I j. v lu!v 5, 1923. Dragon” Given on Liner As An Appeal For a Smooth Voyage ■)« —A ::-r .-.1,1 Hm i*f t • }<• • m :-fvi\oilj tiy l'ii-:,i <-iv\v of ! HfAtr.!' • i’!' 'i'lt.lit Mi- ! ■ i•••>:t:: 4 i«* In care trsiu*«! ,1> ■• < 1 an •• t n tT' evilly in- | I si.!. t.f ■ 1 ’resilient ;ie!!'o"U:e,'i hv ;n « r w iii«-ii brought V -sri'-'i' tiMiiaitse fi-.'ta :.!! the pn>- a nii !< in ti»» big ■ - iiiM'-'l in Siiang- H 1 w iliagmi dancer. ■Mt’nattr.i! tiiair. *if tlie ceremony. ■ !'i'"s 'i'-nt McKinley B*r ;iire*-|.ieee (‘iiillese t»f- ] nia.." it' a ;>)>• ant m-e i>n t !i»- after I H A iiltue t 'hit • se t a III »"rS«'U'l\ li'-'-i ;i > (1. v.H- till- baek lias ini.i:lK* aged B® 1, Htill.ll. all.-, w i'iie two ■ ' e\ ml*a 1" and a the •.r.-D's- Bs' Vl ' i"-.n> |iae'.'iigers. HH a.- aft nr. l'nieiKiile . i"'* 1 i• * I with the It 111)10. ■" big drum -iti quality ” ' leipat i'ni up H,., J awaiting i-i., In-; gen. ML'* it: a nnaent' grew 11 •isik ■ t <*! 1 iiv- b -r,, ' . .. "" ~ r ~ ■ a ;'" v ; L- : ,I Meeting at j, - j Albemarle. 1 liu.c citis* of ?*„ .""' ‘ • ’-i !;i't Thursday Mi Ai!m iu’irlc and r *L ■V " ' ’ * girding tin 1 (rtir,/ «•'. 1 highway con fc. «av *i' l ' i - ' :|n< ‘ Fom-nrd. In if Cjti^r] : " ! -- T " ur that (s? aa ;, ‘ to make a ..f t!.»* it,ad from *..• ■ , ":i Stjinlf by #* ”*,* A- -i rosulr iif *sl V-1 ‘ : v, '| was here >'!id western w,,-' ;; i any iij at-v ", ' ~ .' !ai ' r, 'd to in ••Bfiif fjip*., /'•' i; it.' r- road, and **► -*TI V-'", 1 anaouin ed. Wt a-’.u rii< :i nil western ' "with t heir tight- r a i v - !j! ' r, '" H)|l uofton -out \ . "' 't**t n Stanly ■ v ... 1“ also feared nrh the paved 1 f I instead of by hence it ’ , 1,1 ***• visitors to get 5t r ’ ;s ri t : ' * !a 'l 'expected. de ij ■'itvfarHi t ‘|!,.‘ r; ' n,J “ of the T j lat r*snarks with the 4 not »iu any t nything that —of the i " s a lily, which oe now a settled yj vi’: ''o ; «e to Al- I^j]. r "‘‘‘ s of riy. ‘ discussing the p. l . ' joining it jjJ‘ ■ vt.f' " ! ' il d to Concord, or. - '• - ■ l in the least .tjj ( •tirlcrtt, * ''d T be highway. '•vlv" ! v : '‘v £ ' r^ U t Con: r d aijd J ‘ 2n a Mr. Moose, The Dragon Dance ei- the watchers. Then the Dragon, huge h ad swaying slo\yVy. emerged from a canvas covered "lair,” created behind a < k wiudles. The coaxing tempo of the music appeared to lure the big rep file on. Crouched close to the'deck it crept along. Nearer and', nearer it ap proached the orchestra, in the manner of some gigantic bbeast about to seize a hypnotized prey. The fantastic,head, molded from paper niache. painted in a dozen dazzling col ors, with big wagging red tongue and bulging yellow eyes seemed alive, as its motion was controlled by the expert Wan Cun. The aft part of the body conceal ed an assistant \vho*e every movement was timed to that of the master dancer in fro tit, of him. A sudden crash of the cymbals, a ••zoom” from the big gong, and a thun der from the tam-tam stopped the creeji ing advance of the Dragon. The music swedded in volume, the time advanced sharply. As if angered the Dragon rear ed its bead upward, eyes rolling, tongue wagging furiously. Rising on its feet, each movement In perfect time with the music. Tt dashed forward, then retreat ed. In a frenzy l. T. L. Kirkpatrick and Bridges & Orr are attorneys for the jdaiutiff. Efird Mill No. 2 Collapses. fetanly News-Herald. Just after most of the workers vacated for dinner last Saturday. Efird Mill No. 2 collapsed, causing considerable damage to machinery and stock. Fortunately there were only a few persons in the building at the time, and those who were in were at the end not affected, so no one was seriously hurt, it is said. The collapse was due to a faulty foun dation which gave way causing several thousand dollars damage to the building in addition to the damage done so ma chinery. It is thought that the struc ture can be repaired, however, without rebuilding the : entire wall. Th’»- methods and co* s o e j reduction. ‘As it is now. many city people seem t • reel that Oed grows u and the farmer simply 1 goes c i-.t.-i p.hbs it. That ‘. 'a is also in »hc pleasure riders in cfStos (perfectly respectable people). w.V wouldn’t steal a s;-«ol of cotton for any thing, yet sL*i! farmers’ vegetables, fiuri and even take bags of clover. They do ••< t seem to ih.’nfc they are stealing and ffc'cnt it when you say toey are.” China Grove For Schools. They have been agitating better school facilities iu the interprisiug town of China Grove, for some, time- past, aud bn July 2. the matter was tested out at the polls. The proposition was for issue of $50,000 in bonds for eretion of a graded wchool building. Out of a total registration of 300, as many as 3G3 votes were case. The vote for the bonds was 232; against 131, and against tax, aft , v PAGE FIVE HUNDREDS PRESENT AT SHOOT OF THE LOCAL GUN CLUB I. I. Davis. Jr. Won Highest Prize for Men.—Mrs. Ritehio Wins the Prize for Women. Several hundred spectators witnessed the shooting yesterday at the Concord Gun Club. " ’ ■ All shooters polled bard for nice prizes joffered by Concord's generous, publie ‘spirited and Interested business men. The Club thanks them for doing so much towards making the big sboot so inter esting. Mrs. M. F. Ritchie won the ladies’ ■event with her high* score. Mrs. Paul Means won second honor, having shot off a tie with Mrs. J. L. Cannon. Mrs.-J. L. Caunoulwon third honor, and Mrs. Geo. Means won fourth honor. Mr. W. F. Hall, representative of the Winchester Repeating Arms Co., did some fancy and very difficult shooting, ffaving shot out of a man’s hands two clay targets as beheld one in each haud with two -revolvers* firing them simul taneously—a most difficult shot. Mr. Hall also did some very difficult shooting with rifle and shot gun. He is one of the finest shots in the country. I. I. Davis, J. L. Cnnnou and Jesse C. Rowan tied for first lionor among the large number of men who shot. Wlieu the tie was shot off I. 1. Davis won first honor. J. L. Cannon -second houor, aud J. C. Rowan, third. The following is a list of the prizes and winners. First Event. First prize—M. F. Ritchie; Auto Strap Safety Razor. \ Second prize—Jay Cannon, Flashlight. Third Prize—l. I. Davis, Shoe Ser vice. Fourth prize—E. F. Sheppard, 400 cigarettes. Fifth prize—J. C. Rowau, Air Gauge. Second Event. First Prize—l. 1. Davis, Cuff Links. . Second Prize —J. C. Rowan, $2.50 kptfV v. ;• "Third Prize—l>. Hamilton, Flashlight. ' Fourth Prize —E. E. Goodman, $2.00. Fifth Prize—Jay Cannou, ri>eck Tie. Third Event. First Prize—Jay Cannon, Straw Hat. Second prize—J. C. Rowan, Ash Tray. Third Prize—M. F. Ritchie* Flash light. m Fourth Prize—W. A. Overeash, Tie. 7 Fifth Prize —J. E. Liles. 2 pair socks. Fourth Event. , First Prize —J. C. Rowan, chair. 1 Second Prize —Jay Cannou, 3 pounds coffee. s.- v Third Prize—M. F. Ritchie,,- sparg plug tester. ;t r ' Fourth Prize —I, I. Bavin, 5 gallons gas. « - ..i > Fifth Fi’iafe—D- Hamilton 3 lbs. cof fee. >' Fifth Event. First Prize —J. (J, Rowau, Gold Auto Strop Razor. Second Prize—Jay Cannon, Gold Pen cil. Third Prize —L. E. Boger, knife. Fourth Prize—l. I. Davis, 4 lbs boffee. Fifth Prize —LL Hamilton, knife. Special 25 Shot Event. First—l. I. Davis, Jr., $5.00“ Shirt. Second—Jay Cannon, - Gold Durham Duplex Razor. Third—J. C. Rowau, $3.00. Graug Prize —1. I. Davis, Winchester rifle. Second Prize—Jay Cannon, ham. Third Prize—J. C. Rowan, inner tube. Ladies’ Event. First Prize—Mrs. M. F. Ritchie, laun dry ticket. Second Prize —Mrs. Paul Means, socks. Third—Mrs. J. L. Cannou, table cloth. Fourth Prize—Mrs. G. B. Xleaus, flash- N light. i NEW COUNTY NURSE IS SECURED FOR CABARRUS Miss Frances Glasele Will Take up Du ties in This County About the 18th of This Month. Miss Frances Glasele, of Charlotte, has accepted the position of county nurse for Cabarrus County. She will begin her duties about the 18th of this month. Miss Glasele will succeed Mias Mary Stockton, who left several months ago to take up nurse work in Buncombe Coun ty. The new nurse has has not had ex perience in county health work, ’but is a registered nurse aud at present is a member of the nurses’ ktaff of the Pres byterian Hospital in Charoltte. She de cided some time ago to take up county work, aud her work iu this county will be the first of the kind she has undertak en. Miss Glasele is a sister of Mrs. Miller, head nurse at the Concord Hospital. Cabarrus “Y” Loses Two Fast Gaines. Albemarle, July »4.—Twenty-five hun dred people saw the Cabarrus ‘‘Y” of Kannapolis drop both games of a double-header to the locals here today. This wasthe most exciting game of the season, 4he winning run bring scored by Honeycutt in the seventh inning. / First game: R H E Cabarrus “Y” 0 5 72 Albemarle . 1 <» % 2 Lee and Mr Iran; Clayton aud Honey cutt. Second game. ** R H E Cabarrus *‘Y ’ : 4 8 2 Albemarle 8 13 1 Morgan and Melran; Maitland and Hurieycutt. Cooleemee Loses to *‘F Boys From Kannapolis. 3-1 Cooleemee, July 3.—Coolromee was defeated by the Cabarrus “Y” boys from Kannapolis here Saturday after noon by the score of 3 to 1. The game was a pitchers battle be tween Anderson and Miley with the forming having the best of it due to bet ter -\;>port from his team mates. Errors figured in all the runs scored. Robinson with a double and single out of four timess at bat led the hit ting. Score by innings: Kannajiolis .... 000,010 200—3 5 2 Cooleemee .... 000 001 000—1 r> Anderson and Meehan; Miley and Smith. Dr. Paul Means! - of S j J.. is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Means. Mrs. Means and children have been here lor several weeks. / Several women well known in English society, including at least two ladies of title, are adding to their depleted incomes by running public, houses. ‘ ‘ .