tnv Sept. 13, 1923 Thursday, - ( L **#**♦ * £ s•* * H r „ipfem»« s ,?,S 8 I ■ ullages * J * .^H*** I*^ 1 *^ •** * , k oM: ROUTE ONE. (HI n * ~.-ursnd home Sun jjr >a days with his M s. \V. H. Hag . -\t ~.1 K. ( ’arter Sep- V' Mr : i> and children. of . after spend* Mr>. R<*yvfr’s sis- I I I- j f \ Waller, "air. ;::airr.and children. \i I, A Weiisil. ( ISt-ik. and son. M ; i Mrs. H A. jl'" V Mrs. H. A. Ket i' W. K. Kluitz vis i .1. E. Carter ' .. - -'. t' Rosie. spoilt a , • !• - ’ . I: nr sister, Mrs. : A i.. ('arter return \[,,\ after sending Br folks. » : ' • u jl . Rowan. spoilt n _ Mrs. (i. H. J, . . [ (‘aba mis. %' [. i;/ ~|iti red tlie ('oncord M - • V" . V AI h- .. ]■■ , • (’■•iieonl. i' spond- I a'Hie "i Mr. J. liI'SYUHE. kokkkt \. Roberta went to l/ove’s , ; o"ii, leaving the j] : :;n rav lad dinner spread P... .. i, i, r* ,i * * lied there. It t: , ! I. .. - . j; . a Miller is spending Al r. 1 >oek Mc r, 1... iif Uniherford Col i 'sliglit ..]•< r:!i imi reeently. Rr ~,-k lie'' who are interest .• r :i.a ,| pastor for the en- A u:1 . j N :i die i'iiui*<• 1 1 the third y. ,i \| . H \\ . J.inker aml oliil- Mi t'hariie liiiies. of l . ■ Sue y with Mr. and Mrs. j i , i R 1 people are at _ • . . a school at the llart- M H».glar was there Satur s, .j playeda\ night. Rev. Mr. ivdliv a !.• ■ some tine sermons. V so RON ROME. (iKOK(.E\ I LEE. i ■ : - i .inning and delight lj . in!;.. -of the mason was a ii A- mi I;i si Thursday eve- Miss.- c. rrie Harrier and >'* 'i I -:ne of Miss Harrier.' ; "t ;. I 1 1 |dalined for Host . to rim inclemency of the • - . a at the lii-me of Albs a:rier. ’!; • and dining room , ijei-irated with ferns, nit irf.'SS .hii li'titerns. The in- . jrtpps's l-l es.-m were : M isses Alma. 1. hj M Si.itin and (’orrie liar- ] e M'-'i- Ik;, I.otig, of (’oneord. : i- Saim; and Harry Har • i was chaperoned h.w Mr. ; Hud.\. Mr. and Mrs. , • 1 • ila oeeasion proved to be . •••>..i>ie one. At a late hour •- - ' ried declaring they had invasion thorotiglily. 11 ikn l i. ;■ and Master Clar- ] ' Harrier, of Concord, spent v, ' :i •'' her. ia't. week with tlieir ■. Mr>. M. F. Harrier. Mr. 11 l; Tenter, of Charlotte, sjient : ' •' d.i !.. .in ~f his father. Mr. , H. T 1 ' !- VollMg people left Wed vai ions scitoiAs ; M isses r in i ifeensboro Nor ik eter in Albemarle 9 1 Mr .laim - Teeter to ('hnr- We wish for them ; " m (heir work. ■ 'O' .i. R .lemme and eliil " - :i N. C.: spent Tuesday Tio\ are pleasant “ :|! ere. hr. .lerouie prae '"b "mi: here for a mimbi'r I(>\\ EU ' I ONE. ‘ ; * nine went to 1 >raper. ' here she has been em- I the High School. Miss 'r of ihe “little folks" in j* > " • Sunday school and they ' m.. to l;a vi her to be away - crowd attended the farm -02 at I Stone last Mr. '1 • ig> r. the county ’ and made a tine talk, n I.oiMr Sione are always *■ Mr \e.oger with them. 11 ei->' I'liion will hold tin* local ;it Lower • September 'J'-’iid. The r Sione are glad to. have ■ “'"'t'ug wall them. and are iio, •' 1:11 "'"'vd. r will preach ait Rower ' ‘ September Kith, at j iv,, : - s . ■* "ries of meeting at 30;,, : "-\t week at night, be - at 7 There '■ ' • ver\ (light at 7 ::’>o and 0011 at 2 :8(l. Rev. near Lexington, will -Mr. Andrews i> one ' aeioi s of the North "‘‘A everybody should ni- opportunity and Idm. Rev. C. W. ’“im. TlLll*. k . , *l. JOHNS. has purchased a new M alter Fry. of Kan* . . f oj’» sister, Mrs. A due week-end. ' aai heard Rev. R. T. ‘ o' r Sunday. He de u,d forceful sermon. ■ ‘ ''i, will leave this i-a ■ Miejr new work. We ■ ‘ in their new '-v* Mi" p ' !i !; , Liuiiy (roodman has ii lm ' s '“his. 1 * liil ' r , , at the members sav,. ti )f . h iv ,.' last Saturday n au, l his wife a sup- Os 0 ir . ' u » People will enter Jschool m Mt. Pleasant this week. J Messrs. Ray and Wade Ritchie /ire I visiting their Mr. and Mrs. ; Henry Ritchie. I>r. (leo. 11. Cox, of Spencer will preach at St. Johns next Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock. Miss Lena Moose began her work as teacher in Salisbury last week. Miss Lillian (’line hegau her work this week in ( oncord. W e regret to see them leave us but wish to see them make a great success. , rimer! - 4 Ji('\. J. li. Moose will preach his fare well sermon at Prosperity E. L. (’hiircli on next Sunday night, the Kith, at 7:80 o elofk. Everybody is cordially invited to come and bo with us. Mr. I* rank Harrier Inis moved his fam ily to Concord. Miss Nell Furr left last week for ( liarlotte. whore she will enter King’s Business College. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Furr and daugh ter, Inez, and Mr. and Airs. J. A. Sa lrit spent Sunday in Belmont. Mr. and Airs. (leorgo Drye and two children. Marvin and Inez, visited at Air. Walter Dry’s Sunday. Alissos Jessie and Beulah Kluttz. spent Sunday evening with Alisses Vio la and Ethel Snfrit. Aliss Addie I.ippard has entered school at tin l Concord High School. Alisses Velma and Ruby Drye visited their aunt. Airs. J. S. Safrit. Saturday and Sunday. The Rimer -Community club will hold its regular meeting on the third Friday night of this month, the Hist* The pro gram will be published later. The pub lic is invited. MONKEY. ROUTE FIVE. Our community was visited by a nice shower which was greatlv needed. I On the 12th. Air. J. Al. Furr. Air. (i. W. Allman and Mrs. J. L. Little en joyed a birthday- dinner at the home of Mr. Furr. The three have the same birthday. About 12 o'clock the friends and relatives gathered around the table, which was spread with many £ood things to eat. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. AL Furr aiid family. Air. (J. W. Allman. Air. and Airs. J. T. Little and family. Air. and Airs. George Cline and I family. Air. and Mrs. Career Allman and ! family. Mrs. Fred Joyner and children. , Air. and Airs. Al. R. Allman and family. Air. and ,Alrs. Gr T. Host. Aliss Alae llcintz. Alessrs. Sam Joyner. James Host and James_Furr. Soon after dinner the crowd began to depart, wishing them many more happy birthdays. Airs. Wilma Widenhouse is on the sick list. Air. and Airs. Henry Host spent Sun day-afternoon at the home of Mr. Hor ace Dryc’3. We regret to hear that Air. Bismarck Wetter got his jaw bone broken by a horse kicking him. There jwjll be pr< fn-Hing qt Springs the third Sunday at 11 o’clock by tiie pastor. Rev. W. TV Albright. Mr. Edmore Barrier visited at the home of Mr. J. H. Host Sunday. Alessrs. Morris Host and Louis Furr made a business trip to Alt. Pleasant last Aloffday. HILLY. WATTS ( ROSS ROADS. / The farmers are picking cotton and making tops. Alisses Nora Hopkins. Lucille Sailes and Air. Alorrow. of Kannapolis, spent awhile Saturday night with Aliss Hop kins’ parents. Aliss Stella Sapp spent Saturday night Aliss Aliss Bessie Allman. Air. and Mrs. J. H. Hopkins and chil dren. of Concord, Air. and Airs. (►. ( . Shim pock and children, of Concord Route •“>. spent Sunday with Air. and Mrs. D. J. Hopkins; Misses Antaleon Carter and Vera Hop kins spent Saturday night with Alisses Helen and Gladys Watts. Air. and Airs. N. W. I-ambert and familv visited in Stanly county Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hopkins. Pauline and Billie spent Sunday night with his son. Air. C. E. Hopkins, on Concord Roiite 8. ] Aliss Pearl Porton spent Saturday night with Aliss Elina. Hopkins. Air. and Airs. Roy Safrit visited in Rimer Sunday. Airs. Alaggie Sapp is spending some time with her son. Air. E. ( . Sap. HILL.. LOCUST. Alts. E. M. Honeycutt, of Winston-Sa lem. visited friends here one day last week. Aliss Fro ilia Iliueharilt has been vis iting relatives in Fort Alills. S. C. Airs. Nellie Dunn and children, of Oakboro. have moved into the Smith cot ’ “Aunt'* Phoebe Eudy, of Concord, is spending some time amopg relatives and friends here. , The meeting at Beulah closed Sunday night. ’Rev. Air. Carjnichael did some tine, practical preaching. Mr. and Ah;s. Jonas Query and Air. and Airs. A. Al. Turner, of Concord, •-pent last Thursday here with Mr. and Airs. I). W. Turner. Little Aliss Alil dred Tueriier returned with her to take up her school studies. Air. H. P. Carpenter, of Stanfield, lias sold bis mercantile interest to bis part ner Air. Wady H. Love. We have not learned as to what Air. Carpenter antici pates or as to bis f iture business. The tent meeting ;tt Stanfield Sunday night, owing to an urgent call f, ,• Rev Air. Aldntyre and bis tent in South Carolina. We learn that three voung men were prompted to purchase an organ for Air. .Mclntyre’s use. Air Titus Al. Hartsell is preparing to install the Deleo lights in Ins house and also in the service station. I. MISSION. On last Sunday. September !)th. Mr. R A. Almonds children and fi tends gathered as his home and gave him a surprise dinner. AIR present enjoyed the day. , rr Aliss Minnie Herrin will leave Tues day. September 11th for Meredith 0 - lege. : Iler many friends wish for her well iii her work, although they will miss her very much. Airs. H. I). Crayton, daughter. Cleon ia. and three sous and Air. Jim Im r. motored to Kannapolis last Saturday evening. There were two burying* at Running • Creek cemetery on last Saturday. • 1 1 auk, the live year old son of Mrfl and -Itf'- , Pliilas Riggers, of Alt. Pleasant Route 2 and Clyde, the little sou of Air. and Airs. Philip Honeycutt. ' The families have our sympathy. .. Mr. Clyde Crayton, of Kannapolis, is visiting Mr. Floyd Crayton. PATIENCE. EASTERN NO. ELEVEN. e This section was visited by a very . heavy rain Monday night, retarding cot ton picking. 1 Air. G. F. ITotf, who has been sick -for more than . a month, is somewhat worse and is now confined to his bed. 3 .Mrs. S. L. Rost and Air. Lyn Plott 3 spent Wednesday evening with him. : Mrs. C. *B. Slither and children, of No. > 10, Air. and Mrs. Tom Wineel and Aliss ( 00k, Air. and Mrs. C. D. WenciV and little daughter, of Rowan, visited Air. : 1). G. Bost Sunday. , * Mr. I). G. 'Bost spent Suinlay night - with Airs. C. 11. Slither, of No. 30. 1 Alaster Ira Honeycutt, who was kick- 1 * ed by a mule last Saturday, was painful- 1 I ly hurt. lie is now getting on fine. Mr. Paul Vanderburg and little niece, * Aline Vanderburg, returned to their home . Wednesday in Shannon, (fa. His fath ’ ] er. Air. D. W. Vanderburg, and Air. E. L. ] ; j Host ucconi’paniod them. Alisses Oplui Litaker, Annie Pless. 1 ■•Virginia Cline have entered Alont Amoe * 11a Seminary. We wish for them a suc cessful term. 1 Mr. Frank Plott. is spending this week here with his parents, on account of the illness of his father. Air. E. F. Whitley and family spent Sunday at Air. O. \V. Whit lev’s of No. S. X. Y. Z. A Party. Ali s'-es Vera Hopkins and Gladys j Watts invited a number of their friends to Aliss Watts' home Saturday night and gave them a party. Alany delightful games were played and then refresh ments consisting of ice cream and cake were served. Those present were: Aliss es Bessie Allman. Lueile Sailes, Thel ma Slither. Nora, lma and Vera'Hopkins, Antaleon Carter, Pearl Porton, Stella Sapp, Vergia Harkey. Helen and Gladys Watts and Glenn? Cline; Alessrs. Frank Aloose. Harold Faggart. Clifford Allman. Hubert Wilheld, Jack Foil, Carl and Gurley Taylor, Arthur Stirewalt, Allen, Marvin and Herman Watts. Jack Cress. Roy Porton, Wallie and Harold Basin ger. Branford Carter, Clffiord Goodman, John Daniel Slither and Air. Alorrow. Air. and Mrs. Roy Safrit. ONE PRESENT. FORMER GOVERNOR WILL BE INDICTED Indictment Against Former Governor Harvey To Be Handed Out Soon. Columbia. S. <’.. Sept. 12.—Indictment of former Governor Wilson G. Harvey, president of the defunct Enterprise Bank of Charleston, and two directors, for al leged violation of the state banking laws will be banded down in the next two or three days. Solicitor Thus. I*. Stoney. of Charleston, announced here today. In dictments were recommended yesterday f by the grand jury and which will name H. Lee Harvey, brother of the former governor, and Fred (’. Peters, forumr collector of the port of Charleston, a di rector. are being prepared now. Solicitor Stoney said. | Landis People Celebrate Opening of .SIOO,OOO School. Salisbury. Sept. 11. —V\ hitehead Kluttz j and daughter, Aliss Alary Caldwell I Kluttz. and .sister. Miss Jennie Kluttz. j have returned for a tour of Europe. They visited eight countries. While) in Home Air. Kluttz was one of the i memorial speakers at a service held via honor of President Harding. The town of Landis has just dedi cated its new SIOO,OOO school building with ti service that was attended by a large number of citizens. Addresses j were made by D. B. Coltrane. of Con-' cord: Iby J. H. Highsmith. inspector | of state high schools; Prof. R. G. Kizer, 1 county superintendent, and Aliss Lander, j principal of the Landis school. The | program also included several musical 1 number and a big picnic dinner. At the home of the bride’s mother. Airs. J. Hr Taylor. Sunday evening. Aliss j Annie Taylor became tlie bride of Henry Clifford Heaver, the ceremony being per-1 formed by Rev. H. H. Robbins and be-1 ing witnessed by only close relatives and J friends. Pearson’s Condition Critical. Asheville. Sept. 12.—Richmond Pear-j sou, former diplomat and ex-Congress-)■ man. was reported to be near death here ■ today. He lia,s been unconscious for jl 8(5 hours and those in attendance said I the end was only a quest ion of a short | time. ’ | A Host of Adorable New Ideas In Millinery fSo colorful and lovely they are —proclaiming the Mode for Fall, that one just cannot help but enthuse—every incoming shipment brings new and more delightful surprises. Their soft, flattering lines —their surprising unexpectedness of adornment —their lovely new Autumnal tones that rival the glories of the woodland, all conspire to hold one so com pletely enthralled that one hardly knows how to decide what chapeau is loveliest of all. Words paint a poor picture of this Pre-Aut f umn Millinery—one must surely see them to fully appreciate. And they are priced modestly too. $3.95, $4.95, $9.95 up F It Pays to Trade at l ISHER’S Concord’s Foremost Specialists i mi Vi .1 .■'■ ii ■ n ,i.. n n | Hi )l I Ml- ! '■ ""I'W " f < m„. THE CONCORD TIMES Famous Evangelist to Conduct Six Weeks’ Services There. Charlotte Observer. “Billy” Sunday, Rev. W. A. Sunday, internationally known as an evangelist, will begin a six weeks series of services at Charlotte on January 27th, it was announced Afonday at a meeting of the Alinisterial Association at the Y. Al. C A. Plans for the conduct of the series will be laid by a committee on arrange ments Thursday, tlie committee compris ing Dr. Albert S. Johnson, chairman: I)r. Luther Little, Dr. W. W. Orr, and Rev. H. G. Hardin. Tlie advance agent of the Sunday party will arrive soon and outline the procedure for arranging for tlie meeting. 1 Construction of a tabernacle will be among the first of the undertakings. Several committees with considerable personnels will be necessary to take care I # Any farmer is right at home I in our bank because we value ■ his friendship, know his *1 needs, appreciate his busi- J ness, and try to assist him to make more money. I riTITFINJQ BANK AND jl | TRUST CO. | fj muiimmummn i , unrimwi—n ■, » ■■nini^ YOU!! 117 Phone One-One-Seven 117 I AND • / Your Hardware Store WILL SEND At Once, Anything, Anywhere THAT YOU NEED IN The Hardware Line Ritchie Hardware Co I YOUR HARDWARE STORE | WE SPECIALIZE ON BUILDERS HARDWARE Y , —' "T *■"' ■ , of the great convocation in all its many phases. The advance agent will take all these matters under consideration with the committee oa arrangements. The site of the tabernacle, which will be erected from Sunday specifications, has not been chosen. Mr. Sunday’s song leader, Mr. Rode lieaver, will not be here as he has decided to visit the mission fields in Japan and China. A Mr. Jenkins is said to be substituting for him and must baa great song* leader 'as the evangelist would have none other. Negotiations with Mr. Sunday have been under way for a year qr more. Dr. Johnson has been in touch with him constantly with_the view of getting the evangelist to hold a meeting here when practicable. The coming of Mr. Sun day is always looked forward to with great interest as thousands of visitors come to hear him preach. : I "" '' “ ■ --f— — ''T e j ! ;i We could build ' .1 a Wall around Wall Street II J _ j jj Put these hats in the center and . every banker and broker would turn i?f out head first a winner. - ■p, f * ij That’s how thorough we have cornered 1 ■ the hat market. We don’t take our •j hat off to any other display the State affords—and men who have been here are vouching for this statement. . I You can’t wear your old straw any longer—and your Spring felt ought to be pensioned to the Attic. | “ New Knox Fall Hats $7.00 up Others $3.00 up New Fall Caps New Fall Shoes ! i Browns- Cannon Co. ! ii■ , I Where You Get Your Money’s Worth jj I ' ' | | Building For the Future With | I V RELIABLE FURNITURE I § The one outstanding feature of our business is the de- ]'! 0 gree of Service we can render you. Right now. we think ij © we are serving you as you would expect. Realizing that jjj 8 your present and future happiness centers around home at- JuJ 0 mosphere, it remains our desire to assist you in building 'J 1 O foV present and future contentment with better furniture 8 and home furnishings. Wise and economical purchases in j>j 0 Home Furnishings demand nothing but those of a known j!| 5 -high quality. . i|i 8 Bow Bed, Chifforette and Full Vanity Dressing Table j|j 5 ■—a Bed Room Suite of three pieces, represents a value j«| 0 that is worthy of your consideration. ComesHn the Queen ijj Q Anne style—durable and rigid construction throughout. ijji 8 The pieces are individually priced above; this allows for js § any combined selection you might wish to make. I BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. Jj | "THE STORE THAT SATISFIES” 'i OOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOUOOCOOOOOOSXiOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU ooooooooooooooooooouocKxtoawjooooooouaooooosoooooooQon I FALL HATS! I The Shapes are New- O The Colors are Becoming and Youthful. x The Prices are RIGHT. 3 Come and see them though you are not ready to buy. © SPECIALTY HAT SHOP 1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ( oooooooocxxxxxxxsc*ooooocooocxxxx>ooooooooooooooooooog I SCHOOL SHOES! I Our line of Sturdy Built Shoes for School V ear is complete. . $ Save Money by Buying Them From Us. <|S PARKER’S SHOE STORE Between Parks-Belk and McLellan 5c and 10c Store X OOCXXSOOQOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOCOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOO ./ nr®'* ®iu®";®' "•'MB •!#' j- •• ••'n#' nil' u®««t® '•••••»«■ ■ •* >• ■ •""? • ~ I i ® .••••«• ® ‘ 1 ' I * ' *. • mrn » > i New Seeds of all Kinds i ii » • ■ in! I ’ I | In buying Field Seeds we use every precaution to get the REST *1 ■ . .. u fj quality t!*pt the market affords, when you favor us with your seed bus- U iness you can be assured that the quality is the very BEST. • f We have full supplies of * ' New Crimson Clover ! .. I j Fancy Red ("lover _ if Winter or Hairy Vetch Orchard Grass i 1:1 Red Top . j ] Red Rust Proof and Fulgum Oats. ff 1 ! If you are interested in any Itynd of SEEDS please rre us a ‘j, • ■ H chance to show you our line. ~ p ;; f’tf I! RICHMOND-FLOWE COMPANY •! h 7 Maaa-i&auf m ltmomillJ-i.ri i vi IJU PAGE FIVE