. j ulv 19- 1923. ] {iii!bua) - • Commences Thursday Morning--Lasts 9 Days EFIRD'S AFTER INVENTORY SALE ‘ j x '' * * % i1 f Remember the Date, Thursday Morning, July 19th i A Cloudburst of Bargains Please shop early Thursday morning—we will be closed in the afternoon. _We want our sales force to have one-half holiday. Follow the Crowd After Inventory Clothing Sale Here are Prices that will send Competition Tumbling to the Earth PALM BEACH SUITS Thursday Morning, 8:45 t. On tlie opening hour 8:45 Thursday morning, we will knock them loose at the rate of one suit to a customer as long as they last, each— MEN’S SUITS THURSDAY MORNING 8.45 Men s and 5 oung Men’s Styles in a big assortment ol natty patterns. \\ e will limit one suit to a customer, and none to merchants. Choice— • S*Js.o(> Tropical W orsted Suits, each $16.50 Monroe Suits $22.50 and $25.00 i MEN’S SILK SOCKS j W e limit these Tpairs to a customer, and they sell I _ while the lot lasts at per pair— | MEN’S SHIRTS These are Odds and Ends, broken sizes, soiled and rumpled found in our stock when taking inventory, i) Come early for the best selection. You get them ) at vour choice, each— ■' Suit* ■ SI.OO ------ 44c] MEN’S SHIRTS 1 , ' l ' ' nion Suits. ‘ Y 39c HereJs another lot of men's Shirts and you couldn't go wrcjfng to buy half a dozen at the price, Choice 'l'i( Oillars 15c ' 75c A Car-Load of Imported Grass Rugs Direct From Japan to Be Sold While the Lot Lasts ' 85c . Bxlo $3.65 —- $2.65 9x12 $4.35 »» Every one perfect—Not an imperfect Rug in the lot \ Efird’s Department Store f THE CONCORD TIMES HOSIERY By the Thousands of Pairs. We Never Worry About Our Competitors.—We Let Them Worry Prices That Put Competition to Sleep $2.00 SILK HOSE, sl.lO Ladies' black thread silk full fashion Silk Hose sl.lO i Ladies’ hack seam, $1.50 full fashion Silk Hose 90c n yl Ladies’ Pure thread Silk, full fashion Hose, in 11 lyf ) black and all the newest colors for $1.65 / V7 COUNTER NO. 1,40 c J / Ladies' Silk Hose with seam up the hack pair 40c CHILDREN'S SOX, 17c / Odds and Ends found around in our Hosiery De- Wm I partment. Some rumpled and soiled. Values up jPjj| ~ gL^t to LSc in the lot. To close out per pair 17c y * EXTRAORDINARY STOCK OF FINE VOILES { 1 Included in This After nventory Sale * A, NEW COLORED VOILES, 14c J New \ oile in a pretty range of patterns. To dost out at the yard 14c 0 wm OS-inch Sheeting, yard 7c Best Grade Apron Gingham 10c UfW&rm V|A Dress Ginghams, yard ; 10c IQ 32rinch Romper Cloth 19c lUIL - ,,c Title Pajama Checks, yard 17c \ FRESH NEW VOILES, 22c ~ . v ) Light colors, summerv, ne finish Voiles, To close out After*lnventory at the yard 22c 8 yards Standard Dress Ginghams for SI.OO ; SIO.OO SILK DRESS RACK lyfcUJLjU Here is an assemblage of really fine Silk resses se- ip leDcted frtfm here and there all over our Ready-to- : Wear stock. All good styles, and the season’s new- lU 111 Ill'll llu est and best colors, materials, eac. No doubt you are about ready now to fill in with one or two Silk (jl jj!J Dresses to to finish the season with. Choice of y-JIJFIJI SIO.OO I £L Men’s Socks 5 for $1 Men! We will sell genuine first quality Knox-Knit Buster Brown Socks, 5 pairs for SI,OO A DRESS CLEARANCE AFTER INVENTORY THAT WILL STARTLE THE CAROLINAS RACK NO. 1. I he biggest Dress Sensation the Carolinas has evejr known. On this Ra'ck, we will sell our finest cotton and linen garments. Linens. Ratine. French Voile, Normandy. A big selection of styles, ladies’ and misses’ sizes. Cdme early Thursday for these Vour choice— ss.oo VOILE AND GINGHAM DRESSES Here is an After Invggttf&f bargain that will ap peal to every woman in the arolinas. These ress es are full cut, well made and finished. Choice each SI.OO FRENCH GINGHAM DRESSES A big assortment of Ladies’ and Misses’ Styles in tins lot. 1 hese Dresses were made to sell, for $5.00. 1 o clean up After Inventory, choice— s2.6s ' " BUNGALOW APRONS. 2 FOR SI.BO Never again will you be able to invest SI.OO so ad vantageously. A staple, standard make Bungalow Apron, two for $1.60 \ FRENCH VOILE WAISTS. These are slightly soiled and rumpled, but good iun sizes and styles. To close out in After Inven tory Sale, each SI.OO CHILDREN’S DRESSES Ilundieds and thousands of Children's Gingham and Organdie Dresses to go in this sale at prices less than the materials would cost. Buy the School Clothes now for next fall. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR After Inventory caught us with a big stock of sta ble and fancy Ladies Underwear. We mean to unload in this sale—and we have priced it down to the lowest. ORSETS 85c i * * / Odds and ends, broken lots. Some soiled, but ev eryone a perfect number—standard brands—values in the lot up to $5.50. Your choice 85c 10-YARD BOLTS “AMERICAN MAID” LONG CLOTH r , Can \ou Beat It.' No. Efird's leads the way, forc ing down prices. 98c PAGE FIVE