T B SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher VOLUME XLIX ■CELEBRATED II ALL I PARTS Os COUNTRY ■lanv Parties, Dinners and I Other Social Functions f Were Staged in Addition || to Informal Celebration. KEVERAL DEATHS • j, ■ FOLLOWED PARTIES »our Persons Were Killed in H Chicago and Others In i jured and Deaths Were Re- I ported In Other Towns. ■ riii.-a-'o. .lan. I—Four deaths and one ■yubabiv fatal shooting, two arrests for. Bruitkenness. parked hotel dining rooms, Kbarets and restaurants, and thousand* K private house parties heralded the Krth of the new year here. Despite ■L hilarity and the reported flow of U ■L in all sections of the city the po- Ke said; there was little d.sorder The Kmtown .district was crossed until early hours. , ~ . ■ prohibition agents reported the usual ■fctribufinn of liquor, but those who Knnlv did Iso on the quiet, they said. K.',, passing jb f liquors from flask and Bottle to month was not so much in evi ■teiue as in years past. Deaths in Detroit. Detroit. Mich.. Jan. I.—Detroit police believe a cash of homicide was uncovered W ith the finding of the body of Adolphe Bonnie. 21 years old. in a house here early today. The man had been shot to death. The only person iu the place v,he» fin- Itody was. found was arrested ami gave his name as Charles J. There were indicaCons. the police said, that a Xe\v Year’s celebration had taken plare. Imogene Campbell. 17 years old, is de.uirand .Joseph Ryan, a soldier, is se riously wounded as the result of a shoot ing affray in Mount Clemens, near here early today. The police say that Ryan shot tiie girl, and then turned tlie gun on himself, after a tiuarrel which follow ed a gay New Yerr's party. New York Celebrates. New York, Jan. 1— Record crowds despite the ra pidly falling temperature, j milled about the-sidewalks of New York far into the early hours of- New Year?. Jay in"a carnival spirit, rootin* floras and clanging cow bells, to make their greet ing to the New Year audible above the .shrill whistles and the church chimes. In the theatrical district the mass of people was kept in some form of slow mo tion by 300 extra patrolmen, who were nearly overwhelmed when theatres pour ed nut theeir patrons at the approach of midnight. (hlier sections celebrated in quieter fashion, la the almost deserted financihl district the chimes of Old Trinity pealed our patriotic and sacred songs. On Fifth Avenue a crowd gathered before St. Pat rick's Cathedral to hear the chimes. I’ros|ierity <a* a belief in prosperity colored the celebrations in hotels and cab arets. nil of which were filled to -over flowing. i Many more who did not brave the cold to celebrate in public listened in on va rious radio programs. The fire department answered its first alarm when the year was but a minute old only to find it to be a false alarm, turned in' by a New Year reveler. IVohibtion enforcement ranks were greatly enforced but only one raid of con sequence was during the early morning hours when ssi)oo worth of liquor was seized in a fashionable East Side residence. Kl KLI X HI AN FILES * ITS MEMBERSHIP LIST •Teflon in Louisiana to Comply With the New State Law. Baton Rouge. La., Dec. 29. —In ah enrdance with legislation passed by the legislature, the Ku Ivlux Klan of Loui lias filed with the secretary of state iD membership list. The list shows 59 individual klans, mast of them in the hil sos North Louisiana. There is no Thin in New Orleans. - f nothin J. K. Shipwith, exalted cy c !•>■ of the Morehouse Klan during the L.iii investigations of Mer Rouge, still af the head of that organization. T. T. Rrunett. charged with murder in con neetion • .with the mysterious death of oatt Daniels and Thomas Richard, now Ls an officer of the Morehouse Klan. 1 baltimore-Wilmington Ship lJne is I Promised. I <»n. Dec. 31.—Business, in -1 ’“Wt. here were gratified to learn to- I ' ‘ !J V r "iu Rjdtimore that action has I ■'« taken looking to early resumption I ' dir»H-t water transportation be- I liiat City and Wilmington and I *. *"■' I’-wn. A committee, -which has I I. n named by the president of the ■ i ■••miniore Association of Commerce, I] fume to Wilmington shortly to ■ 1 1,1 1 "• with local business interests, and ■ committee representing eastern ■ , a _'"lina business interests. His de ■ follows a recent conference held H jm between representatives -of ■a_; :tVrn Carolina cities and the Balti ■Vttore people. ■ 5 Victim in Precarious Con ■ j, dition. ■ Dec. 31.—Joe Thompson, m h L- U ' :ir ol <* *<>» of Mr. and Mrs. J. m “"up-on of Spencer, is in a pre- IB '' oll< Li!‘on at tlieir home in H ;,(s u result of firing a “blank” Hto m( " l’’ ,s s ide. The toy gun is said *hil(. a 'J', accidentally discharged H s, ' WM ';tl boys were playing and the H eff^ t !' as ■' ’ close that the powder took thre*.' n ,ll, “ M, le of the lad Who is with blood poison. THE CONCORD TIMES SENTENCES TO ATTEND CHURCH FOR A YEAR Are Imposed on First Offenders in Cleveland. Ohio. Cleveland, Jan. 1— I The jietty thief Whoffe dabbling in crime has just begun ; the too-careless devotee of the cup that blears and sometime blinds; the way ward youth above the age of juvenile court jurisdiction, who comes into first contact with the Jaw through indiscrim inating choice of companions-—arc to be given a chance to “get religion,” by Pp-. lice Judge Fra nebs Stevens, who today began to sentence first offenders in mis demeanor cases to clmrch. The sentences to church will be elec tive rather than compulsory, because the law does not prescribe such punishment, the judge Y;aid. The first four to take theMreatment substituted for Judge Silbert’s famous.-“water cure” where charged with intoxication. One was a woman, Mrs. Helen Yeager. ' The others were John Deco. Joe Fields and Joseph Sibley. t All were given thirty" days and costs suspended oh condition they attend chtirch services every Sunday for one year and report each week on the sermon topic. Judge Stevens admitted that this last requirement might swell the circulation of Saturday newspapers carrying church announcements, but lie said any _pro batiouer caught violating the trust in hiin by copying his lessons from the pub lic prints would be considered a failure from the standpoint of the religious ex periment and ordered to serve out his original sentence. WAVE OF BFRGLARIES . AND THEFTS OF AUTOS Police at Asheville Appear to Be Un- 1 able to Check the Daily Depreda tions. Asheville, Dec. 31. —The wave’ of bur- i glaries and automobile thefts which has ( prevailed in Asheville -the past few weeks > registered another count last flight when | Teague’s Drug Store on Patton Avenue, j waff entered by thieves, who rifled cash ; registers and stocks of loot valued at j SSOO. On Monday night the office of W. H. ( Westail was entered. A safe weighing ( nearly a ton was carried 100 yards from | the building and blown open. Less than ( SSO was obtained. Within two weeks j the Mountain City laundry and Asheville , Fish Company have been burglarized al- j so. Since November Ist a total of winety two automobile thefts have been reported. Os these fitfy-two were during December. In most cases the cars were recovers] I after* they had been stripped of tires and accessories. GOV. SMITH FOR THIRD ! TIME IS INAUGURATED J Time. Albany, N. Y., Jan. I.—Alfred E. * Smith today was inaugurated governor of New York state for the third time. One hundred years ago today DeWitt Clin ton. the only other governor to hold of fice more than two times, was sworn in for the third time. 1 Governor Smith was confronted when i he took the jjih of office today by New i York’s first J sqnan Secretary of State, ( Mrs. Florence E. S. Knapp, of Syracuse, r a Republican. ' Statistics Show Boy Babies Have Not the ( Strength of Girls. Chicago. Jan. 1. —Boy babies have not ( the same chance of living as girl babies, , they are the weaker sex. according to Prof. S. J. Holmes, zoologist of the Uni versity of California, speaking here to day before -the American Statistical As- j sociation. j “In the first year of life many more , boys die than girls, the proportion of boy , deaths -being greater in the first month and gradually decreasing through the rest ] of the year. Studies made in places. . periods and social strata where the infant death rate is low, show the radio of boy deaths to girl deaths is high. As we go back in embryonic life this ratio steadily increases. The male, appai ent ly, is the weaker animal, at least at the start of lilt.” 600,000 Adjusted Service Certificates Are Mailed. Washington, Jan. I.—Speeding through the channels of mail today to benefi ciaries of the soldiers bonus act were ap proximately goo.ooo a, l j 7-,n‘i>o 000 of certificates, representing $750,000,000 OI the adjusted compensation voted by t on gress for veterans of the W or 'd ar. The law provided that the certificates could not be issued before January Ist. but promptly as the New Year .began more than 250 sacks of mail were taken to the railway station from the postal branch set up in the bureau to expedite the mailing. « , Another British Note on Reparations. London. Jan . 1 (By the Associated Press) —The British government has for warded through Ambassador Kellogg a long note replying to the recent com munication from the United States gov ernment concerning participation by Am erica in reparation receipts to meet the American war damage claims It is understood that the note discuss es the subject in a most cordial tone. in’tbe Piedmont League was a *"'T d ,' l "j * a 7ant"oity block between Xbwy and Spencer. The American ®egToTs grandstand and fence W.U J be i Lm the city high school proper- r V tc the new Sitl for the ball park and it is thought everything will be in readiness for the opening of the season. Relays Editor's Kindness. kind. Charles A. Spil editor of the Edwardsville. (III.) r ,he beneficiary of an in- Intelligencer - Michael Bach sur,nce policy « *SW. npd December 5 r^”years B and had worked lor Bpil man during the last -o years. PUBLISHED MONJIAYS AND THURSDAYS ' __ - 11 m. , CONCORD, N.jß, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1925 - • •• v J\.» i - ■■ wrim Ej ci I I)* Investigating the death of William H. McClintocU. orphan.” Chicago authorities disinterred the body in an effort to determine positively the cause of his death. MeClintock died supposedly rs typhoid fever, lenViug an estate valued at 20.000.000 to Ins foster parents, Sir. and Sirs. William I«lShepherd. WOULD ATTACH THE SAM BRYSON PROPERTIES Attachment Proceedings Started AgaiAst Hendersonville Mayor by B. L. Brook?. Hendersonville, X. C., Jan. 1. —Attach- ment proceedings against the properties of Sum Y. Bryson, mayor of Henderson ville, were started today following the filing of a suit against him yesterday by B. L. Brooks, asking $50,000 for the alleged alienation of the affections of the plaintiff’s wife. * Mayor Bryson,- still in Asheville be cause of a tense situation existing be-j tween the parties, had nothing to say | today concerning the suit, which has j been momentarily expected since Brooks fired three shots at Bryson as the mayor was leaving the vicimty of the Brooks home last Saturday night. BRAVE STORM TO FINISH HEIGHTS OF PIKES PEAK Members of Adaman Club Scaled Moun tain ami Staged Fireworks Display. Colorado Springs, Col., Jan. I.—Fight ing their way through a suow storm borne on the wings of a mountain gale, five climbers sealed the treacherous heights J-’eak yesterday to up hold the tradition of AdiftnSh TfirtU an organization which for years has cel ebrated the coining of each New Y’ear by staging , a display of fireworks frem the brow of the peak. Mrs. A. W. McLean Has Pneumonia, Lumberton. Doe. 31.—Mrs. Margaret French McLean, wife of, Governor elect Angus Wi ton McLean, who has been ill for several days with influenza, to day developed pneumonia in the right side. While she is regarded as very ill. her condition is not alarming or neces sarily serious, according to her physi cians. All members of the McL<*nn family except MYs-‘McLean have had influenza recently. ——— Salisbury Coining in, Salisbury, Dec. 31- —Salisbury's berth in the Piedmont league was apparently assured thin week when a lease was signed for a vacant city block between Salisbury and Spencer. The American legion’s grandstnd and fence will be moved from the city high school proper ty to the new site for the ball park and it is thought everything will be in readiness for the opening of the season. I To Study Total Eclipse. Washington, Jan. 1. —General plans soys observation by astronomers of the total; eclipse of the sun on January 24th were outlined today to the American Astron omical Association by Professov S. A. Mitchell, of the University of Virginia. The largest battery of tleseopes and other instruments will be centered iu Connect ictrt. Grippe Is Causing Deaths in Belgium. Brussels, Belgium, Jan. 1. —An epi demic of grippe,, due it is believed to the recent rapid changes in temperature, has spread to all parts of Belgium, and is causing a large number of deaths, Queen Elizabeth is the latest to suf fer fro mthe disease. Premier Hlieunis is another victim. ONE YEAR FREE We Will Give The Progressive Farmer i —AND— THE CONCORD TIMES BOTH FOR ONE YEAR For Only $2.00 THE PRICE OF THE TIMES ALONE The Progressive Farmer is the greatest farm paper published and ever?’ farmer should have it. This offer is opqn to both new and old subscribers. If you are al ready taking The Times, all you have to do is to pay up to date aud $2.00 more for another year and The Progressive Farmer will be sent you a whole year absolutely free of charge. If you are already paid in advance to The Times, just pay $2.00 for apother year, your subscription will be so marked and we will send you The Progressive Farmer a full year. Address THE TIMES, Concord, N. C. ILLS OF MANKISO DECLARED AGAINST T#E WILL OF GOD “When Men Die of Ills It Is Not Goo’s Will To tfe Them.” London, Jan. 1.-Ywlieff men die of illness it is “not Godjb will to take them.” according to the Iwv, Michael Bolton Fulrse. Anglican bisßoP of St. Albans. Addressing the S|f Albants Dioqesan Conference the bisTiijp asked: ”If phys ical disease is and desire, why did Christ, who <*«e to do His will, fight against it and heal the sick ? I cannot believe.” he 4 4d, “that it is right to say, when a hul being dies of a physical disorder, tl) it it was god’s will to take him.’ If I said that, I should feel that I had bladbhemed.” Bishop Furse add §fi that no medical practitioner would cairn to have healed or cured any one o; [disease. All that could be claimed war that medicine had helped nature to dc| her own work of healing. As a Christian thr' bishop said he be lieved that “what tie physiologist calls nature’s laws are GW's laws; that dis ease and disorder iuishe physical sphere are so much agains* God’s will as dis ease or disorder in moral and spirit ual spJiereJ’ ", Jt ~ r4:l • * i* <'■ >' i ■ > Rocky Mount Ku Klux Klan Demand An End to “Mashers.” Rocky Mount. Dec. 31'. —In an open letter addressed to Mayor T. T. Thorne, Rocky Mount Klnri No. 113. Realm of North Carolina. Knights of the Ku Khix Klan, today called on the city officials to “terminate the repeated insults that are addressed to our mothers, daughters and winters by the ‘mashers’ and other unde sirables" who loiter about certain sec tions of the city. The letter represented one of the finj public activities of the klan here al though there have been several public appearances of klansmen. The open let ter sent to Mayor Thorne today, a copy of which was also dispatched to a local newspaper, was neatly typewritten on klan stationery and was signed "Itocky Monnt Klan No. 113, Realm of North Carolina. Knights of Hie Ku Khix Klan." It portrayed alleged activities of “mash ers” on Main Street, particaularly around the intersection of tha* thoroughfare with Nash Street, and called upon the city authorities to break up the practices. Auto Horns Drive Monks to Secluded Mountain Top. Munich, Jan. I.—The whirl of mod ern life, exemplified by automobile horns, radio, telephones and electric light, is getting too much for the Trappist monks |of Banz. Despairing of seclusion ~in their present monastery near Bamberg, they will soon withdraw to remote part of the Bavarian mountains. Several sites are under consideration, one of them a mountain top Where once stood a baronial castle. Here it is felt that the penitential and silent days of the Trappist brothers-could be passed without disturbance. Rupert Hughes Married Again. Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. I.—Rupert Hughes, novelist and motion picture di rector, and Miss Elizabeth Patterson Dial, known on the screen as Paterson Dial, were married here yesterday. WIFE OF DEAD BANK ROBBER TO ANSWER FOR LOOT SHE HELD Nellie Whisht, Wife of Wil liam E. Wright, Who Was Killed in Mobile, Will Be Taken to New Orleans. TOLD OFFICERS. ABOUT THE LOOT Gave Up What She Had and Faces The New Year With a Smile Although She Is Held Behind Prison Bars. Jacksonville. Fla., Jan. 1 (By the As sociated Press). —Nellie Wright, pretty 17 year old widow of William E. Wright, watched the New Year in from behind bars in the Jacksonville city jail. Her brief period of wifehood, barely more than three weeks.' came to an end ing as tragic and dramatic as had been the entire married career, on Tuesday when her husband was slain in Mobile by an officer after he had injured two in a running fight. Nellie Weight, however, faced the New Year and what it may bring with a smile, erased , only by an occasional thought of her nusband “‘Handsome Bili” Wright. The disposal of $12,545 found in her possession worried her no more than the approach of New Orleans authorities. She said the money wa& a portion of the loot from the New Orleans bank holdup, in which Wright obtained $13,000. A sawed off shotgun found in her trunk was the weapon with which her husband in timidated employes of the bank and shot down a policeman in his dash for freedom, she admitted. She met Wright in Des Moines last September. They were married Decem ber sth in Kansas City. ’ Wifi Be Taken to New Orleans. New Orleans. Jan. I.—Chief of Detec tives Healy left here today for Jackson ville to bring back to New Orleans, Nel lie Wright. 17 year old widow of Wm. E. Wright, bank bandit who was killed by detectives in Mobile Tuesday, and the SI2,(HR) found in her baggage when she was arrested yesterflay. The mdney is pat* of the loot taken by Company, on the day before Christmas, according to the woman's story to the Jacksonville police. Supt. of Police indicated today that it was unlikely that any other charge than having stolen property in her possession would be placed against Mrs. Wright. A mes sage from the Jacksonville police the girl would waive extradition. ENGINEER OF DEATH TRAIN TAKES HIS OWN LIFE Harry J. Colwell Committed Suicide by Hanging In Ills Home. Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. I.—Harry J. Colwell, engineer of the Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste Marie Railway pas senger train whose rear coach fell into the Chippewa River near Chippewa Falls, Wis., on December 20th. resulting in eight deaths, committed suicide by hang ing at his home here last night. Colwell, an engineer for 21 years, had never figured in an accident. On De cember 20th he substituted for the regu lar engineer of the Soo Line’s Minneapo lis train No. 2 to Chicago. He said he had looked back just in time to see the last coach of his train topple from a trestle into the river. Denmark Turns From Drink. Aarhus, Denmark, Jan. 1. —Os the 330 communes into which Denmark is divid ed 270 now favor prohibition, and in only 00 is there a majority of 'the v.oters in favor of retaining alcohol, according to Larsen Ledet, member of the Danish parliamept from this city and leader ;n the prohibition movement. ,< According to M. Ledet, “rt is hopeless to expect the moral and economic regen eration of Europe unless intoxicating li quor disappears from the face of the earth.!’ Has Narrow Escape From Asphyxiation. Greensboro, Dec. 31. —Paul Holt, a young white man, driver for a bus of the United States Lines,, was found near death Tuesday morning in a garage where he had been working on the bus and the engine hqd been running, cre- I ating carbon monoxide gas, and he was j overcome by the -fumes. He was re ! moved to a hospital, where it was said he j will recover, but he had a narrow escape | from asphxyiation. - Argentina Again Member of tbe league. Geneva, Dec. 31. —The foreign minis ter of Argentina today registered .with the league of nations a treaty on arbitra tion between Argentina and Switzerland and a convention for reciprocity in gratu itous medical assistance to citizens be tween Argentina and Belgium. Today's registrations are interpeted here as fur ther proof that Argentina now deems it self a nactive member of the league again. Subjects of King Momua March. Philadelphia, Jan. I.—Braving the winter blasts of King Boreas. Philadel phia's subjects of King Momus flung a defiance to the elements today as they marched With traditional pomp in their annual Mummers parade, while shivering thousands watched from the sidewalks. French Parliament Adjourns. Paris, Jan. 1 {By the Associated Press). —French parliament adjourned at 7 o’clock this morning until January the 13th. . I . DECLAREvS W. J. BRYAN’S VIEWS ARE DANGEROUS Ohio Professor Asks Unprejudiced Co- * Operation in Science and Rel*~* Washington. D. Dee. \ vances in psychologic medicinal, w chemistry and physics were oiseliuea' in hundreds or papers read today before the 15 sections of the American As sociation for the Advancement: of Science, the seventy-ninth annual meet ing of which is now in full swing- Thirty-one hundred meinuers were registered during the day and a flurry of interest war* caused by a report that William J. Bryan would arrive in time to listen to a criticism of his views on evolution, but he failed to .appear. The largest audience of any sectional meeting thus far held attended that ad dressor of zoology at Ohio Wesleyan University, a Meliodist institution. Choosing . “Darwin and Bryan” ns his text, Dr. Riee in a paper characterized the views of Mr. Bryan on evolution as “dogmatic” and “dangerour* to religion” and urged more unprejudiced eo-opera tion in scientific and religion study. Mr. Bryan’s arguments, he said, were deduced “from the assumption of the literary accuracy of the Bible in gen eral, and of the first two chapters of Genesis in particular.” This assump tion was “not Biblical” nor was it "ac cepted by leading Bible scholars of to day,” Darwin's work on the contrary was represented ns having been based upon a hypothesis “followed by the most complete verification and leading to a degree of prabability amounting to practical certainty.” Chimpanzees not only appear to think. Dr. Robert Md Yerkes. of the Psychological Institute of Yale I ni- | versity, declared is a paper read before the psychological section. He based his conclusions on studies made of two young chimpanzees, which he said knew how to problem presented to them in away essentially like that of J man and quite unlike that ofany other nimal. “The great apes are intellectually closer to men than we have hitherto imagined,” Dr. Yerkes stated. “The evi dence for their solution of problems ‘ideationally’ is now abundant and con vincing.’’ Dr. Yerkes said one of the charac teristics of the solving of problems by chimpanzees was that the solution seemed often to come suddenly to mem after a ]>eriod of quiet, reflection. In reply to a question, he said it was pos sible that chimpanzees might be taught to read and write, or at least to use some sort of symbols. “If they get that far there is no tell ing how far they will go.” he declared. Dwellers on Mars. Inhabitants of Mars are either cave dwellers or they hibernate in winter like polar bears in onjnion of Dr. W. W. "fctfardfcrds, Expressed yn a paper ren# '.re da y to the American Physical Asso ciation. } Dr. Coblentz described his recent observations ojf the planet when it came comparatively close to the earth, de claring that they convinced him that winters there are so severe that crea tures like man couldn’t live without burrowing into the ground. The temperature at the Martian Equator at noon- Dr. Coblentz opined, is about 40 to 00 degrees of our tem perature, but it drops about ISO de grees at night so that dawn finds it at about 140 degrees below zero. The more stable and moderate tem peratures in summer are prabably at the North and South Poles ■of the planet, he said, where temperatures go neither so high nor 60 low as at the equator. . v As for the moon, Dr. Coblentz said tests showed the temperature on the sunny side to be about the boiling point, while on the dark side it was 200 de gree below zero. , PARK CIGARETTES OUTSIDE IS WOMEN’S CLUB ORDER Federation Headquarters at Chicago Heated Up Over Incident. Chicago, Jan. I.—Women who visit the headqarters of the Illinois Federa tion of Women’s Clubs must park their cigarettes outside. A woman called there today to keep an engagement with the president of a well-known club. She selected the most eomfortable chair, p'ckcd out a maga zine, hoisted her fee* on a velvet stool and lighted a cigarette. Attendants were coughing and there were hints that, the building was on fire when Mrs. Violet H. ’Burgess, in charge of headquarters, came into the reception-room “ Woman!” she exclaimed, “do you know where you areT’ 1 “Certainly,” responded th? visitor. [ “Do you understand that the elub | women of Illinois are trying example for the younger generation?’ / “Certainly,” ,said the woman, flick ing the ashes from her cigarette. “Well, we don’t allow women to smoke in here. There is the door. Get out!” . . “Oh, well, if that’s the way you feel about it,” and tbe visitor threy dbwn the magazine and departed, muttering something about women’s rights. ■ Movie Stars Incorporate Charity Fund, j Sacrementa, Cal.. Jan. 1. —Headed by a group of celebreties of the motion pic ture colony at Hollywood, the “motion picture relief fund of America” has filed articles of incorporation with the Secre tary of State. . The object of the organization which is a non-profit fund, will be to carry on charitable work among the aged and sick members of the motion picture colony. The organization also plans to promote the .welfare of the families of the aged, sick* indigent members of the pro fession. Southern Railway Brakcman Shoots An other Brakeman. Asheville. Jan. I.—Albert C. Sides, a Southern Railway brakeman, was shot and killed by Chaarles L. Abernpthy. an other brakeman. in a fight in which the men engaged at the railway station in I Connelly Springs last night, according i.to information here today. $2.60 a Year, Strictly in Advance. P |Tr "lUSE DOORS 'iiftNED WIDE TODAY FOR TRE NEW YEAR Customary Repection for Per sons of All Walks of Life Staged With Government Officials Doing Their Bit. MANY DIGNITARIES AMONG THE GUESTS These Came First and Then- 7 ' Gates Were Opened to the General Public and Thou sands Called Today. Washington, Jan. I.—The doors of the * White House were opened wide today for the customary New Yeats Iteepe tion. . . M : Three hours and a half, from 11 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. were given over to the New Years day custom under which the. high and low, and the rich and poor gather at the White House to extend greetings to the President and his wife. The order of the reception followed - that laid down years ago starting with the members of the cabinet and their wives, and continuing with the diplomat ic corps, the. chief justice and members cf the Supreme Corut and other branches of the judiciary, members of Congress, officers of the army, navy and marine corjis, the heads of the independent agencies of the government, officials and members of patriotic organizations, and the general public. The reception as usual was the fea ture of the New Years day observance in Washington. The secretary of state and Mrs. Hughes were hosts to the customary breakfast at the Pan-American I nion, to members of the diplomatic corps, and most of the members of the cabinet had rfserved the rest of Ihe day to hold open bouse at their homes following the White House reception. Congress was not in session, and the government departments were shut down for the day. The capitol lay under a four-inch blanket of snow today, which gave a touch of seasonal color. SAFETY ON MOTOR BUSSES PROVIDED IN NEW RULES Utility Bofwd Adepts Speclflca- Newark, K. .J., Jan. I.—More than a score of new rules to be enforced in the construction of automobile busses under the jurisdiction of the State Public Util ity Commission and constituting a radical departure in bus regulation in New Jer sey, were adopted today at a meeting of the commission. The requirements are in addition to that anounced some time ago ordering all busses to be provide<| • with rear emergency doors. This rule • was also included among those made pub lic at today’s meeting as applying to all busses operating in the future. Ranging from a specification govern ing the length of the exhaust pipe to the dimension of bus bodies, the newly adopted measures cover practical?- every detail in the building of the vehicle. Included in the regulations are pro nouncement as to the width of doors, ventilation, use of mirrors, construction of straps or handles for standing passen gers, utilization of window guards and guard rails, protection from fire, lighting arrangements, stop lights and signals, isolation of gasoline tanks- dimensions of chassis frame and overhang of bus bodies, heating systems and provision for a clear view of the road by bus drivers. With the exeception of the order re garding emergency doors, in operation under the board’s jurisdic tion will not be affected by the new regu lations. It was said, however, that at any time new vehicles are substituted for old ones now being run, tbe revised specifications must be adhered to. Like wise, all motor busses whose operation is approved by the* board after tpday must be constructed according to the amended rules. One Killed and Five Hmt in Bus-Trahi Wreck. Miami, F3a., Dec. 31. —One woman was killed and five persons were injure/! tonight when a Hollywood Land and Water Company passenger bus was struck by a Florida East (’cast passeng er train about 7 o’clock tonight at the Hollywood. Fla., crowing. 10 miles north of Miami, according to word reaching here. • r f The five injured were reported in a serious condition. They were in a lort Lauderdale hospital. The bus was bad ly wrecked. , The Bureau of Biological Survey, has declared war on thf prairie dog. The tastes of the prairie dog are so similar to those of cattle that the two classes of animals cannot live on the same pasture lands, as drouth coupled with the prairie dog menace starve® the cattle out. WHAT SMITTY’B CAT SAYS L-i——l Unsettled tonight and Friday, probat* ]y rain, not so cold Friday and in ths , extreme west portion tonight, _ NO. 51

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