PAGE SIX ® ® © KANNAPOLIS ® @ DEPARTMENT ® » @ Kannapolis. June 27. —In a ceremony characterized by beauty and impressive cess Miss Eula Alta Tillman was wed ded to Mr. James Vaughn Corn Mon day evening. June 2.1. at the First Bap t/t Church of Kannapoils. the bride's pastor. Dr. C. K. Turner, officiating. The pulpit was set with ferns and Queen. Anne's lace, which, together witli an arch draped* in green and white, formed an attractive background for the wedding. Prior to the ceremony a! violin solo was rendered by Mr. McKenzie, assisted by Mrs. McKenzie at the piano. Fol lowing this a vocal solo. ’ Oh. Promise Me.” was beautifully rendered by Miss Nealy Weddington. of Mooresville. fol lowed by a ' vocal solo, /‘I Dove You Truly,” by Mr. Sam Parker. When Mrs. McKenzie, gowned in pink organdie, and wearing a corsage of sweet peas, sounded the notes of the bridal 'chorus from Lohengrin the bridal party entered. First came the ushers. Messrs. Charles Turner. Raymond Brinkley. Randolph Hartis, Jay Cash ion. all of Kannapolis, who advanced down oppo site aisles and crossed in front of the arch. Next came the ’ bridesmaids. Misses Ida Reader ami Beulah Corn, be comingly dressed in blue organdy and carrying arm bouquets of pink and white sweet peas. Down opposite aisles came the flower girls, Mazie McGee and Mi riam Tillman, dressed in blue and pink organdy and carrying baskets of sweet pen. the bride down oppo site aisles came the maid of honor. Miss Naomi Tillman, sister of the bride, at tractively gowned in pink organdy, car rying* an arm bouquet of pink and white carnations, and little Fdith Turner, dressed in orchid and white organdy, and carrying a bouquet of bride's roses and sweet pc as. Mr'. Corn was attended by -Mr. Rverett fashion, of Kannapolis. Mendelssohn's wedding march., was used as a recessional.. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Corn left for a wedning trip to the mountains of Western Carolina, after which they will be at home in Kan napolis. The high esteem in which the young couple is held was made evident by the many beautiful and useful gifts of silver ware and cut glass which they received. Monday night six men. Messrs. Butler Brigman. Lee Brigman, Mack Overcash. Li-*k. and two others whose names the writer has been unable to aseertain. re ceived a severe electrical shock while -working on a car in a garage at Mr. But ler Brigman's home. A dropcord had been extended from the dwelling to the garage and it is said that on account, of the ground being wet from the rains of the, afternoon the current was much stronger. Born to Mr. ami Mrs. Cephas Fortner. Thursday. June 21. a. son. Leonard Alex ander. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W..A. Laney spent the week-end in Rock Hill. . , . Mr. autTMrs. P. G. Wagoner* Attended a birthday dinner Sunday in .Davidson, given at the home of Mrs. li. M. Wilson, Mrs. Wilson being the honoree. Quite a crowd enjoyed the hospitaliy at the homo. . The little son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Brown is improving after an illness of some duration’. • The Epworth League of Trinity Meth odist Church resolved itself last evening into a swimming party and "went to Brown s pool, out from Mooresville. Mr. J. P. Choate, of Charlotte, made hi> regular week-end visit in the city. Miss Aleon McCombs is as being seriously ill. Messrs. Deal and Grover Hewitt, of Newton, were guests Sunday nf’Mr. and Mrs. Glean Deal. Mr. W. L. Spry has gone to Stanley. X. to assume charge of his new po sition. Mr. Spry will move his family to Stanley as soon as the house he is to occupy can he vacated. Kannapolis folks arc very sorry to lose these highly esteemed people. -Mr. and Mrs. .T. M. Krvm spent Sun day out from- Concord 1 with Mr and Mrs. J. L. Ervin. Tiie Concord Epworth League City I nion \vjll meet Friday night, the 18th. instead of on Friday, the (ith, as has been stated, the reason for changing the date being that the district conference will be in session in Gold Hill on the (ith. This l nion represents about eight churches, those of Concord. Alt. Olivet a-nd Trinity Methodist Church of Kan napolis. Mi. Jerry Simpson left Mon day for < hnttanooga. Temi., after spending the week-end in Kannapolis. Miss Ida Thorne, a nurse of the White head-Stokes sanatorium, visited Miss Gladys Wagner Monday. Mrs. W. O. Graham. Airs. Smith. Ansscs Alary Willett and Pearl Benson and Dr. Cauble went to Charlotte Wed nesday. Mrs. Graham went to consult a surgeon, and Airs. Smith and Aliss Benson to shop. Mi. Ray field took his son to Cliar ' lofte Monday to have his tonsils re moved. Airs. W, A. Ritchie and son. of (’har lot te. are visiting Mrs. W. IX Ritchie vr MrS^ G ; T C ; Corbptt Mr. and Mrs. Y\. H. Donaldson, of Landis, Sun day. Dr. H. H. Cauble is spending several days in Asheville this week. The streets and stores will soon be filled with visitors and the stores aud other concerns booming with business as a result of Bargain Week, everybody try ing to get one of the thirty-four prizes, including a Ford touring car tq be given away in front of the Y. M. C. A. on Sat urday, Juld 7, at C o’clock to those liold - ing a lucky number. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Lewder milk are rooming at the home of Air. and Airs. Otis Minton. Air. Lowdermilk has a position at the depot. Aliss Flora AlcQueen attended the Ca barrus Alumnae yesterday in Concord. Mrs. A. C. Loekman spent yesterday in Charlotte. Air. Ray Housel is at Wrightsyille Beach. Mr. Herman Cline is in Greenville. Little Aliss Susie Mund and Master Frank Mund, of Concord, are guests of Airs. L. E. Bost. Air. and Mrs. J. D. Beaver, Air. Hur ley Beaver, Air. Guy Beaver, a brother .from Greensboro, and Mrs. Thomas Van Poole, of Salisbury, are expected home © today from Ettewa, Tenn., where they went to nttertd the funeral of Air. Edwin Beaver who died in a Knoxville hospital Saturday night. The deceased is a son of Air. and Airs. J. P. Beaver, and leaves a family. Little Miss Elizabeth Soloman re turned to her home on Concord Sunday after spending the week-end with little Aliss Hazel Fisher. Airs. Coocksou, of Massachusetts, is visiting relatives and friends in the city. Air. H. A. Allred left Monday on a business trip to New Aork. Air. and Airs. Caldwell returned Fri day night from Asheville. They are now at the home of Mr. Caldwell's father near Concord. Mrs. Winecoff Barringer has closed her boarding house oiP South Alain Street. Air. W. L. Yost placed the furniture yesterday in the residence to be occupied by Dr. and Airs. Nolan on their re turn from their wedding trip. They are expected any time. h Rev. and Airs. Basil Waltoii and chil dren. of Townsville, are guests of Air.' and Airs. G. G. Allen. Miss AlcGary, of Baltimore, who has been a recent guest of Mrs. G. (1. Allen, has gone to Charlotte to visit friends. Air. Leonard Tatum, of Cornelia. Ga.. is expected today to relieve the clerks at the depot for a vacation. On Wednesday night a swimming party went to Brown's pool, out from Mooresville. Air. R. AI. Housel furn ished refreshments. Air. and Airs. E. Robinson are giv ing a party Friday evening at their Nbme in Centerview. in* honor of Miss Alary Wampler. Alisses Alary Duncan and Helen Rob inson spent Alonday evening in Salis bury. Thursday evening a party went to Brown's pool serving lunch in the big grove. The occasion was very much enjoyed. Those composing the party were Alisses Vivian Walter. Alyrtiee (’autlien. Winnie Freeze, R. AI. Housel, Herman Ciine, Air. R. It. Allison, Air. and Airs. G. A. Bryant and two children. Air. and Airs. R. L. Saunders. Dr. and Airs. Frank Flowe, and Mr. Sam Query. The party expects to go again Thurs day. Mrs. J. G. Lowe is leaving in a few days for Brevard, where she will spend July and August. Airs. Sam Query and Sam. Jr., re turned Friday from Tiinmonsville. where they attended the wedding of Airs. Query's brother. The residence of Air. W. H. Walter on South Main Street presents a hand some appearance .since it has been re modelled and repainted. Carpenters and other workmen have been busy on the home for some time, and have made quite a change on the building. Air. Lyles Askins, brother of Airs. Sam Query, and his bride are stopping with Air. and Airs. Query a few days on their way from Asheville where they .spent their honeymoon to their home in Titn monsville, S. (’. Alaster Edwin Lipe is spending the summer with his grandfather. Air. Lipe. out from Alillingport. Air. and Airs. Graham Rutledge, Air. Joe Graham Rutledge. Aliss Goode, aud Airs, Kale, of Stanley, were guests Sun day of Air. and Airs. Leon Smith. Airs. Lloyd, of Rose avenue, expects to return today from the Charlotte Sana torium. where she underwent an opera tion. ■ Airs. Emma AlcLane died Friday at 4:30 o'clock at her home on North Wal nut Street, interment takjng place in Alexander county Sunday. Rev. C. K. Turner conducted the funeral services Alany floral offerings bore evidence o? the high esteem in which the deceased was held. Fourteen cars from Kan napolis accompanied the funeral pro cession. Surviving are the husband, seven children, and a number of grand children. ASHEVILLE MAY BE KLAN HEADQUARTERS Talk of Moving Headquarters From At lanta; Council to .Meet Soon. Asheville. June 27.—Plans for moving the imperial palace of the Invisible Em pire. Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. from Atlanta to Asheville, will be* considered at the imperial council meeting July 1(5. it was reported yesterday. Grand dra gons of tiie order from every Spite in the 1 nion will be present for the session. It is understood hat a prominent resi dent of Asheville, who is affiliat'd with (he Klan, has offered to donate property for tlu> erection of the palace in Ashe ville. While those affiliated with the organ ization here are silent on the plans this information was obtained on what is declared to be good authority. Glanys Walton, Picture Actress. Weils Salesman. Los Angeles, June 27.—Gladys Wal ton, motion picture actress, and Henry AI. Ilerbel of New lork, assistant sales manager of the company starring Aliss AValton, were married here late '*ist night. Refusal of the first three minis ters sought to tie the knot, delayed the ceremony. Aliss Walton obtained her final decree of divorce from her first husband, Frank P. Liddell, Jr., less than three weeks ago. Rev. E. I*. Hy land, pastor of a Hollywood Congrega tional church, held the wedding cere mony at. his home. Code of Ethics Should Be Observed. Raleigh News and Observer. The code of journalistic ethics as print ed in The News and Observer Alonday aud as adopted by the North Carolina Press Association at its meeting in Blow ing liock, is sound doctrine. Every mem ber of all departments of a newspaper ought to read it and live up to it. News papers are a very important public agen cy, and they should have high standards. To Enlarge Carrier Force at Salisbury Postoffice. Salisbury. June 27. —Local postotfice officials are making efforts to enlarge the force of carriers and clerks July 2, basing their requests on the enlarged business of the Salisbury office. This in crease is shown in figures just com piled by Assistant Postmaster Ratts. During the first five months of the present year the business done was $44,- 000. This almost equal to that of the entire year of 1922- Large Ammonia Tank Explodes. New York, June 26.—Scores of per sons were endangered by ammonia tumes in Broklyn this afternoon when a large ammonia tank in a refrigerating plant exploded. LEGION TO TEACH REVERENCE FOR FLAG “Star Spangled Banner” to Be Learned and Respected For Bunting Enforced. Washington. June 28 (Capital News service). —The recent, action of the American Legion in drawing up a code for flag observance a responsive chord in the hearts of all lovers or tin Stars aud Stripes. This code, covering proper civilian usage of the American flag and con duct in it's'presence was adopted at the conference of national organizations called by the American Legion, aud a permanent' committee authorized to dis seminate if throughout the country. Each of the more than sixty organi zations represented is to promoie the study of the words and music of “The Star-Spangled Banner.” and its teach ing! in all schools and in juvenile or ganizations, as suggested by President Harding. State legislatures are asked to enact uniform laws requiring display of the flag in and over all schools, parks and playgrounds, and over other public buildings. The code covers fifteen rules for dis play of the flags and a list of fifteen "things to avoid ” in addition to, set ting forth the proper use of hunting • tiie salutes and pledges to the flag. The (suggestion of a fine arts com mission that the flag is “the wrong shape” meets with litth approval. The flag is pow 1.90 in length to 1 in width, 29 feet long when it is 20 feet -wide. The proportions say tiie arbiters of beauty should be 1.(57 to 1. The flag is too long for its width to satisfy tiie sense of beauty of those who mak( beauty their business. The general concensus of opinion seems to be that regardless of the laws of proportion, the flag, in its present shape, has been so long identified with that is reverenced in American ideals that a change in i-t would ho a,deseera tion, not an •* : '"’”-ovement." Beaten, Georgia Women Appeal to Governor. Douglas Ga., June 27. —At least one white woman of this county. Zeilla Rawlins, has appealed to Governor Hardwick for protection. following a number of beatings administered to women during the last few days. Zeilla Rawlins is not the mother ol Milton Hawkins, paroled this week by Governor Hardwick, it was stated to night by Sheriff Tanner. The sheriff stated that lie has placed six men under bond in connection with tin whippings. The three women , flogged are Alary Adams, "Sissle" Rawlins, and Harry Hightower. Some of the women are reported to be in a serious condition’. All are undei care of doctors. Photographing the Brain. New York. June 28. —The photo grapher of the future will not tell you to "look pleasant." He will exclaim "Look clever!" For the latest develop ment of photography is the brain-pnoto. Thans to the X rays, photographs ot most of the human anatomy are already common. One cun obtain pictures of the unseen damage going on inside ihe teeth, the grotesque bones behind the superficial beauty of the hands, or the needle that has penetrated the foot. But the brain "snap." in its latest form, is something fresh. The picture is not taken, as in. the ease of X-rays, through the head. An opening is actually made in the skull, and a photographic systosoope is insert ed. Two tiny lights are affixed to the end of this, and a child of ten months who recently had its brain photographed in this way sujered on ill effects. Sev eral pictures of the child’s brain were taken, and they were all in tiie in terests of the child's future brain-de velopment. i \ ■ '■■■"■-■ ■■■ ■ . ** Few individuals have made mistakes through too great boldness iu pushing forward? but thousands fail through lack of courage. „ WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA “The Land of the Sky” MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, MINNESOTA, COLORADO, UTAH, CALIFORNIA CANADA, NEW ENGLAND AND \ Seashore Resorts GREATLY REDUCED SUMMER FARES Now in Effect via Southern Railway System From CONCORD SEND FOR FREE BOOK LET Convenient Schedules Attractive Service Inquire M. E. Woody, Ticket Agent Concord, N. C. THE CONCORD TIMES PARKS ■BE LK CO. Wednesday morning we begin the last four days of the big Dollar S Days Event. Crowds of people are attending every day for the* - i > big and the bargains plentiful. a e ** EVERY DEPARTMENT IS OVERFLOWING WITH DOLLAR SALE BARGAINS A DOLLAR WILL GO A LONG WAY AT THIS SALE A Special Feature During Dol lar Sale Days Save all the Sale Bills that we put in the packages during Dollar Sale Days—They are valuable. Every ticket is stamped “Dollars Sale Days.” Save these tickets and bring them or send them back to the store on or before Saturday, June 30th, and for every lot of bills that the amount of the purchases added together is $25.00 or over, we will buy th,e tickets from the customer for SI.OO. Remember all tickets stamped “Dollar Sale Days” are redeemable, and for every $25.00 lot of tickets we will pay SI.OO for Them. DOLLAR SALES TOILET SPECIALS. We* reserve.the right to limit al 1 goods on sale D tiring Dollar Sale Days. Cans Mennen’s Talcum Powder - QQ 3 Tubes Pebecco Tooth Paste jjj j qq 3 Tubes Pepsodent Tooth Paste QQ 3 Tubes Pebeco Tooth Paste QQ 3 Bottles Hind’s Honey and Almond *| aa Cream for ; V *»■ »vU 14 Small Pebeco Tooth Paste £ j qq 5 Cakes Packers Tar Soap * Jj qq 5 Cakes Cuticura Soap j qq 5 Cakes Woodbury’s Soap j qq 14'Small Colgate’s Tooth Paste ' QQ 25 Cakes Good Bath Soap QQ 4 Bottles Odorona QQ 14 Cakes Colgate’s Barber Soap QQ 4 Colgate’s Shaving Sticks | qq 4 Boxes Pond’s Vanishing or Cold Cream J J QQ 3 Jars Thi;ee Flowers Cold or Vanishing *1 fYfh Cream for * •UU 3 Tubes Mennen’s Shaving Cream SI.OO 8 Boxes Colgate’s Talcum Powder SI.OO 3 Boxes Nadine Face Powder SI.OO These are only a few of the Toilet Specials. Dress Ginghams, 32 inch es wide, line Apron Ging hams, 36 inches, brown fast color suitings, Cham brays, Voiles, Crash, etc., 8 vards for SI.OO One big counter Apron Ginghams , Calico, Yard Wide Chambrays, Yard wide Suiting, Cambrics, 12 yards for SI.OO One big Counter Dress Ginghams, Baby Dress Calico, Curtain Material, ' Calico, etc., 10 yards for SI.OO One special lot embroid ered Linen Table Run ners and centerpieces, 1 for SI.OO PARKS-BELK COMPANY One special lot of smaller size Table Runners and Pieces, 2 for SI.OO One special lot of $1.50 value Ladies’ Hand Bags. 1 for SI.OO Folks, here is your chance. Think of these Bargains. One big Coun ter of Gibson Mill Suit ings, Bleachings, Curtain Scrim, Everyday Shirt Goods, Alamance, Yard Wide Percales, etc., Dol lar Sale, 7 yards for SI.OO m SPECIAL! One Table Fast Color of Guaranteed Spindale . all the new colors, Dollar Sale, 4 yds. SI.OO HOSIERY VALUES FOR DOLLAR SALE DAYS THAT CANNOT BE EQUALED ANYWHERE 25 Pairs Ladies’ Black Cotton Stock- I 4>1.U0 5 Pairs Children’s 3-4 length Socks in (tl nn solid colors vI.JU SPECIALS FROM ALL OVER OUR SECOND FLOOR lif PARTMEXTS Read These Carefully and Come and Get Your Share $2.00 Voile Shirtwaists in Stripes ami Phiin Wilt-, c,, 1;i styles, $1.50 values, Dollar Salt* Days C1 AA One for $ 1.1)1) $1.50 value Ladies’ White Satin Underskirts * aa Dollar Sale, one for ▼ 1• vv 75c value Short Sleeve Ladies Muslin Gowns, a djl Aft real good quality, two for V 4 »vU ' ’ MILLINERY SPECIALS! One Special Lot Ready Trimmed Ladies' Hats, a regular £.'« value, also Ladies' Trimmed Panama Art Hats, one for Children's'Streameij Hats iu several styles, (?*1 AA Values $1.98, one for 50c Value Baby Caps in Organdie S 1 00 All Ladies’ Ready Trimmed Hats, priced $1.98 CAp to $3.98. Dollar Sale Days One table of Special Ladies’ Hats, a regular (I*l AA $1.50 value, two for * 3 Children’s and Misses’ \ Skeleton Waists, Dollar Days SI.OO 1 Dozen' Cotton Damask Table Napkins, Dollar Days, one dozen SI.OO Cotton Goods included in This Sale One Special Counter of Piece Goods, Certain Goods, Ets, 20 yards for SI.OO STATIONERY SPE CIALS 12 Boxes Stationery SI.OO 9 Boxes. 15c Value Sta tionery in all colors SI.OO 4 100 Ladies’ and Men’s Cotton Umbrellas and Parasols two to a'custo mer, two for SI.OO CORSET SPECIALS Now is your chance to get that new Corset for SI.OO. We are offering several style corsets—W. 8., Mil ler and Warner’s styles, values up to $2.00, 1 for SI.OO Hiursdav t... 40c value Spindale l'inc Finish Fast Color Ging hams, Renfrew, Ladla-a Cloth, fur Boys' Wash Suits, Dollar Days. 3 yk SI.OO One special 1 able Gih- - Knicker Stripe Cloth -ano Ginghams, all fast color?. Dollar Dav.s, 5 yards D SI.OO Special New Haven Jump Alarm BuHar Days, J for SI.OO MIRROR SPECIALS! A new shipment of Mm: rors in white and backs, 100 will k r °; nl '7 sale.' A regular l-oO vsi * ue, Dollar Days. 1 • u SI.OO :5c value Mirrors, l*t* ed edge in. white an black backs, 2 for SI.OO 15 Double hle'-di Mai Nets, extra good All colors, also Mesh Nets, lo f ,jl SI.OO