T HE CONCORD TIMES. j g SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. VOLUME XLV 111 Cal! for Legislature to Meet Issued in Oklahoma Thi< Probably Means a Show Down Between Governor, Walton and Members of] the Assembly. fORTY-FIVE NAMES j H are ox the call; This Number Expected to Be 1 Increased to 54. a Majority, During Day—Troops Keep l'p Guard Duties. city. <>kla., Sept. 20 (By i,’"l Preset. —Events in Ok "’ . , ~,\vil today toward a show down . '.. ~ Governor .1. Waltqn and mem .■ ,j„. legislature over the • . \ ~x'mvise of authority and his Ku Kmx Klan and mob Hog-, ' . , t ' \ , !i for an extraordinary session of ; lioii-e to consider a series of; 'itat Governor Walton has tak-; ( jiin’tM-lf the powers of a despot ’ i ; r Miiiplanted constitutional gov-j “. t w jj|, dictatorship, was issued "r.e mil. a' made public by \V; D. Vi:., representative from Stephens ,’ rv }„.it the names of 45 house nleni i.rVAii iiie promise that during the : „ UllU |.l grow* to .14. constituting . j it\ .o’ the House. V '! next- Wednesday is the hour fixed •milling of tin' lawmakers, li...reseutrtt ivt Mel’ee declared he an ., j U( , attempt by the Governor to - threat to jail the legisla-j the event that they convened. • -'l'lje folly of attempting to carry out , ‘.it to arrest members has been! ■,: > apparent to him. He realizes that j • , call i> legal and cannot be fore stalled.' Melb-e assorted. j aluiest the same moment that the j ;.»i>laiive call was issued Governor Wal- • t„ u ai ,|,tailed to the people of the state' a priieiaiiiatioii. to repudiate the at- ; : Hll ;.t of the lawmakers to assemble,! r::a:ging that those sponsoring the move i,,.its are "Kiiin members'* of the legis anire "inspired by the Invisible Em pire. and aided by the Klan press." It wa- assorted by Representative Mc- I!ee that Governor Walton in coajunc-. . a with Murray F. Gipbons. speaker , f tin House, was contemplating the is-! smanee of a c all for a sperial session "in , i last desperate- effort with the hope, tfitn some of f!io boys might be Aron 6ver ; tnhiseanse hv a show of desire to rem- , si\ a situation, that he has created."j Mijiee released the call drawn by house n.embers. he explained, "to beat the Gov ernor to it." Oklahoma City. Sept. 20 (By the As '"i.ited IVssi.—To forestall charges at tin- extraordinary session of the Oklaho ma Legislature called to meet "next Wed- ' Mslay is a "Klan legislature.” a com- i r...:,v of seven state representatives is ■a • a statement today in which they de- j ,|: >d they advocated "a law prohibiting ’> "caring of masks, of masked assem- ! ' cs, and of seven* penalties for flog- 1 or violence of any kind/’ JACKSON PARISH SENDS PROTEST TO GOVERNOR P'i.|)le There ( barge Ku Klux Klan Set j l |> "Super Government.” Raton Rouge. La.. Sept. 20—Governor urioT has made juiblic the contents of , a dilution adopted by tin* mass meet- I !1 ‘- "f citizens of Jackson Parish and , t"!warded to him by the resolutions com- ! r. 'ie,. charging "super government" has ! D * v!l *stablished in Jackson county to 11 mi cut of •disrupting the judiciary 2! "* mncliiiiei-v of courts in such away \ t4 jwmisli innocent persons while \ ones go free and practically dis arie.i;siin«j tin* voters who are not in "f the Ku Klux Klan." ri.e resolutions are signet! by W. W.< f lfn '* s ' A H. Golvin and R. L. Hardy ; >* committee appointed by the mass r ',' n '2 I" appeal to the Governor for j I'arker has not yet an- i "'hat action lie will take; 1,1 r< 11 HOV \LTY agrees TO ACCEPT SALARY CUT . A Itn .uul Dowager Volunteer to Share, in 1024 Economy. fcina"., -T’ 10 ~Q n ‘‘ PU AVilhel- ] ! * ) ‘!' V! iger Queen Emma have I s , ', :i ’’ the reduction in the sal- Drjj ' ltr ‘ "theials contemplated for :i ,| effective they will share M ■ - v . Ih'tli have written to the L mauce stating that in the I '' ’■••diiction they will relin- Sr.i:j. 'heir revenues from the j ( t>.!sms ! ' l "l >ortio t» to the other de-1 " l ~M farmer is Badly Hurt Ti - Tenant. s ot 10.—June Beck, a ~ .. :Vln " two miles south of i- m, ~ ' • AA Peacock’s place. Kim p . ' '** head by a negro '••riiH f., t ., .I'sady. who lives on the H. \ V . (N , and badly wounded. uiiciuis<-ious and when r "-.:r,|,.,] . "I'*»ta lin High Point was critical condi •':dl a; j . a "tested and taken to ! h.‘ir ;i a t first claimed | ip h disappeared among civilized > peoples by analyzing, studying, and cir- J cum veil ting them. Why is war any less susceptible to scientific study than pes | tileuce and famine? Law can banish Avar just—as increased knowledge and skill have abolished the first two. j "Political research and investigation I must be organized to the point where governmental information of all kinds is readily available to all workers in j convenient form. We need compre hensive. detailed, and scientifically ac ! curate reports on the thousands inf ex ; periments in government that are con stantly going on." THE COTTON MARKET ; Excited Advance of Yesterday Followed by Reaction at Opening of Market. New York, Sept. 20.—The excited ad-, vance of late yesterday afternoon was * foil owed by reactions at the opening of j the cotton market today. First prices ; were steady at an advance of 40 points ion September. AA'hicli Avas influenced by I overnight buying orders, but generally l unchanged to 24 points loAA’er. owing to | the failure of Liverpool to fully meet ! yesterday’s local gains. There Avas heavy realizing through commission houses.but j trade interests A\ : ere moderate buyers on 'the decline, and there was fresh buying !on private reports that there had been heavy rains since midnight in the Mem phis district and parts of Arkansas. De cember sold off to 20.85 and January to 28.70. or 20 to 20 pwints net loAver. and the early were nervous and irregular. . | Cotton futures opened steady. Oct. ! 20.85; Dec. 20.60; Jan. 28.70 ; Alareli i 28.70 u May 28.55. I 1 COMMISSION CHANGES VOTE ON C. C. & 0. LEASE 11 * Railroad Commission of South Carolina I Changes Former \ iews in the Mat ■ ter. Columbia. S. C., Sept. 20.—8 y a vote of 4 to 3 the South Carolina Railway Commission today voted to withdra\A its approval of the proposed lease of the C. C. & Ohio Railroad by the Ixniisville & Nashvil’e and Atlantic Coafft Line. Those voting to rescind the action Avere Chairman Sliealy and Commission ers AA T ade, Pearnian and Coney; wdiile Commissioner Richards, Ellerbe and Ar nold voted against the motion to with draw approval. Chairman Shealey cast the deciding vote. Offers Reward of S4OO. . Raleigh. X. ,C.. Sept. 19.—0 n the re quest of Dr. A. D. Allen, state superin tendent of Public Instruction. Governor Cameron Morrison this morning offered iu behalf of the state the maximum state award of S4OO for the arrest and cotivio t tion of party or parties responsible for ■ dynamiting of the new $40,000 Corinth i Holder school house, six miles east of i Wendell in Johnston county, early on the morning of Sunday, August 26th. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS DEATH OF DETROIT GIRL LED HUNDREDS TO IKE PROTESTS Father of Girl, Gladyslazza Lorenc, Charges That His Child Was Mistreated When Before Police. ICE BATHS LED TO HER DEATH The Father Claims, and He Says There Were Bruises on Her Body When It Was Brought From Hospital. Detroit, Sept. 20.—While three phys icians appointed by Coroner James E. Burgess, today examined the body of Gladyslazza Lorenc, a thirteen-year-old Polish girl, whom her father alleges died Saturday ns a result of mistreatment by the police whey under arrest on a charge of grand la'rceney, the police are on guard in the vicinity of the girl's home to pre vent any demonstration. Two riot calls were sent to police headquarters last night and early today, as a result of al leged demonstrations. John Lorenc, father of the girl, said his daughter told him just before she | died that the police had abused her and 'forced her to take ice baths in an at ' tempt to make her confess to the robbery of Joseph F. Anderson, who li\ r ed in the same building. He says there Avere bruis es on the girl's body when it was brought home from the hospital. According to the report of James Sprott, assistant superintendent of po lice, the girl Avas arrested on Septem ber 11th, and sent at once to the juvenile detention home. The following day she Avas removed to the hospital, and-died Saturday as a result of acute pleurisy. The report says the girl Avas delirious when she talked to her father, and the marks on her body were the result of hypodermic injections and an autopsy performed with her father's permission. The father’s story of the police abuse resulted in hundreds of persons, many of them Polish and other nationalities to . view the body. The body has been arranged by a l’ol | isli newspaper for tonight to raise funds j to press the investigation into the girl’s (death. The oofouer kas announced an j inquest will be held after the report of ! the physicians who will examine the ! body today, is received. DENIES HE HAS GIVEN NEGROES ANY “ORDERS” Mayor of Johnstown Says He Has “Advised” Them to Leave For Own Good. Johnstown, Pa., Sept. 19. —M hile Mayor Joseph Cauffiel insisted today that lie had not issued a formal order deport ing recently arrived negroes, he declared that he "had advised" them “for theii oavu safety and the good of JolmstoAvn to leave the city” and that "about 2.000 had gone within the last three weeks." Pennsylvania railroad officials here said the movement of negroes out of the city was not more than usual at this time of year and policemen on duty at ltoseda’.e, one of the negro sections of Johnstown, Avliere three Avhite police men were killed by a recently arrived negro, placed the number at not more than several hundred. At the Cambria Avorks of the Bethle hem Steel Corporation, Avhere many ne groes are employed, no statement Avas available other than they had ceased bringing to Johnstown additional negro workmen from the south. The movement inaugurated by Mayor Cauffiel has brought to public attention through newspaper publication when lie was quoted as announcing in a statement that "for their oavii safety, I am order ing all newly arrived negro citizens to leaver tOAvn.” The mayor said he had "advised" the Mexicans Avho come to Johnstown to Avork ta leave also for he Avas afraid they might be mistaken for negroes, should trouble occur. The Mexicans live largely adjacent to the negro dis tricts, which include Rosedale and Min esrville, within the city, and East Coue maugh and Frinklin, suburbs. When negroes • are brought into city police court, Mayor Cauffiel declared he ‘.•gives them the- limit of the laAV accord ing to tlieir offenses and then orders them to leavo the city when their terms, which vary from a few days to 60 days, expire.” On an average day, he said, about a half dozen negroes appear before the court. Some days none are ar raigned, he added, and one day. iinme jdiately after the shooting of the officers at Rosedale, 125 AA-ere in court. The mayor declared that under his in structions the Johnstown police Avere making periodic and systematic searches of negroes, who have lived here less than seven years, for Aveapons. He also stated that he had forbidden the sale of firearms and their display in store Avin doAVS. The police. hoAvever. are not be ing used to compel negroes to leave Johnstown, he asserted. The mayor stated that he had replied to Governor Pinchot’s message asking for an explanation of his action but he refused to make it public, saying “that’s ! up to the governor.” Riot at Detroit Over Dead Girl. Detroit, Sept. 19. —A riot call AA’as sent by police tonight Avhen a mob esti mated at 5.000 persons attempted to gain entrance to the home of John i Lornee to view the body of his 13-year old daughter, Gladyslava, who. the father alleges, died from ill-treatment at the hands of police after her arrest September 11, on a charge of larceny. Three patrolmen AA-ere slightly injured by the crowd who fought the officers at tempting to maintain order. CONCORD, N. C., THURSPAY, SEPTEMBER 20,1923 FALL FASHION FESTIVAL IN RALEIGH NEXT WEEK Event Expected to Create Much Inter est. —Will Continue Three Days. Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 20.—Plans have been completed and the program an nounced for Raleigh’s second "Fall Fes tival,” a trade event sponsored by the Capital City's Merchants’ Association, Avhich will take place this year, on Tues day. Wednesday and Thursday, Septem ber 25. 26 and 27. Beginning with a street carnival on the opening day, followed the initial night with an entertainment for en trants in a beauty contest, continued through Wednesday, which has been set aside as Civic Clubs Day, and ending Thursday with a street parade, the se lection of the “queen of the Fall Festi val” and a grand coronation ball, mem-j bors of the Merchants’ Association say 1 they expect the three-day event to sur pass all similar occasions in the history j of this city. The festival will be conducted by a central committee from the Merchants Association composed of C. J. Jarvis, chairman; C. C. Gunn, A. T. Horton, John G. Bikle, secretary; John T. Tay lor. Frank Thompson and .T. M. Little. Comniittess also have been appointed to manage individual events on the program for the festival. 9 A beauty contest, which has been iu course for some weeks, has been narrow ed doAvn to several contestants. From these, the queen of the fall festival will be selected the last day of the festival. That night the favored girl will be crowned at a coronation ball to be held in the city auditorium. Governor Mor rison, is on the program to do the crown- j ing and Josephus Daniels, former secre tary of the navy, is scheduled to pre-1 sent the queen of the festival with a loving cup. A parade to be participated in by con testants in the beauty contest, members of the Merchants’ Association, the Boy Scouts, fraternal orders anil civic or- j ganizations, will be conducted the morn- j ing of the last day. A reviewing party j will, be composed of city and state offi- , cials. ** An elaborate program, including a ! grand promenade and an aesthetic dance | exhibition by Miss Katherine Hughes . and Billy Jordon, has been planned for j the ball to be held Wednesday night. The first day of the festival will be; devoted to the civic clubs of the city, j On the program for this day are a con- [ cert by the 120th Infantry band, an ad-j dress of welcome by Mayor Eugene E. j Culbreth. a barbecue, at which an ad dress will bo made by Josephus Daniels; a bicycle race, stunts and entertainment , features. _ | 'Members of the Merchants' Association have expressed the opinion that the fes tival will stimulate greatly fall shipping activity in Raleigh." HICKORY SEARCHING FOR TWO AUTOMOBILE THIEVES Chase Results in Wreck of Motorcycle of Officers—Not Yet Apprehended. Hickory, Sept. 19. —Officers continued tonight tiie search for two young white men who last night stole a large au tomobile belonging to Claude S. Lee. lo cal motion picture manager, and this af ternoon held up a service station pro prietor near the South mountains in Lin coln county at the point of a pistol and raced off Avith 14 gallons of free gas. The chase, which started on receipt of a telephone message from Saluda, drew the owner of the ear and several Hickory men into it. As soon ns the machine Avas missed last night Motorcycle Officer Groce and Patrolman Jones started up the central highway, and AA’hile returning later ran into a truck driven by Tom Smith, of Claremont. Avroeked the motorcycle and furnished AVork for tAVO physicians. Both men were out again today, although their machine was running 45 miles an hour when it hit the truck standing 4n the highway in LongvieAV. Miss Clara Iteep. who was in the truck, sustained a frac tured shoulder. Officer .Tones shot over the truck onto the hard paving. Information reaching Hickory stated that the Packard car drove up to the service station in Lincoln county and asked for gas. The tank filled, the pro prietor turned his head Avhen somebody called, and when he turned in back be Avas peering doAvn a revolver. One of the young felloAA’s held the gun on him while the other backed the car out and raced off. The stolen car had two hours start of the officers, who invaded four counties. It Avas seen near Ma rion late today. MORE DEFICIT DATA IS RELEASED BY GOVERNOR Total Figures. He Says. Shows There Was a Surplus in State on December 31, 1922. Raleigh, Sept. 20. —Governor Morrison today made public a letter from State Auditor Baxter Durham and Treasurer B. It.* Lacy, stating that the amount of revenue received by the state since De cember 31, 1922, which, under the rev enue luav AA'as levied for the year of 1922 or years prior thereto, is $5,178,965.67. After crediting this amount to the stateV aecount and assuming the recent aduit of state legislative committee correct, there was no deficit last December 31, but a surplus of $680,855.38, according to Ui£ letter of transmittal to the Gov ernor. In a statement issued when he made public the letter from the State Treas urer and Auditor, Governor Morrison said : “I have no comment to make upon the statement of Treasurer Lacy and Au ditor Durham—the statement speaks for itself.” He also expressed the hope that the press of the state Avould give the statement the widest possible publicity. The Governor addressed letters to the Treasurer and Auditor on August 20 asking for information made public today. He also asked a monthly statement be made to him hereafter, showing financial condition of the state for each thirty day period. amuel Gompers. the veteran president l)f the American Federation of Labor, Avas but 15 years old AA'hen he took out his first union card. 31, 1922. DISREGARDS ORDER FROM DOV. BRANDON ABOUT GRAND JURY Solicitor James Davis Plans to Continue Investigation Relative to Treatment of Prisoners in Alabama. GRAND JURY TO HEAR EVIDENCE Governor Brandon Declared Grand Jury Could Not In vestigate Conditions Which Were Created by Him. Birmingham. Ala., Sept. 20. (By the Associated Press). —Solicitor James G. Davis will proceed with his investiga tion at Banner Mine in spite of Gov ernor William W. Brandon’s letter of yesterday in which the* Executive said an inquiry Avould not be tolerated, as sole authority in governing convicts rested with the Governor of the state. Mr. Davis left Montgomery* at 5 a. m. after consulting with the Governor, and upon arrival here went directly to his office to prepare for the opening of the grand jury at 9 o’clock. He declined to eonynent on the letter addressed to him by Governor Brandon, in which the Governor stated that the punishment administered to the criminal Avho led a recent mutiny at Banner Mine resulting in the wrecking of valuable machinery, and endangering many lives, was administered only after a thorough investigation by men of known integrity, and in which he further declared he Avould not tolerate a special session of the grand jury for the purpose of inves tigating conditions in the Alabama pris on camps. Officials of the mining company, a convict quartered at Banner, and L. A. Boyd, president of the state board of convict supervisors, are among witnesses who have been summoned to appear be fore the grand jury today. SILENT WITNESS IN NAVAL INVESTIGATION The Log of a Radio Compass Will Be Used to Determine Whether Orders Were Carried Out by Ships. San Diego, Sept. 20. —4l>y the Asso ciated Press). —The log of a radio com pass station signals of which the navi gator of destroyer squaron eleven yester day testified were disregarded on the night of September Bth Avhen a change of course to the eastAvard carried seven vessels of the squadron square into the rocks off Hond, Calif., is scheduled to appear as a silent Avituess before the naval court of inquiry investigating the disaster, when its sessions are resumed here tomorrow. Both the log itself, which shows what signals Avere sent and received at Point Arguell betAveeu noon and midnight of September Bth. and the radio men on watch there during that time will be brought before the court for comparison Avith previous testimony of witnesses con cerning radio compass signals, it \A r as an nounced today. HAMMOCK IN PULLMAN BERTHS IS SOON TO GO No More Will It Be Source of Misery to Hick Baseball Recruits. Chicago, Sept. 19. — Hick baseball re cruits. traveling for the first tune in their lives in sleeping cars, should be grateful to the Pullman Company for deciding 'to eliminate the hammock in the berths. These hammocks have al- Avays been useful to practical jokers, who told the embryo diamond stars that they must traA r el with their pitching arms in the hammocks, with the resu’t that recruits frequently required sev eral days after arriving at trailing camps to get the knots out of their arms and shoulders. Instead of the hammock, the Pullman Company will install a shelf, high above the berth, five feet two inches long and ten inches wide, which will permit the guest to lay out his clothing flat. The shelf is a collapsible rack of AA’ebbing. held in place by a steel frame Avhen the berth is made up for the night. Charters Issued. Raleigh. X. C.. Set. 18.—Secretary of State IV. N. Everett, has issued char ters’to the following corporations: High Point Country Club, incorporat ed. with authorized capital * stock of SIOO,OOO. of which SSOO has been sub -icribed by S. H. Tomlinson, Frank Wineskie. J. E. Mi'lis, F- X. Tate and 11. B. Terry, all of High Point. Overland-Knight Company, Wilming ton, N. C., Avith authorized capital stock •if $50,000, of which $3,000 has been subscribed by J. H. and L. P. Hinton and Leo Little, all of Wilmington. Lynnhurst Cemetery Cojoapany, Ashe ille, AA - ith authorized caital stock of SIOO,OOO. of which SBO,OOO ha* been subscribed by J. L. Humphreys and < . B. Ryan, of Knoxville, Tenn-. P- D. Moore and Charles F. Byrd, of Ashe ville, N. C. Salisbury Gets Prohibition Headquarters Washington. Sept. 20. —To co-ordinate prohibition work in North Carolina, Pro hibition Commissioner Hhnes today an nounced the removal of the fifth divis ional headquarters comprising the North Carolina and parts of Virginia from High Point, N. C. to Salisbury. The head quarters of the state director are at Sal isbury and Henjamin C. Sharpe, federal division chief, also is acting as Federal | field agent in North Carolina. I Born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul' B. Cline, at their home in No. -5, September 17, a daughter. THE CABARRUS COUNTY SINGING CONVENTION To Hold Mooting at West Concord Bap tist Church Next Sunday Afternoon. The Cabarrus County Singing Conveu-. tion will hold its monthly sing at the West Concohl Baptist Church noxt w '- day afternoon, September 23rd, at o’clock. The public is invited to sing. Every choir in the county is asked to be present and sing, as the membership is open to all choirs. At the. last meet ing at the Roberta Methodist Protestant church there were three choirs present, and the crowd in attendance was too large for the church. , Each choir makes its own selections which are usually Sunday school songs, and the idea of the organization is to inspire better singing in th£ Sunday schools of the county. Rev. J. T. Sisk is president of the or ganization, Rev. R. G. Short is vice president, and Mr. J. M. Talbirt is sec retary and treasurer. LENOIR REMOVAL IS GIVEN A BIG BOOST Daniel Rhyne Gives SIOO,OOO to School If Moved to Gastonia. Gastonia. Sept. IS). —The Lenoir- Rhyne college camaign received a sub stantial boost this afternoon when Daniel E. Rhyne, Lincoln county capital ist and millionaire, in response to a visit from a delegation of Gastonia citizens, subscribed SIOO,OOO to the campaign being waged in Gaston coun ty- Mr. Rhyne's donation was made with out conditions or provisions whatsoever other than those that are attached to all the subscriptions, all being conditioned on the removal of the college. The delegation visiting Mr. Rhyne was composed of A. E. Woltz. general chairman for the county, and S. N. Boyce. R. G. Rankin. A. G. Myers. E- J. Rankin and .T. H. Kennedy. They • - -""ited their cause ‘-' Mr. Rhyne and he was very gracious in his reception of the’delegation and cordial in his attitude toward the attempt of Gaston county to get the colb"'". It has been known all along. Mr. Rhyne having published a signed state ment some week ago. that he was favor able to Gaston county. He has been a liberal contributor to tin* college all along, and has helped it over many a weak place. Lately he has become dis satisfied with the apparent apathy that exists in Hickory toward Lenoir college, and it is reported that he has repeatedly made assertion that he does not in tend to give much more to the college as long as it remains in Hickory. Following the announcement of his subscription from Mr. Rhyne, interest in the drive for the college has taken a skyward jump, and the friends of the 'ce the • :-„-t () f the goal just In fad. it is be’ieved that the quota originally set will be over-subseriped, so great is the en thusiasm. Clean-up squads of canvassers were out early this evening gathering up odds and ends that were left from the recent one-day drive. Many who subscribed in the original drive are doubling their subscriptions. They realize that with Mr. Rhyne’s backing the college is almost an absolute certainty, and they want to help make the offer from Gaston so attractive that the trustees cannot turn it down. ADDITIONAL TRUE BILLS AGAINST GOVERNOR HARVEY Bill Also Returned Aginst Fred Peters. Director of Bank. For I nlawful Bor rowing. Charleston. S. C\. Sept. 10—The grand jury of Charleston county today brought in two more, true bills in the Enterprise bank case, a second indict ment having been made against former Gow . Wilson G. Harvey, as president of this defunct bank, in which it is al leged that the defendant, as president, director and officer, received deposits after he had become aware of the bank’s insolvency. A true bill also was returned against Fred C. Peters, as director, alleging that he borrowed unlawfully certain sums of money on behalf of several cor porations of which he was an officer and stockholder. True bills yesterday were returned against former Gov. Wilson G. j Harvey and his brother. 11. Lee Harvey, alleged unlawful loans being the basis of action. Sale at Parks-Belk Co. Concord shoppers will be givhn an op portunity? to select from unusually large stock of new goods at the Fall Op ening sale of the Parks-Belk Company, which began on Thursday morning. The buyers for this firm have been busy in New York and other northern mar kets purchasing their fall goods, and more than a million dollars’ worth of mer chandise has been sent to the Belk stores. Li a big two-page advertise ment iy today's paper they are telling of some of their bargains. At this opening they will feature also some of the new styles from their Paris office. With Our Advertisers. Your jewelry and other valuables will be safe if placed in a safe deposit box at the Citizens Bank and Trust Com pany. The Specialty Hat Shop can supply your wants if you will just make them known. -The Richmond-Flowe Company has a ' supply of Maybank Fish Fertilizer, j Bought in large lots so yirices are right, j Parker’s Shoe Store is offering some fine bargains for the weeke-nd. If in- [ terested in shoes read ad. carefully. Another Respite to Benson. Raleigh. Sept. 20.—Governor Morrison j today granted a further respite of 80 days to Bob Benson, alleged murderer j from Iredell County, thus postponing his electrocution to November Ist. The Governor said he wanted further time jto study the case. Mrs. J. D. Meader has arrived here to j be , with Rev. J. D. Meader, who is pas tor of the New Gijead charge. They are occupying the parsonage at New Gilead. $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. PRESIDENT OE EUR iff ”'l BENEFIT IN EXTRA EDITION Jos. F. Cannon, Head of Fair Association, Feels Certain Special Edition Will Help Cause of the Fair. WILL HELP BOOST THE COUNTY, ALSO In Giving Advertisements to Edition Business Men Help Themselves, Their County and County Fair. Mr. J. F. Cannon, president of the Ca barrus Fair Association, whose interest in promoting the fair is well known, heartily approved of the special edition of The Tribune and Times, which is to appear October 9th, saying that he was glad to read of the decision of the man agement to publish a county fair and industrial edition devoted to recording the progress made in Cabarrus eounty in the last few years. “We have spent time and money” said Mr. Cannon, “in providing a modern fair grounds at Concord, and we ought all to do our best to attract as large an at tendance as possible so that the expense of the fair will be met and a surplus pil ed up to make next year's fair a bigger and better one. If we try hard enough we can make Cabarrus county’s fair one of the very best south of the Mason and Dixon line. It all depends on our selves. We have the fertile soli and the right class of farmers and business men to accomplish almost—anything we set out to do. "I think the special edition of The Tribune and Times will be most helpful in advertising the importance of the fair, and in addition will provide an in teresting record of the substantial growth which has been made in Cabarrus coun ty. I have seen some of the special ar ticles which have been prepared for the edition, and it seems to me that The Tribune and Times management is go ing into the production of this special edition in it very thorough way.” SALISBURY SCHOOL BOY KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE Meven-Year-Old Son of G. W. SHeek Struck on Bridge While Going Home From School. Salisbury, Sept. 19. —A most distress ing accident occurred this afternoon when little Roy Sheek. 7-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gomer W. Sheek, was killed by an automobile. The boy had just left the Ellis Street school, where he was a member of the second grade, and was crossing thp over head bridge at the western railroad on his way home. Going from one side of the bridge towards the other side, where it is thought, he was going to see a train that was passing under the bridge, he emerged from behind a wagon that was standing on the bridge just in time to be struck -by the fender of an automobile that was driven by George A. Peeler, head mechanic for Houser Motor Company. The child’s skull was crushed and he died within half an hour at the Salisbury Hospital. Dr. H. H. Newman, county coroner, investigated the accident and had a jury hear evidence tonight. The verdict of the jury was “unavoidable accident.” NEW RATE CHANGES HAVE BEEN POSTPONED New Rate Will Not Become Effective Until .January 18th. Under New Or ders. Washington. Sept. 20.—The Interstate Commerce Commission today announced suspension until January ISth, of the proposed rate changes on various ear I load and less than carload commodity tariffs affecting practically every rail road south of.the Potomac and Ohio riv-' era. Investigation of the schedules is suggested and which were to have become effective tomorrow was ordered by the commission. The suspended schedule proposed to cancel various less than carload commod ity rates, and cancel all car load commod ity rates to points where carriers stated there had been no movement. They pro vided also for revision in carload com modity rates where there is known to be a movement, such revision resulting on both increases and reductions from points in the southeast and Carolina territories to points in the Mississipii valley terri tory. Oklahoma Legislature May Meet in \ rks ii sh s Tulsa, Okla., Sept. 19.—“ The Okla homa legislature will meet next week — even if the members have to convene in Arkansas or Texas.” Representative John H. Miller, Tulsa, told newspaper men tonight following his return,from Oklahoma City where he had been active several days in secret endeavors to organize a majority of the lower j house. j Admitting that armed guardsmen . might prevent a meeting in the state j house at Oklahoma City, the legis'ator j declared that those who are behind the I move are prepared to gather elsewhere, ,in Oklahoma if possible, or beyond the . border of the state if necessary. i The long, cosy evenings of winter are coming- Why not subscribe to your home paper, a good daily and a good farm paper? Every good business man , keeps up with the trend of world events and the news about his own business. Japan i'»*lf is-about three times the ! size of New York State, and with all her 1 colonies and dependencies is about one fourth larger than France. NO. 21.