Editor and Publish^ K^UMEXLfX L is to Carry Campaign Direct to The Country ll ue Scries of Addresses I L Formal Conference Kith Newspaper Corns (pendents Held Today. IfR DETAILS ARE Ifo BE WORKED OUT Led to l )is( ' uss ir am ' |v n issues at This Time. Kill Sever His Connec- L With Law Business. I . j ;) : v ||i —John W. Davis. ■ - ° r ' ’ ]•,!.,r, President, in- K . ( j, fi^i*t Direct to the I • oiUlrevses. a nil pi - ■ i„. dciivereD in the I t ( c. ,::a:i»;iitrn plan was I ; i,;. jj r >t formal confer ■ ( . w o i:l |„r c..rrcs|ion(lents. ■ c " 1 ,, .■•mat .’t yesterday by the Vitioiiiil <'em cut ion. Other ■ ' ~ i„. u.irked out.-in coh- I i i'i v leaders. lie-lined ui-euss campaign g *iY I,\;i!.ii'iiiiK that such I ;ni\ a nee ..f his formal no- M| ( j |,|-,. mature.. The time ■ „f t!ii' H"'itie.atioii are still to at least. Mr. Davjs I', i,.,.|.!n!i:irters a; the home V, 1 IVlk. under-seeretary of EW Wiio.i, admiuistrat ion. bnjt ■ j i;l . :i .,r m ' been reached El e‘ |„ v. i!l establish pc nr. a ■ \.\v \<>rk or West Ehv : - Slid bo expected to ret Ill'll Ere -owt, ct' < ’lath-burg to street fr :■!:< 1 s- in advance of '* va '* accepted a ilium*’* if the tj ion tonight, at a !., cancelled this en-i K 1 . after his munina _ Mr. I hivis said ■a -lv ' ti<>n with the a tnember of the i;■ xi-r ( leveland was H| r it.-d for the third v tint ii a late • M . I*a \■ ~ was about >n: i i;l il> with Mr. Astoria Hotel. Hr and lat- BB ' v. i’li 1 'hairman Hull ■ic.... \.,: : otial < ’ommittee. patty im .nt.-i\ that tiie l'resi - venior f 'li.as. W. V • running mate. Mr. Davis en- B :■ I Lunocratic i'\ ■" s’aniliiig at the of friends. ■ a with Mr. Hull. " A- the meeting of " M anted to the Bl' in v. h< re lie 'pent mneh BB ■ 1■ ’ tie pi.a titled to re ■ Valley. I.otlg H L '.'r.-sfi.-ntiai nominee has| B ;inlno* 11 a;e flit tire. B needed rest. He B ■ wh-> had had " ’ in* convent ion. he BH ;.,n among comniit- B v "' of the caudi ;d,,,; virtually ;i unanimous ln '" ,: u ttion; ion ceremonies Letilinee at t'hlfks lE' ILi vis' home town, B* WM| L henc. IE V,J I'lati pn**i**iu>j to B tin* rgani/ation B ‘' !l " Tint time. This B J ; '•“‘'tar***}, will' give p.-irty t * to appraise B their own B . !;»*r for formal B aaii'.iigi! plans and selec ■ : ''“"'"iil ehairman. Cltair- V >: h ‘ order K,, y"‘‘' " !l *!>'■ of *he B a i ,‘ n Hi*ss-m ticket of ( . f , a!l '.c!:t whos,* records H in Xo- o j H when he r present officers the party’s “lily custom B commit- SH' •nanization. "ftefei] himself, H, i irl, i> always t"i the party V j . Mr. Havis.” HE i» "'""hniial Nominee B Dc-iidj:na ,-v dis |B'- , for (Jov. 1 1 1'es ide|| t ij| 1 B under HHs-r .. Would de |B: en- B |B N the |B B| wm would : e . the itttate ;•! >• ms. 1 wmri »,•; ' N'im.here Wm- . • u ; *•••••"•»*- BB*). ’ flBB'”. ■ ’ 1 here B^fl HIE CONCORD TIMES EM) TO THE DEADLOCK COMES VERY QUCKLY Tar Heel Delegation Casts Solid Vote For Nominee, on Last Ballot Den Dixon MacXeill in Raleigh News and Observer. ( Madison Square OaVden, New York. July !). It was like the breaking of a srreat light ui>on the muddled acres of Tex Rickard's swimming hole. In less than two minutes time it dawned upon a thousand delegates that John \Y. Davis was the man they had wanted from the beginning and they proceeded to get hysterical about it. The break came at J :.’*7 p. in., and within three minutes W al*sh had declared him the nominee. Five minutes before the nomination wa.s declared the prophets were wan dering about the aisles offering to bet actual money that another deadlock was impending, and that Davis would be forced out tomorrow or next day. But something happened. They call it a stampede, but more likely it was the coming to the force the tiling that had been in the back of the convention’s mind 1(1 days. “New York will never rer Davis get even a majority of the convention they dont want him —lie’s dry,” was .the word that was going the rounds during the polling of the 103rd ballot that was never finished. “Underwood will hi* their choice and they will force his nomina tion before tomorrow night. Davis has not a chance. He is another sky rocket.” But even as these prophets uttered wisdom. Josephus Daniels* got the ear of the chairman for a minute. Tt was the first time he had spoken from the floor, and even then it was almost by miracle that Senator TVa’sh saw him in the vast confusion that eblx*d and flow ed on the convention floor. North Caro lina had again split its vote, giving Davis eighteen and a half and Under wood six. Daniels had conferred briefly with the delegation and turned toward the platform. “North Carolina desires to correct its vote, giving 24, votes.” Mr. Daniels said. The vote had to be -relayed toward the platform. Tt was a turning pomt in the tidal wave that three minutes later swept the West Yirginiaii to me leader ship of the convention that had for TC> days been leaderless. State after State followed the lead of North Carolina. Parade Gets Under Way. Over in the next ais’e from the Tar Heel delegation Tom Taggart mounted a chair and moved to nu ke the nomina tion unanimous. Old fashioned pande monium broke loose in the swimming pool and for a space of ton minutes exercised riotous dominion ' over the creatures therein. The delegations in their chairs to clamor their delirious enthusiasm. Tie band swung into “Dixie” kindling anew the enthusiasm that had been piling up through the long monotony of the 102 ballots. Fifty-four standards were torn from their moorings and the mad swing around Tie Garden began. First place was accorded .to West Virginia. and about a dozen states hack came the Tar Teel banner, borne ,aloft by Miss Hattie Berry and Dave Buck, both of them dancing as they were swept along in the procession. The standard itself could not resist the temptations spread in its way aud it also shimmied- THE COTTON MARKET Generally 15 to 22 Points Hitfier Due to Liverpool Cables and Wet Weather. New York. July 10.—The cotton mar ket opened firm today at a decline of five points on July but generally I*> to -- points higher in response to relatively steady Liverpool cables and nervousness over the wet weather in the eastern belt, i There were only a couple of notices, but Julv sold off to 2D.35. or 15 Points net lower, under liquidation. New crop months lost 10 or 15 points of then opening advance, selling being encourag ed bv reports of beneficial showers in the southwest. October eased off from 04 95 to 24 75 The opening prices were: July 29.60: Oct. 24 90: Dec. 24.15; Jan. 24.05; March 24.17. Hughes Chosen President American Bar Association. Philadelphia. July 10. —Charles L, Hughes. Secretary of State, today was elected President of the American Bar Association, at its annual meeting. Frederick E. Wadhams, of Albany, N* Y.. was re-elected treasurer, and Edgar T Fell of Baltimore, assistant secretary. AV ra C. Coleman of Baltimore, acting secretary, was elected secretary. McAdoo and Family to Sail Saturday. New York. July 10.— The hotel suite where William G. McAdoo had conven tion headquarters was evacuated. Sir. McAdoo, his wife and two daughters v sail on the Berengaria on Saturday. Governor Smith will return to Albany tomorrow. There is a large paTt of Northern Australia where wooden houses never last long, for if they are built they are eaten The whole of the woodwork is chewed to pulp by white ants, and the house becomes a mere shell, with wa . no thicker than paper. M hen a storm comes it falls flat. . Contrary to popular belief, the wind s effect on waves is comparatively slight It has been proved that the fiercest gale has no influence on water below a dt ptli of 50 feet. Head hunting i« still the main occu pation of the cannibal tribes of the upper Amazon ; the captured beads are shrunk until they are as small as oranges, then kept as ornaments. An international exhibition of labor saving devices designed for the home and farm is to be lls. aud a thousand other things. See big tid. in this paper. On Friday and Saturday the Special ty Hat Shop will have a special lotof hat for only SI.OO each. Get a Coupon out of The Tribune Fri day and get a full size 75 cent box of Mignonette face powder at Fisher’s for only 29 cents. See ad. today on page . two. I gates. The resolution and » they have exhibited is but proo seuse of the solemn responsibilities to the country under which they acted and of the supreme vitality of democracy. “I cannot but feel deeply sensible of I the honor done me by the convention and j am even more conscious of the weighty responsibilities that have fallen to me by its deliberate and unanimous choice. Not least of these is the duty to put be fore the country as clearly as my powers permit, the Democratic creed and the Democratic policy as the convention has declared them. "That this creed and this policy will | receive the militant support of all those ! who call themselves by the Democratic name I do not doubt for an instant. 1 shall hope to rally to their aid that great body of liberal, progressive and independent thought which believes that ' progress is motion, government is action, which detests, privilege in whatever form and which does not wish the American j i«‘ople or their government to stand still or retreat from the midst of a changing world. j ‘There can be no compromise with reaction. Liberal principles must aud will prevail. This is the mandate of the hour and I shall obey it.” GREENSBORO FOLK HEAR MORRISON OVER RADIO Governor Takes Platform at New York U> Second Nomination of Mrs. Springs. Greensboro News. , Those who followed the Democratic uational convention over radio last 'light were not the least surprised when Governor Morrison's voice was heard, familiarly enough, when he took the platform to second the nomination of Mrs. Leroy Springs, of South Carolina. Governor Smith, of New York, had just finished a speech about the great things that he had done for New York state under Democratic control; of their great road program where more than had been spent for good roads; how he had attended to business of the state government without look ing forward the capital dome at Wash ington and* how New York was one of the lx*st. governed state's in the country. Watch out for Governor Morrison, said some of those around the room, he cannot miss this chance to say some thing about North Carolina's program of progress. Then the chairman, soon after the great Smith demonstration, called North Carolina, and recognized Governor Morri®on. Taking the speaker’s rttand, Governor Mbfrison let'his fine voice roll ottt in. clear tones. lie was very easily under stood. Whi'ii Mrs. Springs’ name was placed in nomination by South Carolina she got IHM-haps the largest greeting: and when Governor Morrison some while later, seconded her nomination, he received some applause. Only once did any apparent feeling conn* into the night session. That was when a man from Massachusetts took the platform and announced that he had a 1 message and he did not want to be interrupted while delivering it. That started the crowd to peeking on him and he took some flings at the south and west about their treatment of the north. That brought a lot of jeers. He was a "nominating him a man who could ab solutely deliver New York's vote and would carry Massachusetts.” There were more interruptions and then in disgust he said “It’s useless to try to sell this crowd an idea.” He finally end ed by naming Mayor Ilylan of New York and took his seat. 1 VIGOROUS CONTEST OYER PLACE BY WOMEN .Mrs. Leroy Springs Candidate for Viee Chairman of National Committee. (By tlie Associated Pt*ess.) New York, July 10—A vigorous con test over the selection of a new woman vice chairman of the Democratic nation al committee developed today in a meet ing of women members called to agree ui>on a successor for Mrs. Emily Newell Blair, of Missouri. Several names had been submitted to the executive session of the women when it had been in session for more than an hour. There were understood to have been a considerable group in the meet ing favoring re-election of Mrs. Blair. Mrs. Kellog Fairbanks, of Chicago, the new national committee woman from 111- linois, aud Mrs. Leroy Springs, of South Carolina, placed in nomination by her state for the vice presidency last night, were among those prominently men tioned for the place. A protracted session developed as the feminine leaders struggled for a majority expression for their representative on the executive committee of the managing body of their party. No Successor to Mrs. Blair Recommended. New York, July 10.—A two-hour ses sion of women members of the Demo cratic National Committee, adjourned to day after unanimously adopting a reso lution expressing appreciation of the work of Mrs. Emily Newell Blair, of Missouri, ns vice chairman of the committee, but without recommending a successor or suggesting the re-election of Mrs. Blair. A resolution by Miss Elizabeth Mar bury. national committee woman from New Y'ork declaring that the woman vice chairman should have no power to make appointments or perfect organization plans in any state without consultation with the national committee woman from the state was adopted by a large major ity after Mrs. Blair had expressed agree ment with the proposal. The huge grates of Henry Vll’s Chapel in Westminster Abbey are believed to have taken eighteen yeans to make. Ten Pages Today Two Sections $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. YOUNG nODLIDGE IS ’“Lu 1 u REST TODAY AT PLYMOUTH, VT. His Former Playmates and Neighbors Tender Their Services This Morning in Last Sad Rites. FUNERAL SERVICE AT NORTHAMPTON The Service in Washington Was Governements’ Trib tue.—Today It Was the Tribute of Neighbors. Northampton, Mass.. July 10.—Former playmates and neighbors in the town where he was reared to Hie approach of manhood, tendered their services of respect this morning to Calvin Coolidge, Jr. President and Mrs. Coolidge, who came from Washington with their dead, were consoled by the town folks of Northamp ton at th«‘ simple rites the family had wished. These were held at. the Ed wards Congregational Church, of which Calvin was a member. This afternoon at Plymouth. Vt., over the road , lie had traveled on summer vacations to his grandfather’s farm, the Presidential party was carrying the body of the sixteen-year-oTil boy to its burial place in the hillside cemetery where lies the mother of the President. The service yesterday in Washington was the government’s tribute; that to day in Northampton was the familiar service in which old friends and neigli bors participated. Rev. Kenneth B. Wells, pastor of the Edwards Congregational Church, said that in the lheuiory and life of Calvin Coolidge, Jr., was found that which is best in the American boy, aud he drew from the lesson of his life a message of hope. After an organ prelude, I)r. Jason No ble Pierce of the First Congregational Church, in Washington, I>. (\. read the 21st and 23rd Psalms. The quartet that sang at the service in Washington yes terday. sang again today. The scripture muling was given by Rev. I)r. Pierce, who read from John 14, Corinthians 15, aud Revelations 21. -- The -'funeral"‘train reached >4*eee at 1 o'clock this morning. The city halted business and traffic. The President and his' family went to the Coolidge home. There they were met by Col. John C. Coolidge. father of the President, and M rs. Andrew Goodhue, mother of Mrs. Coolidge. Both will accompany the Pres idential party to Plymouth. It was also planned by the President to have his father return with the family to the White House. The casket, under a new cover of fresh pink roses placed there this morning, re mained in the compartment at the rear of the President’s coach, until shortly before Hie time for the services. Church bells tolled as the funeral par ty arrived. All of the President’s immediate fam ily rested comfortably on the all-night trip. Silent groups gaJLhcred along the rail road tracks and stood uncovered as the train came up the Connecticut Valley in to Massachusetts. Factories stopped work aud employees stood at attention. Northampton was unusually quiet. The President had urged that the ser vices here be simple, and the home folks sought to comply. Business was stopped by official proclamation between B :3<> and 1(1:30 o’clock. Main street was devoid of traffic. The clear notes of the Smith College chimes were heard throughout the city during the funeral procession and ser vices. “Onward Christian Soldiers” anil “The Son of God Goes Forth to War” were among the hymns played. The President’s family went from the home to the church alone, aud were met by the funeral procession at the ehureh door. The buildings already were filled with home folks. Mrs. Coolidge, slightly more drawn than yesterday, but perfectly composed, went into the ehureh with the Presi dent. Behind them were John and his grandfather, and immediately following them Mrs. Goodhue and Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Stearns. Then followed the cabinet members and their wives. The President and Mrsr Coolidge sat in the front row of the center seats, immedite ly in front of the eakset. The funeral train left hpre for Lud low. Vt., at 10:30 a. m. From Ludlow the party will proceed by automobile to Plymouth, where simple burjal services wilt be held at the grave in the cemetery 0:1 the hill, where the Coolidges have been buried for four generations. The Argentine girl swimmer, Lilian Harrison, is now in training at Havre for her attempt to swim the English Cban neel. WHAT SMITTY’S WEATHER CAT SAYS Thundershowers this afternoon or to night ; Hriday generally fair, warmer in west portion. NO. 2.