Monday, November 26, 1923 **«****■*«*♦ $ aAprKNINGS IN OUR J villages * * # *** * ******* ♦ # , \LLEN. j Mi-. Morrison Barr, of Oon- M l ' - ' < rolav at the home of Mr, ’ . i '' v W Allen.U :iE'i v , Robinson is visiting her Jib* ‘ ' j.,, Honeycutt, of Kannapo ii- j )_ Rogers and little son. M l * ~f Charlotte. spent the N>‘” ’ , Mrs. Rodgers’ father, J. 1’ >!■.- Fred M. Youngblood and 111 m Ralph T. Holmes, of J1 ; '“ rt j, u ,>sts -us Mr. and Mrs. *7 Hi! «*u Sunday. 1 ' V K Messiek. of Charlotte, vis- H r \ i ; e during the past week. vil ' 1; M '; je Flowe. of Charlotte, and . Klowe. of Concord, spent J' 7’ 'tin home of their parents, ■V Mi- ,1. I.ester Flowe. •' JII .M -. Cleveland L. Smith and • lr \ii- Harrell Hitch, of Charlotte, JM li “ , of Mr. and Mrs. F. -pjy m - • 51 li! I if it Hough, of Rocky Mount. ' 1: ", | |. Mabry, of Norwood, , \v. ek-eiid with their sister. Mrs. .' iTVir--. -Martin Phillips and Mr. Hilbert Flowe. of Charlotte vis ?U.Lives here Sunday. 'x K itl rine Hinson Robertson, of ' was ii recent visitor at the i parents. Mr. and Mr 3 fM Hiiisou- _ 17)( l st._ ■|.|. b\ Harrsell has returned lie,d-d. where sjhe spent several 7m A. Osborne, who 1 vjth her - A. Helms, in Concord. 7it'rti light sick. . - ' \\ .1 Russell will begin bis pas -11 ;;! Smyrna on the first Stin :i - :MO. He will also pi thiil Sunday at the same : ‘v .la.k-aii llatheock. whose home 'i.iui-'-fiy ill this section, (lied Friday df his daughter. Mrs. Jno. j'. 'r I*; ief. where lie had beeu for V,vetal yea is. His wife pre - 71 ; lim ju-r tit tee years ago. Mr, *.’k tv'as past his three score and “"I V.j u „: far from the century line. In -lilt,' lmd been very industrious and 1 vii He is served by two sons. l’\l VI l>. M. llatlicock. and three v Mrs. llettie Little. Mrs. M. 1 Herrin and Mrs. John Little. Burial ViVt.i-.v pine* Saturday morning it -llwitnv t reek church cemetery. [, t ii,. death last Monday of Mr. Jas. ji -[y;?!- the community lost one of its ,/ x*ti- and the Baptist Church one mot loyal members. He always ~,,, : . tn,e Christian ;"ij.iiiv. He. was a little past 04 years d ..a* aud is survived by liis wife, two festers. «iie brother and three sisters., F 'Tvices were conducted Tues ll; n. "ii from the Baptist Church 1 ,V>. W. .1. Russell ami C. C. Hon» i ,• The Horai offerings attested the ns i„ wltieii he was held, the mound king scfceritl by lovely designs. I • WINECOFF Mr. Frank Seott spent the week-end Mb h'line folks. The pupils of the High School depart i-*ui are I'lijoiing test week. Tlie C.iainpion Literary Society is ; aiming t. give the play. “Lauding of .epi-gr a.!- and tlie First Thanksgiving.” Using fifteen characters, on Friday af t-ri:.en. Other Thanksgiving exercises. mv.i-; and readings, with the tell er "f tlie story of the first year in An , a . The character dressed as an hi-i: will constitute the evening's pro- Pi" bu the fourth, fifth, sixth and wmli grades of Winecoff school. .NEWS REPORTERS. * ROST MILL L" 'fin,.J itj, progressing nicely with Jlb **> -f- hitsw Mast and Laura Mae Fhina a> teachers. Mi\ and Mi-. R. T. Cook and cliil t'!; sji.-tit Sunday at Mr. T. U. Big flTs. Jir - il! »! Mrs. Kenneth 1 Faggart, of "ticord. spent Sunday at Mr. T. D. .and Mi s. Pearlie Hargett, of aukr-,', spent the week-end here with Hargett s jrarents. Mr. and Airs, h Riggers. l -"> Riggm-s. of m. 1\ C. 1., 7. 'ii** week-end wfijh his parents, Air. Vs-,"' ni «-s --jL„; u " l,, ‘ rt Ru-t. of Statesville, spent ,G 'iay here i His,i. , l, "i"'i i and Gladys Riggers, of v"h! Sunday with their par ll'fVo V, 1 ■ Vlr<- '*■ Riggers. V. i ,v ; l '. "f Concord, spent j U, l here at home. LITTLE GIRL. T ROBERTA. A J l '' 1 ;'' 11 ' I VM |,> ' V ' M held Sunday. Ij. - iUl ' tine. ! A I''‘tree 1 ' '‘tree and daughter, Nora, nf days with Air. and Airs. HtSf. V . 11 -d Mr. Lituker are going I Xlw. ." u, " uli|v Friday. Mr.' and Airs. Jacob T|,„ ,111 Si ' h this writing. "• v - Furr kfiiei i' ' ' ;,l 'l M’illiams have re u URllio .if* • • . U r ''t' visiting Chimney Rock 1 mills iiarents at Caroleen. OCR PET. - •'Tlicr',"" 11 " 1 :U Lilaker School. I>".n supper at the Lita- V'i'Kk 7" ! i ‘* aj evening at sev- Proceeds to b(> used for [k \ V_ !l '‘hool.—Advertisement. l£ lamW R> Gov. Alorriuvn. S' H-ecial says that W. H. ,f tt and 1 . liovv:,lJ - who has served a hi t j J(i Uu '* illoJ iths of a five-year • Mexfllaining that it harmonizes closely with their style of dancing. God has mixed a reeling of content with everything finished. / Go right ahead and pluck the turkey but don’t let the turkey pluck you. * The man who is going to buy new clothes this week has, we believe, style in his eye—quality in his heart —and value in his head. He wants to pluck a wonderful suit or coat but he doesn’t want to be phuejeod, for a wonderful profit. V Not that we infer he would be unsafe anywhere else — go elsewhere when ho is sure of finding exactly what he wants ere BROWNS Suits and Ocoats for Thanksgiving— Bright Winter Neckwear - Wool Hose from 75c up. Browns - Cannon Co. WAVE OF FUR THIEFTS SWEEPS OVER GOTHAM Thieves Gets Fur Coats anil Other Wraps Valued At More Titan $150,- 000. New ork. Nov- 25-—Fur robbers con tinued their depredations in the Fifth avenue district last night, smashing a rear window of the importing establish ment of Leopold ,Haas, Inc., on 48th street and escaping with coats valued at $50,000, it was~learned today. It was the second robbery of the firm within a few weeks, thieves recently escaping J with goods worth SIO,OOO. Three days ago the firm of William j Jackman and, sons was robbed of furs ( worth $40,000. and about 10 days ago i burglars got $50,000 worth of furs from j the Fifth avenue shops of Hickson. The wave of fur thefts, which has i caused losses of $150,000 to Fifth j avenue shops alone in the past few | weeks has driven up the burglary in- j suranee rates on furs and silks 25 per ( cent. ( - - | Sweden was the first country to j recognize by statute that a wife’s ser- i vice in the home had a legal value. A Newer Living Room Furniture Beautifully Upholstered Overstuffed Suites in beautiful Valour. You could j not find a more comfortable Suite for the Living Room than |i| i this one. It has broad, restful arms and loose cushions | built over a spring foundation. The back is deep and soft. | Upholstered in Velour. Many other Suites to select from. j'[ P* S. —Don t forget to see our line of sfoves and ranges. ! BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO ijj | “THE STORE THAT SATISFIES jij 1 Nothing Like Home Talent in Dressing a Doll. X Let Us Solve This Christmas Problem For You Busy 9 Mothers' O | . SPECIALTY HAT SHOP f tooooooooQocooooooooooooooooooooooGOQOQooGo&Gooocdooo \ Sportsmen's. Headquarters \ y Lovers of the greet outdoors wiil find w, * our stock of sporting goods unusually 'v // [a complete. One of the world famous ammunition Ji\ C ) /'g Nothing has ever approached the lln vv consistent accuracy of Western shot' \\ gun siieli:: and "iflc . id revolver c:ir< •W tridges. No etner ammunition has t'i , ever won such a sru.hing string of Uk chiEcpionslups. Fir t choice of the v \\ world’s crack shots, Western p, Cartridge C r-apauy Ammunition is typical oi ail our line: of sporting tP goods —winners every or e. \ . r Ritchie Hardware Co. OGOOOOOOOOOOGOOOO3OOGOOQGOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC 3000 | Thanksgiving Specials I \ Ladies’ Black Suede Slipper with both the instep strap ams & \ ankle strap, and cohered Cuban heel, new and A C | attractive price © | Ladies’ Black Tda+f Blucher Oxford, plain toe, and creased © ) vamp, low heel with Rubber attached QC; I Price i* u Q \ Ladies’ and Girls’ Brow r n Calf Lace Oxfords, Goodyea: g } welt, military heel, a real $5.00 value {< | for { i I Ladies’ Patent Strap Pump, military heel with \ Toe, rubber heel T ! Men’s Blacl> Calf Blucher, Newton Last, med-