PAGE TWO SOCIAL & PERSONAL Kannapolis Parent-Teachers’ Meeting. t The second annual meeting of the I’arent-Teacher Association met at the Kannapolis North Graded School M *ll - day evening. November sth. Much interest was manifested by the large number of parents and teachers present and the enrollment of six new members. The meeting was called to older by the president. The adaptation j of the constitution was signed. A ways. and means committee was appointed (thej duty being to arouse interest in the so-1 rial, life of the community and for the ( welfare of the school). The ones elect ed for this committe were Mrs. W. L. Sechler. Mrs. .J. V. Blaekwelder. Miss 31 Host. Miss Flo Frazier was elect ed a> publicity reporter. Mrs. Ketler was appointed as a delegate t«► attend the Stattc Parent-Teachers' Association at Winston-Salem November (»-K. - We are sure that her visit, with rhe re port she will bring to us. will add much i to our next meeting December 3rd. N. Arrives Here From Greece. Mr. William King, son of" Mr. and ! Mrs. Horace J. K : ng. of Wharton. Texas, j arrived in the city this morning from i Athens. Greece, where he has bpen the j past* three years, and is spending several days lien* with his grandmother. Mrs. A. A. King, and his aunt. Miss Ida May King, on West For bin Street. He will leave tin* first of next week for Wharton to visit his parents. This is his first visit home s ; nee lie left three years ago. ■», Daughters of Confederacy to Meet. The Daughters of the Confederacy will meet tomorrow —Friday—afternoon at 3:30 o’clock with Mrs. D. K. Mor rison. at her home on West Depot Street. Concord Musk Club Meets. The monthly meeting of the Music Department of the Woman's Club was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. G. 1.. Patterson with Mcsdames Patter son. Kenneth Caldwell. Smith Barrier, .1. E. Love and Miss Rose Harris as host esse -. Prior to the program :t business ses sion was held at which time plans were completed for the concert which will be given in th<* near future under the a us- 1 pices of the Club. The Club is studying American Music this year, and the pro gram Tuesday evening consisted of a study or the lives and compositions of Victor Herbert and Charles Gilbert Spross. Mcsdames R. M. King. J. E. Love, and H. G. Gibson presented the program in a very interesting manner. At the conclusion of the program, tea ami sandwiches were served the members by tlie hostesses. PERSONALS. Mr. and Mrs. C. \Y. Byrd spent sev eral hours in Charlotte yesterday after noon. • • f Mrs. Robert Jones and Miss Jcnu Coltrane are spending several day* ,in I’inehurst, attending the State D. A, R. convention. They pan to retnrn home tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Joe A. Walter -pent several hours in Charlotte yesterday. ll** was Ufcompanied home by Mr. R !,. Dick, who had been Undergoing treatment in the Charlotte Sanatorium. •• • * Mr. D. F. Ritz has returned to bi> home in Pineville. after being called ben* by the death of his father. Mr. 11.. G. Ritz. • • a Mr. and Mrs. Giles Ridenhofir and Miss Myrtie Kelley, of Mt. Gilead, spent yesterday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Ridenhour. m m m Mrs. R. Ar Brown is spending several days in Gastonia at the home of her son. Mr. L. A. Brown. Mr.'Brown spent yesterday here and Mrs. Brown accom panied him home. 9 m * » Mrs. B. H. Book and little daughter. Helen, of Rad in. are guests of Mrs. Book s sister, Mrs. T. D. Maness. Miss Joiin Coltrane, Mr. D. B. Col trane and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones have returned from Norfolk. Ya.. where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dusch. Mr-. E. C. Register, of Charlotte, ar rived yesterday afternoon to visit her sis ler. Mrs. J. B. Sherrill. • A 9 Mr. E. B. Grady was u business visit or in Charlotte and Gastonia Tuesday. • 9 m Mrs. Grace Brown Saunders left Tues day night, for Greensboro, where she will spend several days. • • • Mr-. It. A. Brower has returned from Laurinburg. where sin* spent several days with her mother. MVs. . McNeil Smith. .* • • Rev. S. N. Watson, of Bladenboro, N. C.. spent several Concord Tues day. He came to attend the funeral of Mr. 11. G. Ritz. Rev. B. F. Fincher has moved his family to Derita. where they will make their home in rile future. The condition of Mr. Fincher's sou. who was recenA* injured in an accident, continues to im prove. » * • Messrs Karl Broome, of Hickory, and Marlin Bruinley. of Newton, spent Tues day in Concord on 'business with the Belk si ore*. Messrs. A. B. Palmer and B. W. Blackwelder spent Monday in Raleigh on business. • * * Miss Catherine Goodman, of this city, who is a student at Hollins Institute, Virginia, was among the spectators at the Navv-Colgate football game in An napolis last Saturday. • • Miss Sallie Nibloek has returned from a visit to relatives in* Cleveland for some time. • * * Mr. Hugh Winecoff and family, of Kannapolis, are guests of relatives in Concord, m 9 m Mr. Jos. F. Cannon left Tuesday for Asheville, where he will spend about a week. • • • Rev. M. L. Kester, Rev. L. A. Tlioni- Ute and Mr. John A. Blackwelder left , Tuesday afternoon to attend the meeting of the synod of Cuited Lutheran Church in North Carolina, which begins its ses sions this evening. • • • Messrs. J. Cruikshnnk and J. E. Den son. of the Southern Publicity Co., were in Concord a short while Tuesday. They are now engaged in getting out a spe i rial edition for the Salisbury Post. • ‘ 1 Rev. N. Brittain is- tile new Methodist I Protestant pastor at Roberta for the next conference year. t ROTARY CLUB MEETS Yesterday Was “Sang Day.”—To Sub scribe tc Page Advertisement in New York Tribune. Yesterday was “Song Dfjv ' at the reg ular weekly meeting of the Concord Ro tary Club which was held at the N. M. C. A.. President Rankin presiding, j * The singing was led by Mr. Doyle, of I the faculty of the graded school. Robert {Ridenhour and Mr. O'Grady, of the |-Charlotte Rotary Club, and the members joined in with enthusiasm that at times I bordered on the edge of merriment. Two j liitr- of the program wen* O’Grady\* ; “Down In Carolina." and a selection by Rotarian Irving Woodhouse. The committee composed by J. B. Womble. Ed Sauvain and Parks laiffer ty. which was appointed to consider the proposition of Concord purchasing a page advertisement in the forthcoming edition of the New York Tribune that will feature Piedmont North Carolina, reported that the cost of the page would be spoti and that they recommended that the Rotary Club pay <225 of this amount. The committee's report was adopted. President Rankin announced that next Tuesday night Would be- ladies' night and that the music committee would be in rhjrgc of the program. Rotarian Lutluv Hartsell stated tint* the local chapter of the Red Cross was without a chairman and that some one one volunteer for the work. After much discussion Rotarian Bill Jenkins volun teered. amid applause, to take the j >b. R< v. William A. Jenkins, pastor of Central Me|:od:-t Church. was elected a member of the lub. lie tills the classification of ' -ret" which f«.r- I imr'y was filled by Rev. T. N. Law rence, who recently resigned its rector of All Saints Episcopal .Church. An invitation was received from the Charlotte ylub to hear Rotarian Bert Adams, past international president, in Chari >tte November 20th. FORMER CONCORD MAN DIES AT IDAHO HOME A. P. White Victim of Apoplexy.—Left Concord About 30 Years Ago for the West. Relatives here were advtsed this morn-'* ing cf the death yesterday afternoon of Mr. A. P. White, formerly of this conn-, ty, bni who had been making his home in Boise. Idaho, for a number of years. A inn-sage was received yesterday from Mrs.- White stating that her husband had suffered a stroke of apoplexy and this message was followed by another this morning stating that Mr. White died yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Mr. White was a half-brother of Mr. C. L. White, of this city, and Mr. Thom as White, of this comity, and a brother of Mr. Richard White, of Charlotte. Ho was twice married and a son from the first marriage survives. His second wife, who wnk Miss Hattie Weddington of this city, also'’survives. Mrs. White is a daughter of Mrs, W. M. Wedding ton. of this city, and was married to Mr. White about 14 years ago. Mr. White was a cement contractor and was plan-' ning to move hack to North Carolina. Mr. White will he buried in Boise, the funeral to be held tomorrow—Friday— afternoon tit 2:30 o'clock. COLORED FAIR HERE TO CLOSE TOMORROW NIGHT Extra Race Features Are Offered for Tomorrow Afternoon.—Crowds Getting Rigger Each Day. With increased interest being shown in tin* fair each day. officials of rhe Ca barrus County Colored Fair are certain now that despite the rain on the open ing day. the event is going to prove a big success. The cloudless skies of yester day and today acted as aiujncenfive to a large number of persons to visit the fair, and the crowd today has been the biggest of the week. • The race track was in good shape again yesterday and the faces proved -the most interesting feature of tin* day. The races were witnessed by many white people as well as by a large crowd of colored peolle. The first race is run each afternoon at 2 o'clock and now that the public has been shown that some good horses are entered Tn the events, interest in increasing. Hie fa r will dose tomorrow night. Special race features have been booked for tomorrow afternoon and officials are sure that the record crowd for the week will pass into the grounds tomorrow. M ith fair weather predicted, nothing is expected to occur to prevent the running of the races. The behavior of the crowds at the ground this week ha* been unusually good. Officials of the fair have been wise enough to dose the ground early each night and so far no disorders of any k : ud have been reported to county officers. Dies in Morgantoii. Chester. Barbee, young man of this county, died v Tuesday in Morgauton, where he had been making his home. Hie body readied Concord last night and was carried to Locust this after noon for burial. The deceased was a brother of Mr. Walter ,T. Barbee, suplnr mtendent of the Hoover Hosiery Mill of til’s city. —. Services at Harmony Church. xr S;, Til)pett ’ I,a ‘ stor of Harmony Methodist ( liurch, has gone to Hills boro. where lie closes his year’s work. He will be back on Wednesday' of next week i to resume his work at Harmony church. 1 Brow,, Mill. Rev. W. H. Willeford, the 2 blacksmith preacher, will preach for him I Sunday morning at 11 o'clock and at! night at the usual hour. Everybody is • welcome. : I f thVre were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun. 'SttSSSStSSi • 9 9 ■» KANNAPOLIS 9 \9 DEPARTMENT 9 '9 9 99999999999 Kannapolis, Nov. 7.—A Wedding of much interest to people hero and else where was solemnized on Thursday ev j ening, November IsL at S o clock at the I home of the bride's mother when Miss Bertha Overcash was married to Mr. H. p Frieze. Rev. W. C. Jamison officiat ed. the beautiful ring ceremony being used. The wedding was characterized Ibv simplicity, only a few friends bang ! present. Immediately after the cere i mony tin* couple left for Asheville, ie , turning Monday. Mrs. Frieze is the at | tractive daughter of Mrs. Sallie Ovoi ! cash, of Midway. Mr. Frieze is a son of Mrs. M. A. Frieze, of South Main Sneer, and hold.- a responsible, position with the F. L. Smith Drug Company. , Both these young people are held in high ! esteem, and are popular _with a large j circle of friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frieze | will be at home at Midway with the {bride's mother. , Circle No. One of the Ladies' Auxil iary held an interesting meeting last ev ening at the home of Mrs. W. C. Jami i sou. Flan.- were outlined for tin* en j suing year. Light refreshments were |served. Mrs. W. F. Law anil infant daughter, j Virginia Nell, will leave tomorrow for I their home in Atlanta after spending a number of weeks with Mrs. Laws 1110th ! er. Mrs. Laura Smith. Mrs. Law'* {brother. Mr. (’lenient Smith, will accom pany ihis sister to Atlanta for a visit of a week or ten days. Mr. George Norville died Tuesday. No vember litli. after an illness of several weeks, the funeral being preached today fit tlie Baptist Church by the pastor. Rev. j C. K. Turner, of which the deceased was ! a charter member. Mr. Turner was a*- ! sisted by Rev. \V. C. Jamison. Mr. L. j J. Brown and Mr. A. H. Sides, each of ! whom have been for many years inti j mutely associated wth Mr. Norville. and [who knew him well from a social, moral , and spiritual standpoint, gave interest | ing talks, pointing out the explary life ;he led. He was every loyal to his church. Before there was a Baptist Church erected here when services were being conducted in' the upper story of ■the drug store. Mr. Norville and a few ! other men deternrned to build a liouSe of worship, and many here today know j how well that purpose wa* accomplished. He stood ready at all times to testify i for his Lord when there was occasion, 1 and his talks in the Sunday school were i very helpful. He was one of the oldest . deacons in the church. He came here as ;n contractor, having been employed in | gold mines in both North Carolina and j South Carolina. He graded streets here and helped in the building of the dwell t ing during the first years of the life of rlie town, also in the construction of the I churches, Mary Ella Hall. etc. Mr. I Norville was twice married, both wives I preceding him in death; the last one only i about four months ago. Surviving are j -even children and other relatives. Mrs. Burley Beaver delightfully enter j tained tlie Social H mr Club Thursday i afternoon. Tlie following were :nvit . e*l guests: Mcsdames G. G. Allen, 11. A. ! Allred. F. T. Willmott. \Y. C. Graham, i C. K. Turner, and Guy Beaver, the lat lter of Concord. Featuring the occasion was a guessing contest in which the questions were an answered in abbre viations for the various slates of the Cnion. provoking much fun and laugh ter The .Literary Department of the Wom an s will bold its next meeting Fri day afternoon at 3 o'clock at tin* home of Mrs. M. L. Ridenhour on Ridge Ave nue. with Mrs. Ridenhour and Mrs. M. L. Troutman as hostesses. The Presbyterian Auxiliary lias taken up the sjottdy of the hook entiled. "Child. America's Future." the meetings to take placeaon Monday. Tuesday and Wednes day of both th : s and next week. The Ladies' Aid Society of the First Baptist Church met last evening with Mrs. W. L. Yost. The attendance was good, and important business was trans acted. Tin* singing* school being conducted here by Mr. Hagler under the auspices of the Methodist and Raptist chuhches will be brought to a close On Thursday night. The school is quite a success. Mr. Hagler possesses adequate training which enables him to master his profes sion in an admiral manner. tjuartetts, etc., are in process of organization, and it is assured as a certainty that the pub lic will not be disappointed in looking forward to good vocal music. The class is fond of Mr. Hagler and regrets to see him leave. Miss Martha Itowe spent the week-end in Concord with Mrs. C. A. Davall. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Carter, of Raleigh, have left after spending a few days with Mrs. Ira Montgomery, on route to Asheville. Mi>s Alma Mcl.auriu. of South Caro lina. left ]• riday after spending some tune with Mrs. 11. D. McCorkle. The Woman's Club held it splendid meeting Monday night at the Y. M. C. A. The large crowd enjoyed the talk gi\en b\ I’orf. .7. 11. Robertson on the bill underway relative to the county i\ ide school tax. Miss Jordan gave an interesting talk on “Children's Rook Week." which is an annual event, and is considered a successful method of arousing the interest of children and young people in standard literature. The next meeting of the club will be held on the second Monday night in Decem ber. In the passing of Mr. Henry Ritz of Concord, and Mr. Xorville. of this efty. we have lost two men who were con nected with the early history of our city. All the early inhabitants well re member Mr. Ititz's novelty stotre which was conducted in the building iip which Mr, (7. R. Hoffman is now engaged in merchandising. Mrs. O. R. Hoffman delightfully en tertained last evening at her home on Maiut Street in honor of her son, who celebrated hi ts tenth anniversary. The decorations of cut flowers rendered the ! home very attractive. Interesting games , were played after which delicious icej cream and cake was served. About 30 guests enjoyed the hospitality of the home/ Mrs. Joe Renson has accepted a no-' sition with the Rarks-Relk Company.* 1 Mis* Meta Seehler will be the gu-st tomght of Miss Eva Goble | The friends of Mrs. J. R. McKnighf I will learu with regret tfcat she has been Conti lied to her home since Sunday by THE CONCORD TIMES illneps. Miss Dessie Warren and Mr. Ernest Taylor, the latter of Charlotte, were mar ried Saturday in Concord. Mrs. Taylor is well and favorably known at the Mary Ella Hall, where she has made her home for four yeabs. __ Master H. A. Scott and little Miss Be atrice Trouf ilAnn have returned to their respective homes here following opera tions by Dr, W. R. Brandon for the removal of their tonsils Mr. Robert Marshall spent the week end in Charlotte., Mr. Guy RKphie. of M. F. C. 1., spent the week-end with home folks. He had as his guest Messrs. McLaughlin and Smith. Mrs. L. E. Bost is improving follow ing an illness of some duration, though, she is not yet able to be out. Her many, friends wish her a syced recovery. Miss Faulino Waited of Mont Amoena Seminary, spent tin* week-end with home folks. Rev. Mr. Moser delivered two inter esting sermons as the 11 o'clock and evening services Sunday at Trinity Meth odist (’liurch. The Baptists. Fresby tcriaus and Associated Reformed Presby terians attended theb eveirng service. Mrs. McKay, of near Mooresville, vis ited her daughter. Mrs. Ralph Housel, yesterday' afternoon at the Kannapolis Inn. Mrs. Myrtle Walker, who has been ill tin* past several weeks, is is somewhat improved. She is now in the country at tlie home of her parents. The friends of Mr. Faul Short, are glad to see him back will the Kannapo lis Drug Company. Mr. Short’s broth er. also, has accepted a position with the same store. • Mr. Morgan, of Greensboro, lias ae cepted a position with the F. L. Smith Drug Company. Miss Addie May Brow ley, of Gastonia,' spent Sunday at'tlie KanntpkiK* Inn. The Mel Trotter meeting begins at the Y. M. C. A. Sunday night. This series of meeting* will continue through the 25th iustant. Mr. Trotter is sche duled to preach at the Baptist Church Sunday at the 11 o'clock service. Mr*. Trotter is superintendent of the Rescue Missions of America, and is a very able speaker. Miss Elizabeth Robbins spent tin* week end at Hickory Grove, near Charlotte. Mr. A. L. RroKvn returned Monday from a business trip to New York. The Fafent-Teacliers' Association of the South School meets Thursday af ternoon at tin* school building. Today was the original date, the time being changed on account of some of the la dies wishing to attend the State Farent- Teachers' Association which is in ses sion today at Winston-Salem. Mrs. Joe Deaton, who is employed in the bleachery and who has been making her home at the Mary Ella Hall, is now coming daily from Concord. Mr. Homer Ritchie has been very ill the past Week. The ladies of the Lutheran Church made quite a success Saturday night of the bazaar held at the O. K. Shot* hospital, realizing . 59c, 98c, $1.48 200 Pairs of Fine Cotton Blankets, double good size $2.4$ WOOL BLANKETS Made by Elkin and Chatham Blanket All Wool Mills, in all sizes and patterns: 06x80 Wool Mixed Eventide Blankets in brown, blue, pink and grey patterns, double Blankets, special $4.98 66x80 Elkin* Loraine Blankets, fine Wool, double in five different colors and plaids, per pair $6.45 ag.a i. ■ i . 1 " "S ,i PARKS - BELK CO. „ - /■ PHONES 138 AND 608 ELEVATOR SERVICE * , Lj V ~ - . i 1 4, oxlo 1-2 Wool Fiber’"Rugs, while 1 licy - last ‘at 4_-U- * SO-95 oxls All Wool Fiber Rugs, valuer SPA I . while they sast $11.95 100 27x54 Manor Tapestry Rugs, all >tylv and colors t $2.48 36x72 SI.OO Value Matting Rug". fecial.■ each / —79 c Beautiful Oval Hit and Miss Rag Rugs in Beautiful Assortment of Colors. All >izc- Priced - rs_ 48c to $9.95 Bath Room Mats in light and dark o 4 ■>. all shades to match any color $1.48 to $2.98 BLANKETS ANd COMFORTS. Don't delay purchasing your blank ' and Comforters any longer. A few mintin ' of your time tomorrow will insure hour' comfort later on. Satisfactory select i- : may be had from a wide range <>t