PAGE TWO -•\ - V Mrs. W. M. Linker Entertains.^. Mrjs. Will M. Linker, Jr., entertained a few friends at an informal musical on Wednesday evening at her home on W r hite Street. A number of selections were rendered by Mr. Spencer King, who has just returned from New York City, where he has been studying dur ing the past year, and several vocal solos by Mrs. J. B. Womble, one of Concord’s gifted sopranos. Only a few relatives "and close friends invit ed. , Dinner Party Tuesday Evening. A- delightful dinner- party was given ■Wednesday evening at 0 o'clock by Miss Frances Jarrett at' her home on West Depot street. Miss .Tarrett's guests were: Misses Jennie Brown. Katharine Goodman. Rosa Caldwell. Jane White, Louise Morris and Cottrell Sherrill. Woman’s Club to Meet. The Woman's Club will hold a meet ing at Central graded school auditorium this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Mr> Blanks, of the Y. M. C. A., will be present and address' the meeting on the Mother and Daughter Banquet to be held soon, and every member is urged to be present. Entertain at Dinner. Mr. and E. C. Barnhardt enter tained at an elegant dinner Tuesday at 1 their home, on North Union street. Their guests were: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown, and son. Billie, and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Barnhardt, Jr. MeCaskill-Barnl*ardt. A wedding of unusual interest to so ciety in this and other cities in North Carolina took place here Tuesday eve ning when Miss Sarah Barnhardt became the bride of Mr. Joe C. McCaskill. The wedding was clAracterized by beauty and simplicity and was witnessed by on ly members of the immediate families. The ceremony was performed at the Lome of the bride's mother. Mrs. John- A. Barnhardt. on West Corbin street, and Itev. Jesse C. Rowan, pastyr of the bride, performed the ceremony. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. McCaskill drove to Salisbury,' where they took a train for New York City, where they will make their home for the present. Mrs. McCaskill is the youngest daugh ter of Mrs. Barnhardt, and is a member of one of the oldest famiiles in 'the coun ty. Her father, who died several months ago. was prominent in the business life of the county for a number of years. Mrs. McCaskill is a graduate of Flora Macdonald College and is a woman of culture and refinement. • 1 Mr. McCaskill came to Concord several years ago as Boys eeretary of the Y. M. C. A. During his stay here lie made i hundreds of friends and was recognized by all as a young man of unusual abil ity. Much of the success of the Y the past several years was due to his un tiring efforts and devotion to his work. He has been a student at Columbia Uni ventity for several months and wilP"re sume his studies there for the present. The following announcements have been issued: *Mrs. John Addison Barnhardt announces the marriage of her daughter Sarah to Mr. Joseph Clyde McCaskill on Tuesday, January the first Nineteen hundred and twenty-four Concord, North Carolina At Home J after January tenth . 5 West 125th Street New York City. Watch Party. Miss Mary Virginia Harris delightful ly entertained about 30 of her friends at a watch party on Monday night from 9 to 1:30. given at her home on South Union street. Various games were play ed, after which punch and a salad course was served by Mrs. Harris and Mrs. J. B. Linker. Entertains at Dinner. One of the most charming of the so cial events of the Christmas season in Mt. Pleasant was the dinner served on Tuesday at 1 o'clock by Miss Ruth Bar ringer, of that city. The dinner was ele gantly prepared and served and proved au event of unusual pleasure to those present, After dinner rook and other games •v'i were enjoyed for several hours by the following guests: Miss Thelma Sifford and Messrs. Paul Foil, Paul Petrea and Lester Troxell, of Mt. Pleasant; Miss Grace Peuse, of Charlotte; Miss Katie Fisher, and Mr. A. W. Smith, of Concord. Pharr-Campbell. i Invitations as follow have been re ceived here: Mi', and Mrs. Alton E. Campbell invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter Frances Monroe to Mr. Jackson Beauregard Pharr on Wednesday, the sixteenth of January ' nineteen hundred and twenty-four at half after three o'clock in the afternoon Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Lakh Wales, Florida Buffet Supper Complimentary to Mr. ami Mrs. M. L. Cannon. One of the most charming events of the holiday season was the buffet supper given Friday eyening- by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Gibson, prior to the dance at the Merchants and Manufacturers Club. Qomplimeflfittg Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Cannon, who have recently moved to Charlotte. The Gibson borne, one of boundless hospitality, was never more at tractive than on this occasion. The liv ing room, library, and dining room, thrown en suite, were bright with Christ mas evergreens, candles and flowers and formed a fitting background for the handsomely 'gowned women and men. About thirty guests were present to bid Mr. and Mrs. Cannon au revoir and ex press their regret at their leaving Con cord. , Mr. and M4# Ij Crooks, of Jack sonville. Fla., ijrill arrive this afternoon to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Crooks, on Academy street. Misses Gladys and Ethel Kincaid, of Salisbury, are i spending the week-end in Concord, guests of Miss Margie Elliott. Prldgen-ftunt. Mr. W. H. Hunt announces the mar riage of his sister, Alice, to Mr. Walter Lee Prigden. on October 13, 1923. The ceremony was performed in Danville, Va., at the Methodist parsonage, Rev. Joseph Allen officiating. The young couple, who lived in this city, will return later to ujake their home in Concord. Entertained m Concord. Charlotte Observer. Miss Margaret Cress entertained at a delightful party Friday evening at her home in Concord. Miss, Ethel Honeycutt, who has been attending business col lege in Charlotte and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harding, who were recently married in Charlotte, Were here honor guests- • . In Honor of Mrs, Cannon. Charlotte Observer. One of the many charming hospitali ties accorded Mrs. Martin L. Cannon, formerly of Concord, was a beautifully appointed luncheon given by Mrs. Dolph M. Young at the Charlotte club Friday- Massive silver baskets filled with pink snapdragons, ping roses and ferns form ied the table decorations. Attractive little pink baskets held salted nuts and con fections and the place cards were [colonial ladies in pink. Covers were laid for 25. Entertained at the White House. It will be a source of pride to the peo ple of Concord to know that one of her sweet singers. Miss Nina Novmar. was entertained at the White House on Christmas Eve by President and Mrs. Coolidge. She. with other members of the Congregational choir, rendered a num ber of Christmas carols on the front por tico and were invitej in by the President and the first lady of the land. Return To Raleigh Home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yost and little son returned Sunday to tlieir home in Raleigh, after a visit at the home of Mrs. Yost's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Lippard, on East Corbin Street. They were accompanied by Mrs. Lippard and Miss Mabel Lippard. Mrs. Lippard will return home today, while Miss Lippard will return today to Salisbury to re sume here duties as a members of the faculty of the Salisbury High School. I PERSONALS. Miss Cathleen Wilson has returned from a Christmas visit to friends in Baltimore. * * * Mrs. E. T. Cannon, Mrs. T. I). Maness. Mrs. M. F. Ritchie, Mrs. Jay L. Cannon and Miss Helen Marsh left last night for a trijf to New York City. * * * Mr. R. F. Coble, of Bessemer City, was the guest last evening of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Misenheimer * * * Miss Elizabeth Dayvault has return ed Winthrop College, after spending the Chrisltinns holidays here with home folks * * * Misses Mary Penelope and 'Annie Cannon have returned to Fassiforn School, after enjoying the holidays here with home folks. * * * Misses Elizabeth Hahn, Grace Propst and Kudie May Dry have returned to Hickory to resume their studies at Lenoir College. * * * Messrs. Charles and Lex MaeLaugh lin returned yesterday to Mount Pleas ant Collegiate Institute, after spending the holidays here with relatives and friends. * * * Miss Rebecca Dayvault left this morning for Lynchburg, Virginia, to re sume her work at the Randolph-Maeon Womans College. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gutsy. of Cleve land. are guests at the home of their daughter. Mrs. Jas. F. Dayvault, on South Union Street * * * Mrs. T. J. Fetzer and son, Thomas, of Wndesboro, and Mrs- James Clarke and little son, of Elizabethton, are guests at the horde of Mr- and Mrs. D. B. Mor rison. * * * Miss Catharine Coodmau will leave tonight for Hollins, Virginia, after spending the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. aucl Mrs. Jos. F. Goodman. * * * Mrs. T. H. Webb will go te Duke Sat urday to visit for some time. r • * Miss Jane White left last night for Spartanburg to resume her studies at Converse College. | « • » Miss Catharine Goodman has return ed to Hollins College, after spending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Goodman. mum Misses Rosa Caldwell, Francis Jarratt, Lois Crowell. Margaret Hartnell and Katherine Carpenter have returned to Salem College, after spending the holi days here with their respective parents. m * > Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Lang and little son, Leon, Jr., have returned from the eastern part of the State, where they have been visiting friends and relatives. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Louis Patterson have returned from Lexington, where they spent several days with Mrs. Patterson's parents. mum Miss Lillian Morris returned to St. Mary's school at Raleigh, to resume her studies after spending the holidays with her parents here. • '• Mr. Rae Morris left this morning for Davidson College, after spending the holidays with his parents. Mr. Lewis Carpenter, of Greenville, is visiting the family of „his father-in law, Dr. W. D. Pemberton. • • • Mr. Osborne Miller has returned to Trinity College, after spending the holi days here with his parents. ■ . • * m Messrs. Fred and Eugene Iseuhour re turned last night to the Cuiversity of Richmond. i mr m m Mr. and Mrs. Howard Townsend, of! Lexington, returned Friday to their home, after spending the holidays with Mr. Townsend’s sister, Mrs. John Price, of No.-2 township. ** * I Mr. Charles Wadsworth i*r spending'' several days in Charlotte with friends. He will leave tomorrow for Atlanta, to resume his studies at a dental college. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jones have returned from Franklin, Yar.. where they speitt several days with relatives of Mr. Jones. • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cannon and chil dren have returned from Florida, where they spent the past week. ■ • • Dr. W. R. McCain and son, of High P- int, spent Sunday here with the foi <er’s Mrs. J. A. Kenuett. •* « , Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sherrill and Mrs. W. C. Byrd spent Monday after noon in Charlotte. >* * * Mr; D. B. Fowlkes and son, Eugene, 1 have returned from Spartanburg, where they spent Sunday night and part of Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hard ing. m m m Misses Blanche Fink. Margie Harkey and Mary Trexler, of the county, spent Monday in Concord, guests of Mrs. E. E. Starnes. « • • Mrs. Jennie Host Mkmday resumed her work with the Parks-Belk Company after spending last week in No. 10 town ship with relatives. • t • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brown spent Mon day afternoon in Charlotte with friends. • • « Miss Margaret Litaker has returned from Mt. Holly. after spending the week-end with Miss Clara Kale, who is a student at N. C. College. • • • Mr. Kenneth Litaker returned to Me- Farlan after spending the holidays with home folks. * m •' Miss Irene Sears, who spent Christ mas here with her mother, Mrs. C. H. Sears, has returned to King’s Business College in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart and chil dren have returned to their home in High Point, after spendfhg Christmas here with Mrs. W. AY. Gibson and Mrs. Archie Gibson. « • Mrs-. G. D. Quattlebaum has returned to her home in Charlotte, after speeding Christmas here with her mother, Mrs. C. H. Sears. • • * Miss* Hazel Sherrill has returned to her home in Hickory, after spending sev eral days here with her sister, Mrs. AY. G. Cornelius. Miss Christine Todd has returned to her home in Derita, after spending the week-end in Concord the guest of Miss Oh la AA’ineeoff. m m m Miss Sara Ellen Linker returned this afternoon •to Queens College, after spending the holidays here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Linker. m m m John anil Rufus Brown, have returned from Gastonia, where they visited Alex and Clarkson Brown for several days. • • • Misses Jamie Lee and Ethel Honeycutt have returned to Charlotte to regime their studies at a busiuras college, after spending Christmas here with home folks. • • • Misses Mary Spurgeon and Effie But ler, members of the Concord school fac ulties', have returned from Hillsboro and Southern Pines respectively, where they spent Christinas. 0t , m Mr. Robert Safrit, of Winston-Salem, is spending the day here with home folks. * • * Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Crooks returned Tuesday to their home in Jacksonville, Fla., after spending a few days here with Mr. Crooks’ parents, on Academy street. »' * * Air. and Mrs. AA r . M. Sherrill and Mrs. C. AY. Byrd left AYedliesjay for Pine hurst to attend the sessions of the Mitl- AA'inter meeting of the North Carolina Press Association. AA’hile at Pinehurst Mr. Sherrill will represent The Tribune at a meeting of the Associated Press Club. » * m Mr. and Mrs. Ben Craven and son, Reid, have returned from Greensboro, where they spent the holidays with rel atives. m m * Miss Adelaide Harris was the guest of Misses Louise and Alice Gibbon, at their home in Charlotte for the Inter frateriiity club dance Monday evening. * * * Tuesday’s Salisbury Post: Mr, John Robert Crawford, Jr., has returned from Concord, where he attended the delightful dinner and dance At the home of Miss Mary Penelope Cannon on Union street. • • • Misses Mary Ella Cochrane and Inez Hamilton left this morning for N. C. C. ,W. at Greensboro, after spending the hol idays here. * • • Mrs. C. L. T. Fisher and Mrs. Hood, of Mt. Pleasaut, spent Tuesday here with Mrs. R. A. Brown. * * * Mr. and Mrs. A, S. Webb and Mr. Hal bert Webb left Friday afternoon for Statesville to visit Mrs. Webb's parents. „* * * Rev. W. A. Jenkins and family spent the Christmas holidays with v Mr. Jen kins’ relatives in Durham. * * * * * * ❖ * Jjs Mr. Ed. Misenheimer, student at the University of Pennsylvania, is visiting home folks here. Mrs. W. D. Pepiel and Grace and Raymond I’ethel, and Mrs. Ruth Fowl er, of Spencer, are guests here of Mrs. John Mclnnis. Messrs. John and * Ansel Mclnnis spent Christmas in Hamlet with rela tives. $ * <r Mr. Claude M. Davis and family, of Tremout, Pa., are visiting relatives here. * * * Mrs. R. Blackwelder and children, W inifred and Arthur, Jr., are spending the week-end in Barium Springs. * « ■ Prof. J. B. Robertsou has returned from Alamance County, where he spent ' several days this week with relatives. * * • Mrs. W. M. Cline, Mrs, J. A. Praether and Mr. George Praether spent Friday in No. 7 township with relatives. • It Mr. M. F. Crooks, of High Point, spent Tuesday in Concord witl^relatives. >THE CONCORD TIMES WORK ON THRIFT WEEK The Executive Committee Has Full At tendance at Meeting.—-Much Enthus iasm Shown. ~ ; '• The committee in charge 7 of the Thrift AA r eek met at the Y. M. C. A. and trans acted much important business relative to Thrift \A r eek. Important announce ments will be made within the next few days relative to the celebration that Will open this great week. Dr. S. W. Rankin, chnirman of the committee, has bcalled a general meeting of all the committees to meet Thursday* night at 8 p. m. Thousands of posters and literature will be given to merchants and others for display purposes, Many merchants are planning the big gest thrift sales to usher the week in that Concord has ever had and thrifty people will find this a great week to-lay up the special bargains that will be of fered. Hundreds of budget‘books will be giv en away to those desiring them on Bud get day. . % An essay contest will be one of the in the high school and a nice sum of gold will be awarded the winner. AA’atcli the papers every day. There are rumors that several brass bands may invade Concord on the open ing day. r . : Remember, you will iget a lot out of Thrift Week if you pqt something into it. . . /’ 1 The Publicity Committee will be at thj Service of all to look? after advertisic t and general publicity, f Mr. Hegiar Hurt by a Bull. Mr. AV. H. Hegiar. mail carrier on Route 0. from Concord is nursing a dis located shoulder and several broken ribs, as the result of an encounter on Tuesday with a register bull at his home near this city. The animal made a fierce attack on Mr. Hegiar, in spite of the fact that another man with a pitch fork wau doing everything in his power to cause it to desist from the attack. The fact that the animal had been dehorned is probably the only thing that saved Mr. Heglar’s life. Mr. Hegiar is able to be out again today, and is improv ing from liis injuries. - Epworth Comrade Class. The Comrade Class of Epworth Church held its regular monthly meeting with Mrs. Z. B. Readling on Kerr street Tues day evening. Plans for the coming year were made and the class is pray!tig to do more than'it has done. AA'e want the of every tneifiber present at the'n* i xt meeting. After the business meeting a social hour was spent and refreshments were served, which was enjoyed very much by all present. ONE PRESENT. Go to the “Y” This Evening. Rememher there is a whole armful of great big laughs for those that come up to the “Y” this evening at 5:15 o’clock to witness the business men’s team of Concord battle with the Kannapolis “Y” volley ball team. Captain S. AA\ Rankin- announces that there will be two games and that the public will have an opportunity to witness two fast games. Program of Epworth League Union. Following are the main features of a program to be rendered by the Concord- Kannapolis-Mt. Olivet League Union at the Methodist Church in Kannapolis to morrow (Friday) night, beginning at 7 :45. After special music followed by devo tions and a short business session a Bible Story Telling Contest will be held. No story will exceed five minutes in length. But one representative from any chapter - bomr CALENDAR ' The January term of Cabarrus Superior Court will be held January 7th, 1924, before His Honor W. F. Harding, Judge. The Civil Docket will not be called until Monday, January 14th, 1924, and will be called in the following order: Monday, January 14th, 1924. No. 48 Chas. Lipe Vs. B. X. Umberger. ' No. 79 E. P. Black Vs. A. B. Cook. No. 84 W. M. Thompson et als Vs. Ada Gorjnan. No. 85 Bell & Harris Co;' Vs. J. W. Roberts. No. 88 Elizabeth Smith Vs. American National Ins. Co. Tuesday, January 15th, 1924. No. 90 B. W. Means Vs. Fred S. Young and Gale S. Boy lan. No. 98 Corl Wadsworth Co. Vs. Bennie White. No. 101 Maggie Rainwater Vs. Bell & Harris Co. No. 102 Dove Nusman Vs. Lawson and J. O. Herrin. No. 106 Concord Furniture Co. Vs. W. W. Roberts. , Nos. 107 and 109 W. M. Wil- ' ' Hants Vs. John Doe. J. M. Weatherly Vs. C. L. Spears. Wednesday, January 16th, 1924. No. 108 Efird Bros. & Co. Vs. W. J. Hill, Jr. No. 11l Abram Ingram Vs. Sam Harrison No. 113 C. M. Iseuhour Vs. C. H. Frederickson, trading as Motor Express Lines. No. 116 C- M. White Vs. Corl Wadsworth Co. No. 117 F. H. Willis Vs. Ed. M. Cook. v No. 118 Satie and A. M. Gaskie Vs. James Barrier. «* Thursday, January 17th, 1924. k No. 119 C. A. Cook Vs.. J. B. Mangum, et als. No. 120 Cannon Mfg. Co. Vs. So. Ry. and Seaboard Air • Line Ry. Co. No. 121 United Merc. Co. Vs. W. G. Walters. No. 123 J. S. Overcash Vs. United Merc. Co. No. 127 State and Novella Fink Vs. Dwight Morrison._ No. 128 The Ohio C. Fertiliz er Co. Vs. W. L. Robbins and R. D. f Goodman. Friday, January 18th* 1924. No. 130 Amanda Moore Vs. Ward Reed. Nos. 135 and 136 Minnie May Bost, W. H. Bost Vs. E. G. Denny and R. O. Wal f ter. No. 137 Corl Wadsworth Co. Vs. D. H. Sides. No. 140 Mrs? M. L. Allman, Admr. Vs. Ray Henley. No. 142 C. S. Love Vs. A. C. Lambert and J. L. Phillips. No. 144 Kizziah (Kate) Gard ner - Vs. J. F. Cannon, Propounder. Cases not called on day set take precedence over cases set for next day. „ l . : jf b. McAllister, c. s. c. RChfAItY CLUB MEETING thrift tVeess Was Subject of sion—Speakers Emphadfe Its Im portance. ' * ~ ' ' Thrift was the subject of the regular meeting of the Concord Rotary Club at its regular weekly meeting at the Y. M. C. A. Wednesday. President Rankin; presided find Wayne Blanks, secretary | of the Y. M, C. A., which is planning | the Thrift Week compaign for Concord, wail program chairman. Guests introduced were: W. L. Bell, by Leslie Bell; P. E. King, by A. 8. Webb, and Dr. William Branson, by W. R. Odell. - ; The program committee announced announced that the next meeting of the club would be 1n charge of the business affairs committee, F. C. Nijflock, chair man. The meeting two weeks hence will be in charge of a committee composed of L. T Hartsell. chairman; F. C. Niblock and W. R. Odell and the program will be arranged as a farewell for Martin' \Jt. CannOn, whp recently mbved to Char lotte. Wayne Blanks opened the program by a brief talk dn the proposed Thrift AVeek campaign; He declared the cam paign would be of untold value to Con | cord and outlined the plans that had been made for conducting it. I Ather interesting talks on the Thrift' • campaign were made by F. C. Niblock. Arthur Odell. Maury Richmond and C. IF. Ritchie. All of the speakers erapha ! sized the importance of the coming cam j paign and_pledged their support toward making it a success.. Following several songs under the leadership Os Price Doyle, the meeting adjourned. .Kannapolis Defeats the B. V. D. From Erlanger. Kannapolis defeated the Strong basket ball team from Erlanger 'there Wednes day night by the score of 44 to 34. This was one of the most exciting games witnessed on this floor this sea son. Kannapolis would forge ahead, then Erlanger would come ahead and it was just a nip and tuck game nil the, way through. Both— teams put up a hard fight and every fellow was in to win. Koontz. Flowe. and L. Gilliam were the outstanding stors for the home team, Koontz leading with seVen field goals. Gilliam with six and Flowe with five field goals and four free shots all were good. Leonard for Erlanger, was the out standing! star of their team, getting eight field goals while Everhart, his running mate, registered up four field goals. The teams play again on Friday night at Erlanger. Lutheran Educational Board Meets. The board for Educational Institutions of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church of North Carolina, met here yes terday and adopted plans for securing funds to enlarge the plant at the Col legiate Institute at Mt. Pleasant. The plans call for 6 new dormitory, enlarged heating plant and enlarge water system and enlarged laboratory. The school at the Institute has more than outgrown its quarters and larger equipment for the school is au imperative necessity! The work that should be done by the school cannot be done with the present equipment and it is" the intention of the entire board that more adequate equip ment shall be provided at the earliest possible date. Take Notice. Ye Basketball Fans. The local “Y” has arranged a big game to be played on the local gmy } floor Friday evening with the strong ag j gregation from Charlotte. See the big game. MEN’S EVERYDAY SHOES Men’s Heavy Black Elk Toughide, double sole, guaranteed all solid leather. Special Friday and $3.95 Saturday. PARKER’S SHOE STORE Between Parks-Belk and McLeHan 5 and 10c Store SPLENDID FARMS FOR SALE 55 acres on public road four miles north of Court House, 6 room house, double barn, out buildings, timber, 25 acres dredged bottom. 238 Acres near Georgeville. 7 room house, outbuildings, $5,000. SI,OOO cash, balance on easy terms. ' > 138 acres on public road 3 miles north of Court House, splendid burid ' ings, 50 acres dredged bortoii land, a splendid dairy farm. SI,OOO cash, balance on easy terms. >' 175 acres, the Gotes place, in No. 7 township, on public road, good neighborhood, good buildings, timber, at a real bargain. 108 acres at Glass, the Rogers farm, Very desirable, will sell as a whole or cut it to suit the purchaser. 33 acres on public/ road 4 miles northeast of Concord,, with good buildings. 9 163 acres on Concord-Midland Highway with goad buildings, $40.00 per acre. ’ ; 80 acres two miles east of Kannapolis, $40.00 per acre. , 98 acres two miles east so Kannapolis with buildings and timber. 80 acres on Big Cold Water Creek at Rowan County line with build ings, very productive. 200 acres on Highway two miles from Midland with splendid buildings, CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE Modern 5-room cottage In good repair on Kerr Street near No. 2 school, - ' . . , The Novelty Building on Elm street near Braucord Mill at a real bargain. : House and lot on .Green street "at Hartsell mill, lot 120x300 feet. Fine fruit trees. > One beautiful vacant lot on corner of Meadow and Vance streets 80x133 feet, on easy terms. * . One vacant lot on Simpson street 60x150 feet. Modern 6-room cottage, lot 60 feet wide extending fronj Vance to Simpson street. 7-room house on East Corbin street with modern improvements. Large lot. • 6-room house on McGill .street with modern improvements. The Novelty Building, lot 60x120 feet on Elm street, cheap at $1,200.00. •6-room house, an acre of land on St. George street. 3- house on Houston street, SBSO. 4- house on St. Charles street, $1,000.00. Terms easy. Jno. K. Patterson & Co. Real Estate Agents Mid-Winter SHOE SALE X Begins Friday Morning Great Saving in Good High Grade Shoes just When * Winter Weather Begins. Right When You Need Them. 300 pairs of High Grace Shoes. All colors, sizes anti widths. Made of the best materials obtainable. <£ 1 fiA As long as they last, per pair One lot of $8.50 to SIO.OO Brown Calf Shoes, *0 QC military and Cuban heels One lot $7.50 to SIO.OO black and brown shoes, QE good medium low heels One lot Selby's SIO.OO Arch Preservers &A QC Black Kid , VHt'UO One lot Selby's $12.50 Arch Preservers, d*C QC Brown kid «PJ.t/O Many other small lot priced to suit your pocketbook. *• •' v - *- 1 COME EARLY * :4 Ft * S. S. Brown Shoe Store » ‘ QUALITY FIRST Thursday, January 3, $4.95 $5.95

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