PAGE TWO SOCIAL & PERSONAL Club Women Invited Ao Charlotte. A letter from Mrs. Shore. President of The Woman’s flub of Charlotte, to the members of the oman s Club in C oli cord, is us follows: “You are invited to be with us on Woman’s Pay at the Made-ia-Carolinas Exposition. Friday. September 28th. The heads of the various State patriotic and civic organizations will be present. You may make reservation at the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce for luncheon at one dollar per pliite. Positively no out of town tickets will be sold after Sep tember 24th. After the luncheon the our -of town guests will be taken in cars to the exjmsition building where au im formal reception will be tendered by the Charlotte organizations. tine of the most delightful features of the luncheon ■will be the musical program by Metropol itan artists." Shearer- Yorke Ano uncements. The following announcements, of in terest to Concord people, have been re ceived here: Mr. William Yassar Shearer and Mrs. Nathan Felix Y'orke nee Lucy Edna Pitts announce- their marriage on Friday, the fourteenth of September nineteen hundred and twenty-three Statesville. North Carolina Birthday Dinner For Mrs. Linker. On Sunday. September ltith. a large number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Linker in No. 5 township, in the absence of Mrs. Linker, to celebrate her fiftieth birthday. About 1 o’clock a sumptuous dinner was spread on a table in the yard. A special feature of the dinner was 'the large turkey, which Mr. Linker had prepared unknown to Mrs. Linker. Everyone present seemed to enjoy the cats very much. The guests soon departed, wishing Mrs. Linker many more happy birthdays. 'ONE PRESENT. Litaker-Fisher. The following announcements were re ceived today.: 31 r. and Mrs. J. T. Fisher announce the marriage of their daughter Esther to Mr. Walter ,T. Litaker on Tuesday the eighteenth of September nineteen hundred and twenty-three A wedding of unusual beauty and sim plicity occurred at Trinity Reformed Church Tuesday evening at 7 :-»0 o'clock when Miss Esther Fisher became the bride of Mr. Walter J. Litaker. The bride and groom entered together and t|ie ceremony was periGrined by tRe bride's pastor. Rev. W. C. Lycrly. The imorossive ring ceremony was used. On ly relatives and close friends attended the wedding. The bride wore a dress of brocaded canton crepe with accessories to match. Mrs. Litaker is a young woman of lovable disposition and charming person ality. For several years she has been au employee with the Parks-Relk Co. Mr. Litaker is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Litaker and holds a respon sible position with the Concord Printing Company. Eufly-Collins. Cards bearing the following have been received here: Mrs. Lucy Eva Collins requests the honor of your presence at the marriage of hpr daughter Eva Leona to 31 r. Jay Theodore Eudy on Tuesday evening, the twenty-fifth of September - one thousand nine hundred twenty-three —■ at eight o’clock Second Baptist Church Savannah. Ga. Mr. Eudy formerly lived in Cabarrus county, and is a son of Mrs. J. H. 3V. Eudy. Party Given. Little 3li-s Alice Wingate entertained a number of her young friends Tuesday afternoon from four to six in honor of her eighth birthday. Numerous games were played, after which refreshments coiisi.-tiug of cream ami cake, were serv ed by the hostess’ mother and sister. 3lrs. I tee Sides: Little 3liss Wingate receiv ed many useful presents and all present reported a nice time. A FRIEND. Visitor in Salisbury, Salisbury Post. 3lrs. W. W. Stringfellow is expected to arrive in Salisbury, to be the guest un til tomorrow of Mrs. It. F. Cannon on South Fulton street. .Mrs. Stringfellow is en route from - Baltimore, where • she has spent the past week, to Blowing Rock, where she will join 31r. Stringfel low at the O 31 y Cottage, their summer home. 3fr. and 3lrs. Stringfellow plan to remain iu the mountains until Octo ber. Celebrate Golden Wedding Anniversary. 3lr. and 3lrs. Isaac Newton celebrated their golden wedding Tuesday at their home on the Kannapolis road, they hav ing been married fifty years ago on that date. Os the ten living children all were present except two. with their fam ilies. and those enjoying "the day with 31 r. and 3lrs. .Newton were about seven ty. including a few special friends. A sumptuous dinner was served at about 12:30 on a large table prepared for the occasion and placed in the yard of the home, and after the blessing was said by Rev. A. I>. Shelton, the dinner was had. It was a happy occasion and enjoy ed by all present. A special feature of the occasion was that each child present gave to 3lr. aud 3lrs. Newton a gold piece of money, which amounted to about $50.00. * f Big Birthday Affair at J. J. Bostian’s. Salisbury Post. / On last Sunday at 3lr. J. J. Bosnian's residence, two miles west of C liiua Grove. 3hs. Jessie Lefler aud Mrs. AV. F. Bos tiau with their friends aiyl relatives of the Bostian and Lefler families gave a most pleasant surprise party and dinner to 3lr. W. R. Bostian and 3lr. Claude Lefler, it being their birthdays. Everything was kept secret from the two gentlemen until most of the guests had arrived and before either realized what was going to take place. There was forty-five frieuds and rela tives that gathered around the large table on the beautiful lawn of J. J. Bos j tian. which was groaning under good things to eat, brought by the relatives. 3lr.*J. A. Bostian introduced the Rev. D. M. Knight, of Whituel. N. who made a short talk and also returned thanks. 3lr. J-. J. Bostian then made a short talk of welcome to the guests and then photograph of the crowd and table were made after which all partook of the good things to eat- and it is needless to say all were filled aud lots left. Some of the parties present were Rev. I>. 3L Knight, 85 years old. J. J. Bostian. s Loma park also was destroyed. Every house on Euclid Ave nue from Shasta south to Hilgard went up in flames. Sporadic fires broke out from Hilgard south to University campus. All the houses in upper Leroy Strcnf were de stroyed. as well as all the houses on La Loma Avenue. Half of faculty of the l niversity of California was rend ered homeless. A quarter mile square extending from Cedria to Shasta streets to the east of Euclid Avenue was in flames. In this sector about Oft homes were consumed. Another area south of Cedar Street and west of Euclid Ayenuc was razed and 40 homes destroyed. Homes in another area extending to Spring Street were burned. The path of the flames lias been gen erally southeast and southwest from the Berryman reservoir, the seat of the con flagration. From this source it extend ed to the business section at University a ven lie. # Reinforced by members of the student body at the university and by citizens pressed into service, the police threw a guard about the whole burned area shortly after 4 o’clock. In north Berkeley every kind of ve hicle that could be pressed into service carried salvage from the burning houses. Baby buggies, wheelbarrows and even children’s coasters wore trundled about the streets. Refugees crowded all streets leading out of the burned area at about 4:3ft when a shift in the wind hurled the smoke and Halites back on them. , Men. women and childrerh- driven out of their holm's, in the* fashionable resi dential section, appeared in processions, many of them carrying their most clier 'ished possessions, making their way to places of safety. Some of them were in automobiles, some of them on foot until they corrid get to street cars. Scores of motorists hovered about the edges of the burning belt, making fre quent runs oil foot among the blazing buddings that they might be of assist ancel to those striving to get away. > Ten injured were brought into the Berkeley general hospital but only two remained there. They are elderly ■wom en whose homes were destroyed. They are suffering from-’shock and remained ip the hospital. Sails Through Air 25» Miles an Hour Mineola. N. Y..- Sept. 17.—Lieut L. H. Sanderson'of the marines, one of the trio of navy aviators who smashed the world’s speed record three "'times last week, hung up another unofficial mark today when he traveled at the rate of 2oft miles an hour in a haw Wright fighter. x Lieutenant Sanderson was helped slightly by a northeast wind. If his time was figured accurately he traveled faster than any man ever traveled be fore. Millions. All the Master Modes for Autumn Gay! Sparkling! Youthful! ... '■ $3.95 up r There is a world of fascinating new ideas to select A i from —large hats and small hats—gay hats and de- w wrWBEfl I mure hats—Flower-trimmed with a sauciness that f \ \ 7 is captivating—Feather bats with a flare and dash , f * I that distinguishes hats produced only by New s'//A' /A'' \ York’s best creators, and Ribbon frilled and orna- // / ' mented in away that is extremely novel and adora- * / ble. , ' / It Pays to Trade at l ISHER’S Concord’s Foremost Specialists Maybank Fish Fertilizer j I for— | SMALL GRAIN AND ALL Rl I f CROPS I J) / 9 | We Buy and Sell For Cash and Will f I Save You Money I O 8-3-3 • $30.00 Pe r '\\ , n 9 8 ITMI-6 $20.00 p cr Ton X Q 10-0-4 _* Slfroo Per Ton 9 O 16 Per Cent Acid si;.so p er Ton o 1 Richmond - Flowe Co. 000000000 ® 000000000 ° c<^^ goooooooooooooooooooooooooccxjoooooooooooooooooocooooc -1 ‘Week End | (SPECIALS I | Friday, Saturday jj z These are Extraordinary Values and jj § a Saving of SI.OO to $2.50 in even Pair f H .- ■ ' | S Ladies' Fancy Brown Calf Oxford welt. QC I medium heel g Ladies’ Log .Cabin Buck, wide two button OC QC § Strap,i low heel 0 s$ 5 g Ladies’ Black Satin. Cuban Heel, with black &A QC 0 8 buck lattice front Strap o i X a Ladies’ Gray Satin Strap, Brocade back, QC o k low covered heel .. o x Ladies’ Black Satin Strap Cuban covered $3.45 I g Girls' Patent Leather Strap, low 45 •' 8 heel i *. 8 Ladies’ Patent Leather Strap, medium $2.95 \ § Ladies' Plain Toe Black Kid CM GQ c 8 Oxford 1 g 8 Men's Black Kid Blucher, $3 95 8 medium toe v • a 8 Men’s Brown Calf Bal. Brogue CQ 45 o 8 9 0 Men’s Black Calf Blucher, broad CO 0 Men’s Brown Calf Blucher, Newton $2.95 I R toe *** 9 R Boys’ Black Calf English last, 0$ g 0 size 13 to 2 , V • 8 § x y hi >ii ii Parker’s Shoe Store l S x < x < Between Parks-Belk and McLellan’s 5 & 10 Cent Store ; g • 0 USE TIMES AND TRIBUNE PENNY AoS Thursday, September 20. i