PAGE THIRTY EFIRD’S .'*s - / * No one can raise crops like the Cabarrus farmers, and no one can raise bargains like the Efird stores. We are both supreme in our class Just as you folks are showing your best at the fair grounds, we are exhibiting the latest and the best in general at our Concord Store during Fair Week. Four million patrons in the Carolinas beheve Efird s values are the wmners. Efird’s Gives First Prize for Best Exhibi ■n VsW ■ % , - f. i32-lnch Soisette, all colors. Only . 39c the yard Large Assortment Loraine Ginghams, 32 inches wide, the yard 32-Inch Gibson Gingham and Knicker a,ul 75c $2,98 hosiery t Full Fashioned Hose iO% !in Lisle, Cotton and * 1 Silk., all colors, and ’ sizes..... 48c to $2 98 f ; Beaded and Novelty JU-wJ r \ Bags, the latest thing c'"'— just ou *- to : Imported Japanese if , Boudoir Lamps, each to clear . SI.OO. EUanket Bargains Fair Week All Wool Double 'Blankets in Plaids and Solid Colqrs, white with blue and pink borders, Plaids with blue, pink and grey. Priced , $5.95 to $6.75 Latest Fall Fabrics Special Bargains in Comforts. Just the thing for the cool nights. Be comfortable when it costs so little. Priced -■ $4.48 THE CONCORD TIMES- FAIR AND INDUSTRIAL EDITION lilMiMHOi : k i 10-inch Satin Back Crepe, Canton Crepe and Charmeuse in all colors, per 98 $3.48 Fine Line of 30-Inch lalfetas 0(* QQ Satins, all colors. Ffcr yard wIcUU 36-1 nch Sateens in . all colors OA t 0 QCf* per yard OvC - \ Duty Chine, aj splendid Dressy new material CC/* See it. Only the yard vJL Cretonnes for Curtains, Draperies and OC OQ^ Coverings, 30 inches wide. Ihe yard Mv \ Outing Cloth, Solid colors, dark and. |J* to A|* light, also in Plaids. The yard jL 3C M.9C ' Remnant Counter—a little of everything | A the yard IUC - v s & G A Y % t Blouses continue to be the high coloruf note in milady’s costuming. And especially so for FaU. In our display, you’ll find Blouses with the side tie or the latest pert bustle tie bow. Printed and plain silks, many crepes. Assorted sizes. “Novelty Blouses and Sweaters. A Fine Large Assortment of each. A new Blouse is always baiyly and this is sweater time for sure. Fine selection of Blouses just in, all the latest colors and novelty effects for special fair week shopping attraction $3.48 to $8.95 Sweaters —Warm. Cozy, Comfortable, ust the thing for automobile riding and a hundred other purposes. The bright new colors are most attractive see them Fair Week. Don’t miss them at only $4.95 to $8.95 RUGS Fibre Rugs, 36x27, only $1.24 Large Parlor or Bed Room Rugs, 9x12 at $22.50 and $29.50 « % . x Fashion’s Fall \ -,m I So this is the time to speak of the Fall Clothes we a morning October 16, at 9 o’clock and will be one of the Cabarrus women. * t Frocks and Dresses appropriate for every emergency, color to give the striking note. Coat" and wraps in I proper straight dines of the silhouette. Intact, evei which bespeaks the latest Fall Fashions. ihus, his; yet select a delightfully attractive Fall and Winter ward a Betty Wales finished. AH sizes d* *8 O CO 3reat value at --------- 3j1&.D0 Peggy Page Dresses to J|j FALL FASHIONS For the Little Miss Now is the time to be outfitting the little Miss with Fall Clothes for school. And it’s a wise mother who shops at our store, for, we carry a large assortment of practical garments for the younger generation. Pleated Skirts in stripes and checks. Foulard Frocks. School Coats made on growing lines are a few of the big bar gains to be found in our Children’s/departirseni. Children’s Coats, ages two to six, in a great vani ty of Warm Pretty Materials $2.98 to $9.95 Warm Serge Middy Suits with Regulation Insig nia in two pieces _ _, - - $-i ■