Virginia Starr, of Raleigh, togeth er with their host, Mr. A. Jones Yorke. were guests of. honor at a two o'clock j luncheon yesterday given by Mi*s Cath j urine Goodman at hey home on. North i Union street. Coders were laid for j twelve; including the hostess. These j were: Misses Martha Best, Virginia . Starr. Elizabeth Harris, Lucy Richmond ! Lentz, Elizabeth Smith, Messrs. A. } Jones Yorke, Luther T. Hart sell. Jr., Earl Henderson Brown. Jr.. Joe Rost, William Ritchie and Miles Wolff. Party by Miss Mabery. One of the most elaborate social affairs ' of the entire week took place on Wednes- I day evening between the hours of 8 and ] 11 o'clock when Miss Lucilc Mabery en tertained at a party honoring her broth er, Mr. Clarence Mabery, of Bad in. As the guests entered the door punch was served by Mrs. R, I). Mabery. Music ; was rendered by the Forest Hill Orches tra. After an hour or two of playing; va ! ri'ous gau\es the hostess invited the guests into the dining room where ice cream and cake were served. The guests on this occasion numbered about thirty. Harris-Query. The marriage of Mr. J. E. Harris and ! Miss Kate Query, third daughter of the late Mr. Caldwell Query and Mrs. Query, took place yesterday at J) o'clock at the home of the bride’s mother', on Frank- I lin*avenue. The ceremony was perform ed by Rev. W. C. Wauchope, pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, aud was charming in its simplicity and quiet dignity. The vows were spoken before a background of green decorated with I ‘‘Queen Anne's Lace,” Hanked ou eith ed side by standards holding masses of ! sweet peas. The bride aud groom en- Itered the parlor'together to the music lof Jvohengrin's Brjdal Chorus, played by Mrs. Frank Barringer, sister of the bride. Only the immediate relatives and 'friends of the contracting parties were present a number being from out of town. After the ceremony Mr. ami Mrs. Harris left for a motor trip to the moun tains of Western North Carolina. Mrs. Harris wore a midnight blue trav- I eljug suit, ami carried a shower bouquet j of snap-dragons, and sweet peas. Many beautiful gifts attest file popu larity of the happy couple. Mr. and Mrs. Harris will be at home after July Ist. With Our Sick. The condition of Mrs. G. S. Kluttz, who suffered two broken bones in her left leg several days ago, is reported to day as improved, and Mrs. Kluttz is resting more comfortably now. Mrs. T. H. Helms returned yester day from a Charlotte hospital where Tuesday she underwent an operation for thq, removal of her tonsils. The opera tion was a success and Mrs. Helms is reported as resting comfortably now at her home. i Miss luuttz Visiting Here. Miss Josephine Kluttz, of Salisbury, is tbe v attractive guest here of Miss Hary Penelope Cannon, at her home of North Union Street, Saturday night Miss Cannon enter tained delightfully at a dance ip compli ment to her guest, and other have been given for Miss Kluttz. Sunday guests from Salisbury at the Cannon home, were Messrs. Paul Wood son, Kern Carlton and Charles Price. j Matthews-Boyer. Mr. Carl J. /Matthews and. Mjss L,u- ' vipia Boyer were married here Monday} evening about 0 :30 o'clock, the ceremony THE CONCORD TIMES i j being performed by Rev. J. C. Rowan, the manse of the First Presbyterian Church. _ Mr. 'Matthews is from Jack sonville. Fla., and is tlx* Florida repre sentative of the Addressograph Com pany. Ho is also Field Secretary of the Christian Endeavor Society of Geor gia and Florida, is prominent in church work of the Southern Presbyterian Church. He is also a graduate of Dav idson College, and was formerly a resi dent of this State. Mrs. Matthews is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Boyer, of Charlotte, having graduated in expres sion from Queens College in 15)21. and -is prominent and popular in the social circles of Charlotte. The marriage came as a surprise to their most inti mate friends for some time. The trip to the city from Charlotte was—made by automobile, in which they j also conveyed all their personal belong-: ings. These they carried to the home 1 of a friend here where they were packed and baggage made ready fort Tie bridal tone, they having left immediately after the ceremony for the mountains of west ern North Carolina where they will ; spend some time. Upon their return they will make their home in Jackson ville. Fla. Recuperating From Operation. George W. French, of Charlotte, is spending, some time here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Peck. Mrs. French is recuperating from a recent op eration. and her friends will be gratified to know that her condition is improving rapidly. Miss Adelaide Harris Honored. The following from The Charlotte Ob server will be of unusual interest to Concord society: Miss Virginia ’Whitlock, Miss Adelaide Harris, of Concord, and Miss Ruth Pratt, of Philadelphia, arrived in the city Sunday night from Raleigh, where they have been the guests of Miss Whit lock's uncle. Governor Cameron son, at the executive mansion since the commencement dances at the University of North Carolina last Aveek. Saturday i evening, the youug ladies Avere special guests at an elaborate dance given at the city auditorium ; after which Gover nor Morrison gave them a buffet supper at the mausion. Governor Morrison also entertained fit his house guests, Mr. Henry Lineberger. of Be’.mont, and Mr. Morris McDonald, of Charlotte. The party motored to Charlotte Sun day in Mr. McDonald’s car. Misses Harris and Pratt are guests of Miss Whitlock at her home in Myers Park. Miss Annie Ford, of Charleston. S. C.. will arrive today aud Avill also be Miss ’Whitlock’s guest for the, dauces to he given here this Avegk. Friday evening at 8:30 o’clock. Miss Whitlock Avili give a swimming party at the Myers Park Club for her visitors; followed by a buffet supper at her. home on Edgehill road. PERSONALS, • Charlotte Observer : Mrs. J. M. Odell, of Concord? avus one of the prominent out- j Avu visitor* yesterday. She motor- j ed over iu the morning returning home iu the evening. * * * ■ Miijb Amelia MgConneJl, aud . Muster i Thomas McCcunell. avlio have be<=u vis- * iting relatives here for a week, left yes terday for their home in Greenville. Be fore returning directly to Greenville Miss | McConnell will make a short visit in j .Spartanburg. • • • j Miss Susie Crowell, of Thomasville. is J visiting Miss Edith Gussy, ou South Un • ion street. . - . Miss Susie Crowell, of ThomasviUe, is j the guest of Miss Edith Gussy, ou South j Union street. • * • j Mr. Sid Perry is attending the State j meeting of the B. Y. P. V. in High Point ! today. Mr. and Mrs. T. I). Mauess are spend ing some time at Cleveland Springs, near ! Shelby. .* * * j Miss Catharine Goodman attended the j inter-fraternity danee in Charlotte last j night. She was a dinner guest at My ers Park preceding the dance. ' ... Mr. J. L. Hartsell has returned from I a business trip to Washington and Phil ! adelphia. ** * j Mrs.- (}. B. Lewis and son, Burnet, left i last week for the eastern part of the' state, where they will visit, for some time. J They made the trip tfs far as Raleigh in their car, Mr. Lewis accompanying them, i • •'.» »» Miss Alice Yorke has been the guest j of Miss Lillian Everette. of Rocking ham, X. C., since Monday. She will j probably return the last of the week. mm* Mr. and Mrs. B. X’. Moose, of Jack sonville, Fla., and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Moose, of Badiu, spent the day here Wed nesday with Mr. and Mrs. H.. C. Hahn. • * * Mr. D. B. Morrison has returned from j -a trip of severel days to Black Mouu- j tain, Montreat and Asheville. He was accompanied home by his siter, Mrs. E. \ P. Peuick, of Houston. Texas, and little! Miss Mary Hancock, of Shanghai, China, j » • m Misses Thelma Martin and Ma'rgie Thompson have returned from. Davidson, where they have been for a few day.s » , • • Miss Wilma Correll will leave tomor row for Benuettseville, S. C., where she will visit friends for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Edmond McCrary, of Virginia aid Mrs. Brevard Hankins/ of Lexington, spent a short time in Con cord with friends yesterday on their way to Charlotte. Mrs. H. G. Black and Miss Lauie ler are visiting the latter’s mother at Matthews. ‘ * i • * » Misses Johnsie Fisser and Idelle 1 Townsend are spending the week-end at 1 Boone, in western North Carolina. • il t * Mrs. Fred Peck, who has been visiting relatives in Concord and M.t. Pleasant, Returned today to her home in High Point. • * * Rev. and Mrs. John Peck left today for their home in Biffalo. New York/! after-a. visit to relatives in this county. (Continued on Page Eight) To get, share—happiness, friendship, l tolerance, all the most precious posses sions of life. J. C. N. Fields President of the Local Democratic Victory Club C. X. Fields, recently appointed tax , collector for the city, and for the past ! several years one of the most prominent Democratic workers in Cabarrus Coun ty. has been appointed Pi-evident/ of the Democratic “Victory Club" which has been organized in this city and county. The appointment to head this import ant club was offered to Mr. Fields by Mr. Charlie McGee, representing the Demo cratic National Committee. Mr. McGee was in Concord for several hours this morning, and while here offeredv the ap pointment to Mr. Fields, who agreed to organize and head the local club. Mr. McGee declared while here that practically every city of 1.000 population iii North Carolina, has been organized now and while a club has to have but 20 members to be officially recognized by the national committee, in many cities in this State clubs have secured several hundred members. Mr. McGee declared that the national committee expected to enroll 200,000 active /Workers in these ROTARY MEETING Facts About Concord Library Resented to Club Member —Musical- Program. - - A shop talk by Bob Ridejihour, a Hue musical program led by Alan D. Prin dell and. Rosy O’Grady, and short talks by three persons intimately associated with the Concord Public Library, were features <>f the weekly meeting of the Concord Rotary Club yesterday. The musical program was especially fine. It was conducted by Alan D. Prinuell, of the Concord club, and Rosy O’Grady, of the Charlotte club. Bob Ridenhour was heard with much interest in his talk regarding the manage ment and operation of a modern laun dry. | Just what the Concord Public Library is, doing was pointed out by Mrs. Rich mond Reed, the libraria’u; Miss Mary King, president of the Library Associa tion, and Miss Elizabeth Day vault, pres ident of the Junior Library Association, which is made up of High School stu dents. The three talks were very instructive and gave the members of the club a new insight into the fine work the library is doing. A ice President A. G. Odell presided at the meeting in the absence of President Sam Rankin, who is attending the In ternational convention iu St. Louis. Martin \ erburg had charge of the pro gram. “Are you sure that you have shown me all the principal parts of this car?" asked the fair prospective purchaser. "\es. madam, all the main parts." re- ] plied the dealer. "Well, where is the deprecia- , tioi»V Tom told me that was one of. the biggest things about a car.’’ Misses Lucile and. Mary Yorke John-! son, of Charlotte, are guests of- Mrs. W. i G. Caswell, Me. John F. Ivextj, Jr,, of Salisbury, spent several hours here Tuesday with, friends. • Thursday, June 21, 1913 clubs before the next Presidential *-i • tion. “These- 200.000 or more r' members give promise of becimiins a • tal factor in the next Presidential tion." Mr. McGee stated. Mr. Fields has already started re work of securing the menilxrrs for ’ 1 local The first 20 men win si up will permit the local Hub to If - cially recognized, and Mr. Fields exp to enroll many in addition to the or.:- nal 20j Persons who desire to become filiated with the Hub should mm: u cate with Mr. Fields at once. The President of the Concord U" Club is one of the -most populm- pm men iu the county. He now hold- a sition with the Richmond-! lowe 1 pany, and has a wide aniuaiiuam- H ■ in this city and tlp-ongbdut tlu> 1 il " His work for the Democratic pai > been both conspicuous and su< !i -■ ■■' and he was offered tin* Pri-idenn local club in recognition of Id' * and successful work for hi* l ,arl '* MOB FAILS TO LYNCH A NEGRO AT WILLIAM^ J Fifty of Them Ride Into Town but • Negro is Gone; Charged With 1 Assault. ; Williamstou, June -b. ! ; men made an unsuccessful * lynching a negro her< early : when they rode into town and l| ‘ l " ti that Sheriff Roberson deliver Earl Bascomb. charged with an ■■ . on a white girl and with ‘ ‘',’ v a white youth who went to t s yesterday. News of tin* om. - mob reached tlie* sheriff before ne .* “The negro has been ’akcti -sheriff tohl them, “but if ■ , L . 1 would not turn him over t" ers," v ,„ •. “We are not kluckers. but-i'- that negro," said the leader. . f The sheriff invited them Ui, ‘‘ ,^ x . to see for themselves that the not _there.. Rededication Service of St. J'd ,n eran Church. f4t . Rededication service at >* • Lutheran Church next_ Sunday - •' I Sermon and rededicatiou " j. i o’clock by Rev. J. L. s- • President of the Lnited 1--.' ** od of North Carolina. A 1 f dinner will be spread •• In the afternoon at -':•* ' Luther League will preset *^i "The Burden Bearer. , ; - j the Rev. E. K ! dress the league. i ~ Go and taae your fnend-> i the day. _____ !.MM» Whitltck to Give Bridge 1 r itors. \ Charlotte Observer. , w ,,(; | An attractive affair_ oVloi-k. i. kwior of * * Mjss Apuic l ord, of J - M