Editor and Publisher Volume xiix Mass of Matters Be Presented to Legislature? mil the Extra Session Be KJto Business For ~ It " as Called? — fining Session Thursday. L HUNDRED r biles are ready Li„gV One Report B in Raleigh-Bowie Ldßill and Klan Expect-1 r, O (id Some Attention.! 4— With! the day for |U- :L : . t the -pecial seoeian | \-e I«reef in the constitutional three |f. r wliich the legislators could If have been reports, however, that Ibnulnts have in their hamls local ItW total niunher being fixed in ■ifports at as high as ."00. The Imports are to the effect that an ■ viil be .made to repeal the law Ling a SItUHMUtOO bond issue to ■, railroad into the mountainous Lcf the northwestern part of the L a Vi is -aid to be the likelihood K hi!! fer the regulation of bun Lnniil .be introduced, and that the Kg Klan may he brought into the ■ Tb State primary law also may Kw y f effort nr amendment, it is ■ +..,n will open on Thursday and that the preliminaries will HpsK of mi that day. getting the in shape to do business within • r rv'ii if its members wish. Hfermy he made on the first day, tt. pas- a re-olution limiting H|iri3!ti'!' .it' tin- assembly work things for which it was HAR REALLY CARRY ■ fHILI) WVW FROM HOME? ■Evib-nipiu When Mother Returns Hmr tu Fml Her Rally Lone. Hmibti. Aug. —The home of Mr. Hr- Sl.Hull.rd Strickland, about a Hd:!;hm.- ~f :,,wn. for a few hours Bit na> the s, .me us wilk excite- Hnd anxiety. HStrickiaiul went tu the house of Barbra -lmrt time, leaving her Bsr-I.i le.y and mie-year old girl Hh-I: h\ i.eiii-e!ves. Returning B' ,>rk bi tiie morning, the girl H*a- tailing, and the* little boy Bfe"!:i a nap toid his mother that Hta. bw-ii after him and came near hi:i When a-ked where the he >a'’‘ mischievous per -1:1»»t Anyway, the r i "udher and there t ' r happier than she. m* \\ji| t “Defense H . state will ; t , ' dure the law ■ d.e National IV indi BHkn ainenin Mor \p. brief vacation his daughter w ;. saic . 'oolidge’s let and did noi tils,ut it. Ir Lragg (.over ■ i.;.,;* ■ i,i„„ d-clared tlm jj^B l " b-ervanee woub H i will Killed r 1,1 T <-ain Wreck. .A i j i »p f Iwo pprson ; 'iijured whe: I^H(T ;r:r Lite;- " v k Central' Ki.f., " S V‘ 1 K an atttomc 'uda-. Vv”' ,T,>Ssi «g in thi Wm£>*r> ;-; afl :,rp: Kusse 1 ” bake wood, Ohi< KB • Midi. THE CONCORD TIMES BRITAIN'S BEST BRAINS Meeting of British Association for the i Advancement of Science. loronto, Aug. 4. —One of the most im portant sessions in the history of the British Association .for the Advancement' ‘of Science, the most famous body of, scientists in the world, will be opened in Torcntp this week. It will be the! ninety-second yearly meeting of the as-! sociaticn and one of the comparatively J few that have been held outside the : British Isles. . Subjects of absorbing interest to man kind wil| be discussed by Britain’s most I eminent thinkers, the resplts of whose deliberations are eagerly awaited by men and women all over tiie civilized globe. 1 The six hundred scientists from Great i Britain will be augmented by large and distinguished delegations representing | the scientific bodies of Canada and the I T nited States. those from the latter country attending by special invitation. • The founding of the British Associn- : tion for the Advancement of Science was j j due on tiie e-first instance to the Rev. I W. Yernon Harcourt. father of the fa- r mmis statesman. Air. Harcourt- devot ed much of his time to scientific pur- i suits, and from his researches there sprang the idea of arranging a yearly | meeting of the nation’s scientists. The j first session was held in York in 1831. t since when the members have met an nually. The meetings have been liebl < < in practically all of the prominent pro-' ( vineial cities of Great Britain, in Can- , adn, in Australia and in South Africa, but by a rule of the association no meet- ’ ing ever has been held in London. Among the topics to be diseased at e the coining meeting in- Toronto are rn- ( dio. airplanes, x-rays, the stars, and the Einstein theory. Beside the technical ’* talk to their fellow workers, famous sci entists of Great Britain and America ‘ will also undertake to explain relativity r * to the average citizen and entertain chil dren with demonstrations of crystal ! structure. f SEVERE CLOI’DBI’RSTS * IN CHATHAM COUNTY ( 1 Famous Purefoy’ Grist Mill Washed 1 Away and Other Heavy Damage. - Rockingham. Aug. 3. —Travelers .com- 1 ing here tonight from Pittsboro report a i 1 severe cloudburst in northwestern 1 Chatham county early Sunday morning. ! Haw River at R.vßum Rose to within four feet of the high water-mark made in the freshet of 190 S. Pokeberry Creek 4 rose over the concrete highway bridge badly washed At Obey s creek, three mires from Chapel Hill, the fill on each side of the bridge was washed out. The most dam age was done to the bridge across Mor gan’s creek, two miles of Chapel Hill. ' Here the big fill was washed away for !1 a distance of thirty feet on each side of ‘ the concrete bridge, and this will prob- “ ably block this main highway for a day ' or two pending repairs. The water flowed to a depth of four feet over this bridge and washed com pletely away the famous Purefoy’s grist f mill that had withstood storm and fresh- s et for 75 years. Two hundred yards be- 1 low the concrete bridge stood the county •' steel bridge in use before the new high- s way was built', and this steel bridge was washed away. All in all. it was the worst flow of water that has been experienced 1 in upper Chatham in many years, if ever, according to reports made by travelers. . HEALTH AUTHORITIES ARE HOLDING THEIR OWN v Have Refused to Allow Buncombe Chil- 1 dren in School Until \ accinated. 1 Asheville. Aug. 4.—County health au thorities stood pat today and refused permission, for some 2.500 children to enter the county schools because they had not been vaccinated against small- ; pox. Hundreds of these children ex- ; eluded from school were being vaccinat ed today. Wese will be given tempo rary permits to attend school. A near clash between school and health author ities developed Saturday as the school authorities pointed to the compulsory at tendance law, while health authorities maintained that the health statutes for bid entrance of unvaccinated persons. Congressman Ward to Speak in City. Congressman Hallett S. Y\ ard, of the First North Carolina Congressional Dis trict. will speak in Concord at 2 o'clock Tuesday. August sth at the court house, it wtis announced today by local officials of the North Carolina Cotton Growers' Co-operative Association. Congressman Ward will speak on (°* operative Marketing in his Concord ad dress and is expected to give his opinion as to the merits and benefits of such mar keting. Congressman Ward is one of the most interesting speakers in North Carolina ‘ and as he has given much time and thought to the subject he will discuss l here, he is certain to present a very able discourse. „ _ . It is very probable that Air. AA ard will - be heard by a large crowd here. 1 Rock Springs Camp Meeting Scheduled. : Gastonia. Aug. 2.— The annual camp 1 meeting at Rock Springs Methodist Church in Lincoln county, will be held f this year, beginning Tuesday, August. 5, 1 and ending the following Monday. Alsiuy f people from Gaston county are planning l to attend the meetings. [ There will be preaching throe times ‘ a day. at 11 a. m-. 3 and 7:30 p. m. Rock Springs i« one of the few °‘ - time Alethodist camp grounds which has survived the onrush of modern progress s It has been in operation for .711 st about n one hundred, years ahd continues to s draw thousand of people «ch year. )-| An interesting feature of th ”\ je ”, is I meeting will be a gathering of the old 111 students of the Rock Springs Academy 0,1 They will hold their annual reunion at '2 o’clock Friday afternoon, August btli. FEDERAL SOLDIERS SEEK SOLUTION OF NUfIOER OF WOMAN! J . J Are Being Used in Hunt forj 1 Men Who on Saturday j Shot Death From Ambush Mrs. Rosalie Evans. WOMAN PROMINENT IN HER COUNTRY Was Widow of Former Pres ident of Bank of London in Mexico—Figured in Re cent Affairs in Mexico. • Alexico City. Aug. 4 (By the Associ ated Press!. —Federal forces are search j ing for "the slayers of Airs. Rosalie Evans. 1 who was shot to death from ambush near Texmijleeah, Puebla. Saturday night. The widow of a British subject, a for mer President of the Bank of London .in Mexico. Mrs. Evans was one of the cen tral figures in the recent international af fair between Great Britain and Alexico. culminating in the withdrawal of the Brititsh charge. Herbert C. Cummins. Air. Cummins was accused by the Mexicans of undue harshness in his communications concerning Airs. Evans' dispute with the* Alexican government over attempts to divide her estate under the agrarian pro-! gram. , j Accompanied by John Strauss, the I German manager of her estate. Mrs. Ev ans was driving homeward when she was shot. Strauss made a desperate effort to defend his employer, and then summon ed help before collapsing from wound's. The American charge de affaires last night conferred with the foreign minis ter. Seeking to Find Murderers. AA'ashington. I). (’., Aug. 4.—American Charge Schoenfield at Alexico City, re ported today to the State Department that lie had taken up with the Alexican government the case of Airs. Rosalie Evans, a British subject, who was shot and killed yesterday, and that the Alex ienn authorities had given assurance that ‘ every effort would be made to appre hend and punish the murderers. J. H. VAUGHN KILLED AT WINSTON-SALEM MtrrfKAt ~ Had Closed HLs Place of Business. Winston-Salem. * Aug. 2. —J. 11. Vaughn, a well known merchant of east Winston-Salem, was shot and killed about 11 o'clock here tonight as he was entering his home after having closed his place of business for the day. Mr. Vaughn was 52 years old and leaves a widow and one child. Robbery is said to have been the motive. Polico say a negro was seen fleeing from the home immediately following the shooting and that they are in possession of an automatic pistol as well ;is parr of a sweater said to have been lost by the supposed assailant as he made his hasty getaway. FORAIER SENATOR TOWNSEND, OF MICHIGAN, IS DEAD Died Suddenly Last Night While Visit ing Home of Friend in Jackson, Mich. Jackson. Alieh., Aug. 4.— Charles E. Townsend, former senior United States senator from Michigan, died suddenly of heart disease while visiting at the home of friends here last night. At the time of his death, Airs. Town send was a member 0? the joint inter national committee dealing with boun daries. He had been prominent in state and national public life for more than 20 years having been elected to Congress in 1002 and to the Senate in 1004, where he served until defeated by Sen ator Ferris, democrat, in 1022. John Temple Graves to Edit New Daily at Hendersonville. Hendersonville, Aug. 3. —Purchase and conversion into a daily newspaper of The Western North Carolina Times, a semi weekly paper published here, is announc ed by Leroy Sargent and H. AY. Fuller. New Y’ork and Florida business men who have located in this city. John Temple Graves will edit the newspaper, accord ing to announcement of the publishers. The buyers expect to begin publication of the daily during the present week. T 1 cv say that the plant of The Times will be enlarged to take care of the new P’ blieation. ' TWo Gaston Mills W ill Go Back 011 Full Time Monday- Gastonia. Aug. 2.—The Rex Spin ning company and the Priscilla, two of Gaston county's biggest yarn plants at Ranlo. start on a full time run Alonday, ; according to an announcement today. ' ' A large part of the machinery which , has been idle since the curtailment 1 period began is now being put in motion dailv as fast as operators and employes can be secured. Observers here say there - is no reason why conditions should not > brighten un all the way around within the next 15 days. 1 _ ' Entire Family Stricken With Typhoid Fever ? Goldsboro. Aug. 13—The home of Peter Fryar. colored, in North Clinton s township.' has been besieged with typhoid fever and the entire family of ten have ' been in its throes. The mother died last s Saturday from the disease and the coun tv health officers are doing everything 1 possible to curb the epidemic. The Red 0 ross has crarge of the case ar the present time and has a nurse on duty all the s time with sufficient supplies to care for the stricken family r. ■ - t Cotton on the local market today i* i quoted at 29 cents per pound. PUBLISHED MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS CONCORD, N. C., MONDAY, AUGUST 4, 1924 , Mount Geikie Conquered! " •*****— *——"———W— o? V ...f They've done it. These three men have reached the top of Mount GeUo —once called tha “unclimnble mountain”—ln Jueper National Park, Cat ada. The mountuin is 10.5&4 feet high The climbers, left to right, eu W. D. Oeddes. Calgary, Alberta; V. A. Fynn. 8t- Louis, and C G Wats Edmonton, Alberta. FIGHT IN THE LEGISLATURE TO REPEAL BOWIE R. R. MEASURE Attorney General Manning Will Sub hilt Matter to Courts For Final De cision. Raleigh. Aug. 3. —Constitutionality of the Bowie act, authorizing a ten-million dollar bond issue for a railroad line into the “Lost Provinces.” will be determined in a test ease and not as the result of any overt opposition from the attorney general. This was made clear today by Attor ney General James S. Manning, who had been quoted, in a Rp,'eigh newspaper as ready to take up ft 's against the act. The agreement ' reached sev eral months ago to SP A 1 .7t so, W. G. Lee. grand president of the organization, declared here today. Tripolini Shot. New Orleans, Aug. 4.— John Tripoli ni. who late yesterday shot and fatally wounded a 15-year-old girl near Norco, and .who was discovered early today bar ricated in a house, was shot and probab ly fatally wounded by officers who had laid seige to the place. Robbers Get Cash. Detroit. Aug. 4.—Bandits who held up and robbery the Harlevoix Avenue rancli of the Continental Bank today, shot and killed a policeman. They escaped with an undetermined amount of currency. The building of the Great Wall of China was begun 214 B. C. Its length iw 400 mile* and the height varies from 14 to 30 feet. No Trace of Maclaren. On Board the U. S. Coast Guard Cut ter, Algonquin. Atka Island. July 31. (By the Associated Press). —Repeated ef forts by wireless in all directions have failed to obtain any word of Major A. Stuart Maclvaren. since his party arrived in Kamchatka last Thursday on their around the world flight. $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance, (LIEUT, WADE FORCED ri« ABANDON PLANE FOLLOWING ACCIDENT The Airplane Boston, Which Lieut. Wade Was Driving, Has Been Abandoned by Cruiser Richmond. LIEUTENANT NOW ON THE RICHMOND Two Other Airmen Made the Dangerous Flight From Kirkwall to Iceland in Safety.- On board lire United States Cruiser Richmond. Aug. 4 (By the Associated Press). —The Boston, the airplane pilot ed by Lieutenant Leigh Wade in the American army around the world flight, was abandoned early this morning. The plane was taken in tow by the Richmond yesterday after Lieutenant Wade and his mechanic had been forced down at sea by engine trouble while negotiating the jump from Kirkwall to Ireland. The Richmond’s effort to salvage the wrecked plane was abandoned when the machine, which had been gradually till ing while being towed in heavy sea, cap sized. The Richmond then turned about and made for Reykavijk, Iceland. Lieutenant Wade, on board the Rich mond. was chagrined over the fate that brought his plane to grief and stopped his participation in the flight so near the conclusion but he took the disappoint ment well. May Send Another Plane. Washington. Aug. 4.—The question of dispatching another' army airplane to Iceland to permit Lieut. Wade whose plane was wrecked, to continue the jour ney, was taken up today by army and navy officials. Officials were advised by wireless that the Richmond had recovered the plane and it might be possible to repair it. but the dispatch failed to say whether it was ent before or after press dispaches stat ing that the plane had been abandoned. Lieut. Wade Out of Flight. Washington, Aug. 4.— Unless the wrecked airplane of Lieut. Wade, army flier, can be repaired at Reykjavik, he is definitely out of the world flight, it was said here today at the War Department. It was ’jidiettfsd that eonsklerat ion of a pin Tt to send a new craft to replace the Boston would not be pursued, because it was found to be impracticable. It lias not been determined when Lieu tenants Hmitli and Nelson, who reached Ilornafjord safely will start for Reykja vik. KEY. W. S. LONG DIES IN THE SANFORD HOSPITAL Dr. Long Was the First President of Elon College—Brother of Judge B. F. Ldtog. Elon College. Aug. 3.—Rev. William Samuel Long, of Chapel Hill, who was injured in an automobile wreck near Sanford on last Wednesday, died as a result of his injuries in the Sanford hospital this afternoon. It was at first thought that Dr. Long despite his great age would recover from the injuries caused by the accident. Three ribs were broken and it was be lieved this was the extent of his injuries. Later it developed that there had been internal injuries and he declined rap idly. He was on his way from his residence it) Chapel Hill to Hamlet via Sanford when the accident occurred to the auto mobile in which he was riding with his wife and his stepson and daughter, T. Rice Aimes and Mins Willie Aimes. Dr. and Mrs. Long sustained injuries tint the other members of the party escaped. Mrs. Long has completely recovered from her injuries, which were slight. Dr. Long was internally inqured and was unable to survive the shock to his nerv ous system. Rev. w. j. Smith Dies at Charlotte Home. Charlotte. Aug. 2. —Rev. Walter Johns ton Smith, for 24 years superintendent of the Thompson Orphanage here and a well known minister Os the North Car olina Episcopal Church, died this morn ing at his home on North Meyers Street. The body will he accompanied to Scotland Neck, his native home. Sunday morning and funeral services will be conducted there in the afternoon. A year ago Mr. Smith fell and broke his hin. For months he was confined at a hospital but recently he has been at his home pneumonia developed caus ing death. Higginbotham to Get New Trial. Tallahassee. Fla.. Aug. 4. —The Su preme Court today denied the petition of the state for a rehearsing in the case of Thus W. Higginbotham. who several weeks ago was granted a new trial on an indictment charging him with the death of Martin Tabert. more than two years ago in a Dixie County• lumber camp. WHAT SMITTY’S WEATHER CAT SAYS Bt - Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday; somewhat warmer Tuesday in west and central portions* _ NO. 9.