December 17, 1923 KTqY THE DUFFS Only Tom Knew BY ALLMAN BETTY \ YOU KNOW, OLIVIA N | WANT SANTA 'MTT- THAT EVERY TIME I AsjO w MOTHER -COME ®\\, SHE WANTS SANTA f THE SAME \'% ak" TELL MOTHER J y x TO BRING HER * SHE /THING SHE ALWAYS SAYS THE f SAID TO ME* | w ~ Hi SAME THING-'DU-PAr ,TH 'NK SHE ( f . 11 REALLY WANTS Lr » V S 7 SOMETHING IF r>■ C^ LP OhJLV t jfi .— ..Jjjli't-' — .sm « [7777 71 ASKED BETTY)IHH 1 VJELL, VJ!;AT*DID SHE 7 x '7iil| ;,, H at she wanted mean sy;du-da"? i wiS K«Ttt SRING HER. WH AT DIP YOU GET / l gffi r-7 r'-rn-DA"' -tTYT\I I ! -*ER-LET’S SEE IT- / ill' SAII. OHA T1 Sure! IV. • ■ ) L L:iyj rc- - N WOULD / SHF TOI D — . § * LhcK she WOULDT me tooa 'nD “| 1 / iT^ b'HE SAME THING/. rnT 1X Pn o 51 / NOBODY Wl LL SEE IT \ yy t r? 0T L T FOR n (°R KNOW WHAT IT ) ( HER YESTER- dj V IS UNTIL CHRISTMAS t J lOLD HOME TOWN 'BY ALLMAN .>■ : rs7Ye«*fiSßl MY i i«J j i J fefsjl'Hllf ij 11 j f'l i ‘‘ i 1 HAlfPe!=L PROPRIETOR OF THE DOLLAR STORE, S-i CSI&NAL IPc A CHRISTMAS 0 ■ eu -tomers of a ■ in Bond Stv-t. 1 ]! izz’.ed ov *’• the ;snaily attractive a«- : attends to ll;eir ' ; 'ic. that she is * lai! v. <*y Robertson. Karl and Countess of o itnoml is an expert j "■es a Nil givat was her 1 ' t. ino to nractiea! use See Our Showing of Living Room and Dining Room Furniture # - iimletc Assortment of the Newest Styles in Our display of Dining Room Furniture is especially l is and Velour Suites. It is in your library that you complete at this time. It is all of the kind that has Qual ciax. Curled up in one of these big Comfort*- >ty built right into it—the kind that Will give life-long see V ith 1 good book you sigh contentedly and are vice and Complete Satisfaction, the kind you'll enjoy Hv • 'or the evening. ing with. ELL & HARRIS Furniture Co. P t not buy a Piece of Furniture until you Get Our Prices. that she nr last obtained her parents consent to accept the position she now holds. Rio Grande Blizzard Plays Havoc. El Paso. Tex.. Dec. 11. —El Paso to day experienced one of its worst blizzards in twenty years. Snow fell for more than twelve hours and a steady gale damaged homes, farms and other proper ties throughout the Kio Grande Valley. CATAWBA COUNTY IS A LEADING DAIRY CENTER And is Making Bid for First Place ss n Poultry Producing County. (By the Associated Press.) Raleigh. X. C.. Deo. 17.—Catawba •County, already known throughout the South as one of the leading dairy cen ters of the State, is making a bid for lirst place as a poultry producing center because of the excellent records made in that county by the boys and girls organ ized into poultry clubs by extension work ers. of State College and the Department of Agriculture. according to an an nouncement made here tonight by Dr. IV W. Kilgore, director of the extension work. I)r. Kilgore's statement was bas ed on the report of County Agent J. W. Hendricks as to the work done by the poultry club members of the county. “This report shows. - ’ stated Dr. Kil gore, “that the boys and girls making re ports had 1,495 chickens in their flocks on January first of this year. The num ber was increased during 15J28 ItuL-43 birds with a farm value of in addition the members sold eggs for hatch ing to the amount of $835.0!) and sold on the local market a total amounting to $2,531.81. Not only did these club members sell a large number omeggs for breeding purposes but they also sold a good number of their pure bred birds. The records show that this one item amounted to $021.75 and that they sold other birds on the local market amount ing to $1,797.00. “The club members from this county made a good record at all the fairs where they exhibited poultry this fall. They sent a solid car of exhibit birds to the State Fair and two other district fairs where they took most of the first prizes. Tlu-ir winning during the year amounted to $1,043.45. When from all of these re turns there is deducted the cost f their shadows.” Criticising the mask Dr. Plyler said that God. in his long conflict with the forces cf unrighteousness, “has frequent ly required his people to put on the Martyr's crown, but he lia-s never al lowed them to wear a mask, for the mask belongs to the burglar, the high wayman and the leaders of mobs which are set to do violence to life and law, and not lo brave, high-minded men with noble aims and lot’ty purposes. When a man conceals hi* identity, either by covering his face, by refusing to give his name, or by writing an anonymous letter, it is proof positive; to most people, that he is up to some sort of dirty work. “He who goes alnut a mams prem ises under cover of darkness and unwill ing to give his name becomes the ob ject of the honest old farmer’s shotgun. “I. too. am against all that I ‘think is bad in Roman Catholicism, ami do not hesitate to say so. but this opposition is at all times, and in every instance, in the open'.” Theodore Roberts 111. - Pittsburgh, Dee 14.—Theodore Rob erts. veteran screen, and stage actor is confined to his room in a hotel here under the care oftwo physicians after having taken suddenly ill last night at, the conclusion of liis appearance at a vaudeville theater. "While physicians de clined to discuss the nature of Mr. Roberts’ illness, they said he had not been iu good health for sometime. For every two representative* of the British race found in Great Britain there are three in the United States. SOUTHERN TRAINS WILL OPERATE TWO SECTIONS ——■ I Number 36 a:ul 135. Washington- 1 , Atlanta, ami 37 an.l 38 Relieve Holi | * J Ift yi#* Tftue; 'Statistics JL 0 M "SHOkvJ THAT e?VC?«*.Y ct *** .I. Pp T*3 ONE Tl MCS ’ ss'l That statistics actually I —rzZEEr PRoveT? somg twiimg < 5 ~ IN (WStt TH2O(MK). 1 ] ? 0-room house, au acre of land on St. George street. 1, e 3-room house on Houston street. SBSO. 4-room house on St. Charles street, 81.000.00. Terms easy. „ Jno. K. Patterson & Co. || Real Estate Agents IITIHfITT" 1111 I F» Headquarters for Boys j I Christmas i %' m | • . ; ' , ' • ••v; - . ■ : j We Have a Big Stock of Gifts That Will Please the Bovs “ • «r X i : i I Guns, Rifles, Skates, Pocket Knives, Flash Lights, Boys’ Axes, Velocipedes and Coasters Ask Mr. Deaton About Our Rubber Tire Roller Bearing Sj 1 ~ Coaster W’agcns Also Many Useful Gifts For Men and Women Largest Dealers in Hardware j I•• , J 1 Yorke & Wadsworth Company | 1 Phone 30 Phone 30 \ PAGE SEVEN “Some malicious person started a re port on -the street that there was some thing the matter with Mayor Snipe’s head. We are glad to announce that there is nothing in it.” Old Newspapers, 5 Cents a RjU of 25, at Times and Tribune office.