1, U 12 H‘27 4o\ ! P'> ' WJpv Vffiwffi 1 |j ’ n> ,, n I ntfii \ n fj., (*h:irlottt* l! °,i Im . .} with in yr- ~ ;i | Hi :iii«l <•]*“- pt ~: _• st'l tin' .*,*l2 ’ lie | i-.'-chn , . (’lulr by ' • i Lliza belli cc 2l- "'*■ r‘ ! ’ ; u ..... liming li"r , :i li.lll’ll feted j ii;l ;irr.iiiij jpi: r ■ - I ~i h,-r ” ! Ijsria' 11 '' " ‘ | )!in , ,-iiy tluw- I voting .;-k or! while M i >s p.i.'rt-; ''T r.i.. m iun* ill lav- j S'**L a ‘guV Mr-. r* 4 ! .„f :!ir as- ; iisr. Mrs: ::i,ir - ' . black I tSltTj v " ' ' y jji I lie re- I V*r W ; ' "S' cl’ 1 In* city's I - Mi-s Lucy ! M* 1 "Tf\li- \i..iit ami j [»n ai:»» t , ; ~ t I'.- - " _ .\,,ii a Mcenv ami | |" , r.ji. :. • a l'nlimil'ia, j ‘ ;, n .l Miss.i '‘ i{ wi, l vi.,ii-S:ilci!i. ami. ca 'e ' ,V \r \V Or lsV!/ Mc-"il-- : ‘ llanli*'- {-' i n , u winch W'" . ■ I1( j , Hjiiiiaiisi juit il ' ,vfrt-iiii.u t'i-ui T I'tmch. . ? '"l 1-iitii' ‘"•ai'csli"ii- were .. .'il Miss II ;.,i-piiaiit.v. M : »i«rcir) »-'iilil to . . - 'K : .iimry t;•i ; iil "i I niiity. i’rt-b will" tm-'-r tonight at S .. \i r . I.*n;.aril Itarnliarill. i" ’l"' \]| mcmlw’fs are t > he Mk- Wau-t.MY iaitertain-. sVuril;i> ••v-’tiing Mi--. Urn-i Wait .,••• ,|,.’ie .tfu’l |*ariy in Mi--. - A t lie .\riil- Blitivlm Heia , ycu:t . ami l>ella (if'iVwurd au-i Miss l’rtaikve II Wah.llT Ce\e. Music Ulill W •■Ki"V'il. a?T* r- which liainty «.■:••• serveii. The oltt-of n bsiiirs the urn's a!reail\ tiieu w yi» M. ruaret ami Louise pKid. "i Itiirliau'h'ii. Unpii- KidtiiiKdir (liirs . anl I‘arty. > Ami-' KiiiHiiiM’-.r ilciiiiMtfully e:i- D brrv'f yi mii; peeple at a iiarty «!1 !::- r rveuil.u ill luilliil' of j*.? Mi- i■ , ‘iii.ie >i . Si ai leu-'i. «*f ii,. and Mi-- .Uui'i'l ftrumley, of [H. ja-t t,f Mi-s <|| are Wiliecoff. s Mabie Hyui;> eiianainttly prcsid r tbs punch i*e,vl. ice cream anil hk mtvhl lift"!- ma'uy siaine- were 3. w wlm Mijtiyoi Mi-i_ Kiiieiihour's dity wciv: M.-- - Scarimio ami Ifv. Ola aad lira i•• Wim -off. Ilel- j tier, Pn'-jlah l*rath«-r. Helen I?rowii. j Terry, Iliad; - Brown. .Mary M >r- j iali> Henry ami Sahie MeAmilty : j >i. Harry 1..e Johnsou. < lareiice : t Glvni Wi icmff. Ray Cline. Ed. pc Carl .Mills, 1.-uis Smart. Joe ! Fifflpr. Htto Clmiiey ami Howdj »' Day Smites at Eueu-i I'rev | hyteriaa Church. bbu> Ihiy j.pcraia will be giv- ! tk Leii-r I’reshyteriaii ('inirch on ! «•«.' July K.l'l. Exereisvs will i a' I] k. At tlie at'- I * Mr. C. F. Kitehie. of ; tad Her. 11. M. I're-sly. of ; lirubaiily ,hc u.e speakers, "ii ’ nr■•uml-. Evei 'Mroily j Hymn:*!. H. Mr>. (iiv** Hiliner. I &Ohxi-t T i- r * I ,^ Mr ' 1 "ti.-irfi" K. I.aiabeth will j '• i' «* ihe ('harhuie ('mm- | *' v *'i;ilur at i ;.';o o'clock, ! .I.anibetls'- ihrec pretty si l Nancy C.irr. >.l' lbuham.i 1,1 Hill ami Mis- A-lc- M| Win-jn-S.a iein. •""! Hill ari gucs t > „f Mr. . -aiinciti. rin-ir home on Myci. I'ark. while Miss ‘ ,s "!u r Miss Sara Jamison tzt;:/ yr ' 1 - irk ' , I." 1 '•" im about 4 |ji ' ,il,in '‘ r - ' he party w ill ' at ti c . 1 * mmunity flub. Fw..’ , i; | " 'inli will t. f ' • I-".. T. at s program: Ml. I m ■ ,4‘" New ii. k welder a»fi Justice. wt!?' '■ t'T' H artscil lin , '™h J. p,. U „i,...; a:,<l All -' >•«- * n ' l Mr • ami y, - : r “" Hue Daughter. ■ U *''« Marti,,-are I «* July s'l,"" 1,1,111 of a Hhu*~ir: v , nt; . r Vilk' at I<“r-i 1 <“r-i, hVl i|‘. _'!" !nli>ag s-nne p wa- •*rt <• ••(ji j,.j ij ouse A' "fly; ' ' Mi>s • ‘-'’"li-Sab ui k .. wjji, ; , ' ' v 11,1 spent ,l v ’ ; ”' I’.i'aci, ,1 ‘ . '"'Eweek at h party of n 'vpr,ilv Q{ ZT 1 -. Mbs S 1!v f '"' the sis. rh , o“*' *' a tneia r r" ni, ’ r(1 - lrablit 3 u . U1 th , Miss Mary King, principal of the Cen tral Primary School, and Miss Pearl Smart, who graduated last year from Oueen's College, also are attending the Columbia summer School. l>aura "Harris Circle Meets. - An interesting and enjoyable meeting of tlie Laura Harris Circle of the Wom : tan's Missionary Society of Central Methy i odist Church was held Mondtiy evening | wit Miss Annis Smoot at her home on' ; drove Street. Several business matters were dis cussed at the meeting, and at. the eon , elusion Airs. I>. L. Bofet read the report of Miss Virginia linf[re, who attended the district conference* as a representa- I tive from tlie T,aura' r Harris Circle. Several piano solas by Miss Jessie Willeford :ukl several vocal numbers by little .Miss Frances Adams, guest here at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Houston, were added features. Tlie singing of the child was a rare treat, , for although she is not more than J 2 i years of age, thy child sang several 1 songs in four different languages. She j was presented with a beautiful hand painted box filled with cntidv by Mrs. | Mrs. Honeycutt Kntertains. [ _ Mrs. W. IL Honeycutt delightfully «>n- I tertained a mini Iter of her friends at din tier last Thursday tit her country home. The occasion was greatly enjoyed by all present. Those the party were: Miss Melissa Montgomery. Miss Alice Bryan. Miss Ola Barnhardt, of Concord. Mrs. J>e Haynes and little ' I daughter. Mary Alice, of Poplar Tent, ' Mis. Zeb Eudy and dauglwter. Christine.! of Mount i-leasant. Mrs. K. K. Eudy. of Charlotte. Mrs. Marcus A. Miller and little daughters-. Janie Louise and Paul ine. of Salisbury. X. Picnic Tuesday Evening. Employes of the Parks-Belk Company, together with several members of the families of tlie management, enjoyed a most delightful picnic Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Peter Boger Rost, near Flowe's Store, The party of picnickers left Concord as soon as tlie store closed, each one car rying lunch. The trip to the home of Mrs. Host was made in automobiles, and practically every employe of the store wa- present. Various games .and con tests were enjoyed during the stay at Mrs. Host's, and the elimax came when the sumptuous picnic supper was served. Those pnesent - were : Misses! Dorothy * anil Esther Fisher. Beulah Crjtertier.' Leona Broome, Annie guest. Glenna Maye Scar boro. of I.ilesville. Grace AViuecoff, Ola Winecolf. Hazel Brumley. of Gastonia, Sadie and Nora MeAmilty. Helen Slith er. Alma Griffin, Esther Sappenfield, Mr. md Mrs. George Fisher. Mr.,and Mrs. D. It. Morrisou, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Deaton, Messrs. Then Morrison. Joe Lee, Joe Outiger. Bay Cliue. Hay atid Iten Beaver. L’telre”. Hugh Broome. Alai-shall Kin'dall, of Badin, Frank Cotton, of Itad in. v l littoed Kluttz. Frank Morrison and ! son.-Thomas. Charles Parks. I.onnie Fink and Herbert Smith. ’ 1 Birthday Dinner. L On Sunday. July Sth. two hundred jlfriends and relatives gathered at the ! beautiful country home of Mr. Wiley ; Walter and gave him a surprise birth i day dinner, it being his tk'trd birthday. It_ came as a great surprise to Mr. Walter, and he received many useful and costly ' gifts. The table was prepared under a 1 beautiful tree on the lawn and everyone : enjoyed the dinner immensely. At a | late hour in the afternoon the guests returned to their respective homes wisli ’ iug him many more happy birthdays. • Those present from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walter, of Moores i ville. Mr. and Mrs. (’has. Lee Early, of t Kannapolis. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Tce i ter. of Mooresville, Mrs. Alollie Early, of Kannapolis. Misses Mary and Irene Teeter, of Mooresville, Miss Vergie Cook. |of Asheville. Air. C. D. Sapp, of Char lotte. Air. C. Brown, of i Pa.. Airs. Will Walter, of Salisbury . T — With -Our Sick. The condition of Airs. Elam King, who beeaaie suddenly ill some time ago, coy tinfies to improve. Airs. King exjiects to be able to leave here home again by the iirst of next week. Xo decided change is reported in the condition of Airs. T. T. Smith, who has been ill for several weeks at her home on- N'orni ITiion Street. A. B. Pounds has entered the 1 ’harlot te Sanatorium where she will undergo treatment for some time. Visiting in Cleveland. Airs. J. F. Day vault. Aliss Rebecca Dayvault and guests. Alisses Thompson. AVice and Daniel, are spending the day in Cleveland, guests of Aliss Thompson. From Cleveland the house party will go to Hiddenite and will return to the city Thursday afternoon. Aliss Dessie Dixon, house guest of Aliss Rebecca Dayvault for the past week, left for her home in Hendersonville. Aliss Dayvault’s other guests will be here un til Friday morning. China Grove Alan Head of __ Albemarle High School. ( Air. (’. B. Aliller. Jr., of China Grove, is to become principal of the Albemarle Iligli School when the school term begins in September, having been elected to that position l by the school authorities of Al bemarle. He is a graduate of the- Uni versity of North Carolina and has re cently taken a Alaster degree there. He i- now spending several days in A Ute ri nrle. Miss Cline Entertains. One of the .post beautiful an 1 elabor ate parties of tae summer “bavin, was the Bridge given Ai oi-Jav evening In Mia** Sarah Louis Cli ie in comp’imci t to Aliss Sarah AVice. of. Petersburg. A*a.. Afisti -Annie B. Ifaniel,. of Augusta, Ga., anil Aliss Dessie Dixon, of Henderson ville. who are the guests of Aliss Rebecca Day vault. Tlie beautiful home was artistically - decorated with bright summer flowers. Bridge was played at seven tables, and after several hours of play were enjoy ed, the hostess served delicious* ice cream, angel food «ake and mints. Punch was served throughout the evening. After cards, dancing wins enjoyed on the porch, which was lovely with the soft lights of Japanese lanterns. Those who enjoyed Miss Cline’s hospi tality were: Aliss Dayvault and guests. Misses \ATce, Thompson. Daniel and Dix on, Misses Catharine Goodman. Lois Crowell, Margaret Hartsell, Elizabeth Harris, Margaret Ritchie. Adelaide Har ris, Mary Belle Cannon. Cora Lee Buch anan, Alossrs. AVilliain Ritchie, Earle Brown, Zeb Alorris. Tom Harris, Hugh Broome, Ray Alorris, Alartiu Foil, A\ 7ul lace Morris, Edward Alorrisou, Halbert AA’ebb. Steadman and Tucker, of Char lotte, Miles AA’olff, Jess Raiford anil Johu PERSONALS. Airs. Aioffett, of San Antonio, Texas, is visiting her sister, Airs. \\ L. Norman on Tribune street. . Air. and Mrs. J. A. Crooks, who have been spending a few days here with rel atives, left AA'oduesday for Mylie, Ga., where they will spend several weeks be fore returning to their home in Jackson ville, Fla. • • • Rev. and Airs. AV. A. Rideuhour. of Kings Mountain, spent Tuesday in this city with relatives of Air. Ridenhour. • * a Miss Grace Ridenhour, member of tlie clerical staff of the Parks-Belk Company, is spending a vacation with relatives in Richmond, A’a. • » ■ Mrs. C. E. Parks and son left yesterday treat, where /She hill spend some time. She was recqfttly called to her home herd by the illnesfe of Airs. Elam King. • » ■■ Airs. AA’. J. Hill and daughter. Alary Hudlow. are spending some time in Shel by with relatives. * • Airs. C. E. Parks and son left this morning for Virginia, where they will visit relatives. They were accompanied as far as Danville, A’a., by Air. Parks. • • % Air. and Airs. C. Q. Long and son. Oscar, of Richmond, A’a., arrived in Con cord AA’ednesday to spend several days with relatives and friends. • * Airs. AL H. Caldwell and Aliss Rosa Caldwell left yesteiduy for Alont gomery county, where they will visit Airs. Lizzie AL Eaines. * * * Aliss Margie Aliller left AA’ednesday to visit relatives in Atlanta. Ga. She will also spend several weeks in Birmingham, Alp., at the home of her uncle, Air. Har ry Aloore. • • • Aliss Margaret Alorris lias returned from Greensboro, where she spent two weeks with her sister. Airs. S. I. Parker. # * * * Airs. AV. AL Sherrill and daughter, Ellen Lewis, left Monday afternoon for Qfeenville, S. (’., where they will spend some time with Airs. Sherrill's father, • • * Air. J. Lee Carpenter. Air. and Airs. Ed. AlcDonald, of Dur ham. are spending several days here, guests at the home of Air. and Airs. C. I). McDonald. * * * M isses Mary and Adeline Morrison left Tuesday for Eliza be fhton and White Lake, where thev will be the guests of Airs. J. H. Clarke. • • • Aliss Alay AA’hite v is spending some time in Alontreat. ■ • * Air. AVill Robinson, of Chester. S. C.. is spending several days here at the home of his sister. Airs. Julius Fisher. Air. and Airs. H. G. Gibson and daugh ter left Alonday morning for Pinehurst, where they spent several days. * * * Airs. A. E. Harris is spending a week with her father in Polkton. • ( V Air. Owen Joyner, of Belmont, spent the week-end here with his parents, Air. and Airs. B. F. Joyner. • * • AI iss Emily AVeddington is spending I several days in Davidson with her grand mother. Mrs. L. AI. 'Thompson. • • » Alt*. Clarence Revell, of Washington, is spending some time here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wilkinson, • « • Air. and Airs. H. G. Cook left Tues morning for Richmond and other points in A'irginia to spend several days. Dr. and Airs. AV. C. Houston and Aliss Pat Adams TiAve gone to Black Mountain for the summer. m * m Airs. B. F. Rogers is spending several days in Charlotte, the'guest of her daughter. Mrs. John FT Yorke. at her home in Myers Park. • • • Airs. I. I. Ilgvis. Jr., and two children. Betsy and Alinnie Hill, returned last night from a week’s visit in Atlantic City and New York City. * * *• All*, anil Airs. V. G. De&Portes return ed last night to their home in AA’innsboro. S. after attending the funeral of Mrs. T. \\”. Smith, mother of Airs. DesPortes. * m * _ Airs. J. B. Sherrill arrived in Concord yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. T. A\\ Smith. She will >pend several days here before returning to Asheville. * * * Air. Cyrus AA'lute. of Spartanburg, is spending the day in Concord on business. . . • ,\ Air. T. J. Smith and family returned today from Asheville, where they spent several days this week with relatives and friends. • * • Aliss Alary Donnell Smoot returned last night from Bladeiifcoro, where she has been for the past two weeks at tending the house party of Aliss Laura Alay AA’atson. The party also made a trip to AA’rightsville for a few days. Air. Joe A. Glass*wi 11 leave tomorrow for western North Carolina on a busi ness trip of several weeks. * * * Charlotte Observer: Airs. Lisette C. Hood, who has been visiting her daugh ter. Airs. J AV. Kirby, in Gastonia, lias arrived in Charlotte to spend some time with Ah*, and Mrs. Ernest Hood, the I former her son. at their home on East I Alorehead street. A place on the bench of the Supreme Court of the United States is demanded ‘by the South Dakota branch of the Nnt l ional League of Women A’oters. \t one hotel in Bavaria a visitor found the table cloths and napkins to be paper, the butter oleomargarine, the cof fee oats, and the rice bread crumbs. THE CONCORD TIMES Starts Saturday 14th and Runs Thru July 31st Annual , 111 . Iff 4 lU Annual < SSWCj : U I_JL" Sale b 1 €cvmrvro A Clean Sweep, No Left Overs Here suit! 'i- rtPay s «° T^_ dea * . dresses At Half and Less Than Half ■ ■ 1| C ¥ Id' * At a Mere Fraction of Their Price h lO JTI Hi fV O Real Worth $2.00 Up JB 95c Up Concord’s Foremost Specialists ' ' Prices Set on Fire a t Both Ends “Bang” >| This our Annual July Clearance Sale, is to V /7TP il clear the Racks and Tables of all Odd Sizes, : ; , (1 Broken Lots of Seasonable Merchandise. In addin ' AjjattaE) | tion to this we have bought Special Merchandise ! ’/ I for this occasion. As we say come! We mean the | Bargains will be Real,-so let nothing keep you * Vf ~, i.Sj jl away. It pays to Trade FISHER’S, where mer- | chandise is as good or better than it is repre- j i V * » X ' V . Just the Sale you have been waiting for-It will be in reality \ our Sale Wprth _ I - While , No Approvals or Approv- ' DAINTY UNDER MUSLINS of every nature and character —Gowns, I eddies, Slip-ons, In This Sale Brassieres, Camisoles, silk and cotton, Knit Underwear, We Are Sacrificing Jpiat 1() j 19c, 29c, 39c, 69c, 88c, $1.17 and lip ! L- MILES AND MILES OF WEAR OUT OF THE HOS ~TRIMMED HATS 1 iery in this sale WONDERFUL ' LUle and SUk St ° CkingS THINK OF THESE PRICES Look at These Sale Prices Bc, 11c, 23c, 37c, 46c, 59c, 88c 25c, 50c, 95c, $1.69, $2.69 93c, 1.19, $1.69, $2.15 Children’s, Misses’ and Ladies —They Are Beauties The Values Here Are Almost Double See Wind ow Display Clearance of all Dresses. v Quantities of Small Wares SILKS! COTTONS! VOILES! That Will Mean a Big , The Price Range Will Be 95c, SI.BB, $2.89, $3.69, $4.74, $6.44 VT Wg P Saving to You SB.BB, $11.65, $16.74, $27.74 upward * NWIa iTOi , , Come, Pick ’Em Off the Rack 1 Needles lc \ / Elastic, 1-4” 3c BATHING SUITS -1 f ng c °r Soap £ _ _ J.J Lemon Soap oc , , r Castile Soap 8c At the Time V hen \ou Need Them Most 25c ~p* n CORSETS I Melba Powder 69c I 25 Per Lent. Un OHO fA# Cotey’s Powder 99c 2U Per Lent. Utt lOc Pearl Buttons sc Sale Prices 50c Upward Some Soiled-lc Per Inch S ffc^ y P Tn“ ""f: 3c * * . 10c Pins 8c SPORT SKIRTS AND SWEATERS 95c .6 yards Bolt Elastic -23 c c-uirts Pleated and Plain —Beautiful Novelties Included 15c Pow'der Puff 10c, AA T T 60c Nadine Pow'der _ 39c SI.OO, $2.00, $3.00, $4.00 $3.00 Up 10c Powder ~ T —_— «c Sweaters at Above Sale Prices ___ 20 PER CENT. OFF ON GOSSARD CORSETS Mould your figure to Present Dav Lines-This is Your Time to be Colors white and pink-$2.00, sale $1,60; $3.50 FJL You will find in this Sale Quantities of Vm f ' . Merchandise Not Advertised ThaJ Will Be a » Uf\ M i Treat for you—so shop every aisle of every »jgp#R section of every department. It will pay ][ PAGE FIVE

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