Ull Xu- December 10, 1923 \jonu a '' t**''- " ' * * cu HiJORING VILLAGES % IX OUR * I ************* MISKMIEIMER. -ind colder today (Thurs bv the weather man. :. r ‘ : 7 | ;••:> i> opening up a store *,i r ., ;i i’.uilding on the public V , ; and his wife and Mr*. ,>f Hadin, were in our II • P* 8 V'“.[! w shooting qual. Alvin mj*i >n. He killed fclar- L Kl ;■ s ; : while- one t week. Mrs. Reynolds ’..or invalid-father for a \|, ~:•(! Mrs. John Are.v. of Sal ' f(i Mrs. Arey's father. ' yy ]► ;• for some days . Mr- C. M. Peeler, of High -few davs last we-dt. BILL ARP Jl XIOK. \\ INEC OFF. . V . Scott. K. W. Litaker, . „7 . , ' >1 Mack McLellan spent »Iwivia ol holidays with home folks. t ,f the girls basketball _ to give a tacky party , building December lltli. . .. tacky and come. •. \I - Man Whittington, of the r -,tr*'-"!ii!!!iiiiity. v -ho has been ill weeks, died on last Friday. [Ve a pupil of the fourth grade '; ‘Viiy missed by her teacher and class mates.'. N. R. VVt»p a.at is made to exclude the ;llW j v isitors are admitted free w t!,e bodies— Scientists have : in air analysis and other h - no satisfactory explanation of -i.enoii - uc»u i> forthcoming. It is in vault contains some prop r which is destructive to the germs : si what that property is re-* -e r i. possible lot introdnee such , . i> proved by the fact that a bunch , j.wers. placed by a visitor on one coffin.', resulted in the decay of j, «i., •• cuiitained. ii.NOt'li VILIJS. \ vtinboer .‘Kird. to Mr. ami Mrs. tab ravin, a son. ' M I Mrs. E. L. Deal sjient Thanks-' : S: lisiiury witlt Mr. Deal’s sis >fa Mlinatt spent last Sunday - Mr. .Die 'b Sloop, near Kannapolis. 1 i! -I.orhcv Hatley and family, of . . were visitors last Sunday at . his brother-in-law, Mr. John week, to Mr. and Mrs. G. ! "eight, of Kannapolis, a daughter, j j High Victor Overcash is at home] H kory College, to spend Thanks te folks. ; :.ia abet- «if visitors from Kaunap - euti itaiued ‘Tuesday night at . f Mr. ('. C. Upright by some music made on stringed in !N .la; Mhercash was buried at Old c■: i t Wednesday about 2p. in. 3ii!iil!ill!illl!li!llllllillllillllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!ll!llllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I IS ■ ' ' . sjE . ) M CLEAN SWEEP j FURNITURE SALE | KB" 'W • ■' ’ • 9 I v . = \\ 0 came to Concord months ajjo and opened a branch furniture store. | since that time we have enjoyed good business, in fact more than we had expect- | | ed. Now we are going into our new quarters next door to Joe Gaskel, where we | | "ill be in shape to serve you better. We'have bought our complete stock for the | 1 new store. Therefore we can’t afford to move the stock we now have on hand. | | \ ■ | Come early and get the furniture you need at One-third Off for Cash. 1- * I 1 SPRATT BROS. 1 ’ ; . I | forest Hill Buffalo and McGill Street ] I, ' : i ► Mrs. Overcash died suddenly while srt : ting on a chair last Monday evening, her ; death coming unawares, due to an effec : tion of the heart. She leaves to mourn • theii loss a husband, one daughter and • two grand-children and other relatives. One child preceded her to the grave in infancy. Mrs. Overcash was about 60 years of age and was a consistent mem ber of Old Bethpage Church. We extend ‘ our sympathies to the bereaved ones. 1 i Little William, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Weddington, is- confined to his home with measles. ! Margie Xolan, baby of Mr. C. C. Up right. is right ill with bronchitis, i Mr. Isaac Smith moved his family to the old parsonage house in Enoehville. j It is reported that Mr. E. L. Deal has purchased a rarm near Statesville. * BUSY BEE. 1 Landis Loses Sunday Closing Case Be \ fore State Supreme Court. Salisbury Post, The town of Landis lost its Sunday closing case before the State supreme court thi*; week, as % i« shown in deci sions just handed down. The case was that of State vs. Blackwelder and Deal, and the high court upheld the decision of the superior court of Rowan, which had previously sustained a decision of the . Rowan county court. ‘The case grew out of the serving of a “meal of veal steak, vegetables and one coca cola” to a customer. Paul Bea ver. at the restaurant operated by L. A. Blackwelder aikl Roy Deal, in Lan dis. contrary, it was contended by ‘the prosecution, to an ordinance of the town, The case attracted considerable interest when it was heard in the county court here aud still greater interest was mani fested when, it went to the. superior court, both of which returned verdicts in favor of the defendant owners of the 1 restaurant or case. In this decision the supreme court held the law' to be “unreasonable, op pressive anti in disregard of common rights.” On legal row here this case had been much dismissed and the decision of the State high court had been awainted anx- j iously and when it was made known. there was still much comment among the legal fraternity along “lawyers row'.” j Collegiate Institute Basketball Team. Mt. Pleasant, X. C., Dec. 10. —The basketball team of the Collegiate Insti tute will open its season. Wednesday when they play the fast Edwards Busi ness Cbllege team from High Point on the home grounds. Although four of last year’s varsity, including the famous Ray Roberts, were lost to the team through graduation, it is expected that the team this year will be one which will give any opponent in the same class a good deal of trouble. 1 This year’s schedule will include games . with the Y. M. C. A. teams of Con cord and Charlotte. A number of the stronger high school teams of the state will be played also. Everything points ■ towards a successful season for basket ball with more iutere'st being shown than ever before. Mrs. I. I. Davis. Jr., is able to be out again after being confined to her ! home for several days on account of ill ness. ♦************^ % AGRICULTURAL column * Conducted by * R. D. GOODMAN. & *’ * ♦************^ fil^-iP r i. ining antl s P ra ying demon stiation will be held at the orchard of \v Q ‘i ’ i ß ' 1 ey ’ Harrisburg Route 1, on . ®dnesday morning, December 12. at 10 o clock, to which the farmers of Meck lenburg as well as Cabarrus are invited. 3 his orchard has 1,800 two and three year old trees and is well located and in a good condition. The worming and pruning of young trees so as to properly balance as well as head back will be shown, as well as pruning equipment, and spray pumps and nozzles will be demonstrated. /This is the largest orchard in the county to, date and should be made to pav well in a few years. A good many farmers contend that it is cheaper for them to buy their fruit than to raise it. which is true if you don t take care of your trees and produce number one fruit and they should be in terested enough to attend the demonstra tion and see what it costs to produce first class fruit and be willing to pay for the same. Hoping to meet you at Mr. Iley’s on M ednesday of this week and make this one of the best meetings of the year. Improved Cotton Seed. A great many farmers have spoken to me at different times in regard to get ting cotton seed for. their 1924 crop and as w'c failed to get all we ordered last year by being rather late ordering will ask you to see me and attend to this matter in the next ten days so we will be sure to get the best seed grown direct from the seed breeders, of the following varieties, Mexican, Cook’s. Cleveland or Lightning Express. The Edgeeonvoe Seed Breeders Asso ciation consists of a group of farmers that in 1914 became interested in higher yields to the extent that they were will ing to test out the different varieties of cotton generally grown on their farms against the more improved varieties out yielded their supposed to be good native strains as much as 111 pounds of lint per acre and the staple was much loug eer as well as of a better quality; and brought a higher price. « The awoke them to the fact that farming was like any other business that “you got returns in proportion to what you put in to it.” so they hired a plant breeder and were al so under the supervision of the State Plant Breeding Department and began to improve the best seed they could get to start with, growing only one variety to the farm, owning and operating their own gins, grading the seed and testing them for germination and in this way putting out the best seed possible for planting. -> There are plenty or cotton seed in the county but those of the above quality are scarce and we will have to get our or der in at once if we want it tilled. Poultry. There will be a culling demonstration of poultry and arranging a scratch shed and feed hoppers 'at Mrs. IV. G. Rum pie's. Bethpage Community. Thursday. December 13. at 10 a. m., to which the people in this section are invited. THE CONCORD TIMES THE ANNUAL FATHER AND SON BANQUET To Be Held at the Y. M. C. A. Thurs day, December 13th, 7 p. in. An unusual program will feature the I exercises at the Father and Son .Get-to 'gether Thursday night. The Davidson S College Orchestra will discourse sweet music, Mr. Price Doyle will lead the old songs that herald peace and good will. Rev. C. C. Myers will toast fathers and sons present. Mr. C’-F. Ritchie will send greetings to the sons. Bub Sullivan will reply what a “Son Thinks of Dad.” Mr. Mac Beall, of Davidson College, will spiell on “What a Son Writes Dad From College.” Mr. Blanks will relate a boyhood story, brimful of excitement, pathos and tell how it feels to be blown several hundred feet into the air from the decks of a,big Mississippi cotton boat, while racing down the river. Mr. Fuller and Mr. Webb have interesting boyhood stories that every boy will thrill with ex citement when they are related. One of the-main attractions will be the special musical program and the address of the evening by Dr. H. I>. Arbuckle. Every father and son in Concord is invited to be present at this occasion and will miss an evening of fun. mirth and laughter if you fail to send in your res ervations. Flees. Leaving New Ford and Booze With Officer. Charlotte Observer. The county is a brand new Ford touring car better otr as the result of a chase late Thursday night by Rural Officer Johnston and D. P. Edwards just this side of the new York bridge. In addition, there are five more gallons of ‘ red eye” to go seaward byway of the gutters. The purchasers took up the base as the touring car dashed down -the road and were hot on the trail when the driver sprang from the machine, which he left with the motor rynniug, and dis appeared in the woods about two miles of the bridge. No license or other identi fication marks was observe# Waiving examination before ’Bquire Cobh Friday -morning. James Whitaker, of Concord, was bound over to the Januar" term of superior court on the chargi qf transporting whiskey. He was jailed in default of a 8760 bound. Whitaker was taken the night before in Mallard Creek by City Detectives Johnston* Ed Pittman and Donald Blake. ? car containing 31 gallons of booze beinz seized. An agent for the U-Drive-Bm company at Concord laimed the machine, saying that it was rented to a customer who failed to return. It was not released, however. Beckie Mellin and Bert Kerns, negroes, wore bound over to superior court- by ’Squire Cobb on charges of carrying a oucea’ed pistol, the former putting up a $75 bond and the latter a SIOO bond. They were arrested near Newell by Rural Officers Hand and, Dodgen and City Detectives Blackman and Porter- At the Theatres. Jack Hoxie is being shown today at the Pastime in “The Red Warning.” A Century comedy is also on the program. “The Santa Fe Trail,” and “Fighting Blood,” two big serials, are being shown today at the Piedmont. | LOCAL MENTION ~1 i Mr. P. G. Cook has been confined to Ji his bed for some time on account of ills- ij ness. His condition today is reported ji as practically unchanged. The condition of Willie Marion Pres? i 1 lar. who was severely burned several i days ago, continues to show improve- Ji ment. ( ] Born to Mr. and Mrs. Hedrick M. J braggart. 710 Kingston avenue, Dilworth; ij Charlotte, 'a daughter, Frances Miller, Ji December Bth. I j Miss Ethel Blaekwelder, daughter of < ( Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Blaekwelder, of Con- !i coMkhas returned to her work at West- antß of the cars |j| were gone. The officers so far have || not learned who owned the cars or who |p were operating them when ithe accident |» occurred. Thirteen defendants were docketed for fjj trial in recorder’s court this morning, p Two were charged with assault with a |" deadly weapon, one was charged with jjj violating a city ordinance, three more jy were charged with carrying a concealed weapon, four were charged with intoxica- gj tion and three with gambling . Court jp was in session for several hours. The Concord Y basketball team lost its | game with the Charlotte Y team Satur- §jj dav night 02 to 17. The locals played | good ball at times, but the Charlotte flj team lrad better team t\;ork and by this |; method ran up the big score. The f! teams played iu Charlotte and later in p the season probably will play here and jy in Charlotte again. | Three Gypsies, two women and a man, tj j have been arrested and placed in jail . !by Sheriff Caldwell. Farm people of i the county, it is reported, identified the j Gypsies as- persons who had been steal i ing from them and they signed the war | rants. The Gypsies could n<#t give bond ■ in the sum of $750 and were placed in 1 jail. They will be given a preliminary j : heaving this afternoon. ; According to reports reaching Concord j ■ Evelyn, daughter of Mr. Tom Litaker, 5 E of this county, wan seriously hurt iu an j ■ auto accident Saturday night. lit is \ Z reported that Mr. Litaker collided with : a buggy which he did not see, the child ’ E being hurt in the accident and the buggy Z and car being badly damaged. The 2 child was brought to the Concord hos- E pital, where her condition today is re ; ported as improved^ Junior Girls Enjoy Hike. E About sixteen of the Junior Y girls en- E joyed a very delightful stroll -to the = woods last Saturday. The girls left the E Y. M. C. A. in the morning, and it was E late in the. afternoon when the weary p hikers reached their starting place again. E As this was the second trip of the year, £ and the girls not being used to hiking, ■j they naturally became a little tired, but Z, as hikes are planned for every‘Saturday = it won’t be long until they will have 5 “Uncle Dudley” Denny begging to “let’s jE Vest.” j The hikers went out the old Sal- E isbury road, finding a very beautiful EE place about four miles out. After play g ing stunts for an hour or so. a camp fire £ was built and dinner cooked and served. £ Accompanying the hikers were J. W. S Denny and H. L. Jofonston. 5! The management of the Y plans to ? have a hike every Saturday either for g tie boys or tntetiato both. Time Should Make the Home More j ‘ ’ 1 • -J Attractive to You. This is Gained by Proper Home Furnishings Young people about to establish a home, we earnestly j ask you to compare the Quality, Beauty and Price of our Furniture with what is offered elsewhere and we are sure that your selections will be no other than Bell & Harris Furniture. * •** j It will be an investment that will carry itself proudly : through the years, yielding to time nothing of its excel- / lence and charm. Come in any time. We’d like for you i to .see the many new designs and have you compare them with others. ■! '<- j * , BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO ! P. S.—Don’t forget to see our line of stoves and ranges. “THE STORE THAT SATISFIES iooooorx>ooooootKX»ooooocaocx>oooooooog>oooooo Presents of Real Value for everybody at* jj ‘Your Hardware Store” . * * ii Our Show Windows are full of Christmas Gifts of Real Value. Ritchie Hardware Co YOUR HARDWARE STORE \ j % ‘’ll PHONE 117 PHONE 117 Buy Now and We Will Send Out Christmas Eve. > llBIIIIBlillTII«riT«llllf lHBIMI»lllTff-f rr 1 := if ' = : r iiiaiiiigliii■i.i iiiniiiiiiig ira v 1 J . ' I It Is Paying— 'l I HOLIDAY SHOPPERS | Ij fe Daily I to Visit FISHER’S j \ - j The Real Christmas Store ___ i • j | Headquarters for Boys Christmas I ■ -I'/" We Have a Big Stock of Gifts That j • Will Please the Boys Guns, Rifles, Skates, Pocket Knives, Flash Lights, Boys’ Axes, Velocipedes and Coasters Ask Mr. Deaton About Our Rubber Tire Roller Bearing j Coaster Wage ns Also Many Useful Gifts For Men and Women 9! i f I I.* Largest Dealers in Hardware Y/ Yotke & Wadsworth Compary I Phone 30 Phone 30 I^ '' ' ' I.* PAGE FIVE