THE CONCORD TIMES. j g qHERRILL* Editor and Publisher. VOLL'ME XLVIII. Ilf RUN MEETING oevotes horning 18 ROUTINE WORK Reading of Reports and Ad- Featured Morning Session of the North Caro lina Lutheran Synod Today , F , ECT MEETING PLACE TOMORROW" fommittees At iff Re Elected This Afternoon —Will Also Choose Delegates, to 1924 L'nited Convention. \,,v. s.—The ntoruing ses , i tiited Lutheran Synod of \,v;h <'af-iiiui. in annual meeting here, ’'■devote'! t«> the reading of reports Ti itidres'i-s. principle of which was the ’-M-i--m,m ot ministerial supply by Dr. jj «;of the Lutheran Semi sarv. t'ohinihia. S. * • yi 1(J pi., n< on -i ssion s program in iJed tie presentation of various re /'r.[ apjH.intiiteut of standing comniit .... and the -election of delegates to the 1,1 .’onveiitioti of the l'nited Lutheran • , * ji.T 11. 1' Wei>singer will deliver the jTii'iai serin 'ii at tonight's meeting. " Stlhtieii of a lin’d meeting place will i na ,|,. ri.;i:oiTow morning by* the Synod. Home Mis'i' ii Funds Voted by Lutherans Lutherans. Charlotte. T. -The first session „f lii.. Lutheran >ynod opened today at vI.T The roll call of ministers and edfpttes showed T!i at 2(H) were present. Jrr ,1. ( I »eitz. of Salisbury, was elect „•r.Mi> of tin* synod in the place ts Rev II 11. Schaeffer, of Kings Moun who in:< accepted work in Charles ton. S. C. Committees were appointed and stand committees reported. The Lutheran v„rld service appeal is to be continued ar.; all ministers of the syn id are to be i'.iirwl under the group insurance plan. In T.i.’.T t ;e >yiiod raised $80,500. In liiiti n to t! - the women and young people Sjo.lMlt) and members of tiii* synod pledgeil -S-,20.000- in Lenoir College! At 11 toil Rev. J. F. (’reigler. of (*haf i"!'>‘. addii-'sed the synod on evangelism. fw.*Tiiiß th" principle*. pr igi ams ami methods of the same. Dr. A. D. ILI Hamher. of Kichm* nn home missions, plead ‘■'■■■ in full. 1n- tift.'iui mn session began at 2 1 " ; Rev. .1 L. Yost, of Gastonia. , m "s !l d-votion. The entire session .p \-,»te*l to items ~f business and re littees. a SIOO,OOO home "i' ii fund w:i> voted and Rev. W. S. .t Rocky Mount, was authorized ‘ ' :l | lira '" ill*' \vnod in belihalf of this Kn !'- This found is to he loaned to -"i'Ui': s.'J'.h it hi of it has already been it''! liy individuals of the synod, f f wps decided to invite other Imtlier • t>" "f tin South t * co-operate with Lie purchase of a Lutheran. '- v S”"'inds in western Carolina. :^1 1 ” i-tionmoti: for the coming ' " |lu divided among 102 con -s,'i*". r' “ n' ;iV ng ‘11.(100 members. The 1* ;a ' 'indents studying for the nn,| t,mi students in her schools. , ‘' " ;i “i' lnhershit) in America* ; s t :! ' !l *‘ halt million, being the "t.g'--' ot tin- Protestant churches. '"\T IIOOTLKGGING AT i 'KTKKVNs hospital halted pI'W ' ‘•Gians’ Organization Asks thT'vf "* »'* Take Hand in '[► Matter. W’as-jj, . , | . .\ov. s.—President Cool- a l >1 I to today to stop boot ;,C~ v '»*iiii ty of veterans’ hos iwl'\ rl,;, l»ter Xo. 3. Dis »!iic!,'. I !" 1 ai ‘ ' ‘“tennis, till members of 'iy a ,,j. '‘ ! ' I' M ' < titv ;ir hospital Xo. 37 at . ' ll • " i" a resolution forward av , ' '■'d to Mr. Coolidge as well ing to do with law en r*j al * v ’ j <■'' " u;i:!lNf conditions in the vi ; - itiition which were de •d.wnahlc and deplorable.” ' n 'l 'bl. Salisbury Again Closed S| By Officials. V '" v 7. —The Terminal e«m r figuring in county ' e’osed again today / 1 '' Henderlite refused to n ! ' i: ' r ‘t to open. It was Judtr,. ]■' ago for a year by to . ll ‘ n ' county court, • not .the wrrr lH 1 ' Vl! * l ‘ n year without aiiiernu-ji .. ’ ' l ''‘ n t of the mayor and their e,,, the aldermen gave '' a rental agent. B. 11. b»»r.' q. Wells, of (ireens fiisal t f> v :„ ! a - Vor Ilenderlite’s re h'»n ord,' 1 -^ 11 w ‘ ls Allowed by a resolu *as done' U "i closed and this" Annie Harrison. Harrison, ttged 65, died ai iit-c | , ' ‘ l!: ' r "ing tit 11 :30 o'clock v Intis Street. Funeral . as I : his afternoon at 3 £ (]l , ‘ n-anr drove, Stanly coun f'ank v 11 1> one daughter, Mrs. s-ut. of Albemarle. ifaty-p " _ p;,ri s ,os,s Dictatorial Government. r S ' l>,v f V Associated footed th,, r , Plu '* 1 government has in rni, h** “ :iSsa< l° r in Berlin to in *°®)4 not government that France 3 dicta i f »riai < 1 r ! ; lU ‘ tho establishment of 1 ' r mnent in Germany. In Congress Now; Photo is of Meyer Jacobstein of ' Rochester, N. Y., who succeeds Representative -T. B. Dunn in the next ..Congress. WEATHER OFFICIAIjH SCOFE AT FAR-AHEAD PREDICTIONS l‘ay No Attention to Predictions of Next Winter’s Weather. They Say. Washington. Nov. N.— Pay no atten tion to forecasts of next winter’s weath er or predictions of weather, conditions for long periods in the future. is the advice of the Weather l’ureau. A prediet ion from New England that the ’’coming winter will he the. coldest and snowiest winter in history” in that section o fthe country has led the gov ernment officia's to disclaim any re sponsibility for the forecast. The Weather Bureau does not attempt to issue predictions even of a general character for weeks or months in ad vance. The subject of forecasting for seasons or considerable periods ahead has long engaged the i attention of meteorlogieal scientists, biit thus far. weather experts here say. no laws of sequence have been discovered wher-by long-range forecasts of a reliable character can be made. Reputable scientists throughout the world agree that the science has not ad vanced to the point where that can be done. Thus the government experts throw down the predictions of ‘‘go#'-* bone weather prophets” and the fore casts which appear in almanacs and calendars a year in advance. FARMER FJLLS WIFE AND THEN TAKES OWN LIFE Shooting Followett Wife’s Refusal to Re turn to the Home of Her Husband. Smithfield. Nov. B.— A. E. Flowers, a tenant farmer, yesterday shot anti in stantly killed his wife, slightly wounded Earle Stephenson, a youth, ami then ended his own life, according to a re port made to the sheriff’s office today. Stephenson was struck by a stray bullet while -itting on a long in from of the Flowers home. The Flowers have been separated for several years, and. according to the sher iff. the shooting followed, the refusal of Mrs. Flowers r<]> return to her husband when lie called on her yesterday, k low ers. according to authqriries has served a term in Federal- penitentiary in At lanta on .conviction of illicit manufac ture of liquor. The Davidson-Furman Game. Columbia. S. ('.. Nov. 7.—Of interest in North Carolina is the statement made here that plan's are under way for the Davidson College-Furman University football game to be made a part of the annual Fair Wedk celebration lierK Nothing definite has been decided though there lias_ been a suggestion that some South Carolina eleven replace Davidson. It: is believed locally that either the cit adel of Charleston or the Davidson Col lege Wildcats will he selected for the annual game here, it having already been determined that Furman wil> oppose the team chosen. Hliarr-Worth Nuptials 20th of No vein ' ber in Charlotte. Char’otte. Nov- 7 Cards as follows were issued today: "Dr. and Mrs. Y\ il liam Watson Pharr request the honor of your presence, at the marriage of their daughter. Annie May, to Mr. Daniel Barnes Worth, on Tuesday, the 20th of November, at •> o'clock, at the Second Presbyterian church. Charlotte. North Carolina." Miss Pharr is a talented and charming girl. Mr. Morti. is of .Raleigh and is designer for the Edwards Railway Motor company, (hey will -live at Sanford. Fines Members of Klan. Bastrop. La.. Nov. B.— Judge Odom today fined Captain J. K. Skipwith, ex •tlteci cvclops of the Morehouse Ku Klux Klan W G Mclntosh. Benton Pratt and Marvin Pickett. slo* and costs. They wmre convicted Monday of carrying hre arms on the premises of another. Mile Helene Burniaux. the new presi dent of the Inernntional Federation of Working Women, is a teacher. She succeeds Mrs. Raymond Robins of Chicago in/the presidency of the federation- WHAT SAT’S BEAR SAYS. i Fair tonight and Friday, continued cool; frost tonight. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS Papyrus Wins! 1 r liii' flßgx - But this time Papyrus is not a race horst? from England. He Is a full-blooded Boston bull terrier and he took first prize at a show for that type of pups at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York. Papyrus is show® here wibb Margaret Wadmaon MORE OPINIONS ABOUT COTTON TRADING ACT Witnesses so Far Have Expressed Wide Difference of Opinion About Changes to the Act. Washington, Nov. S. —The Federal trade Commission today ‘heard further opinions on the probable effect of pro posed changes in the futures trading act. from representatives of various branches of the cotton industry at the concluding session of the hearing Conducted to ob taiu information requested by the Sen ate. Witnesses appearing at the sessions which began Tuesday have expressed .a wide difference of opinion over the effect the proposal to permit delivery of cotton on future contracts at points outside of New York. Most of them. however, have opposed any change in the present form of contract or of the law. .las. K. Latham, of Greensboro. X. < a member of the New York Exchange while doubtful as to the feasibility of fi nancing Southern delivery, was in favor of the principle. He did not foresee de pression of the market resulting from such an arrangement, and thought on the contrary tlm-t if it could be worked out it would improve the contract by pro viding greater opportunity of dealing in it. He expressed the opinion, that the fear that “their manipulations” would be made more easy, was a "fear rather than anything else.” He also was opposed to any radical change in the number of de liverable grades. ASK HOLLAND TO KEEP FORMER PRINCE Allied Council of Ambassadors Wants Frederick to Remain in Holland. Paris. Nov. S (Ily the Associated Press). —The allied council of ambas sadors decided today to request the Dutch government not to allow former ( row n Prince Frederick William to leave the Dutch territory, where lie ha*s . beqn n exile since the war. and also to ask the German government not ro allow him to enter Germany, as he is on the list of persons charged with war crimes. I With Our Advertisers. A world of lovely new modes in mil linery at Fisher's. Priced from 3.0") to sll .on. The Parker Shoe Store is having a sjH'cial sale of factory samples, in men's, women's, boys' and children s high shot's at wholesale prices. The Parks-Belk Co. is having a big rug sale, during which will be offered many great values. \ou will find it this store a recent purchase of rugs, and these are ready for your inspection. Set new ad. on page two today. Simmons Challenges Evans. Atlanta, Nov. B.— William Josepl Simmons, emperor of the Knights of tin Ku Klux Klan. today issued a strong statement in which he hurled a dial lenge to Dr. H. W. Evans, imperial wiz ard of the organization, t> “come on into the open and give public the fact in connection with the shooting of YN il ■ liam S. Coburn by Philip S. Fox. pub licity agent of the Klan, here Monda; morning. Prof. Alan Prindell, M HigH Class Vocal Teacher,” Has Come to Grief, Albemarle Xews-Herald. During the past summer a rather clean-cut, well dressed man of about 40 years of age made a somewhat preten tious appearance in Albenif.rle, giving his name as ’’Prof.” Alan Prindell, and claiming to be au expert vocal teacher. His headquarters, he announced, were at Concord, and he rented offices here, and opened up a branch "studio solic- i iting vocal students. Fortunately, ever, Albemarle did not take to the gen- | tleman very strongly, as he only secured , one pupil. He shortly abandoned the local held, but continued to work his Concord territory with renewed vigilance. He ’succeeded in winning the confidence of a young lady at Statesville, said to CONCORD, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1923 WOMAN'S EDI'CATIONAL alliance: is crowing ! j I New York Branch Organized With Prom inent Persons Include! Among Its Of i cers. New York, Nov. S.—The New York J branch of the Southern Women's Educa tional Alliance to serve as a laisou be tween southern students and their homes was formed yesterday. Former Ambas sador John W. 1 >avis. Frank L. Polk. Norman H. Davis, Geo. Gordon Battle, and Dr. Orie Latham Hatcher, national jtresident of the organization, were among the speakers ar the organization meeting, j Miss Hatcher, describing the aims of i the alliance, said: "It is the southern center which helps girls find out the edu cation they need and th.p helps them get J it. tlm bridge between the Southern girl . and the right educational opportunity.’’! I A letter from Lady Astor. expressing interest in the movement, was received j after the meeting. She declared the| longer she remains ui public life the more firmly she is convinced that educated | woman was the key to better things. f GOOD WAGES NECESSARY FOR PROSPEROUS COUNTRY •I -- - . I' This Is Opinion of Grand Rapids After-: , ney Speaking at ITiriMture ('om en-! tion. i 1 i Asheville. Nov. B. —The prosperity of , 1 the country depends on continuous em ployment of labor at good wages, \\ . H. Cove, counsel for the furniture industries of Grand Rapids, Mich., declared thi* morning in an address before the South ‘ ern Furniture Manufacturers’ Associa tion at the second and final days session of the Association's convention. The adoption of reports from the exec- 1 I utive committee, various committees of j the association, and the committees on 1 advertising and traje. along with a gen-j 1 oral discussion of problems facing the | ‘ | manufacturers featured today s session, j 1 The convention will come to a close this j * | afternoon with the election of officers ] ’ and selection of the next place of meet s . 1 mg. Rules in Favor of State. Bastrop. La., Nov. 8 (By the ,#ssoc't . ated Press). —Judge Fred M. (Mom to i day overruled the motion of the defense iin the Morehouse misdemeanor trials, rj that lie excuse or disqualify himself, the s t i defense immediately gave notice that it s would immediately apply to the Supreme ! Court for writs of prohibition and cer- K | tiorari. The defense had charged that ,1 the court was biased and prejudiced. _ [J j Mr. D. A. McDaurin, chairman, has (1 called a meeting of the Board of Stew lards of the Methodist Protestant Church i to be held in the Church tonight at 7:30 o’clock. Thjs is to be a very important meeting as matters of vital Interest to 1 the church are to be discussed, and ev e ery member of the Board is urgently re j” quested to be present. i t Will March on Berlin. ” | London. Nov. B. —The Bei lin corre -- i spondent of the Exchange Telegraph for o-I wards a telegram from Munich which y ! says the Bavarian irregulars have dc -1 cided to march o:i Berlin tomorrow. j be a member of a prominent family, whom he married a few weeks ago. According to newspaper reports, “Prof. Prindell has come to grief. It is re ported that he has a number of wives and that he is a downright swindler and a faker. He left Concord,, it is said, owing quite a large number of debts to Concord people. He seems to have j posed in Oklahoma as Alan Dwan. Re- I ports state that he is wanted in Okla | homa. Xew York, and Kentucky, in all of , which states. : t is said, he has a very checkered record which the people would like to see him face. If be true, a large number of Concord people would also like to look him in the face once more. FIRST BIG ADVERTISING SHOW. All That Conee. ns the Making of \d- VfHistng to K Complete 1 )’ Shown. New York, Nov- B. —A'l that concernt lhe making of advertising, its mediums, what is represents and its bearing on everyday life is to be completely shown at the fir.-t big advertising show that New York has ever known. This will be done when the Advertising Exposi tion. sponsored by the Advertising Club of New York.-"opens at the Seventy-first Regiment Armory next Monday for an engagement of one week- Every inch of the armory area is to be utilized in the booth displays of every branch of the art and its allied crafts, while all of the "sky" space will he fil ed with the unique and novel in the painted signs and outdoor type of ad vertising. The graphic arts. the mechanics and all the various machin eries that are used in the creating and circulating of advertising material will )).' shown. The floor space will be laid out in broad avenues, with a unique p’nn for handling the crowds so' that till may see and all may be in an en vironment of effective beauty. In addition to the displays there will be numerous entertainment features, chief of which will be tW presentation of tin original musical review in which will appear animated trademarks that are familiar to all readers, living models of magazine covers, the various girl types that appear in the advertisements of well-known commodities, and these will be portrayed by professionals. Band concerts will be continuous, wlii'e each day will have its distinctive features and special programs. It is tin' purpose a’so to take advant age of every educational value of the exposition so that the interpretation of advertising may be more complete. A most attractive part of this will be the morning classes, for all young ‘ people interested in advertising, where there will be instructive talks by men <>f prominence and large experience and the heads and executives of large enter prise's! its well as leaders in these- line's from col'e'ge'S atiel universities. BAILEY DESIROUS OF WITHDRAWING QUIETLY Belief is Widespread in Political Circles in Raleigh That lie Will Not Be a Candidate. Raleigh. Nov. <5. —Josiah William Bailey’s request of The Charlotte Observer that lie be kept in the gubernatorial line-up until the first of the year, when he proposes to say whether lm will stie-k or drop out. is looked on here among those none too friendly te> Mr., Bailey ns a request for a slower passing. That Mr. Bailey will not be a candi date for governor is the impression-that has existed in Rai ov and nnti-Baitej circles for a eonph' of months, at h.ast: and if he wants to stick in until the enel of the year it has been suggested as advisable for him to notify his friendh of this decision. For his friends have been conceding his demission ns si pros-, pective candidate. ’Hie extent of the impression that he was in the act of quietly with-drawing is' indicated by the reproduction of Mr. Bailev's “letter to the editor of the .Observer in at least three other news papers. with due attention to the letter as evidencing bis continued n f r u ' the gubernatorial prospectus, i'he behet still prevails that he will n»t enter the contest.! however. THE COTTON MARKET Opened Barely Steady at Decline—Ac tive Positions 70 to 72 Points Net Low er After Call. New York. Nov. B.— The cotton mar ket opened barely steady at a decline of ill to l."> points and active positions sold I 70 to 72 points net lower after the call I under heavy realizing and selling for re ! action. The latter was encouraged by j* :l rather easier ruling of Liverpool and ! reports of warmer weather in the belt. I but trade interest* were buyers on the declines which also brought in rebuying by remit sellers and prices soon recov ered fi good part of the 1 >ss. January advanced to 33.38. afte welling off to 32.f)">. \yith the general list about 2o to 30 points net lower during the early trailing. The census report showing 7.4."4,r>87 bales ginned to November Ist had no apparent influence. Cotton futures opened barely steady: December 33.!)i) to 33.84-; January J3.:>B jto 33.47: March 33.75 to 33.A0; May 33.70 to 33.00; July 33.15. ENGINEERS ON THE VIRGINIAN QUIT WORK Went on Strike Despite Order of Labor j Board That They Argue Their Case | Before the Board. Norfolk. Nov. B. —Between 400 and j 500 locomotive firemen and enginemen i constituting approximately two-thirds of the Virginian Railway, walked out at 0 a. in. today desnite an order from the United States Labor Board that the action by the men be held in abeyance pending a hearing before the board on November 14th of the controversy be tween the road and its engineme/' over the discharge of several employes. ; Guilford Applies For a School liOan. i Greensboro, Nov. K.—Arrangements f I for application for a loan to be secured from the state, by the Guilford county I board of education, were approved by j the county commissioners today. Ninety | thousand dollars is the sum sought, and while it may never be borrowed, it was j thought best to apply for it. In ease it i.< needed it will be used to supplement a building fund of $500,000 f»r Guil ford schoolhouses. Vest Pocket Memorandum Books For 1924 Now Ready. Our lied Vest Pocket Memorandum Books for 1024 are now ready. We want every subscriber of The Times or Trib ' une to come in and get one.* If to be sent by mail send 2 cents for postage. —— * , it is a belief of many fisherman that ■ fish are more hungry and bite more free > ly in the four or five days following the moon's first quarter. Still Smiles fapwjHp JiP Miss Julia Emery is credited witb being tfye “most hrrested woman ia the world.” Her fault is in leading picketing parties and sending lit erature not in accord with govern ment wishes. She’s again in national capital. GERMAN SHIPPING SUFFERS FROM FINANCI \L COLLAPSE Collapse of the German Mark and Labor Troubles the Cause. Hamburg. Nov. B. —G»v nauy's ship building activity was short-lived, 'i’he terms of the Versailles Treaty, which deprived Germany of all her large com mercial ships, brought many shipyards into existence and started a general construction boom. But the collapse of the mark, with consequent difficulties between labor and employers, and the troubles builders found in financing purchases of raw materials, called a sudden halt. Germany had to give up to its for mer enemies all of its ships ’arger than 1.600 tons, and half of its ships with a tonnage between 1.600 and 1.000. Oulv ships suitable for coastwise shipping re mained. Roughly a total of 4.000.000 tons of German shipping was turned over. As there had been a heavy loss of German ships in the war. there were only 600.- 000 tons left after the terms of the Ver sailles Treaty were executed. Xew ships were built, and Germans bought ships back from their former enemies until the German merchant fleet now has 2.000.000 jtons of bottoms, which is less than half the pre-war size, find less than 5 percent of the merchant shipping of the world. The government gave large sums to encourage ship-building, supplying two tliiriD of, the cost. But German money fe’l in value so rapidly that govern ment appropriations depreciated before construction was completed on many of the ships. Iron and coal prices in Ger many r ise higher than world prices, and the general depression of world trade Caused many ships to lie idle in German harbors, just ns elsewhere. Shipowners today are scarcely ab.e to make operation expenses and have noth ing left for building programs. German exports are now worth only about 100.- 000.000 gold marks monthly, which is about one-tenth of the pre-war figures. Shipping circles are hoping for a re sumpti 111 of the American grain trade to Europe and a general impr Cement in the wor d trade situation us an offset to the hard blow which the German in ternal situation has struck at ship building and ship operation. OPPOSE INCREASE IN RATES FOR CURRENT Twenty-three Out of Three Hundred Users of Power of Southern Power Company Protest. Raleigh, Nov. B.— Twenty-three out of a total of 3<)K users of the power of the Southern Power Comnany have formally protested against the petition of that company for increased rates, according to a statement issued here today by the State Corporation Commission. The time for filing answers to the petition expired last night and the hearing will open next Tuesday morning. Twenty-three users also formally ap proved granting of increases, leavng 262 user* as tacitly agreeing to the c tm j pany’s position, according to Judge 1 George Pell, of the commission. Sale of Coats and Dresses at Eflrds. On Friday. Saturday and Monday, Efird’s will have a big sale of women s and Misses' coats and dresses. The prices or fine coats for ladies range from $15.50 to $115.(10 and Misoes coats from $3.05 to $1 November Ist wer announced: North Carolina. 729.- 011. WILSON CELEBRATION TO BE BIG DEMONSTRATION Friends of Former President to Make Pilgrimage to II is Washington Home Sunday. Washington. Nov. B.—Friends of Woodrow Wilson are planning to make Armistice Day tribute to him the great est demonstration since he became ill. Not only will Mr. Wilson's address on "the Significance of Armistice Day" be distributed throughout the country Sat urday evening, but delegations represent ing a number of organizations are to take part in the pirgrimage to the South Street home here on Sunday. * It was announced here that the pil grimage to his residence will be preceded by a parade through the residential sec tron DuPont Circle. A hand has been enfaged to march at the head, and the first organization In the line will be composed of disabled veterans of the T\ orld War. Those in charge of ar rangements say delegations from New York, Baltimore and a number of Vir ginia eiCes have arranged to be present and fake part in the eelebrattion. Mr. Wilson is expected to speak briefly from the front steps of his house in re ply tot greetings extended on behalf of visitors-by Senator Glass of Virginia. FINE ADDRESS HEARD AT TWIN-CITY MEETING Noted Women Address Sessions of Con vention of State Parent-Teachers As sociation. Winston-Salem.' Nov. X. —An address by Mrs. .7. S. Cottinglmm, of the North Carolina Insurance Department, on ••('iv ies and Safety," conferences on subjects relating to city councils and county ami rural associations; .and an address by Mrs. Mary <). Cowper. of Durham, ex ecutive secretary of the League of Wom en Voters, on "Children and Citizen ship." were marked features of the dos ing day of the convention of the State Parent-Teachers’ Association. At the afternoon session was :i discus sion on "community music." directed by Miss Wallace, supervisor of music in the Winston-Salem primary schools. This was followed by a drive over the city. At t> o'clock this evening dinner will be serv ed the delegates and visitors,, at the city high school. The convention will close with tonight's session. UNDERWOOD WANTS FORI) TO GET MUSCLE SHOALS Alabama Senator Would Give Detroit Manufacturer Lease For 100 Years. Spartanburg. S. Nov. K.— United States Senator Oscar W. Underwood, who stopped here overnight en route to Green ville, where he speaks tonight, declared in a statement given out this morning that lie heartily favors leasing of the M uscle Shoals plant to Henry Ford for a period of 100 years. He briefly outlined the Ford offer, and quoted figures pur- to show how the government would*profit by it and said “Ford pro poses to take over Muscle Shoals for 100 years." the Senator said. ‘‘He guarantees to manufacture 40. candidate will be present from Greens ! boro. Asheville and other points. The Congress of Orthodox Jews at Vi enna has adopted a resolution requesting President Coolidge to relax the condi tions imposed upon Jewish immigration | by the United States. NO. 37.