.. July 26, 19^- J '•'TL******* S: *t t* „-vi\GS IN Ol'R * ? ,OWHJSO VILLAGES - ** * * # * ri.RFF TOWNSHIP. N° Tf* I A. names are sp.md jj,.v and M ' I(Tit t it. Mr- Barnes . ‘ 2 «'»"* •; fT(IIJt (|:Iwood the fifth b;; fee M Metiill. J>f t oddle K ‘? u:il preach for him at 4 V ('hilf f' ,\kK !'• n J F ljr ,. of Steele ('reek, vp H • n . eiiool a> Coddle jii a. J 'l'iH'sda.v morning. i> ( ,v is invited and s^*l.»" ‘ rl ' ' j( ' i u „f Mt. Pleasant, is '\l - v "'" >( . k w ith friends in No. 3. sprri< i:, s-' tl:l ' i: ra r *jl*j{ ii *( Tavet■ i'' right siek. "sl\ JOHN’S. :,r>- inosi through laying ; Sirs i: EL Pet tea are visit ;‘ M i*,trea> parents. . . 5],. Ida »" visitwl relatives in By,o >ljj last W . " t \l. I.day the iSOtli of Toly Summer «ill begin ai St. John’s 'and ,-iilitiiKie for two weeks. Let f caii. for it. will be profitable t,.'r and all. M [.. Rideidiour. of Kannapolis, \ siiinia) with iiis parents:. ’ . -Mr Marvin P*'t rea and brother. Rev. u f lviica. motored to Albemarle Sun iv Mr. JVtrea preached in the T.uther fljcbnrrlt there. \ihev Man ' Cress--and Thelma Suth ‘rr . ir( . n ding The Southern Summer f„ r ('huteh Workers at Lennir- Kbvtte Cellege. Mr. Paul Cline's baby lias been very -erk hut it is improved now. Mr <’. C. Hampton and family, of I'tm drove, spent the week-end with Mr. Hampton's daughter. Mrs. Ralph Ritehi*-. .].itrle Mis' Stella Ritchie is visiting kamit in Mooresville this week. Let"' all go to the "golden wedding” at Mr S M Ritchie's on Tuesday.. August fth Evcrvboilv is invited. WILD CAT. EASTERN NO. ELEVEN. W, art- needing rain. The farmers ire jetting anxious about their crops. An interesting series of meetings is in progress at Howell's elmn li conducted bt tin* pastor. Rev. Mr. Craig. Some #f «r folks have geen going to these ■wings regularly. , . Mrs. E. F. Whitley i> home after vis iting her daughter. .Mrs. D. W. Hartsell, us Kannapolis. Jlr«.(’.lt. Suther and little daughters. H.z-r. and Fiaucis. of N<>. 10. spent Sat urday night at the home of her father, Mr. K b. Rost. .Mr. and Mrs. l'red Taggart and chil dren nml Mr. and Ills. Kenneth Taggart ■'[*c last Thursday at Mr. W. M. Fag gar? '. ’ All the folks are getting ready for the hi picnic at Hosts .Mills. Ms. 1). W. Hartsell spent the week- He! with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Whitley. ■Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kluttz, of Cktkboro, visited his mother. Mrs. Rose Kluttz, last fewa). His sister. Mrs. Bessie Moser, 4tu ''bildreu accompanied them home to awhile. M:" Blanche Plott is visiting her Mih. Mr. Lewis Blott. of Salisbury. ataiiy of Tlie Times readers ap d" ate the Hiblc verse which is so W spited every issueV We read it tii't thing it we gel the whole 1 whieh is not often as it is gener •Uy divided up). • -*~ J* r '. A 1: - Zanders and little daugli f ' U “M Sadie, visited friends in 1 " r s(lver al days last week and •"I the meeting on Kerr street. X. Y. Z. s p ENOdIYILIJE NEWS. divV all, F Mrs. Mack Allman, a duly IRth. Mr | W accident occurred at ' I otrea s last Sunday, when vhii ; ki'and-ilalighter broke-her arm lire ■ lr‘“ 8 > vith other cliil -Il'r ‘."V s nicely. Uvjv '' r '* ' bttle (laughter unfortu- Iltt '‘ n By a eopperliead snake iji-, " Btst week. No serious re- it -p |lt *. ! " b’bow. as she was tiii. ' ' l ' ,M attention by a physi-r x '‘ ls ba'cball team was b. boy! Mrs. ,• . 1 " I„1 hlj 1 :, Helton and son days .! " Il,la > .after spending a Mr. \ i 1 " I1I, ‘ ber parents. Mr. A hi r t h , A : Wallace. bitier was given by friends A A. \Vai| a( , aM in honof. of Mr. by „ V( ' borne and was at-’, iv,,"\ !111,1,1m l persons. The-' Nltii |itti(i Uv i" " 1,;, '1i birthday. A very partaken i 1 ""ii. Mr s ' ' Vt ‘ nf to the home UJ '|- and wm " ran :->- I{ '*dg(‘rs, last Sun h^ r u, “l M,-' 1 "'. 11 ' a "'liile there. L n 1 *'" bill i*' ." bieeoff made a y" N An,p. r " m, b> Wednesday. ,r s ,M * r son ’ Mr t, -'■(' p , ' Sunday. f , J 'bun,.Z l -’ l! bas Ijeen confined J "“S' <(•>•» »» %(j -Mrs p mo C ar “ visit.; 1 boiupson. of CMn \t >r ' Mr. ,lu ‘ home of his K- *®d ,J bonipson. s . •!ai -oh sloop, of near A)! * l h0i,.,. , Sunday a week ‘ ot Mr - and Mrs. Mack BTSY BEE. Mr U p WKK STOmT and two W J »han, u-hr onary - of Waka- Wlt b Mr aiui C f ein tWo da . vs Fast ' G. A. Fisher, have returned to Pittsburgh. Pa., to at tend the missionary conference. The members of Lower Stone are re quested to meet at Lower Stone Thurs day afternoon to clean up for home com ing day. Remember the ice cream supper at Lower Stone next Saturday evening, be ginning at (*> o’clock. The proceeds will go to the Christian Endeavor Society. The program for the Home Coming Day at Lower Stone is as follows: Rev. C. W. Warlick and Rev. J. rt. Kellpr. supply pastors. Sunday school o:4f> a. in. Supt. R. L. Holshouser in charge. Addresses to Sunday school by visit ing pastors. Church service at 11 a. m.. Rev. F. W Warlick ill charge. Voluntary. Invocation. . Hymn 334: “Holy, Holy, Holy.’’ Scripture and Prayer by Rev. H. A. M. Holshouser. Song, by Male Quartet. Sermon by Rev. J. O. Leonard, of Lexington. N. C. Prayer. - Song by Male Quartet. (iffering. Annouuceriients. Hymn: (if|.T: "Onward Christian Sol diers.” J Benedict ion. Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. H. Keller in charg4: Hymn j Followed by Prayer. Addresk by Mr. James L. Fisher, of Salisbury. N. C. Song—Male Quartet. Address by Mr. W. A. Foil, of Con cord. N. C. . Hymn. Short talk by Rev. R. N. Richardson, of "Mt. Pleasant. Hymn. Song by Male Quartet. Benediction. TCLIP. GOLD HILL ROI TE 2. M iss Vera Dry is spending several weeks in Salisbury visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wade Dry. Mr. and Mrjj, Louis Honeycutt and family, of Hickory, spent the week-end in No. 7. visiting relatives and friends. Air. and Mrs. Edd. Miller and family, of Albemarle, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. (L Honeycutt. Home Coming Day will be held at St. Stephens August 12. 11)23. Everyone is cordially invited, and bring a well till ed basket? Tin* program will be publish ed later. Air. and Mrs. Burth Bangle and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dry and fam ily. of Salisbury, spent Sunday visiting Airs. Jim Honeycutt. Aliss (Henna Culp, of Concord, spent several days last week visiting her par ents. Air. and Airs. (}. A. Culp. Air. and Airs. B. I). Dry. and daugh ter. AI iss Alaude. spent Sunday in Sal isbury visitihg Air. and Airs. Wade Dry. Airs, JakevEudy. of Savannah..(la., is spending serial days visiting her daugh ter. Mrs. Reid Honeycutt. A number of people from this com munity. went to Candor Tuesday. July 24th. to get peaches and watermelons. Air. and Airs. Wyatt Aloose and son. Junior, of Concord, spent Sunday eve ning with her parents. Air. and Airs. G. A. (hilp. At the meeting of the Luther League of St. Stephens Sunday night. July 22. at S .o’clock, the officers were elected for the coming year as follows: President. Violet Honeycutt: Vice President. Es telle (’line: Secretary. Rate Ilammill: Treasurer. Carl Honeycutt. OISE!AN ROUGE. STANFIELD ROUTE TWO. The people of this community are fin ish ing laying by their crops. There are plenty of boll weevils in this neighborhood. Air. Henry Smith, of Mouroe. spent the week-end with his brother, Air. E\ W. Smith. Aliss Alinnie Tucker is on the sick list. Air. and Airs. Arthur Whitley, of Kannapolis, spent the week-end in Stan ly with relatives. Air. and Airs. B. A. Tucker and two children, of Concord, spent Sunday at the home of Air. and Airs. J. W. Tucker. There will be Sunday school and singing at Center Grove Church Sunday. Sunday school at 1 o’clock and singing at 2 o’clock. Everybody is cordially invited. The condition of Mr. A. Eudy is im proved. All who are interested in the Center Grove cemetery are asked to meet there or send some one on Wednesday, Aug ust Ist. for the purpose of cleaning off the cemetery. Bring suitable tools. Ralph, the little son of Air. and Airs. J. A.„Tucker, received a serious wound *ou the head just above the eye Thurs day when a mule kicked him. He was carried to the Concord Hospital Thurs day night. Ten stitches were necessary to close the wound. His condition is improving. Alessrs. Clarence and Curtie Tucker spent Alonday and Tuesday in-Concord with friends. Mr. I). AI. Haitlicock spent the week Jtid with his daughter, Mrs. Jim Deese, near Albemarle. LONELY GIRL. WATTS CROSS ROADS. There was a large crowd attended the ice cream supper Saturday night at Roger Church and hope they all enjoyed it and will come again. Air. and Airs. B. J. Allman and chil dren. of Concord, spent last Sunday evening at Airs. Allman's father s, Air. 1). .7. Hopkins. Air. and Airs. Charlie Rost and chil dren. of New London, spent Sunday with Air. and Airs. N. W. Lambert. Aliss Elma Hopkins spent last Sat urday night and Sunday with Alisses Ad die and Kathleen Lippard. Aliss Alary Beck, of Rockwell, and Aliss Helen Watts spent Saturday night with Aliss Vera Hopkins. Air. Ralph Goodman, of Concord, and Air. Ray Hopkins, of Caamden, S. C.. spent the week-end with home folks. Air. and Airs. A. I). Wilson, Air. and Airs. B. E. Wilson and children, visited in CJiina Grove Sunday. Aliss Kathleen, Hopkins, of Concord Route 5, spent labt week at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Airs. L. J. Hopkins. Airs. A. D. Wilson is spending the week in China Grove, with relatives and friends. BILL. CONCORD ROUTE THREE. Aliss Alae riess is spending some time in High Point with Air. and Airs. Roy Pless. Air. and Mrs. H. C. Sifford spent Sun- day with Air. an& Mrs. W. J. Sifford. of Rimer. Air. and Airs. Alarvin Suther. of Con cord. spent Saturday night with Alt. and Airs. A. S. Cooke. Airs. Barrier, of Salisbury, is visiting her brother. Air. L. J. Sapp. A large number of people gathered at the home of Air. George Sunday and gave him a surprise birthdav dinner. ROSE. LOCUST. Air. and Airs. J. J. FMle. of Salisbury, were week-end visitors at Air. C. L. Smith's. ' Little Aliss Alma Honeycutt has been right sick from being vaccinated. All’s. Jas. F. Hartsell has been con fined for several days on account of neu ralgia. Mr. and Airs. Roy EL Tucker, of Con cord. spent Saturday and Sunday here with Air. Tucker’s parents. Air. and Airs. Henry McCoy, of Alon roe, and Airs. J. B. Bass, of Wingate, spent last Thursday in the home of Air. and Mrs. T. W. Bass. All who have any interest in the Bap tist Church and the cemetery are re quested to meet next Thursday. August 2nd. for the purpose of cleaning out the church and cleaning off the cemetery. Protracted services will begin at the Presbyterian church next Sunday. Pas ter Satterfield, who has been in Vir ginia. on his vacation, will return this week and will be assisted by Rev. Mr. L.xauly. of Charlotte. Air. T. W. Bass visited his former pastor. Rev. A. C. Davis. at Olive Branch, last Thursday. The many friends of Mr. Davis will regret to learn that his physical and mental condition are still on the decline. In celebration of her eleventh birth day little .Miss Willie Letter entertained a number of children at her home last Monday afternoon. After a number of outdoor games the children assembled on the front pinza. where cake, lemonade and candies were served. The younj? hostess was tin l re cipient of a number of presents. Almost a thousand persons interested in Sunday school work assembled last Saturday at Bethel in tin* township Sun day School ('(invention. Os the eleven schools in the township, eight were rep resented by choirs and several by two. a senior and junior choir. The singing was fine and the addresses were grand. Air. T. AI. Hartsell was elected presi dent for next year, with Air. H. R. Con nell vice president, and Air. John L. Little secretary. We feel safe in saying that E’urr township is more thoroughly organized than any other in the county and has been these 32 years since. The organi zation of the Sunday School Conten tion. Ala-ny of tli** townships have no annual meeting of Sunday school work ers. but should Ik* united in this great work, for the conventions are greatly in spiring. The writer has missed only a very few of these conventions during the 32 year*. P. CONCORD ROI TE THREE. Air. J. I>. Aleader, of Allentown. Pa., has arrived here to take up the work as pastor of the New Gilead and Keller Churches in No. a township. We wel come him. A large crowd, consisting of relatives and friends, gathered at the country home of Air. Geo. C. Long Sunday. July 22nd, while lie was at church and pre pared a table, laden witlmall the good things, the inner ma-u could wish. This was in honor of his fiftieth birthday. Air. and Mrs. Marvin Suther and daughter. Irene, of Concord, spent Sun day with relatives on Route 3. Air. and Mrs. Joe Shinn and little son. of Salisbury, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brantley. There will be an ice cream supper giv en by the Mt. Alitehell Sunday school at the Shinn sehoolhouse in No. 5 town ship, Saturday night. July the 28th. Ev eryone is invited. Come and bring your friends and help a good cause. TULIP. CHINA GROVE ROUTE ONE. Alost of the people of this community are through threshing their small grain. Air. and Airs. FT. E!. ENirr, of Kannap olis. spent Sunday at the home of Air. J. EL Carter, in Rowan. Air. and Airs. James Furr spent a few hours Sunday in No. J) with relatives. Aliss Ila May Pless is spending some time with her brother, My. Roy Pless, of High Point. All’s. T. AI. Y’ost spent Sunday at the home of Air. J. E. Carter. Air. and Mrs. John Brown spent Sat urday evening with Mrs. Brown’s sister. Mrs. T. AI. Yost. Air. and Airs. AI. A. Troutman and two children, LeE and David, spent one day last week with Air. Troutman's sis ter. Airs. J. E. Carter. Air. and Airs. J. A. Taylor spent Sun day at the home of Air. and Airs. G. EL Sides. Air. Frank Harris, of Hickory, spent the week-end at the home of Aliv J. EL Carter. Born to Air. and Airs. A. C. Ketner, ;i daughter, July the 11th. Air. aud Airs. Buddie Stirewalt visit ed Air. W. O. Pless Sunday. Air. J. EL Carter, of Albemarle, spent the week-end with home folks. BUSY BEE. NO. 9 TOWNSHIP. Aliss, ELilali Green, of Concord, spent last week with her uncle, Air. Henry E’urr. Air. and Mrs. Samuel Hough and Mr. and Airs. G. EL Smith spent Sunday at Air. *\V. B. Hough's. Aliss E!lla Smith is spending a while at Georgeville “with Mrs. E'rank ELirr. Aliss E'ronnie Riuehardt, of Locust, is spending a while in No. !) with relatives. AI iss Annie Barbee. of No. 10, is spending a few days with Airs. B. L. Riuehardt. Air. F'red Clayton, of Concord, spent awhile Sunday at Air. J. V. Petrea's. Air. li. EL Smith, of Concord, spent awhile with home folks Sunday. Misses Ethel Petrea and Esther Wet ter made a business trip to Concord Sat urday. Airs. W. E\ Layton is very ill at this writing, we regret to note. Air. and Airs. Charlie Crowell, of Alt. Pleasant, spent awhile at Air. G. E. Smith’s Alonday evening. Mr. M. R. Riuehardt spent Sunday with his son, Air. &. EL Rinehardt, of No. 11. There will be preaching at Friendship Church Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. TULIP. MT. OLIVE For the benefit of the children of this THE CONQQRD TIMES community there will bo held at Alt. Olive E. L. Church a two weeks summer school beginning Alonday. August (>th. A number of friends of Aliss Blanche Fink gathered at her home Sunday, Ju ly 22nd and surprised her with a nice birthday dinner. Misses Mary Trexlej- and Blanche ELuk. delegates of Alt. Olive Sunday School and Luther League, have goite to Hickory to attend the Lutheran summer school. There will be an ice cream supper at Air. Lawson Trexler's Saturday evening. August 4th. beginning at 0 o'clock and ■continuing into the night. Everybody is cordially invited. LONESOAIEL PLAN TO MERGE METHODISTS NORTH AND SOUTH ADOPTED Plan Adopted Wednesday by the Joint Committee of Unification. Cleveland. Ohio. July 23.—A plan for the merging of the gen'eral conferences of tlie Alethodist Episcopal Church. North and the Alethodist Elpiscopal Church. •South, separated since 1843, was adopted tonight by the joint commission on uni fication. The plan will now go to the general and annual .conferences of the ‘church for ratification. Delegations from both branches, com posing the membership of the joint com mission. adopted the plan at separate meetings today, after minor clijuiges were made in the original plan submit ted at yesterday’s meeting. Further changes were made by the joint commis -ion tonight, lint they are said to be un important. Members of the commission predicted tonight that legal formalities necessary to secure changes required in the constitu tions of the two branches before reunion can be accomplished, will lie completed within two years. These formalities in dude ratification of these changes by doth general conferences and the annual conference's, domestic and foreign, into which local churches are grouped. Tonight’s action brought to an end tite meeting of-Hie joint commission which opened yesterday and was schedul ed for four days. EXPERT ADVICE The officers of this bank gladly give those who desire it advice gained by years of experi ence and study in investment and financial matters. By consulting us regarding these matters you will place yourself under no obligation whatsover. The Citizens Bank and Trust Company wants you to feel that this is YOUR bank and that it is striving in every way to be of service to YOU. I CITIZENS TRUsVcO. I 1 CONCORD pSSfiSSgi —N.C. — , Southern Railway System Announces Popular Excursion to Washington, D. C., July 27,1923 Round Trip Fare From Concord , so^so Tickets Good Three Days Schedule Special Train and Round Trip Fares Leave: Schedule Round Trip Fare Charlotte 9:05 P. M. SIO.OO Concord __ 9:40 P. M. 9.50 Kannapolis 9:50 P. M. 9.50 Landis 9:55 P. M. 9.50 China Grove 10:00 9.50 Salisbury __ __ 10 :25 P. M. 9.00 Arrive Washington 8 :50 A. M., July 28. Round trip tickets on sale all Southern Railway stations North Carolina east of Raleigh. Pullman sleeping cars and day coaches. Big League Baseball Games Washington Americans vs. Detroit Tigers, July 28, 29 and 30. See Ty Cobb, Walter Johnson, Harry Heilman and oth er great stars in action. Tickets good returning on all regular trains (except No. 37) up to and including train No. 33 leaving Washington, D. C., 9:35 P. M. July 30, 1923. Special train returning willt leave Washington 9:35 P. M. July 30. This train will have sleeping cars for Greens boro, Winston-Salem, Salisbury, Charlotte, Asheville and all intermediate points, also day coaches. Let us make your reservations returning. Make your sleeping car reservations early. For detailed information apply to ticket agent or ad dress, # R. H. GRAHAM Division Passenger Agent Charlotte, N. C. **************** * agricultural column. * 4: * Conducted by R. D. Goodman. & * * *************** The Farmers’ and Farm .Women’s Con vention, at the State College of Agricul ture and Engineering. Raleigh. X. C., Tuesday, July 31. Wednesday. August 1. and Thursday, August 2. The above date is earlier than it has been accustomed to having the conven tion but as the weevil is expected to do its greatest damage during the month of August the meeting is being held earlier so as to give the farmers all the infor mation possible in regard to successful ly fighting the weevil as well as other things pertaining to farming as well as Fetter Rural Living. Three days of pleasure and profit. A valuable vacation at your State College in the Capital City. A program filled with facts that you should know. Wednesday, August 1. is “Farmers’ Business Day," with such speakers as Hon. A. F. Lever on financial matters, and prominent marketing specialists ou the marketing of farm produce. Thursday is “801 l Weevil Day." Xo cotton farmer can afford to miss this program. Horticulture, seed improvement, farm stead beautification, dairying, livestock feeding, poultry raising, tint! 'problems of the farm home will feature the sectional meetjngs. Rooms at the ('ollege are free. Meals will be provided at ”>() cents each, firing bed linen ami necessary toilet articles. All those interested in making the trip will please see me Saturday as I am planning to make the trip for the sec ond day. Cabarrus County won the loving cup for the largest attendance for three con secutive years. ItlKi. 15)17, 1!)18, and now as we have not attended very'strong for the last four have given some other county our competition, it, would be niee for us to send in a real good delegation again. You wouldn’t try to sing |•* • • a quartet by yourself— Then why ask one suit to make the rounds of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter? What every man in Concord needs is at least one cool suit—• a weight lighter than he wore in May. Look at Vacation time coming. Look at the Values that are here to-day. \ Look at how the girls are dressing and then let us introduce you to our dressing room. f Sj • Mohair, Palm Beach & Tropical Suits I $15.00 up m . _ | i will wear this, next and all thru the summer of 1924 > jj 1 Browns - Cannon Co. ! 9 I i. 9 Suits tailored just a little better. I Luggage too. . OOOQOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXX3tXXXAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>OCX>OOOOq All Summer Millinery j —at— ’ ONE-HALF PRICE j SPECIALTY HAT SHOP xx>ooooooooooooooooooooooooocrvx>oooooooooooooooooooo< - »» A Bargain!! CEDAR OIL POLISH A 50c a Quart For Polishing and Cleaning Pianos, Furniture, Floors, Woodwork,- Automobiles, etc. For renewing Oil Polishing Mops and Dustless Dust Cloths. For Cleaning, Polishing and Re newing, 50c a Quart Ritchie Hardware C« I “Your Hardware Store” PHONE 117 I i mu— OOOOOOOOOOOOOQOQOOOtdQOUOQUOQQOPOQQQOQQQQOOQQOQQOQOQQ 10-Piece Chippendale Dining Suite A Set of Furniture that will appeal from a standpoint of Good Taste and Economy, too, is the Chippendale Style -. Dining Set here shown. Table is oblong style, Buffet is 72 inches long, hairs are substantially made, have slip seats and are covered in Mohair. We have many other styles to select from. • % BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. T3E STORE THAT SATISFIES" USE TIMES AND TRIBUNE PENNY ADS.-IT PAYS PAGE THREE