~i V. OctoK' 1 ' 1923 lQiants Are Urged to f Reserve Space at Once j* I in Big Concord Edition ■ |-;.-i 1 -edit ion ■ fa !r . in' issued ■ m. be ■Li v.:!l " *' . cr pro* ■rW" 01 ' as it K. Ca!wrr ~s r.nplishcd I ! lie met) ■ • for the I .Mi hard j ~*■ Septem-! siii'*’ l rccord- KiiK #!' |. ill order Kfc**?* " “j - „j. Most of Hjt tr .. jv»."t ' ha\ e been NORTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR RALEIGH. OCTOBER 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1923 I it v RATION WEEK —No Better Ontiug or More Profitable ( v no> A!) ENTERTAINING INSTRUCTIVE I Kvhibiti.-n nf tattle. Swine. Sheep and Poultry Ever Seen | ,,ro!i in tire State nf< IV-S "ini ; sixm > sanctioned); Registry Number Nor Pedigree Required HORSE s FROM 22 STATES AND CANADA WILL CONTEST FOR THE S 6. iCO.OO PURSES NO in LL MOMENTS—EVERY HEAT A RACE si'EUAL RITES OF ONE AND ONE-IIALF FARE ON , ALL REfiI'LAR AND SPECIAL TRAINS "it Shows North Carolina” SOUTHERN RAILWAY I SYSTEM b I our money I mmk in the South Th ® Southern Railway System M 'f jf Transportation receipts from day mM&y£ „ deposited in Southern banks. The v . IT ... £ total amount of these deposits in 'the twelve months ending June I '" This was an average of $150,503 r \ ' r eacd tjan^'n § hour. ,\C V ' These deposits are drawn against ¥s&* ' - TO P a y wages, taxes, interest and I for coal, materials and other ex penses of operation. Our total • expenditures in the'South in 1922 were $20,000,000 in excess of our receipts from the South. SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOOTH seen by The Tribune and Times adver tising service men, and those who nave not are urged to make such reservations for space as they desire, immediately, so that they can be given service in Connec tion with their advertisements. To date the following firms have taken space in the special edition: v ; Bell & Harris Furniture Company; i Letter Motor Company; Eleetrik-Mnkl Bakery : Riebmond-Flowe Company ; the Concord Foundry : E. L. Morrison Lum ber Company; Cabarrus County Fair Association; Ritchie Hardware Company; Southern Motor Service Company; Ca- Uarfus Savings Bank: Concord Steam Laundry; Specialty Hat Shop: Concord Motor Company ; CorLWadsworth Com pany : Motor & Tire Service Company; F. and G. Electric Company ; W. M. Or pin Studio; E7 B. Grady Plumbing Co.; Carolina Bottling Works; J. C. Blume Garage; D. P. Covington Candy Co., St. Cloud Hotel: Co-operative Dairy Co.: Carolina Case; F. <*. Niblock Lumber o.; F. C. Niblock Tinsmith Shop; Peer less Brick Company; Brown Contracting Co. Motor Co.; Peck's Taxi Co.; NEWS OF THE CHURCHES •- REVIVAL INTEREST DEEPENS Dr. Row Preaches Fine Sermon at For est Hill Methodist Church. Dr. Gilbert T. Rowe, of Nashville, Tenp., in the revival at Forest Hill preached another sermon of great i>ower 1 Tuesday night. The congregation prac tically filled the large auditorium of the Church. A number of people from the various churches of the city and Kan napolis were rr ted in the congregation. The attendance upon the morning ser vice today was much larger than Tues day, and great interest was plainly man ifest. Pastor Armstrong announced that Ifriday night would be “Young People's Night.” All the Epworth Leaguers and other young people will sit in a body. The singing Tuesday night probably surpassed that of any previous service. The sermon Tuesday night was based upon the beginning of the 27th verse of the 25th chapter of Matthew, and was a plea for moral and spiritual consistency. The word “therefore”, which occurs so frequently in “the Bible is a word of reas oning and indicates a conclusion reached or a line of action to be followed. There are /three kinds of logic—mental or for- physical or material, and moral or spiritual logic. The .first is the process by which mental conclusions are reach ed ; the second is the kind used in the practical affairs of life: and the third is indicated by the words, “Thou ought est therefore,” and is based upon respon sibility to God. While all kinds of logic are disre garded, it is the violation of the moral and spiritual that is so alarming and ap palling. Men everywhere are violating the principles of morality, sobriety and spiritual wellbeing. And yet it is not their judgment that is at fault, rather men know the better and do the opposite, jor neither. Many people do as they please rather than as they ought, ignor ing the demands of duty and following their inclinations. Every man has his convictions. The man. who burieiUtbis one talent had his, though they were uot true. He said he knew that iris master was “au hard man.” National Lumber Co. ; King Tut Service Co.; Musette, tuo.; W. J. Hethcox; \Vis cassett Mills; Coley Shoe Shop ; cord Steam Bakery: John R. Query; Jones-and Crooks; National Bank; I’earl Drug Company; Derniott Heating Co.; Cabarrus Motor Co.; Efird’s Department Store; Auto Supply and Repair Com pany ; Concord and Kannapolis Gas Co.; Lippanl & Barrier; The Promst Com pany : W. C. Correll Company: Cabar rus Union Supply Co.: Concord Furni ture Co.; W. B. Ward Co.; Hoover's Inc.; Jvey Shoe Co.; Browns-Cannon Co.; J. E. Love; C. H. Barrier & Cone in Concord. It is planned to conduet x the school, elementary and high, for a term of 8 months. ; I** .-I - ■....-h ■- mji Colorado Penitentiary Has Put Ban on VVomCn Smokers. Denver, Colo., Oft. I.—Female prison ers in the Colorado State penitentiary are no longer permitted the solace of smok ing within the walls of the institution, according to Warden Thomas Tynan. The male prisoners arc to be allowed to continue the use of the weed, liowevet. In answer to protests against his ac tion, Warden Tynan said: ‘‘lt doesn’t look. w r eell to see women smoke. If they want to smoke, let 'em keep out bf the penitentiary.” Four-fifthe of the women inmates of the Colorado penitentiary smoke, ac cording to statements made by investiga- A regular tobacco ration is is- to the mate prisoners. SIOO,OOO Worth at Gems Taken by Rob bers. Newark, N. J., Oct. I.—Two armed men today held up Henry Hirsehberg, memlibr of a Fifth Avenue, New Yoyk, ,rm of diamond merchants and his as sistant, Walter Beal, hi the doorway of the factory in Irvington, X. J., of Weijgand and Company, jewelry manu facturers, -and escaped with diamonds valued at SIOO,OOO. The highwaymen PAGE SEVEN Such a scheme, one member of the board stated, wil call for a given amount of transportation in order to carry those pupils who live beyond walking distance to the schools. Enough local tax will be voted on to put on such a program. It is thought that the program canJ>e financed, if con ditions .remain as mow, for about 25 Cents on the SIOO. Should this program : be put on as a result of the vote in No vember the districts now having special ' tax will automatically drop the local tax | and go on a flat rate with every other I district in the county. i This entire plan, it was stated, is be ing complimented by people who are j thoroughly interested in education in the i county because it provided efficient ele mentary and high schools for every child in the county, whether he live in hamlet or village or in the most remate rural isection. forced Beal to give them a special ve*st he was wearing in the lining of which the gems were concealed. Hirschberg and Beal had taken the diamonds to j Irvington with the intention of selling them to the jewelry eomany, they told the police. May Block Road Building Program. Raleigh, Oct. I.—Frank Pagm chair man of the State Highway Commission, today expressed concern about further progress in the building of two state roads in Mitchell county, work on the roads having been temporarily halted by the forced deportation of negro laborers by citizens of the county, following ,au alleged attack on an aged white woman by a negro thought to be John Goff, es caped convict, who was later captured and placed in the State’s prison here. • p * •> Governor Morrison in Charlotte. Charlotte.jiOct. 1. —Governor Cameron Morrison arrived in the city late this afternoon and will remain for a day or so with his sister, Mrs. Xeetall. The Cannon Manufacturing Company new slasher- room for its plant at Concord.