Monday, December 10, 1923 MORRISON' refuses FOR JERKY DALTON „ fclM ., 0 71>«atli For Murder of and His Rival in j/ivf- 7 Sentiment and fact jts-ilj l, . collision in the case of i d ** Macon county youth (fry 1;i „f (feath for the murder #der ' oßt^; h( .. ir t a nd rival in love, i hi' s "‘| women appeared be ien 14 Morrison today in an ap- Goveru" - ng mo untain- J for til* lU ' ff.* , , been'good to his mother p „iV - support for a long time; #im record during two : ' ; : the west that I*l -- "• •;•>(> fr>m prison: liquor in ttei ,j; || t i,e commission of , i ]jf ( > imprisonment would eats of .justice—so the tt# t;l , ( f the governor. ’ IK!tU a " exeeutivc found from the B« ? ; :! i th ;. ( . ast . Dalton had cold n.iirtleml' MerreU Angel and 1 i; lt Tm a S.inda.v morning be the'*<•»>““ held Angel in greatet fi: ‘' , „ he had been drinking t.«x than • w (2* Miller |§S w W —r Rhoads * | O ~ ~ O > WMI 11 * N % • ‘ % .. ' , Sil, ; \ \ \ j T ~ TE are now read y y° u in our new bigger, - X «\ W better and greater-than ever. What a place AJi'r tojshop! Almost double the room we had before. Everything* 1 '" , " , " nl " ! " 77 in the new addition is new. New fixtures, new stock and new departments, including Men’s Clothing. And, besides, there t^jj - r . y are many new features to make your shopping trip comfortable J&f' v \ - y - and pleasant as well as profitable. - |*j‘ * ~/ We want you to come in and see for yourself what a beautiful ~ f\ j *' Sul I A'j 77 ‘ new store it is. Make it a trip of inspection, if you like, and jSffiT wiil sl2 i”'l ■I \ /rdf/ 9jt I? shop at your leisure. You will find it a big, airy, wfell-lighted f, A/ 1 and roomy store. Something to rest and delight the eye on : jjw?' ! r. Mr, roomy cistes, kigh every side. Everything is orderly and in its place. Counters . dre casil y a<»esaT>le» y et nothing is-thrust obtrusively in your 111 iff 0«r you car. shop in perfect path. There is no uncomfortable crowding in the aisles. AM'S f is acon comfort. Wf bazaar of fashion, a At noon, when you are a little tired and hungry, take an rS* r. mirror of fashion, it re elevator to the top floor. There vou will find a most restful and modes of New — ~~ 'L- j —-- welcome sight — a magnificently furnished dining-room. Enjoy other places of fashion. your midday meal or afternoon tea among delightful surround : 7^---,...—| ! i ings, far above the npise and bustle of the street. Then rest . ~ 'v! S|§Sy^i : ; awhile in the comfortable and luxuriously furnished, foyer, 5 J'r ft adjacent to the dining-room. It is a convenient place to meet •V -j your triends, too. “’“p'-.A ' ' Mp-. }-■* We have spared no pains to mske this new store a most at- , 1C •’ tractive place. Fixtures and furnishings throughout are beau -7] Mjr tifully conceived. Dark walnut is the decorative scheme on *Jrsjj’ |'^^ r plCl . the first floor, while the second floor is tastefully done in French - C ' gi*ey. The upper floors are richly finished in heavy oak. h J f Altogether, we think it is just such a splendid store as the \_ 11 A . South deserves. We want our friends in Richmond and the If r*? Colonial Room, fifth Virginias and -Carolinas to consider it their store, because it F A was their good-will and confidence that made it possible. JnltLtl Tnthf™!™- al or afternoon tea while the Shoe Department. A s « f -;-pi»A Delicious, wed. When in Richmond, don’t fail to stop in at Miller & Rhoads. s'ood place to buy comfort cocaed food is served a> . „ . __ . ‘ ■ ; ’ ‘ able shoes, too, and a good reasonable prices. Tlld'C is always a friendly welcome awaiting you. place for Style tips, R I CHMOND, VA. # \m f ittne -• • , i but it was not evident that be was drunk and the influence' of whiskey only aggravated his harbor of ill-will; he was not such a model young man because on the very Sunday of the murder he was planning a trip,, for the purchase of whiskey to bootleg. Siucunon Fight Over “Tar Heel” Terri tory- Raleigh. Dec. 7- —Here’s more evi dence of North Carolina’s prosperity— traveling salesmen for national selling agencies are fighting over Tar Heel territory. Traveling men visiting here have related how, when the territory is being divided out by the big#firms who do a national business, that the sales men are bidding first for this state. They see the prospects for booming busi ness and big sales. They want to go where tipies are good and the people are industrious and progressing. That condition is a bit of cold-blooded boost ing for North Carolina, therefore high ly valuable boosting. Mrs. C. C. Lentz and sou. Harry, have returned from Thomasville, where they spent several days with relatives. CLARK IS FREED OF MURDER CHARGED BY HABEAS CORPUS Mistaken For Charles Gibbs, Alleged Slayer of Pollcennn 20 Years Ago. Asheville, Pec. -7.—Will Clark, held here under the belief that he • was Charles Gibbs, wanted in Attalla, Ala., for the alleged murder of two polilcemen 20 years ago. was discharged in superior court this afternoon by Judge P A. M<*- Elrpy at the conclusion of a habeas, cor pus heading which lasted the greater part of the day. Evidence in tb« lioariug was con flicting. Several identified Clark with Gibfrs, while Others gave him a clear alibi. Clai'k was reported several days ago by W. L. Puckett, who mhrried Gibbs’ wife after Gibbs fled from Attalla following _jthe dual slaying. The trio met in Asheville several months ago and Puckett visited the sheriff after he became afraid his wife would return to tbe man whom he had identifid as Gibfys. Mr. Robert Safrit, of Winston-Salem, spent Thursday in Concord with home folks. TRS C 0 N £ p.R D, J I S CAPITOL NOTES. Raleigh, N. C\, Dec. 7. —Frick's Ga rage of Charlotte, has been granted a charter by Secretary of State Everett. Among other companies chartered are the following: Watson Feed Company. Greensboro, to conduct a general whole -ale and retail feed business with a cap ital stock of SIOO,OOO. The Greensboro Master Plumbers and Steam Fitters As sociation of Greensboro for the advance ment'of the plumbing and heating trade*; Spruce Pine Mica Company of Spruce Pine, X. C„ to develop the mineral re sources of Mitchell county with a cap ital stock of one million dollars; Ivy River Land and Lumber Co., of Ashe ville, to deal in timber and lands with a capital stock of SIOO,OOO ;* Southern Milk Products Company, of Greensboro, to carry on cold storage business with cap ital stock of $300,075; amendment to charter of Salisbury Bank and Trust Salisbury increasing capital stock from SIOO,OOO to $500,000. Miss Doris Hough, of Atlanta, regional director of the Girl Scouts of America, is in North Carolina for the purpose of organizing Scout troops in several or phanages of the State and instructing superintendents of public welfare how to organize them in the various counties. Miss Hough eaiise t$ the State at the invitation of Miss Mary G. Shotwell of the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare. Miss Hough will make the following visits: December 3. Goldsboro; Decem ber 4, Lilliugton ; December 5, Raleigh; December 6, Winston-Salem; December 7, Greensboro; December 8, Thomasville; December 9 and 10, Charlotte; Decem ber 11, Gastonia; December 12, Barium Springs; December 12, Salisbury; De cember 14, Wadesboro. Brain Power For December. Brain Power for December gives seven secrets for making money. ‘■‘The Man* hood Test’' by Bernarr Facfadden, is a masterful plea for sturdy manhood. ‘*The Return of Eytinge” by John W. Grey, is a powerful story of a mnu who with the help of a good woman achieved ‘'the im possible/’ “The 13th Letter” the most baffling mystery serial of the year starts in this number. 'OFFICERS ELECTED FOR CREAMERY TO BE LOCATED HERE Dr. T. N. f Spencer Chosen President and C. H. Bar rier Chosen Vice President Charter Has Been Secured PROMINENT MEN IN THE COMPANY -r Business Men and Farmers Subscribe Stock.— Com pany is Purchasing Cream and Has Started Business. The Cabarrus. Creamery Company, with headquarters in this city, is the latest business enterprise to be organiz ed in Concord. Organization of the com pany was begun several weeks ago and was completed/ this week when stock , holders met and perfected a permanent organization. a stockholders meeting the follow ing officers were chosen : President —Dr. T. N. Spencer. Vice President —C. H. Barrier. Secretary—H. E. Raker. Treasurer—(\ W. Swink. Directors—F. C. Niblock. Dr. J. V. Davis. J. O. Moose. Henderson Litaker and. W. D. Yorke. The directors of organization met Friday and with the officers outlined p ans for the company. The first step by the company will be the purchase of a lot for the home of the organization- A committee was appointed at the meeting of the directors to secure the lot. and the directors further ordered that as soon as the lot is secured work be startl'd on- the home of the com pany. It was announced at the meeting that so far SIO,IOO has been paid into the company and the subscription books will be left upon until ' 81.1,000 capital stock has been subscribed. The company has already received its charter and incorporation papers are is now functioning to a certain extent. Mr. C-. H. Barrier will purchase cream for the company until it gets’ its permanent quarters. _i £3* A number of prominent business men of the city and quite a number of farmers of the county are members of the organization that organized the creamery company. Creameries have paid in other sections of the State, it is pointed out by the officers, and there is every reason to believe that one in Concord will prove a good investment. Officers of the company declare they expect to raise the rest of the capital stock within the next several weeks. If suitable quarters can be secured it is probable that the company will purchase them, therwlse a lot will be secured and a new bv/lding erected. FORD CALLS OFF PLAN TO BOOM HIS CAMPAIGN Reqquests That Proposed Conference of Friends Be Not *Held in Detroit. Detroit, Dec. 6. —Indefinite postpone ment of the schedule conference here December J2of f the delegates of the allied Ford-for-President clubs of the United States, at the request of Henry Ford, was announced tonight by Robert Pointer, chairman of the arrangement committee in charge of the convention. The recent reverses suffered by Mr. Ford at the Pierre, S- D.. meeting had nothing to do with the calling off of the conference, it was declared. Announce ment of the cancellation was mailed to the 300 delegates from 37 states who had signified their willingness to come to Detroit for the conference which was to decide the best method for furthering the candidacy of the automobile manu facturer. Announcement of Mr. Ford’s wishes was made public by Mr. Pointer after lm had conferred with Mr. Ford. Mr. Pointer refused to say why Mr. Ford desired the conference to be called off. “It is not for me to-make my con versation with Mr- Ford public beyond announcing that he has requested that the conference be postponed until a later date.” Mr. Pointer said. “Why Mr. Ford has taken this action I am not at liberty to state. If he wants }o affiliate .with tjie Democratic party, we will for a new party—the people’s progressive party —and nominate some one else.” Consider Use of Boys as Traffic Office**. Wilmington. Dec. 7. —Mayor ,Taine« H. Cowan, of Wilmington, has written to the mayors of Tndinnapolis and Newark for details regarding the plans employed in these cities for the use of school boys as traffic patrolmen. Indianapolis has 1,200 working in squads of ten, at the corners, near the schools. lYiey are organized with cap tains, lieutenants and sergeants and wear insignia of officers. There are 00 schools in the city and 300 boys are on duty constantly at recess time and until the pupils are safely home. Each week a a relief squad comes on. so the 1/200 furnishes enough boys to form guards for duty for one week out of four. The squads on duty are given a theatre treat Saturday afternoons JR the city’s ex pense. Saturday morning they appear at the city court if any one hats failed to heed t£eir warnings or violated any traffic ordinance. The Youth’s Companran Home Calendar for 1924. According to our way of thinking, a calendar should be. above all. useful. Unfortunately many of the calendars we see are nothing but pretty pictures with calendar attachments. In the Cjiu panion Home Calendar for 1924. how ever, we find a calendar beautifully printed in red. .blue and gold, and de signed especially N for handy reference. Each page carries not only the calendar of the' ctrreht month in bpld readable type, but also a marginal reference to the preceding and coming months, the moon's nha&e*, .-and a choice b|t of cheer ful philosophy. A copy of this calen dar is sent free to every subscriber who nays $2.50 for the 52 numbers of Ti e Youth's Companion 1934. PAGE SEVEN & && && && && & a ' @ ® KANNAPOLIS « '» DEPARTMENT • a ® Kannapolis. Dpc. 8. —The condition of • Mrs. W. C, Graham, who has been ill for a number of weeks, is not much improved. She was conveyed to a l Charlotte hospital (today. Mr. H. ,T. Wain per and family have ’ iqoved to their handsome new home in l Midway. i M ; *s Annie Lee. of Monroe, who spent “ the Thank-giving holidays here with her . uncle. *Mr. G. G. Allen, is now visiting • of. McLarty and family, of High Pomt. T Mrs. V. It. Holt, of Burlington, k the guest of her uiece. Mrs. James O. Nolan. Miss Mary Morris, who spent the j week-end with her sister. Mrs. James O. Nolan, has* returned to Greensboro. ■ Mrs. J. E. Halstead will entertain I the Social H6ur Club Thursday after noon. , Miss Helen Turner, who has been ill the past week, is now abje to be out. Mr. C. M. Powell spent Tuesday in Statesville on business. Mr. S. C. Simmons, who has been in . Raleigh, returned, last night, j The Goncord-Kannapolis City Epworth . League Union will hold its monthly met t ing in Forest Hill Methodist Church, Concord. Monday night at 7:30 o’clock. . The Barber’s quartet, of Kannapolis, will be one of the interesting numbers ou the program. Mrs. Edwin Beaver.of Ettowah, Tenn,‘. hjs been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burley Beaver. Mrs. W. A. Nelson and little son, ,L . W., and Mr. Eugene Brooks have re- .. turned from Rockingham, where they vis ited their sister. s I After qll accounts*' are taken, it is , tHbught thact $75 will be added to the ! treasury of the Kings Daughters as a result of the silver tea and bazaar Tup*- * , day afternoon and night. Mrs. C. Iv. , Turner received the silver at the door [ Mrs. C. M. Powell was chairman of the..- gifts and fancy wirk. The hostess for . . the afternoon was Mrs. G. A. Bryant, as-;'/ sisted by Mesdames ,T. H. Rutledge aud * R. T. Frye. Duriug the evening hour 4 , Mrs. Bryant was assisted by Mesdames’ \ W. .T. Cline and W. H. Walter. Tea' i was poured during the afternoon and evening by Mesdames M L. Troutman. f j I- W. Flowe, and G. G. Allen. Mrs. • Frank Flowe. assisted by Mesdames H- J A. Allred, Bprljgjr leaver, and Miss Win-,*3 nie had charge of candies'. Which sold readily, and Mrs. W.|| Y/ttd, of the the magazine subscrip-Hg tfons for the Tvings - Daughters, nicepp fancy work and other articles suitable' for Christinas', The merchants and , oth,er business men of the city are to , be Ponunenqed for their liberal donations and hearty co-operatiton in making the , bazaar a success. . Mrs. J. 8./ Thornburg, of Concord, *pent Thursday with • her sister. Mrs. J. Wy Cauthen. Master Coleman Simmons is all at his home on South Main Stret. Mrs. David Lyerfy and daughter, Mi>** Heled, of Charlotte, spend tonight \ .aYHthr home of Mr, hnd Mrs. J. W. ] Cau then. >8 THRIFT WEEK » Beard of Directors Unanimously Endorse J Thrift Week, January 17-23. « At the regular meeting of the board of® directors of The Young Men’s Christian M Association, Secretary Blanks gave an , interesting talk on the advantages to al city by the national observance of Thrift® week. Many facts and figures were I shown as to wlmt Thrift—“ Make All You® Can. Save All You Can” and “Spend® Wisely" means to the happiness of any® community. This week of observance I opens With a general celebration of Ben® . Franklin’s birthday, lie being the real® . American author of thrift, it was natural® ) that honors of this day he accorded to® , his memory.! The second day will be® > given over to the study of “Make a® ? Budget.” Today-every, city, business am,® r economic enterprise worth while operates® - on a budget Then why not our people to operate their affairs ou this® s basis. Speeches bearing on this subject.® i displays, advertising and the giving® . away to families individual budget books® \ will feature this day. The third day will® bq devoted to “Pay Your Bills.” No® - subject is so occupying the ifierdiants.® 1 manufacturers and even individuals as to® f study how best to educate people to be-H i ing prompt in the payment of theirfl bills, making a habit of paying regularly.® i -promptly, will be the theme of educa-® • tional addresses, all window displays.® . merchant advertising, personal letters® s and will be featured strong by mereh-® e ants aud other kindred associations. M The fourth day, Sunday, will b< ® “Share With Others Day/’ no one thiufff that could be stressed will ger more at H tentiou as this is. one of the crying need'H ) of the day and sermons from every pul H c pit iu will hear on this theme H j Thrift Day will be featured by the jjft® s insurance.’ fire, accident aud iu fact al ® subject^that are vital to our future hap H j piness when loved oens are called away ® p This is a great day as life insurance Is r® . vital factor in economic conditions am ® r everyone will be advised to carry som* H s form of insurance. 3 v The sixth day. “Own Your Home® e Day,” will be given over to lumber,® a hardware aud allied trades featureefl ) strongly by homestead associations plead ® .. ing fer every one to “Own Their Ow:_H Homes.” for it is a known fact tha H j home owning hearts are the happiest ®j Many interesting features will be showi ■! r on this day. The last day like the lus-H j of life will be given over to “Make i H - | Will Day.” Interesting literature arw'B displays bearing ou this subject will b* H shewn and it is planned to educate th< H ■ people ou the value of making a will. .H In some towns and cities where Nat I? L ional Tlirift Week was observed las year, the increase in bank deposits, Iu B ! terest in Home building, aud general eeo H , uomic improvement of the cominunit: H has been so marked that regular commit H tees have been named by the citizen fl r and plans are under way for a still greq fl j ere observance. H Messrs. A. F. HartsHh -F. C. Nibloc fg ; aud W. G. Caswell were appointed b m , the board to cal], a, meeting of represents H ;; tive Citizen? with the intention of inaug fl , j qrating’ a city-wide program for the H ’•s#rvan/e of this day. J ‘ B;f ® ; aqj IB ißpea a»UtIp«3R fl -rp? xm b Jp*©,, I

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