Thursday-j“ly 19- I*3?- ******* * ♦ ********* *** • A** * * * si. JOHN’S. _. ;, rarlMTin** ami Mary Rul ■ '' ~,,'nl spent last week with : ;>i' ' : , i .,Mr. and Mrs. L. A. K■ h " l ’, M 8 M. Ritchie will eel- M r :im . ’ irr ‘;,, t || wedding anniversary d’*‘ ‘ y,j ( R’-erybody is in -1 .■ bring -well, tilled bas J"' l ’ i',.vingten with relatives, rr"! 11 ,i,. | It Hudson visited *...fMr .1 it. Cross last Wednes- Mr. ' • Vrv Kdgar Ridenhmir and M r ! , '\|, Harry Ridenhour at : ; . ,r :* I: pr;i'ti reti's 1 htv exeereises at Kh ('hurrh Sunday. , 'w ■ ~ Raul Miller spent Sun \[r. flritf '■*> ‘ ipf, hie and family, ot Ran l1 ’ | services at St. John’s shive. of t’oneord. visiteeveu te-aehers. including the principal. Rev. Mr. Rodie. The school was fur the entire community, and it was a greaet success. OSIEAX ROUGE. LOCI'ST. Mr. W. S. Morton, of Matthews, was a visitor here Monday and Tuesday. 1 Mis- Horn Hart sell, of Dahvilh*, Va.. i- sjuudiug a few days at Stanfield with >r mother. Mrs. M. Morgan. Heavj rains -eem to be falling all anmnd but this section continues very dry. Evangelist .1. K. Black will assist the in ;i series of meetings at the Bapti't rhuivh beginning the first Sun day Mti August. Furr Township Sunday School Conven tion will be held at Beulah Church, on Saturday of this week. A number of speakers are expected to he present and a good session i- anticipated. Come and be with us. - K. MISSION. Ibv 1 (fin Hearn tilled his regular ap ■ ntiiieur- last Saturday and Suuday ai the Mission Baptist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Lc<* Black welder, of * ((tu-ord, attended preaching services at Mission Sunday. Mi-. Berry Ilatley and little son, * I'de, left Sunday for Kannapolis* to "I'eiid a few days with her husband, who e working at that place. Miss Laura Almond spent a few hours Nimlay afternoon with Miss Pesierlie I-iißibert. Mi" Alartha Harrington, of Concord, k|, ei r Saturday night in the home of her u,|rl -- Mr. Willie Hatley. Mr. Jiia Furr has gone to Concord to " u ik in the cotton mill. Mi", l.tliel < ray ton spent the week etmd With her parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. 1 < ray ton. H Herrin, daughter. Miss i'™:**? ( lettis. motored to AA>- Monday. _ IT A.i who have any dead buried in the , „ I ,. sr:lv, yar(l. please come on Snt d> no'iuing before the first Sunday (. ..* 'C that is the time set to * dl "fl the graveyard.. HOPE. MISKMIKIMKH. h ' ,i,wi in iayiuß b - v ““ lmlf ‘ h °-vs found a highland tor ,nark’, -;; ra . r neiir here that had been l: • , 1 . Uir, *i*e in 11HHi. Mr. on*, i,. ,'V' S " a P'dat to mark every Z :,!T »1« Venus,? If pill ,lial ,r "t cut yrrnr terra •Mr lieop.,' \1 \| , • -1: - ■ ,? Miseiihetuier was giv s’iiida\ \i' hirtlnlay dinner on last from v .. : ' 11 ttended. 'They euni(‘ ril> couutiT S,;inlv :,n f° ,lr sons living. ''"Tip. |,. ’ - -hdin. Berry and ,d Moss Maugliters. Mrs. Angus heniari,. ‘ Carter. of Al ai, us- ." f tins place, and ’■'"'ire,,. u '"h* and greaef grand '"rvic,. ... ‘ 1 hexleer eonduct \V(. ‘ V| fl “* table. lietlrel 1 1* ,1 1 xvitfl ns at H'c c ■“ ‘". l:ln ( hur(*li Sunday V r - henry "V, S;l . lis|)ul ‘- v - and Prof. "‘ n ty. Th. vi" i !' V s -Mill- Cabarrus Imminent ' . Ul " nnd took a J* l**vso„ \ 1,1 fllP Sunday school, abourwhn ilfV J,n d Hil! - is ■ uT 1 h, ' u r> We h Wl,h nieui "gitifs For but | io , 1 " ot hpar( l of her ■-« *"»■« ™L"; r "» Mur. •j-, with J l ' ' T '" ,n es is not Hit,; , L i n“'"‘ lln|f I,ublic ' C '»>!.«1. " Ir . Bal ? liU ' hel •ii f for t i„, , .Harward is wor- WfVhp‘‘ art <>f the ,irae in build * ' J,lri, 'g the wiliter* 1 ha LOWER STONE. I Messrs. W. S. Wagoner. R. L. Hoi shouser. L>. H. Corl, (leo. L. Barringer | f and (l. A. Fisher went to Catawba Col- ! £ lege last Sunday to attend the mission-j ary conference. Quite a number of our people will at tend the County Farmers’ Cnion meet ' I- ing at Yost sehoolhouse next Thursday h and Friday. July If) and 20. t. The Christian Endeavor Society of Lower Stone will have an ice .‘ream sup I- per at Lower Stone on Saturday night y before the fifth Sunday. July 2S, begin i- ning at <* p. m. The jiroeceds will go - to the society. The public is invited. Mr. Paul Foutz lias purchased a new '• Ford. The Home Coming at Lower Stone will be held the fifth Sunday, July 21). Rev. I J. C. Leonard, of will preach the Home Coming sermon at 11 a. in. Mr. James L. Fisher, of Salisbury, and d Mr. W. A. Foil, of Concord, will make - addresses in the afternoon. Roth of '* these were at one time members at Lower Stone, and we are glad to have them i- make addresses on Home Coming. TULIP. i- ■ S CONCORD ROUTE FIVE. Mr. Frank Walker's chicfyu stew d last Friday night was enjoyed by a large crowd. n Miss Melba Shoe, of Concord, pent a "while Sunday evening with Mrs. Will r. Wilkerson. There will be all day services and din ner on the grounds at Tucker's Chapel r thi* fifth Sunday in this month, s . Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Roger and Mr. and ;Mrs. John Kimmons. of Concord, spent awhile Sunday evening at Mr. 1). L. >. Earnhardt's. e -Mr. Banks Penuiuger. of No. 7 tmvu il shiji. were welcome visitors in the home of Mr. I). L. Rarnhnrdt Saturday night, s Mr. City IMott spent Wednesday in ('oneord. There will be an ice cream supper at Mr. I>. L. Barnhardt’s Saturday night, r July 21. Everybody is invited. BUTTERFLY. t GIBSON MILL NEWS. _ Mrs. Carl Moser and two children, of s Burlington, are spending several days '- here with relatives. Mrs. Della Howard, of Charlotte, spent - Suuday. here visiting her father. Mr. W. \ S. Long. Miss Lethia Little reteurned Saturday r from near Albemarle, where she spent i. several weeks visiting her aunt. Mrs. M. e I). Tompson. d Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Brandon and t Airs. .1. \A . Culp, of Salisbury, spent Sunday here with relatives. Miss Lottie Hinson, of Stanfield, is spending the week with relatives hero. Mr. and Mrs. C. (J. Culp and chil s drop, of Granite Quarry, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Culp’s parents. Mr and * Mrs. J. M. Furr. II Mrs. Susan Spong and daughter. Clara, have gone to Gold Hill, where they will d sjhmul the summer with relatives. ' Airs. Sherman Julian and little daugh ter, accompanied by Air.—Julian, returned Sunday to their home in Brookford af ‘‘ R's spending several weeks here visiting * her father. Mr. R. A. Stirewalt. Mr. and Mrs. Alike Talley,, and Mr. ** and Airs. George Russell, of Salisbury. 11 spent Suuday here visiting relatives. 1 Airs. R. AI. Alauldin. who underwent d an operation at the Concord Hospital d several weeks ago. is convalescing nice ly. She is expected to return this week to her home on North Kerr street. Mrs. Frank Jarvis and children, of Lexington, an* spending some time ' here with her mother. Airs. W. AI. Freeze. . Air. and Airs. Lee White and children. 1 of Charlotte, spent several days this f week here with relatives. Aliss Lillian Rodgers has gone to " -Brookford. where she will spend some " time with Air. and Airs. Sherman Jul () ian. Aliss Lessie Yow has returned to her * home near Alidland. after a week’s visit '* to her cousins, Alisses Effie, Bertie and Tessie Barrier. Miss Rose Skidmore. of Charlotte. r spent the week-end here visiting rela tives and friends -1 Air. and Airs. S. O. Bundy and Airs. Fannie Garmon. Alisses Dora Elzin Bun dy and Lillie Hamilton, spent Sunday * in Hamlet visiting Air. and Airs. J. T. and J. S. Braswell. * Little Aliss Alary Francis Calloway returned Sunday from Greensboro, wheree she spent several weeks. She was ae- 1 ‘ companied home by her parents. Air. and Airs. Earl Calloway, who spent Sunday k there visiting Airs. John Tucker. * Mrs. C. P. Cook returned Saturday from a visit of several days to her daughter. Airs. Ernest Hagler, in No. township. BUFFALO NO. 5. n Air. and Airs. F. E. Cooke spent Sun day with Air. and Airs. 1). A. Cork Air. and Airs. I). A. Corl and children f and Aliss Alae Cooke spent Sunday in . Union county. There will be prayer meeting at the _ home of Air. 1). A. Corl, near Rimer on t Sunday night. July 22. LIZA. i« EASTERN NO. ELEVEN. Aliss Beulah Biggers, who is attend s ing the Teachers Training School in Con -1 cord, spent the week-end at home. p Air. and Airs. J. F. Kiser and three * small children. Pearl. Alary and Stewart, spent the week-end with Air. and Airs. I). G. Bost. ' Air. Lewis Plott, of Salisbury, visited 1 his father. Mr. G. F. Ploh. Sunday. | Air. J. P. Coggins and little daughter * of near Kannapolis, spent Thursday here with friends and at his plantation in 1 No. J). J’ Air. Cletus Lefler and family visited * friends on Route 5, Wednesday after s lioon. 1 Aliss Jennie Lee Isenhour is home af * ter visiting her sister, Airs. Fred Fag * gart, of Concord. 1 ‘ Aliss Blanche Plott is spending a few " days in Concord with her brother. Air. Frank Plott. 5 Airs. W. AI. Faggart spent Tuesday in s Concord at the home of her son, Air. * Fred Faggart. The public has to detour near Mr. ' f V. C. Cline’s to the Bost Mill road so s I several days on account of the Litaker s I bridge being washed away. 1 I The chain gang has about completed | r the road as far as C. G. Heglar’s. We 'are proud of our'newe highway. i t| Z. Y. Z. | 1 j ROCKY RIVER. We have been having splendid rains i - and crops are looking fine. i Tb.e threshers came through last week and threshed what littlie grain was made. We think there should be more 1 grain raised since we have the boll wee vil with us. Mr. Andy Linker was right sick from getting overheated the last of the week, j Fruit of all kinds is almost as scarce las “hen tebth." About all we have is | blackberries and grapes. r l lie county road building force has been moved elsewhere. The county com missieners will finish our road to Rocky River Church by contract, we hear Gentlemen be sure to finish the job. Air. Lon AieEaehern is "wearing a red nose; he rays it's a boil causing it. AA **ll, ns there lias been so much pugil ism of late, and also wheat threshing on. we might be inclined to have some doubt about it. if we didn’t know it was tin* -truth. A number of our young folks went to Poplar Tent this afternoon to the echo meeting of the Young Peoples' Confer ence. Mr. G. L. Simpson and family have come home from Boone, where he at • tended the teachers’ summer normal. A. SCRIBBLER. Program For Rimer Community Club Meeting. The Rimer Community Club will meet Finlay night. July 20. ]D22. at S o’clock. Following is the program to be followed: Song. Scripture Reading and Prayer. AI tisie. Recitation ; "If You’ve Anything Good to Say—Aliss Gladys Furr. Recitation—Six or Nine —Master .las. Lentz. Recitation: What Is Home?—Little Aliss Fay Ixluttz. Music. Recitation: If All Who Hate Would Love l’s—Aliss Inez IVnninger. Recitation: If We Only Understood — Miss Nora Safrit. Music. Declamation—Air. Frank Aloose. Recitation: Good-bye—Alaster Horace Lentz. AI usic. Talk —Rev. Roy Troutman. Talk—Aliss Wilson. Music. Talk —Air. ]>. R. Goodman. Music. The public is cordially invited. PROGRAM COM M1 TT EE. OLD VETERAN SO YEARS OLD RUN DOWN BY ALTO Air. Allen Carpenter, of Albemarle. Dies From Injuries Received. A1 betna rle News-Herald. A most deplorable apeident happened Sunday afternoon near the Efird Grad ed School building in West Albemarle when an automobile driven by Aliss Mary Milton, daughter of Mr. and Airs. I). Alilton. of eastern Stanly, ran down Air. Allen Carpenter of this place, an old Confederate veteran about eighty years old, inflicting injuries which resulted in his death shortly after noon today. Medical aid was summoned as quickly as possible after the accident and ev erything possible was done for the in jured man's relief. One of his legs was completely crushed and one arm sustained a badly shattered bone. Air. Carpenter waft also injured internally and sustained several back bruises about the face. From the begitming Dr. (\ AI. Lentz, who atteued Mr. Carpenter, held out very little encouragement for his recovery hut the .old veteran was a better tighter in his last tight than his physician expected, holding the “Grim reaper” at hay for nearly 4S hours be fore the end came. Just -how the accident happened no one seems to be able to tell. Another young lady was riding .with Miss Alilton at the time of the occurrence and it is understood that they both claim that ■ the accident was entirely unavoidable. Near tin* point when* the deplorable •crash came the street which is the one ‘sued for the main travel from Albemarle •to Salisbury, is intersected by another tstreet running down from in front of the Efird Graded School and the em bankment is so high that travelers on either of these streets cannot see cars on the other until within a very fe\y feet of each other. It is reported, liowi ever, that witnesses will be produced tending to show some degree of reck lessness of the driver of the automobile on this occasion. At any rate circum stances are such as to lead the officers of the law to give the matter a thorough investigation. A warrant has been is sued against Aliss Alilton and she has been placed under a bond of SI,OOO which, since the death of Air. Carpenter, will possibly be increased to a larger amount. She will be given a prelim inary hearing possibly one day this week. Tin* young lady will no doubt be re quired to defend herself against a charge of manslaughter. EUROPE IS READY FOR ANOTHER WAR So Declares Newton D. Baker, in Mak ing I'lean for League of Nations. Cleveland, July IN. —Europe is now more neatly read for world war than it was in 15)14, Newton D. Baker told an audience of women gathered here to day to hear the former Secretary of AVar and others outline the purposes of the League of Nations Non-Partisan Asso ciation. It was the first gun fired here in al attempt to secure signers to a peti tion that the United States enter a League of Nations. “AA'hen we present to the President and Senate ten thousand names, or ten hundred thousand names, or ten million uades or those who want America to join a League of Nations, they will listen,” Air. Baker declared. “Europe is now more nearly ready for world war than it was in 15)14, so fai ns underlying causes are Air. Baker added. “I can not sec how it can be prevented unless some substi tute is found. “If the devil has it in his heart to let forth upon the human race more deadly instruments of destruction than 1 were used in the last terrible war, it means international suicide so far as' the civilized nations are concerned. “America must do her part in a big way iu concert with the other nations of | the world to prevent an international war. I believe that way will be the 1 League of Nations, with reservations to * I protect the liberty of the United States.” I Air. Baker explained that there is no ' opposition between the league and the i world court. He referred to the latter | as “something we ought to go into,” ad | ding that “the court doesn’t take us into | the league and it doesn’t keep us out.” 1 In Great Britain the age at which par ties may legally bind themselves in mar riage is fourteen iu the case of boys and twelve in that of girls. I HE CONCORD TIM B S 0 ■ ® t» KANNAPOLIS 9 & DEPARTMENT £■ ® © ®@©©©©©ft®®® I Kannapolis, July 17.—Airs. A. H. Sides returned Thursday to her home on Oak Street after spending several days in Concord. Air. and M£s- T. C. Walter and little son. Clifford; spent the week-end in Gib sonville. Rev. Air. Huffman, a blind jninister, delivered two excellent sermons Sunday, one at Trinity Alethodist Church at 11 o'clock, and the other at the First Bap tist Church at 7:45 p. m. Air. Huff man was heard by large and apprecia tive audiences. It will be remembered that Air. Huffman gave a very interest ing address a year or two ago at the Y. AL C. A. Air. E. F. Carter and Aliss Norma Alontgomery. of Raleigh, spent the week end at the home of Airs. Ira Alontgom ery. Air. A. 11. Sides returned Thursday •from Lake Junaluska. where he, attended the Wesley Bible class federation, rep resenting the Alen’s Wesley Bible class at the Sunday school of Trinity Aletho dist Church. Afrs. AL 1.. Hiinsmker represented the Ladies’ Wesley Bible class. Air. Sides states that the at tendance was good and that the meet ings were full of interest. Air. George Walter left Saturday for Asheville, where Ik* will spend a few weeks. j, Air. and Airs. F. G. Glenn and son. Sam Glenn, left Sunday for their home in Carlton. Ga.. after spending several days in the city with Mrs. F. T. Will niott and Craven. Air. and Airs. Harbin and little son, recently of Florida, have gone to Char lotte to make their home, after spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Sides. Airs. Joe Watson, of Atlanta, spent the week-end here with relatives. !| Air. and Airs. H. B. Robertson have j returned from Asheville, where 1 hey (spent some time with relatives. * i Alaster Clyde Sides has returned from Charlotte .where he six>nt a week with relatives. Mr. Charles .McKinley lias returned from a trip* north where he visited New A'ork. Baltimore and other points. Airs. Z. B. Thornburg, of Concord, vis ited her sister. Airs. J. W. Cauthen, Fri day night. Airs. J. N. Barringer, of Alt. Ulla. spent a few days of tin* past week here with her children. Alisses Althie AlcCombs and Aleor Aloose are attending the Reformed con ference in Newton. Alesdmnes Riggs and McDonald, of Charlotte, were week-end guests at the home of Air. and Airs. A. H. Sides. Aliss Ruth Walter returned Tuesday to Biltmore where she will resume train ing in Biltmore Hospital, after enjoying a few weeks' vacation with home folks. Airs. T. 1\ Aloose lias moved to her handsome new horn** in Alidway. Aliss Leona Graham, of Farmington, is the charming guest of Miss Mary Duncan. Aliss Lillian Sides, of spent the week-end with Aliss Bessie Wine eoflf. Airs. J. E. Aloose. of Fort Aleade, Fla., and Airs. Clyde Riddle, of Columbia, S. C., are visiting their brothers, Messrs. O. E. and Victor Seat-boro, and Airs. T. P. Aloose. Airs. John IT. Rutledge and son, John Jr., will leave Friday for Lincoln Litliia Springs, accompanied by Airs. A. AI. Brown, of Concord. Airs. Everett Cook and daughter, Aliss Jean Cook, of Concord, are guests of Mrs. T. P. Aloose. Aliss McQueen left Saturday for Car thage on a vacation. Airs. Archie Brown, of Concord, ex pects to spend Friday with Airs. John H. Rtuledge. Air. Henry Smith, one of the over seers of the Cannon mills, left Saturday for Alabama where lie will spend his vacation. Airs. T. P. Aloose, a meriiber of the clerical force at Fisher's, is enjoying a two weeks’ vacation. Airs. W. TT. Stallings and daughter. Eunice, of Concord, spent the week-end with Aliss Elsie Lipe, of Juniper street. Louis, Jr., little son of Air. and Airs. Louis Cole, is recovering from a se rious illness. Air. and Mrs. Arthur Laney, Air. and Airs. Sydney Hartis, and others, includ ing a truck and four cars full of peo ple, attended a birthday dinner Sunday given in honor of ATr. Baker at this home near Stony Point. A sumptuous din ner was- served to a larged number of guests. Air. Baker and family are former residents of Kannapolis. Aliss Elie Lipe and guest, Aliss Eu nice Stallings, attended a delightful pound party Saturday night at the home of Air. and Airs. Ed Pethel in the coun tryr Airs. Louis Cole and little Louis Jr., expect to leave Saturday for Charlotte where they will visit friends and rela tives. Air. and Airs. ,T. Al. Ervin visited rel atives in Salisbury Saturday night. Aliss Nell Sherrill is visiting friends and relatives, in AVinston-Salem. The picture. “The Birth of a Nation. ’’ was presented this afternoon at the Y. AI. C. .A. and was much enjoyed by a large audience. The picture will be given tonight at 7:30 and 5) o’clock when a record crowd is expected. Charming in its simplicity was the birthday party by Air. and Airs. L. AI. Gillon at their borne on Alain street Alon day evening for their attractive daugh ter. Rosalie. Six tables of progressive rook was enjoyed by the guests, Aliss Alarie Graeber wining highest score, and AVinfred Alontgomery second, after which the hostess served delicieus ice cream and cake. Aliss Gillon received many nice and useful presentes. Those enjoying Air. and Airs. GillouV hospitality were: Alessrs. Guy Ritchie, Ralph Barringer, Chas. Swaringen, AVinfred Montgomery, I Ilomer Ketchie, Robert Ewan, Harold j Davall, Jake AA’idenhouse. Shuford Peel er, Eugene Peeler, James Walton, Ed ward Kelly, Luther and Ralph Gillon, j Alisses Della Alae Peeler, Pauline Wal ter, Alarie Graeber, Ethel Ketchie, Anita Scarboro, Faith Conrad, Bessie Wine coff, Mary Katherine Sechler, Harriett Orr, Rosalie O'ilon, and Airs. B. IL Kimball, grandmother of the honoree. All departed wishing Aliss Gillon many more happy birthdays The condition of the little child of Air. and Airs. Wrenn Goodnight, of West Kannapolis, who was severely burned last week, is improved. Air. Paul Short has been indisposed since Saturday or Sunday when lie was bitten by a spider. Air. Short is im : proving somewhat at present. I Air. J. T. Nance and family have ! moved from Ridge avenue to the resi ! deuce on Church street recently vacated i by Air. AA’. L. Spry. The condition of Air. Leo Brigman. who was rushed Friday* to the Concord Hospital, while bleeding from an atrtory set in in one of the burns received a few weeks ago when shocked with elec tricity in a garage, is improved.’ The friends of Aliss Aleen AlcCombs will be pleased to know that she is con valescing after a serious illness in a Charlotte hospital. Aliss McCombs re turned Friday to her home in Bellevue section. Airs. AA’. C. Graham was conveyed Alonday to the Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte. The Senior Enworth League of Trin ity Alethodist Church will give a social Tuesday evening at thp home of Air. and AI H. AI. Shepherd on South Main street. Tin* friends of Air. and Airs. Laek~Wil lett regret that they have left Kannap olis. having moved Alonday to Stanley. Air. Chick DeAJarcus left today for Blue Ridge where he will spend his va cation attending tlie training school. Airs. Pearl ThorntAn left Sunday for her home in Spray after spending some time with her sister. Airs. Harmon. Aliss Faith Conrad, of Ohio, is the charming guest of ATiss Alary Graeber. Mrs. Irvin Graham entertained last evening at a delightful miscellaneous shower given at the home of Airs. ,T. Y. Kincaid on Oak street in honor of Airs. Charles Furgeson, the event being a com plete surprise to the honoree. Airs. Ferguson is one of the brides of the sea son. Airs. Ferguson received a large number of beautiful and valuable gifts, attesting to her popularity with a large number of friends. Air. .T. AL Benson will be ready to move into his new home in North Kan napolis in about ten days. Air. and Airs. Holly-field and Air. and Afrs. Charles Ferguson visited friends in Stanley Sunday. Air. Tom Alauney will leave Saturday for his home near Stanley, where he will attend a birthday celebration to bo giv en in honor of his father’s ninety-first anniversary. Aliss Gladys AVagner attend the Con ference Echo yesterday at Poplar Tent. Airs. Thornburg is leaving this week for Georgia where she will visit her daughter. Alisses Lula Sides and Thelma Far rell are in Atlanta visiting Aliss Far rell's sister, Airs. J. E. Dyal. Aliss Dora Tronburg lias left for a month's vacation in Charlottte, Gastonia. Hickory and other points. Alrsv Ralph Housel has returned from a week’s stay in Asheville. Alessrs. Ralph Housel and Ike Lefler left Saturday- for New York and Atlantic •City. COUNTY-WIDE DRIVE AGAINST TYPHOID NOW UNDERWKAY All file Leading Community Centers in the County Will Be Visited by Health Officer During the Drive. Following his usual custom of carry ing the campaign against typhoid fever and diphtheria to every section of the county, Dr. S. E. Buchanan, the county health officer, this week began his county-wide drive to give the typhoid and diphtheria serum to every man, wo man and child in the county. The diphtheria serum is for children between the ages of sij months and six years. The typhoid serum is for every one. Persons who have never taken the serum should by all means take it. Those who have not had it during the past three years need it, and others who think they need it, or who want it, can get it. The following is the complete sched ule : ' Mondays. July 9, 16. 23. 30. Rimer School, No. 0, 8:30 to 5) :30. AVatts Cross Roads, No. 7,5) :45 to 10:15. St. Stephens Church, No. 7, 11 to 11:30. Peck School, No. 7. 12:30 to 1:00. St. John’s School, No. 8, 2:00 to 2:30. Alt. Pleasant. No. 8, 3:00 to 4:00. Tuesdays. July 10. 17, 24. 31. Cold Springs Church, No. 5), 8:45 to 9:15. V I’lotts Store, No. 9. 9:30 to 9:45. Gporgeville, No. 9, 10:15 to 10:4.5. Bost Mill, 11:00 to 11:15. Biggers Store, 11 :45 to 12:15. Alidland School, 1 :00 to 1:30. Bethel School, No. 10, 2:00 to 2:30. Flowe’s Store, 3 :00 to 3 :30. Wednesdays. July' 11, 18, 25. Aug. 1 Alt. Gilead School, No. 5, 8:30 to 9:00. Shinn School, 9:15 to 9:45. County Health Office, 2 :00 to 5:00. Thursdays. July 12, 19, 25, August 2. Rocky River School, No. 1—9:00 to 9:30. Hickory Itidge School 10 :00 to 10:30. Bellefonte School, 11:00 to 11:30. Harrisburg, N. C., 12:30 to 1 :30. Roberta Store, 2 :00 to 2:30. Kaunapolis, Y. AL. C. A., 7 :00 to 8:30. Fridays, July 13, 20. 27, August 3 Pitts School, No. 2, 8:45 to 9:15. Poplar Tent School, 9:45 to 10:15. Gilwood School, No. 3, 10:45 to 11 :15. Coddle School, 12 :‘OO to 12:30. Bethpage School, 1:00 to 1 :30. AA’inecoff School, 2:00 to 2:30. Saturdays, July 13, 21, 28, August 4 County Health Office, 9:00 to (J :00. President Decides Against Long Trip. Fairbanks. Alaska, July IG.4—Some what fatigued by their 400-mile trip into the interior of Alaska and fearful of low water for their steamer in the Tana river, President and Airs. Harding short ly before noon today called off their con templated 90-mile trip over the Rich ardson trail and instead will return di rectly to Seward froip here, leaving this afteruoon. Airs. Harding has been so worn out by accepting hospitalities ex tended by Alaskans that she has been competed to take to bed, Mr. Harding informed an audience here just before he and his party left for Seward, Alaska. It is said that if the earth’s atmos phere should be suddenly increased in thickness to 700 miles, the sun could not penetrate it, and the earth would soon be wrapped in ice. { INVESTMENT When you have money to place at interest, l be very careful to make certain that any stock I or security you are thinking of buying is thoroughly sound. If you wish our advice on the subject you 1 are cordially welcome to come in and talk the I matter over with us without placing yourself | under obligation. Our knowledge and ex- I perience in investment matters are at your I CITIZENS TRBsVcO. ill ■I You wouldn’t try to sing . ■ a quartet by yourself— Then why ask one suit to make the rounds of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter? What every man in Concord needs is at least one cool suit — a weight lighter than he wore in May. Look at Vacation time coming., Look at the Values that are here to-day. Look at how the girls are dressing and then let us introduce you to our dressing room. Mohair, Palm Beach & Tropical Suits i $15.00 up 1.- ■ I will wear this, next and all thru the summer of 1924 j Browns - Cannon Co. i; •: Suits tailored just a little better. Luggage too. 11 ti i=i il ?j fi bH H«1 II ft? r ffWtrBTBBMBWWBij Many Real Bargains are still to be had at Our July Clearance Sale. SPECIALTY HAT SHOP *QQC»POOOOOcmoooonnonononooo vinnonrinnrinnnftpQpQoooQop CXXXX>OOOOOOOOOOOCXXX4OOCOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXX>OOOOOr'' 10-Piece Chippendale Dining Suite A Set of Furniture that will appeal from a standpoint of Good Taste and Economy, too, is the Chippendale Style Dining Set here shown. Table is oblong style, Buffet is 72 inches long, hairs are substantially made, have slip seats and are covered in Mohair. We have many other styles to select from. RELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. T3E STORE THAT SATISFIES" USE IIS UNO TRIBUNTPENNY ADS.-IT PAYS PAGE THREE