Mon Ja- November 5. 1923 H ,+****■?*¥*♦ ■ f u4PP f>INGS IN 01R * I » VILLAGES * I # *v,nfcoff high school. | H \M >r ‘ n f,, r the second month ■ 'The ,u ’^ ! h ;1< follows: I H nr Win*' 1 ' , vi Goodman. I.ois I ■ 8 F!r 4 gr:l night, October Slut, a I natty was held at Winecoff. I wore 'costumes and masks, and I ' .nnwed the evening. Peanuts ft , wtH-oni were served. I Th, Inetnhers -f the Champion Literary I Wineeoff sehool held no meet- I • . ■„ organization on October 20. I iw! \F.W SHE PORTE HS. I KNOCHVILLE. I M. i;,iu.trti Plaster died last Sunday I the Potieord Hospital, where I ' i ik.n for treatment for cancer I , stniiiaeh from which hi* suffered I 1> for the past few years. Fun- I | sender's were conducted at St. I rVli' - ' Tac'day afternoon, by his pas- I ." Rev I*. 8. Hasher, and the pain- I r’lkol was laid in its last resting I r m the cemetery there. I ' \lr Em* r> Butler has purchased a I Tii'VV I - elil. I ‘Mr John Font/, died Friday morning. I a .„l nearly ss years. I '*Mr and Mrs 11. S. liumple and chil ■ , vii. iit Sunday at Mr. W. F. All- I man's , ' I Mr. C. C. Upright and family were I Sunday evening at the home of I Mr. and Mr>. Parks Matrhews. I Mr. Ma.-k Allman visited relatives on I Sunday. I Mr. Ed. Thompson spent Saturday I uight with id" brother. Mr. John Tliomp- I sill. , . I Miss Jane Upright was a visitor on I Thursday nigln at the home of her I nephew. Mr. C. C. Upright. I Mrs. Pot a Upright and daughter. Flora I Maw are spending some time with friends I iieor Concord. I Mrs. Thomas Eagle is critically ill at I her home near Landis. I Miss Rosie Allman is improving nicely after an operation in a Charlotte Hos pital for appendicitis. _ • There was a corn husking at Mr. • (jeorge Isenhour's Friday night. BUSY BEE. TO BEGIN DRIVE FOR WORLD COURT A Nationwide Campaign to Induce Con . gress to Act on It Washington, 1). 0.. Xov. H.—A na tion-wide campaign to induce Congress to jet on the World Court at its next ses * 'inn w : ll be launched by rhe National Council for Prevention of War during rhe week beginning tomorrow. “Armis *i.-e Week.” which churches and other orgunizatieus are being asked to observe as “World Court Week.” It is re commemled that during the week special effort be made to obtain signatures to World Court petitions to be sent to the President and Senate of the United States, that peace programs be every where emphasized, and World Court resolutions adopted. Something has been arranged for ev erybody so that working alone or in groups, each one can contribute some thing to the achievement of the grea,t end sought. Such service ranges from the writing of personal letters to public speeches. One of the ways pointed out for advancing the World Court idea is the formation of groups for the study of the subject. Lectures, talks, addresses and debato. on such a couf*t later could be arranged. Other ways outlined by “which service lan be rendered is by the encouragement “t international exchange of college pro fessorv and students: development of in 'rnational correspondence among school children: seeing that public libraries ave biographies, recent books and mag azines and special shelves on interuation :i problems; looking into histories being '•d in schools to see if they- are mod "n histories or- of the old fashioned 1* which exalt war: and supplying i 'ton teachers with literature on ef r ' "f rhe l nited States to bring about j ■'" ri peace: providing to editors, min j teachers, legislators, public of- L 11 iav ail( j others literature on* peace iijects and encouraging promotion of •rnatiomil good will in news, edito 'erinons. public addresses and state iihms. icquesting local chambers of com iiml" • abt,r unions, lunch clubs-, civic 1 ■ SI " Ml organizations to devote a meet: ihi: '"'''national affairs; arranging „.. ■" '"eetings. pagbants. plays and so 1 interest of world peace. P °UCK ARE READY FOR ANOTHER DEMONSTRATION ls [‘ Repi|f)lic Sympathizers y Against Lloyd George. fi't'ss'! Xov - ” ( Rv the Associated f„ r .. ’ . H ‘ P°*‘ (e today are prepared (•an ! "Finnish with Irish republi d*ino,' 1 •>•»t iiiz«* rs who have made two U*, r rit,o,,s against David- Lloyd soil * ' * lt ‘ s,,t food on American l‘lai„ a 'q, ,ails uu 'f° r nied police and tioi t> r were under iustruc- Mm from the Waldorf i>u wlii, i ! , to l" er °f the Majestic |Mij)|j ( ' "‘ avps for home. Irish re lj,. ‘ '"'"“pted their demonstration the' ‘ *-*oyd George landed’at flaunt I,!’'' )u ! efforts of women to I u »i(‘n a basis of present feed values tin* . following grain mixture is recommended j I for feeding this fall : 800 lbs. crushed ‘ corn. 2(H) lbs. cotton seed meals. 100 lbs. bran. 100 lbs. crushed oats. This mixture contains 1(1 per cent, digestible protein - and can be assembled for around s4l per • ton. It should be fed with a legume! bay. I To State. District, Farm nnd Hume Dem onstration Agents: Good crops of cotton and tobacco and good prices for these and other crops, are putting more money than usual in the hands of our farmers, and advantage of ibis is being taken by agents of all kinds for the sale of things necessary and un necessary u* the farmer. In fact, it would seem that a regular campaign is oil to get as much as possible of toe fann er's money through agent canvassers. We b« v lieve very strongly in farm and home equipment, conveniences and beau tification. but these things can usually be had better through the usual channel of purchases rather than from traveling agents or salesmen. I urge that you use every reasonable influence in the right way to guide your farmers in these matters nn«l the use of his surplus money sos the payment of debts and the purchase of those tilings which will add to the comforts of the home and means for producing crops in an easier ami larger way. Very truly yours, B. W. KILGORE. Director. I LLOYD GEORGE SAILS FOR HOME Beseiged by Officials and Delegations Wishing Him “God Speed.” New York, Nov. 3. (By the Associated Press). —David Lloyd George, former Premier of Great Britain, sailed for home on the steamship Majestic today after a triumphant tour of American cities, with hi Albemarel 0 0 0 0 0 |_i j Lynching in Oklahoma. Muskogee. Okla., Nov. 3.—Dallas Sow ell. accused of- attacking a white woman , who recently returned to the Mclntosh I County jail after a break for liberty | across Oklahoma into Texas, was lynch- : bd by eleven masked men at Eufaula, the' - county seat, early tdoay, according to < word received here. The men appeared | suddenly at the jail, overpowered the two < deputies and made away with the prison- t er. Telephone wires leading to the jail i previously had been out. Following the < direction taken by the band, officers a found Sowell’s body hanging in a barn. , The lynchers then dispersed. The lynch- j ers then dispersed, powell is described variously as a Mexican and a half-breed 1 negro. I ll • The Coal Mining Institute of -America \ will hold its annual meeting in Pitts- j burgh December 19-21. , 1 [ LOCAL MENTION ]' An important meeting of Stokes Lodge No. 32 A. F. & A. M. will he held to night at the club rooms at 7 :3() o'clock. The Bethel Community Club will hold its regular monthly meeting Thursday night. Prof. Robertson will make an address on the special school tax. One case of chicken pox was the only new case of disease of any kind report ed to the •county health department for over the week-end. The King s Daughters will meet to night at 7 o’clock at tlie home of Miss Janie Kluttz on ‘Church street. Please note the change in the hour. Stokes Lodge No. 32 A. F. & A. M. will hold its regular communicaUnn m niglit (Monday) at 7:30 o'clock. All members requested to attend, and visitors are. welcomed. 1 Mrs. Jennie Praetlier is confined to lie" home on East Depot street on account of illness. Her condition during the past several days has not been so fav orable. it is reported. « Leander, son of Air. Berry Nash, ac cidentally wounded himself Friday while handling a pistol. The gun was d;s , charged, the bullet lodging in one of 1 Leander’s feet. An X-ray picture was made to locate the bullet, which was later removed. There will be a regular meeting of the Fred Y. McConnell Post of the American i Legion in the club rooms tomorrow (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock. At the meeting officers for the ensuing year will be elected, and it is important that all members be present. The public should keep in mind the fact that the proceeds from Jhe sail* of Forget-Me-Nots will he devoted to the relief of the wounded and afflicted sol diers at Oteen. The price is not lim ited and you can pay as much as yon will, but nothing less than 10 cents is expected. I J. C., five-year-old son of Air. and Airs. J. IL Taylor, of Xo. II township, died Saturday at 12 o'clock, noon, death be ing caused by pneumonia and other dis eases. Funeral services were held y» s- I terday afternoon at 2 o'clock in Salis bury. and interment was made in the cemetery there. Eleven cases wore on docket for trial in recorder's court this morning. Three [of the defendants were charged with 'gambling: five were charged with intoxi- I cat ion or having liquor; and three others were charged with violating traffic laws. None of the cases were considered serious' arid court was not in session but a short time. A charter has be-'i Issued ny the Sec retary of State to the Cash Feed Store lof this city. The incorporators are Grov -er Creech, AY. T. Wall and Clarence j Bust, all of whom will be associated j with the store which will be located on I Church street in the building formerly oc cupied by the Dutch Lunch. The new store will sell feeds and seeds and will open about November loth. The county commissioners held a short meeting at the court house this morning. [The regular meeting was postponed out of respect to Air. W. I). Harry, member I of the board, who died this morning. The | bon 3d will meet again this week t. transact regular business that was ex pected to be transacted today. The hoard will also meet in the near future to i choose a successor to Air. Harry. A Concord man who claims to have kept tract of wealther conditions, stated [this morning that the first all-day rain since April fell here yesterday. There have been heavy showers on a number of | days, he pointed out. but until yester ; day there had not been a day since last j April that the rain fell without interrup- I tion. The rain was general throughout I the State, judging from reports from all ! sections. Football games affecting State teams followed the dope Saturday. North Car olina defeated South Carolina; State de feated Davidson and Trinity defeated Elon. In the South Washington and Lee won from Virginia; Georgia won from Auburn and Alabama and Georg'a /Tech played a , scoreless tie. In the East A ale defeated the Army: Dartmouth was de feated by Council and Syracuse defeated Penn State. Alarriage licenses have been issued to the following couples by Register of Deeds Elliott: Lee Furr and Miss Bes sie Talbert, both of Concord; Ernest Taylor, of Charlotte, and Aliss Dessio Warren, of Kannapolis; Bernice Al| Hurlocker and Aliss Ellen Slior. both of Mt. Pleasant; Clyde IL Alingei's and Aliss Ivan Clawson, both of Kaainapolis; and ! Ben IL Ewing and Aliss Georgia Russel, both of Kannapolis. Aliss Ella Summey died Saturday in, Charlotte from injuries received several jmoyths ago when she is alleged to have been struck by an auto. Funeral services were held yesterday afternoon and the body was sent to Asheville for inter ment. Aliss Summey was a cousin of Air. I). B. Morrison, Aliss Lou Stuart and Airs. H. I. Woodhouse, of this city, and l Aliss Stuart and Air. Woodhouse attend ' ed the funeral in Charlotte. I Slippery roads caused a number of ac- I cidents on Cabarrus ooynty roads Sun day", say reports reaching this city. One Concord mail returning from Charlotte late yesterday afternoon stated that he passed six cars either in ditches or dam aged by collision with other cars. On the Alt. Pleasant road two cars collided and both were damaged, although occu pants escaped injury. One of the wrecks on the Charlotte road was oil a bridge, it was stated, indicating, that the cars were wrecked when each driver tried to get to the bridge first. London Dreads Its Fogs. London, Nov. s.—As the season for fog approaches, people here are recalling I what these visitoi-s do to them and their j city. ( They keep sunlight away from the J city dwellers, deposit enormous quanti- J ties of soot broadcast over everything,- | and a single bad London fog costs the < capital $5,000,000 in extra laundering, jl ind injury to fabrics. <[ Weather Outlook for Next Week. AVashington, Nov. 3. —The weather out- > look for the nveek beginning Monday: Jj South Atlantic States: Rain at the C beginning of the week, otherwise fair > until near the end of the week when C rains are again probable. Tempera ;ures somewhat below normal. *g f H E CONCORD TIMES Report Shows State Revenues In Excess of Expenditures Monthly Statement of North Carolina Auditor and Treas urer Filed With Governor Morrison.—Estimates of Budget Commission for Revenue Exceeded. Raleigh, N. Xov. 5.—A surplus in the current fund of the State of North Carolina ifc indicated in a state ment submitted to the Governor here Sat urday night by the state treasurer and the state auditor and made public by the executive, the figures being through September 30, 1023. and showing a sur plus of 400,300.04. based on the budget commission's estimate of revenue for the nine months ending September 30. 1023, and tlie legislative examining committee's report of December 31, 1022. The revenue collected in the first nine months of 1023 exceeds the estimated by the legislative committee as to be col lected but applicable to the period prior to December 31. 1022, by $(>01,222.83. This added to-the $232,805.25 which the DEBITS. Expense disbursements Jan. 1 to Sept. 1. 1023 $0,537,064.20 Less: Expenses paid January 1 to Sept. 30. 1030, taken - into account by the legislative committee as applica ble to the period prior to December 31, 1022, as follows: Accounts payable $112,133.75 Provision for institutional deficits .. 51,000.00 163,133.75 * ’ $6,373,030.54 Surplus Sept. 30, 1023 on basis of budget commission*/? estimate of revenue for the nine m(friths ended Sept. 30. 1023 and the legislative examining euumiittee's report of Dec-. 31, 1022 460(360.04 $6,834,200.58 CREDITS Surplus Dee. 31. 1022 as reported by the legislative ex amining committee $ *232.805.25 Total revenue receipts Jan. 1. 1023 to Sept. 30, 1023 $0,077,703.34 Less revenue collected Jan. 1 to Sept. 30, 1023. appli cable to the period subsequent to December 31, 1322 on bus's of legislative examining committee's report 1,645,564.07 Revenue collections Jan 1 to Sept. 30, applicable to the legislative examining committee's estimate of un collected revenue Deo. 31, 1022 5.332.138.37 Legislative examining committee’s estimate of uncollect ed revenue Dec. 31. 1023 4.730,015.54 Excess of revenue collected over estimate of uncol lected revenue .< 001,222.83 Budget commission's estimate of revenue applicable to the nine months ended Sept. 30. 1023 0.000,271.50 $6,834,200.58 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA—ANALYSIS OF CURRENT FUND SUR , PLUS DECEMBER 31. 1022 Surplus December 31. 1022 as reported by the joint h'g islative committee based on estimate of uncollected revenue $4,730,045.54 $ 232.805.25 Revenue collected Dec. 31 1022 to Sept. 3(U 1023 which -applies to joint legislative committee’s estimate $5,332,138.37 Joint legislative committee's estimate' of uncollected revenue Dec. 31, 1022 r. 4.730,015.54 Excess of revenue collected over estimate 601,22.83 Surplus Dec. 31 1022. in light of collections to Sept. 30, 1023 and on basis of joint legislative examining committee's report $ 834,028.08 KAPLAN CAN XpT RECOVER HIS PHYSICIAN SAYS Car Stolen By Ilia Assailant is Found Parked on Greensboro Thoroughfare. Greensboro, Nov. 4.—The automobile in which an unidentified man escaped from here Saturday after shooting and clubbing A. W. Kaplan, a pawn broker here, in tin* latter’s store, was found parked .on a street here today, it had been run about 100 miles, the speed ometer showed. 11. K. DeVere, Lewiston. Pa.. to whom the car belongs, and from whom it was taken, with $l5O by the desperado, identified the car as his. There is yet no trace of the man. Police be’ieve that the unknown man brought it back here himself. fearing capture ip the car; preferring to take Ills chances on getting away on train. One armed,'it would bo easier to escape detection on train than in car. Kaplan, who has been unconscious OOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXX)OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXKRXXXXXXXX: SHOES . For Men, Women and Children. Prices lower than O replacement values. PARKER’S SHOE STORE 5 Between Parks-Belk and McLellan 5 and 10c Store qqqqqqqoqqqqqqqqqooqqqoqqqooqqqooqqqqqqqoqoqqqqqqoqc OOOOOQGOOOQOOOOOOOQOOCXXKXXX2OGOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOC I It’s the Particular Housewife that Takes Pride in a Nicely Furnished Bedroom so That’s Why So Many People Come Here! ) i This Exquisite Suite is a faithful facsimile of a period design. It ! is beautiful in line and exquisitely finished. Well made and substantial throughout. Brown Mahogany. Many new suites, splendidly designed, just added to our floors. BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO i “THE STORE THAT SATI SPIES QOOOOCXXXXXXXX>OOOCXXX)UOCXXXX?OOOCXXXXX)OOOOOOQOOQOOOOC legislative committee estimated as the surplus last December 31. made, accord ing to the statement, a total surplus ap plicable to the date December 31, 1022 of $834,028.08 in the current fund of the state. Following are the figures issued here: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Analysis of Current Fund Surplus September 30. 1023. In light of collections to September 30, 1023, on basis of joint legislative com mittee's report and budget commission's .estimate of revenue applicable to the nine months ended September 30. 1023 together with a statement of revenue re ceipts and expenses disbursements Jan uare 1 to September 30, 1023. since Saturday at noon, underwent an operation this afternoon to mave a blood clot on brain, cannot recover, physicians think. Herrick Calls on /*oincare. Paris, Nov. 3.Myron T. Herrick, the American ambassador, called on Premier Poincare last evening and had a long conversation with him. The strictest secrecy regarding the subject of the con ference in maintaining at the French foreign office and American embassy. Another caller on. '/I. Poincare this morning was Lord Crewe, the British ambassador, who talked with the Pre mier in regard to conditions under which the proposed committee of experts will undertake its investigations in the rep arations situation. The point discuessed is supposed to be the Premier's desire to limit the determination of Germany’s capacity to pay to the present time or to the immediate future. riifrgFi-Tir snsssngt s •; t ;;d"H:s:!n^TTT^Lri^rnrrr:rru.!if!"i£T" , ;is F giHa | -gr A $35 O’coat with a 1924 1 ‘ is’worth two SSO coats that went thru’ last j Summer. <1 V % On the day an automobile manufacturer announces his 1924 models—how much would you pay for a 1923 Sedan? O’coats travel the same road. A coat that was in storage when you were fishing this summer isn’t going I to be any kind of a catch —not even if the price is bait. New coats is our Battle Cry—because we haven’t any left overs to battle with Overcoats you’re proud to own. —in a hundred different manners $25.00 to $60:00 * | Browns - Cannon Co. j Where You Get Your Money’s Worth LITTLE MISS GAGE HATS The Smartest Millinefy Girls from 4 to 14 Years of Age » They Are Beauties See Them Today Other Special Numbers Ranging $3.95 upward F It Pays to Trade at I ISHER’S Concord’s Foremost Specialists OOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXaouxxx^iuuciooriorinnnnnrinnnnri. ! Hats in Becoming Shapes and Bright § jj Colors That are Becoming With I Winter Clothes jjj jj Shown at ijj jj SPECIALTY HAT SHOP Ijj cxxxxttooooocooooooooooooooooonooooooooooooooooooooooo - * '* -a 1 ' ' "*~T I . I ! TIRE PRICES ADVANCED f if ' b ■j We Have Not Advanced Yet i: j . | We have bought a big supply of Cord Tires, all sizes, t j at old prices. Remember all ours are guaranteed and we t carry the best tires that money can buy. A few of our H specials: ij t . jj 30x3 Fabric $7.50 and SB.OO t 30x3 Cord SIO.OO j!! ;1 30x3 1-2 Cord : SIO.OO : 32x4 Cord $20.00 {* All First Class and Fresh Stock. Let You What | We Have. J 11 | Ritchie Hardware Col YOUR HARDWARE STORE £ Phone 117 | m " mm — l1 —— BONE PENNY COLUIS.-IT ALMS PfllfS she Penny Ads. Get Results—Try Them, PAGE THREE