PAGE SIX ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having: qualified a? The Admin i of the estate of 3. AT. 1-2 E. 52 poles to aP. O. on a hill: thence S. . 8 W. 44 poles to a stone by A. B. O.; I thence X. 85 W. 24 poies and 20 lbs. to |a stone by two Hrys.: thence S. S W. 100 pales to a stone: thence S. 85 E. 26 poles to the beginning. containing 20 acres, and being the same land convey ed John A. Letter and wife Lillie Lef ler. Feb. 28, 1891, by Henry Dost, by deed recorded in the office aforesaid in Record of Deeds No. 46, P. 276. Third Trace: Beginning ai a stone in Dove's line and Mill Lot line and runs S. 24 W. 3 3-5 poles to a stone and sycamore: thence S. 36 W. 29 3-4 poles to a stone; thence S. 18 1-2 M . 20 pole 3 -to a stone on top of a hill by Elm. Mill 'lot corner: thence a new line S. 34 W. 60 3-4 poles to a large W. O.; thence 8. 11 W. 94 4-5 poles to a stone in old line; thence X. 85 W. 20 poles to a stone in the old line: thence N. 8 E. 205 poles to a stone in a ditch, Geo. W . Bost s cor ner-: thence with his lines N. 78 E. 1< 1-2 poles to a large W. O.; thence N. 16 E. 2 poles to a stone in the center of a ditch: tlmnce S'. 58 E. 34 poles to a stone in the ditch: thence X. 88 1-2 E. j 2O pole’s to the beginning, containing 50 acres -more or les*. and being the same land conveyed to John Letter jv Geo. W . {Bost and wife. Sophie by deed dated January 24, 1891. recorded in the office aforesaid in Book of Deeds 46, p. -74. excepting -from said last named tract, however. 27 1-2 acres deeded to Luther liost. : There is situated upon these lands a splendid residence, good water and out buildings, two splendid farm-houses and is within three-fourths (3-1) of a mile of Onkridge Clnfrch and nhe Plunkett Schoolhouse,—and is the home place of the late John A. Letter. This property is sold for division among the heirs-at-law of the said Job , A. Letter. . This the Sth dav of December. 1923. T. I). MANESS, Commissioner. Maness & Sherrin and Frank Arm fieled, Attorneys. CHAPTER 192 AN ACT TO FACILITATE THE EXAMINATION OF TITLES AND TO CREATE A PRESUMPTION OF PAYMENT OF INSTRUMENTS SE CURING THE PAYMENT OF MON 'EY AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF THE MATURITY OF THE DEBTS SECURED THEREBY. The General Assembly of North Car olina do enact: Section 1. That section two thousand five hundred and ninety-four of the Con solidated Statutes of North Carolina be q mended by adding a new subsection as follows :* 5. Tiiat the condition of every mort gage. deed of trust, or other instrument securing the payment of money shall be conclusively presumed to have been com plied with or the debt secured thereby paid as against creditors or purchasers for a valuable consideration from the trustor, mortgagor, or grantor, from and after the expiration of fifteen years from the date when the conditions of such in strument by the terms thereof are due to have been complied with, or the maturity of the last installment of debt or inter est secured thereby, unless the bolder of the indebtedness secured by such instru ment or party secured by any provision thereof shall file an affidavit with the register of deeds of the county where such instrument is registered, in which shall be specifically stated the amount of debt unpaid, which is secured by said instrument, or in what respect any other condition thereof shall not have. been complied with, whereupon the register of dgeds shall record such affidavit and re fer on the margin of the record of the instrument referred to therein the fact of the filing of such affidavit, and a ref erence to the book and page where it is recorded.. Or in lieu of such affidavit the holder may enter on the margin of the record any payments that have been made on the indebtedness secured by such an,. and shall in such entry state the amount still due thereunder. This en try must be signed ,by the holder and witnessed bv the register of deeds. PROVIDED. HOWEVER, that this subsection' shall not apply to any deed, mortgage, deed of trust or other instru ment made or given by any railroad com pany, or to any agreement of conditional sale, equipment trust agreement, lease, chattel mortgage or other instrument re lating to the sale, purchase or lease of railroad equipment or rolling stock, or of other personal property. Sec. 2. In case of foreclosure of any deed of trust, pr mortgage, the trustee or mortgage shall enter upon the margin of the record thereof the fact of such fore closure and the date when, and the per son to whom, a conveyance was made by reason thereof. See. 3. It shall be the duty of any trustee or mortgage making sale under the provisions of any power to file an account with the clerk of the Superior Court in the county where the laud lies as is requited by commissioners making sales for partition, and for the auditing and recording of said account the clerk 'shall be allowed the same fees as are i, provided for auditing accounts of such ■! commissioners. Sec. 4. Upon ratification of this act the Secretary of State shall certify eppies thereof to every register of deeds in the State, whose duty it shall be to post such copies in a conspicuous place in his office and cause the same to be published for one month in some news paper in the county. The expense of such publications shall be borne by the county. Sec. 5. This act shall be in force from and after January first, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four. See. 6. All laws and clauses of laws conflicting herewith are hereby repealed. Ratified this the 6th day of March. A. D., 1923. 61t-wk.-lmo. NOTICE OF SALE dr REAL ESTATE BY ADMINISTRATOR. Under and by virtue of an the Superior Court of Cabarrus County, made in the special proceeding entitled D. Henry Furr administrator of the es tate of F. J. Burleyson, deceased, vs. ©Hie Black and husband and others, heirs at law of F. J. Burleyson, the un dersigned commissioner, will on the 26th day of January, 1923 at 12 o’clock M. at the Court House door in Concord offer for sale to the highest bidder for . .cash the following described lands: In No. 10 Township, being part of the Wilhelm place and begins, at a large Sycamore on the South bank of the creek. Burleyson',*; corner and corner of Lot No. 7; thence with Burleyson’s line N. 67 E. 11.37 chains to an iron stake, near a cedar; thence S. 41 E. 5 chains to a Locust stump; theuse S. 49 W. 1 chain to an iron stake in old spring; thence S. 77 1-2 E. 2.02 chains to a Sycamore: thence S. 48 1-2 E. 8.12 chains to a stone; thence S. 17 E. 9 chains to a stone; thence S. 68 E. 9.75 chains to a stone: thence S. 44 E. 9.50 chains to a Post Oak: thence S. 49 Y. 17.25 chains to an iron stake in old stump: thence S. 17 W. 7.25 chains to a large Poplar; tlienee N. 79 W. 5.,»0 'chains to an iron stake in edge of Meadow : then S. 19 IV . 5.50 chains crossing the creek to -an iron* stake: then N*. 7-1 W. 4.25 chains to a stake in center of the creek on the old line, a corner of Lot No. 9; thence with the liue % of Lot No. 9 and up the creek as it now meanders to an iron stake on the bank of the creek, corner of Lots Nos. 9 and 7: thence leaving the creek and running with line of Lot No. 7 North 11 1-2 West 25.52 chains to the beginning, containing 91.4;acres, more or less, and being Lot No. 6 in the division of the lands of M. M. Furr. This the 22nd day of December. 1923. I). HENRY FURR, Commissioner. By J. LEE Crowell, At tv. TRUSTEE’S SALE. By virtue of authority vested in me by a Deed in Trust or Mortgage, execut ed by Mrs. 11. L. Tucker, ou the 4th day of October, 1922, which Mortgage oor Deed in Trust is duly recorded in Register's office for Cabarrus County, N. ('., in Book No. 47, page 214. I will sell at public auction at the Court House door in Concord, N. ('., on the 26th day of January, 1924. to the highest bidder for cash, at 12 o'clock M., the following described real estate: Lying and being in Ward No. 1. in tin* City of Concord, near the Buffalo Cotton Mill on Buffalo Street, adjoining the lands of L. B. Cress, and others: Beginning at an iron stake in Buffalo street where it makes a bend, and runs thence with Buffalo sreet X. 30 3-4 W. 233 feet to an iron stage, a corner of L. B. Cress; thence with his line S. 57 1-4 W. 50,feet to an iron stake. Cress' cor ner; thence' with the line of John L Cress, S. 30 1-2 E. 242 1-2 feet to an iron stake on Buffalo Street. 10.» 1-2 feet from Ennis; thence with l’ufial > Stieet N. 47 1-2 R 50 feet to the be ginning. Title to said property is supposed to be good, but the purchaser only takes such title as I am authorized to. convey under said mortgage,