< ..11--RKII-L. Editor «ndAblisher VOLI MI-' XLIX jgtfro Hunted For Days raptured Near Concord Aliened Slayer of £ Scd berry. Cap h? l hv I’osse Near jjevilk Yesterday. j ' rH T TO THIS c ltY‘ di king DAY w C arried From City ( t.nn —Negro Said to J, Confessed to Crime. . was placed in the i l'-' ‘ v afternoon ,7 near Georgeville ‘ a! ' , \V'n. Stanly and Cabar whad been marching , y- following the Sniberrv. popular , .v ot Ans"U county, nm".tinned Collins in the I j, ( . admitl<‘ a :.*■<• quoted him ' |iaye surrendered but ’ j, y. tii ti n "tild lead to ,>r.tiin: i" information re kiiiv*l >'*i tbe m ruins ; |„. v. ,i' at work on a u <1.11111.7 He and Col- V'i aritunieiit ah. ut a debt, it «;,> vimi with a sun (•‘V bad stolen. Immediately "foiling [in- nesn* tied and ' l ,■ i. " i lifLind him at ha' hr "'4- uiuib!e to make yesterday by ‘ n;v j.wiple who were, in the ■ ('oilins-and by others . . . ( . rt a' 'ii as they heard ;ha: •si•* in Anson coun i juiioo i., s**t the ni'sro back ,v.,.i.;!!u. It was hinted l ptiip.e ::;at Collins knew t; had trill and that some I.„ ..., ,h.! ml i lie killing «'f E ,j ; ,l a,: try !•> deny that he E... I,! . oil .-aught. I hiring E ,u h.- \va- liidius from pla< e tvt> siii.» ar no less than K. and several times death, lie has ejit- Hb .jm-h Saturday morning lie H}Wami the only food he ii,** week was such as H|/* by doins odd jolv. around Bt i* . «>*»• d. i * E srv 1 ; the opinion that the , ■ dh. ’io was delayed only by ■t that tile farm jteople were not Ert'b ii:*- cas»* :ind did not know Hiki'ii -t S'(lherr>. It is defi that i’. liitis worked for i ■ tv. Stan,y e.tunty farms and L fopned at a Lome Bt aft-rto• i. ami s quoted a< saying he ( j., a railroatl i>oint. He B- ii a ]ia"t of the state that B bi.tr. ;ul. and when caught he Br* ut to the N rfolk-S uithern the low.-i- part of iliif. coun ■ ■PtUi*.- of t'lliins was affected I hard i badly wounded Btf Tiepolo had trailed him ■ ’liekcr near (ieorgeville B “"-'liber of the posse, a Mr. E 5 ;'* Stanfield, is said to have B *•'; ' thicket and shot the Bib* shut floored Collins but Bwfrs „f die j.iA-,. reached him ■ I.:'.- Im'.-u gripping a long. B The knife, however, B""d 'v- ap.m he had. ■ begin ■ was brought to the ■ 'uni \\;.s (lr<‘ssed by Dr B; uha, ia'i. county liealth officer. B h nil ' considered serious. B ■be !'.»">• that caught the H U "'’ be atn-mpt to harm him. B.“' ,|u * 1 ' "t 'be posse f<*d the I Id tie-in 1,,- hud teaten B, •'bt'uday morning. BV' 1 !••'".• feared, however. I blight he made to take fl f h""i and they rushed ■ ,h " Jail here B • a-eoinpanied tlie K,,.. n ; "fd and later many cars 1 Jr,, una and An*on county E t "'' Mre..,s here. Prac- B l!l posse was armed B a • s botgun or pistol. r ’ 1 "biers her.* late yester- K. was to be made to B v .f;p’ I 1 '"" 1 ’he jail here last BrMo' *d, | \».ll p,oh m, chances B :ill, l early in the night 83.B 3 . another county. B his.destinafion and B il " u "here the negro B “ l“*i- ~f Collins de- : ' in overall pants B. bad on one so<*k. *■' was wearing H" s ! ' :I 1 "oTnaged to :i bis foot is lull’d K hr, '^, , 7’. a,lv ! swl tbat ' lilsr ho ' v this B ' T|i 1 - known now, | B' Saturday after. "* “ ''aught near bail I " IU '!''"* I'' 1 '' I,,nt ’be her,. 11 ,r;l!bl ‘" him for a t '''‘Ting information. <. "" about to i*e- K' * h " U 1 " " n 'l Stanly home, ti'-gr.j t! 11 !" brought word ■/ J '! b# '" n s een in the With there r, ;r n - Tinu ,he posse ■ • -Seville neigh* H, «u rnoflß TT ' wial early Cc.'h Ffp s rt bwc E v,;r Th. n> . . 1 Cherry paid hie ■ ■ u,, -h and American bankers to the attitude of the conference delegates on defaults and sanctions under the Dawes plan. The exprets express the hope that it complete agreement may be reached and submitted to the plenary session at 4 o'clock. It is stated that the broad basis of the proposed settlement is a combination of the report which the experts have already made with the proposal of Premier Thoun is of Kelgium for calling in the members of the original Dawes committee before any action can be taken, either in de claring Germany jin default or in applying the sanction for such default. Proposal May Be Defeated. London. July 2N (By the Associated Press). —The ec.jnpromise proposals *< of the view which is taken of the— present situation." DAVIS IS EXPECTED TO VISIT THE SOI Til Is Considering Flying Trip Through the Southern States. Washington. July 20.—John W. Davis will come cut of the Maine woods next week and prepare for the campaign. Many Southern people, especially wom en. are trying to induce tin* speaking committee of the national committee to i send Mr. Davis south. The answer here I i- that Mr. Davis will go where he can do the most good for the ticker. South- I ern states need hut little enourageinent. They are going t i give larger majorities than ever before. But. it is understood, Mr. Davis is seriously considering a fly ing trip through the South later in the campaign. President Ooolidge is not going to Dixie during the next four or five months unless something comes along to change his mind. Senator La Follette has no intention of making any speeehe* in the South. He will reserve his strength for the western states in which he is popular. NORTH CAROLINA SYNOD TO INVESTIGATE PASTOR Committee Will I>ook Into Action Against Statesville Minister. Statesville. July 2(1. —The Lutheran Synod has appointed a commirree to in vestigate court action brought against Rev. O. W. Aderholdt. until recently pastor of the local Lutheran church, it was learned yesterday. The court action was brought last Wednesday by E. E. Schafer, local jeweler, who in a com plaint asking for .$30,000 damages 1 charged that the minister alienated the affections of his wife, who was organist in the church of which Rev. Mr. Ader holdt was pastor. Under the rules of the church, if the committee finds probable cause. Rev Mr. Aderholdt will be called to a church trial. Mr. Aderholdt is now under $2,500 bond, Mr. Schafer having instituted ar rest and bail proceedings in connection with his damage suit. f THE fOTTON MARKET Prices Pushed to Higher Levels Early Today.—Net Rise at the Opening. Now Y'ork. July 28. —In the absence of rain in the southwest over Sunday, j cotton prices again were pushed up to higher levels early today and at. the op ening showed a net rise of 20 to 36 points. Aggressive support from Wall Street, the West and Liverpool, in con nection with a strong upturn in the Liv erpool market later advanced the Oc tober position to 29.A7 and December to 29.10. a net rise of 62 to 65 points. No important setbacks occurred during the first half hour, and sentiment on the whole was still bullish. The opening prices were : October 29.65 : Dec. 28.75 ; Jan. 28.70: Harch 28.93; May 29.04. Iceland has been so isolated—from choice of the people—that records 1,409 | years old can be read and understood : readily by the present-day j Through isolation and lack of asso ciation the native tongue has been hand led down with very few changes- PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS CONCORD, N. C., MONDAY, JULY 28, 1924 . .gfli jpLgP : bK&v/ i ffijf X'-'&y Br JwX Death dropped out of sky in the form of this huge ehininev from the roof of the Charlevoix Building, Detroit. Four persons were kilk-d and Ihree were injured when the top of the stack crushed two automobiles in the street. CONDITION OF SENATOR LODGE IS “EXCELLENT” Massachusetts Senator Underwent Oper atic n Yesterday for Bladder Trouble in Boston Hospital. (By the Associated Press) Boston. July 28.—Dr. John H. Cun ningham. the surgeon who is attending Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, who yester day underwent an operation for Wadded trouble, said after hiss- visit to the pa tient this morning that the Senator’s con dition was “excellent.” ' “Senator Lodge's ie*ap<“t*tKtire is nom inal. his pulse is 76. and for a man of his years his condition is excellent.” the surgeon said. Senator l.odge is 74 years old. The second operation that will be nec essary to complete tin* removal of the trouble may take place at any time that his condition indicates it advisable, ac cording to the doctor. The test will be made within the next two or thro* days to determine the best probable time for lln* operation, the surgeon said. Klan Candidate in the Texas Primary. Dallas. Texas. July 26.—Incomplete returns to tin* Texas election bureau from 33 of the 252 counties in Texas in the Democratic primary today gave Felix Robertson, the Ku Klux Klan candidate. 3.533 votes; Davidson, 3,314; T. Davidson. 2,656 Mix. Meriam Fergu son. 2,139; Adjutant General Barton. 511; V. A. Collins. 435; IV. E. Pope. 326; Joe Burkett, 320, and George W. Dixon, 162. 11. I. Wood house and family left this morning for Black Mountain to spend some time. Concord Must and Shall Have That New Hotel The movement toward tlu* erection of Concord's new hotel has recently gather ed momentum and within the next few days the sale of stock will be renewed. Some time ago the hotel proposition was launched but owing to business conditions and to other drives which were going on in the city the matter was temporar ily dropped. It was deemed wise at that time to postpone the eanvass of possible stock purchasers. Now, however, with the promise of better business conditions, interest in the hotel is becoming more widespread. The hotel is assured. There can be no doubt that another year will see the city the proud possessor of one of the finest and best equipped hostelries iu the state or. for that matter, in the South. The only thing needed is the assistance of the townspeople in purchasing stock or at least in lending their moral support. About SBO,OOO has already been subscrib ed. This was done with very little effort on the part of the committee iu charge. Only $192,000 is necessary and it seems certain that this amount will be easily procured. Work will not start before January Ist of next year, which will give subscribers ample time to get themselves in hand. That Concord needs a new hotel cannot be denied. It ranks now among the worst in the State. Its rating is 73.5 and when it is considered that a rating of 70 clos es a hotel, it will be seen just how far down the scale it has fallen. The build ing itself is in a wretched condition. The wall paper is dilapidated and dirty, the carpets are torn and the furniture is an tiquated. Mr. Leonard, the present pro prietor. asserts tbat be is unable to raise the rating with the building in its con dition. He points out that the other ho tel he manages—the Carroll in Gaffney— has a rating of 96. These facts show in what a deplorable plight Concord is for a hotel. Hotels are no longer poor investments: , on the contrary, they are decidedly money ' TEXTILE UNION HEAD SPEAKS I • McMahon Addresses Carolina Council— Support Amendment. Salisbury, July 26. —Thomas F. Mc | Mahon, president of the United Textile I Workers of America addressed a largely J attended meeting of the joint council of 'j the Carolina* here this afternoon, urg ing the organization of new unions and the maiutepance of high ideals. It was the best joint council meeting lie has addressed in many months, he said. To night Mi\ McMahon addressed a public meating. S | The joint council ordered committees appointed in every local to distribute literature and otherwise combat the prn : paganda against the proposer! Child La -1 bor Amendment. The joint council urged j these committees to properly interpret ■ the proposed law that the people might ' understand. j A committee was appointed to seek I 'be aid of tin* State Federation of Labor I in having the special session of the Leg | islattire substitute a 48-hour per week I law instead of the present 60-hour law. j The joint council decided to appeal jto the pulpit, the press, and organized | women to use their influence to elevate ; the textile workers economically so that I they may not continue to be the poorest ! pa i