PAGE TWO SOCIAL & PERSONAL Mrs. Sloan Sings at Salisbury Mwftal. J Salisbury Post. A lovely affair was the musical at which Miss Laura Lanier entertained on Thursday evening at her attractive) new home on Wiley avenlie in honor of ( Mrs. J. X. Sloan, of Charlotte, guest of Mrs. Li. G. Kizer; Mrs. Henry Ware, of Greensboro, guest of Mrs. John liaud leman. and Miss llarie Harris, of Orient-j al X. C. Miss Garner’s popular house guest. (Quantities of beautiful roses wen j p'aced about the rooms, and 22 music lovers enjoyed the evening. A delight-J fill musical program was given by a number of talented guests* including ( Mrs. Sloan. Mrs. Ware. Mrs.. Randle maii. Mrs. F. t*. Smith. Mrs. J. D. i Carlton. Mrs. J. I>. Marts. Fred Young, j Dwight Ware and Mrs. Richard Hub-j hard. The gifted hostess pfciyed all ac- j eompaniments. i At tlie conclusion of the delightful program a delicious iced course, with bonbons, were served. Dr. and Mrs. Parents of a Daughter. . ~ j R t ,rn to I>r. and Mrs. S. W. Rtlllkiu on September- Ist. a daughter. Woman’s Missionary Conference. The Women’s Missionary Conference of the Western Synodical Conference of the l*uited Lutheran Synod of North Carolina will convene on Wednesday, the .Ith. at I<> a. jn.. in St. Luke’s Church. Rowan County. Key. J. L. Apst. pastor. Everybody is welcome. A bas ket dinner will he had on the church grounds. . A missionary program will be render ed. Information and inspiration from the recent state convention at States ville will be in evidence. Addresses will V hmde by Revs. X. D. Yount and John L. Morgan' also by Miss Maude Fowl as and Mrs. R. It. lVery. mission aries from Japan. Departmental Secre taries will present their plans. Kings Daughters to Meet. The Kings -Daughters will meet tonight at 7 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Ernest Hicks, on East Depot street. Every meet mg is important so a good attend ance is desired, • Sunday „School Class 'Entertains. ; Members of the Men’s Bible (Mass Os the Hirst Presbyterian Church were hosts at a delightful picnic held nt The Cabarrus Country Club Thursday eve ning. In addition to tho class members a I. umber of friend's enjoyed the o^-c Mon. Taiks by Rev. J. C. Rowan and Mr. ].. T. Harts.ll wr * features ot the eve-, ring. Mr. Hart sell talked i*itf#estii«dy. of ’"The Benefits from Sunday Sehoap At tendance.’* and Mr. Kowgn talk.yl or -The Progressive.;css of PieflmMtt Xovth Carolina." pointing out what has been <i<-i.c in this section Os the* t-Ofia’rv re ligiously as well as industrially and *4.r limiturally. and urging the class mem hers to exert greater efforts for Christ ion work in the .-future. ' ‘ * Y* ’ - - The sumptuous picnic j*upi»cr was on.- of the most attractive features. Fried chicken, ham, eggs, sandwiches, and other eatables wase offered in- abundance. Party For Miss Sclater. Misses Virginia and Annis Smoot were hostesses at three tables- of >bridgp on Thursday evening complimentary U> Miss Carolina Sclater. of Richmond. Va.. a guest here of Miss Elizabeth Black. After play refreshments were served. Those playing in addition to the host esses and the honor guest were: Misses Elizabeth Black. Adele’atid Mary Phifer Pemberton. Margaret Virginia Ervin. Lucy Richmond Lentz. Rebecca Day vault. Miss’Gibbs and Miss Gazelle. Y. P. C. V. Enjoys Picnic. Members of the Y. P. C. V. of the As s./iath Reformed Presbyterian Church enjoyed-a picnic held Thursday afternoon and evening at Cox’s Mill. A majority of the members of the society were present. A sumptuous supper was served, after which toasted marshmallows* and water melons were enjoyed. Various games were played during the evening. and the e\ent proved one of unusual pleasure •and interest for those present. Fuller-Marr. Wedding invitations as' folloVvs have b< eu received here : Mr. and Mrs. James Mart 1 request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Francs Cecyle to Mr. William Washington Fuller on Tuesday morning the eighteenth of September at eleven o'clock Saint Stephen’s Episcopal Church Oxford, North Carolina Raifortf-.Matthews. Invitations as follows have been re ceived by friends in Concord: Mr. and Mrs. Zaecheus Erastus Matthews request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter . Margaret Clute to Mr. Claude Excell Raiford - on Saturday evening the fifteenth of September at half after seven o'clock Baptist Chiirch Clinton, North Carolina Music Recital. A varied aud very interesting pro gram of music was given Thursday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cook, on South Spring street, by the pupil? of Miss Ida Mizora Blame. The following program was given : Piano duet.:. “Salute to the Colors”— "Warren —Npla Barrier aud Miss Blume. Fiano solo: “Robin Waltz"—Morrison Blackwelder. Piano solo.: “The Floral Martin —Yelga Drye. Piano duet: "Golden Star (AAaltz) Streabbog—Xola and Gladys Barrier. Piano solo: "Contentment" (waltz) Martin— Ruby Drye. Piano solo : - "The* Aleadotv Brook Martin—Viola Carter. Piano solo: "Bluebird —Schiller — Gladys Barrier. . , Piano duet: (a) "March Alilitnire Streabbog:: (b) "Through Field and Forest” —Vogel—Viola Carter. Cornet solo:. “Home Sweet Home' Karl Blackwelder. piano solo and Song: ‘The Birdies ft ! Singing School" —Spaulding Eleanor j Blume. Piano solo: (a) "Playful Rondo" — Greene: (b) "The Fairy Wedding”— Turner —Mary Mosman. Piano solo: “Dance of the Rears Heins —Catherine Ridenhour. Piano duet: "Grace" (waltz) —Rohm I—Catherine 1 —Catherine Ridenhour. Miss Blume. j Piano duet: "A Sleigh Ride" —Clark ! —Ruth McClure. Miss Blume. Piano solo:."The Little Horseman”— Sabathicl—Karl Blackwelder. Piano duet: "Flying Doves’’-—Heins — i Violet Propst, Miss Blume. Piano solo: "Alpine Hut I.ange p.cssie Griffin. Pbino solo: "The Herdsman's Cottage" ; —Heins —Katherine Craver. Piano solo: "Melody of Love*' —Engle- ■ c am —Violet Propst. ] iano duet <a) "Stand by the Flag” Stults; (b) "The Merry Trumpeter" i Morrison —Mae Cook and Miss Blume. Piano solo: "Invitation to the Dance" ; —Weber —Nola Barrier. l'iano solo: (a) "Evening Beils.; ib: ; -Kiss Your Hand" —Hines —Milby Cra t ver. Piano solo : "Music Among the Pines —W yma n —E vely n Goodma n. Piano solo: "The Myrtles —'A aelis Marie Barnhardt. Vocal solo: (a) "June Is Iu My Heart (a i "Sing Me to Sleep' (violin obi. bt Miss BJunie ) —Evelyn Goodman. Piano duet: "Poet and• Peasant* —. Suppe*—Marie Barnhardt, Miss Illume. Vocal solo: "l/ove Song”—Englemann j violin obi. by Miss Blumei —Bessie Griffin. Piano solo: "Springtime —iobaceaci —Violet Propst. At the conclusion of the program de licious ice cream and cake was served to the pupils and*the invited guests. Family KiSinion at Mr. Giles M. Moose’s Thf Children and grand-children of Mrs Giles Al. Moose met at the home of Mrs. Moose, in No. 8 township. Thursday and- luuL a family reunion. There were present on this happy occa sion Mr. and Mrs. Dewey AA. Moose, and daughter, Madge, of Concord; Mrs. H. L. Cline and daughter. Marguerite, of Spencer: Mr. ami Mrs. J. O. Moose and daughter, Zada Rose, of Charlotte: i Mr. ami Mrs, R. D. Goodman and sons Kay, -Victor aud Carey, of Concord, and Miss licna Moose and Mr. Hugh Moose, and Rev. Juo. B. Moose. Also Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Day vault and Mrs. 11. C. Roger, the two latter being sisters of Mrs. Moose. ; Dr. C. A. Misenheimcr. of Charlotte, a brother of Mrs. Moose \va,i unable present on account of ; professional duties, as was also Mr. Howard Ciine, of, Spencer. in the employ of tht Southern Railway, and was. pre vented—on account of being gulled to go on duty that morning. . f i ( - Birthday Party Given. Most delightful was the affair last ev ening when Miss Edna Williams enter tained a number of her friends at a birthday party at her home on North Church Street. After the playing of numerous games a voting contest was en gaged in fur the best looking boy and girl. The winners were Edna Williams and William Slither. The contest was followed by a mock .marriage ot- the Winners. A delicious ice course was served in the dining room which was artistically decorated with pink and white. .The host received a number of useful present, and the evening was enjoyed by all. Those enjoying Miss Williams* hospi tlity were Misses Irene Childers. Ailene Moose, Katherine Linker, Hilliard Tink er. Irene Slither, Hazel Rogers. Grace Dellinger. Pearl Cook. Hilda Cook. Edna Taylor. Janie Collett, and Mae Hatley: Messrs. Jerry Potts. Glenn and Vjrgil Rollins. Herman Misenheimcr. Marvin Wingate. Leonard Slither. William Slith er. Brown and Kermit Morgan. Joe Nye, Ernest and Lee Hanes, and Willie Gray. Pythian Musical and Reception. Several hundred Pythians, with their wives and lady friends, were present last evening at the musical and recep tion giv£n in their lodge room. Short and spicy 'talk? were made by Messrs. J. C. Fink, Buford Blackwelder. and F. C. Xiblock on various phases of Py thianism, Mr. A. F. Hatrsell made an interesting talk about the Pythian Home, after which he introduced three children from the home, who are vis iting their grand-mother here, Mrs. Alc- Graw. They were Masters James and George and Mis* Elmetta Little. Miss Elmetta captivated her audience with a recitation, after which Mr. Hartseil announced that she, had been adopted by the Rocky Mount Lodge and would be given a full course at college. Miss Elizabeth Blackwelder also gave an interesting reading. The musical mimbors were thoroughly enjoyed. Miss Dorohty Wolfe played Koehmarinoff's Prelude No. 2. Mr. Sam Goodman sang "Homing” and a negro spirituelle. Misses Adeline and -Mary Morrison ,-ebarmed the audience with several duets. Miss Mary Hiller, of Jaeksohvilfc, Fla., made a decided hit with her singing of Xusetta’s waltz song and several encore numbers. „ Mr. J. C. Blackwelder acted as master •of ceremonies. First Meeting of Woman’s Club. The first meeting of the Woman’s Club will be held at Central Graded School on Thursday. October 4th. at 4 p. m. The departments for the year are as fol lows : Mrs. ,T. B. Womble. chairman of Music Department. Miss Margaret Bell, chairman of the Fine Arts Department. This depart ment includes the study of art and lit erature. A lecture on paintings of the masters will be given under the Fine Arts Department, and plays of the drama in the Literary Dei>artment. Miss Rosa Mund, chairman of Citizen ship. will hold her class as she did last • year. Miss Mary Spurgeon, of Economics, will have a new program of special in terest this year iu the study of a course • called "Planning aud Furnishing a I Home.’’ The recent resignation of Mrs. L. D. • I Colt rape calls for a new chairman of the Welfare Department. The election will • be made at the first meeting of the club by members of the Welfare Department. It is interesting to know that the work in that line is more thoroughly covered , than any organized work iu Concord. We have the County Health officer, Dr. j Buchanan: .a trained county nurse un der his supervision; A Welfare Officer J Mr. Brown: and the Kings Daughters, the mother of all. who stands ready to help any who come to her for aid. A Civic Department in this city en couraging the planting of trees on neg lected highways, beautifying the city we live in by putting oil a crepe myrtle cam paign. and planting at least two of these beautiful trees in every yard would be a great addition to the beauty of the city. A larger enrollment than we now have would add to the strength of each differ ent organization niyl would make the Woman’s (Tub a more vital factor in the community, its only aim and object for existence. MRS. W. 11. GORMAN, President. Miss Watts’ Surprise Party. On last Thursday evening Miss Lena Watts, in her charming manner, gave in honor of her sifter. Miss Hejjtie, a surprise birthday party from 7:30 to 11 :o0 o’clock. Many interesting games were played, after which delicious cake, ice cream, afld lemonade was served in abundance. Those enjoying the party were Misses Bessie Allman. Thelma Suther. Mamie Clayton. Janie Lee, Louise Medlin. May and Annie Let* Ay cock, Lena, Hettie and Helen Watts; Messrs. Clifford Allman, Charlie Safrit, Art Lyerly, Edgar (day. ton. Penn Joyner, Prank Walker, John Daniel Suther. Allan. Marvin, Herman. Baxter and (Tetus Watts. ONE PRESENT. Miss Braffonl Again Entertains. The employees of McLellan’s Store once more enjoyed t lie hospitality of Miss I.ela Brafford, on the old farm at Rocky River. The crowd left the store at noon and drove out to the farm, where all enjoyed their lunch in the cool shade beneath the trees. A pleqsant afternoon was had by all and was followed by u delightful supper of fri<*d chicken and. everything to go with it. There was dancing, games and just a real good time had by all. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. McNiven, Mr. and Mrs. Parker. Misses Eva Moore. May Ritchie. Martha Bust, Margie Troutman. Virginia Wilkinson, Virginia Moser, Lela Brafford. Maude Smith. Neal Haywood. Yardie Murph. Yates Bollin ger. Kenneth Goodman. Grady Brafford. Heath Harrison, (’ordelle Miller, Brantes Jalbert. Robert (Tine. Archie Snyder. Out-of-town guests were: Miss Irene Parker, and Mr. Edward Parker, of Dur ham and Mr. Ralph Huntsworth, of Rock ingham. ’ Born, a son. to Mr. and Mrs. Jones Y. Pharr, on White street. Friday, August 31st, 1023. PERSONALS. Miss Annie Snider has returned from Charlottesville. Va.. where she attended the T'niversitv of Virginia Summer Schol (Piling'the summer. m ft m Mrs. J. C. Fink has gone to High Point to spend the week with relatives. * ft ft Mr. Crowell Ritchie, of Spencer, spent the week-end in Concord with friends. Miss Ethel Honeycutt and Miss Elvira Harris are spending the day iu Ciiar lotte. * * • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones have re turned from Blowing Rock, where they spent several days. « ft * Miss Jamie Lee left this afternoon for Charlotte, where she entered college to take a business course. * * Miss Lou White has returned from a month’s trip to Black Mountain and Atlantic City. • • • Misses Annie Ridenhour and Ohla Winecoff spent the week-end in Rock well. the guests of Mr. atul Mrs. Al L. Rinehardt. ft ft ** Mr. Clarence Phillips, of Charlotte, spent the week-end in Concord with home folks. • • • Mrs. R. S. Fisher, of Rockwell, spent Saturday night and Sunday here at the home of her son. Mr. T. J. Fisher. ft ft ft Mrs. C. C. Griffin, Miss Mildren Grif fin and Mr. Eustiee Griffin spent Satur day and Sunday in Monroe with rela tives. • * * Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Fisher, of Rock well, spent Sunday here at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. T. J. Fisher. <« ft ft Miss Sadie McAnulty and Miss Theo Morrison spent the week-end in Salis bury with Miss Virginia Sim I*soll. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Gibson and daughter have returned from a . ti|p to eastern North Carolina. * * • Messrs. Stokes White and William Flowe will leave tonight for Chattanooga, where they will enter the MeCallie School. * * • Mrs. Harry Isenhour and daughter. Mary Elizabeth, have returned to their home in Salisbury, after spending sev eral days here at the home of Mr. C. A. .Isenhour. # ft ft • ’ Mrs. R. A. Brower left Saturday for Laurinburg. where she will spend a week with her mother, Mrs. AlcNiel Smith. ft ft ft Miss Kate Archibald left this morn ing for Cleveland Springs, where she will spend several days. ■ ft • Master Baxter Yarborough. ’of Kan napolis' is spending several days here, the gtfest of Master Nevin Archibald. • • • • Mr. Joe Caddell is spending sometime now in Greenville, S. C., where he is em ployed by the Southern Railway Com pany. ft ft ft Mr. Fred Furr, of Harrisburg. Route 3, left this morning forftßutherford Col lege. where he will resume his studies for the next year at school. I ; ~ « ft ft '- l Eugene Kizziah left last night for Philadelphia aud. Atlantic City to visit his unde, Mr. C. E. Kizziah. » • • Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harris have re turned from Greenville, S. C., where they spent the past two weeks. J * * • Messrs. C. J. Harris, C. W. Swink, T. THE CONCORD TIMES W. Morrison and It.- E. Harris spent Sunday at Cleveland- Springs. • • • t Mr. Roy Bost has gone to Richmond, 1 Yn.. where he will enter the Smithdeal 1 business College. I• • • I Mrs. AT. D. Taylor, of Bessemer. Ala.. Mr. W. K. Pelzer, of Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Moore, of Montgomery, and Mrs. I>. 11. Foster, of New Orleans, are the guests here of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Cannon. * * • Mr. John G. Parks and son. Charles, left Sunday morning in their car for Black Mountain. Mr. Parks’ family, who have been spending some time there, will return with them. • • * Mr. Ernest Hicks will leave tonight for Asheville,— where lie will spend sev eral days attending the meeting of the American Pharmaceutical Association. Mr. and Mrs. (’has. E. Lambeth and little son, Harvey, are guests at the home of Mrs. Lambeth’s mother, Mr. J. W. Cannon, Sr. - • • Mrs. J. S. Carr, Jr., and (laughter •Margaret Louise, of Durham, are guests of Airs. J. W. Cannon. • m r Mr. and Mrs. Price Doyle, of Mary ville. Mo., have arrived in the city and are making their home with Air. J. A. Kennet, on Grove street. Mr. Doyle comes to take charge of the music in the public schools of the city. ft ft * Moorosville Enterprise: Miss Ada White left Monday for Concord *iml Itocky River, where she will spend a va cation of several weeks. • • • Mrs. A. J. Day vault aud- daughter, Aliss Virginia, spent Monday in Mooces ville the guests of Air. and Airs. D. E. Turner. * * * Messrs. (*. S. Smart and AY. AI. Sher rill left Friday morning for Black Moun tain and Asheville respectively* to spend the week-end. going in Air. Smart's car. Mr. (’. AY. Byrd and* Mr. It. P. Gib son will spend the week-end in Black Alountain with Mrs. Byrd-and Mrs. Gib son, who wil accompany them home Sun day afternoon, * * * Air. Ray Clfne, of the P£trks-Be!k Co, who is enjojing a vacation this week, has been visiting relatives and friends in townships Nos. (5 and 7. • mm -Messrs. Jones Yorke and Bill Morris a»*e spending several days in Raleigh. ft ft » Mr. and Airs. Charles Caton, of New York City, arrived in Concord Friday to spend some time with Mr. Caton’s mother. Mrs. AV. (’. J. Caton. ft ft • Air. F. J. Haywood is spending the week-end iu Black Mountain. His fam ily will return to Concord with him next Tuesday, after spending the summmer at «Bi;u'k Alountain. ft ft ft Ah*, and Airs. 11. F. Moore are visit ing at the home of Airs. Everett F. Alull, of Morganton. • * * Mr. and Mrs. A*. L. Norman and fam ily have returned from their camping trip to the Chattooga rUcr valley in the mountains of North Georgia and the Sapphire country in western North Car olina. They report having had a most enjoyable time. • • • Mrs. Giles M. Moose and Miss Lena Aloose, Airs. H. L. (Tine and Rev. J. B. Aloose. and little Misses Madge and Marguerite Cline are spendiug the week end iu Charlotte, as guests of relatives. m » ft Mr. Frank Misenheimcr. son of Mr. anti Mrs. Ed. Mi senheimer, of McGill I street, left this morning for Raleigh where be wil enter tin* State College. • • • Air. John AL Oglesby spent Thursday in Laurinburg on business. » • m Mi- and Mrs. Harry E. Foil of Mt. Pleasant, were guests last Friday evening of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hicks. • * * Aliss Ala it 1m Barringer left Sntur-’ day morning for Newman. Georgia, wlif-re she will be the guest of her sister, Airs. J. AL Crowe for about ten days. ft « Air. and Airs. I). F. Joyner are spend ing the week end in .York, South Caro lina with with friends. N * * • Air. P. B. Fetzer has returned from a two weeks trip to western North Caro lina. ft € ft Airs. James' L. Brown has returned front Lake Junaluska where she has been spending several weeks. Airs. Cora AA’illiams. of Newton, is the guest of Airs. (Tareuce H. Barrier on Kerr Street. ft ft ft Mrs. AA*. H. Soarboro and Capt John A. Lisk. of Alt. Gilead, and Air. John A. Searboro of AA’adesboro were guests of friends here FridajY • • • Air. John AA’. Propost has returned from a trip of several days to western North Carolina. Aliss Lillian Alarris and Air. Zeb Morris, Jr., attended the Black Cat Club dance at the Charlotte Country Club on Friday eveuing. • » Mr. Jl. B. Pounds. Miss Emily Pounds aud Air. Carl Ponnde left Friday for AA’ashingtou where they will spend several days. *- * * Air. R. K. Black returned last Friday from a trip to Northern markets where he has been purchasing goods for the Parks-Belk Company. • • Aliss Ruth Crowell has returned from western North Carolina where she has been spending the summer. • • • Misses Dorothy Bla*ck and Eleanor Crowell have returned home from Camp Yonahlossee. where they have been spend ing several weeks. • • • Aliss Josephine Moore, of Gastonia, is the week end guest of Miss Mary Donnell Smoot. * e * Mrs. J. E. Smoot is spending the week end in Salisbury with relatives. f l i* *; 4- - i Ajiss- AUjen*. Moose* op- Kannapolis,* is the-guest of Aliss’Hillard Linkers fori '’several days. ' f ■ V' ; a• * s Air. and Airs. L. U Alaulden have re turned from a ten days’ trip spent in various parts of the North Carolina I mountains. • * * Alisses Ruth Overcash, Delia Green and Ethel left Friday night for * Washington, Baltimore and other north ern cities, to spend about a week. * * • Mr. Gillon Fisher has gone to Rich mond to enter’ the Smithdeal Business College. Misses Theo. Morrison and Mor rison are spending the week-end in Sal isbury with Mise Virginia Simpson. « • • Mrs. J. F. Hurley has returned to Salisbury, after spending a week here with Mrs. Richmond Reed. • » 9 9 Mr. and Mrs. I. I. Davis and daugh ter Misses Betsy and Minnie Hill, re turned Fritfay from a two weeks visit to Morganton. BUSINESS TO REMAIN GOOD This is the Belief of Belk Buyer, Just Back from Northern Trip. Charlotte News. Business prospects for the fall months, as reflected by that usually accepted barometer, the number of merchants from all parts of the country assembled in New York for the buying of fall goods are good according to B. Frank Matthews of Belk Brothers department store- who has just returned from New York. Mr. Matthews and sixty other buyers from the 32 Belk department stores and W. 11. Belk. head of the Belk system, were in New York at the same time. There is no frantic rush for fall goods on the part of merchants who were in New York during the past two weeks to lay in their fall stocks of goods but the buying in steady, Mr. Matthews said. Merchants from the west and Middle West showed more hesitancy about buy ing than merchants from other parts of the country, probably because a partial failure of the grain crop in that part of the country makes conditions there some what more depressing than Hiey are in other parts of the country, he said. I "Although there was a disposition on the part of buyers to use discrimination and not to rush in to buying goods with out careful consideration, there was a great deal of buying and my impression was that the buyers were all optimists as the the business outlook for the coming season. "In this part of the country there has been a notable continuance of busi ness activity during the summer months. For example in the months of July and August, which are usually very dull months, the tide of business has remained good. As to the outlook for the fall months I am distinctly an optimist.’’ DEATH ON YESTERDAY • OF JOHN McINNIS Was Oldest Mason in Concord.—Funeral {Services Held This Afternoon. John Mclnnis, well known citizen of Concord for many years, died here yes terday morning about 7 o'clock at the home of his (laughter. Mrs. S. A. Per kins. on Kerr street. He had been ill for some time. Funeral services were held this after noon at 3 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Perkins, and interment was mjple in Oakwood cemetery. > Mr. Mclnnis was 7(5 years of age and was engaged in business here for many years. He was the oldest Mason in Con cord. having joined that organization as soon as he became 21 years of age. Ix>dge No. 32 A. F. & A. M. had charge of the funeral services. , Surviving are five children and a num ber of grand-children. The children are: Mrs. Will White, of Salisbury; John C. Mclnnis. of this city ; Mrs. R. L. Gaddy, of Roanoke Rapids; and Mrs. R. H. Cook and Mrs. Perkins, of this city.* The grand-children are: Mrs. Will Harris, Cincinnati, Mrs. Paul Hafrniek, RMi mond: Mrs. Denny Smith, . Salisbury; Sam. Frank and Fay Perkins, of this city : Ancil. Mary. John F., and Grace Mclnnis. of this city; Edgar White, of Salisbury; Craig, Bryant and Gilbert Gaddy, of Roanoke Rapids. The deceased was a member of Mc- Kinnon Presbyterian Church. Eight hundred thousand ladybugs valued at .$.7,000 were recently distribut ed to the orchardists of the Rogue i River Valley, Oregon. They are to be | used to clear tlitr orchards of scale and aphis. Gossip in Minneapolis has it that -the J Clevelund Indians would like to obtain i Carl East, the veteran outfielder and | former pitcher now with the Millers. ( A Host of Adorable New Ideas In Millinery fSo colorful and lovely-they are—p : H ' iU , ~ the Mode for Fall, that one just cannot but enthuse—every incoming' shipment )rl : new and more delightful surprises. Their soft, flattering lines- —thcii - • i.' c j, unexpectedness of adornment tnen Autumnal tones that rival tn< > l ' ‘ the woodland, all conspire to hold , pletely enthralled that one hardly K y to decide what chapeau is levelie - Words paint a poor picture of thi * . 1 umn Millinery—one must surely et fully appreciate. And they are priced modestly to". .■ --1 $3.95, $4.95, $9.95 up It Pays to Trade at I ISHER’S Concord’s Foremost Specialists AMERICAN LABORER BETTER OFF THAN ANY OTHER (Continued from Pace Onel first time in our history, called the vice president into the councils of the execu tive branch of the government, and Calvin Coolidge conies to his task know- 1 ing in detail the problems which con front him. He has been from the first, part and part of the administrative ma chinery of the government, and lie has sat with the president and his cabinet constantly during his more than two of service as vice president. * * * America will find in him not alone brain and conscience to lead, but a kindly heart-to help. He will be a true friend of the American workman, for he has known hard work all his life. He will follow no wild phantasies in sesfrch for t3ie milleinius. no lie-wisp of thoughtless experiment. He will move for ward step by step, guided by the light of progress, by experience and by studious reasoning. He preaches the gospel of the square deal, and in whatever lies be fore him he can be depended uim>u to he just fair and kindly.” I Luther League to Entertain. The Luther League of St. James Lutheran Church will entertain the con gregation on Tuesday night in honor of the new members and of the boys and girls who are leaving for school. A live, snappy program is being worked out; one that will be enjoyed by a person of any temperament and age. Miss Kina Norman and Mr. Sam Goodman will furnish special music. Every, member and friends will find a most hearty welcome and a most enjoyable evening. The reception will be held on the church and parsonage lawn. Famous Picture September 7th. Mr. J. L. Borgess, of the State Agri cultural Department, will be the princi pal speaker at the farmers picnic to be held on Thursday, September 6th, at Poplar Grove. The public is invited to attend the picnic, and enjoy the fine program which has 'been arranged. Mr. Borgess will speak at 11 and other speakers will be heard during the day. Woodrow Wilson recently wrote. “Capitalists have often seemed to re gard the men whom they used as mere instruments of profit. whose physical <*»nd mental powers it was legitimate to exploit with as slight cost to themselves as possible, either of money or of sympathy.” A difficult job requires a somebody; an easy job. an anybody. » A New Fall Oxfords For Women Here is an excellent, high quality sunset bfown Ox ford for women. It has a wing tip and low rubber heel; a very attractive oxford for the exceptionally Ih\w price of $3.95 PARKER’S SHOE STORE Between Parks-Belk and MeLellan 5c and 10c Store FALL HATS J in the JCew §hades and Shapes COME AND TRY THEM SPECIALTY HAT SHOP Monday, September i 15 „ NEGROES u rei , and Have Retm-J, C l Many of ntft North at the he»i, ‘ We mer to find employ,^,° f M are flocking home „„ a j,. h ‘Rh <>f cold weather. as l>rn£ (he United State F, '5 .. here. They an* • 1;,.. * ■»«.« llie local bureau could i negroes last week , r ';“ v “ M*' .■ Pearson, assistant man-mi ! ' -! offiee and in charge of 1?J * -w ***** on vacation ~f L !li *» Vause. There ar? " H cants from this class ( ,f ~v a “ J board now. They are ’ ‘illy but most „f t j H , . , ; m : . wide, of Charlotte. ’ " "“' m ' . S " ( ' h , a 1)00111 in bnihline i... , m ( harlotte this summer ,|, tractors and other person? " r *»• large number of unskill,,! "la?' * I well supplied with lab,,- N the labor bureau offioiaN y IT' - persons placed last week in employment by Mr, ‘ Ml " r> -•! was outside of Charlotte n>r - , 1 ' 1 m "rni»i ta, au*. : would be outside of <'liarbatb hc-e can also place at one " bricklayers, a number, of . raphers and clerks audnumber V * and waitresses. In spite of the lateness of ,i„ season, there are still eall>\Y.''V ” board to furnish cook/ n V? Xort, J ‘’-o'inn ninr wind! are having the nm-t J* yoar in their history, it j s \ ;lii ' The local employment officials t, • there will be in a few week •, migration of negro** bark s ' hav(‘ been lured to the \ortli summer by fabulous tales „f t *,,, * and promises of many other have not been realized \ V j,. : T .grants from the South arrived Y northern destination. got its due share of this return!,-? gration and the prospect,i> there 0 ; no shortage of labor for thi- v,/" during the fall and winter months A firm in Imndon makes a of supplying dog attendant-. vh„ b be called upon hy society \v*>m. a -L their pets for ail airing in ;h«

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